Spectra Magazine - Issue 3
Spectra is the new digital magazine bringing you the best in new sci-fi, horror and fantasy short fiction, news and reviews. With four new stories from established writers and rising talent every issue, Spectra Magazine delivers the cutting edge of digital fiction direct to your favourite eBook platform. Spectra Magazine is the first science fiction, fantasy and horror short fiction publication dedicated to digital reading, delivering the best in genre-based literary entertainment. Each month, four brand new short stories are curated from award-winning genre writers and new talent alike, bringing you electrifying fiction in a host of different styles. We believe that sci-fi, fantasy and short fiction should dazzle and excite even the most seasoned reader, and we only select authors who are sure to blow your mind, ignite your imagination or turn your dreams into nightmares. Written and designed specifically for the e-book generation and e-reader technology, Spectra Magazine is essential for everyone with a passion for science fiction, fantasy, horror, or anyone looking for something fresh and exciting to bring their e-Reader to life. The future of short fiction is here.

Amateur Cracksman
Arthur Raffles is a prominent member of London society, and a national sporting hero. As a cricketer he regularly represents England in Test matches. He uses this as a chance to commit a number of burglaries, primarily stealing valuable jewellery from his hosts. In this, he is assisted by his friend, the younger, idealistic Bunny Manders. Both men are constantly under the surveillance of Inspector Mackenzie of Scotland Yard who is always thwarted in his attempts to pin the crimes on Raffles... This rip-roaring collection of short stories about Raffles, the Gentleman Thief, has been specially formatted for today's e-readers by Andrews UK.

Scottish Philosophical Theology
This volume concentrates on the period from the beginning of the 18th century to the latter part of the 20th. It is impossible to depict a single school of philosophical theology in Scotland across three centuries, yet several strains have been identified that suggest some recurrent themes or intellectual habits. These include the following: the mutually beneficial cross-fertilisation of the disciplines of philosophy and theology; the tendency to eschew powerful philosophical systems that might threaten to imprison theological ideas; a stress on both the providential limitations and reliability of human reason; a suspicion of reductive theories of a materialist inclination; and a determination to inspect critically the proposals of theology and to place these in positive relation to other disciplines.

Mind That Found Itself
An autobiographical account of his confinement in a mental institution of the time, by Clifford Whittingham Beers.

Learning Disability Nursing Practice
This text encapsulates not only the origins of nursing in the learning disability field but also contemporary perspectives and areas for specialist nursing practice. The book is divided into four sections: origins, perspectives, practice, and further perspectives. Section one (origins) describes Great Barr Colony and explores the conceptions of practice of actual attendants and nurses who worked there. It gives readers an in-depth focus on aspects of work and practice not accounted for in the literature to date. Section two (perspectives) explores social policy perspectives from the past eras of the workhouse, the colony and the hospital, through to the present age of citizenship. Research in learning disability nursing practice is identifi ed through scoping exercises to identify its current status. The section questions the research and practice developments that have come of age and that constitute a challenge within an evidence-based health and social care world. Section three (practice) identifi es a wide range of specialist areas of nursing practice, including community learning disability nursing, epilepsy, forensics, health facilitation, autism, mental health, challenging behaviour, children s services and working with people with profound and multiple learning disabilities. Section four (further perspectives) addresses areas of contemporary and future concern, namely, educational curricula for nurses and the importance of inter-professional education and practice development.

Spectra Magazine - Issue 5
Spectra is the new digital magazine bringing you the best in new sci-fi, horror and fantasy short fiction, news and reviews. With four new stories from established writers and rising talent every issue, Spectra Magazine delivers the cutting edge of digital fiction direct to your favourite eBook platform. Spectra Magazine is the first science fiction, fantasy and horror short fiction publication dedicated to digital reading, delivering the best in genre-based literary entertainment. Each month, four brand new short stories are curated from award-winning genre writers and new talent alike, bringing you electrifying fiction in a host of different styles. We believe that sci-fi, fantasy and short fiction should dazzle and excite even the most seasoned reader, and we only select authors who are sure to blow your mind, ignite your imagination or turn your dreams into nightmares. Written and designed specifically for the e-book generation and e-reader technology, Spectra Magazine is essential for everyone with a passion for science fiction, fantasy, horror, or anyone looking for something fresh and exciting to bring their e-Reader to life. The future of short fiction is here.

John Macmurray
The philosophy of John Macmurray is only now receiving the attention it deserves. It is in the contemporary climate of dissatisfaction with individualism that Macmurray's emphasis on the relations of persons has come to the fore. Moreover, Macmurray's recognition of the central importance of acknowledging human embodiment is being favourably received by a wide range of fields, which includes philosophers, theologians and psychologists.Macmurray's overriding concern is to present an adequate account of the person and of personal relationships. Nevertheless, he is an eclectic writer, whose work addresses concerns in education, science and art, which all stem from his understanding of human agency. In addition, this leads Macmurray into a discussion of the ethics of personal and political relations and a critique of otherworldly religion. Hence, Macmurray's philosophy is informed by fairly unconventional religious beliefs.

Joseph Conrad Today
This book argues that the novelist Joseph Conrad's work speaks directly to us in a way that none of his contemporaries can. Conrad's scepticism, pessimism, emphasis on the importance and fragility of community, and the difficulties of escaping our history are important tools for understanding the political world in which we live. He is prepared to face a future where progress is not inevitable, where actions have unintended consequences, and where we cannot know the contexts in which we act.Heart of Darkness uncovers the rotten core of the Eurocentric myth of imperialism as a way of bringing enlightenment to 'native peoples' - lessons which are relevant once more as the Iraq debacle has undermined the claims of liberal democracy to universal significance.The result can hardly be called a political programme, but Conrad's work is clearly suggestive of a sceptical conservatism of the sort described by the author in his 2005 book After Blair: Conservatism Beyond Thatcher. The difficult part of a Conradian philosophy is the profundity of his pessimism - far greater than Oakeshott, with whom Conrad does share some similarities (though closer to a conservative politician like Salisbury). Conrad's work poses the question of how far we as a society are prepared to face the consequences of our ignorance.

Spectra Magazine - Issue 4
Spectra is the new digital magazine bringing you the best in new sci-fi, horror and fantasy short fiction, news and reviews. With four new stories from established writers and rising talent every issue, Spectra Magazine delivers the cutting edge of digital fiction direct to your favourite eBook platform. Spectra Magazine is the first science fiction, fantasy and horror short fiction publication dedicated to digital reading, delivering the best in genre-based literary entertainment. Each month, four brand new short stories are curated from award-winning genre writers and new talent alike, bringing you electrifying fiction in a host of different styles. We believe that sci-fi, fantasy and short fiction should dazzle and excite even the most seasoned reader, and we only select authors who are sure to blow your mind, ignite your imagination or turn your dreams into nightmares. Written and designed specifically for the e-book generation and e-reader technology, Spectra Magazine is essential for everyone with a passion for science fiction, fantasy, horror, or anyone looking for something fresh and exciting to bring their e-Reader to life. The future of short fiction is here.

Dream of Christmas
A Dream of Christmas is a fantastic festive tale during which a child dreams of visiting Santa's toy factory. But is it just a dream? The story features 24 pictures and wonderfully written rhyming verse, and is a favourite of children across the world.

Moral Mind
The reality and validity of the moral sense - which ordinary people take for granted - took a battering in the last century. Materialist trends in philosophy, decline in religious faith, and a loosening of traditional moral constraints contributed to a shift in public attitudes, with many decent honest folk both aware of a questioning of moral claims and uneasy with a world that has no place for the moral dimension. Haslam shows how important the moral sense is to the human personality and exposes the weakness in much current thinking that suggests otherwise. His goal is to help the reader to a mature and confident understanding of the moral mind, which constitutes an essential part of what it is to be human.

School of Freedom
Liberal education is not a theory. It is the tradition by which Western civilisation has preserved and enriched its inheritance for two and a half thousand years. Yet liberal education is a term that has fallen from use in Britain, its traditional meaning now freely confused with its opposite. This book is intended to correct that misapprehension, through the presentation of original source material from the high points in the liberal education tradition with particular focus on the British experience.Section 1: Origins (c. 450 BC to c. 450 AD)Section 2: The British Tradition (c. 750 to 1950)Section 3: After Tradition (1950 onward)Section 4: Liberal Education Redux (America)

Who's Afraid of a European Constitution?
In this short but authoritative book, the nature and purpose of the European Constitution are explained by someone involved in its preparation. The author discusses how it was drafted, and tackles some much debated questions: whether it promises any enhancement of democracy in the EU, whether it implies that the EU is becoming a superstate, and whether it will strengthen the principle of subsidiarity and the protection of human rights.

Call of the Wild
Buck is a St. Bernard/Scotch Shepherd mix dog living in the "e;sun-kissed"e; valley of Santa Clara, California. But, when he is stolen and transported up to frozen lands of the Yukon, he discovers an existence almost beyond his comprehension. However, while most southern dogs that are suddenly dropped into this harsh and unforgiving environment, Buck not only survives, he thrives. It seems that ancient memories are speaking to Buck, drawing him towards the call of the wild... This classic tale has been specially formatted for today's e-readers.

Read My Lips
Frederick Huntsman had a tough childhood. He was deaf for five years before his hearing was restored. His schoolmates shunned him and he never had a girlfriend in high school but this painful past left him with one very helpful skill: he could read lips.He was looking for his first job when he saw two people talking about a kidnapping. He reports this to the police but they do not believe him so he rescues the kidnap victim himself. The victim was the daughter of the town's Mayor who is a very rich man and is vying to become state governor. He employs Freddie as his investigator at a very high salary. Freddie uses his skill to keep track of what Barforth "e;Spike"e; Crawley, the kidnapper is planning to do next. Suddenly Freddie finds himself very popular with the opposite sex. The hunt for Crawley takes him into the woods and an encounter with a grizzly bear and a very attractive girl. He solves a ten year old murder as the mayor is elected to the governorship and Crawley finally corners Freddie, seeking revenge.

Great Immigration Scandal
Outlines the events that led to the decision that the author could no longer participate in a policy that appeared to be at odds with the intentions of Parliament. This book includes an analysis of the relevant scholarly literature in demography, economics and psychology.

Numerology in Action in Our World
This book is the first in what will be a lengthy series covering the numbers 1 to 99 - the result of 30 years of research into the power of word vibrations in the English language. It deals with the values and identifying chasteristics of the numbers 1, 2 and 3, as they are expressed in the Christian Bible, via the Holy Trinity and reflected in our 3 dimensional world. There is a fascinating section showing the import of the Master 38/11 vibration surrounding the death of John Lennon. The natural and human-made catastrophes we have witnessed during the world year 2011 are also shown to have numerologically intriguing significance.

This is the beginning of an epic saga of books featuring the savage and brutal realism of Dark Ages conflict with domineering rulers and stardust legends. A veneficus is a Dark Ages hybrid of sorcerer, magician, hermit, alchemist, oracle, wizard and wax-pale ghost. Savage death stalks the venefical gift, those who oppose it and those who support it. The fate of Wessex lies in the enchanted hands of Merlin, the current manifestation of the 10,000 - year - old Avebury Stones dynasty of Wessex venefici. But time races against him. He has only seven years left to live; seven short years in which he must train his successor in the enchantments. Twilight, formerly the village boy Will Timms, has the aura of the one chosen to be taught by the mighty Merlin and eventually take his place. Meanwhile, Wessex has fallen into peril, consumed by conflict and death as the Northern King, Penda, and his wolf woman veneficus, Elelendise, invade the land in search of conquest and power. Elelendise also covets Merlin's title and will stop at nothing to obtain it. Penda and Elelendise are not the only threats. Forces even darker still are gathering as the God of the Cowering Dead strives for domination in an immortal struggle entwined with the fate of Wessex.

Fundamental Aspects of Long Term Conditions
Underpinned by relevant epidemiology, demography and policy, this book explores the management of long-term conditions. It discusses communication and multidisciplinary working, including discussion of the student nurse's role. Each chapter includes learning points and uses a questioning/reflective approach, which draws on the reader's own experiences.

Stone of Destiny
During the elaborate funeral for Queen Victoria, a group of Irish separatists breaks into Westminster Abbey and steals the Coronation Stone, on which every monarch of England has been crowned since the 14th century. After learning of the theft from Mycroft, Sherlock Holmes is tasked with recovering the stone and returning it to England. In pursuit of the many-named stone, which has a rich and colorful history, Holmes and Watson travel to Ireland in disguise as they try to infiltrate the Irish Republican Brotherhood, the group they believe responsible for the theft. The story features a number of historical characters, including a very young Michael Collins, who would go on to play a prominent role in Irish history; John Theodore Tussaud, the grandson of Madame Tussaud; and George Bradley, the dean of Westminster at the time of the theft. There are also references to a number of other Victorian luminaries, including Joseph Lister and Frederick Treves. For fans of Conan Doyle's immortal detective, the game is always afoot. However, for the great detective the stakes have never been higher as he must mollify a king who refuses to ascend the throne until "e;order has been restored."e;

Democratic Theory of Michael Oakeshott
his book offers a description, explanation, and evaluation of Michael Oakeshott's democratic theory. He was not a democratic theorist as such, but as a twentieth-century English political theorist for whom liberal theory held deep importance, his thought often engaged democratic theory implicitly, and many times did so explicitly. The author's project penetrates two renewals. The first is the revitalization of interest in Oakeshott, and the second is the renewal of democratic theory which began in the 1980s. In respect to this latter renewal, the book engages the deliberative turn in democratic theory. These revivals create the context for this new look at Oakeshott. To state the matter as a problem, one might say that in light of new and fecund democratic theory, it is a problem for political theory if one of the most important political theorists of the twentieth century is left out of the discourse insofar as he has something relevant to say about deliberative democracy. It is of no small importance that almost all the work in democratic theory being done these days is of the deliberative/discursive kind, or responses to it. That is, deliberative theory is driving the agenda of democratic theory. The author argues that Oakeshott does indeed have something relevant to say which is applicable to this democratic theory.