Morse Code Wrens of Station X
Anne Glyn-Jones opens up the secret world of the interceptors of German Morse Code signals during World War II. Leaving her girls' boarding school with romantic ideas about joining the navy as a Wren, Anne had no idea that she would be working for the mysterious 'Station X', which we now know to be Bletchley Park. Round the clock shifts, bed bugs, rats and poor diet took its toll, as well as the ongoing lack of recognition from the Navy hierarchy. Morse Code Wrens of Station X is a very personal memoir of a young woman's experiences of war time service, as well as providing fascinating insights into the daily realities of the battle for military intelligence superiority.

Intimations Pursued
In this book Andrew Sullivan examines Oakeshott's transition from his original emphasis on philosophy as providing what was ultimately satisfactory in experience to his later emphasis on practical life. This satisfaction is best achieved by a fusion of the modes of poetry and practice, leading the author to examine Oakeshott's view of religious life as the consummation of practice in its most poetic incarnation. The book also examines how the conception of practice is applied in Oakeshott's political writings, focusing on the notion of civil association.

Scottish Philosophy of Rhetoric
The popular and successful rhetorical textbooks produced by the 18th century Scottish philosophical tradition, such as George Campbell's The Philosophy of Rhetoric (1776), Hugh Blair's Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres (1783), and Alexander Bain's English Composition and Rhetoric (1877) have been widely accorded a role in the trajectories of 19th and 20th century literary theory. Scholars have generally overlooked them, however, as philosophical works. The selected writings chosen for this volume show how these rhetorical textbooks were a practical extension of the philosophy of language developed by 18th century Scottish philosophers.Francis Hutcheson, Adam Smith, Thomas Reid, Adam Ferguson, Alexander Gerard, and Henry Home, Lord Kames, advanced a radically new paradigm of language as an inherently mediated practice, directed simultaneously to personal and social, moral and aesthetic uses. This Scottish philosophy of rhetoric powerfully influenced the teaching of language and literacy as tools for social and educational innovation.This volume - the first of its kind - offers a wide variety of writings on rhetoric and rhetorical theory, selected in a way that reveals their intimate connection with the Scottish philosophical tradition.

Referendum Roundabout
A lively and sharp critique of the role of the referendum in modern British politics. The 1975 vote on Europe is the lens to focus the subject, and the controversy over the referendum on the European constitution is also clearly in the author's sights.

Playing the Long Game
We obsess about what our politicians are doing, but ignore that our companies are no longer investing, instead they are focusing on next quarter's profits in order to justify ever higher executive compensation. This is in turn accelerating the West's economic decline versus the East. While the short-term focus of business is becoming widely acknowledged, we are not doing enough to reverse this. Looking at the less known history of companies shows us the choices we can no longer afford to ignore. Some current reforms need to go further and some areas that need reform are currently being ignored. Encouraging our businesses to invest again is one of the most important issues of our time.

Moral, Social and Political Philosophy of the British Idealists
The British idealists of the late 19th and early 20th century are best known for their contributions to metaphysics, logic, and political philosophy. Yet they also made important contributions to social and public policy, social and moral philosophy and moral education, as shown by this volume. Their views are not only important in their own right, but also bear on contemporary discussion in public policy and applied ethics. Among the authors discussed are Green, Caird, Ritchie, Bradley, Bosanquet, Jones, McTaggart, Pringle-Pattison, Webb, Ward, Mackenzie, Hetherington, Muirhead, Collingwood and Oakeshott. The writings of idealist philosophers from Canada, South Africa, and India are also examined. Contributors include Avital Simhony, Darin Nesbitt, Carol A. Keene, Stamatoula Panagakou, David Boucher, Leslie Armour, Jan Olof Bengtsson, Thom Brooks, James Connelly, Philip MacEwen, Efraim Podoksik, Elizabeth Trott and William Sweet.

Language of Lies
A thrilling debut novel from exciting new author Polly Bradshaw. There is a terrorist bomb plot being set in motion against London banks; Terrorists have been brought into Britain by the mysterious Mr Smith, who can procure passports as easily as he can do away with people he doesn't care for. But where does the plot start? In Aldershot, an unsuspecting Registrar of Births, Marriages and Deaths, named Sasha, finds herself the target of a man, Kit Hatton, hell-bent on getting some bogus birth certificates from her, by hook or by crook. But by the time the terrorists have found their way into Britain, both Kit and his accomplice, Gary, are dead, and Gary has Sasha's name and address in his back pocket.

Illusionism is the view that phenomenal consciousness (in the philosophers' sense) is an illusion. This book is a reprint of a special issue of the Journal of Consciousness Studies devoted to this topic. It takes the form of a target paper by the editor, followed by commentaries from various thinkers, including leading defenders of the theory such as Daniel Dennett, Nicholas Humphrey, Derk Pereboom and Georges Rey. A number of disciplines are represented and different viewpoints are discussed and defended. The colleciton is tied together with a response to the commentaries from the editor.

Washday Colours
Washday Colours is a beautifully illustrated children's book by well-known author Suzy-Jane Tanner. It is from a new series of books which encourage learning and play in young children, engaging them in an interactive reading experience. In Washday Colours, young children will have fun identifying yellow dungarees, Dad's blue trousers and Mum's purple knickers as Mum chases and collects the Elephant family's flyaway washing.

To call someone a reactionary is to insult them and to end any argument. There is no possible rejoinder: no one could possibly wish to be a reactionary. But what if one were to gratefully accept the label? What would it mean to wilfully and honestly be a reactionary? Referencing thinkers as diverse as Burke, de Maistre, Guenon, Ratzinger, Scruton and the Prince of Wales this book considers the nature of reaction as a justified response to modernity and the constant call for change. Reaction is shown to take two distinct forms: first, as a rejection of progress and a defence of traditional culture and values; and second, as a common sense disquiet and distaste towards elites. These are seen as entirely valid responses to the failure of modernity. 'Reaction' presents an original and thoughtful critique of modernity and a defence of tradition. It will be of interest to anyone concerned that we are heading too far and too quickly in the wrong direction.

Darwinian Conservatism
A reprint of Larry Arnhart's essay Darwinian Conservatism with comment and criticism from a variety of contributors.

Francis Hutcheson
Known today mainly as a teacher of Adam Smith (1723-90) and an influence on David Hume (1711-76), Francis Hutcheson (1694-1746) was a first-rate thinker whose work deserves study on its own merit. While his most important contribution to the history of ideas was likely his theory of an innate sense of morality, Hutcheson also wrote on a wide variety of other subjects, including art, psychology, law, politics, economics, metaphysics, and logic. Spanning his entire literary career, this collection brings together selections from Hutcheson's greater and lesser known works, including his youthful "e;Thoughts"e; (1725) on Thomas Hobbes' (1588-1679) egoistic theory of laughter.

Sherlock Holmes and the Ghoul of Glastonbury
Emotion-filled memories come cascading from the mind of Britain's foremost investigator as a troubled Glastonbury sends its emissaries to beg help in solving a series of poisonings besetting a region Holmes had experienced and explored as a young lad.Somerset, battleground of successive invaders over the centuries, has a secret which forms a bond between all those born under the mantle of Britannia, a secret trying to break free but which, in doing so, might destroy the very fabric of Britain's hard-won but still tenuous unity.Sherlock Holmes, summoned to solve a murder threatening ruin to greater Glastonbury's commercial prosperity, finds that there are deeper motives behind his summons and that one secret hides a great many more and forces the Great Sleuth to make a decidedly deadly decision to taunt the grim and ghastly Ghoul of Glastonbury.

Sherlock Holmes and the Ley Line Murders
The mists of Britain's insula antiquity have drifted into the modernity of the nineteenth century bringing with them echoes of the savage rituals of its ancient peoples. The Press has fuelled the Public's fear over dismembered victims discovered at the intersection of ancient ley-lines, points on the landscape where logic is defied and science is rendered impotent as ancient forces emerge menacingly from the living Earth itself.Sherlock Holmes finds he must anchor his superior mind on solid ground to uncover the truth and deliver justice for the victims as the reader accompanies the Intrepid Doctor Watson and the Great Sleuth as they conquer their innermost fears when encountering the mysteries of Britain's ancient Ley Lines, the Ancient Ways.

Depression, Emotion and the Self
This volume addresses the question of what it is like to be depressed. Despite the vast amount of research that has been conducted into the causes and treatment of depression, the experience of depression remains poorly understood. Indeed, many depression memoirs state that the experience is impossible for others to understand. However, it is at least clear that changes in emotion, mood, and bodily feeling are central to all forms of depression, and these are the book's principal focus. In recent years, there has been a great deal of valuable philosophical and interdisciplinary research on the emotions, complemented by new developments in philosophy of psychiatry and scientifically-informed phenomenology. The book draws on all these areas, in order to offer a range of novel insights into the nature of depression experiences. To do so, it brings together a distinguished group of philosophers, psychiatrists, anthropologists, clinical psychologists and neuroscientists, all of whom have made important contributions to current research on emotion and/or psychiatric illness.

Snake that Swallowed Its Tail
Liberal values are the hallmark of a civilised society. Yet they depend on an optimistic view of the human condition, Stripped of this essential ingredient, liberalism has become a hollowed-out abstraction. Tracing its effects through the media, politics and the public services, the author argues that hollowed-out liberalism has helped to produce our present discontent. Unless we stop boasting about our values and try to recover their essence, liberal society will be crushed in the coils of its own contradictions.

Memoirs from Mrs. Hudson's Kitchen
Mrs. Hudson is possibly the most famous landlady in literature. Presiding over the comings and goings at 221B Baker Street, she saw many clients, villains and Baker Street Irregulars during the tenancy of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. This series of columns, thoughts, recipes and memoirs are from a long-running column in the Sherlockian journal Canadian Holmes. In it the author, Wendy Heyman-Marsaw, puts herself in Mrs. Hudson's shoes, up and down the 17 steps, and recounts not only the time and era but the food, dining and eating habits of Victorian England. This book explores the meals Mrs. Hudson would have prepared and served her two famous lodgers, what food they would have had while on rail journeys or eaten at hotels around London or inns around England. You will also learn about Mrs. Hudson herself, her husband and even her views towards women's roles and rights in Victorian times. With many illustrations from the Strand Magazine, readers will get a rare peek inside Victorian life.

Before Consciousness
Without consciousness we would not have the experientially flavoured world we have, but without the non-conscious we would not have it at all; for we would not be able to breathe, eat, move, walk, feel, mimic, gesture, laugh, etc., and even see, talk, remember, reason, understand, think, imagine, and make myriad spontaneous decisions as we continuously do in all life situations, from trivial to existential ones. Without consciousness we would not be the kind of creatures we are, but what makes us really unique is our specific non-conscious constellation - a basis from which all mentality germinates and which is irreducible, that is, not representable or in any way simulable.This collection of essays by leading scholars in consciousness aims to show that in order to understand mind as a whole we have to also consider its non-conscious part. Obtaining a more thorough insight into the non-conscious is indispensable for a better understanding of consciousness - the two spheres are to be perceived not as separated but rather as interconnected. The non-conscious is habitually associated with automatized motor behaviour, skills, and habits, but even in their most elementary forms these aspects of mind require a high level of sophistication and cognitive competence. Most complex cognitive tasks, such as perception, memory, decision making, etc. also rely heavily on non-conscious processing, which is not only faster but also proves to be in many respects more fundamental.The investigations included in this volume point to the conclusion that we can behave in a cognitively competent way without recourse to consciousness; that we may act in a reasoned manner even away from awareness; that thinking can be instantiated without engaging the sober conscious reasoner; that our coping in the world is meaningful and fulfilling even when conscious control and volition are dormant. This book aims to integrate the non-conscious as a constitutive dimension of the mind and also to outline how it is indispensable in virtually everything we do.

A-Z of Atari ST Games
The A-Z of Atari ST Games: Volume 2 features reviews of three different games for each letter of the alphabet. The games range from the very earliest releases in the mid 80s to the modern homebrew games of today. This book shows you just how diverse the library of titles is for the Atari ST range and how it became one of the most popular home computers of all time.

Graceland Cemetery in Chicago
Graceland Cemetery is one of Chicago's most outstanding memorial grounds. It's like a little town with a private lake and mausoleums lining its streets. The funerary architecture is spectacular. Here lie Chicago's deceased: baseball players, boxers, ballerinas, fire victims, detectives, politicians, department store owners and inventors. They passed through nature and on to eternity but not without a pawky connection to Sherlock Holmes.

Knowing, Doing, and Being
Between 1965 and 2002 several key lines of research emerged which, taken together, can potentially revolutionise our understanding of the place of consciousness in the universe. Two of these are crucial: first, the analyses of human mental processes by Barnard, and independently by McGilchrist, revealing two separate elements, one rational and one based on relationships; and, second, research by several workers linking quantum theory to consciousness in much greater detail then hitherto. Both of these investigations use an alternative logical system in order to make sense of the quantum/consciousness area. In this book the author explains the close connections between these new ingredients - connections which until now have barely been noticed. Using these insights the author set out a new foundation for consciousness studies in which consciousness is integrated with physics while retaining its qualitatively different character. Finally the book discusses how this affects our everyday approach to ecology, religion, and spiritual practice.