Rainbows Have Echoes
Rainbows Have Echoes is Julie Miller's autobiographical account of her successful career as an English teacher in England and New Zealand. While her career flourished her personal life has often been stormy, from an unhappy first marriage in the 1960s to, more recently, her heartbreak as she struggled to come to terms with her second husband's descent into dementia. Julie sees her life as a succession of rainbows and wasp stings, the good interweaving with the bad, great joy and times of hardship and sadness. As a teacher, Julie has been acclaimed for her work with traumatised children, easing them into educational pursuits and inspiring them with her own zest for life. The steep learning curves of her own life show that whatever life throws at you, however taxing it might prove to be, one can rise above the challenges and find a renewed delight in the world and its inhabitants.

French Speaking Activities (KS3)
Wouldn't you love your pupils to have meaningful conversations with each other in French? French Speaking Activities contains 60 time-saving photocopiable activities for promoting oral communication. Activities range from role plays and surveys to quizzes, presentations and games. All encourage pupils to practise speaking autonomously, leading to more pupil-speaking time and less teacher-speaking time. These tried-and-tested activities provide a fun and enjoyable way of supplementing, consolidating and revising your language work, whatever scheme you are using.

Miaow There! It's Still Misty Out At Sea!
Following on from her first book, Miaow There! It's Misty at Sea!, Misty, the playful grey and white cat, reveals further tales of life on board a cruise ship with her beloved owner, Sheila. In this new book, the mischievous Misty gives us another fictitious account of life at sea, experienced through the eyes of a well-travelled cat. As a result of her previous adventures, Misty has grown in confidence and knows exactly how to wheedle her way into getting the best service, the tastiest food and the most attention, giving the reader a fascinating insight into the devious mind of a cat. Through the many strange sights, sounds and smells and the interesting characters she meets, Misty gives you a charming and humorous account of living the high life on the ocean waves. With a foreword written by former MP and cat lover Ann Widdecombe, It's Still Misty Out at Sea will appeal to cat lovers of all ages and strike a chord with anyone who has ever been on a cruise.

Collection of College Words and Customs
A fascinating dictionary of terms and phrases traditionally used in the oldest universities.

Endeavour Journal of Sir Joseph Banks
The full text of the journals of Sir Joseph Banks, 1st Baronet, GCB, PRS, during Captain Cook's famous first great voyage aboard the HM Bark Endeavour, 1768-1771.

Angling Sketches
A collection of fables about fishing by fabled anthropologist Andrew Lang.

Hard a Tab Nab
Tab nabs were the biscuits dished out in the mess rooms of ships in the merchant navy. If a helmsman was asked if the ship's helm was hard a-starboard or hard a-port, he often would reply, "e;Hard a tab nab, sir."e; Master Mariner J. R. de L. Inniss has spent a lifetime sailing the world's oceans, first as a boy seaman on the aircraft carrier HMS Illustrious in the mid 1950s and then working his way up through the ranks of the merchant navy. He saw the great days of British shipping, and was able to adapt to the great changes that transformed the merchant marine during his long career. There were long hours of very hard work, hardly any sleep and, at times, atrocious feeding; but the seafaring life also lived up to its reputation for excitement and adventure, with a good deal of fun and laughter along the way.

Soldier 4346057
This book is in the form of a diary of military service kept from 3 September 1939 to release in spring 1946. It is a true and accurate account. There is not one word of fiction. Douglas Hudson wrote about how he felt at the time, and what he saw in not quite six and a half years. There are inevitable gaps when there was either nothing of importance to note or difficulty in doing so, particularly when abroad. A diary like this one was strictly against regulations, so it had to be kept secretly. Douglas Hudson was plucked out of a happy, comfortable home life for an indeterminate period in 1939 to face what seemed to him quite an uncouth army life at times. It was a massive shock in many ways, so he thought it all ought to be recorded for posterity. These diary notes would not have been classed as high-grade intelligence if they had ever fallen into the wrong hands, but in parts they could well have been of some use to the enemy. The chaps with whom the author served throughout the war were mainly from the Goole and Hull areas. They all had a bitter hatred of the enemy - many had had their homes and family life destroyed - yet discipline, morale and comradeship remained of the highest order. They were the salt of the earth without doubt.

Million Plus One
Doctors called him 'the amazing man', consultants called him 'one in a million' and many others called him 'a blooming miracle'! On 4 August 2005 David Hughes fell while pruning a tree, and a scaffold pole fractured the side of his skull, causing serious damage to his brain. He wasn't expected to live. But David has been astounding people all his life. As cyclist, marksman, archer, designer and engineer he has always been a high achiever. Now with the same energy and drive David has disproved medical opinion and rewritten the text books. He is overcoming his injuries and his life is as full of achievement as it ever was.

60s Singapore
A not too serious look at life in a Singapore undergoing the transition from a long-established British colony to an independent state. This is seen through the eyes of a young family transported from London suburbia to the totally different environment of the Far East. This collection of anecdotes, experiences and memories reflects the differences in lifestyle and customs. The growth of the tourist industry and the modernisation of many parts of Singapore, including offshore islands, have made many of these experiences impossible today and those of a nostalgic nature, and with experience of the past and present Singapore, may regret the diminishment of the 'flavour of the East' as a result of the invasion of the tourist tribes.

Ghid rom?n-spaniol pentru o comunicare eficient?
Aceast? lucrare este rezultatul unei colabor?ri de peste cinci ani ?ntre studen?ii spanioli interesa?i de studiul limbii rom?ne ?i profesoara Dana Oprica, care a hot?r?t s? adune ?ntr-o carte tot materialul prezentat de nativi referitor la limba ?i cultura spaniol?. Astfel apare acest ghid ca un instrument u?or, modern ?i rapid de comunicare ?n limba spaniol?, cu aspecte culturale menite s? eviden?ieze tradi?iile spaniole. Fiecare tem? e precedat? de c?teva date de interes cultural, astfel apar titluri precum: Organizarea teritorial?, Forma de guvern?m?nt, Partide politice, Structura organelor de justi?ie, ?nv???m?ntul, Meniuri, S?rb?tori etc. Ca noutate am introdus glosare de expresii ?i exclama?ii, interjec?ii ?i onomatopee, al?turi de un vocabular tabu, care, f?r? a dep??i limitele decen?ei, ajut? la realizarea de conversa?ii informale. Reiter?m ideea c? aceast? lucrare a fost inspirat? de necesit??ile unui vorbitor de limb? rom?n? prezent ?n Spania pentru un sejur temporar sau de lung? durat?. Lucrarea se adreseaz? oric?rei persoane interesate de limba ?i cultura spaniol?. Registrele de cuvinte utile, grupate la finalul fiec?rei teme, diverse expresii uzuale pot fi de folos at?t traduc?torilor de literatur?, c?t ?i participan?ilor la comunicarea oral? sau scris?. Ne-am bucura s? v? fim de ajutor! Presentación: Este trabajo es fruto de una colaboración desde hace más de cinco a?os entre los estudiantes espa?oles interesados en el estudio de la lengua rumana y la profesora Dana Oprica, quien ha decidido agrupar en un libro todo el material presentado por nativos acerca de la lengua y cultura espa?olas. Así se presenta esta guía como un instrumento fácil, moderno y rápido de comunicación en espa?ol, con matices culturales para poner de manifiesto las costumbres espa?olas. Cada tema está precedida por datos de interés cultural, así figuran capítulos como: Organización territorial, Sistema de gobierno, Partidos políticos, Sistema judicial, La ense?anza, Menús, Fiestas, etc. Como novedad hemos introducidos glosarios de expresiones y exclamaciones, interjecciones y onomatopeyas, junto a un vocabulario tabú, que, sin sobrepasar los límites de la decencias, ayuda a realizar conversaciones informales. Recalcamos la idea que este trabajo fue inspirado de las necesidades de un hablante de lengua rumana que se encuentra en Espa?a para estancias temporales o de larga duración. El trabajo se dirige a cualquier persona interesada en lengua y cultura espa?ola. Los registros de palabras útiles, agrupadas al final de cada tema, varias expresiones usuales pueden servir tanto a los traductores de literatura como a los implicados en la comunicación oral o escrita. ?Nos encantaría poderles servir de ayuda!

Imaginea t?m?duitoare. Curs avansat de transformare
Prefa?? de Andrei Vochin Pe mul?i dintre ei i-a comentat pe viu! Pe al?ii i-a v?zut juc?nd, iar despre ceilal?i a aflat citindu-i pe marii cronicari ai acelor vremuri... Avand ?n spate o experien?? de peste 2000 de meciuri comentate la cel mai ?nalt nivel, Bogdan Socol a ?ncercat s? prezinte, a?a cum a fost, via?a ?i cariera a "100 de fotbali?ti legendari". Dupa o munc? minu?ioas?, mig?loas?, dar ?i foarte frumoas?, comentatorul Digi Sport a reu?it s? adune ?n 400 de pagini 100 de pove?ti speciale ale unor oameni care au marcat nu doar istoria fotbalului, dar ?i a omenirii prin impactul lor. ?n "100 de fotbali?ti legendari", ve?i afla cum un meci de fotbal i-a salvat via?a unui viitor campion mondial, cum cel mai mare atacant italian al tuturor timpurilor se motiva cel mai bine ?naintea meciurilor petrec?nd o noapte ?ntreag? lang? ni?te doamne de companie sau care a fost primul juc?tor care a f?cut o schimbare, f?r? ca antrenorul s? mai aib? vreun cuv?nt de spus. Pe parcursul lecturii acestei c?r?i, ve?i ajunge, prin intermediul celor 100 de eroi, din epoca interbelic? p?n? ?n zilele noastre, trec?nd ?i prin dramele din preajma celui de-al Doilea R?zboi Mondial, prin comunismul care a obstruc?ionat at?tea cariere m?re?e, prin dictaturile militare din America Latin? ?i prin toat? perioada de incertitudini a R?zboiului Rece. Fotbalul a ?nvins toate problemele, ?ns?, ?i a mers mai departe cu pove?tile sale. "100 de fotbali?ti legendari" ?i cinste?te a?a cum se cuvine ?i pe cei mai mari juc?tori rom?ni care ne-au marcat existen?a, Nicolae Dobrin, Ilie Balaci, Gic? Hagi, Gic? Popescu ?i Miodrag Belodedici. Bogdan Socol a ?capturat” ?ntre coper?ile noii sale lucr?ri 100 de fotbali?ti legendari din istoria acestui sport. Nu m? pot aventura s? spun c? ei sunt cei mai mari, pentru c? ?n orice astfel de anchet? nici un argument nu este mai puternic dec?t altul. Poate a mai sc?pat unul, poate c? noi, cei mai vechi, i-am prins ?i pe al?ii juc?nd ?i i-am v?zut pe viu, motiv pentru care am putea spune c? au fost mai buni ca al?ii care au prins un loc ?n volumul de fa??. De fapt, nici nu mai conteaz?. Ceea ce va r?m?ne atunci c?nd ve?i termina de citit ?i ultima poveste din acest volum va fi sentimentul acela de prea plin de informa?ie, de pl?cut? sa?ietate, pe care orice consumator de sport o dore?te. Cu at?t mai mult unul care e ?i el prizonier pe via?? ?n aceast? minunat? ?nchisoare a pasiunii numit? fotbal. (Andrei Vochin)

Guía espa?ol-rumana para una comunicación eficaz
Aceast? lucrare, rezultat al unei colabor?ri de peste cinci ani ?ntre studen?ii spanioli interesa?i de studiul limbii rom?ne ?i profesoara Dana Oprica, este un instrument care vine s? completeze cu ?i mai multe aspecte de limb? ?i de cultur? cuno?tin?ele celor care studiaz? limba rom?n? sau c?l?toresc ?n Rom?nia. Fiecare tem? e precedat? de c?teva date de interes cultural care prezint? c?teva orient?ri legate de formulele de salut, de realizarea unei vizite, de obiceiurile rom?nilor de s?rb?tori, de normele de circula?ie s.a. Ca noutate am introdus glosare de expresii ?i exclama?ii, interjec?ii ?i onomatopee, al?turi de un vocabular tabu, care nu dep??e?te limitele decen?ei ?i care ajut? la cunoa?terea unor formule familiare. Reiter?m ideea c? aceast? lucrare a fost inspirat? de necesit??ile vorbitorilor de limb? spaniol?, precum studen?ii no?tri, care au c?l?torit ?i c?l?toresc frecvent ?n Rom?nia ?i care ne-au prezentat diverse situa?ii reale pe care le-am explicat prin intermediul acestui ghid. ?ntr-una dintre vizitele f?cute ?ntr-un sat din Bistri?a, un spaniol ne-a povestit c? a fost salutat cu s?rut m?na de un grup de copii care treceau pe uli??. Am inclus aceast? situa?ie sociolingvistic? la capitolul corespunz?tor. Farmecul limbii rom?ne const? ?i ?n varietatea lexical? adecvat? diferitelor contexte sau registre de limbaj. Este trabajo, resultado de una colaboración desde hace más de cinco a?os entre los estudiantes espa?oles interesados en el estudio de la lengua rumana y la profesora Dana Oprica, es un instrumento que viene a completar con más aspectos de lengua y cultura los conocimientos de los que estudian la lengua rumana o viajan a Rumanía. Cada tema está precedida por algunos datos de interés cultural que presentan unas orientaciones relacionadas con las fórmulas de saludo, con la realización de una visita, con las costumbres de los rumanos en fiestas, con las normas de circulación, etc. Como novedad hemos introducido glosarios de expresiones y exclamaciones, interjecciones y onomatopeyas, junto a un vocabulario tabú, que no sobrepasa las límites de la decencia y que ayuda a conocer algunas fórmulas familiares. Recalcamos la idea que este trabajo fue inspirado de las necesidades de los hablantes de lengua espa?ola, como nuestros estudiantes, que han viajado y viajan frecuentemente a Rumanía y que nos han presentado varias situaciones reales que explicamos a través de esta guía. Para poner un ejemplo, durante una de sus visitas en un pueblo recóndito de Bistri?a, un espa?ol nos contó que fue saludado con s?rut m?na (le beso la mano) por un grupo de ni?os, que pasaban por la calle. Incluimos esta situación sociolingüística en el capitulo correspondiente. El encanto de la lengua rumana consta también en la variedad lexical adecuada a los diferentes contextos y registros lingüísticos.

Simonetta Berlusconi. C?lugarul Filippo Lippi ?i c?lug?ri?a Lucrezia Buti
M aplec critic spre o literatur nc insuficient cunoscut, marcat n ultimele decenii i de obsesia sau complexul Premiului Nobel. Atitudinea noastr comun fibrileaz excesiv de relativizant sau absolutizant, ncercnd s devin acionar i s provoace reaciuni ntr-un domeniu artistic universal, cu suport multilingvistic. Rmn la convingerea c exemplaritatea este efectul stranietii privit ca insolit familiaritate. Testez, cum am mai spus, fondul autohton i forma universal, n epic romneasc din secolul XX, evideniind experimentului substanial, n msura n care se integreaz n – i face sau ncearc diferena de – epic occidental. Dincolo de valoarea intrinsec, prin traducere merituoas i meritat, se va arta c literatura romn, chiar i prin proz, vine ntr-un (de)mers firesc, de vie comunicare, spre doritul i hulitul Premiu Nobel...“ – Marian Victor Buciu

Reading Explorers Year 5
Reading Explorers Year 5

French Speaking Activites (KS2)
Wouldn't you love your pupils to have meaningful conversations with each other in French? French Speaking Activities contains 60 time-saving photocopiable activities for promoting oral communication. Activities range from role plays and surveys to quizzes, presentations and games. All encourage pupils to practise speaking autonomously, leading to more pupil-speaking time and less teacher-speaking time. These tried-and-tested activities provide a fun and enjoyable way of supplementing, consolidating and revising your language work, whatever scheme you are using.

Learn to Read with Phonics - Book 3
A new revolutionary phonic reading scheme. Learn To Read With Phonics teaches reading rapidly, in as little as six months PROVEN! Children love reading about the humorous adventures of Sam and his friends; they hardly realise that within each fun story are disguised phonic sounds. Learning to read with Guinea Pig has never been so easy or so much fun. This exciting scheme has been written by a Surrey teacher and tutor catering for the needs of the children she teaches. The scheme works well with young children starting out on reading. At the same time, it is ideal for older children who have failed to reach targets in literacy, for those who have experienced particular learning difficulties or where English is a second language. This scheme helps the student catch up fast. Beginner Reader Books 1-6 are a structured course that systematically introduces new sounds, each one building on the ones that went before.

Unforgettable French
Unforgettable French uses memory tricks to teach and reinforce major points of rench grammar from the basics up to high school level, to learners of all ages. It may be used: by anyone who wishes to gain confidence in speaking French, as a evision aid, to consolidate the learner's grasp of grammatical points, to complement whatever French scheme you are using, and by French teachers at all levels, from elementary school through to adult. These tried-and-tested memory tricks help to explain "e;tricky"e; bits and make learning easier. The memory tricks in are presented in a highly visual, page-by-page format. The sheets can be enlarged to make mini-posters or used as "e;aide-memoires"e;.

80 Years Gone in a Flash
From presidents to royalty, war torn regions to stunning scenery, the camera of John Jochimsen has captured it all. Perhaps the last person left alive today who was with Queen Elizabeth the day she became queen, John is one of the last remaining old school photojournalists. Eighty Years gone in a Flash traces the remarkable story in his own words, and with his own incredible pictures. From life at The News of the World to the jungles of Malaya, John provides an honest, witty and touching account of a colourful career spanning more than five decades.

Heart to Heart
Heart to Heart is a miscellany of reflections, parables, photographs and memories.If we are to continue learning and growing spiritually as we go through life, we must take the time to reflect on our experiences. Few incidents are so small that we cannot learn by reflecting on them. Here Janet Walker shares thoughts inspired by incidents as diverse as a child walking on a wall, a game with a balloon, a visit to the snake house and a moment of panic as she crawled through a cave far below the ground.

German Festivals and Traditions
This invaluable, time-saving resource provides intercultural ideas for every month of the year. For each festival and tradition you will find background information, key vocabulary, detailed lists of possible teaching activities and optional pupil sheets. Ideas range from making cards and reading/writing poems to playing game and cooking traditional recipes.