

Hitting a Straight Lick with a Crooked Stick:Stories from the Harlem Renaissance
Hitting a Straight Lick with a Crooked Stick:Stories from the Harlem Renaissance
Hurston, Zora Neale
From “one of the greatest writers of our time” (Toni Morrison)—the author of Barracoon and Their Eyes Were Watching God—a collection of remarkable stories, including eight “lost” Harlem Renaissance tales now available to a wide audience for the first time. New York Times’ Books to Watch forBuzzfeed’s Most Anticipated Books of 2020Newsweek’s Most Anticipated BooksForbes.com’s Most Anticipated Books of 2020E!’s Top 2020 Books to ReadGlamour’s Best Books In 1925, Barnard student Zora Neale Hurston—the sole black student at the college—was living in New York, “desperately striving for a toe-hold on the world.” During this period, she began writing short works that captured the zeitgeist of African American life and transformed her into one of the central figures of the Harlem Renaissance. Nearly a century later, this singular talent is recognized as one of the most influential and revered American artists of the modern period.Hitting a Straight Lick with a Crooked Stick is an outstanding collection of stories about love and migration, gender and class, racism and sexism that proudly reflect African American folk culture. Brought together for the first time in one volume, they include eight of Hurston’s “lost” Harlem stories, which were found in forgotten periodicals and archives. These stories challenge conceptions of Hurston as an author of rural fiction and include gems that flash with her biting, satiric humor, as well as more serious tales reflective of the cultural currents of Hurston’s world. All are timeless classics that enrich our understanding and appreciation of this exceptional writer’s voice and her contributions to America’s literary traditions.
Barkham Burroughs' Encyclopaedia of Astounding Facts and Useful Information
Barkham Burroughs' Encyclopaedia of Astounding Facts and Useful Information
Barkham Burroughs
This masterpiece of science fiction is the fascinating story of Griffin, a scientist who creates a serum to render himself invisible, and his descent into madness that follows.
Devices and Desires:Bess of Hardwick and the Building of Elizabethan England
Devices and Desires:Bess of Hardwick and the Building of Elizabethan England
Hubbard, Kate
The critically acclaimed author of Serving Victoria brilliantly illuminates the life of the little-known Bess of Hardwick—next to Queen Elizabeth I, the richest and most powerful woman in sixteenth-century England.Aided by a quartet of judicious marriages and a shrewd head for business, Bess of Hardwick rose from humble beginnings to become one of the most respected and feared Countesses in Elizabethan England—an entrepreneur who built a family fortune, created glorious houses—the last and greatest built as a widow in her 70s—and was deeply involved in matters of the court, including the custody of Mary Queen of Scots.While Bess cultivated many influential courtiers, she also collected numerous enemies. Her embittered fourth husband once called her a woman of “devices and desires,” while nineteenth-century male historians portrayed her as a monster—”a woman of masculine understanding and conduct, proud, furious, selfish and unfeeling.” In the twenty-first century she has been neutered by female historians who recast her as a soft-hearted sort, much maligned, and misunderstood. As Kate Hubbard reveals, the truth of this highly accomplished woman lies somewhere in between: ruthless and scheming, Bess was sentimental and affectionate as well.Hubbard draws on more than 230 of Bess’s letters, including correspondence with the Queen and her councilors, fond (and furious) missives between her husbands and children, and notes sharing titillating court gossip. The result is a rich, compelling portrait of a true feminist icon centuries ahead of her time—a complex, formidable, and decidedly modern woman captured in full as never before.
Grit & Grace:Train the Mind, Train the Body, Own Your Life
Grit & Grace:Train the Mind, Train the Body, Own Your Life
McGraw, Tim
From Grammy-Award winning music superstar and actor Tim McGraw comes a one-of-a kind lifestyle book that melds his personal fitness transformation story with practical advice to inspire healthy changes in readers’ lives.Tim McGraw is as well-known for his unparalleled accomplishments in the entertainment industry as he is for his boundless energy—he is the embodiment of vitality and success. But only a decade ago, he found himself struggling with his health. The demands of his meteoric career and life on the road had taken a toll. McGraw came to a crossroads where knew that unless he made his physical health a priority, he would put his personal happiness and professional success at risk. In Grit & Grace, McGraw shares his transformation story along with encouragement, inspiration, and real-life, practical advice to help readers become healthy, strong and fit in mind and body.For the first time, McGraw will share the details of the mental and physical routine that got him in the best shape of his life. He suggests that there is no magic formula to getting stronger and healthier: it is about making a commitment to do and be better, and holding yourself accountable each day. McGraw didn’t follow a playbook or have a squad of trainers overseeing his every step. He describes his way of getting into shape as more "maverick"--tuning into a vision of what you personally want to achieve, staying focused, and putting in the work.McGraw says his physical transformation has ignited a whole-life transformation. "My mind is clearer, my sense of purpose is sharper, and my relationships are deeper. Consistent physical exercise helps me bring focus to my life and to the people who mean the most to me." In Grit & Grace, McGraw makes this transformation accessible to anyone, sharing with readers the physical and mental tools they can use to create the life they deserve.
What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Blacker:A Memoir in Essays
What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Blacker:A Memoir in Essays
Young, Damon
A Finalist for the NAACP Image AwardLonglisted for the PEN/Diamonstein-Spielvogel Award for the Art of the EssayAn NPR Best Book of the YearA Washington Independent Review of Books Favorite of the YearFrom the cofounder of VerySmartBrothas.com, and one of the most read writers on race and culture at work today, a provocative and humorous memoir-in-essays that explores the ever-shifting definitions of what it means to be Black (and male) in AmericaFor Damon Young, existing while Black is an extreme sport. The act of possessing black skin while searching for space to breathe in America is enough to induce a ceaseless state of angst where questions such as “How should I react here, as a professional black person?” and “Will this white person’s potato salad kill me?” are forever relevant. What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Blacker chronicles Young’s efforts to survive while battling and making sense of the various neuroses his country has given him. It’s a condition that’s sometimes stretched to absurd limits, provoking the angst that made him question if he was any good at the “being straight” thing, as if his sexual orientation was something he could practice and get better at, like a crossover dribble move or knitting; creating the farce where, as a teen, he wished for a white person to call him a racial slur just so he could fight him and have a great story about it; and generating the surreality of watching gentrification transform his Pittsburgh neighborhood from predominantly Black to “Portlandia . . . but with Pierogies.”  And, at its most devastating, it provides him reason to believe that his mother would be alive today if she were white. From one of our most respected cultural observers, What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Blacker is a hilarious and honest debut that is both a celebration of the idiosyncrasies and distinctions of Blackness and a critique of white supremacy and how we define masculinity.
The Gimmicks:A Novel
The Gimmicks:A Novel
McCormick, Chris
“The Gimmicks is a gorgeous epic that astounds with its scope and beauty. With empathy and humor, McCormick unravels the ties between brotherhood and betrayal, love and abandonment, and the fictions we create to live with the pain of the past. This novel will blow you away.”—Brit Bennett, New York Times bestselling author of The MothersSet in the waning years of the Cold War, a stunning debut novel about a trio of young Armenians that moves from the Soviet Union, across Europe, to Southern California, and at its center, one of the most tragic cataclysms in twentieth-century history—the Armenian Genocide—whose traumatic reverberations will have unexpected consequences on all three lives.This exuberant, wholly original novel begins in Kirovakan, Armenia, in 1971. Ruben Petrosian is a serious, solitary young man who cares about two things: mastering the game of backgammon to beat his archrival, Mina, and studying the history of his ancestors. Ruben grieves the victims of the 1915 Armenian Genocide, a crime still denied by the descendants of its perpetrators, and dreams of vengeance.When his orphaned cousin, Avo, comes to live with his family, Ruben’s life is transformed. Gregarious and physically enormous, with a distinct unibrow that becomes his signature, Avo is instantly beloved. He is everything Ruben is not, yet the two form a bond they swear never to break.But their paths diverge when Ruben vanishes—drafted into an extremist group that will stop at nothing to make Turkey acknowledge the genocide. Unmoored by Ruben’s disappearance, Avo and Mina grow close in his absence. But fate brings the cousins together once more, when Ruben secretly contacts Avo, convincing him to leave Mina and join the extremists—a choice that will dramatically alter the course of their lives.Left to unravel the threads of this story is Terry “Angel Hair” Krill, a veteran of both the US Navy and the funhouse world of professional wrestling, whose life intersects with Avo, Ruben, and Mina’s in surprising and devastating ways. Told through alternating perspectives, The Gimmicks is a masterpiece of storytelling. Chris McCormick brilliantly illuminates the impact of history and injustice on ordinary lives and challenges us to confront the spectacle of violence and the specter of its aftermath.
Bolea Ștefan
Mai poate fi vorba despre dragoste atunci c?nd un b?rbat ?i o femeie se ?nt?lnesc dup? treizeci de ani de la evenimentul inexplicabil care le-a destr?mat iubirea tr?it? cu pasiune timp de cinci ani? E dragostea cea care le une?te privirile, sau doar nostalgia unor vremuri de mult trecute ?n care se reg?sesc tineri ?i ferici?i? Steinn ?i Solrun se re?nt?lnesc la un vechi hotel din fiordurile Norvegiei ?i rememoreaz? trecutul ?i vina de care nu s-au eliberat ?nc?. Fiind fiecare c?s?torit ?i av?nd propriii copii, cei doi ?nlocuiesc intensitatea tr?irilor de alt?dat? cu aprinse discu?ii purtate prin e-mailuri despre sensurile vie?ii ?i despre for?ele care guverneaz? realitatea din jur. Complice cu autorul care orchestreaz? jocurile narative, cititorul este martorul schimburilor tensionate de idei ?ntre agnosticul Steinn ?i mistica Solrun. Dac? cei doi protagoni?ti decid ca fiecare e-mail s? fie ?ters imediat ce e parcurs, cititorul are privilegiul de a avea sub ochi conversa?iile care caut? r?spunsuri la ?ntreb?rile ce domin? romanului lui Gaarder: este via?? dup? moarte? Exist? coinciden?e sau totul este planul bine pus la punct al unei instan?e superioare, fie ea divine sau explicabile ?tiin?ific? ?ntr-o manier? devenit? deja marc? ?nregistrat? Jostein Gaarder, romanul ce poart? titlul unui tablou al lui René Magritte p?streaz? ceva din misterul suprarealist ?i ?mbin? observa?iile filosofice cu o intrig? plin? de suspans ?i o emo?ionant? poveste de dragoste care rezist? timpului. Ce rezult? – un roman care desfat? intelectual ?i estetic.
Aer ?n iarb?
Aer ?n iarb?
Vieru Mihai
Hanna Bota scrie cri ale descoperirii de sine prin Cellalt, prin Ceilali. Aceast mare i veche tem are, n cazul ei, o rezolvare aparte, cci Cellalt este nu doar cel din vecintate, ci i, mai ales, cel de foarte departe, tritor n orizonturi exotice, acolo unde diferena e strident i numai privirea lateral, n mai multele sensuri ale acesteia, poate conduce spre esena uman, spre miezul tare al fiinei. Punnd la btaie, n surprinztoare conexiuni, feluritele instrumente de cunoatere i interpretare pe care le-a acumulat n timp: literatur, etnologie, antropologie cultural, teologie, nu se mulumete cu privirea fix, focalizat, ghidat strict de regulile tiinei sale, ci tenteaz pai lturalnici, sensuri derivate, improvizeaz interdisciplinar, se pune pe sine n locul celuilalt pentru a-i descifra perspectiva, nelinitile, modelul de lume.Ultimul canibal ne purtase n insulele Vanuatu din Pacific. De data aceasta, jurnalul eseistic de cltorie, cu inserii poematice i desfurri epice, rotunjete povestea cutrii de sine prin iubire a Laviniei, tnr muzician romnc, urmrind-o n ara sa, mai nti, n Italia i India, apoi, ntr-o curgere de ntmplri nvolburate, rtcitor-iniiatice, ntre Occident i Orient, cu toate simurile n alert. Apa e motivul central al crii. De la Dunre la Gange, de la lacrim la diluviu, izvor susurnd ori val nfuriat, ea e simbol al vieii, al luptei pentru supravieuire i pentru nchegarea unui orict de firav rost. Tot ea traduce reverii identitare, comaruri negre, tensiuni i crize. Vrtejul explorrii de sine i asum traversarea ntunericului ca singur drum la ndemn spre lumin. Drum desenat n tine ca o hart a direciei ctre comoara de mare pre i ezitnd benefic, n noua i incitanta carte a Hannei Bota, ntre realitate i ficiune, cu irizri fantastice i nenumrate ui (ntre)deschise de-o parte i de cealalt a naintrii destinale.“ – Irina Petra
Short Life in a Strange World:Birth to Death in 42 Panels
Short Life in a Strange World:Birth to Death in 42 Panels
Ferris, Toby
Sure to be hailed alongside H is for Hawk and The Hare with Amber Eyes, an exceptional work that is at once an astonishing journey across countries and continents, an immersive examination of a great artist’s work, and a moving and intimate memoir.In 2012, facing the death of his father and impending fatherhood, Toby Ferris set off on a seemingly quixotic mission to track down and look at—in situ—every painting still in existence by Pieter Bruegel the Elder, the most influential and important artist of Northern Renaissance painting.The result of that pursuit is a remarkable journey through major European cities and across continents. As Ferris takes a keen analytical eye to the paintings, each piece brings new revelations about Bruegel’s art, and gives way to meditations on mortality, fatherhood, and life. Ferris conjures a whole world to which most of us have probably lost the key, and in the process teaches us how to look, patiently and curiously, at the world.Short Life in a Strange World is a dazzlingly original and assured debut—a strange and bewitching hybrid of art criticism, philosophical reflection, and poignant memoir. Beautifully illustrated with sixty-six color images, it subtly alters the way we see the world and ourselves.
A Sportsman's Notebook:Stories
A Sportsman's Notebook:Stories
Turgenev, Ivan
Twenty-five beautifully written stories, penned in exile, evocatively depicting life on a manor in feudal Russia and examining the conflicts between serfs and landlordsA Sportsman’s Notebook, Ivan Turgenev’s first literary masterpiece, is a sweeping portrayal of the magnificent nineteenth–century Russian countryside and the harsh lives of those who inhabited it. In a powerful and gripping series of sketches, a hunter wanders through the vast landscape of steppe and forest in search of game, encountering a varied cast of peasants, landlords, bailiffs, overseers, horse traders, and merchants. He witnesses both feudal tyranny and the submission of the tyrannized, against a backdrop of the sublime and pitiless terrain of rural Russia.These exquisitely rendered stories, now with a stirring introduction from Daniyal Mueenuddin, were not only universally popular with the reading public but, through the influence they exerted on important members of the Tsarist bureaucracy, contributed to the major political event of mid–nineteenth–century Russia: the Great Emancipation of the serfs in 1861. Rarely has a book that offers such undiluted literary pleasure also been so strong a force for significant social change, one that continues to speak to readers centuries later.
American Pop:A Novel
American Pop:A Novel
Wright, Snowden
AN NPR BEST BOOK OF THE YEAR “Mr. Wright’s imagined history of the rise and fall of the sugary drink empire is so robust and recognizable that you might feel nostalgic for the taste of a soda you’ve never had.” – Sam Sacks, The Wall Street Journal NAMED A MOST ANTICIPATED BOOK BY Parade • Cosmopolitan • Town & Country • AARP •  InStyle • Garden & Gun • Vol. 1 BrooklynThe story of a family.The story of an empire. The story of a nation.Moving from Mississippi to Paris to New York and back again, a saga of family, ambition, passion, and tragedy that brings to life one unforgettable Southern dynasty—the Forsters, founders of the world’s first major soft-drink company—against the backdrop of more than a century of American cultural history. The child of immigrants, Houghton Forster has always wanted more—from his time as a young boy in Mississippi, working twelve-hour days at his father’s drugstore; to the moment he first laid eyes on his future wife, Annabelle Teague, a true Southern belle of aristocratic lineage; to his invention of the delicious fizzy drink that would transform him from tiller boy into the founder of an empire, the Panola Cola Company, and entice a youthful, enterprising nation entering a hopeful new age.Now the heads of a preeminent American family spoken about in the same breath as the Hearsts and the Rockefellers, Houghton and Annabelle raise their four children with the expectation they’ll one day become world leaders. The burden of greatness falls early on eldest son Montgomery, a handsome and successful politician who has never recovered from the horrors and heartbreak of the Great War. His younger siblings Ramsey and Lance, known as the “infernal twins,” are rivals not only in wit and beauty, but in their utter carelessness with the lives and hearts of others. Their brother Harold, as gentle and caring as the twins can be cruel, is slowed by a mental disability—and later generations seem equally plagued by misfortune, forcing Houghton to seriously consider who should control the company after he’s gone.An irresistible tour de force of original storytelling, American Pop blends fact and fiction, the mundane and the mythical, and utilizes techniques of historical reportage to capture how, in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s words, “families are always rising and falling in America,” and to explore the many ways in which nostalgia can manipulate cultural memory—and the stories we choose to tell about ourselves.
Everything I Know About Love:A Memoir
Everything I Know About Love:A Memoir
Alderton, Dolly
前《星期日泰晤士报》专栏作家多利 · 奥尔德顿处女作,这本回忆录讲述了成长、变老过程中渐渐学会如何处理工作、爱情、友谊、得失。作者真诚、幽默、充满智慧,她细腻和极具洞察力的描述会引起各个年龄段女性的共鸣,仿佛在看真实版的《BJ单身日记》 "There is no writer quite like Dolly Alderton working today and very soon the world will know it.”--Lisa Taddeo, author of #1 New York Times bestseller Three Women“Dolly Alderton has always been a sparkling Roman candle of talent. She is funny, smart, and explosively engaged in the wonders and weirdness of the world. But what makes this memoir more than mere entertainment is the mature and sophisticated evolution that Alderton describes in these pages. It’s a beautifully told journey and a thoughtful, important book. I loved it.”--Elizabeth Gilbert, New York Times bestselling author of Eat, Pray, Love and City of GirlsThe wildly funny, occasionally heartbreaking internationally bestselling memoir about growing up, growing older, and learning to navigate friendships, jobs, loss, and love along the rideWhen it comes to the trials and triumphs of becoming an adult, journalist and former Sunday Times columnist Dolly Alderton has seen and tried it all. In her memoir, she vividly recounts falling in love, finding a job, getting drunk, getting dumped, realizing that Ivan from the corner shop might just be the only reliable man in her life, and that absolutely no one can ever compare to her best girlfriends. Everything I Know About Love is about bad dates, good friends and—above all else— realizing that you are enough. Glittering with wit and insight, heart and humor, Dolly Alderton’s unforgettable debut weaves together personal stories, satirical observations, a series of lists, recipes, and other vignettes that will strike a chord of recognition with women of every age—making you want to pick up the phone and tell your best friends all about it. Like Bridget Jones’ Diary but all true, Everything I Know About Love is about the struggles of early adulthood in all its terrifying and hopeful uncertainty.
Ready or Not:Preparing Our Kids to Thrive in an Uncertain and Rapidly Changing W
Ready or Not:Preparing Our Kids to Thrive in an Uncertain and Rapidly Changing W
Levine, Madeline
The New York Times bestselling author of The Price of Privilege and Teach Your Children Well explores how today’s parenting techniques and our myopic educational system are failing to prepare children for their certain-to-be-uncertain future—and how we can reverse course to ensure their lasting adaptability, resilience, health and happiness.In The Price of Privilege, respected clinician, Madeline Levine was the first to correctly identify the deficits created by parents giving kids of privilege too much of the wrong things and not enough of the right things. Continuing to address the mistaken notions about what children need to thrive in Teach Your Children Well, Levine tore down the myth that good grades, high test scores, and college acceptances should define the parenting endgame. In Ready or Not, she continues the discussion, showing how these same parenting practices, combined with a desperate need to shelter children from discomfort and anxiety, are setting future generations up to fail spectacularly.Increasingly, the world we know has become disturbing, unfamiliar, and even threatening. In the wake of uncertainty and rapid change, adults are doubling-down on the pressure-filled parenting style that pushes children to excel. Yet these daunting expectations, combined with the stress parents feel and unwittingly project onto their children, are leading to a generation of young people who are overwhelmed, exhausted, distressed—and unprepared for the future that awaits them. While these damaging effects are known, the world into which these children are coming of age is not. And continuing to focus primarily on grades and performance are leaving kids more ill-prepared than ever to navigate the challenges to come.But there is hope. Using the latest developments in neuroscience and epigenetics (the intersection of genetics and environment), as well as extensive research gleaned from captains of industry, entrepreneurs, military leaders, scientists, academics, and futurists, Levine identifies the skills that children need to succeed in a tumultuous future: adaptability, mental agility, curiosity, collaboration, tolerance for failure, resilience, and optimism. Most important, Levine offers day-to-day solutions parents can use to raise kids who are prepared, enthusiastic, and ready to face an unknown future with confidence and optimism.
The Polar Bear Expedition:The Heroes of America's Forgotten Invasion of Russia,
The Polar Bear Expedition:The Heroes of America's Forgotten Invasion of Russia,
Nelson, James Carl
In the brutally cold winter of 1919, 5,000 Americans battled the Red Army 600 miles north of Moscow. We have forgotten. Russia has not."AN EXCELLENT BOOK." —Wall Street Journal • "INCREDIBLE." — John U. Bacon • "EXCEPTIONAL.”  — Patrick K. O’Donnell • "A MASTER OF NARRATIVE HISTORY."  — Mitchell Yockelson • "GRIPPING." — Matthew J. Davenport • "FASCINATING, VIVID." — Minneapolis Star Tribune An unforgettable human drama deep with contemporary resonance, award-winning historian James Carl Nelson's The Polar Bear Expedition draws on an untapped trove of firsthand accounts to deliver a vivid, soldier's-eye view of an extraordinary lost chapter of American history—the Invasion of Russia one hundred years ago during the last days of the Great War.In the winter of 1919, 5,000 U.S. soldiers, nicknamed "The Polar Bears," found themselves hundreds of miles north of Moscow in desperate, bloody combat against the newly formed Soviet Union's Red Army. Temperatures plummeted to sixty below zero. Their guns and their flesh froze. The Bolsheviks, camouflaged in white, advanced in waves across the snow like ghosts.The Polar Bears, hailing largely from Michigan, heroically waged a courageous campaign in the brutal, frigid subarctic of northern Russia for almost a year. And yet they are all but unknown today. Indeed, during the Cold War, two U.S. presidents, Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon, would assert that the American and the Russian people had never directly fought each other. They were spectacularly wrong, and so too is the nation's collective memory.It began in August 1918, during the last months of the First World War: the U.S. Army's 339th Infantry Regiment crossed the Arctic Circle; instead of the Western Front, these troops were sailing en route to Archangel, Russia, on the White Sea, to intervene in the Russian Civil War. The American Expeditionary Force, North Russia, had been sent to fight the Soviet Red Army and aid anti-Bolshevik forces in hopes of reopening the Eastern Front against Germany. And yet even after the Great War officially ended in November 1918, American troops continued to battle the Red Army and another, equally formiddable enemy, "General Winter," which had destroyed Napoleon's Grand Armee a century earlier and would do the same to Hitler's once invincible Wehrmacht.More than two hundred Polar Bears perished before their withdrawal in July 1919. But their story does not end there. Ten years after they left, a contingent of veterans returned to Russia to recover the remains of more than a hundred of their fallen brothers and lay them to rest in Michigan, where a monument honoring their service still stands.In the century since, America has forgotten the Polar Bears' harrowing campaign. Russia, notably, has not, and as Nelson reveals, the episode continues to color Russian attitudes toward the United States. At once epic and intimate, The Polar Bear Expedition masterfully recovers this remarkable tale at a time of new relevance.
Lucrarea iubirii
Lucrarea iubirii
Osmonde Gabriel
Propor?iile epidemice ale artritei sunt cu at?t mai ?ngrijor?toare dac? avem ?n vedere faptul c?, de?i este considerat? ?n general o boal? a v?rstei a treia, v?rsta medie la care debuteaz? boala a sc?zut la 47 de ani.Dar exist? ?i ve?ti bune: artrita poate fi ?nt?rziat? sau gestionat?, ceea ce poate ?mbun?t??i ?n mod spectaculos calitatea vie?ii. Noua ?tiin?? a gestion?rii artritei ofer? solu?ii pentru to?i cei care doresc s? previn? suferin?a, disconfortul ?i limit?rile asociate cu artrita sau chiar s?-i opreasc? evolu?ia.Este prima carte despre artrit? care include ultimele cercet?ri ?tiin?ifice ?i strategiile de tratament pentru o boal? cu care se confrunt? marea majoritate a celor din genera?ia ?baby-boom“, de dup? cel de-al Doilea R?zboi Mondial. Iar genera?iile mai tinere au la dispozi?ie un plan u?or de urmat pentru minimizarea ?i chiar evitarea aspectelor debilitante ale artritei.Cartea de fa?? ofer? r?spunsuri la ?ntreb?ri de maxim interes precum:* De ce ne ?mboln?vim de artrit??* Ce suplimente pentru artrit? sunt eficiente?* Care sunt cele mai bune exerci?ii fizice ?i strategii dietetice?* Ce terapii alternative pot fi folosite f?r? riscuri?* Care sunt cele mai noi descoperiri ?tiin?ifice cu privire la celulele stem ?i terapiile viitoare legate de genele ?i biologia uman??InfoDad.com, 16.01.2014?O lucrare scris? ?ntr-un limbaj accesibil despre artrit? ?i cum s?-i facem fa??, despre o boal? deloc pl?cut? pentru cei ?n cauz?… o excelent? trecere ?n revist? a concep?iilor curente referitoare la acest complex de afec?iuni, la tratament ?i la direc?ia spre care se ?ndreapt? cercet?rile din domeniu.“Chatelaine.com: ?10 Best Health Books of 2014“, 03.02.2014?De ce ne place cartea: autorul nu inten?ioneaz? s? ne sperie, ci s? arunce lumin? asupra adev?rului… De asemenea, nu sus?ine o diet? riguroas? sau restrictiv?, ci ?ndeamn? la un regim alimentar echilibrat, care s? contribuie la men?inerea greut??ii ?i a imunit??ii.“
News of Our Loved Ones
News of Our Loved Ones
DeWitt, Abigail
Set in France and America, News of Our Loved Ones is a haunting and intimate examination of love and loss, beauty and the cost of survival, witnessed through two generations of one French family, whose lives are all touched by the tragic events surrounding the D-Day bombings in Normandy.What if your family’s fate could be traced back to one indelible summer?Over four long years, the Delasalle family has struggled to live in their Nazi occupied village in Normandy. Maman, Oncle Henri, Yvonne, and Fran?oise silently watched as their Jewish neighbors were arrested or wordlessly disappeared. Now in June 1944, when the sirens wail each day, warning of approaching bombers, the family wonders if rumors of the coming Allied invasion are true—and if they will survive to see their country liberated.For sixteen-year-old Yvonne, thoughts of the war recede when she sees the red-haired boy bicycle past her window each afternoon. Murmuring to herself I love you, I love you, I love you, she wills herself to hear the whisper of his bicycle tires over the screech of Allied bombs falling from the sky.Yvonne’s sister, Geneviève, is in Paris to audition for the National Conservatory. Pausing to consider the shadow of a passing cloud as she raises her bow, she does not know that her family’s home in Normandy lies in the path of British and American bombers. While Geneviève plays, her brother Simon and Tante Chouchotte, anxiously await news from their loved ones in Normandy.Decades later, Geneviève, the wife of an American musician, lives in the United States. Each summer she returns to her homeland with her children, so that they may know their French family. Geneviève’s youngest daughter, Polly, becomes obsessed with the stories she hears about the war, believing they are the key to understanding her mother and the conflicting cultures shaping her life.Moving back and forth in time, told from varying points of view, News of Our Loved Ones explores the way family histories are shared and illuminates the power of storytelling to understand the past and who we are.
On Drinking
On Drinking
Bukowski, Charles
"这本颇具启发性的诗歌和散文集所涉及的主题激励并萦绕了查理?布考斯基一生: 酒。 布考斯基自称是“肮脏的老头”,他把酒当作灵感和燃料,这种矛盾的关系导致了他黑暗的时刻,同时也造就了他快乐和有灵感的时刻。 《论饮酒》一书收录了这位作家深刻、有趣、令人难忘的作品,讲述了他在艰难困苦中的起起伏伏。 通过饮酒,布考斯基可以独处,可以与人相处,可以成为诗人、情人和朋友,尽管这些都付出了巨大的代价。而正如布考斯基在一首名为《饮酒》的诗中写道: “对我来说,这是或者是一种死亡方式,穿着靴子,拿着枪,抽着烟,背景是交响乐。” 《论饮酒》阐释了饮酒生活中的快乐和痛苦,也是这位受爱戴、经久不衰的作家之一的灵魂之窗。" The definitive collection of works on a subject that inspired and haunted Charles Bukowski for his entire life: alcohol Charles Bukowski turns to the bottle in this revelatory collection of poetry and prose that includes some of the writer’s best and most lasting work. A self-proclaimed “dirty old man,” Bukowski used alcohol as muse and as fuel, a conflicted relationship responsible for some of his darkest moments as well as some of his most joyful and inspired. In On Drinking, Bukowski expert Abel Debritto has collected the writer’s most profound, funny, and memorable work on his ups and downs with the hard stuff—a topic that allowed Bukowski to explore some of life’s most pressing questions. Through drink, Bukowski is able to be alone, to be with people, to be a poet, a lover, and a friend—though often at great cost. As Bukowski writes in a poem simply titled “Drinking,”: “for me/it was or/is/a manner of/dying/with boots on/and gun/smoking and a/symphony music background.” On Drinking is a powerful testament to the pleasures and miseries of a life in drink, and a window into the soul of one of our most beloved and enduring writers.
You Are Enough:Revealing the Soul to Discover Your Power, Potential, and Possibi
You Are Enough:Revealing the Soul to Discover Your Power, Potential, and Possibi
Desai, Panache
奥普拉《超级星期天》节目的特邀嘉宾撰写,这是一本积极的、鼓舞人心的引导,帮助读者学会平息恐惧和焦虑,逐渐塑造强大而完整的内心。 A spiritual thought-leader and featured guest on Oprah’s SuperSoul Sunday helps us learn to quiet fear and anxiety and discover the powerful wholeness that exists within us all in this inspiring and affirmative guide.Achieving equilibrium in today’s age of anxiety can seem like a near-impossible—even frivolous—task. Panache Desai offers a refreshing, surprisingly unusual approach to meet the challenges of the modern moment and heal the fractured self it produces.For Desai, the soul—whole, unbroken, at peace, and one with the life source—isn’t a destination. It already exists within each of us, just waiting to be revealed. It is not something we have to work to develop—it is our birthright. And when we are in union with our soul, we experience a personal evolution that not only illuminates our individual cosmic purpose but helps us to engage the sense of purpose and presence necessary to remake the world itself.You Are Enough offers a straightforward, non-judgmental, and approachable process of revealing the soul, of coming into alignment and harmony with our true selves. Combining personal narrative, clear and inspiring philosophy, and prescriptive practices, it reveals that the way through is the way in—that the way through fear, self-doubt, and anxiety is accepting and embracing dissonance and emotional and psychological blockages, so that we can approach our lives and the world from a perspective that understands our fears are not who we are. Desai’s goal is simple: to guide readers through radical self-acceptance toward a life of ultimate peace and fulfillment.Beautifully designed, this enlightening volume by a fresh voice shows us that while life may have caused us to forget our power, potential, light, and love, they are always there, just waiting to be discovered.
BOSH!: Healthy Vegan
BOSH!: Healthy Vegan
Theasby, Ian,Firth, Henry David
A full-color, plant-based guide to help you slim down and eat and feel better; filled with eighty delicious, vegan recipes and nutritious meal plans from the international phenomenon and bestselling brand BOSH!BOSH! has revolutionized plant-based eating! As the largest and fastest-growing plant-based food channel on the web, and the brand behind the smash international bestselling cookbook, BOSH! has introduced readers across the globe to fun, mouth-watering vegan recipes even meat eaters can love.Now, Henry and Ian are on a mission to help you eat well, feel better, and even lose weight. A comprehensive guide to nutritious, wholesome living using only the power of plants, BOSH!: Healthy Vegan features eighty delicious recipes and nourishing meal plans to get you started and help you stay on track.Packed full of nutrition hacks and lifestyle tips, BOSH!: Healthy Vegan will motivate anyone looking to achieve a fit, lean, and healthy body while staying vegan.
Highfire:A Novel
Highfire:A Novel
Colfer, Eoin
From the New York Times bestselling author of the Artemis Fowl series comes a hilarious and high-octane adult novel about a vodka-drinking, Flashdance-loving dragon who lives an isolated life in the bayous of Louisiana—and the raucous adventures that ensue when he crosses paths with a fifteen-year-old troublemaker on the run from a crooked sheriff.In the days of yore, he flew the skies and scorched angry mobs—now he hides from swamp tour boats and rises only with the greatest reluctance from his Laz-Z-Boy recliner. Laying low in the bayou, this once-magnificent fire breather has been reduced to lighting Marlboros with nose sparks, swilling Absolut in a Flashdance T-shirt, and binging Netflix in a fishing shack. For centuries, he struck fear in hearts far and wide as Wyvern, Lord Highfire of the Highfire Eyrie—now he goes by Vern. However...he has survived, unlike the rest. He is the last of his kind, the last dragon. Still, no amount of vodka can drown the loneliness in his molten core. Vern’s glory days are long gone. Or are they?A canny Cajun swamp rat, young Everett “Squib” Moreau does what he can to survive, trying not to break the heart of his saintly single mother. He’s finally decided to work for a shady smuggler—but on his first night, he witnesses his boss murdered by a crooked constable. Regence Hooke is not just a dirty cop, he’s a despicable human being—who happens to want Squib’s momma in the worst way. When Hooke goes after his hidden witness with a grenade launcher, Squib finds himself airlifted from certain death by…a dragon?The swamp can make strange bedfellows, and rather than be fried alive so the dragon can keep his secret, Squib strikes a deal with the scaly apex predator. He can act as his go-between (aka familiar)—fetch his vodka, keep him company, etc.—in exchange for protection from Hooke. Soon the three of them are careening headlong toward a combustible confrontation. There’s about to be a fiery reckoning, in which either dragons finally go extinct—or Vern’s glory days are back.A triumphant return to the genre-bending fantasy that Eoin Colfer is so well known for, Highfire is an effortlessly clever and relentlessly funny tour-de-force of comedy and action.  
St. Francis Society for Wayward Pets:A Novel
St. Francis Society for Wayward Pets:A Novel
Noblin, Annie England
If you love Susan Mallery and Jill Shalvis, you won’t want to miss this new novel of second chances, dogs, and knitting, from the author of Pupcakes and Sit! Stay! Speak! Laid off, cheated on, mugged: what else can go wrong in Maeve Stephens’ life? So when she learns her birth mother has left her a house, a vintage VW Beetle, and a marauding cat, in the small town of Timber Creek, Washington, she packs up to discover the truth about her past. She arrives to the sight of a cheerful bulldog abandoned on her front porch, a reclusive but tempting author living next door, and a set of ready-made friends at the St. Francis Society for Wayward Pets, where women knit colorful sweaters for the dogs and cats in their care. But there’s also an undercurrent of something that doesn’t sit right with Maeve. What’s the secret (besides her!) that her mother had hidden?If Maeve is going to make Timber Creek her home, she must figure out where she fits in and unravel the truth about her past. But is she ready to be adopted again—this time, by an entire town…?