

Brodskaya, Nathalia
Symbolism appeared in France and Europe between the 1880s and the beginning of the 20th century. The Symbolists, fascinated with ancient mythology, attempted to escape the reign of rational thought imposed by science. They wished to transcend the world of the visible and the rational in order to attain the world of pure thought, constantly flirting with the limits of the unconscious. The French Gustave Moreau, Odilon Redon, the Belgians Fernand Khnopff and Félicien Rops, the English Edward Burne-Jones and Dante Gabriel Rossetti, and the Dutch Jan Toorop are the most representative artists of the movement.
Early Italian Painting
Early Italian Painting
Crowe, Joseph Archer;Cavalcaselle, Giovanni Battista;Jameson, Anna
Dupouy, Alexandre
Art of India
Art of India
Smith, Vincent Arthur
1000 Drawings of Genius
1000 Drawings of Genius
Charles, Victoria;Carl, Klaus
Long thought of as the neglected stepchild of painting, the art of drawing has recently begun to enjoy a place in the sun. With major museums around the world, from the Met to the Uffizi, mounting exhibitions focused on the art of draughtsmanship, drawing is receiving more critical and academic attention than ever before. This captivating text gives readers a sweeping analysis of the history of drawing, from Renaissance greats like Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo, to Modernist masters like M.C. Escher, Pablo Picasso, and everyone in between.
1000 Masterpieces of Decorative Art
1000 Masterpieces of Decorative Art
Charles, Victoria
From ancient Sumerian pottery to Tiffany stained glass, decorative art has been a fundamental part of the human experience for generations. While fine art is confined to galleries and museums, decorative art is the art of the every day, combining beauty with functionality in objects ranging from the prosaic to the fantastical. In this work, Albert Jacquemart celebrates the beauty and artistic potential behind even the most quotidian object. Readers will walk away from this text with a newfound appreciation for the subtle artistry of the manufactured world.
Byzantine Art
Byzantine Art
Bayet, Charles
Art in Europe
Art in Europe
Charles, Victoria
The European continent gathers together, without a doubt, the most famous works of art, evidence of the history of Western art. The cultural capitals and their emblematic museums contain paintings, sculptures, or rather works of art, devised by the great artists, representative of European culture. From Madrid to London, passing through Prague, the major works of the old continent are presented here. Thanks to detailed information about the museums and their collections, you, too, can explore and discover Europe’s fascinating cultural heritage.
Sizeranne, Robert de la
在维多利亚时代,工业革命席卷了英格兰。诸如威廉·莫里斯(William Morris)的拉斐尔前派艺术家们以及工艺美术运动激发了回到传统价值观的灵感。带着重新树立意大利文艺复兴的纯正和高贵形式的愿望,包括约翰·艾佛雷特·米莱(John Everett Millais)、但丁·加百列·罗塞蒂 (Dante Gabriel Rossetti)、爱德华·伯恩·琼斯(Edward Burne-Jones)的艺术家们更加偏爱现实主义和圣经主题。这本著作以翔实的内容和丰富的阐释,热情洋溢地描述了这场激发了象征主义和新艺术主义的运动。
Shanes, Eric
Art Nouveau
Art Nouveau
Lahor, Jean
作为对工业革命的回应,新艺术运动以装饰和建筑风格发端。新艺术运动初的目标是通过回归自然主题,创造新的自然美学。该运动中的设计常常伴有植物图案和高度风格化、反大起大落曲线的细致刻画,是谓之新艺术风格。 为了达到该目标,诸如古斯塔夫克林姆(Gustav Klimt)、科罗曼穆塞尔(Koloman Moser)、安东尼高迪(Antoni Gaudi)、扬托罗普(Jan Toorop)、威廉莫里斯(William Morris)等艺术家更加偏爱技术创新和形式新颖。新艺术运动试图将艺术融合进生活的所有侧面,从物质的家具到家中的装饰物品再到建筑物;建立在艺术与日常生活相融合的艺术哲学之上。1900年在巴黎世界博览会大获成功之后,这一趋势继续流行且营销了不少艺术家以及装饰艺术运动。新艺术运动的继承者在次世界大战之后依然层出不穷。所以说新艺术运动时装饰艺术“文艺复兴”的核心,一点都不为过。
Edward Hopper
Edward Hopper
Souter, Gerry
爱德华·霍普,1882年出生于奈阿克,是重要的美国画家之一。在学习了插图画之后,他进入了大名鼎鼎的纽约艺术学院学习,师从罗伯特·亨利(Robert Henri)。亨利对霍普产生了重大的影响,他鼓励霍普从美国人的生活中去发现素材。在创作中,诗意地表达了人们反对二十世纪二十年代的美国生活方式的孤独。受到电影作品—特别是多种摄影角度和人物性格的影响,他的绘画作品表达了对大众文化的疏离感。通过采用冷色调和绘画匿名人物,霍普的作品同样象征性地反映了大萧条时期。尽管霍普曾多次游历欧洲,但他在当时流行的的改革绘画面前仍然无动于衷,例如立体主义,例如超现实主义。霍普用一种非常个性化的形式来表达主题,致力于效仿古典艺术家,例如伦布兰特(Rembrandt)、德加斯(Degas)或者杜米埃(Daumier)。他绘画的加油站、旅馆和日常生活的场景代表了对个人主义的美学宣言、宽敞的开放空间和美国的基本价值观。霍普在1967年去世了,在美国艺术上留下了后的痕迹。
Auguste Rodin
Auguste Rodin
Rilke, Rainer Maria
Influenced by the masters of Antiquity, the genius of Michelangelo and Baroque sculpture, particularly of Bernini, Auguste Rodin (1840-1917) is one of the most renowned artists in history. Though Rodin is considered a founder of modern sculpture, he did not set out to critique past classical traditions. Many of his sculptures were criticised and considered controversial because of their sensuality or hyperrealist qualities. His most original works departed from traditional themes of mythology and allegory, and embraced the human body, celebrating individualism and physicality. This book uncovers the life and career of this highly acclaimed artist by exploring his most famous works of art, such as the Gates of Hell, The Thinker and the infamous The Kiss.
Illuminated Manuscripts
Illuminated Manuscripts
Woronowa, Tamara;Sterligow, Andrej
Those who have had the chance to hold a medieval manu* in their hands cannot fail to have been impressed by the feeling of being in touch with a long-passed epoch. Back when a book was a true handicraft and every copy the result of a laborious process, the object was more a work of art than a volatile commercial product. The Mega Square Illuminated Manu*s puts the reader in touch with amazing medieval illustrations and unique adornments, which document the imaginative power of their creators.
The Arts & Crafts Movement
The Arts & Crafts Movement
Triggs, Oscar Lovell
工艺美术曾触发了英格兰实用艺术的真正改革,形成了一场独特的运动。工艺美术运动由约翰·拉斯金(John Ruskin)发起,威廉·莫里斯(William Morris)付诸实践,推动了维多利亚时代英格兰的革命思想。工匠和设计师因而成为了新的意识形态的核心人物,影响了全世界的风格,将工艺美术运动的关键思想体现在了设计、建筑和绘画之中。
Bade, Patrick
古斯塔夫·克林姆(Gustav Klimt)初因其采用的装饰花纹闻名(与他的兄弟及其在艺术学校的伙伴弗朗茨·马什共同创作)。因为大多剧院和重要的维也纳艺术史博物馆(在他的时代是重要的)均采用的是玛卡特(Makart)式的冷色调摄影风格。在他三十岁的时候他有了自己的工作室,并且开始了架上绘画。在三十五岁的时候,他成为了维也纳分离派的奠基人之一。在八年之后,在对自然主义日益强势的趋势倍感失望的情况下,他离开了这一领域。
Carl, Klaus
阿尔布雷特·丢勒(Albrecht Durer,1471-1528)是北部文艺复兴中*创新性的代表人物之一,他改革了宗教画和世俗画中的风景和肖像的绘画技巧。这本著作精选了不同类型的丢勒作品,紧致小巧的形式也成为了献给每一位艺术爱好者的完美赠礼。
Cousturier, Lucie
乔治·修拉(1859-1891)因点描绘帆布画的复杂精细而闻名于世,他将艺术和科学精妙地结合,创造了世人瞩目的成果。修拉那错综复杂的绘画需要好几年才能完成,给观赏者带来的是一场科学的复杂性和视觉的震撼性的华美盛宴。他的《大碗岛的星期天下午》(Un Dimanche Après-Midi à l’le de la Grande Jatte)是二十世纪艺术中为珍贵和杰出的作品之一。Klaus H.Carl 给读者们带来的是修拉点描绘画杰作背后那些详尽的科学技巧,惊鸿一瞥,但足饱眼福。
The Nabis
The Nabis
Kostenevitch, Albert
Little Boys
Little Boys
Carl, Klaus H.
Ever since the ancient greeks sculpted the first kouros, children have been a source of inspiration for some of the world’s greatest artists. Whether portraits of their own children, friends, and family members, or a nostalgic psychological portrayal of the artist’s own youth, depictions of children in art remain arresting examples of an intersection between the picturesque innocence of childhood and the methodical work of adult artistry. In this delightful new puzzle book, children get a chance to see little boys and girls just like them as portrayed by great artists, learning about how children grew up throughout history while experiencing a genuine connection with works of artistic genius.
Top 5 Masterpieces vol 1
Top 5 Masterpieces vol 1
Carl, Klaus H.
Ever since the ancient greeks sculpted the first kouros, children have been a source of inspiration for some of the world’s greatest artists. Whether portraits of their own children, friends, and family members, or a nostalgic psychological portrayal of the artist’s own youth, depictions of children in art remain arresting examples of an intersection between the picturesque innocence of childhood and the methodical work of adult artistry. In this delightful new puzzle book, children get a chance to see little boys and girls just like them as portrayed by great artists, learning about how children grew up throughout history while experiencing a genuine connection with works of artistic genius.