

Anecdotal Humour
Anecdotal Humour
Nite, Aluta
Contained in this book are 110 anecdotes covering many aspects of contemporary life on non-fiction level. The anecdotes are real life situations which the author has gone through or witnessed or heard or imagined.
Foster Factory
Foster Factory
Learmont, David
The Foster Factory deals with the experiences of David Learmont and his wife Marsha once they retired and started working again as Foster Carers. David claims that if he had written this book as a novel, the characters in it would have been considered 'too outlandish to be credible.' How the elderly couple dealt with egomaniacs, kleptomaniacs, tractor-maniacs, and children who stabbed him and burned down their house are just some of the tales that David recounts with 'what is left' of his sense of humour and his 'diminishing stock' of faith in mankind. Read it and weep. Or laugh. Possibly both.
Wide Clear Sky
Wide Clear Sky
Veale, Bernard
Nathan Dale is a cavalry sergeant demobilized after the Civil War.He and his army buddies sign on as Indian fighters for a wagon train from Independence, Missouri to San Francisco. He has spent four years of his life in the army and knows nothing about women. The wagon master is killed and young Nathan finds himself in charge of a thirty-wagon train, Indians he can handle but women baffle him completely.
50 Quick Facts About the Walking Dead
50 Quick Facts About the Walking Dead
Wheelwright, Wayne
Walking Dead is the television and written world phenomenon that has come from the work of Robert Kirkman and his Image Comics series. Inside this book you'll find trivia and many interesting facts about the walkers, the characters and the actors, cast and crew that bring them to life on the hugely successful television series. This book is a must have for any fan who wants a little help traversing the post apocalyptic world of the Walking Dead.
Last Plantagenet
Last Plantagenet
Richards, Toni
REGICIDE! - The Ultimate TREASON! CIVIL WAR! - the most vicious of conflicts. Matthew, an innocent, young scribe and general helper at the Priory of St John, on the outskirts of York, is taken to a tavern to act as recorder for a dying old man, incarcerated in the top room for more than twenty five years. He is also required to be a nurse and servant for this old man. In return, he is told a story, relating to the life of the last Plantagenet king, Richard the Third, in which those events occurred, including one of the greatest mysteries of that age. The true fate of THE PRINCES IN THE TOWER!
101 Amazing Facts about Dogs
101 Amazing Facts about Dogs
Goldstein, Jack
Did you know that in medieval times dogs were known to have accompanied their masters into battle wearing suits of armour? Or that the Rhodesian Ridgeback was first bred to fight lions? This fantastic quick-read eBook featured over one hundred facts about dogs split into categories such as evolution, health, behaviour, record breakers and many more. So if you want to know who the heaviest dog ever to have lived was, or what the wagometer was invented for, then this is the book for you! Find the information you want, fast.
Concubine Affair
Concubine Affair
Shelby, Quig
A story of reincarnation, and an undying love that reaches through the centuries. Mental health nurse Alain Fontaney finds a soul mate in high-class patient Verity Forster. As she drifts in and out of psychosis, both discover this is their second forbidden affair. Verity was once an Emperor's concubine, and Alain the Jesuit priest she loved and lost. Alain discovers a drug that connects their past lives with the present, and with Verity's help fights to rewrite history. If not, the Emperor, reborn as Verity's playboy husband, will triumph once more.
50 Quick Facts about the World Cup
50 Quick Facts about the World Cup
Wheelwright, Wayne
The World Cup is the world's biggest sporting competition. From it's beginning in Uruguay in 1930 through to this years tournament in Brazil, this book contains facts and trivia that any football fan has to know. Each tournament is covered inside with facts about the top scorers, the trophies, the greatest players to have made names for themselves on the grandest stage of all and much more. So prepare yourself in this World Cup year by making sure you go into the tournament armed with the facts to help you appreciate this spectacular sporting spectacle.
101 Amazing Facts about One Direction
101 Amazing Facts about One Direction
Taylor, Frankie
Are you the world's biggest One Direction fan? Do you know more than any other Directioner out there? Or do you want to learn some fantastic new facts about the biggest and most successful boy band of all time?If so, then this is the book for you! Contained within are more than one hundred amazing facts about everything, from how the boys got started in the music industry to their relationships, closely-kept secrets, media controversies and much more. The book is easily organised into sections so you can find the information you want fast and is perfect for all ages!
Presidents of the United States of America
Presidents of the United States of America
Wheelwright, Wayne
The United States of America is a relatively young country but already has a distinguished history and in this time has been shaped by some great men who have had to make brave and sometimes unpopular choices for the good of the country. This book has facts on the first 25 men to serve as President of the United States. Spanning from George Washington's birth in 1732 through to William McKinley's assassination in 1901. The book contains facts on the families, life before taking office, policies, political battles and the later lives of these influential leaders.
Swords of El Cid
Swords of El Cid
Hill, Tom
Swords, combat, ransom, siege, battle, rape, starvation, revenge, bloodshed, justice, honour and death. The life of the famous El Cid as he wages medieval warfare to seize Valencia. A thousand years ago the Christian Knights of the Kings of Leon fight the ruling Muslim Moors and the dreaded Almoravids of the Sahara for the right to rule Spain.
Soccer Rules Quiz Book
Soccer Rules Quiz Book
Wheelwright, Wayne
Soccer is the most popular sport in the world. Watched and played by hundreds of millions of people around the globe, the sport's popularity continues to grow. One of the things that keeps people talking about games are referee's decisions. Everybofy seems to think they could do a better job. This quiz book puts that to the test with question about regulations, punishments, equipment and much more so put your knowledge to the test and see if you really do know more than the referee.
50 Quick Facts About Game of Thrones
50 Quick Facts About Game of Thrones
Wheelwright, Wayne
Game of Thrones is the television and written world phenomenon that has come from the mind of George R.R. Martin and his series of books, A Song of Ice and Fire. This book contains trivia and many interesting facts about the lands of Westeros and Essos. From stories about the filming of the series, tales from behind the camera through to a little more background on the families and locations in the Game of Thrones world. This book is a must have for any fan of the tales of the Iron Throne.
Twelve Months
Twelve Months
Shotta, Harry
Twelve Month's is the story of a turbulent year in the life of Harry Shotta. A multi award winning MC who is known for his rapid fire delivery and versatility, this book gives readers an insight into the story behind his 'Twelve Months' mixtape. Delving into emotional memories from his childhood and a year which included extreme highs and lows it is a very personal and honest account of a year filled with 'love and pain in the fast lane'.
Valley of Weeping
Valley of Weeping
Truter, Clive
Kiam is frustrated in that his life appears to be going nowhere. He is a city boy, but is then confronted with the opportunity to inherit an abandoned farm in a remote tribal district. Will it be a new beginning or a disaster? What will the Valley of Weeping hold?The novel explores the cultural differences and the racial polarization that was typical of South Africa before 1994, and portrays the climatic and geographical qualities of this part of the world.
Amazing Pub Quiz Book - Volume 1
Amazing Pub Quiz Book - Volume 1
Goldstein, Jack
Which band was originally called Strontium 90? Who was King of England during the great fire of London? What is the currency used in Malaysia? And in which video game did we first meet Guybrush Threepwood? This fantastic quiz book features four hundred questions split into forty sections covering all areas of geography, history, literature, music, sport, science and general knowledge. Whether you are a trivia master or a beginner on the quest to prove your knowledge, this is a perfect addition to your bookshelf.
Harry Potter - The Complete Quiz Book
Harry Potter - The Complete Quiz Book
Goldstein, Jack
How much do you know about the world of Harry Potter, his friends and of course his enemies? Do you know what language Merpeople speak? How long does felix felicis take to prepare? Who played Delores Umbridge in the films? And what colour hue does the Dogbreath potion have? This fantastically fun quiz book contains eight hundred questions (and answers!) covering every aspect of wizarding life including the characters, life at Hogwarts, spells, potions, fantastic beasts plus much, much more. It contains all of the questions from both Jack Goldstein's Ultimate Quiz Book and Frankie Taylor's Amazing Quiz Book, even adding some completely new ones!From questions even a muggle could answer all the way through to trivia that would test Dumbledore himself, this is the perfect way to test your Harry Potter knowledge.
Gwen Stefani Quiz Book
Gwen Stefani Quiz Book
Wheelwright, Wayne
Gwen Stefani is the multi-talented singer who rose to fame with the band No Doubt. After over 20 years in the spotlight she has shown her unquestionable musical talent as well as turning her hand to fashion, acting and now being a coach on the Voice amongst other things.This quiz book covers subjects from her songs, early days, family, awards and much, much more.
50 Quick Facts About New York
50 Quick Facts About New York
Wheelwright, Wayne
New York is one of the most densely populated Staes in all of America and is home to New York City which is one of the worlds most visited tourist destinations and home to attractions such as the Empire State Building, Times Square and the Statue of Liberty amongst others. Inside this book you will find various facts and trivia about the state, it's history, geography and other interesting facts.
101 Amazing Facts about 5 Seconds of Summer
101 Amazing Facts about 5 Seconds of Summer
Goldstein, Jack
Are you a longstanding member of the 5SOS Family? Or do you want to know everything there is to know about Luke, Michael, Calum and Ashton? If so, then this is the book for you! Contained within are 101 amazing facts about everything, from how the boys got started in the music business to some funny random facts, their favourite things and much, much more. The book is easily organised into sections so you can find the information you want fast and is perfect for all ages!
Who Knew Felix Marr?
Who Knew Felix Marr?
Kelly, Paul
"e;Who knew Felix Marr?"e; by Paul Kelly, is a book which has been in his mind for many years and has now finally made it's way to paper. It is a fiction mystery about one particular person, telling the tale of a boy growing up on the streets in Glasgow, who is taken in by a kindly woman starting a care home. Felix grows up the only way he can, by surviving however he has too...