

Hope of the Gospel
Hope of the Gospel
MacDonald, George
A fascinating bible study on the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ, written by Scottish author, poet, and Christian minister George MacDonald.
White Company
White Company
Conan Doyle, Arthur
A fantastic historical adventure by the creator of Sherlock Holmes, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Set during the Hundred Years War, the story follows a free company of archers during the war, set against a backdrop of the campaign of Edward, the Black Prince to restore Peter of Castile to the throne of the Kingdom of Castile.
Jewel of Seven Stars
Jewel of Seven Stars
Stoker, Bram
This classic horror novel by the author of Dracula, Bram Stoker, is the original Mummy story. An archaeologist hatches an evil plan to resurrect Queen Tera, an ancient Egyptian mummy.
Valet's Tragedy
Valet's Tragedy
Lang, Andrew
A fascinating look at twelve historical mysteries by famed anthropologist and historian Andrew Lang.
Gilpins and their Fortunes
Gilpins and their Fortunes
Kingston, W. H. G.
A fantastic historical adventure novel by W. H. G. Kingston set in early colonial Australia.
Pirates of Malabar
Pirates of Malabar
Biddulph, John
A fascinating account of events that took place at the Malabar Coast during the mid-19th Century, including the machinations of the powerful East India Company, the rule of the Moghul, and the activities of pirates such as the fearsome Captain Kidd.
Vital Message
Vital Message
Conan Doyle, Arthur
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle continues his discussion of Spiritualism that he began in 'The New Revelation'.
Republic by Plato
Republic by Plato
Jowett, Benjamin
The famous Benjamin Jowett translation of Plato's most famous dialogue, 'The Republic', in which he lays out his vision of a perfect state, a utopia, ruled by wise philosopher-kings.
Rover of the Andes
Rover of the Andes
Ballantyne, R. M.
A fantastic historical adventure by the Scottish master of juvenile fiction R. M. Ballantyne.
Minister of Evil
Minister of Evil
le Queux, William
The Secret History of Rasputin's Betrayal of Russia'Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin was one of the most influential people in Russia in the late-19th/early-20th century. A Russian mystic who apparently had great personal influence over the Russian royal family at the turn of the century, Rasputin is renowned for his mysterious ways and the legends that have built up around his life and death. Written by the famous Anglo-French journalist William Tufnell Le Queux.
Wife and Other Stories
Wife and Other Stories
Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich
Nine short stories from the Russian literary master Anton Pavlovich Chekhov.Includes the stories:The WifeDifficult PeopleThe GrasshopperA Dreary StoryThe Privy CouncillorThe Man in a CaseGooseberriesAbout LoveThe Lottery Ticket
Surprising Adventures of Baron Munchausen
Surprising Adventures of Baron Munchausen
Raspe, Rudolph Erich
A collection of tall tales about the famous German baron Karl Friedrich Hieronymus Freiherr von Munchhausen. Many of the stories may have originated from the baron himself, as he was well known as a teller of exaggerated tales, although much of the material is borrowed from other, earlier stories.
James, Henry
Henry James' comic short novel from 1878 follows the European siblings Eugenia Munster and Felix Young as they move to New England.
Science of Fairy Tales
Science of Fairy Tales
Hartland, Edwin Sidney
A fascinating look at the mythology of fairytales by famed folklorist Edwin Sidney Hartland, who takes the approach of assembling and studying persistent and widespread folklore in an attempt to provide a scientific insight into belief systems.
Witch of Prague
Witch of Prague
Crawford, F. Marion
A classic fantasy novel by prolific American writer F. Marion Crawford.
Uncommercial Traveller
Uncommercial Traveller
Dickens, Charles
Charles Dickens's fantastic collection of literary sketches and reminiscences.
Through Russian Snows
Through Russian Snows
Henty, George A.
A classic historical adventure novel by the master of the genre George A. Henty, telling the story of Napoleon's retreat from Moscow during the Napoleonic Wars.
Under the Lilacs
Under the Lilacs
Alcott, Louisa May
The charming 1878 children's novel by the author of Little Women, Louisa May Alcott, follows the story of two little girls, Bab and Betty Moss, who discover in their play barn a young circus runaway, Ben Brown, and decide to take him in.
Under Drake's Flag
Under Drake's Flag
Henty, George Alfred
A classic historical adventure from the master of the genre, George Alfred Henty. This is a wonderful adventure novel which tells 'A Tale of the Spanish Main'.
Voyage of the Beagle
Voyage of the Beagle
Darwin, Charles
Charles Darwin's famous account of the second survey expedition of HMS Beagle. On the voyage Darwin documented many different fields: biology, geology, anthropology etc., as well as starting work on his theories of evolution by natural selection that were to influence the entirety of natural scientific study.
Tragedy of the Korosko
Tragedy of the Korosko
Conan Doyle, Arthur
Arthur Conan Doyle's fantastic adventure novel written in 1898 follows the story of a group of tourists captured by Islamic extremists in Egypt.