Situated on Lake Malaren on one of the world s most beautiful harbours, Stockholm has set the benchmark for civilized city-living since the time of the Vikings. Its medieval regal period saw the Vasa dynasty turn a small town in the shadow of Uppsala into the capital city of a dominant power in Europe and a major trading port. In the Napoleonic era Stockholm readjusted its priorities to establish itself as a centre of innovation, technical and social. While the city has suffered more than its fair share of disasters, Stockholm s cultural and commercial elite transformed it into a community which welcomed innovation and spread the fruits of its achievements far beyond its borders. From its celebrated Old Town, dating from the Middle Ages, to its Art Nouveau and modern quarters, Stockholm is a city rich in museums, theatres and landmarks. Tony Griffiths explores the Swedish capital, old and new, revealing a city of unexpected contradictions. CITY OF POWER, INTRIGUE AND MURDER: Gustav Vasa, Queen Christina and Voltaire; murder at a Masked Ball, Olaf Palme s assassination; Lindh, social democracy and armed neutrality; the rights of women and the impact of immigration CITY OF SCIENTISTS AND INVENTORS: Linnaeus and Nobel; Ericsson and new technology; Laval, Wenner-Gren and Kamprad. SENSUAL CITY: Strindberg, Greta Garbo, Ingrid and Ingmar Bergman; sculptors and painters; home of the smorgasbord; the church, lust and the alcohol monopoly.

Introducing Waldo Mars - former model, failed inventor, and the best finder east of Alpha Centauri, or at least Uxbridge. Waldo is impeded, rebuked and generally resented at every turn by his put-upon assistant, Rose Duvalle. And if he isn't fighting with Rose, he is having to indulge the delusions of his bizarre clientele. There's Reg, for example, who's mislaid his Tuesday. And Tom, who's mislaid himself. And Gerald, who's lost a little patch of his study - just a small, cube-shaped area, right in the middle... Where do these people come from, and what Waldo wouldn't give for a straightforward case from time to time! An amusing, intriguing and surreal set of mystery stories about a finder who frequently feels a little lost.

Legal Aspects of Medicines 2nd Edition
Concise overview of the laws relating to the supply, administration and prescribing of medicines. User-friendly format for easy reference on the job, or a handy revision aid. Highly practical with case studies throughout to demonstrate application of theory into practice and revised and updated to reflect current law. This book is intended for all health professionals who are likely to be involved in the dispensing, administration, prescribing or supply of medication, whether in hospitals or in the community. It may also be of assistance to others, such as health service managers, patient groups and their representatives, lecturers and clinical supervisors. Each chapter uses a situation to illustrate the relevant laws so that the law can be explained in a practical jargon-free way. The book is intended to introduce readers to the basic principles which apply and the sources of law, so that they can, by following up the further reading and websites provided, add to their knowledge. This book will provide a baseline on which readers can develop their knowledge and understanding of the law relating to medicines.

Pure Inspiration - Book 1
Pure Inspiration is a book of great quotes along with photography from around the world. This book has been designed so that you can either read it from front to back or back to front or you can go to the contents and pick a number at random to give you a burst of inspiration on a daily basis. The quotes in this book continue to be inspirational to me and to many around the world.

Legal Aspects of Consent 2nd edition
This second edition has been revised and updated to reflect current changes in legislation on consent in the medical and healthcare setting. This book explores the law relating to consent, covering both the general principles where the patient is a mentally competent adult, and also the specialist areas of mental incapacity, children and parents. The text is written for all health professionals who care for the patient, and for patient service managers, patient groups, relatives, lecturers and others who are interested in understanding the law relating to consent.

Planning for Effective Early Learning
This title addresses the challenge of developing an awareness of each child's needs and interests in your setting, and planning accordingly. The book covers: supporting others in their planning and leading change, the reason for planning and how to develop professional planning skills.

Belief & Emotion
This book is about how your beliefs and the emotions linked to those beliefs have the power to make you happy or miserable. It is about the tremendous power of these two factors in your life, how you obtained them, why you keep them and how to alter them. It is a self help book with practical suggestions on how, by conscious thinking linked to feelings and emotions, you can change your sub conscious thought patterns and emotions and release your self from 'loop tape' thinking, negative feelings and behaviours. About twenty years ago I became ill and it was four or five years before I felt totally well again. Looking back it was the worst time if my life. My problem was what is today classed as anxiety: a dreadful illness brought on, I believe, by stress, poor nutrition, grief and the type of hectic life-style we all tend to subject ourselves to in today's society. This helped me to understand and formulate a plan that is outlined in this book. By understanding how events in your life affect 'the inner you' and by re-assessing your beliefs and the emotions linked to those beliefs you will gain the power to release yourself from negative and destructive patterns of thinking and behaviour. The only thing we can be sure of is 'change'. By using 'change' constructively on your beliefs and your emotions you can restore your inner power, your 'Chi'. This will help you to put 'the power to be happy' within your own control.

Quirky Medium
Scared of ghosts, Alison is a most unlikely medium. But her huge natural gifts for sensing the presence of spirits and angels have taken her on an extraordinary life journey, helping thousands of others with her channelling and healing abilities. Her down-to-earth English humour has also brought her fame as hostess of the TV programme Rescue Mediums.

A collection of time-twisting, brain-warping tales to tease, inspire and amuse. Characters are wrenched out of their everyday lives and thrown into new and bizarre situations, forcing them - and us - to confront mind-bending questions about the nature of time, space and existence. An extraordinary set of stories from award-winning author, Alex Woolf.

Ice Cream Time Machine
When they visit their Uncle Vince, little do Bridget and her younger brother Robert know that today will be a day like no other as they join him in hair-raising escapades, travelling across infinite space and thousands of years, accompanied by Leonardo, their uncle's Irish wolfhound, the coolest dog in the universe! During this adventure of a lifetime, they soon discover how dangerous life can be in other centuries, and when they become separated from their time machine, the time travellers wonder if they will ever find their way back to the 21st Century and home.

Pathways of the Druids
In AD 60 the Roman Empire occupies Britannia, destroying its ancient culture. Under the leadership of Boudicca, the Iceni rise up against Nero's forces but it is a losing battle. Yet the Druids are masters of nature, and in a final desperate strategy to avoid slavery, the priests summon their greatest magic to open a portal into an alternative world. One last Celtic tribe, the Ordoveteii, race to cross the threshold...

Servant to the Servants
This fantastic new eBook from well-known author Paul Kelly will make an excellent addition to any fiction-lover's digital shelf. Featuring strong characters and plots which draws you into Kelly's worlds, reviewers have been recommending his titles for years. This latest addition to his catalogue of successes is sure to be another winner.

Communication Skills for Nurses
Over a third of all consultations in general practice are now conducted by nurses. The consultation is the key element of primary care, with patients being more satisfied with the care given by clinicians who have good communication skills. Poor communication or dissatisfaction with a consultation is reported to be one reason why patients decide not to attend or do not take a prescribed treatment. Patients need to be satisfied with the consultation, understand their condition and understand the reasons for their treatment or management plan. This book has been written to reinforce good consultation and communication skills and highlights areas where readers might wish to to review and improve their own consultation techniques. This is done though case studies and scenarios that are likely to be common in many practices. Although the text and scenarios relate to practice nurse consultations, the content can be transferred to all primary care nursing settings.

Fundamental Aspects of Legal, Ethical and Professional Issues in Nursing 2nd Edi
This popular title from the Fundamental Aspects of Nursing series has been revised and updated to reflect the advances in the field. Vital reading for all student nurses to help them develop an understanding of the myriad of dilemmas in professional practice and ensure they meet professional standards. This book will outline the implications and application of the relevant recent legislation that relates to nursing practice. Professionally, this book will look at the demands and requirements of nursing, as it moves to an all graduate profession, and the subsequent legal and ethical implications. It will also be helpful for qualified nurses as a refresher text & for those undertaking Overseas Nurses' Programmes. With the new Nursing and Midwifery Council's proposals, there is a greater emphasis on nurses' awareness and ability to use, and be assessed in, legal, ethical and professional issues in their clinical practice.

10 History Lesson Plans for KS1 - Volume 1
These 10 History Lessons cover the programs of study for Key Stage 1 History as set out in the National Curriculum and are also based around the QCA topics Homes, Toys, Florence Nightingale, Fire of London and Guy Fawkes. Within each lesson are opportunities to develop chronological understanding, knowledge and understanding of events, people and changes in the past, historical interpretation and enquiry. Each lesson includes an historical account of the person's life or event, a list of resources and practical activities, lesson objectives, outcomes and extension activities for cross curricular work that include ICT opportunities as well as assessment.

Indigo Awakes
This debut novel is truly inspiring. Beautifully written in simple language, the author shows us a way to live free of fear. Indigo is tired of conflict with her partner and her. But then a quiet voice within begins to demand change; intense dreams and synchronicities show her an alternative path. Indigo begins a journey into the unknown exploring her own spirituality. This book vibrates with positive energy.

How to Prepare Your Child for Primary School
Starting school is one of the most important events in your child's life and can be an exciting time for parents and children alike, but even the most confident child can find it a daunting prospect if not adequately prepared. Help your child to form positive attitudes towards education and become a life- long learner by using some of the ideas in this book which has been written by a parent and experienced teacher of young children.

Complete Guide to Precision Reflexology 2nd Edition
This edition provides a complete guide to precision reflexology, covering the basic techniques and knowledge and now includes a new chapter on the latest advanced techniques which have developed in recent years by the author. Redesigned into a user friendly format. Photos have been updated throughout. This text is appropriate for those practitioners already using this technique and for those who have yet to discover it. Precision Reflexology holds the same rationale as other forms of reflexology. It focuses on stimulating "e;reflex points"e; on the feet to maintain good health. Precision work connects to a person energetically, responds to the needs of each individual and aims to maintain natural balance. It does not rely on physical pressure but, at the same time, it can be powerful and effective. It can be taught in its own right or it can be adapted to enhance other forms of reflexology in post-graduate training. It provides an added dimension to a treatment and reflects an Eastern approach to healthcare. This book offers a step-by-step guide, with illustrations and charts for its application.

Legal Aspects of Pain Management 2nd Edition
This revised and updated edition explores the law relating to pain management in recent years.It considers the legal issues which have arisn in recent high-profile cases and discusses the implications of legisation extending prescribing powers. The text is written in a user-friendly, readable form for the non-lawyer. It aims to provide a succinct, useful basis from which practtioner and others can extend their knowledge of the law for the protection of their patients, their colleagues and themselves. Scope and contents Human rights law Criminal law and procedure Negligence Professional registration Consent in relation to adults, children and mentally disabled adults.

Clinical Teaching Made Easy
Increasingly, nurses and other health professionals are required to teach doctors, trainees and medical students. This book also helps to contextualise learning and provide practical tips for teaching in the clinical context for all health professionals. The book will be useful for clinical teachers at whichever stage of career as it covers all areas of health professions' education in an easy to follow style. It provides a theoretical basis to how clinical teaching and learning might be carried out and draws on the experience of well-regarded clinical teachers to highlight practice points. All aspects of clinical teaching and learning, appraisal, supervision and career development are included. This book is written in an easy to follow format with short chapters, sections, diagrams and practice points. The theory is always related to teaching practice in the clinical context.

Role Play
Role Play underpins all development and learning in young children. Practice Guidance for the Early Years Foundation Stage (2008, page 7). Learning through play is at the heart of the EYFS, and this series aims to give the practitioner as many play ideas as possible to support children's learning.