The Saskias are always on standby to do things only a couple of super girls can accomplish, rescuing people and preventing disasters as the SuperTwins. But they still have their ordinary lives to live as two young girls - at least one of them is. Moving house and sorting out all Richie's stuff breaks the last link between Richie and Saskia. Now there is only Saskia - forever. Chicago is where the girls are sent to fix a problem with a stalled building project, which also sees them using their super powers for themselves for a change as they visit Niagara Falls. Their guide and mentor, they call simply Voice, sends them back to 1973 to fix something that would have had profound effects beyond the 50th Century. The same Voice is apparently happy to shunt them around in time when both the Saskias and the SuperTwins need to appear together, particularly at the funeral of a policewoman. Saskia is affected quite badly when she is unable to prevent Beth getting shot. Despite watching one of Saskia Hunt's school friends getting married, both Saskias realise they won't go down that road themselves, they now have evidence to suppose they are still there and together after another thirty thousand years.

101 Amazing Facts About Birds
Did you know that an albatross can fly fifteen million miles in a single lifetime? Or that flamingos can only eat when their heads are upside down? This fantastic quick-read eBook features 101 amazing facts split into categories such as record breakers, parrots, seabirds and many more. So if you want to know what the collective known is for thrushes, or just how deep emperor penguins can dive, then this is the book for you! Find the information you want, fast!

Miley Cyrus - The Ultimate Quiz Book
This excellent quiz book contains 140 questions to test the knowledge of any Miley Cyrus fan. From questions everyone should know all the way through to trivia that would challenge even the ultimate smiler, this is a fantastic addition to any bookshelf. With easy navigation between each question and answer section - including Miley's music, acting, love life, lyrics and much more - you are sure to enjoy this fantastic quiz. Play it yourself or test your friends!

101 Amazing Facts About Animals
Did you know that Gorillas can catch human colds? or that cows from different regions moo in different accents? This fantastic quick-read eBook features 101 amazing facts split into categories such as record breakers, creepy crawlies, gross facts, primates and many more. So if you want to know what the fastest animal in the water is, or the disgusting thing a hoopoe bird does to scare away predators, then this is the book for you! Find the information you want, fast!

Deadly Diversion
Weston and Turner, novice private detectives, are plunged into a nightmare world of murder when they are hired by a young millionairess to solve the triple murder of her family, a crime the police failed to solve more than eleven years ago. As they delve deeper into the case, they soon discover a hired assassin is always one step ahead of them and someone will do anything to stop them learning the terrible truth behind the crime, even if it means bumping off their witnesses. Not only does family man Freddie have to risk his life on behalf of their client, his personal problems are compounded by threats to his daughter's safety. And when he discovers the hired gunman's boss is the mysterious Eclipse, his investigations take him on a mad dash to Poland, and he becomes involved in a race against time to prevent another murder, one for which he is willing to risk everything, even his own life.

101 Amazing Facts About Paris
In this amazing eBook you will find more than one hundred facts about Paris. What are the top landmarks, museums and galleries to visit? What is the history of the Eiffel Tower? Separated into sections covering these topics and more (such as its history, its culture and recommendations for some of the city's best restaurants), you will learn some fascinating information!Whether you are planning on visiting Paris, working on a geography project or just want to know more about an amazing historic city, this is an excellent addition to your bookshelf. Find the information you need, fast!

2013 - The Quiz of the Year
2013 has been an eventful year. A new pope, the birth of a Royal baby, the death of Nelson Mandela... all these things have made the news. But do you remember everything else that happened? Featured in this quiz are 210 questions covering subjects such as the news, sport, celebrities, art, culture, film, music, TV and many more. Play by yourself or test your friends and family with this fun quiz of the year!

101 Amazing Facts about Cheese
Do you know which cheese is the most expensive in the world? Or why cheese made in the village of Stilton can no longer be called Stilton cheese? How large was the wheel of Cheddar given to Queen Victoria as a wedding present? And what was Napoleon's favourite cheese? All these questions and more are answered in this fascinating book. Whether you are an experienced cheese buff and want to discover some interesting and little-known facts, or you just want an introduction to the process of cheesemaking, this is an excellent addition to your bookshelf.

Star Trek
The Star Trek:Enterprise Quiz Book is a fun selection of original questions (and answers!), comprehensively covering all facets of the TV series! As a fun family game it will separate the Archer's from the Xindi, the T'Pol's from the Klingons, and is a fantastic way to enjoy Enterprise even more.

Star Trek Movie Quiz Book
The Star Trek Movie Quiz Book is a fun selection of original questions (and answers!), comprehensively covering eery film from the Classic era, the Next Generation and the J .J. Abrams reboot! As a fun family game it will separate the Kirk's from the Khan's, the Picard's from the Borg, and is a fantastic way to enjoy Trek even more.

Neighbourhood Watch
Joe Camber is a retired middleweight United Kingdom champion and a former WBC champion. After his divorce, Joe purchases a modern red-brick semi-detached house on Willet Close on the outskirts of the town centre. He likes where he lives, regardless of it being modest for a rich and famous person.But when his decent, down-to-earth neighbours start to go missing without trace or forewarning, Joe grows suspicious as to their whereabouts. He decides to stake out in his attic watching the cul-de-sac street intently, all day and night.At first the unexplainable events are considered to be nothing more than intruders playing a malevolent game on them. Then Joe sees the group of faceless, hooded figures, dressed in black one-piece outfits, lurking on their peaceful street in the dead of night - and his blood turns to ice.But that's not their main concern compared to the thing with the goat's head, resurrecting the dead to do its evil deeds on the unholy ground Joe and his neighbours are living on.One by one good people lose their lives, until the remaining survivors take it upon themselves to confront the thing with the goat's head and the Acolytes of Doom (the hooded figures, doing the work of the demon).Is their bravery merely a suicide mission? Can they put a stop to this atrocity, where the authorities have failed? Or will the thing with the goat's head reign supreme?

Explaining Nazi Germany
From the Explaining History series, this is a new ebook for students of Germany history designed to dispel the six most pervasive myths about the Third Reich and help students get to grips with the most common problems. Also check out the link for additional bonus material and a free six part modern history course.

I'm a film scriptwriter in Hollywood, with a partner called Ellie who's eight months pregnant and a film director, Harry Badella, who's rude, irascible and always applying pressure on actors and writers to get the best out of them,. However I am beleaguered by a quest I had put off for a long time. Some fifty years ago, I was evacuated to Cornwall during World War Two and fostered by a couple called the Laitys. They had a son, Patrick, and for years I wanted to go back to meet him but there was never a suitable time. Suddenly, I decided to take the bull by the horns and fly to England only to discover that Patrick had died many years earlier, Then, by accident, I learned that he was still alive and there were reasons why he wanted people to think that he was dead. I began to undertake some research which proved to have many ramifications. After delving deeply into Patrick's past, I became the target for three attempts on my life while dead bodies seem to accumulate around me, each one appearing to be an accidental death. I found myself in the company of many people who professed to have known my foster brother and then the situation accelerated to a higher level. I discovered that papers from a Roger Blake, a well-respected scientist, related to the Star Wars programme... by which nations are able to park nuclear missiles in outer space to protect themselves from attack, I soon learned that everyone was searching for Blake's papers and I embarked on a smuggling escapade to find Patrick in a whirlpool of intrigue with many twists and turns before coming across a woman with whom I fell in love. Following that, there were some nightmare situations, such as the visit from a man with an iron hand who threatened my life, and my body hanging over Hell's Mouth, where many people go to commit suicide...

10 Practical Guidelines to Motivate Yourself
Practical tips and unique insights on self motivation. The ten-factor listing is based entirely on author's own thoughts. The guidelines will help increase level of motivation enabling one to be more productive. The content also has the potential for making readers reassess their worldview. Another key benefit could be achieving higher levels of motivation while at the same time gaining peace of mind and solace which, in turn, could increase one's ability to achieve yet greater levels of motivation, serving as a valuable self-reinforcing mechanism. Each of the ten factors is dealt with in a three-step process. First, the factor is defined. Second, its link with motivation is explained. Third, detailed practical tips are given to help reader adopt the required skill.

Hitler, Ribbentrop and Britain
A fraudulent chancer, fantasist and con artist, Joachim Von Ribbentrop charmed Hitler and dominates the Fuhrer's inner circle for much of the 1930s. Hitler was totally taken in by the version of the world Ribbentrop presented to him, so much so that he became the Nazi leader's unofficial, then official ambassador, causing discord and diplomatic havoc wherever he went.This edition of Explaining History focuses on Hitler's first attempts to reshape the European order, by undermining the Treaty of Versailles, and attempting to build an alliance with Britain. It was an attempt doomed to failure, and fated to shape the nature of the coming war.

African Waterhole
A charming tale of the animals living around an African waterhole. The intrigues, anxieties and relationships between such diverse characters as Walter, the warthog, Larry the evil leopard, Percival, the African Grey parrot and Michael the meercat will both amuse young readers and widen their appreciation of the natural world.

Dragon's Flame
Its a mythical romance about three shape-shifting dragons in search of their pre-ordained mates, three teenage girls and timing is everything. Missed, and the dragon is doomed for all eternity. However, whenever they take on human form, they put themselves at risk of being captured and destroyed by a band of hunters known as the crusaders, descendants of a bygone age. Can the three dragons claim the maidens and escape before they are discovered and put to death.

Santa and the Cyberspace Plot
It is close to Christmas and Natalie has discovered that her big brother Jake claims he has proof that Santa, the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny are not real. he intend to launch this proof worldwide on the web on Christmas Eve and ruin Christmas for ever. Oberon Moody, a man who makes Halloween masks dreams of making Halloween the only holiday on the calendar and, with his strange helper, the pointy-eared Dobbin, promises to help Jake in his task. Santa calls in the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny to help foil Jake's plot with some pretty funny tricks.

Hitler, Chamberlain and Munich
In the mid 1930s, Hitler's determination to wage a European war and destroy the Treaty of Versailles seemed to be an unstoppable force in international affairs. The weak and divided British and French, crippled by multiple crises over the Rhineland, Spain Abyssinia and Austria were poorly prepared for the ordeal to come. This ebook explains how Hitler schemed and manipulated them in order to guarantee the destruction of Czechoslovakia and Poland.

Windsong is a novel of the supernatural and suspense, with well-drawn characters, deep emotion and heart-stopping action. When final year school student Kirsty's young sister Karen, dies in an accident, she blames herself and is inconsolable. She falls into depression after a suicides attempt and is under psychiatric care. But then she discovers that the ghost of her sister is hovering around the place she met her death. Kirsty find a precarious kind of peace and makes regular visits to her sister and is determined to join her. Another girl, Erika, who is on a visit the town to see her boyfriend Josh, makes a psychic connection with Kirsty and Karen. Through the physical and mental links Erika has a week to battle Kirsty's demons and her nemesis, a boy she once rejected, against the backdrop of a small university town.

Where The Bee Sucks
Controversial television historian Hank Brownlow comes to England to research his latest outlandish theory about Shakespeare but finds he is not alone in his quest. Someone else is following the same trail and people are ending up dead. Meaniwhile, in Stratford upon Avon, disgruntled tour guide Harry is visited by a stranger who claims to be a character from 'The Tempest'. Author of Leporello On The Lam and the Brough & Miller series, William Stafford has created a satirical contemporary fantasy with a lively sense of humour.