Delphi Works of G. K. Chesterton (Illustrated)
One of the greatest writers of his time, G. K. Chesterton’s short stories, novels, poetry and essays demonstrate his unparalleled versatility in literature. This comprehensive eBook offers readers the most complete works possible in the US, as well as the usual Delphi bonus texts. Features: * concise introductions to the novels and other works * Father Brown stories, with special index * the original Father Brown illustrations * five novels, with contents tables * images of how the novels first appeared, giving your eReader a taste of the Edwardian texts * short story and poetry collections, with contents tables * special chronological and alphabetical contents tables for the poetry – find that special poem quickly and easily! * features 25 non-fiction books, each with contents tables * unique uncollected essays section, with rare articles by the great essayist * boasts a special criticism section, with four works examining Chesterton’s contribution to literature, including Patrick Braybrooke’s seminal work GILBERT KEITH CHESTERTON * many images relating to Chesterton’s life, works, places and film adaptations * scholarly ordering of texts in chronological order and literary genres, allowing easy navigation around Chesterton’s immense oeuvre Please note: due to US copyright restrictions many of Chesterton’s later works are not available. As soon as more texts become available, they will be added as free updates for customers who have already purchased this eBook. To browse our range of other titles, please visit www.delphiclassics.com. CONTENTS: Father Brown Stories THE INNOCENCE OF FATHER BROWN THE WISDOM OF FATHER BROWN UNCOLLECTED FATHER BROWN STORIES Index of Father Brown Stories The Novels THE NAPOLEON OF NOTTING HILL THE MAN WHO WAS THURSDAY THE BALL AND THE CROSS MANALIVE THE FLYING INN Short Story Collections THE CLUB OF QUEER TRADES THE MAN WHO KNEW TOO MUCH AND OTHER STORIES UNCOLLECTED SHORT STORIES The Short Stories LIST OF SHORT STORIES IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER LIST OF SHORT STORIES IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER The Plays MAGIC THE TURKEY AND THE TURK The Poetry Collections GREYBEARDS AT PLAY THE WILD KNIGHT AND OTHER POEMS THE BALLAD OF THE WHITE HORSE The Poems LIST OF POEMS IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER LIST OF POEMS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER The Non-Fiction THE DEFENDANT ROBERT BROWNING TWELVE TYPES HERETICS VARIED TYPES CHARLES DICKENS ALL THINGS CONSIDERED TREMENDOUS TRIFLES ORTHODOXY WHAT’S WRONG WITH THE WORLD GEORGE BERNARD SHAW APPRECIATIONS AND CRITICISMS OF THE WORKS OF CHARLES DICKENS ALARMS AND DISCURSIONS A MISCELLANY OF MEN THE VICTORIAN AGE IN LITERATURE THE APPETITE OF TYRANNY THE CRIMES OF ENGLAND LORD KITCHENER UTOPIA OF USURERS AND OTHER ESSAYS A SHORT HISTORY OF ENGLAND IRISH IMPRESSIONS THE SUPERSTITION OF DIVORCE THE NEW JERUSALEM WHAT I SAW IN AMERICA EUGENICS AND OTHER EVILS UNCOLLECTED ESSAYS The Criticism MR. G.K. CHESTERTON AND MR. HILAIRE BELLOC by Robert Lynd G. K. CHESTERTON, A CRITICAL STUDY by Julius West MR. G.K. CHESTERTON’S POINT OF VIEW by John Kelman GILBERT KEITH CHESTERTON by Patrick Braybrooke

Die Werke von Lew Tolstoi (Illustrierte)
Lew Tolstoi ist einer der gr??ten Schriftsteller aller Zeiten. In diesem wohlgeordneten eBook finden Sie eine Sammlung seiner bekanntesten Werke nun endlich in deutscher Sprache und mit vielen Extras. (Version: 1) Besuchen Sie bitte www.delphiclassics.com für weitere Informationen und unsere anderen eBooks durchsuchen. Merkmale: * 6 Romane und Novellen in deutscher ?bersetzung * Jeder Roman hat ein eigenes Inhaltsverzeichnis * Knappe Einleitungen zu den Romanen und anderen Werken * Viele Bilder aus Tolstois Leben und seinen Werken * Enth?lt Kurzgeschichten und ein Theaterstück * Abbildungen der Originaltitelbl?tter der Romane, was Ihnen ein Gefühl der Originalausgaben vermittelt * Chronologisch und nach Literaturgattungen geordnete Textreihenfolge, was Ihnen die Steuerung durch Tolstois Werke erleichtert. * Enth?lt eine Bonus-Text-Biografie INHALT: Romane und Novellen KRIEG UND FRIEDEN ANNA KARENINA DIE KREUTZERSONATE AUFERSTEHUNG CHADSCHI MURAT DER MORGEN EINES GUTSBESITZERS Kurzgeschichten LISTE DER KURZGESCHICHTEN Theaterstück DER LEBENDE LEICHNAM Sachbücher MEINE ERSTEN ERINNERUNGEN SOWIE VERSCHIEDENE KLEINE SCHRIFTEN Biografie ERINNERUNGEN AN DEN GRAFEN LEO TOLSTOI VON EUGEN SCHUYLER

Die Werke von Arthur Schnitzler (Illustrierte)
Arthur Schnitzler gilt als einer der bedeutendsten Vertreter der Wiener Moderne. Diese riesige Sammlung bietet fast s?mtliche Werke dieses berühmten Schriftstellers. (Version 1) * die vollst?ndige Romane und Novellen, mit Inhaltsverzeichnissen * knappe Einleitungen zu den Romanen und anderen Werken * zahlreiche Bilder mit Bezug zu Schnitzler, seinem Leben und seinen Werken * umfasst 22 Theaterstücke * die autobiographischen Werk JUGEND IN WIEN. Erkunden Sie Schnitzlers erstaunliche Leben! * Chronologisch und nach Literaturgattungen geordnete Textreihenfolge, was Ihnen die Steuerung durch Schnitzlers Werke erleichtert. Inhalt: Romane Der Weg ins Freie Therese. Chronik eines Frauenlebens Erz?hlungen und Novellen Dramatische Werke Das M?rchen Anatol Anatols Gr?ssenwahn Liebelei Reigen. Zehn Dialoge Das Verm?chtnis Paracelsus Der grüne Kakadu Die Gef?hrtin Freiwild Der Schleier der Beatrice Lebendige Stunden Die Frau mit dem Dolche Die letzten Masken Literatur Der einsame Weg Zwischenspiel Der Ruf des Lebens Komtesse Mizzi oder der Familientag Das weite Land Professor Bernhardi Marionetten Autobiographisches Jugend in Wien

Delphi Complete Works of O. Henry (Illustrated)
America’s master of the short story has entertained readers for over a hundred years. This eBook offers you the unique opportunity of exploring O. Henry’s work in a manner never before possible in digital print. The edition includes every O. Henry short story collection, with poems and letters and other bonus texts. * ALL the short story collections and each with their own contents table * overall contents tables for the short stories – both alphabetical and chronological – find that special story quickly and easily! * rare short story collections like O HENRYANA and THE TWO WOMEN – often missed out of collections * includes O. Henry’s poetry and letters * EVEN includes the enigmatic LETTERS TO LITHOPOLIS FROM O. HENRY TO MABEL WAGNALLS, available in no other collection * includes the BONUS text of C. Alphonso Smith’s famous biography – explore O. Henry’s interesting life! * ALSO includes the story collection MY TUSSLE WITH THE DEVIL by O. Henry’s Ghost for your enjoyment * images relating to O. Henry’s life, works, places and film adaptations * scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genres, allowing easy navigation around O. Henry’s works Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to browse through our range of exciting titles CONTENTS: The Short Story Collections CABBAGES AND KINGS THE FOUR MILLION THE TRIMMED LAMP HEART OF THE WEST THE VOICE OF THE CITY ROADS OF DESTINY OPTIONS STRICTLY BUSINESS WHIRLIGIGS THE TWO WOMEN SIXES AND SEVENS THE GENTLE GRAFTER ROLLING STONES WAIFS AND STRAYS O HENRYANA MY TUSSLE WITH THE DEVIL BY O. HENRY’S GHOST The Short Stories CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF SHORT STORIES ALPHABETICAL LIST OF SHORT STORIES The Poetry LIST OF POEMS The Letters LIST OF LETTERS LETTERS TO LITHOPOLIS FROM O. HENRY TO MABEL WAGNALLS The Biography O. HENRY BIOGRAPHY BY C. ALPHONSO SMITH Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to browse through our range of exciting titles

Delphi Complete Works of Jane Austen (Illustrated)
Offering hundreds of beautiful images, this is the perfect Austen collection. All the novels, each and every short story, poem, play and letter with much, much more! This edition is simply outstanding for admirers of literature's finest female writer. (Current version: 3) Features: * ALL of the novels are fully illustrated with original artwork enjoy the true flavour of the Regency/Georgian texts on your Kobo! * Pride & Prejudice and Sense & Sensibility have multiple sources of illustrations, bringing these great classics visually alive * Even the rare unfinished novels The Watsons and Sanditon are included * brief but informative introductions to the novels and other texts * the COMPLETE letters * countless images related to Austen, her works and the beautiful Hampshire places she lived in * ALL of the Juvenilia works are included * scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genres * special images linking to the famous film and TV adaptations of Austens works The eBook also includes a front no-nonsense table of contents to allow easy navigation around Austens oeuvre. With this eBook you will need no other text of Jane Austen. Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to browse our other titles CONTENTS: The Novels SENSE AND SENSIBILITY PRIDE AND PREJUDICE MANSFIELD PARK EMMA NORTHANGER ABBEY PERSUASION LADY SUSAN The Unfinished Novels THE WATSONS SANDITON The Shorter Fiction LOVE AND FRIENDSHIP LESLEY CASTLE CATHARINE EVELYN FREDERIC & ELFRIDA JACK & ALICE EDGAR AND EMMA HENRY AND ELIZA THE ADVENTURES OF MR. HARLEY SIR WILLIAM MOUNTAGUE MEMOIRS OF MR. CLIFFORD THE BEAUTIFUL CASSANDRA AMELIA WEBSTER THE THREE SISTERS THE MYSTERY THE HISTORY OF ENGLAND A FRAGMENT THE GENEROUS CURATE A TALE. THE FIRST ACT OF A COMEDY ODE TO PITY The Complete Letters A COLLECTION OF LETTERS LETTER THE FIRST LETTER THE SECOND LETTER THE THIRD LETTER THE FOURTH LETTER THE FIFTH TO MISS JANE ANNA ELIZABETH AUSTEN SCRAPS THE FEMALE PHILOSOPHER A LETTER FROM A YOUNG LADY A TOUR THROUGH WALES Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to browse our other titles

The Darkening
In a world which is full of light, bright and bursting with love, joy, paradise and truth, some choose to hide in the darkness. They prefer to move around in the abyss and to become beasts which terrify the light and devour weak consciences. Some choose to find the one dark part of their soul and to dwell there forever, side by side with blood-soaked apologies which are given to none. They choose the Darkening. IT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED for this book to be read by anyone suffering from heart conditions, psychological ailments, asthma or ulcers. It is also prohibited to be read by pregnant women and, in general, anyone who is sensitive. If you start to feel unwell, shakiness, heart palpitations, chest pain, nausea, acute pain in the head or eyes, or if you feel yourself losing consciousness or detect bleeding, then you’re on the right path!

The Seagull: A play in four acts
A masterpiece of modern drama, The Seagull dramatises the romantic and artistic conflicts between four characters: the ingenue Nina, the fading actress Irina, her son the symbolist playwright Konstantin, and the famous middlebrow story writer Trigorin.

Oeuvres complètes de Marcel Proust
Cet eBook énorme offre aux lecteurs l'occasion unique d'explorer des ?uvres de Marcel Proust en fran?ais. Caractéristiques: * '? la recherche du temps perdu' en sept tomes - complétes! * Introductions détaillées pour les romans et autres textes * Toutes les nouvelles * Illustré avec de nombreuses images relatives à la vie de Proust et ses oeuvres * Textes rares disponibles nulle part ailleurs * Images des première publications donnant un avant go?t des textes originaux * Comprend aussi des poèmes et des traductions * Bonus texte: MARCEL PROUST par PAUL SOUDAY - une étude détaillée de l'auteur. * Mis à jour avec le texte bonus MARCEL PROUST, SA VIE, SON ?UVRE PAR LEON PIERRE-QUINT - la première biographie sur Proust * Mis à jour avec le texte rare CHRONIQUES Veuillez aller sur www.delphiclassics.com pour parcourir nos autres titres TABLE DES MATIERES ? la recherche du temps perdu DU C?TE DE CHEZ SWANN ? L'OMBRE DES JEUNES FILLES EN FLEURS LE C?TE DE GUERMANTES SODOME ET GOMORRHE LA PRISONNIERE ALBERTINE DISPARUE (LA FUGITIVE) LE TEMPS RETROUV? Autres oeuvres LES PLAISIRS ET LES JOURS PASTICHES ET MELANGES ARTICLES DE ‘LA NOUVELLE REVUE FRAN?AISE’ CHRONIQUES Traductions LA BIBLE D'AMIENS SESAME ET LES LYS Critique littéraire MARCEL PROUST PAR PAUL SOUDAY Biographie MARCEL PROUST, SA VIE, SON ?UVRE par LEON PIERRE-QUINT Notice: ces oeuvres publiées bien après la mort de Proust sont encore soumises aux droits d’auteur et ne figurent donc pas dans cette collection. Cependant, une fois tombées dans le domaine public, elles seront ajoutées à cette intégrale sous la forme d’une mise à jour gratuite pour tous nos lecteurs. ? JEAN SANTEUIL ? CONTRE SAINTE-BEUVE ? CHARDIN ET REMBRANDT Visitez www.delphiclassics.com pour consulter nos autres collections, notamment ?mile Zola, Jules Verne, Gustave Flaubert, Moliére et Victor Hugo.

Delphi Complete Works of Emily Dickinson (Illustrated)
This is the second volume of a new series of publications by Delphi Classics, the best-selling publisher of classical works. Many poetry collections are often poorly formatted and difficult to read on eReaders. The Delphi Poets Series offers readers the works of literature’s finest poets, with superior formatting. This volume presents the complete poetical works of Emily Dickinson, with beautiful illustrations and the usual Delphi bonus material. (Version: 1) * Beautifully illustrated with images relating to Dickinson’s life and works * Concise introductions to the poetry and other works * For the first time in digital print, all 1775 poems by Dickinson * Images of how the poetry books were first printed, giving your eReader a taste of the original texts * Excellent formatting of the poems * Special chronological and alphabetical contents tables for the poetry * Easily locate the poems you want to read * Includes Dickinson’s letters – spend hours exploring the poet’s literary life * Scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genres CONTENTS: The Poetry Collections POEMS : SERIES ONE POEMS : SERIES TWO POEMS : SERIES THREE The Poems THE COMPLETE 1775 POEMS LIST OF POEMS IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER LIST OF POEMS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER The Letters THE LETTERS OF EMILY DICKINSON Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to browse through our range of exciting titles

Anna Karenina
Anna Karenina is one of the greatest novels written by Leo Tolstoy, often credited as the pinnacle of realist fiction, and described by Tolstoy himself as his first true novel.

A landmark work of romantic and gothic literature, as well as science fiction, the novel's storyline emerged from a dream and Shelley's own travels of the region in which the story unfolds. Mary Shelley started writing the story when she was just eighteen.

Heart of Darkness
In this symbolic story we follow Charles Marlow as he recounts his adventure to a group of men aboard a ship anchored in the Thames Estuary from dusk through to late night. The passage of time and the darkening sky during Marlow's narrative parallels the atmosphere of the events he narrates.

The Lady with the Dog and Other Stories
Praised by Vladimir Nabokov as one of the greatest stories ever written, The Lady with the Dog follows an adulterous affair between a Russian banker and a young lady he meets while vacationing in Yalta. This volume of Chekhov stories also includes: A Doctor's Visit, An Upheaval, Ionitch, The Head of the Family, Volodya, An Anonymous Story, The Husband.

The Importance of Being Earnest
The Importance of Being Earnest is one of Wilde's most famous plays. A farcical comedy set in Victorian London, rich in satire and witty dialogue, the play marked the climax of Wilde's career but also heralded his downfall. Wilde reveals the moral hypocrisy at the heart of the Victorian establishment through the literary techniques of dramatic irony parody and reversals.

Mental and Physical Endurance: How to reach your physical and mental peak
Most of us know that we are not exercising our minds and bodies as much as we should. The Elite Forces Manual of Mental and Physical Endurance uses techniques developed by special forces units to train their recruits to show how we can improve our mental and physical fitness. The book is a detailed examination of what it takes to become as fit as a special forces soldier, taking a holistic view of the body and mind. It is equally important to focus on diet, rest patterns and mental discipline as it is to concentrate on physical exercises. Using simple steps, the book shows the reader how they can build up their endurance over a matter of weeks and months, and how their quality of life will benefit. Like elite soldiers, top athletes need the spur of competition to achieve their greatest successes, and The Elite Forces Manual of Mental and Physical Endurance demonstrates how you can gain the psychological edge over your opponent. Whether you are competing in unarmed combat sports, running a marathon or just looking to get ahead, the book has helpful and practical advice for you. Using photographs and artworks, The Elite Forces Manual of Mental and Physical Endurance shows how special forces units such as the SAS and Delta Force stretch themselves mentally and physically, giving the reader the opportunity to train as they do in easy-to-follow steps to reach their peak of mental and physical strength.

Delphi Complete Works of James Joyce (Illustrated)
This is the definitive digital edition of James Joyce’s complete works. At last the great modernist writer joins the scholarly range of Delphi Classics. (Version 6) * CONCISE introductions to the novels and other texts * every novel, poetry collection and play has its own contents table to allow easy navigation – you won’t get lost! * the rare unfinished novel STEPHEN HERO * COUNTLESS images related to Joyce and his works * special images of the original first editions, giving your eReader a flavour of the original texts * ALL of the short stories and poems * scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order * ‘Ulysses’ has special introductions to all eighteen episodes of the epic novel. Finally you can finish and understand the novel! * includes the rare children’s short story THE CAT AND THE DEVIL * introductory chapters for each part of FINNEGANS WAKE, aiding your understanding of this abstruse text * includes the rare prose poem GIACOMO JOYCE, first time in digital print * boasts a special non-fiction section with essays, letters and newspaper articles The eBook also includes a front no-nonsense table of contents to allow easy navigation around Joyce’s oeuvre. Welcome to hours upon hours upon hours of reading one of literature’s most experimental writers! CONTENTS The Novels A PORTRAIT OF THE ARTIST AS A YOUNG MAN ULYSSES FINNEGANS WAKE STEPHEN HERO The Short Stories DUBLINERS THE CAT AND THE DEVIL Other Prose Works EPIPHANIES GIACOMO JOYCE The Play EXILES The Poetry Collections EARLY POETRY CHAMBER MUSIC POMES PENYEACH LATER POETRY The Poetry LIST OF POEMS IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER LIST OF POEMS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER The Non-Fiction LIST OF ESSAYS, LETTERS AND ARTICLES

Delphi Complete Works of Nikolai Gogol (Illustrated)
This unique eBook presents the complete FICTIONAL works of Nikolai Gogol, with beautiful illustrations, informative introductions and the usual Delphi bonus material. (4MB Version 1) * Beautifully illustrated with images relating to Gogol's life and works * Concise introductions to the novels and other works * The complete novels, stories and plays, with contents tables * Features many of Constance Garnett's original translations * Images of how the books were first printed, giving your eReader a taste of the original texts * Excellent formatting of the texts * Special chronological and alphabetical contents tables for the short stories * Easily locate the short stories you want to read * Special criticism section, with two essays evaluating Gogol's contribution to literature * Scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genres CONTENTS: The Novels TARAS BULBA DEAD SOULS The Short Story Collections EVENINGS ON A FARM NEAR DIKANKA ARABESQUES MIRGOROD UNCOLLECTED SHORT STORIES The Short Stories LIST OF SHORT STORIES IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER LIST OF SHORT STORIES IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER The Plays MARRIAGE THE GAMBLERS THE GOVERNMENT INSPECTOR The Criticism GOGOL BY IVAN PANIN EXTRACT FROM ‘ESSAYS ON RUSSIAN NOVELISTS’ BY WILLIAM LYON PHELPS

Anne's House of Dreams
Anne’s House of Dreams begins with Anne and Gilbert's wedding, which takes place in the Green Gables orchard. After the wedding, they move to their first home together, which Anne calls their house of dreams. This book follows Anne from the age of 25 to 27.

An Ideal Husband
Wilde's dramatic masterpiece set in London. Many of the themes of An Ideal Husband were influenced by the situation Oscar Wilde found himself in during the early 1890s. 'Sooner or later we shall all have to pay for what we do. But no one should be entirely judged by their past.'

The Emerald City of Oz
In the Emerald City of Oz we continue following adventures of Dorothy Gale and her Uncle Henry and Aunt Em who are now coming to live in Oz permanently. While they are toured through the Quadling Country, the Nome King is assembling allies for an invasion of Oz.

The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe
Set on a tropical island where Robinson Crusoe found himself after a terrible storm at sea, we follow his life and adventures far away from civilization. A novel which has inspired countless imitations and adaptations, remains one of the most original and inspiring stories in the English language.