

Where the Watermelons Grow
Where the Watermelons Grow
Baldwin, Cindy
Fans of The Thing About Jellyfish and A Snicker of Magic will be swept away by Cindy Baldwin’s debut middle grade about a girl coming to terms with her mother’s mental illness. An Oregon Spirit Award Honor book.When twelve-year-old Della Kelly finds her mother furiously digging black seeds from a watermelon in the middle of the night and talking to people who aren't there, Della worries that it’s happening again—that the sickness that put her mama in the hospital four years ago is back. That her mama is going to be hospitalized for months like she was last time.With her daddy struggling to save the farm and her mama in denial about what’s happening, it’s up to Della to heal her mama for good. And she knows just how she’ll do it: with a jar of the Bee Lady’s magic honey, which has mended the wounds and woes of Maryville, North Carolina, for generations.But when the Bee Lady says that the solution might have less to do with fixing Mama’s brain and more to do with healing her own heart, Della must learn that love means accepting her mama just as she is.
The Upside of Falling
The Upside of Falling
Light, Alex
轻松爱情故事:女主人公贝卡因为被朋友嘲笑单身,假装自己在偷偷约会;而男主人公布雷特也常被问起感情问题,为了解决这个麻烦,他扮演起贝卡的神秘约会对象,避免别人继续刺探。而在这段虚假的感情里,他们发现了更多的共同点... A fun, flirty teen debut from Wattpad phenom Alex Light about a fake relationship and real love.It’s been years since seventeen-year-old Becca Hart believed in true love. But when her former best friend teases her for not having had a boyfriend, Becca impulsively pretends she’s been secretly seeing someone. Brett Wells has it all. As captain of the football team and one of the most popular guys in his school, he should have no problem finding someone to date, but he’s always been more focused on his future than who to bring to prom.When he overhears Becca’s lie, Brett decides to step in and be the mystery guy. It’s the perfect solution: he gets people off his back for not having a meaningful relationship and she can keep up the ruse that she’s got a boyfriend. Acting like the perfect couple isn’t easy, though, especially when you barely know the other person. But with Becca still picking up the pieces from when her world was blown apart years ago and Brett just barely holding his together now, they begin to realize they have more in common than they ever could have imagined.When the line between what is pretend and what is real begins to blur, they're forced to answer the question: Is this fake romance the realest thing in either of their lives?
The Gentleman's Guide to Getting Lucky
The Gentleman's Guide to Getting Lucky
Lee, Mackenzi
“The queer teen historical you didn’t know was missing from your life.” — Teen Vogue, on The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and VirtueIn this funny and frothy novella that picks up where the New York Times bestselling The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue leaves off, freshly minted couple Monty and Percy fumble through their first time together.Monty’s epic grand tour may be over, but now that he and Percy are finally a couple, he realizes there is something more nerve-wracking than being chased across Europe: getting together with the person you love.Will the romantic allure of Santorini make his first time with Percy magical, or will all the anticipation and build-up completely spoil the mood?
Harvest the Vote:How Democrats Can Win Again in Rural America
Harvest the Vote:How Democrats Can Win Again in Rural America
Kleeb, Jane
From Democratic Party rising star Jane Kleeb, an urgent and stirring road map showing how the Democratic Party can, and should, engage rural AmericaThe Democratic Party has lost an entire generation of rural voters. By focusing the majority of their message and resources on urban and coastal voters, Democrats have sacrificed entire regions of the country where there is more common ground and shared values than what appears on the surface.In Harvest the Vote, Jane Kleeb, chair of Nebraska’s Democratic Party and founder of Bold Nebraska, brings us a lively and sweeping argument for why the Democrats shouldn’t turn away from rural America. As a party leader and longtime activist, Kleeb speaks from experience. She’s been fighting the national party for more resources and building a grassroots movement to flex the power of a voting bloc that has long been ignored and forgotten.Kleeb persuasively argues that the hottest issues of the day can be solved hand in hand with rural people. On climate change, Kleeb shows that the vast spaces of rural America can be used to enact clean energy innovations. And issues of eminent domain and corporate overreach will galvanize unlikely alliances of family farmers, ranchers, small business owners, progressives, and tribal leaders, much as they did when she helped fight the Keystone XL pipeline. The hot-button issues of guns and abortion that the Republican Party uses to wedge voters against one another can be bridged by putting a megaphone next to issues critical to rural communities.Written with a fiery voice and commonsense solutions, Harvest the Vote is both a call to action and a much-needed balm for a highly divided nation.
Instant National Bestseller! Wall Street Journal bestseller; USA Today bestseller; Publishers Weekly bestseller; international bestseller.An inspirational book by self-made musical superstar, Russ, reminding you that it starts with YOU, to believe in yourself, and to get out of your own way.  Twenty-seven-year-old rapper, songwriter, and producer Russ walks his own path, at his own pace. By doing so, he proved that he didn’t need a major label to surpass over a billion streams on Spotify/Apple Music, get on Forbes’ 2019 “30 Under 30,” make the Forbes‘ “30 Under 30 Cash Kings” at number 20 for most earned, sell out arenas across the U.S. and around the globe, and become one of the most popular and engaged rappers right now. His method was simple: love and believe in yourself absolutely and work hard no matter what. In this memoir, Russ inspires readers to walk to their individual rhythms and beat their biggest obstacles: themselves. With chapters named after his most powerful and popular songs, IT'S ALL IN YOUR HEAD will reflect on the lessons he’s learned from his career, family, and relationships. He’ll push readers to bet on themselves, take those leaps of faith, and recognize struggles as opportunities. With illustrations throughout consistent with the brand Russ has built and his fan base loves, IT'S ALL IN YOUR HEAD will give readers an inside-look at the man and the motivation behind the music. A lover of books like The Alchemist and The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, Russ delivers a short, potent, inspirational, raw, and honest book that gives readers a way to find self-belief and unlock their potential. Fans already rely on Russ as an inspiration of confidence; now, he is taking it to the next level with this book, which will contain lyrics from his music and visuals that reflect his inimitable style.
The Sign of the Four: Sherlock Holmes #2
The Sign of the Four: Sherlock Holmes #2
Arthur Conan Doyle
Eliberat de convingerea c? obiectele din realitatea aparent? sunt reale, m? simt mereu complet, v?z?nd lumea ca pe un vis frumos ap?rut ?n lumina minunat? a con?tiin?ei, adic? a mea. Pentru mine dorin?ele nu mai provoac? teama c? nu voi ob?ine ceea ce doresc. Eu am ?ntotdeauna totul, pentru c? plenitudinea este chiar natura mea. Fiind permanent identificat cu con?tiin?a, asum?ndu-mi identitatea real?, nu mai ac?ionez av?nd sentimentul c? sunt un f?ptuitor. Accept orice rezultat ar ap?rea ?n urma aparentei ac?iuni, pentru c? ?tiu c? nu am nimic de c??tigat sau de pierdut. Cartea Copilul m?rii este o autobiografie fic?ionalizat? a autorului, o poveste de via??, care ca orice alt? poveste, merit? povestit?. Lectura ne poart? prin drama p?r?sirii locului copil?riei ?i la g?sirea ulterioar? a unei noi perspective asupra vie?ii. Ajungem la adolescen?? ?i implicit la prima iubire ?i trecem prin transform?ri majore odat? cu fiecare con?tientizare a personajului principal. Aventura descoperirii de sine ne cuprinde ?i pe noi ?i ne ?mbog??im l?untric cu fiecare metod? practic? descris? ?n carte, iar ?n final, perspectiva noastr? se transform? radical prin prisma tuturor acestor ?nv???turi specifice sistemului non-dualist advaita vedanta.
Diabetul f?r? medicamente
Diabetul f?r? medicamente
Suzy Cohen
volumul al III-lea dintr-un interviu de un cristian Trilogia lui Ion Cucu este, deopotriv?, o construc?ie editorial? ?i o demonstra?ie personal?. Ion Cucu nu e, cum s-a crezut, doar un fotograf, iar opera lui cap?t? o cu totul alt? dimensiune dac? iese din tiparul unui album oarecare sau al unei expozi?ii, fie ea ?i permanent?. Interviul ?i portretele spun mai mult dec?t povestea unor fotografii – ?mpreun?, acestea dezv?luie talentul, for?a, patimile ?i d?ruirea fotografului celor zece pre?edin?i. Ai Uniunii Scriitorilor. Pentru c? prin aceast? institu?ie s-a legitimat ?i se reg?se?te, ca artist fotograf, scriitorul Ion Cucu. Trilogia s-a sf?r?it, de-acum urmeaz? Istoria. (un cristian)
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
Lyman Frank Baum
De milenii, Veghetorii ii apara pe oameni de strigoi si de creaturile lumii de dincolo. Ana ignora regulile ce le obliga pe Veghetoare sa-si aleaga tineri la fel ca ele si intra intr-o relatie cu un barbat fermecator, dar cu un trecut intunecat. Iubitul ei ascunde insa un secret care o va pune fata in fata cu cele mai negre cosmaruri ale ei. Acesta este in realitate fiul conducatorului, un Veghetor care a fost izgonit din familie dupa ce s-a aflat ca s-a dedat unor practici interzise. Dar asta nu e cea mai mare problema a Anei...
Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
William Shakespeare
Ana Simion este fiica unor imigran?i romani pe taramul tuturor posibilita?ilor. In urma unei intalniri pe nevazute, aranjata de o prietena, cunoaste un barbat pe care il antipatizeaza, fara drept de apel, inca din primele minute. Dorind sa puna capat serii dezastruoase, il refuza categoric. Insa individul face parte din tagma celor ce nu accepta un NU din partea sexului slab. Ranit in orgoliu, isi iese din fire, si o ataca pe Ana in toaleta localului. ?ipetele ei atrag aten?ia unui necunoscut care o salveaza in ultimul moment.Mason Hart face parte dintr-o familie buna, insa pu?in cam ciudata. Atrasa in mijlocul acestui grup pestri? de sentimentele pe care incepe sa le aiba fa?a de Mason, via?a banala a Anei este data peste cap..
The Little Lame Prince
The Little Lame Prince
Miss Mulock
One of the true classics of literature, Pinocchio - The Story of a Puppet has stirred the imagination of young and old alike for over four generations.?This is a multi touch version, specially designed for the iPad, a unique experience and probably the most beautiful digital version ever made of this story. It contains gorgeous illustrations.?The book is enhanced with audio for all chapters, read by Phil Chenever.This is the wonderful story of Pinocchio, the puppet who must learn many lessons before he can become a real boy. Carved by a woodcarver named Geppetto in a small Italian village, he dreamed of becoming a real boy but strays from the path of goodness many times and is very willing to listen to temptation. He has also been used as a character who is prone to telling lies and fabricating stories for various reasons. The story has appeared in many adaptations in other mediums. Pinocchio has been called an icon of modern culture, and one of most reimagined characters in the pantheon of children's literature. Listen to his many adventures, scrapes, misdeeds and pranks followed by bouts of sincere repentance and remorse. But these last only until the next enticing adventure or misdeed presents itself. Of course he does finally learn his lesson and does become a real boy when finally understanding that love and duty come first before pleasure and play.
Singurul lucru care conteaz?
Singurul lucru care conteaz?
Neale Donald Walsch
Volum nominalizat la sec?iunea ?Critic?. Istorie ?i Teorie Literar?“ – Premiile ?Observator cultural“, edi?ia a VI-a, 2012 Acest al doilea volum abordeaz?, tot din perspectiva experimentalismului, care sufer? ?n contextul postdecembrist anumite ?radicaliz?ri“, poezia autorilor intra?i ?n literatur? dup? 1990. Asemenea ?radicaliz?ri“ (care pot fi subordonate unei ideologii/retorici a excesului) sunt privite din perspectiva conceptului de ?hiper?modernitate“ teoretizat de Gilles Lipovetsky, pe care autorul ?l propune ?n locul celui (consacrat) de postmodernism. Plec?nd de aici, sunt luate ?n discu?ie abord?rile teoretice ale ultimelor dou? promo?ii poetice, ca ?i ?manifestele literare“ (fracturist, utilitarist etc.) ale acestora ?i sunt analizate c?teva direc?ii poetice, situate ?n continuitatea experien?elor experimentaliste discutate ?n volumul anterior.
Daniel ?i Dracula
Daniel ?i Dracula
Stelian Țurlea
The Man in the Iron Mask tells a story based on historic facts. In 1661, King Louis XIV of France had his minister of finances - Nicolas Fouquet - arrested for embezzlement. Also in that year, Louis successfully wooed a young handmaiden named Louise, which caused some stir. In this novel, Dumas gives us the secret history behind these facts, and it is no surprise that the story involves his famous Four Musketeers.More specifically, Aramis becomes privy to the fact that Louis has a twin brother languishing in the Bastille, and he attempts to switch the two. The novel details his fascinating and rather intricate plot to pull this off, as well as how the other Musketeers fit into the plan.The first couple of pages concern mainly the aforementioned historic events, and its a bit of reading before you get to the meat of the action.This book is highly recommended - it will become part of your life, the way some good books can.If you love literature, if you love stories of complex intrigue, and especially if you love the Four Musketeers, you HAVE to read this book at least once in your life!
Elita gora od rulje
Elita gora od rulje
Mirko Kovač
Spune nu agresiunii ?i h?r?uirii, fii un bun prieten! Ghidul de supravie?uire pentru adolescen?i acoper? toate problemele legate de h?r?uire: de la h?r?uirea cibernetic? la cea din ?coal?, de acas?, din grupul de prieteni ?i multe altele. Parcurg?nd acest ghid, vei ?nv??a cum po?i s?-?i ?nvingi frica ?i s?-?i construie?ti via?a pe care ai visat-o. Cartea Aijei Mayrock ??i pune la dispozi?ie ?roeme“ (poezii rap) inspirate, ponturi de supravie?uire, pove?ti personale ?i chestionare rapide, un capitol despre cum s? le dezv?lui p?rin?ilor problema ta ?i un interviu ?n exclusivitate cu autoarea. Ghidul de supravie?uire pentru adolescen?i a fost supervizat de dr. Deborah Temkin, specialist? ?n fenomenul de h?r?uire ?n ?coal?, ?i de dr. Myrna Fleishman, psiholog. Pentru fete ?i b?ie?i de 11–16 ani.
Mo?tenirea familiei Kurt
Mo?tenirea familiei Kurt
Bjørnson Bjørnstjerne
Gigi Anghelescu are 39 de ani, patru luni, o s?pt?m?n?, trei zile, ?ase ore, patru minute, c?teva secunde ?i ?ntr-o diminea?? ia hot?r?rea cea mare: s? devin? scriitor de succes. Pentru a porni ?n urm?rirea visului s?u, ??i d? demisia de la banca unde lucreaz?. Vegheat ?i consiliat ?i ?n cele mai mici detalii de c?tre cei doi prieteni apropia?i, Georgescu ?i Mateescu, deja scriitori, Anghelescu face primii pa?i pe aventurosul drum al cuceririi lumii literare, despre care la ?nceput nu ?tie nimic. Urm?rit de amintirea nefericitei iubiri din adolescen??, pentru preafrumoasa Adina, dar ?i chinuit de dorin?a de a salva literatura de ?impostori“ – dintre care se distinge pregnant figura lui Cern?tescu –, Anghelescu ?nt?lne?te cele mai ?ocante ?i mai colorate personaje, pe un drum unde, la final, ?l va a?tepta o surpriz? de propor?ii uria?e. Cum a ars-o Anghelescu o lun? ca scriitor de succes te face s? prive?ti mai atent lucrurile din jur. ?i s? nu ??i mai po?i controla hohotele de r?s. Prolog. Cele trei reguli de aur ale unui scriitor de succes: 1. Nu ?ncerca s? fii original. Nu e bine. Po?i s? te ?ncurci ?n i?e ?i s? pierzi de tot mesajul pe parcurs. Cele mai bune c?r?i ies atunci c?nd amesteci tot ce ai citit vreodat? la al?ii. ?n plus, g?nde?te-te ?i tu: dac? a spus altcineva un lucru ?naintea ta, sunt mai mari ?anse ca lucrul acela s? fie bun ?i adev?rat. 2. Ai grij? s? nu fii sincer de tot atunci c?nd scrii. Poate ?ti?i ?i voi, scrisul e o capcan?. Prin el, chiar ?i cel mai curat suflet poate fi deconspirat, pervertit ?i mutilat – tu scrii, naiv, g?ndindu-te c? vei ajunge la inima cititorului, ?i a?a sf?r?e?ti prin a fi r?pit de Securitate, Interpol, noul KGB, Asocia?ia Pro-B?sescu, Salva?i femeile abuzate!, CIA, Vier Pfoten sau extratere?tri. 3. Nu renun?a NICIODAT? la rim?, fie c? scrii poezie, fie c? scrii proz?.
5000 ?.Hr. ?i alte fantezii filosofice. Probleme, paradoxuri, ghicitori ?i ra?io
5000 ?.Hr. ?i alte fantezii filosofice. Probleme, paradoxuri, ghicitori ?i ra?io
Smullyan Raymond
Ac?iunea romanului Un american la Chi?in?u are loc la sf?r?itul anilor ‘90 ?n Craiova, Bra?ov, Bran, Pite?ti, C?mpulung, Ia?i, Vaslui, Todire?ti, Ungeni, Flutura, Chi?in?u. Personajele principale ale c?r?ii sunt un t?n?r gazetar de la un cotidian din Bra?ov, basarabean de origine, Anton ?leahti?chi, ?i un american din Chicago, care ?ine neap?rat s? ajung? la Chi?in?u. Cel care-l conduce, Anton ?leahti?chi, nu o rupe deloc ?n englez?, iar americanul, ?n rom?n?. Un american la Chi?in?u mai e ?i un roman plin cu securi?ti, kaghebi?ti, mafio?i, poe?i rata?i ?i curve, ?n care se ciocnesc mentalit??ile ?i ?n care destinul zbuciumat al unor tineri e proiectat pe un fundal neorealist.
Simfonia fr?nei
Simfonia fr?nei
Marius Ștefan Aldea
Volum coordonat de R?zvan Supuran Antologia de fa?? reune?te texte ap?rute ?n revista Me?eria?ii, publica?ie de circula?ie limitat?, fabricat? pe h?rtie me?te?ugit? ?i tip?rit? manual ?n cadrul Atelierului de Carte de la Muzeul ??ranului Rom?n.
Cercul de camfor
Cercul de camfor
Popa Valeriu Mircea
ficiune nseamn poate c.poate c o gaur de vierme este i existena uman.mcar pentru c omul o resimte ca parcurs, mai rapid dect ar fi de dorit, dintr-o zon necunoscut n alta la fel de necunoscut.poate c ntr-o gaur de vierme prezentul e singurul timp posibil.ce este prezentul fr contiin nimic.contiina o amprent de identificare pe care sinele o numete eu, iar ceilali el.criminalitii presar peste amprente un praf, o substan destinat scoaterii lor n relief. poezia lucreaz i ea cu asemenea prafuri, limbajul expresiv sau alte trucuri.trebuie s se poat i altfel.personajul volumului gaura de vierme transfer materialul livrat de contiin printr-un loc ngust, o fant. timpul prezent din gaura de vierme: oameni, lucruri i ntmplri la care, din motivele lui, eu nu a renunat, care sunt vii, active.trecerea prin fant presupune comprimare i tensiune i totui proba trecerii trebuie s fie firescul, normalitatea spunerii. exist un punct unde sunetul nu e alterat de efectele distanei n timp sau spaiu.ce spunem firesc poate fi important, poate interesa cel puin.“ – g.g.
Enzima miracol. Cum s? ajungi s?n?tos la 100 de ani
Enzima miracol. Cum s? ajungi s?n?tos la 100 de ani
Shinya Hiromi
Aleksandar Stoicovici mi se pare unul dintre cei mai interesani, vii, dinamici, vitali poei ai ultimului val. A risca s-l altur unei serii de poei ai graniei, de poei ai limitei, din care fac parte, lng Vasko Popa i Miodrag Pavlovici, excepionali autori bneni precum Duan Petrovici, Slavomir Gvozdenovici, Liubia Raichici. Poet al unui timp al literaturii, dar i al unui spaiu literar, Aleksandar Stoicovici definete cum puini o fac un Banat al scrisului tnr.“ (Cornel Ungureanu despre vineri)
Biblidioteca (istorie)
Biblidioteca (istorie)
Vakulovski Mihail
Timp de genera?ii ?ntregi, patru clanuri de pisici s?lbatice au convie?uit ?n p?dure dup? legile statornicite de c?tre str?mo?ii lor r?zboinici. Dar pisicile din Clanul Tunetului sunt ?n mare primejdie, iar sinistrul Clan al Umbrelor devine tot mai puternic pe zi ce trece. R?zboinici de seam? mor unul dup? altul, ?n moduri care de care mai misterioase. ?n tot acest haos apare Ro?covanul, un biet pisoi de cas?, care s-ar putea dovedi cel mai viteaz dintre to?i.?Dup? ce cite?ti Pisicile r?zboinice, nu mai ai ?ncredere nici m?car ?n Motanul ?nc?l?at.“ – Kirkus Reviews
Ro?u, ro?u, catifea. Povestiri cu ? din i
Ro?u, ro?u, catifea. Povestiri cu ? din i
Niculescu Veronica D.
Romanul C?l?torie spre punctul de plecare urm?re?te via?a ?i cariera lui Dan Negrea, cet??ean rom?n emigrat ?n Fran?a ?i apoi ?n Israel. Desf??urarea evenimentelor, aparent linear?, simpl?, culmineaz? cu o dram? existen?ial? profund?, pe care eroul o tr?ie?te din plin. ?n acel moment toate elementele se dau peste cap, intervine un haos de necuprins pe care numai ?n?elegerea prietenilor ?i "plasa de siguran??" a unei iubiri din tinere?e, a unei dragoste necondi?ionate, ?nzecite de o r?bdare supraomeneasc?, ?l domin?, preg?tind reintrarea ?n normal. Acest bildungsroman, de?i relativ scurt, are un impact puternic asupra cititorului, care ?l cite?te pe ner?suflate.
Nooteboom Cees
ntr-o cas de toleran mascat sub imaginea unei clinici medicale, are loc o crim. Secretarul preedintelui republicii, un obinuit al locului, este gsit mort. Fortunata, femeia care se ocupase de plcerile fine ale demnitarului chiar nainte ca acesta s moar, dispare, dar locul i este luat de fratele ei geamn, Aniceto. Ca i cum o crim ntr-un bordel nu ar fi fost suficient, tot aici au loc i numeroase ntlniri secrete, iar cel care l conduce este un om de tiin obsedat de fanteziile sexuale ale femeilor. Imediat ncepe o investigaie a crimei, dar lucrurile degenereaz; inspectorul delegat s se ocupe de caz este el nsui un apropiat al Casei Schimburilor i, dup ce ntlnete un posibil vinovat, ncepe o competiie n care nu descoperirea criminalului este centrul de interes, ci compararea puterii de seducie a fiecruia. Brbatul din stnga este o poveste care, n buna tradiie a lui Alberto Mussa, i poart cititorul prin numeroase labirinturi narative, lsnd pentru final plcerea revelaiei misterelor.