Professionalism and Ethics
This book contains guidance for all dental care professionals, especially dental nurses. It also provides explanations of the implications of General Dental Council guidance on the Standards for Dental Care professionals, case study examples and checklists and self-assured responses to case study questions.

Tap Once For Yes
You will read in these pages a hugely inspiring and joyful account of survival. This narrative presents extremely strong evidence that the human spirit lives beyond physical death and is able to communicate with and genuinely comfort those who grieve in this life. It is evidence that demands to be taken very seriously.But not least it is also a story of human courage in facing life's often terrible difficulties, and coming through them all with spirit unbroken and uplifted.

What does it mean to be three?
What Does It Mean To Be Three, from child psychologist Jennie Lindon, will give you the tools you need to ensure that your work with children, whether in a school, nursery or home setting, is relevant to their individual stages of development.This books looks at the six areas of learning in the EYFS and focusses on what each area means for three-year olds. Each area of development is backed up with examples of how real children learn, what good practice looks like and working in partnership with parents. A must-have for anyone working with three-year olds.

Child-Initiated Learning
How to plan for an individualised learning journey with every child in your care. Covering how to plan and support each child through sustained shared thinking, this book will give you the skills you need to follow each child's interests and plan for engaging learning experiences. The book offers practical advice on: what is meant by child-initiated learning and self-chosen experiences, how observant practitioners are able to support children's learning, the importance of first-hand experiences for children and an interesting learning environment, flexible planning and documentation, in response to children's interests and skills and dealing with uncertainty and confusion about adult-led activities and group time.

How Children Learn - Book 4
The comprehensive guide to the most influential theorists and their ideas on how children with special educational needs learn and develop.

What Does it Mean to be Four?
What Does It Mean To Be Four, from child psychologist Jennie Lindon, will give you the tools you need to ensure that your work with children, whether in a school, nursery or home setting, is relevant to their individual stages of development.This books looks at the six areas of learning in the EYFS and focusses on what each area means for four-year olds. Each area of development is backed up with examples of how real children learn, what good practice looks like and working in partnership with parents. A must-have for anyone working with four-year olds.

What Does It Mean to Be Five?
What Does It Mean To Be Five, from child psychologist Jennie Lindon, will give you the tools you need to ensure that your work with children, whether in a school, nursery or home setting, is relevant to their individual stages of development.This books looks at the six areas of learning in the EYFS and focusses on what each area means for five-year olds. Each area of development is backed up with examples of how real children learn, what good practice looks like and working in partnership with parents. A must-have for anyone working with five-year olds.

What Does it Mean to be One?
What Does It Mean To Be One, from child psychologist Jennie Lindon, will give you the tools you need to ensure that your work with children, whether in a school, nursery or home setting, is relevant to their individual stages of development.This books looks at the six areas of learning in the EYFS and focusses on what each area means for one-year olds. Each area of development is backed up with examples of how real children learn, what good practice looks like and working in partnership with parents. A must-have for anyone working with babies.

Dental Nurse Survival Guide
This highly practical text aims to provide the newly qualified dental nurse with with a basic guide to dental nursing issues. The Dental Nurse Survival Guide adopts the same Q&A format that has proven so successful with the best selling Staff Nurse Survival Guide. Each guide is a collection of all the common situations that a newly qualified practitioner might face. The aim is to produce an answer for each question that could be read in 5 minutes - a pocket-sized handbook containing ideas, principles and guidelines for a number of common and sometimes unexpected situations encountered in the first year of practice. Written by experienced author who wrote The Dental Nurses' Guide to Infection Control and Decontamination.

What Does it Mean to be Two?
What Does It Mean To Be Two, from child psychologist Jennie Lindon, will give you the tools you need to ensure that your work with children, whether in a school, nursery or home setting, is relevant to their individual stages of development.This books looks at the six areas of learning in the EYFS and focusses on what each area means for two-year olds. Each area of development is backed up with examples of how real children learn, what good practice looks like and working in partnership with parents. A must-have for anyone working with two-year olds.

Words to Ease your Soul
From time to time we all need to hear words of support and encouragement on our life journey. But we don't always have someone at hand to say them. This collection of poetry and prose, full of compassion, is inspired by the spirit world for when we need a little extra help, written through the acclaimed mediumship of Jacqui Rogers.

Parents as Partners
It is a widely acknowledged fact that if parents are involved in their child's early learning there is a positive impact on development and later school achievement. This title looks at how to build a positive relationship with the parents of children in your care, whether you work in a group or home setting. This book offers practical advice on: how to set up and maintain a respectful relationship with parents, what the EYFS expects of practitioners, how to encourage parental involvement, how to include fathers as well as mothers and working with hard-to-reach parents.

Spirit Revelations
This is an account of incredible yet documented precognitive dreams and synchronicities. They show that our minds are far more powerful than we thought and that we can access true and detailed information without using our normal senses and even of the future.These experiences offer us genuine spiritual guidance in our everyday lives and have profound implications for our understanding of consciousness.Endorsed by the world-renouned scientist Rupert Sheldrake as "e;vivid and fascinating... pioneering research."e;

Jump Into Property Investing
If you are thinking about getting into the UK property market then this title, written by an author with over thirty years experience, is for you. Learn what to look for when choosing property in which to invest, whether for rental or refurbishment, and learn of the common mistakes that are made and the steps you can take to avoid them. Detailed chapters cover important topics such as how to MAXIMISE the tax benefits that are available to you, how to select your professionals, the art of buying at auction and tips on negotiating with agents. Learn the TWO GOLDEN RULES that will guide you throughout your career as you begin BUILDING YOUR EMPIRE and develop 'best practice' habits when it comes to crafting your leases and preparing contracts for sale. Take advantage of the knowledge and wisdoms shared in this presentation and equip yourself with a power of understanding that will help you as you consider your next steps in the world of property investing.

Play and Learning in the Early Years
This book is a comprehensive resource for practical activities and games for the under threes. As well as providing a wealth of activities for pre-school children, this book maps out exactly how each activities relates to the child's development.This book approaches the years of 0-1, 1-2 and 2-3 of a child's life and suggests a wide range of activities that are developmentally appropriate for each of these age ranges. Activities at each age range cover the following areas of learning and development at a level suitable for toddlers and babies: Communication, Language and Literacy Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy Knowledge and Understanding of the World Personal, Social and Emotional Development Creative Development Physical DevelopmentAn essential guide to the importance of play, this book will be of use to anyone working with the under threes.

You Can Have Chips
From childhood kick-abouts on knee-scraping surfaces to junior football in shirts that reached your ankles to greet your socks, like many youngsters Steve Wignall dreamed of wearing a hallowed red shirt and becoming a professional footballer. Following his apprenticeship at Doncaster Rovers that dream came true and he embarked on a 20-year playing career that took him from Donny to Colchester, Brentford and Aldershot. When age and injury held up the red card, he went into coaching, scouting and management, returning to both Colchester and Doncaster Rovers as manager. Giving a fascinating, behind the scenes insight into life as a player and as a manager, and peppered with wonderful anecdotes that reflect his cheeky Scouse humour, Steve gives an honest account of his long journey of highs and lows in both his professional and personal life, from back-stabbing, rivalries and budget juggling to family upheavals and traumas. Throughout his long career, Steve's high expectations of himself, his loyalty, his tenacity and his vision as a player were mirrored in his management ethic and team training, at whatever level of football, and his skills and determination are what enabled him to survive and succeed in the tough, demanding and ever-changing world of football.

How Children Learn - Book 1
An unrivalled introduction to the pioneers of educational theory that you won't be able to get through your studies without. This must-have book includes profiles on Vygotsky, Steiner, Montessori and Froebel, as well as 24 other theorists.

Single Petal
Winner of the Local Legend Spiritual Writing Competition,this is unique among MBS books, a genuinely exciting page-turner.It is at once a murder mystery, a political thriller and a passionate love story, with truly human characters - complex, courageous and flawed. Beautifully written with acute attention to historical and cultural detail, this narrative is relevant to every one of us today, exploring the strength and the fallibility of the human spirit.

Sensory Play
Sensory Play draws upon current research findings and observations to present an informative and practical guide to maximising children's sensory play opportunities. This guide enables practitioners to understand the values and benefits of sensory play, incorporating case studies and current research findings to make practical links to the EYFS. Sensory play is set within a wider context, highlighting links to child development theories. This title explains how sensory play can be a valuable tool in delivering curriculum outcomes in a wide variety of settings.

Once Upon a World
"e;On the first day the world had ever known, God had a busy week in front of Him..."e;So begins Once Upon A World, a delightful series of Bible stories for children. With stories selected from the Old and New Testaments, the fresh clear style of writer and illustrator Robert Duncan gives this eBook a widespread appeal. Once Upon A World presents a happy combination of faith and humour that will appeal to families both remote from and close to the Christian faith.

Key Person Approach
How to set up and ensure that a key person approach works in practice. Covering common issues; from working with parents, to supporting transitions, and providing for the emotional wellbeing of young children. This book offers practical advice on: the importance of attachment for children's emotional well being, implications for early years practitioners and the need for a key person system in group settings, details of the role of key person for children and families, dealing with uncertainty about how the key person system should work and how managers can support practitioners in their key person role.