

Black Arrow
Black Arrow
Stevenson, Robert Louis
Robert Louis Stevenson's classic novel 'The Black Arrow: A Tale of the Two Roses' has been enjoyed by readers around the world for over 120 years. Set during the Wars of the Roses, the story follows Richard 'Dick' Shelton, a young man who's father is murdered. To seek revenge, he joins the outlaws of the mysterious Black Arrow.
Studies in Early Victorian Literature
Studies in Early Victorian Literature
Harrison, Frederic
A fantastic look of some of the greatest writers of the Victorian era, including Charlotte Bronte, Anthony Trollope, Thomas Carlyle and Charles Dickens. Written by eminent historian Frederic Harrison.
Queen Sheba's Ring
Queen Sheba's Ring
Haggard, H. Rider
A ring from antiquity or an elaborate hoax? One of the lost adventure novels of H. Rider Haggard, "e;Queen Sheba's Ring"e; features Middle-Eastern mysticism and a secret society descended form ancient abyssinians. In deepest uncharted regions of Africa a Jewish community struggles to defend itself from barbaric tribes.
Austen, Jane
Jane Austen's last novel published in 1816.The story is about Anne Elliot who falls in love with a naval officer and her family force her to abandon the relationship.They then meet again, Ann is now 27 and still unmarried and the story continues in Bath.
Marsh, Richard
A mysterious oriental man known only as 'the Beetle' terrorises london with his unearthly powers of hypnosis and shape-shifting. Written by British author Richard Bernard Heldmann under the pseudonym of Richard Marsh, this book was published in the same year as 'Dracula', and was initially more successful than Bram Stoker's now more famous work. Like Dracula, and other books of the time such as Sax Rohmer's Fu Manchu novels, this was also of the 'sensation novel' genre, building up the suspense surrounding a mysterious villain by narrating the story from several viewpoints.
Age of Innocence
Age of Innocence
Wharton, Edith
Edith Wharton was the first woman ever to win the Pulitzer Prize: in 1921 with this book. It is a story of class-clash and scandal set in 1870s New York. A fantastic classic read.
Dumas, Alexandre
The family of the House of Borgia are remembered for their corrupt rule during the period when one of them, Rodrigo Borgia, was Pope. This text was taken from a series of essays on famous criminals and crimes by the author of The Count of Monte Cristo and The Three Musketeers, Alexandre Dumas. The Borgia's crimes reputedly ran the gamut from theft and bribery to rape, incest and murder.
House Behind the Cedars
House Behind the Cedars
Chesnutt, Charles W.
Charles W. Chesnutt wrote The House Behind the Cedars as a response to what he viewed as inadequate and inaccurate depictions of the complexity of racial relationships in the southern states of America in the media and literature of the time. He aimed to provoke serious political discussion with the novel. Oscar Micheaux made a film adaption of the book in 1927.
London's Underworld
London's Underworld
Holmes, Thomas
A fascinating look at the criminal underworld of London during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Reprinted Pieces
Reprinted Pieces
Dickens, Charles
A fantastic collection of 24 short stories from the English master of literature Charles Dickens.
Belton Estate
Belton Estate
Trollope, Anthony
Anthony Trollope's classic novel of thwarted desire, the first novel to be serialised in Fortnightly Review.
Paradoxes of Catholicism
Paradoxes of Catholicism
Benson, Robert Hugh
A fascinating apologetic work by writer of fiction and nonfiction Robert Hugh Benson.
Afghan Wars
Afghan Wars
Forbes, Archibald
A fascinating look at the two Anglo-Afghan Wars, 1839-42 and 1878-80, written by British war correspondent Archibald Forbes. As an ex-Royal Dragoons private Forbes had a wonderful level of knowledge about military mindsets and traditions.
Recollections of Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Recollections of Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Caine, Thomas Henry
Taken from the first published biography of Dante Gabriel Rossetti, this text takes a fascinating look at the life and works of the eminent English poet, illustrator, painter and translator.
Happiness of Heaven
Happiness of Heaven
Boudreaux, F. J.
A fascinating look at the Catholic concept of Heaven.From the preface:Many books, owing to their special character, are designed for only a small circle of readers. But topics involving general and vital interests deservedly claim the attention of all persons. Such is the subject of the present work-"e;The Happiness of Heaven."e; For who is he that, believing in the existence of that blessed abode, does not hope eventually to arrive there?What sublime descriptions do not the Holy Scriptures give us of the blessed City of God! Her wails are built of jasper-stone; but the City itself is of pure and shining gold, like to clear crystal glass. And the foundations of the City are adorned with all manner of precious stones. Her gates are pearls. The very streets are transparent as glass. This glorious City has no need of the sun or of the moon to shine in her; for the glory of God is her light.In the midst of her sits the Ancient of days: His garments are white as snow: His throne is like flames of fire. Thousands and thousands minister unto him, and ten thousand times a hundred thousand stand before Him. A river of life-giving water, as clear as crystal, whose banks are adorned with the tree of life, issues from the throne of God. The Blessed drink of the torrent of pleasure, and are inebriated with the plenty of the house of God. All tears are wiped away from their eyes: and death shall be no more, nor mourning, nor crying, nor sorrow shall be any more, for the former things are passed away.And, when we are assured that no mortal eye hath seen nor ear heard, nor heart of man conceived the happiness prepared for God's children, we must conclude that the magnificent language describing the heavenly Jerusalem is only symbolical; that the Holy Ghost speaks of the most precious and beautiful things we know, in order to raise our minds to the reality which they faintly represent. It has been the aim of the author of the following pages to discover the meaning concealed under those enticing figures. In his exposition of "e;The Happiness of Heaven,"e; he has endeavored to follow the teachings of the most approved theologians of the Church. Moreover, mindful that our Divine Model spoke of the Kingdom of Heaven in parables, he has laid aside, as far as possible, the technical language of the schools, and has replaced it by illustrations, which are better adapted to the capacity of all.Should the worshipper of mammon, on perusing these pages, pause in his headlong course, to think of "e;treasures which neither the moth nor rust consumes;"e; should the votary of pleasure be induced to sigh after the joys that pass not away; should the poor and the afflicted of every description, cast a lingering, longing glance toward that blessed region where sorrow is unknown; should those who have consecrated themselves to God be incited to a greater perfection and to a desire of a higher degree of glory in heaven, the writer will deem himself amply rewarded for his labor.
Eve of the French Revolution
Eve of the French Revolution
Lowell, Edward J.
A fascinating look at the state of Europe at the start of the French revolution in the 18th century, written by 19th century American historian Edward Jackson Lowell.
Life in the Medieval University
Life in the Medieval University
Rait, Robert S.
A fascinating look at University life in the Medieval era, written by Scottish historian, Historiographer Royal and Principal of the University of Glasgow Sir Robert Sangster Rait Kt. CBE DL.
Coming of the Friars
Coming of the Friars
Jessop, Rev. Augustus
A fantastic collection of writings by cleric and writer Augustus Jessop that take a look at, amongst other topics, monastic life in the early days of the friars.
Chimes and The Holly Tree
Chimes and The Holly Tree
Dickens, Charles
No author is more associated with Christmas-time than Charles Dickens. This collection contains two of his festive short novels: 'The Chimes' and 'The Holly Tree'.
Spiritual Life and the Word of God
Spiritual Life and the Word of God
Swedenborg, Emanuel
Taken from his 1766 work 'Apocalypsis Revelata' (The Apocalypse Explained), this is a fascinating look at the theologies of Swedish scientist, philosopher, Christian mystic and theologian Emanuel Swedenborg.
Valley of Decision
Valley of Decision
Wharton, Edith
Edith Wharton's first published novel is set in late-18th century Italy during the years that Europe was shaken by the French Revolution. Odo Valsecca inherits a dukedom and is forced to choose between his personal liberal ideals and the conservatism of his family tradition.