

The Shores Beyond Time
The Shores Beyond Time
Emerson, Kevin
The conclusion to Kevin Emerson’s epic, which Tui Sutherland, New York Times bestselling author of the Wings of Fire series, has called “perfect science fiction.”It is Earth year 2256—but the fate of the few who even remember Earth is perilously in doubt. Mina Saunders-Chang and many of the surviving humans are stranded in the Centauri system, having barely survived their confrontation with the Telphon refugees. Now everyone—human and Telphon alike—is caught in the blast zone of the Centauri supernova. And yet there’s only one question Mina is asking:Where are Liam and Phoebe?Having barely made it through the battle at the Centauri system with their lives, Liam and Phoebe awake on a mysterious ship in the middle of a dead universe. The ship bears the markings of a human starliner that disappeared decades ago—but even more disturbing than that is the massive alien machine floating in the starless space before them.A machine long abandoned but now showing signs of life. A machine that has begun speaking to Liam in a voice only he can hear. . . .
The Final Six
The Final Six
Monir, Alexandra
故事设定在不远的未来,二十二名极为聪明的青少年从全世界被征召参加国际太空训练营,他们需要训练、竞争,争夺到木卫二进行太空旅行的六个名额之一。由于地球已遭到不可挽回的破坏,人类将寄希望于外星殖民地。未来的命运就这样落在了他们的肩上。 Set in the near future, this action-packed YA novel—already optioned by Sony Pictures—will take readers out of this world and on a quest to become one of six teens sent on a mission to Jupiter’s moon. This is the next must-read for fans of Illuminae and The Martian.When Leo and Naomi are drafted, along with twenty-two of the world’s brightest teenagers, into the International Space Training Camp, their lives are forever changed. Overnight, they become global celebrities in contention for one of the six slots to travel to Europa—Jupiter’s moon—and establish a new colony, leaving their planet forever. With Earth irreparably damaged, the future of the human race rests on their shoulders. For Leo, an Italian championship swimmer, this kind of purpose is a reason to go on after losing his family. But Naomi, an Iranian-American science genius, is suspicious of the ISTC and the fact that a similar mission failed under mysterious circumstances, killing the astronauts onboard. She fears something equally sinister awaiting the Final Six beneath Europa’s surface.In this cutthroat atmosphere, surrounded by strangers from around the world, Naomi finds an unexpected friend in Leo. As the training tests their limits, Naomi and Leo’s relationship deepens with each life-altering experience they encounter.But it’s only when the finalists become fewer and their destinies grow nearer that the two can fathom the full weight of everything at stake: the world, the stars, and their lives.
Vindecarea intuitiv?. Ghid practic. S?n?tate fizic?, emo?ional? ?i sexual? ?n 5
Vindecarea intuitiv?. Ghid practic. S?n?tate fizic?, emo?ional? ?i sexual? ?n 5
Orloff Judith
Dup? ?nt?mpl?rile petrecute ?n V., Alexandra ?ncearc? s? redevin? adolescenta normal? de dinainte de a fi prins? ?n povestea contesei-vr?jitoare. ?ns? Mathias apare surprinz?tor la u?a ei, ar?t?nd cu 10 ani mai t?n?r ?i fiind perfect adaptat la decorul ?i via?a de noapte din Bucure?ti. Mathias nu este ?ns? singurul care revine... Alexandra se treze?te ?ntr-un triunghi de for?e ?ntunecate, iar r?pirea Norei, fiica Lorenei, este doar ?nceputul pentru o serie de ?nt?mpl?ri ?nfrico??toare. P?n? s? se dezmeticeasc?, Alexandra ajunge din nou ?n satul V., pe care-l g?se?te schimbat, cu atmosfera lui tihnit? complet evaporat?, devenind un fundal pentru crime, iubiri reg?site, r?zbun?ri. Noi figuri, ?ntunecate ?i diabolice, ??i fac apari?ia ?n miezul pove?tii. Vor reu?i Mathias ?i Alexandra s-o ?mpiedice pe Aneke s?-?i realizeze planurile malefice? Dou? lumi distincte se ?ntrep?trund: lumea adolescen?ilor de azi, cu Facebook, concerte rock, tatuaje ?i pierce-uri, ?i lumea contesei disp?rute, cu intrigi de curte ?i pove?ti uitate. Un mistery romance ?n tonuri ?ntunecate despre incest, supersti?ii, tr?d?ri, secrete, legende transmise peste veacuri.
Tears of Frost
Tears of Frost
Barton, Bree
This captivating second book in Bree Barton’s Heart of Thorns trilogy deftly explores the effects of power in a dark magical kingdom—and the fierce courage it takes to claim your body as your own. This feminist teen fantasy is perfect for fans of Sarah J. Maas and Leigh Bardugo.Mia Rose is back from the dead. Her memories are hazy, her body numb—but she won’t stop searching. Her only hope to save the boy she loves and the sister who destroyed her is to find the mother she can never forgive.   After her mother’s betrayal, Pilar is on a hunt of her own—to seek out the only person who can exact revenge. All goes according to plan until she collides with Prince Quin, the boy whose sister she killed.As Mia, Pilar, and Quin forge dangerous new alliances, they are bewitched by the snow kingdom’s promise of freedom…but nothing is as it seems under the kingdom’s glimmering ice.
From the Desk of Zoe Washington
From the Desk of Zoe Washington
Marks, Janae
An Amazon Best Book of the Month! “Enticing and enthralling.” —Jewell Parker RhodesFrom debut author Janae Marks comes a captivating mystery full of heart, as one courageous girl questions assumptions, searches for the truth, and does what she believes is right—even in the face of great opposition. A perfect book for fans of Front Desk and All Rise for the Honorable Perry T. Cook!Zoe Washington isn’t sure what to write. What does a girl say to the father she’s never met, hadn’t heard from until his letter arrived on her twelfth birthday, and who’s been in prison for a terrible crime? A crime he says he never committed. Could Marcus really be innocent? Zoe is determined to uncover the truth. Even if it means hiding his letters and her investigation from the rest of her family. Everyone else thinks Zoe’s worrying about doing a good job at her bakery internship and proving to her parents that she’s worthy of auditioning for Food Network’s Kids Bake Challenge.But with bakery confections on one part of her mind, and Marcus’s conviction weighing heavily on the other, this is one recipe Zoe doesn’t know how to balance. The only thing she knows to be true: Everyone lies.
Cloak of Night
Cloak of Night
Skye, Evelyn
The stunning sequel to Circle of Shadows—from Evelyn Skye, the New York Times bestselling author of the Crown’s Game series. Perfect for fans of Renée Adhieh, Julie Dao, and Sabaa Tahir. After the devastating Ceremony of Two Hundred Hearts, Sora, Daemon, Fairy, and Broomstick are truly alone in the fight to save their kingdom. Empress Aki is missing, and everyone else who could help them is a prisoner to Prince Gin’s mind control. At least Sora understands what they’re up against. Or so she believes, until she overhears Gin bargaining with the god of war for immortality and learns that ryuu magic may be a more insidious danger than she realized. Suddenly, the stakes are higher and even more personal for Sora—not only must she stop a seemingly indestructible Prince Gin, but she must also unravel the secrets of ryuu magic before it is too late for nearly everyone she loves. Sora Daemon, Fairy, and Broomstick face dangerous obstacles at every turn, but the greatest challenge may be discovering who they truly are and what, if anything, they are capable of. The fate of a kingdom rests in their hands.Full of dangerous action, heartbreaking romance, and incredible magic—Cloak of Night is the exciting end to this thrilling duology.
Honor Bound
Honor Bound
Caine, Rachel,Aguirre, Ann
Savvy criminal turned skilled Leviathan pilot Zara Cole finds new friends and clashes with bitter enemies in the second book of this action-packed series from New York Times bestselling authors Rachel Caine and Ann Aguirre that’s perfect for fans of The 100 and The Fifth Wave.Zara Cole was a thief back on Earth, but she’s been recently upgraded to intergalactic fugitive. On the run after a bloody battle in a covert war that she never expected to be fighting, Zara, her co-pilot Beatriz, and their Leviathan ship Nadim barely escaped the carnage with their lives.Now Zara and her crew of Honors need a safe haven, far from the creatures who want to annihilate them. But they’ll have to settle for the Sliver: a wild, dangerous warren of alien criminals. The secrets of the Sliver may have the power to turn the tide of the war they left behind—but in the wrong direction.Soon Zara will have to make a choice: run from the ultimate evil—or stand and fight.
Mica ?ar?
Mica ?ar?
Gaël Faye
Amit az olvasó a kezében tart, a F?ld kül?nb?z? pontjain feltárt lel?helyekr?l és a bennük található leletekr?l szól. Kül?nleges ablakot nyit elfeledett világokba, amiket a legt?bb ember nehezen tud elképzelni. Ezek a helyek olyan k?rülmények k?z?tt j?ttek létre, amik k?vetkeztében halált hoztak a figyelmetlenekre, legyenek azok kicsik vagy hatalmasak. Ebben a k?nyvben végigmegyünk kül?nb?z? f?ldt?rténeti korokon, mik?zben megtudjuk, hogy ezek a csapdák hogyan keletkeztek, hogyan m?k?dtek, és a bennük elpusztultak maradványaiból rekonstruáljuk a rég elfeledett él?lényeket.
My Weirder-est School #4: Miss Blake Is a Flake!
My Weirder-est School #4: Miss Blake Is a Flake!
Gutman, Dan
With more than 23 million books sold, the My Weird School series really gets kids reading!In this fourth book in the My Weirder-est School series, A.J. and his friends learn how to survive in the wilderness.At-ten-tion! The Beaver Scouts are looking for new recruits. And A.J. and his friends are the first to sign up. They can’t wait to build campfires and earn cool badges.But scout leader Miss Blake would rather prepare them for falling boulders and surprise bear attacks. When they go on an overnight camping trip, will they be prepared for a real emergency?Perfect for reluctant readers and all kids hungry for funny school stories, Dan Gutman’s hugely popular My Weird School chapter book series has something for everyone. Don’t miss the hilarious adventures of A.J. and the gang!
Metafizica bicicli?tilor
Metafizica bicicli?tilor
Ciprian Vălcan, Dana Percec
Volum nominalizat la sec?iunea ?Critic?. Istorie ?i Teorie Literar?“ – Premiile ?Observator cultural“, edi?ia a VI-a, 2012 Lucrarea de fa?? pleac? de la ideea c?, odat? cu sf?r?itul anilor ‘60/?nceputul anilor ‘70, se configureaz?, ?n context rom?nesc, o mi?care poetic? cu caracter experimentalist, care se ?ndep?rteaz? de paradigmele modernismului, urm?nd modelul avangardelor interbelice. Principiul fundamental al unei asemenea poezii trebuie c?utat ?n pragmatica ?tiin?ei contemporane, c?ci ea presupune elaborarea unor ?axiomatici“ (concretizate ?n abord?ri teoretice, programe ?i manifeste artistice), urmat? apoi de investigarea, printr-o mi?care de extensie, a limitelor, de c?utarea obstinat? a noului, care se raporteaz? la propria sa ?axiomatic?“ ?n calitate de diferen??, de ?paralogie“, extinz?ndu-i limitele, dar ?i problematiz?nd-o, printr-un demers care e constructiv ?i deconstructiv totodat?, contestatar ?i autocontestatar ?n acela?i timp.
Grant, Michael
"美国畅销科幻系列小说《Gone/消逝》后一本《Hero》出版,简单的形容这个故事就是《蝇王》式的架构和斯蒂芬?金式的恐怖,斯蒂芬?金也评价说“我很喜欢这个系列”。 故事讲述忽然有一天,所有的大人都消失了,世界上只剩下了青少年。社会停摆,熟悉的生活全部消失,孩子们面临着饥饿,死亡的威胁。在这个新世界中,有正在变异的可怕动物,潜伏在黑暗中准备肆虐的瘟疫,以及变化莫测的人心,恶霸恃强凌弱,强者弱肉强食,除非做出改变,否则无法存活。 《Hero》是从第7本《Monster》开始的三部曲的结尾,同时也是整个系列的收官。新人类被外星陨石中携带的病毒感染,并变异出了超能力,而孩子们也发现,在于邪恶势力作斗争的过程中,他们常常处于道德的灰色地带,要想拯救他人,就必须做出艰难的决定。而到底什么才能称作“英雄”?美国图书馆协会评价子系列《Monster》——增加了更多动作场面和复杂的人物性格,是一部令人回味无穷、情节错综复杂的姐妹系列。" The mind-blowing conclusion to the Monster trilogy and the final installment in the Gone series from science fiction and fantasy master Michael Grant is perfect for superhero and Stephen King fans alike.After the fall of Perdido Beach dome, a new set of humans developed mutant powers from the rock infected with alien virus. They are the Rockborn Gang: Dekka, Shade, Cruz, Malik, Armo, and Francis. With their superpowers, they have defended the earth from other rockborn who used their powers for evil, like Dillon Poe.When another rock carrying the virus strikes New York, a new foe, Bob Markovic, rises with a horrifying and nearly unstoppable ability. Markovic’s unending ambition and lack of a moral compass made him unbearable before the virus. And that was before he was a swarm of plague-ridden insects, with the power and means to take over the city—and maybe the world.As the Rockborn Gang try to defeat their latest villain, they will find themselves on morally gray grounds and have to make tough decisions if they want to save the world.In this pulse-pounding finale to the saga more than ten years in the making, Michael Grant delivers an unforgettable conclusion while asking: What does it take to be a hero?Praise for Monster:“Ratchets up the gore and action, and features a diverse cast of characters. An evocative, intricately plotted companion series.” –ALA BooklistRead the entire series:GoneHungerLiesPlague Fear LightMonster Villain Hero
Cei ?apte nebuni
Cei ?apte nebuni
Arlt Roberto
Robinson Crusoe, set ashore on an island after a terrible storm at sea, is forced to make do with only a knife, some tobacco, and a pipe. He learns how to build a canoe, make bread, and endure endless solitude. That is, until, twenty-four years later, when he confronts another human being.
Holland, Sara
"纽约时报畅销奇幻小说《Everless》续集。《纽约时报》畅销书作者斯蒂芬妮?加伯评价《Everless》:“萨拉 ? 霍兰德是个讲故事的能手。 《Everless》赋予了‘时间不多’这个短语新的可怕意义。” 在 Sempera 王国,时间就是货币——从血液中萃取,与铁结合在一起,消耗之后可以延长寿命。 富有的贵族如格林家族,便对穷人课以重税,使自己的寿命延长了几个世纪。 十年前,女主人公朱尔斯和父亲是格林家富丽堂皇的庄园 Everless 的佣人,一场事故迫使他们在深夜逃离。 但朱尔斯发现自己的父亲寿命所剩不多,她不得不回到Everless庄园与主人做交易,以换回父亲的生命。但是回到 Everless 所带来的危险和诱惑超出了朱尔斯的想象。很快,她陷入了一场场阴谋之中,她的心也在两个人之间撕裂。这也使她下决心改变自己的命运,以及时间本身。 续集《Evermore》中,朱尔斯从小就听说过关于邪恶炼金术师和善良女巫的古老传说,而她就是那个炼金术师,她的朋友兼宿敌卡洛则是女巫。两人在过去有着几世的命运纠葛,而现在她要拼凑自己的过去来拯救现在。 The New York Times bestselling series!Jules Ember confronts the girl who is both her oldest friend and greatest enemy in the highly anticipated sequel to Everless, praised by New York Times bestelling author Stephanie Garber as “an intoxicating blend of blood, secrets, and haunting mythology.” Jules Ember was raised hearing legends of the ancient magic of the wicked Alchemist and the good Sorceress. But she has just learned the truth: She is the Alchemist, and Caro—a woman who single-handedly murdered the Queen and Jules’s first love, Roan, in cold blood—is the Sorceress.The whole kingdom believes that Jules is responsible for the murders, and a hefty bounty has been placed on her head. And Caro is intent on destroying Jules, who stole her heart twelve lifetimes ago. Now Jules must piece together the stories of her past lives to save the person who has captured her heart in this one.Perfect for fans of Victoria Aveyard, Kiera Cass, and Kendare Blake, Evermore is the high-stakes, star-crossed follow up to the New York Times bestselling Everless that fans have been waiting for.
McGinnis, Mindy
An Amazon Best Book of the Month! A captivating and powerful exploration of the opioid crisis—the deadliest drug epidemic in American history—through the eyes of a college-bound softball star. Edgar Award-winning author Mindy McGinnis delivers a visceral and necessary novel about addiction, family, friendship, and hope. When a car crash sidelines Mickey just before softball season, she has to find a way to hold on to her spot as the catcher for a team expected to make a historic tournament run. Behind the plate is the only place she’s ever felt comfortable, and the painkillers she’s been prescribed can help her get there.The pills do more than take away pain; they make her feel good. With a new circle of friends—fellow injured athletes, others with just time to kill—Mickey finds peaceful acceptance, and people with whom words come easily, even if it is just the pills loosening her tongue.But as the pressure to be Mickey Catalan heightens, her need increases, and it becomes less about pain and more about want, something that could send her spiraling out of control.
Crown of Oblivion
Crown of Oblivion
Eshbaugh, Julie
In this mesmerizing YA fantasy mash-up of The Road meets The Amazing Race, one girl chooses to risk her life in a cutthroat competition in order to win her freedom.     In Lanoria, Outsiders, who don’t have magic, are inferior to Enchanteds, who do. That’s just a fact for Astrid, an Outsider who is indentured to pay off her family’s debts. She serves as the surrogate for the princess—if Renya steps out of line, Astrid is the one who bears the punishment for it. But there is a way out: the life-or-death Race of Oblivion. First, racers are dosed with the drug Oblivion, which wipes their memories. Then, when they awake in the middle of nowhere, only cryptic clues—and a sheer will to live—will lead them through treacherous terrain full of opponents who wouldn’t think twice about killing each other to get ahead.But what throws Astrid the most is what she never expected to encounter in this race. A familiar face she can’t place. Secret powers she shouldn’t have. And a confusing memory of the past that, if real, could mean the undoing of the entire social structure that has kept her a slave her entire life. Competing could mean death…but it could also mean freedom.
TBH #3: TBH, Too Much Drama
TBH #3: TBH, Too Much Drama
Greenwald, Lisa
这是一部完全用短信、颜文字、表情符、笔记、邮件写出的小说,幽默易读,走进真实的美国中学生活。 Told entirely in text messages, the third book in this addictive series from the acclaimed author of?11 Before 12?is perfect for fans of Lauren Myracle and Rachel Renee Russell.Cece, Gabby, and Prianka can’t wait for Spirit Week, aka the last week of school before summer break! And they’re already making plans for the best summer ever—including a friends-only camping trip, plenty of pool time, and a top-secret shared notebook.But between Pajama Day and pizza parties, Gabby accidentally leaks Cece’s most embarrassing secret to the whole school in a meme that goes viral. Half the squad thinks it’s no big deal, but Cece needs a time-out from all the drama—even if that means taking a break from her best friends.
The Terrifying True Story of the Champawat Tiger, the Deadliest Man-Eater in His
The Terrifying True Story of the Champawat Tiger, the Deadliest Man-Eater in His
Huckelbridge, Dane
The astonishing true story of the tiger that claimed a record 437 human lives“Gripping.” —Nature • “Thrilling. Fascinating. Exciting.” —Wall Street Journal • "Riveting. Haunting.” —Scientific AmericanNepal, c. 1900: A lone tigress began stalking humans, moving like a phantom through the lush foothills of the Himalayas. As the death toll reached an astonishing 436 lives, a young local hunter was dispatched to stop the man-eater before it struck again. This is the extraordinary true story of the "Champawat Man-Eater," the deadliest animal in recorded history.One part pulse-pounding thriller, one part soulful natural history of the endangered Royal Bengal tiger, No Beast So Fierce is Dane Huckelbridge’s gripping nonfiction account of the Champawat tiger, which terrified northern India and Nepal from 1900 to 1907, and Jim Corbett, the legendary hunter who pursued it. Huckelbridge’s masterful telling also reveals that the tiger, Corbett, and the forces that brought them together are far more complex and fascinating than a simple man-versus-beast tale. At the turn of the twentieth century as British rule of India tightened and bounties were placed on tiger’s heads, a tigress was shot in the mouth by a poacher. Injured but alive, it turned from its usual hunting habits to easier prey—humans. For the next seven years, this man-made killer terrified locals, growing bolder with every kill. Colonial authorities, desperate for help, finally called upon Jim Corbett, a then-unknown railroad employee of humble origins who had grown up hunting game through the hills of Kumaon. Like a detective on the trail of a serial killer, Corbett tracked the tiger’s movements in the dense, hilly woodlands—meanwhile the animal shadowed Corbett in return. Then, after a heartbreaking new kill of a young woman whom he was unable to protect, Corbett followed the gruesome blood trail deep into the forest where hunter and tiger would meet at last.Drawing upon on-the-ground research in the Indian Himalayan region where he retraced Corbett’s footsteps, Huckelbridge brings to life one of the great adventure stories of the twentieth century. And yet Huckelbridge brings a deeper, more complex story into focus, placing the episode into its full context for the first time: that of colonialism’s disturbing impact on the ancient balance between man and tiger; and that of Corbett’s own evolution from a celebrated hunter to a  principled conservationist who in time would earn fame for his devotion to saving the Bengal tiger and its habitat. Today the Corbett Tiger Reserve preserves 1,200 km of wilderness; within its borders is Jim Corbett National Park, India’s oldest and most prestigious national park and a vital haven for the very animals Corbett once hunted.An unforgettable tale, magnificently told, No Beast So Fierce is an epic of beauty, terror, survival, and redemption for the ages.
Darwin Devolves:The New Science About DNA That Challenges Evolution
Darwin Devolves:The New Science About DNA That Challenges Evolution
Behe, Michael J.
The scientist who has been dubbed the “Father of Intelligent Design” and author of the groundbreaking book Darwin’s Black Box contends that recent scientific discoveries further disprove Darwinism and strengthen the case for an intelligent creator. In his controversial bestseller Darwin’s Black Box, biochemist Michael Behe challenged Darwin’s theory of evolution, arguing that science itself has proven that intelligent design is a better explanation for the origin of life. In Darwin Devolves, Behe advances his argument, presenting new research that offers a startling reconsideration of how Darwin’s mechanism works, weakening the theory’s validity even more. A system of natural selection acting on random mutation, evolution can help make something look and act differently. But evolution never creates something organically. Behe contends that Darwinism actually works by a process of devolution—damaging cells in DNA in order to create something new at the lowest biological levels. This is important, he makes clear, because it shows the Darwinian process cannot explain the creation of life itself. “A process that so easily tears down sophisticated machinery is not one which will build complex, functional systems,” he writes.In addition to disputing the methodology of Darwinism and how it conflicts with the concept of creation, Behe reveals that what makes Intelligent Design unique—and right—is that it acknowledges causation. Evolution proposes that organisms living today are descended with modification from organisms that lived in the distant past. But Intelligent Design goes a step further asking, what caused such astounding changes to take place? What is the reason or mechanism for evolution? For Behe, this is what makes Intelligent Design so important.
The Vanishing Stair
The Vanishing Stair
Johnson, Maureen
New York Times and Publishers Weekly bestseller!In New York Times bestselling author Maureen Johnson’s second novel in the Truly Devious series, there are more twists and turns than Stevie Bell can imagine. No answer is given freely, and someone will pay for the truth with their life. The Truly Devious case—an unsolved kidnapping and triple murder that rocked Ellingham Academy in 1936—has consumed Stevie for years. It’s the very reason she came to the academy. But then her classmate was murdered, and her parents quickly pull her out of school. For her safety, they say. She must move past this obsession with crime.Stevie’s willing to do anything to get back to Ellingham, be back with her friends, and solve the Truly Devious case. Even if it means making a deal with the despicable Senator Edward King. And when Stevie finally returns, she also returns to David: the guy she kissed, and the guy who lied about his identity—Edward King’s son.But larger issues are at play. Where did the murderer hide? What’s the meaning of the riddle Albert Ellingham left behind? And what, exactly, is at stake in the Truly Devious affair? The Ellingham case isn’t just a piece of history—it’s a live wire into the present. * Junior Library Guild Selection * Chicago Public Library's Best of the Best Books of 2019 * Hypable's Best Books of 2019 *Praise for Book One: “The Agatha Christie-like ecosystem pairs with lacerating contemporary wit, and alternating past and present scenes makes for a multilayered, modern detective story.” —New York Times Book Review“Remember the first time reading Harry Potter and knowing it was special? There’s that same sense of magic in the introduction of teen Sherlock-in-training Stevie Bell.” —USA Today (four stars)“Be still, my Agatha-Christie-loving beating heart.” —Bustle
Cotugno, Katie
这是一个关于梦想、友谊和初恋的故事:奥利维亚光芒四射、充满天赋,而她的好友达娜则头脑聪明冷静,两人一直是好搭档。她们在奥兰多度假时被制作人看中组建合唱团,奥利维亚和达娜都参与进成为大明星的训练中,但领唱只有一个人,随着竞争的激烈,她们的关系也发生着改变... From the New York Times bestselling author of 99 Days and How to Love comes a stunning new contemporary novel—all about boy bands, girl bands, best friends, and first love—perfect for fans of Sarah Dessen and Morgan Matson. It was always meant to be Olivia. She’s the talented one, the one who’s been training to be a star her whole life. Her best friend, Dana, is the levelheaded one, always on the sidelines, cheering Olivia on.But everything changes when Dana tags along with Olivia to Orlando for the weekend, where superproducer Guy Monroe is holding auditions for a new singing group, and Dana is discovered too. Dana, who’s never sung more than Olivia’s backup. Dana, who wasn’t even looking for fame. Next thing she knows, she and Olivia are training to be pop stars, and Dana is falling for Alex, the earnest, endlessly talented boy who’s destined to be the next big thing.It should be a dream come true, but as the days of grueling practice and constant competition take their toll, things between Olivia and Dana start to shift . . . and there’s only room at the top for one girl. For Olivia, it’s her chance at her dream. For Dana, it’s a chance to escape a future that seems to be closing in on her. And for these lifelong best friends, it’s the adventure of a lifetime—if they can make it through. Set in evocative 1990s Orlando, Fireworks brings to life the complexity of friendship, the excitement of first love, and the feeling of being on the verge of greatness.
The Cerulean
The Cerulean
Ewing, Amy
From New York Times bestselling author Amy Ewing (The Jewel) comes the exciting first book in a new fantasy duology. Rich, vivid world-building and ethereal magic combine in an epic tale that’s perfect for fans of Snow Like Ashes, These Broken Stars, or Magonia.Sera Lighthaven has always felt as if she didn’t quite belong among her people, the Cerulean, who live in the City Above the Sky. She is curious about everything—especially the planet that her City is magically tethered to—and can’t stop questioning things. Sera has always longed for the day when the tether will finally break and the Cerulean can move to a new planet.But when Sera is chosen as the sacrifice to break the tether, she feels betrayed by everything in which she’d been taught to trust. In order to save her City, Sera must end her own life.But something goes wrong, and Sera survives, ending up on the planet below in a country called Kaolin. Sera has heard tales about the dangerous humans who live here, and she quickly learns that these dangers were not just stories.Meanwhile, back in the City, all is not what it seems, and the life of every Cerulean may be in danger if Sera is not able to find a way home.