

Thief in the Night
Thief in the Night
Hornung, E.W.
Arthur Raffles is a prominent member of London society, and a national sporting hero. As a cricketer he regularly represents England in Test matches. He uses this as a chance to commit a number of burglaries, primarily stealing valuable jewellery from his hosts. In this, he is assisted by his friend, the younger, idealistic Bunny Manders. Both men are constantly under the surveillance of Inspector Mackenzie of Scotland Yard who is always thwarted in his attempts to pin the crimes on Raffles... This third rip-roaring collection of short stories about Raffles, the Gentleman Thief, has been specially formatted for today's e-readers by Andrews UK.
Paul Andrews Presents - The Book of Werewolves
Paul Andrews Presents - The Book of Werewolves
Andrews, Paul
This gripping read is based on an original book by Sabine Baring-Gould, which details historical reports of alleged Were-Wolf reports over many hundreds of years. Some are clearly just deranged people who slaughtered people due to insanity and murderous intents, some are more mysterious and potentially could be real.... Newly edited, and with some new illustrations added, this is a must have book for the person interested in Werewolves
Willie the Actor
Willie the Actor
Barry, David
Glancing quickly over the bar, he saw the bartender lying face down in a pool of blood, senselessly gunned down simply because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. New York City in the prohibition era, and Bill Sutton's wife thinks he earns an honest crust as a rent collector. Instead, he leads an extraordinary double-life as 'Willie the Actor', a notorious bank robber. Based on a true story, the novel's protagonist is a gentle gunman who never once fires a shot.But it was believed he was jinxed and almost everyone he works with comes to a violent end.
Colin Joins the Circus
Colin Joins the Circus
Lambert, Merv
How does Sammy save the day, when Colin loses the magic bookmark at the circus, and when they are all trapped in the lion's cage complete with lion? Who is haunted by the phantom skateboard? How does Colin turn a fearsome gang-leader into Mr. Wobbly Man? How does he save his family by going back to a witch-trial in the seventeenth century? What amazing discovery do Olivia and Colin make regarding their daughter, Baby Charlotte? Read on to find out...
Lambert, Merv
Videoville is an unusual town where many movies are made, but not all of the animals who live there are friendly. Take Mr. Rockhopper, for example. He can be one angry penguin. Skidder, probably the fastest penguin in the West, can be relied on to be careless, but his small friend Pudden can amaze you. As for Skidder's sister, Trendy Wendy, she often sets the fashion for the younger members of the town. Also meet the Hatopotamus, Buster Gutter, the stunt bear, Mewsli, the cat detective, Myrtle Turtle, and many more surprisingly talented animals... We must not ignore the humans either. Is Slim, the cowboy, to blame for the Umbrella War? Only you can decide, and lastly don't forget to read about the Parapenguins...
Lambert, Merv
A collection of childrens stories based on the videoville animals... What causes Matilda the hen to shoot up the Foxy Club? Aided by their friend Stinky Winky, Mewsli and J.S. Bach, the private detectives investigate and solve the case to the displeasure of Spotto, the lazy chief of the Videoville police. In 'The Owl Who Wasn't Very Bright' young Oliver Owl, inspired by Owlexandra, his new girl-friend, overcomes his usual incompetence to humiliate Tony Tawny Tornado Owl by planting him neatly in a basketball hoop. Morrey Monkey reads and acts out the story of how Dotty, the naughty young dinosaur, helps her uncle to trap the gigantic, deadly Ramborinctus. Morrey unexpectedly wins himself a new role in Mike Mudd's next film. How does the Wherewolf change from possibly becoming a werewolf to become the voice of Videoville Sat Nav? 'The Duel' sees the crucial contest in the Two Town Gala between Videoville and DVD Town, in which the arrogant Ronaldo Rhino, the mayor of DVD Town, takes on Videoville's studious Erwin Elephant. It climaxes in their amazing cycle race.
Whisky Tasting Guide
Whisky Tasting Guide
Moore, Graham
Why should you buy this book? Easy: I've written a straightforward and easy-to-follow guide to malt whiskies which will point you straight in the direction of malts which will be to your taste, based on whiskies you'll probably be familiar with and which are readily available to try out in many pubs. Based on those malts I'll show you which are similar in character so you'll know that if you like such and such a whisky then you'll probably like these also. The tasting notes give an overall guide to each malt, and I've concentrated on the distillers' standard, readily available bottlings, without trying to confuse you with details of other variants. If you find a malt which invites further investigation you'll probably find a number of bottlings, and knowing it's to your taste your explorations will be well founded. Many people stick to the same brands, or don't know what else to look for. There are hundreds of malts out there, all crying out to be tried, and this guide will point you in the direction of malts to try, based on your established tastes. I'm sure you won't be disappointed.
Colin in Racing Colours
Colin in Racing Colours
Lambert, Merv
At Aintree just before the Grand National race sometime in the 1950s Colin is mistaken for a top jockey. The magic bookmark steers him through the big race aided by M, who jumps the fences too, actually finishing ahead of Colin's winning horse Elvis. To Olivia's amazement Colin's grandad, the real jockey appears. He is the spitting image of Colin! 'The Thorpeness Monster' is M in disguise. The magic Phoenix bookmark plays a joke on Olivia and Colin. In the quaint Suffolk village they foil a pair of rather nasty brothers. 'Colin in the Blitz' sees Colin, Sammy and M involved in rescuing people from a bombed building in the London Blitz of 1940. This leads to Colin meeting a V.I.P. 'Saving John Scorbo' finds Colin and co. once again at Aintree. This time they rescue John Scorbo and Grandad from the Creepy Crawley Gang. M provides an astounding 'walking' grandfather clock climax before Grandad and Colin swap roles to keep their identities secret - even from their friends!
Roaring 20's and the Wall Street Crash
Roaring 20's and the Wall Street Crash
Shepley, Nick
The Wall Street Crash was an epic failure of the financial system at the start of the 20th Century, but it alone did not cause the Great Depression. This edition of Explaining Modern History looks at the deeper causes of the crisis. Ideal for GCSE and A Level.
For the Love of Freya
For the Love of Freya
Kelly, Paul
Amy & Steven were married and had moved into their new home, 'Cairnra' a bungalow on the outskirts of Inverness. ANNA STEIGER had settled in at her smaller residence, 'Cara' when she left the ruined 'Glencara' which had been razed to the ground by the recent fire and the boys,ANTON & GIDEON had gone off to University. The memory of the dreaded child, FREYA, presumed dead, seemed to have faded in everyone's mind. (Only Amy's nephew ROBBIE, a slow learning child, remembered Freya with affection) But at Christmas in the year 1951 when the Christmas cards were being received at 'Cairnra', Amy received a memorial card. It was a long, white envelope, bordered in black and inside, she found a simple oblong card with nothing written on it and with no verse ...It bore only the initial 'F'
Boys Talk
Boys Talk
Kelly, Paul
This is a story of eight young boys, Barney, David, Denis, Rory, Hugh,Dominic, Steve & Aaron, just about to leave school at the age offourteen as that was the school leaving age in 1940 when this storybegan. It is told by BARNEY, who was the class Prefect, as Barney wasconsidered to be the 'brains' of the gathering and he had the bestmemory. The story is related when Barney is a much older man,suggested by David, one of his old classmates, in order to recordwhat the boys were like as youngsters and how they would develop asthey grew up . . .
Sweet Acceptance Versus Bitter Resistance
Sweet Acceptance Versus Bitter Resistance
Sacco, Peter
This book uses 3 tenets for treating addiction: Psychology, spiritualism and law of attraction. When readers apply the proven principles in this book, they will be able to overcome any kind of addiction, bad habit as well as set positive, productive belief systems.
Legal Aspects of Health and Safety
Legal Aspects of Health and Safety
Dimond, Bridgit
Presented in a clear and concise format that makes for easy reference and understanding, this revised and updated edition covers issues that are becoming increasingly important to health professionals, managers and educators, including proposed changes to the law since Lord Young's 2010 report Common Sense, Common Safety. Topics include cross infection and the spread of MRSA, greater regulation of health and safety standards, stress and bullying and the laws relating to notifiable diseases such as HIV/AIDS. Illustrated with case studies throughout, this book is designed to provide a clear introduction to the laws relating to health and safety, case law and statute law, so that the health professional has a sound understanding of the law.
Mustard Seed
Mustard Seed
Kelly, Paul
This is Tillie Faulkner's story. The story of her life as she saw it through her own eyes and of NATHAN STEIN'S story as he saw Tillie because he was madly in love with her. It is also the story of RAMAZAN SONMEZ who lusted after Tillie but was incapable of loving ... and concludes with the story of Mother Turkey, who hated everyone and who was the mother of Ramazan and Erdogan. Erdogan was unable to tell his story ... Erdogan couldn't speak, but nothing I have written here could have been possible without him Tillie Faulkner was a very resolute, self-willed, determined young woman who knew exactly what she wanted out of life ... or so she thought, until Erdogan Sonmez came into it and life was never to the same for her after that. Tillie had been the victim of an incestuous relationship when she was a small child and although 'love' was not a word in her dictionary, she was soon to find out that love was indeed becoming a fact in her life that she could not deny. She fought against it as a folly for as long as she could and refused to marry Nathan Stein, a fellow university student who was deeply in love with her.
Britain, France and Germany and the Treaty of Versailles
Britain, France and Germany and the Treaty of Versailles
Shepley, Nick
A helpful GCSE and A Level Guide to one of 20th Century History's most pivotal events. This guide discusses in a clear and concise manner the objectives of the British, French and Germans at the Treaty of Versailles. A follow up volume: America, Japan and the Arabs at Versailles will be published soon.
Dentist and a Boy
Dentist and a Boy
Kelly, Paul
WILLIAM BRIGHT was bright by name, but many thought he wasn't toobright by nature until William proved them all to be wrong. He was alittle slower than most of the other pupils at his school because itwas later learned that he was dyslexic and he had a bad stutter. Hewasn't very popular with the girls either, although he was consideredto be rather handsome ...He was also tall and he was dark, so what wasmissing you might ask. . . and probably the answer was that William wasvery shy and found it very difficult to converse and mix with youngpeople of his own age. William adored his father, but the father diedat an early age when William was only six and he wore his father'swedding ring around his neck until he was old enough to wear it on thefourth finger of the left hand, swearing he would never remove the ringuntil he found someone that he could love as he had loved his dad.William's mother wasn't interested in the boy and considered him to betoo stupid to do anything more than the job he got when he left schoolat the age of fifteen. She had interests of her own which would not benormally classed as motherly and she states that William started tostutter when his father died and believes it was a great shock to himwhich brought this about.
Legal Aspects of Patient Confidentiality 2nd edition
Legal Aspects of Patient Confidentiality 2nd edition
Dimond, Bridgit
This revised and updated edition explores the law relating to patient confidentiality and reflects the recent legislation in the field. The text is written in a jargon free, non-legalistic way to allow the reader to understand the principles and how they apply to practice. The book is aimed at all health professionals who care for the patient, and for patient service managers, patient groups, relatives and anybody who is interested in understanding the law relating to patient confidentiality. The book includes case studies throughout.
Farce Forward - Volume 1
Farce Forward - Volume 1
Lambert, Merv
An ex-colleague, a school librarian, once told me, much to my surprise, that quite a lot of children came into the library at lunch-time to read plays, but that there were not so many available. I therefore offer this set of 5 plays partially to fill the gap, whether merely for reading or even for performing. They range from the first two fairly simple ones, 'The Vase' and 'Neighbours' to the more complicated such as' Aline's Dream' and 'Mr. Far West'. You may note some familiar themes, which I may deliberately or not have borrowed. Aline is definitely not Dorothy, although 'Little Red Robin Hood' and 'Little Horrors' echo some of the ideas in my straightforward stories in 'Colin the Librarian'. The plays may sometimes seem to have serious ideas, such as loyalty and betrayal, but generally they are tongue-in-cheek and intended as (hopefully) a bit of fun. My own favourites are the rather spare 'Pythonesque', and to my mind, especially 'The Haunted Bedroom' with its spooky ending. However, I humbly offer them for you (once again hopefully) to enjoy.
Palmer Raids and the Red Scare
Palmer Raids and the Red Scare
Shepley, Nick
In this volume of the Explaining Modern History Series, Nick Shepley explores the roots of American anti Communism and how a strong and independent left wing movement in the USA was broken during and immediately after World War One. Essential reading for anyone trying to make sense of America in the 1920s and beyond.
Man Called Darius
Man Called Darius
Kelly, Paul
FRANCESCA BARRINGTON-SMYTH ... Frannie as she is known in the story is a young debutante of the Second World War generation and she is tired of the seemingly useless and pretentious life that she is leading in London. She takes herself off to train as a nurse in one of the large London teaching hospitals and after her probationary period, she qualifies as a State Registered Nurse and volunteers for military service, with the Queen Alexandra Imperial Military Nursing Service,the Q.As as they were commonly known and travels abroad as a Theatre Sister. Frannie eventually arrives at the 22nd Indian General hospital in Basra, Iraq and spends a year there before the war was ended in 1945 where she met DARIUS CRANE . . .
10 Geography Lesson Plans for KS1 - Volume 1
10 Geography Lesson Plans for KS1 - Volume 1
Larkins, Pam
These 10 Geography Lesson plans cover the programs of study for Key Stage 1 Geography as set out in the National Curriculum and are based around the QCA topics 'Our school and the local area' and 'An Island Home' which studies a contrasting locality. Within each lesson are opportunities to develop geographical enquiry and skills through knowledge and understanding of places, patterns and processes, as well as development and change. Each lesson includes practical activities and as well as setting out lesson objectives and outcomes. The lesson plans also offer extension activities for cross-curricular work and ICT opportunities as well as assessment.