

A Tale of Three Lions
A Tale of Three Lions
Henry Rider Haggard
"...az els? magyar regény, amely g?rbe tük?rben, de megért? szeretettel mutatja be a mai társadalom társkeres? igyekezetét." (Tímár Péter, filmrendez?) "Nem érdemes letenni!" (Schell Judit, színészn?)Hogyan fogjunk pasit negyven f?l?tt? Ahogy ennek a k?nyvnek a f?szerepl?i, talán te is úgy próbálod megtalálni az igazit újra és újra. Eltér? jellemek, eltér? sorsok. Egyben azonban megegyeznek: mindannyian várják még a ?nagy szerelmet”, mik?zben megmosolyogtatóan csetlenek-botlanak a párkeresés labirintusában. Nem akarják elhinni, hogy a mesebeli királyfi nem létezik, ezért kicsit pironkodva bár, de fejest ugranak az internetes társkeresés mélyvizébe, és tucatnyi ?bénázást” k?vet?en rátalálnak a boldogságukra. Vagy mégsem? Netán azt is megbánják, hogy belekezdtek? Létezik-e boldog párkapcsolat, ha már elmúltál negyven? Békésy Erika nem próbál elmélyült társadalomrajzot adni, mégis felvillant helyzeteket a mai magyar valóságból. Szatirikus hangvétel, perg? ritmus, komikus helyzetek, groteszkbe hajló figurák, és humor, humor, humor. Ezek jellemzik a felh?tlen szórakozást nyújtó regényt.
Быстрое консервирование. Холодное и горячее.
Быстрое консервирование. Холодное и горячее.
Kuz'mina Ol'ga
Ця книга — про економ?ку як просту науку, яку здатен збагнути кожен. Автор — корейський економ?ст Ха-Юн Чан? — показу? нам ?закритий? св?т економ?ки, що прихову?ться в?д загалу за купою чисел, заплутаних формул та незрозум?лих терм?н?в. У книз? стверджу?ться: знатися на економ?ц? може ? повинен кожен.??Серед усього ?ншого автор розм?ркову? над причинами св?тово? кризи 2008 року, над тим, чи справд? люди б?дн?, бо л?нив?, а ус? багат? — працьовит?, а також чи може кра?на досягти економ?чних усп?х?в, перестрибнувши через етап ?ндустр?ал?зац??. ? все це — доступною, подекуди жарт?вливою, мовою.??
В?дьмак. Останн? бажання (V?d'mak. Ostann? bazhannja)
В?дьмак. Останн? бажання (V?d'mak. Ostann? bazhannja)
Andzhej Sapkovs'kij
Для усп?ху в сучасному св?т? треба не лише знати б?льше, працювати швидше, а й мислити ориг?нально. Бо вигра? той, хто першим знайде нетрив?альний розв’язок проблеми. Автори св?тового бестселера ?Фр?коном?ка? Ст?вен Лев?тт ? Ст?вен Дабнер пропонують читачам перелаштувати спос?б мислення ? застосовувати нестандартн? п?дходи до розв’язання р?зноман?тних ситуац?й. ??У книжц? з?брано малов?дом? факти з ?стор??, психолог??, економ?ки, а ?рон?чний стиль не дасть читачев? нудьгувати.
Син начальника сир?т (Sin nachal'nika sir?t)
Син начальника сир?т (Sin nachal'nika sir?t)
Dzhonson Aadm
Кому буде належати св?т наприк?нц? XXI стол?ття? Чи мав рац?ю Карл Маркс, об?цяючи неминучу загибель кап?тал?зму? Як сусп?льство ? держава повинн? реагувати на зростаючу пр?рву м?ж багатими ? б?дними???На ц? та ?нш? питання французький економ?ст Тома П?кетт? да? вичерпн? в?дпов?д? у ц?й книз?. Автор жодним чином не претенду? на беззаперечн?сть сво?х ?дей. На приклад? ?вропи ? США в?н розгляда? концепц?? розвитку кап?талу в?д ХV??? стол?ття й до сьогодн?, ус? сво? ?де? п?дкр?плю? ретельно розробленими таблицями, елементарними та ус?м зрозум?лими формулами, нав?ть прикладами з класичного та сучасного мистецтва.??Книга П?кетт? розширю? ? поглиблю? наш? знання про такий складний орган?зм, як кап?тал, що по-сво?му росте, розвива?ться, пережива? кризи та депрес??, в?дновлю?ться ? набува? нових форм.??
В?д нуля до одиниц?: Нотатки про стартапи
В?д нуля до одиниц?: Нотатки про стартапи
Peter Thiel
Desenvolvimento regional: um problema político vem a público em época oportuna, na medida em que contribui para a discuss?o da política econ?mica brasileira, notadamente a orientada para o desenvolvimento regional. Trata, pela primeira vez, em conjunto, dos dois mais importantes experimentos de desenvolvimento regional realizados no Ocidente: o da Cassa per il Mezzogiorno e o da SUDENE. Analisa-se aqui o processo de esvaziamento político e institucional a que foram submetidas a “Cassa” e a SUDENE, destacando-se suas causas e consequências para a economia dessas regi?es. Apresenta as perspectivas de renova??o da SUDENE, dependentes de decis?es eminentemente políticas, incluindo também o exame do atual Sistema Brasileiro de Planejamento.
Незвичайн? пригоди бурсак?в
Незвичайн? пригоди бурсак?в
Vitalii Tal
A obten??o de resultados consistentes,sustentáveis e legítimos do ponto de vista social tem sido preocupa??o crescente no ?mbito do debate sobre políticas públicas. A obra trata do processo de avalia??o de políticas urbanas, enfocando sua formula??o, formaliza??o e implementa??o, bem como as inst?ncias sociais e os instrumentos para acompanhamento e controle dos resultados.
A felejtés b?ne
A felejtés b?ne
Tarjányi Péter, Dosek Rita
When, in 1831, Alexis de Tocqueville came to study Democracy in America, the trial of nearly a half-century of the working of our system had been made, and it had been proved, by many crucial tests, to be a government of "liberty regulated by law," with such results in the development of strength, in population, wealth, and military and commercial power, as no age had ever witnessed. De Tocqueville had a special inquiry to prosecute, in his visit to America, in which his generous and faithful soul and the powers of his great intellect were engaged in the patriotic effort to secure to the people of France the blessings that Democracy in America had ordained and established throughout nearly the entire Western Hemisphere. He had read the story of the French Revolution, much of which had been recently written in the blood of men and women of great distinction who were his progenitors; and had witnessed the agitations and terrors of the Restoration and of the Second Republic, fruitful in crime and sacrifice, and barren of any good to mankind. He had just witnessed the spread of republican government through all the vast continental possessions of Spain in America, and the loss of her great colonies. He had seen that these revolutions were accomplished almost without the shedding of blood, and he was filled with anxiety to learn the causes that had placed republican government, in France, in such contrast with Democracy in America. De Tocqueville was scarcely thirty years old when he began his studies of Democracy in America. It was a bold effort for one who had no special training in government, or in the study of political economy, but he had the example of Lafayette in establishing the military foundation of these liberties, and of Washington, Jefferson, Madison, and Hamilton, all of whom were young men, in building upon the Independence of the United States that wisest and best plan of general government that was ever devised for a free people.
Викрадений. Катр?она
Викрадений. Катр?она
Robert Luis Stivenson
O livro analisa como o imigrante foi institucionalizado como amea?a existencial à Uni?o Europeia, sobretudo a partir dos anos 1990. Além de legisla??o e medidas securitárias, como controle de fronteiras e vistos, o livro se debru?a sobre discursos políticos que identificam a imigra??o como um problema de seguran?a, com campanhas de partidos extremistas e casos de racismos contra mul?umanos e indivíduos de origem romana na UE. Mostra como esse processo se vincula à resistência do Estado Na??o como lugar de identidade política e condi??o de cidadania.
Атлант розправив плеч?.
Атлант розправив плеч?.
Ayn Rand
Este livro resulta desse processo e conta com a participa??o de docentes e discentes que integram o Grupo de Estudos, Pesquisas e Assessoria em Políticas Sociais (GEAPS) e o Núcleo de Estudos, Pesquisas e Práticas Sociais (NUPEPS). Apresenta discuss?es de grande import?ncia para o Servi?o Social, na medida em que se prop?em refletir sobre Seguridade Social no Brasil, trazendo discuss?es mais amplas como: o financiamento e a mercantilizar?o das políticas sociais; a trajetória histórica do controle social, especialmente no ?mbito da saúde; e a gest?o do trabalho no Sistema ?nico de Saúde (SUS) no contexto da reestrutura??o produtiva.Encontramos também nesta colet?nea textos que apresentam resultados de investiga??o que tiveram por objetivo analisar de forma mais específica a realidade do município de Campina Grande (PB), no que se refere à implanta??o da Estratégia Saúde da Família, a partir da avalia??o de profissionais da área; às concep??es de aconselhamento de DST/Aids a gestantes por parte dos profissionais das Unidades Básicas de Saúde da Família; e às Organiza??es da Sociedade Civil de atendimento às pessoas com deficiência.
Шепот-шепоток. Чудодейственная сила слов
Шепот-шепоток. Чудодейственная сила слов
Natal'ja, potomstvennaja babka-sheptuha
Mykola Riabchuk, a renowned Ukrainian public intellectual and political analyst, has been closely following and commenting on political developments in Ukraine since the early years of its independence. His best essays, collected within this book, focus primarily on the years of the presidency of Victor Yanukovych which were marked by a state capture, democratic recession and creeping authoritarian consolidation. An astute analysis of political processes combined with a sound essayistic narrative make the book essential reading for political scientists, students, and all those interested in the region.
Az Osheimi Kerék
Az Osheimi Kerék
Mark Lawrence
THIS BOOK, First published anonymously, March 1880, and soon in various unauthorized editions. It wasn't until the 1925 edition that Adams was listed as author. Henry Adams remarked (ironically as usual), "The wholesale piracy of Democracy was the single real triumph of my life."—it was very popular, as readers tried to guess who the author was and who the characters really were. ON the first of December, Mrs. Lee took the train for Washington, and before five o'clock that evening she was entering her newly hired house on Lafayette Square. She shrugged her shoulders with a mingled expression of contempt and grief at the curious barbarism of the curtains and the wall-papers, and her next two days were occupied with a life-and-death struggle to get the mastery over her surroundings. In this awful contest the interior of the doomed house suffered as though a demon were in it; not a chair, not a mirror, not a carpet, was left untouched, and in the midst of the worst confusion the new mistress sat, calm as the statue of Andrew Jackson in the square under her eyes, and issued her orders with as much decision as that hero had ever shown. Towards the close of the second day, victory crowned her forehead. A new era, a nobler conception of duty and existence, had dawned upon that benighted and heathen residence. The wealth of Syria and Persia was poured out upon the melancholy Wilton carpets; embroidered comets and woven gold from Japan and Teheran depended from and covered over every sad stuff-curtain; a strange medley of sketches, paintings, fans, embroideries, and porcelain was hung, nailed, pinned, or stuck against the wall; finally the domestic altarpiece, the mystical Corot landscape, was hoisted to its place over the parlour fire, and then all was over. The setting sun streamed softly in at the windows, and peace reigned in that redeemed house and in the heart of its mistress. "I think it will do now, Sybil," said she, surveying the scene.
49元5本 国王的两个身体
(德)恩斯特·H.坎托洛维奇(ERNST H.KANTOROWICZ)著 尹景旺 译
初版于1957年的《国王的两个身体》,作为一部屡屡重印、畅销不衰的经典之作,已被翻译成了十几种语言,在探求中世纪政治神学之谜方面指引了几代学人,甚至被誉为中世纪政治思想史方面*重要的著作。 作者恩斯特·H.坎托洛维奇是20世纪杰出的中世纪史学家,他深中世纪追溯了“国王的两个身体”——自然身体和政治身体——所造成的历史悖论:国王的自然身体使国王如常人一样,不免生老病死;而国王的政治身体或灵性身体却超凡脱俗,充任国王职位的象征,享有统治的神圣大权。“两个身体”的概念让君主制就算在君主死亡后仍保有连续性,这一集中体现于“国王死了,国王永生”这句葬仪用语。 该书将有关中世纪王权观念的法学、神学、图像学、古币学等方面的史料结合在一起,探寻了国王二体论在基督教时代的演,揭示了西方中世纪后期至现代早期(11—16世纪)如何逐步发展出一种政治神学,以及共同体如何为了建立自己的主权而拟制出一套象征手法,又是如何借助这些象征手法来塑造民族—国家的早期形态。 本书译者前后历时10年,参照了日语、俄语、德语、法语、意大利语、西班牙语译本,对正文和注释的翻译均力求做到准确、流畅;德国法兰克福大学坎托洛维奇研究专家古迪安(J.Gudian)为中译本撰写了长篇导读,对曾任职于法兰克福大学的坎托洛维奇的写作背景和意图作了精彩分析,同时也多视角地展现了国外学界对《国王的两个身体》的*研究动态。
肖贵清 等
陈独秀是中共历史上的重要人物,研究他,对深化中共党史研究有着重要意义。本书是李颖的博士论文,为当年的优秀论文,并已于2005年出版。本次修订重版,增加了部分新的研究材料,对一些讹误也行了修改。 中国革命与苏俄、共产国际有着不解之缘。这一历史特征在陈独秀身上表现得格外突出。陈独秀全部的思想和活动,从始至终几乎都与共产国际的影响有着千丝万缕的联系,解析二者之间的关系是陈独秀研究取得突破的一把钥匙。 本书一方面充实和扩展了共产国际与中国革命关系研究的内容。另一方面也启了陈独秀研究的新角度,同样充实了陈独秀的研究,即用陈独秀与共产国际关系这样一条贯穿陈独秀一生的主线,重新解析陈独秀政治思想的历史发展脉络。
49元5本 国际政治中的中等国家:加拿大
Codul vindec?rii: 6 minute pentru vindecarea problemelor de s?n?tate
Codul vindec?rii: 6 minute pentru vindecarea problemelor de s?n?tate
Alexander Loyd, Ben Johnson
Volumul ofer? o analiz? obiectiv? a tehnicilor de guvernare moderne, care presupun minimalizarea importan?ei individului, precum ?i o tehnicizare accentuat? a sferei politice. Autorii propun o documentat? trecere ?n revist? a mecanismelor de putere exercitat? asupra societ??ii sub forma tehnicilor de gestionare a acesteia.