

Lord Jim (Mermaids Classics)
Lord Jim (Mermaids Classics)
Conrad, Joseph
Lord Jim by Joseph Conrad (1857-1924): ....a young British seaman, becomes first mate on the Patna, a ship full of pilgrims travelling to Mecca for the hajj. When the ship starts rapidly taking on water and disaster seems imminent, Jim joins his captain and other crew members in abandoning the ship and its passengers. A few days later, they are picked up by a British ship. However, the Patna and its passengers are later also saved, and the reprehensible actions of the crew are exposed (Citation from Wikipedia: The free Encyclopaedia)Mermaids Classics, an imprint of Mermaids Publishing brings the very best of old classic literature to a modern era of digital reading by producing high quality books in ebook format. All of the Mermaids Classics epublications are reproductions of classic antique books that were originally published in print format, mostly over a century ago and are now republished in digital format as ebooks. Begin to build your collection of digital books by looking for more literary gems from Mermaids Classics.
Little Lord Fauntleroy (Mermaids Classics)
Little Lord Fauntleroy (Mermaids Classics)
Burnett, Frances Hodgson
Little Lord Fauntleroy (1886) by Frances Hodgson Burnett (1849-1924) is a classic childrens novel based on a young boy named Cedric Errol who lives in poverty with his mother in New York City until he receives a message from his Grandfather who is an English aristocrat based in England that he has become Lord Fauntleroy and heir to a large estate. Cedric teaches his grandfather the concept of compassion.Mermaids Classics, an imprint of Mermaids Publishing brings the very best of old classic literature to a modern era of digital reading by producing high quality books in ebook format. All of the Mermaids Classics epublications are reproductions of classic antique books that were originally published in print format, mostly over a century ago and are now republished in digital format as ebooks. Begin to build your collection of digital books by looking for more literary gems from Mermaids Classics.
True Blood: Eats, Drinks, and Bites from Bon Temps
True Blood: Eats, Drinks, and Bites from Bon Temps
Sobol, Gianna
True Blood, HBO's blockbuster paranormal drama, enthralls a diverse audience of 13 million viewers (and counting). Menus at the now famous Fangtasia and Merlotte's Bar and Grill play a key role in the series, providing sustenance for its human characters, evoking memories of a bygone life for its vampires, and serving as a powerful symbol for the desires and carnal needs the characters harbor. It's no wonder so many fans revel in at home parties inspired by the food on the series! With recipes from unforgettable scenes, each entertainingly introduced by True Blood's most compelling characters, these 85 authentic bayou country recipes and 150 plus photos from the series give fans a big taste of Bon Temps.
Prince and the Pauper - An Original Classic (Mermaids Classics)
Prince and the Pauper - An Original Classic (Mermaids Classics)
Twain, Mark
The Prince and the Pauper by Mark Twain (aka Samuel Langhorne Clemens) (1835 1910) is a childrens novel based on two young boys who have an identical appearance but lead completely different lifestyles. One boy is a pauper named Tom Cancy and the other boy is a Prince - named Prince Edward. The story is set in 1547.The Prince and the Pauper was first published in 1881. Mermaids Classics, an imprint of Mermaids Publishing brings the very best of old book classics to a modern era of digital reading by producing high quality books in ebook format.
Northanger Abbey
Northanger Abbey
Austen, Jane
Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen (1775-1817) was published after the authors death in (1818). The main character is Catherine Morland, a young heroine 17 year old who loves to read gothic novels. Whilst staying in Bath, she meets John Thorpe and Henry Tilney and is one day invited by Henrys father to his estate, Northanger Abbey. Catherines love of gothic novels makes her unrealistic towards the world around her by envisioning life through fictional eyes and becomes frightened within the house by believing something dark is occurring within its mysterious rooms which no one has ever been seen to enter. John and Henry both develop a romantic interest towards Catherine but she has only one real love interest and that is towards Henry. This digital edition is beautifully formatted with an active Table of Contents that goes directly to each chapter of the story. Mermaids Classics, an imprint of Mermaids Publishing brings the very best of old book classics to a modern era of digital reading by producing high quality books in ebook format.
Star Wars Super Graphic - A Visual Guide to a Galaxy Far, Far Away
Star Wars Super Graphic - A Visual Guide to a Galaxy Far, Far Away
Leong, Tim
Graphic design guru Tim Leong presents Star Wars trivia in an all-new waythrough playful pie charts, bar graphs, and other data-driven infographics. From a Venn diagram of Yoda's idiosyncrasies to an organizational chart of the Empire to a line graph of Grand Moff Tarkin's management decisions, Star Wars Super Graphic shines a new light on the much-adored universe. Equal parts playful and informative, this visual love letter to the vast Star Wars universe will enchant fans of all ages. and TM Lucasfilm Ltd. Used Under Authorization
Anne of Green Gables Collection (Illustrated)
Anne of Green Gables Collection (Illustrated)
Montgomery, Lucy Maud
Table Of ContentsANNE OF GREEN GABLESANNE of the ISLANDAnnes House of DreamsCHRONICLES OF AVONLEAFURTHER CHRONICLES OF AVONLEATHE GOLDEN ROADKILMENY OF THE ORCHARDLucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories, 1896 to 1901Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories, 1902 to 1903Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories, 1904Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories, 1905 to 1906Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories, 1907 to 1908Short Stories 1909 to 1922RAINBOW VALLEYRilla of Ingleside
Book For Kids (Mermaids Classics)
Book For Kids (Mermaids Classics)
Dennis, C.J.
A Book For Kids, is a collection of childrens verses and stories written and illustrated by C.J. Dennis (1876 - 1938). C.J. Dennis is considered as one of Australias most famous poets of the early 20th century. His original book was published in 1921 (reissued as Roundabout, 1935) in a physical book format and is now republished in ebook format by Mermaids Classics. This digital edition is beautifully formatted with an active Table of Contents that goes directly to each chapter. Mermaids Classics, an imprint of Mermaids Publishing brings the very best of classic literature to a modern era of digital reading by producing high quality books in ebook format.
Movies R Fun! - A Collection of Cinematic Classics for the Pre-(Film) School Cin
Movies R Fun! - A Collection of Cinematic Classics for the Pre-(Film) School Cin
Cooley, Josh
Let's face it, reading sucks . . . but movies are fun! In this children's picture book parody for grown-ups, Pixar writer and artist Josh Cooley presents the most hilariously inappropriatethat is, the bestscenes from contemporary classic films in an illustrated, for-early-readers style. Terrifying, sexy, and awesome scenes from such favorite films as Alien, Rosemary's Baby, Fargo, Basic Instinct, Seven, The Silence of the Lambs, Apocalypse Now, The Shining, and many more are playfully illustrated and captioned to make reading fun and exciting for kids who never grew up. A sly celebration of the things fans love most about these legendary films (and movies in general), this is one book that probably should not be read at bedtime.
中华书局编辑部 编
《论语》是中国文化的核心典籍,其中凝聚着的儒家先贤的思想与智慧,历久而弥新,不断启迪着后人。《论语智慧启迪》系列图书围绕富强、民主、文明、和谐、自由、平等、公正、法治、爱国、敬业、诚信、友善 12 个主题词,从《论语》中精选能够体现这些价值观精神的原文进行讲解,以生动有趣的连环画形式展现相关历史故事,引导读者从中获得思考和感悟。本书包含文明、和谐两个主题词。通过阅读本书,我们不仅能深入了解《论语》,增加传统文化知识积累,体悟先贤思想和智慧的精华,更能以先贤智慧引领当下生活,启迪人生。
(宋)苏辙撰 蒋宗许,袁津琥,陈默笺注
(唐)释慧苑撰 黄仁瑄校注
慧苑《新译大方广佛花严经音义》是今存的单经音义,约成书于唐玄宗开元二十年(732)前后 ,约八十余年后为慧琳音义收録。慧苑书就《新译大方广佛华严经》八十卷中的难字僻词注音释义。慧苑通晓梵文唐言,精通音韵训诂,他广引内、外典籍,其注音释义具有文字、音韵、训诂、辞书等多方面的价值。《新译大方广佛华严经音义校注》对慧琳和慧苑的异文进行了分析,对学者了解慧琳和慧苑语音系统提供了材料;书稿对梵文译音成分注明梵文源词的拉丁文转写,找不到源词的也加以说明;对慧苑引文进行了校勘;并且标注了异体字、俗字、古今字等信息,读者还可以管窥汉字发展源流。
(清)伊秉绶撰 曾昭聪点校
(唐)义净著 王邦维校注
(唐)义净著 王邦维校注
(北魏)崔鸿撰 (清)汤球辑补 聂溦萌,罗新,华喆点校
《十六国春秋》一百卷,北魏崔鸿撰,记录了从西晋末年至北魏统一北方之前,一百五十余年间十六国政权的兴衰更迭。由于其后十六国相关史料相继散佚,此书遂逐渐成为完整记载十六国史的史书,是唐修《晋书》中《载记》部分重要的史源。本书在两宋之际亡佚,清代学者汤球辑成《十六国春秋辑补》百卷。是清代史部典籍辑佚的代表作,也是关于魏晋南北朝重要的基本史料之一。 《十六国春秋辑补》100卷,包括《前赵录》10卷、《后赵录》12卷、《前燕录》8卷、《前秦录》11卷、《后燕录》7卷、《后秦录》9卷、《南燕录》6卷、《夏录》3卷、《前凉录》9卷、《蜀录》5卷、《后凉录》4卷、《西秦录》4卷、《南凉录》3卷、《西凉录》3卷、《北凉录》3卷、《北燕录》3卷。附《年表》一卷。 此次整理以光绪二十一年广雅书局刊本为底本,以校核史源为工作重心,参考《十六国春秋纂录》《晋书·载记》以及《太平御览》等诸书中的《十六国春秋》佚文,逐条复核、逐层考辨,厘清史源,指出错漏,为读者提供一个学术价值高且便于阅读利用的版本。
(清)吴农祥撰 李岩点校
费孝通著 岳永逸注解
《乡土中国》是费孝通先生研究传统中国乡村社会的一部名著。作者基于自己田野调查的丰富积累,对中国传统社会结构进行了充分的思考和分析,尝试回答“作为中国基层社会的乡土社会究竟是个什么样的社会”这个问题。作为社会学本土化的重要论著,《乡土中国》对研究中国乡土社会的传统文化、社会结构具有开创性意义。 今天,读懂《乡土中国》对于理解中国的社会形态和社会状况仍十分必要。中国人民大学社会与人口学院岳永逸教授,从学术研究与时代需求等多方面入手,撰写两万余字导读,带领读者了解费孝通先生的知识谱系、学术实践、精神世界和家国情怀,进而条分缕析、抓住核心概念,把握知识体系,拓展阅读思路,挖掘当下阅读本书的价值与意义。