“Tape’s Rolling, Take One”
Adrian Kerridge was part of the British recording industry for the past 50 years. His revolutionary and often forthright approach within the music industry put him at the centre of the recording world for half a century. As owner of the eminent Lansdowne Studios - birth place of the Dave Clark Five, and home to numerous household name artists and session stories as well as the cofounding father of the CADAC console brand - he witnessed first-hand the technological changes of an industry transitioning from analogue tape to multi-track to digital recording and editing in the 80s and forwards; was a forerunner in the 60s of the then experimental practice of direct injection – now widely employed by sound engineers and laid the foundations for a more modern upfront sound that was lacking in the 50s and early 60s. Renowned for creating unique sonic signatures for bands and other recording artists, Adrian’s approach to recording was unlike anything the industry had seen in the years previous. He recorded “hot”, clean and gutsy while his contemporaries were more conservative in their approach. This book traces his personal and professional journey from war time Britain to the swinging 60s. Imparting his professional knowledge through his explanations and diagrams intertwined with the remarkable story of his life Adrian Kerridge 1938 – 2016

Studies in Self Culture and Character: A Man's Value to Society
Man’s evident failure to make the most out of his material life suggests a study of the elements in each citizen that make him of value to his age and community. What are the measurements of mankind, and why is it that daily some add new treasures to the storehouse of civilization, while others take from and waste the store already accumulated?

The Party and Other Stories
After the festive dinner with its eight courses and its endless conversation, Olga Mihalovna, whose husband’s name-day was being celebrated, went out into the garden. The duty of smiling and talking incessantly, the clatter of the crockery, the stupidity of the servants, the long intervals between the courses, and the stays she had put on to conceal her condition from the visitors, wearied her to exhaustion. She longed to get away from the house, to sit in the shade and rest her heart with thoughts of the baby which was to be born to her in another two months.

Billy Gets Bullied: Bullying
Suitable for boys and girls aged 7 to 9. In this first book of the Billy Growing Up series, Billy Field is uber excited at his approaching tenth birthday. Not only is it his first double-digit birthday, but he’ll be ten on the tenth day of the tenth month—a once in a lifetime event. Billy’s invited his best friend Ant to his party. They’re having a magician who’s being assisted by Max, Ant’s sister. Granddad magics Billy’s present – a twenty-pound note, but soon after the party, Billy has his money stolen by the local bully. Bullying is unacceptable, and has to be dealt with… Billy Has A Birthday is a wonderful example of a story that young children can enjoy reading alone or together with their parents. Using traditional storytelling, it is entertaining while dealing with a serious issue that affects many children as they grow up. Bullying can be a difficult subject for children to talk about, and many feel frightened or embarrassed if they fall victim to bullying. This book acts as the perfect icebreaker for adults and children to begin discussing these issues. Find out how this negative experience turns out. A perfect read for children who enjoy school fiction, but with a positive learning to help other bullied children. If you enjoy reading David Walliams or Jeff Kinney you will love the Billy Growing Up series.

Cabbages and Kings
The original 'banana republic' stories which explore aspects of life in a paralytically sleepy Central American town, each advancing some aspect of the larger plot and relating back one to another in a complex structure. The larger, overriding plot slowly explicates its own background, even as it creates a town which is one of the most detailed literary creations of the period.

Fairy Tales of Charles Perrault
An iconic collection of fairy tales from the master of storytelling Charles Perrault including some of his best work: Little Red Riding-Hood, The Sleeping Beauty, Puss in Boots, Little Thumb, Cinderella, Blue Beard.

The Town Traveller
The Town Traveller is one of Gissing's novels which earned him more income during his lifetime than most of his other novels. The story is full of life and descriptive detail. It revolves around life of town traveller Gammon, just the sort of quarter-educated that Gissing usually despises.

The Witch and Other Stories
It was approaching nightfall. The sexton, Savely Gykin, was lying in his huge bed in the hut adjoining the church. He was not asleep, though it was his habit to go to sleep at the same time as the hens. His coarse red hair peeped from under one end of the greasy patchwork quilt, made up of coloured rags, while his big unwashed feet stuck out from the other. He was listening. His hut adjoined the wall that encircled the church and the solitary window in it looked out upon the open country. And out there a regular battle was going on. It was hard to say who was being wiped off the face of the earth, and for the sake of whose destruction nature was being churned up into such a ferment; but, judging from the unceasing malignant roar, someone was getting it very hot.

The Emancipated
Miriam Baske, a young widow, freed from the constraints of making a living, leaves behind the grey stone chapels and flinty hearts of Lancashire for the sun and artistic splendour of Italy. She meets a host of her countrymen vacationing and occupying themselves with travel, art, philosophy, romance, and improving their health.

The Lady of the Barge and Other Stories
An exciting collection of stories from W.W. Jacobs, a London based novelist famous for his horror and travel stories. This volume includes some of his iconic work: The Monkey's Paw, The Lady of the Barge, Bill's Paper Chase, The Well, Cupboard Love, In the Library, Captain Rogers, A Tiger's Skin, A Mixed Proposal, An Adulteration Act, A Golden Venture, and Three at Table.

A Prisoner
An officer by the name of Jilin served in the army in the Caucasus. One day he received a letter from home. It was from his mother, who wrote, 'I am getting old now, and I want to see my beloved son before I die. Come and say good-bye to me, and when you have buried me, with God’s grace, you can return to the Army. I have found a nice girl for you to marry; she is clever and pretty, and has some property of her own. If you like her perhaps you will marry and settle down for good.'

Odd Craft and Other Stories
An exciting collection of stories from W.W. Jacobs, a London based novelist famous for his humour, horror and travel stories. This volume includes some of his iconic work: The Money-box, The Castaway, Blundell's Improvement, Bill's Lapse, Lawyer Quince, Breaking A Spell, Establishing Relations, The Changing Numbers, The Persecution of Bob Pretty, Dixon's Return, A Spirit of Avarice, The Third String, Odd Charges, Admiral Peters.

Five Weeks in a Balloon
A scholar and explorer, Dr. Samuel Ferguson, accompanied by his manservant Joe and his friend professional hunter Richard Kennedy, sets out to travel across the African with the help of a balloon filled with hydrogen. The balloon itself ultimately fails before the end, but makes it far enough across to get the protagonists to friendly lands, and eventually back to England, therefore succeeding in the expedition.

Sailor's Knots and Other Stories
An exciting collection of stories from W.W. Jacobs, a London based novelist famous for his humour, horror and travel stories. This volume includes some of his iconic work: Deserted, Homeward Bound, Self-help, Sentence Deferred, Matrimonial Openings, Odd Man Out, The Toll-house, Peter's Pence, The Head of the Family, Prize Money, Double Dealing, Keeping Up Appearances.

Considerations on Representative Government
The book presents the concept of representative government, the ideal form of government. Mill suggests that representative bodies such as parliaments and senates are best suited to be places of public debate on the various opinions held by the population and to act as watchdogs of the professionals who create and administer laws and policy.

The Monkey's Paw
Three wishes are granted to the owner of the monkey's paw, but the wishes come with an enormous price for interfering with fate.

The Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft
The book is unusually divided into four seasons instead of chapters and represents a semi-fictional autobiographical work by George Gissing in which the author casts himself as the editor of the diary of a deceased acquaintance, selecting essays for posthumous publication. Observing how suitable many of the reflections were to the month with which they were dated.

Love's Labour's Lost
The play follows the King of Navarre and his three companions as they attempt to forswear the company of women for three years of study and fasting, and their subsequent infatuation with the Princess of Aquitaine and her ladies. In an untraditional ending for a comedy, the play closes with the death of the Princess's father, and all weddings are delayed for a year. The play draws on themes of masculine love and desire, reckoning and rationalization, and reality versus fantasy.

Troilus and Cressida
Troilus and Cressida is set during the later years of the Trojan War, faithfully following the plotline of the Iliad from Achilles' refusal to participate in battle to Hector's death. Troilus, a Trojan prince (son of Priam), woos Cressida, another Trojan. They have sex, professing their undying love, before Cressida is exchanged for a Trojan prisoner of war. As he attempts to visit her in the Greek camp, Troilus glimpses Diomedes flirting with his beloved Cressida, and decides to avenge her perfidy.

Three Questions and Other Tales
It once occurred to a King that if he knew the right moment when to begin on any work and the right kind of people to have or not to have dealings with and the thing to do that was more important than any other thing, he would always be successful. And he proclaimed throughout his kingdom that he would give a great reward to any one who could tell him what was the right moment for any action, and who were the most essential of all people, and what was the most essential thing of all to do.

The Taming of the Shrew
The comedy begins with an induction in which we follow a drunken tinker being tricked into believing he is a nobleman. He then watches a play depicting nobleman Petruchio's marriage with an outspoken, intelligent and bad-tempered shrew named Katherine. Petruchio manipulates and tames her until she is obedient to his will. The main subplot features the courting of Katherine’s more conventional sister Bianca by numerous suitors. The content has become the subject of considerable controversy.