Michael, a missionary priest in Kenya, has just killed Munyasya, a retired army officer. It might have been an accident, but Mulonzya, a politician resentful of the power of foreign churches, tries to exploit the tragedy for his own ends. Boniface, a young church worker, and his wife, Josephine, have just lost their child. They did not make it to the hospital in time, possibly because Michael made a detour to retrieve a letter from the Mission, a letter from Janet, a former volunteer teacher who was the priest's neighbour for two years. It is Munyasya who has the last laugh, however, when he reveals that he was probably in control of events all along. Thirty years on, the same characters find their lives still influenced by his memory.

Political Potential of Sortition
The central feature of every true lottery is that all rational evaluation is deliberately excluded. Once this principle is grasped, the author argues, we can begin to understand exactly what benefits sortition can bring to the political community. The book includes a study of the use of sortition in ancient Athens and in late medieval and renaissance Italy. It also includes commentary on the contributions to sortition made by Machiavelli, Guicciardini, Harrington and Paine; an account of the history of the randomly-selected jury; and new research into lesser-known examples from England, America and revolutionary France.

Education! Education! Education!
The essays in this book criticise the new positivism in education policy, whereby education is systematically reduced to those things that can be measured by so-called 'objective' tests. School curricula have been narrowed with an emphasis on measurable results in the 3 R's and the 'quality' of university departments is now assessed by managerial exercises based on commercial audit practice. As a result, the traditional notion of liberal arts education has been replaced by utilitarian productivity indices.

Representational and the Presentational
In this wide-ranging book the author presents his critique of the contemporary portrayal of cognition, an analysis of the conceptual foundations of cognitive science and a proposal for a new concept of the mind. Shanon argues that the representational account is seriously lacking and that far from serving as a basis of cognitive activity, representations are the products of such activity. He proposes an alternative view of the mind in which the basic capability of the cognitive system is not the manipulation of symbols but rather action in the world. His book offers a different outlook on the phenomenon of consciousness and presents a new conception of psychological theory and explanation. This revised second edition includes a new Postscript.

General Will in Political Philosophy
This book deals with the role and place of the general will in modern and contemporary political thought. This project is carried out at the crossroads of the history of ideas and political philosophy. It extensively develops historical and philosophical themes, showing modifications to the idea of the general will in the writings of thinkers who sometimes represent very distant epochs. The author tracks down the birth and the development of the idea of the general will in ancient, medieval, modern and contemporary times, devoting most of the book to the thoughts of Jean Jacques Rousseau and nineteenth and twentieth century British idealists.

Essays on some Unsettled Questions of Political Economy
This volume includes five essays on the subject of political and sociological philosophy, including 'Of the Laws of Interchange between Nations', 'On the Influence of Consumption upon Production', 'Of the Words Productive and Unproductive', 'Of Profits and Interest' and 'Of the Definition of Political Economy; and of the Method of Investigation Proper to It'. This version has been carefully formatted for today's e-readers by Andrews UK, and includes original footnotes and an easy-to-navigate table of contents.

On Liberty
This book is a philosophical work by British philosopher John Stuart Mill. It was a radical work to the Victorian readers of the time, as it supported individuals' moral and economic freedom from the state. This edition has been specially formatted by Andrews UK for today's e-reading devices, and features an easy-to-navigate table of contents.

Gypsy Debate
Jo Richardson explores the extent to which modes of discourse reflect antipathy towards gypsies and travellers, and control and shape the treatment of this minority group by the rest of society. The focus is housing policy, but her discussion has a wide application.

Japan - Hell on Earth
On the 11th March 2011, a massive earthquake hit the Pacific Ocean near to North-Eastern Japan. Soon afterwards, a devestating tsunami followed. This quick-read guide written by Paul Andrews gives the reader an overview an explanation of the events in easy-to-understand plain English. With sections including the nuclear crisis, the effect of the disaster on Japan's - and the global - economy, and information about what causes an earthquake and a tsunami, this is a concise guide to the shocking events surrounding one of the world's worst natural disasters.

Armageddon breaks out. Then an Apocalypse of nuclear fire rains down from the sky. The Second Coming of the Lord is at hand& but Angels, Demons and Men have different plans and murder in their hearts. God is assassinated in a coup that shatters the balance of the universe. And yet& this is just the beginning. A world ravaged by atomic fallout, the Scorched Earth, is now mankind's only home and they have to share it with all the once immortal beings that fell from the spiritual realm. Heaven and Hell raise their mighty citadels and offer protection from the horrors of the post-apocalyptic wilderness to those who would worship them unquestioningly in return. Archangel Michael, now a renegade expelled from the kingdom of Heaven, will join forces with an unlikely ally: Lucifer, the ex-lord of Hell, who lost his throne to one of his captains and was exiled. Together, these two outcasts of the Tyrannical New Order will embark on a quest to open a dimensional portal to a New Promised Land, a place that holds the promise of a new beginning for all the orphaned creations of God. Guided by an eerily familiar-looking old man who comes and goes as he pleases, they will set out to free all of mankind from slavery to fear. Little do they know that the battle to end all battles is about to begin.

Metaphysics of Self-realisation and Freedom
This first part of Colin Tyler's new critical assessment of the social and political thought of T.H. Green (1836-1882) explores the grounding that Green gives to liberal socialism. Tyler shows how, for Green, ultimately, personal self-realisation and freedom stem from the innate human drive to construct a bedrock of fundamental values and commitments that can define and give direction to the individual's most valuable potentials and talents. This book is not only a significant contribution to British idealist scholarship. It highlights also the enduring philosophical and ethical resources of a social democratic tradition that remains one of the world's most important social and political movements, and not least across Britain, Europe, North America, India and Australia. Dr Colin Tyler is Reader in Politics at the University of Hull and joint convenor of the Centre for British Idealism.

50 Quick Cleaning Tips
Contained within this book are 50 quick and easy common-sense tips to help you clean your home and possessions. Despite a huge number of specialist - and expensive - cleaning products on the market, time has taught us that you don't have to spend a fortune to make your household look like it has been cleaned by the professionals! This quick-read guide has been specially formatted for today's e-readers, with each tip indexed for easy access.

Collection of Classic Stories for Children
Although written nearly 100 years ago, this collection is a wonderful read for children looking for stories which they will enjoy - and which will enhance their literacy skills! With a vocabulary so much wider and richer than many collections of children's stories today, this collection is sure to delight those who read it. Featuring tales such as Rab and his Friends, and Peter Rugg, the Missing Man, this collection has been specially formatted for today's e-readers by Andrews UK

Oakeshott on History
This book challenges the common view that Michael Oakeshott was mainly important as a political philosopher by offering the first comprehensive study of his ideas on history. It argues that Oakeshott's writings on the philosophy of history mark him out as the most successful of the philosophers who attempted to establish historical study as an autonomous form of thought during the twentieth century. It also contends that his work on the history of political thought is best seen in the context of debates over the origins of the liberal state. For the first time, extensive use has been made of unpublished material in the collection of Oakeshott's papers at the LSE, resulting in an intellectual biography that should be of interest both to first-time students and those already familiar with his published works.

Moored to the Continent
Is there an alternative to EU membership? What if Britain left the EU? Would it be a disastrous or liberating experience? What trade relationships could the UK forge outside the EU? How would economic and social policy be different? What are the implications for sovereignty and democracy?This text seeks to answer these questions through exploring the future options for Britain regarding its relationship with the European Union (EU). To the British establishment it seemed obvious that joining the process towards greater European integration would reverse the UK's post-war declining political influence and accelerate its rate of economic growth. Consequently, a recurrent theme is that UK participation in ever closer European integration is widely perceived as 'inevitable'. In contrast, this book both addresses and challenges this presumption by illustrating that a variety of alternative forms of relationship are feasible, together with outlining possible policy options that may compliment and enhance the consequences arising from the fundamental decision of how the UK determines its future.

Arsene Lupin
Arsene Lupin is a gentleman thief, and this first book from the pen of Maurice Leblanc introduces us to this wonderful character's first adventure. Written many years ago, this exciting crime romp is still fantastic fun today, and has been specially formatted for e-reading devices by Andrews UK.

Arabian Nights
The Stories contained in Arabian Nights have been handed down from generation to generation and are just as compelling today as they were when first told. This collection, specially selected and edited by Andrew Lang is a wonderful anthology, and will delight readers young and old. This version has been specially formatted for today's e-readers.

Great Reading Disaster
By the late 1980s half the nation's children were receiving eleven years of progressivist schooling that failed to give them even the elementary basis of education that was completed by the age of seven in earlier days. This great reading disaster was caused by the 'look-say' method of teaching, which presented whole words not individual letters. This book explains the causes and provides the solution to this problem.In 2006, the Secretary of State for Education and Skills has ordered schools to use the phonic method but there seems little evidence that its implications are properly understood or that any serious re-training programme for teachers is being put in place. The authors believe their explanations and recommendations in this book are thus needed just as much as ever.

Science in Civil Society
These days, science is everywhere. It pervades our whole society. Sometimes it is just a clutter of commonplace frivolities, like new fashion fabrics. Sometimes it miraculously preserves our life, like penicillin. Sometimes, like climate change, it looms over us as a portent of doom: sometimes it promises a way of escape from such a fate. Sometimes, like a nuclear warhead, it enshrouds us in political terror: sometimes, like a verification technology, it offers an antidote to such evils. How should we respond to this ambiguous and ubiquitous thing called science?

Tell My Mother I'm Not Dead
This book divides into two parts. The first is a personal narrative of the impact of the death of the author's son Ralph on him and his family and his efforts to see if there was any evidence for his continued existence (generated largely through visits to mediums) that a thinking person could take seriously. The second is an attempt to evaluate that evidence objectively (based on an extensive survey of current and past scientific research in the UK and the USA). The title reflects the inevitable tension between emotion and intellect in such an enquiry.

Around The World in 80 Days
An all time classic, this version of Jules Verne's Around The World in 80 days has been specially formatted for today's e-readers. Follow Phileas Fogg and Passepartout as Fogg takes a wager to travel around the world in what was - at the time - an unthinkably short amount of time!