

101 Amazing Facts about Fish
101 Amazing Facts about Fish
Goldstein, Jack
Did you know that the courtship dance of some seahorses can last eight hours? Or how the sea serpent myth is thought to have started? This fantastic quick-read eBook features 101 amazing facts split into categories such as record breakers, sharks, unusual fish and many more. So if you want to know which fish the Romans used as a recreational drug, or in which states it is illegal to get a fish drunk, then this is the book for you! Find the information you want, fast.
Berry, Ian
The Saskias, Saskia Chandler and Saskia Hunt, lead double lives. Quite apart from being ordinary young girls holding down ordinary jobs, they are also the super-powerful SuperTwins, and the jobs they manage to hold down while being the twins are decidedly not ordinary. Impossible things for the Air Force and fixing problems with tangled timelines in the past are all in a days work for Kyra and Katya. This ability to travel in time, with a little help from Voice, their disembodied guide and mentor, comes in useful when they become involved with the security services and an assassination attempt. Throughout all this, they attempt to lead normal lives, although Saskia Chandler is decidedly not a normal girl. The girls eventually come to the conclusion that far from being Richie, as she began her life, she's always been Saskia, which appears a little odd, but makes perfect sense to them.
Brilliant Short Stories
Brilliant Short Stories
Mason, Stan
This is an anthology of a number of brilliant stories which include comedy, horror, fantasy, drama, romance and suspense with wonderful characters to make each one seem alive... and every one with a twist in the tail! You will be enthralled by them.
Mixed Scenarios
Mixed Scenarios
Nite, Aluta
Contained in this book are 37 short stories on a fictional level and covering diverse issues on humanity. The stories encase many aspects of living on various levels of weightiness.
80 Fantastic Poems
80 Fantastic Poems
Mason, Stan
This anthology contains eighty fantastic poems, some of which won awards with national and international poetry competitions. They include poems of comedy, drama, history, love and romance, despair and joy, death, reflection as well as self-belief. It is an anthology of real treasure aimed at inducing the maximum pleasure for readers by a poetic master.
Mason, Stan
Clement Davies, the trouble-shooter in the Imperial Bank is found dead and John Rigby is appointed in his place. Despite the promotion and extra salary, he doesn't want the job and makes a deal to do it for only three months. However, on the very first day he has to deal with a number of difficult problems, not least a man with a bomb in a holdall in the Manager's office of the bank demanding the contents of the safe, a demonstration of hundreds of people outside the front of the bank, a computer fraud, and Sam Elliott, the most scheming executive in the bank who wants the job as the trouble-shooter. Rigby is being stalked by his wife, who refuses to give him a divorce and she wants him back after leaving him, but he has made a new life for himself with a much younger mistress who is bearing his child. Banks don't need trouble-shooters, you say!
Silent War
Silent War
Morrow, Haley
These writings are from a young woman who has had to face obsticles no person should have to. She has put her feelings into her writings for people going through similar experiences. Silent War gives readers an insight into Haleys life and and what she has been through. Pieces about teenage love, heartbreak, medical journeys, losing someone and much more these writings are all from the heart.
In Love with Richard
In Love with Richard
Kelly, Paul
This fantastic new eBook from well-known author Paul Kelly will make an excellent addition to any fiction-lover's digital shelf. Featuring strong characters and plots which draws you into Kelly's worlds, reviewers have been recommending his titles for years. In Love with Richard is the latest addition to Paul's catalogue and takes the reader through the epic and erotic tale of Richard and his friends, family and lovers.
Carer for Benjamin Bonfeze'
Carer for Benjamin Bonfeze'
Kelly, Paul
This is JESSIE'S STORY... The story of her life as seen through her own eyes and of SIMON'S STORY as he saw Jessie, because he was madly in love with her. It is also THE STORY OF ROMUEL, who lusted after Jessie, but was incapable of love... and concludes with THE STORY OF MOTHER BUDAPEST... commonly known only as 'THE PEST' and who hated everyone... and who was the mother of Romuel and Benjamin Bonfeze... BENJAMIN was unable to tell his story... he couldn't speak or write, but none of these stories would have been possible without him...
101 Amazing Facts about Cheryl Cole
101 Amazing Facts about Cheryl Cole
Goldstein, Jack
Are you the world's biggest Cheryl Cole fan? Or do you want to know everything there is to know about the singer, X Factor judge and former member of Girls Aloud? If so, then this is the book for you! Contained within are 101 amazing facts about everything, from her upbringing to her huge success both in a girl band and as a solo artist plus much more. The book is easily organised into sections so you can find the information you want fast and is perfect for all ages!
How to Write a Novel in 90 Days
How to Write a Novel in 90 Days
Jones, Conrad
This concise guide tells you how to write a novel by using a systematic approach to writing.This guide is written by an author not a 'guru'.A simple step by step breakdown of how to plan each day.No fillers and no theory, just the hard facts in a concise guide.There are many guides about writing novels on the market but how many of them are written by prolific published authors? The answer is 'not many'. How can anyone write a guide unless they have been through the writing process many times before? The simple answer to this question is they can't because they cannot feed on their own actual experiences to help another writer to avoid the mistakes and pitfalls.Most guides regurgitate information which they have picked up from creative writing books or sites.How can they give you advice when they have never sat down and focused on creating a novel which will sell, many times over?Writing a novel is the same as any other task we undertake as individuals. We have to learn how to do it in order to do it well. When you first learn to drive, you need lessons. No one walks into the kitchen and creates a gourmet dish on their first attempt. If you want a system to apply to writing a book, then you need to take advice from an 'author' who has taken years to develop the process via experience.
Berry, Ian
Rio is a schoolgirl, a schoolgirl who can hear what other people are thinking. This can lead her into all sorts of situations, such as doing jobs for the Air Force and preventing stuff being blown up by bombs. It can also lead her into a whole lot of trouble, when, together with her best friend Jennie, she gets kidnapped and very nearly killed. Luckily she has friends in high places, at least when they fly. The SuperTwins are needed several times to extract her from the problems she gets into. She gets to find out all kinds of secrets, one of which is just about the biggest secret of them all, a secret which leads her into the strangest adventure of all.
101 Amazing Facts about Mary Shelley
101 Amazing Facts about Mary Shelley
Goldstein, Jack
Did you know that the idea for Frankenstein came to Mary Shelley in a vivid dream? Or that her many of her loved ones suffered tragic deaths? What are her most famous quotes? And what did she say when rejecting a marriage proposal from actor, poet and playwright John Howard Payne? This fascinating book contains over one hundred facts about Shelley, organised into categories for easy reading. Whether you are studying the author for a project or you are just interested in finding out more about the creator of one of the most enduring monsters of all time, this is the book for you.
101 Amazing Facts about William Shakespeare
101 Amazing Facts about William Shakespeare
Goldstein, Jack
Did you know Shakespeare introduced thousands of words into the English language, amongst them alligator, eyeball and swagger? Do you know what unusual item he left to his wife in his will? Have you heard of the conspiracy theory that suggests Shakespeare didn't write the plays we attribute to him today? This fascinating book contains over one hundred facts about William Shakespeare, organised into categories for easy reading. Whether you are studying the bard for a project or you are interested in finding out more about the English speaking world's greatest ever author, this is the book for you.
101 Amazing Facts about Oscar Wilde
101 Amazing Facts about Oscar Wilde
Goldstein, Jack
Did you know that Oscar Wilde was said to have had a photographic memory? Or that his father was eye surgeon to none other than Queen Victoria? How did his homosexuality come to the attention of the police? And why was a glass barrier erected in front of his tomb? This fascinating book contains over one hundred facts about Wilde, organised into categories for easy reading. Whether you are studying him for a project or you are just interested in finding out more about one of the world's greatest writers, this is the book for you.
Gascoigne, Angela
When Serena stumbles across the scene of a suicide one blustery autumn morning on the beach at Devil's Cove, the experience brings some deep feelings bubbling to the surface. Only closure on a certain situation will allow her to move on with her life and fulfil her dream of finding true love. Her destiny could be just within reach. Ava's been papering over the cracks in her marriage for too long. The luxury apartment her husband, Richard calls home is feeling more like a prison every day. She craves the laid back, seaside lifestyle of Harbour View and Devil's Cove, far away from the chaos of Cork City. Each time she witnesses yet another homeless person hungry and cold on the city streets Ava's heart bleeds. She always does what she can to help ease their suffering but feels there must be more she can do. She's always had an overwhelming urge to help people less fortunate than herself but Richard has a very different opinion on that subject. When at last she gathers the courage to volunteer at The Central Soup Kitchen on Christmas day, Ava realises she's found her vocation and gains so much more than just job satisfaction. Two kindred spirits lost and alone - so close and yet so far - two pairs of identical eyes, scarred with pain and searching for answers. Unbeknown to one another they've already crossed paths. But a web of secrets and lies has the potential to destroy their union before it even has a chance to begin. Serena's spell book is her most precious possession, handed down through the generations of women in her family. There's more than home cooking taking place behind the door of The Book Nook. Serena enjoys adding a scoop of sorcery to her recipes. But do the benefactors of Serena's spells have enough faith for them to be of any use? Sometimes it seems like she's the only person who believes in the power of magic. One day she gets a little mixed up with her potions but can she really brush it under the carpet and hope no one will notice? Only time will tell.
Bel and the Dragon
Bel and the Dragon
Lowe, Nakesha
This is the story of King Cyrus and the people of Babylon, and how they worshipped idol gods instead of the one true God. This led to the destruction of Bel and the Dragon by the hands of the prophet Daniel. Serving other gods is vain and worthless. There is only one God, who is worthy of worship, and that is the God of your Holy Bible and none else. Serving any other gods is to your own hurt. (Jeremiah 25:6-7)
Little Mix - The Ultimate Quiz Book
Little Mix - The Ultimate Quiz Book
Goldstein, Jack
Are you the world's biggest Mixer? Can you prove it? This excellent quiz book has 160 questions about the world's greatest girl band. What is Perrie's middle name? What is Jade allergic to? What song did Leigh-Anne perform at her school's talent show? If you knew the answers to those, wait until you get to the hard ones... and if you didn't, this book has all the answers for you. Show your friends you know everything there is to know about Little Mix.
Coffin Dodgers
Coffin Dodgers
Stafford, William
When the recently departed start getting up and walking around Dedley, the detectives of the Serious Crimes division are plunged into their most gruesome case so far. Meanwhile, Brough and his boyfriend hit a rough patch and Miller is laid low by a mysterious illness. With shocks and surprises along the way, this darkly funny story is the fifth Brough and Miller investigation, the fourth sequel to Blood & Breakfast.
Games We Used to Play Outside as Children
Games We Used to Play Outside as Children
Nite, Aluta
Contained in this book are 32 outdoor games and activities we were involved in as children growing up. We made apparatus we needed ourselves using all sorts of materials available around our homesteads.
Dramatic Shorts
Dramatic Shorts
Quince, James
Dramatic Shorts is a collection of new theatrical writing allowing new playwrights to showcase their creative talents. It includes various monologues, duologues and short plays from around the world.