

Battle of Life
Battle of Life
Dickens, Charles
The fourth of Charles Dickens' famous 'Christmas Books' series (which began with the all-time classic 'A Christmas Carol').
Valley of Wild Horses
Valley of Wild Horses
Grey, Zane
A fantastic wild-west adventure from the master of the western genre, Zane Grey.
Glimpses of the Moon
Glimpses of the Moon
Wharton, Edith
Edith Wharton's classic novel about a pair of poor lovers in New York driven apart by the need to marry elsewhere to obtain wealth has enchanted readers around the world for more than eighty years.
Life and Adventures of Santa Claus
Life and Adventures of Santa Claus
Baum, L. Frank
Everyone knows that presents are delivered on Christmas Day by a jolly fat man who climbs down the chimney, but who is he and where did he come from? Journey back in time to Santa's birth, and his life as he is raised by the Immortals of the Forest of Burzee, to become the figure of kindness and the spirit of Christmas that brings happiness to children around the world.Written by the author of the Wizard of Oz, L. Frank Baum.
Sherlock Holmes Trilogy
Sherlock Holmes Trilogy
Conan Doyle, Arthur
Three of the short story collections starring the famous detective are combined here.Contains all the stories originally published in The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (1892), The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes (1894) and The Return of Sherlock Holmes (1905).Conan Doyle first published his fictional character of Holmes in 1887 followed by a series of short stories in the Strand Magazine in 1891. 5 collections of his Holmes short stories were published, and he also wrote 4 novels starring the character.The public could not get enough of Holmes, even demanding his resurrection after his apparent death over Reichenbach Falls, and his popularity still continues.
Scott, Sir Walter
Sir Walter Scott's fantastic historical novel set in Wales under King Henry II, the first of his two 'Tales of the Crusaders'.
Hume, John F.
A fascinating and comprehensive look at the history of those men and women that advocated the abolition of African slavery, as well as those that fought the system by, for example, running the Underground Railroad.
Captain's Doll
Captain's Doll
Lawrence, D. H.
D. H. Lawrence's fascinating novella dealing with the dehumanising effects of war on an English captain.
Hardy, Thomas
A romantic story from Thomas Hardy set in the Napoleionic wars. Anne Garland is courted by three suiters: John Loveday (the Trumpet-Major of the title), his brother Robert and Festus Derriman, the son of a squire.The full title of the book is: The Trumpet-Major John Loveday, a Soldier in the War with Buonaparte, and Robert His Brother, First Mate in the Merchant Service.
Crimes of England
Crimes of England
Chesterton, G. K.
A fascinating critique on England's actions before and during the First World War, written a year after the War's end by prolific English writer G. K. Chesterton.
Empress Josephine
Empress Josephine
Muhlbach, Louise
A fantastic historical novel about the wife of Napoleon Bonaparte, Josephine de Beauharnais, the first Empress consort of France. Written by the German master of the genre Clara Mundt, better known by her pen-name of Louise Muhlbach.
Conan Doyle, Arthur
A fantastic historical novel by the creator of Sherlock Holmes, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Set in France during the reign of Louis XIV, the story follows Amory de Catinat, a Huguenot (Protestant) guardsman of the king during a time when France, then predominantly Catholic, became more and more difficult for Protestants, resulting in the Edict of Nates being revoked and the Huguenots being deported to America.
Recreations of a Country Parson
Recreations of a Country Parson
Boyd, A. K. H.
A fantastic collection of light, chirping articles originally published in Fraser's Magazine from Church of Scotland minister Andrew Kennedy Hutchison Boyd.
Queen of the Air
Queen of the Air
Ruskin, John
The English social thinker John Ruskin's famous trilogy of lectures on the subject of Greek myths of 'Cloud and Storm': Athena Chalinitis (Athena in the Heavens), Athena Keramitis (Athena in the Earth) and Athena Ergane (Athena in the Heart).
Doings of Raffles Haw
Doings of Raffles Haw
Conan Doyle, Arthur
The fantastic tale of the benefits and drawbacks of great wealth, written by the creator of Sherlock Holmes, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
Fall of the Moghul Empire of Hindustan
Fall of the Moghul Empire of Hindustan
Keene, H. G.
The Mughal, or Moghul, Empire ruled much of the Indian subcontinent (archaically called 'Hindustan') for 3 centuries, finally falling in the mid-19th century. This is a fantastic and comprehensive account of the last years of the Empire and its fall, one of the most important events in Indian history.
Witch and Other Stories
Witch and Other Stories
Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich
Fifteen short stories from the Russian literary master Anton Pavlovich Chekhov.Includes the stories:The WitchPeasant WivesThe PostThe New VillaDreamsThe PipeAgafyaAt Christmas TimeGusevThe StudentIn the RavineThe HuntsmanHappinessA MalefactorPeasants
Witches of New York
Witches of New York
Doesticks, Q. K. Philander
A fantastic light-hearted look at the world of the psychics, astrologers and fortune-tellers of Victorian New York City, written by 'Q. K. Philander Doesticks', the alter-ego of American humorist Mortimer Q. Thomson.
One of the most famous ancient Greek epic poems, translated into English.
King's Highway
King's Highway
James, G. P. R.
A fantastic historical novel about the adventures of a highwayman.
Enemies of Books
Enemies of Books
Blades, William
A fascinating look at the myriad enemies of the printed book, from fire, to neglect, to children, to the bookworm, to plain old ignorance. A passionate litany against all who would see printed literature destroyed, written by English printer and bibliographer William Blades.