

Don King Came Calling
Don King Came Calling
Garland, David C.
The book opens when I receive an unexpected phone call from Hector Elizalde, an employee at Don King's office in Florida. He is en route to a meeting in Europe and will return to the UK in a week's time. He promises to call again upon his return. He is as good as his word and phones with an offer to join Don King's organisation where the expertise I gained while working for CNN International for ten years, can be put to good use. Satellite broadcasting provides a means of distributing current or delayed footage of boxing programmes to subscribers throughout the world. Consequently, my knowledge will generate more income from the sale of Don King's boxing programmes. Subscribers download the satellite's signals and, depending on time zones, they can broadcast the programming immediately or at a time of their choosing. Two broadcasts of the programme are permitted under the contract for each programme received. The book, while concentrating on the Don King story, intercedes with my life story up to the time when I eventually join Don at his office in Florida. My knowledge of an annual event, named Sportel, which is held in Monaco, persuades Don King to rent a booth where sales of programming are made to buyers eager to meet Don King. This results in increased sales of his boxing programmes and opens the way for Sportel to extend its reach to an annual event in Miami.Don King Came Calling, with its twists and turns is a remarkable book that will captivate its readers.
Peach Who Thought She Had to Be a Coconut
Peach Who Thought She Had to Be a Coconut
Rubenstein, Terry
So I had a problem. I felt like a peach. But aspired to be a coconut. Unsurprisingly, I concluded I was ill-equipped for life, doomed to feel exposed to outside variables. It felt like an unstoppable blizzard was constantly blowing through me. My mind was full of long, dark winter days. And peaches don't fare well in winter. Then, one day, I realised I did not need to be a coconut. In the midst of winter, I found within me an invincible summer. I uncovered innate resilience. Innate health. It is my birthright. It is the birthright of humanity.The one essential question to ask is this: Where do we think our feelings are coming from? And there is only one answer. Our feelings are always coming from the power of Thought in the moment. Never from anywhere else. Ever.Resilience is revealed when misunderstanding falls away. Realising the inside-out logic and wisdom of how our minds work reconnects us with what is true. And experiencing this truth is resilience.In these powerful reflective essays, Terry Rubenstein, author of the ground-breaking book Exquisite Mind and an avid student of the human dimension, reveals the logic and truth behind the extraordinary genius with which all human beings have been designed. This knowledge, which is self-evident when realised, eliminates the false assumption that we are non-resilient. It carries with it monumental implications and answers one of the most important questions that we can ever ask: Why would a peach ever want to be a coconut?
A-Z of Colecovision Games - Volume 1
A-Z of Colecovision Games - Volume 1
Hawken, Kieren
The A-Z of ColecoVision Games features reviews of three different games for each letter of the alphabet. The games range from the very earliest releases in the mid-eighties to the modern homebrew games of today. This book shows you just how diverse the library of titles is for the ColecoVision and how it's become one of the most collectable consoles out there.
Tired of London
Tired of London
Ayres, Richard
It is the summer of 2007 and six former friends, five men and one woman are attending a reunion in London organised by one of their number who has a special reason for wishing to see them all again. Some of those present have not seen each other for 40 years. But as they wander from pub to pub in central London, they find they are discomforted and at times feel threatened by the modern metropolitan world.Gradually their long-held memories of each other are undermined, firstly by the changes wrought by age, and then by the revelation of secrets, some of which extend back to their student days in Leeds in the 1960s. Surprising truths about the past begin to emerge, and friendships begin to fracture. Their reunion is brought to an abrupt end by incidents, some violent, which threaten to dash the hopes that they had of reconnecting with the past and with each other.
Ford, Anthony
Eight passengers are on the last train to Margate. It's Christmas Eve and the Southeast of England is caught in a blizzard. The train suddenly stops alongside an abandoned station. One passenger disappears, later found murdered and they discover that every one of them answered an invitation for different reasons. Joanna, a soldier, is an unexpected guest and the one factor the killer hadn't figured on. With her help, can they end this nightmare or will they become victims of their past in this frozen tomb in the dead of night?
Grant, A.T.
Elliott endures a long, fraught journey to Scotland with his family. Arriving at a loch-side holiday park, some things are familiar and others not quite right. He and his brother argue over different girls, one of whom has a strange request. A riddle leads the brothers into unexpected adventure, and a calamity from the past comes back to haunt them.
Quest Within
Quest Within
Marshall, Len
A tale of international espionage, computer hacking and strategic subterfuge. The plot twists and turns, involving several Nation States, following a piece of malware virus designed to disable satellite locating devices in orbit. Two mercenary hackers sell their time to the highest bidders. This is offset by a developing relationship with one of the hackers and the owner's son who works for the manufacturer of the location satellites.Unbeknown to both, they each believe in the spiritual doctrine of The Law of Attraction, and incorporate this principle within the mainframe of their server.What emerges is a cat and mouse game of spiritual versus conventional computer solutions.
Colin's Nightmare
Colin's Nightmare
Lambert, Merv
Colin the librarian is an unremarkable little man, who one day at work finds a very rare, very unusual book. It does not belong to the library. On opening it he sees the title 'Colin's Book' and inside it is a beautiful blue bookmark with a red phoenix on it. The bookmark gives him extraordinary strength and resolve and leads him and his little dog Sammy into many exciting adventures both in the past and present...This fantastic new addition to the series contains four more fun-filled frolics featuring Colin, M the invisible Emu and their friends. Children of all ages will enjoy these stories written by much-loved children's author Merv Lambert.The Lady VanishesWith the aid of the phoenix on the magic bookmark, Colin and Auntie Flo travel to Las Vegas in the 1990s, where with M they release Colin's mother Margaret from the power of an evil stage hypnotist, and all is revealed as to why she disappeared when Colin was only a young child. Can the phoenix reunite the family once and for all?Recycling the PastColin is transported to London late in the reign of Queen Victoria. Riding a penny-farthing bicycle he pursues and captures a thief. When he then finds himself in Australia with Sammy and M, an opportunity presents itself for Colin to enter a penny-farthing race. Can he win the race? And why do the policeman and his fiance look so familiar?Colin's NightmareA disagreement about music leads to Colin finding himself as a 16 year old teenager at a T.V. disco with strange music, no conversations and a crowd of young people texting as they dance. When M and some friends appear, a fight breaks out. Can M help calm things down? And will Colin make it to the fun-run he is due to compete in?Viva Jellysox!Colin's great friend Jez Jellysox unwittingly arouses the dislike of Ulrika Spitz, the sister of the famous speedway rider Hugo Spitz. Jez, under the influence of the phoenix, performs a breath-taking Wall of Death ride on a motorbike all around her. Jez's girlfriend is kidnapped and he enlists Colin and M to help track her down. Can they find her? Will the two sweethearts finally get to marry? And what is M doing with an Elvis wig?
Doctor Who
Doctor Who
Goldstein, Jack
It's the same every year; the credits have only just starting rolling on the Doctor Who Christmas Special and someone will claim they know more about the Whoniverse than anyone else in the household. But now you can test their claim... with Doctor Who: The Ultimate Quiz Book! With 600 questions covering every aspect of the TV show including Doctors, companions, enemies, monsters, planets and much more, this enjoyable quiz is the perfect addition for any Who fan's bookshelf.
In My Mind
In My Mind
Mehrban, Shaida
"e;In My Mind"e; is the story of a young man who is infatuated by a student named Gabriella who reminds him of delicate butterflies. It follows Steve from childhood to adulthood and the mental demons that play havoc in his mind. He is unable to talk to anyone about it as he doesn't realise the mental depth he is in, till that dreadful night when Gabriella dies whilst held by him against her will, and he is then sent away. This story covers mental health, depression and hitting rock bottom in Steve's mind and looks at how this sensitive subject is still a taboo and we do not know enough about mental health and its consequences on our and others' lives.
Fletcher, M.W.
My name is Stone, Mason Stone I am a blue zone bounty hunter and if you are a High Value Individual (HVI) you can run and even try to hide but I will acquire you dead or alive! That of course is your choice! Do you remember when the World was made up of Continents? Well! On the 10th month of the 20th day 2030 (10/20/30), the World went to war! Iran had finally gone and bloody well done it! Launched a nuclear strike on Israel. Following this the World was plunged into a World War. On the 31st October 2030, eleven days into the conflict, the World drew back from what was probably going to be Armageddon. On the 8th December 2031 the World map had changed forever, continents really did not exist anymore; the world was now a series of 4 Zones. Blue, Red, Yellow and White. Within weeks of the war ending, extradition treaties that had for many years previously existed had virtually overnight ceased to exist. Therefore, on the 15th January 2031 the blue zone countries had set up a judicial body called the Justice Section or Jay-Sec. A new justice for a new world.
Travels through History - France
Travels through History - France
Worker, Julian
The south-eastern part of France has an abundance of historical interest. From the Roman theatres of Arles and Orange to the Cathar castles in the foothills of The Pyrenees there is much to see and remember. There are mysteries too. Why would the Roman Catholic Church create a crusade against the Cathar 'heretics' when these people were following such a devout life? How did the Romans build the Pont du Gard so quickly as part of a 40-mile water channel to provide water to Nimes? What did Berenger Sauniere discover in Rennes-le-Chateau that made him so wealthy? Added to the history and the mystery are a host of natural wonders, beautiful scenery, and familiar names appearing in unfamiliar places.
I Am Hooligan
I Am Hooligan
Flint, Emma L.
Seemingly trapped in the vicious circle of council estate stereotypes, Justin finds himself battling between right and wrong. As he transgresses further and starts to lose his self identity, he soon spirals out of control, with no obvious way back. Can he save himself from the inevitable danger he faces or is it too late?
A-Z of Nintendo Game Boy Games
A-Z of Nintendo Game Boy Games
Hawken, Kieren
The A-Z of Nintendo Game Boy Games: Volume 1 features reviews of three different games for each letter of the alphabet. The games range from the very earliest releases in 1989 to the modern homebrew games of today. This book shows you just how diverse the library of titles is for the Nintendo Game Boy and how it became one of the most popular consoles of all-time.
101 Amazing Women
101 Amazing Women
Goldstein, Jack
Throughout human history, countless women have made important contributions to society. Some have made scientific discoveries vital to modern-day life, whereas others have fought for human rights, shaped entire countries and broken down barriers. This fascinating book introduces the reader to over one hundred such figures, with each having made important contributions in fields such as politics, science, literature, business and warfare. Women from all historical periods and walks of life are featured, from famous figures in ancient history including Cleopatra and Wu Zetian through to women changing the world today such as Emma Watson and Malala Yousafzai. Whereas the achievements of some of the 101 individuals featured are well known, some readers may be finding out about others for the first time, meaning that the book is also an excellent gateway to further reading.
A-Z of Atari 8-bit Games
A-Z of Atari 8-bit Games
Hawken, Kieren
The A-Z of Atari 8-bit Games: Volume 1 features reviews of three different games for each letter of the alphabet. The games range from the very earliest releases in the late 70s to the modern homebrew games of today. This book shows you just how diverse the library of titles is for the Atari 8-bit computers and how it became one of the popular computers of all time.
Puppy's Tail
Puppy's Tail
Training, VC Dog
People love cute and cuddly puppies, but have you ever wondered why so many are abandoned, often within a day of purchase? The answer is because the new owner never realised just how much is actually involved in looking after a young puppy. The aim of this book is to give the prospective owner an honest idea of what is involved in rearing a young puppy into adulthood and to get an idea if the experience is for them.
Last Orders
Last Orders
Croucher, Mel
This is a hands-on guide to discover how long you will live, what you're worth and who gets what when you die. It takes you step by step through everything you need for a personal action plan, including your digital legacy, your will, your final years, your death, funeral, and all your last orders for after you've gone. Relax. Stop worrying. Here are the answers to sort out your online and real world affairs and solve all those life and death problems. LAST ORDERS covers everything clearly, simply and honestly. An essential read for everyone who is not immortal.
101 Amazing Facts about Blink-182
101 Amazing Facts about Blink-182
Goldstein, Jack
Are you the world's biggest Blink-182 fan? Do you know everything there is to know about pop-punk's greatest band? Or are you new to the scene and want to become an instant expert on the band everyone is talking about? Then this is the book for you. Contained within are 101 amazing facts covering everything from the band's early days through the more difficult times (including the infamous plane crash) right up to their 2016 comeback - although WE all know they never really went away! Amaze yourself and your friends with these handily-packaged facts which are easily organised into relevant categories for maximum enjoyment.
A-Z of Sega Master System Games
A-Z of Sega Master System Games
Hawken, Kieren
The A-Z of Sega Master System Games: Volume 1 features reviews of three different games for each letter of the alphabet. The games range from the very earliest releases in the mid-eighties to the modern homebrew games of today. This book shows you just how diverse the library of titles is for the Sega Master System and how it put Sega on the path to success.
A-Z of Atari 2600 Games
A-Z of Atari 2600 Games
Hawken, Kieren
The A-Z of Atari 2600 Games: Volume 1 features reviews of three different games for each letter of the alphabet. The games range from the very earliest releases in the 70s to the modern homebrew games of today. This book shows you just how diverse the library of titles is for the Atari 2600 and how it became one of the best-selling consoles of all time.