

Delphi Complete Works of Thomas Chatterton
Delphi Complete Works of Thomas Chatterton
Thomas Chatterton
Sacrificing any chance of his own fame, the eighteenth century teenage poet Thomas Chatterton attributed his poems to a fictitious fifteenth century poet, under the name Sir Thomas Rowley. The Delphi Poets Series offers readers the works of literature's finest poets, with superior formatting. This volume presents the complete works of Thomas Chatterton, with beautiful illustrations and the usual Delphi bonus material. (Version 1) * Beautifully illustrated with images relating to Chatterton's life and works * Concise introduction to the life and poetry of Chatterton * Excellent formatting of the poems * Special chronological and alphabetical contents tables for the poetry * Easily locate the poems you want to read * The poetry texts are taken from the celebrated Walter Skeat edition of Chatterton – available in no other digital collection * Rare Rowley poems available nowhere else * Includes Chatterton's prose works - explore the poet's personal letters * Features two biographies - discover Chatterton's literary life * Scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genres Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to browse through our range of exciting titles CONTENTS: The Poetry of Thomas Chatterton BRIEF INTRODUCTION: THOMAS CHATTERTON The Poems LIST OF POEMS IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER LIST OF POEMS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER The Prose LIST OF LETTERS AND OTHER PROSE WORKS The Biographies THE LIFE OF THOMAS CHATTERTON by Edward Bell CHATTERTON’S LIFE AND DEATH AND THE GENESIS OF THE ROWLEY POEMS by Maurice Evan Hare Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to browse through our range of exciting titles
Night and Day
Night and Day
Virginia Woolf
Set in Edwardian London, Night and Day contrasts the daily lives and romantic attachments of two acquaintances, Katharine Hilbery and Mary Datchet. The novel examines the relationships between love, marriage, happiness, and success. The sky and stars as well as river Thames serve as supporting characters throughout the book.
A Child's History of England
A Child's History of England
Charles Dickens
Charles Dickens wrote this book for his own children hoping to help them bye and bye, to read with interest larger and better books on the same subject. The history covers the period between 50 BC and 1689, ending with a chapter summarising events from then until the accession of Queen Victoria. The book is considered one of the finest English history texts.
Rilla of Ingleside
Rilla of Ingleside
Lucy Montgomery
In the continuing story of Anne Shirley, this book draws the focus back onto a single character, Anne and Gilbert's youngest daughter Bertha Marilla "Rilla" Blythe. It has a more serious tone, as it takes place during World War I and the three Blythe boys—Jem, Walter, and Shirley—along with Rilla's sweetheart Ken Ford, and playmates Jerry Meredith and Carl Meredith—end up fighting in Europe with the Canadian Expeditionary Force. This book follows Anne from the age of 49 to 53.
The Black Tulip
The Black Tulip
Alexandre Dumas
The city of Haarlem, Netherlands, has set a huge prize to the person who can grow a black tulip, sparking competition between the country's best gardeners to win the money, honour and fame. Only the city's oldest citizens remember the Tulip Mania thirty years prior, and the citizens throw themselves into the competition. The young and bourgeois Cornelius van Baerle has almost succeeded but is suddenly thrown into the Loevestein prison. There he meets the prison guard's beautiful daughter Rosa, who will be his comfort and help, and eventually become his rescuer.
A Tramp Abroad
A Tramp Abroad
Mark Twain
The book details Twain's journey with his friend Harris through central and southern Europe. While the stated goal of the journey is to walk most of the way, the men find themselves using other forms of transport as they traverse the continent.
Zo Gaat Dat In Rusland: Of Hoe Te Leven Tussen Russen
Zo Gaat Dat In Rusland: Of Hoe Te Leven Tussen Russen
Maria Konjoekova
Maria Konjoekova’s Zo gaat dat in Rusland, of hoe te leven tussen Russen is niet alleen een grappige, vol zelfspot geschreven handleiding voor het dagelijks leven in Rusland, het is ook een scherpzinnige en praktische gids voor het doorgronden van een land en van mensen die we vandaag de dag overal ter wereld kunnen tegenkomen. Waar komen onze meningen en vooroordelen eigenlijk vandaan? De schrijfster onderzoekt de culturele eigenaardigheden, waarvan het Russische leven doortrokken is, en geeft ook een verklaring voor de stortvloed aan ongebreidelde Russische emoties in alle mogelijke situaties. Zo rekent ze moeiteloos af met de vele misvattingen die er over de Russen bestaan en kweekt op humoristische wijze begrip voor hun, in Westerse ogen, soms onbegrijpelijke gedrag. Konjoekova wil met haar boek preken noch bekeren, ze beoogt daarentegen een brutaal, maar liefdevol inkijkje te geven in de Russische ziel. Eigenlijk is haar boek een minihandleiding voor de mens in het algemeen.
Eden is Now - The Answers You Need to Live a Joyful Life on Earth and Ascend in
Eden is Now - The Answers You Need to Live a Joyful Life on Earth and Ascend in
WELCOME to EDEN...You have a joyful life waiting for you. It’s time to claim it. Eden IS here, right now, on Earth.Do you want to become as radiant and joyful as the sun, a source of light and pure vitality so bright that everything in your vicinity can not help but grow and blossom as well?Find the Answers You Seek: Eden delivers source wisdom channeled straight from Spirit to help you transform your life. We have been helping people shift their vibration upwards and reach their full potential for over a decade. Let us help you learn how to SHINE.
Nostradamus Complete Works – World’s Best Collection
Nostradamus Complete Works – World’s Best Collection
Michel Nostradamus, Charles A Ward
Nostradamus Complete Works – Worlds’ Best Collection This is the world’s best Nostradamus collection, including the most complete set of Nostradamus’s works available plus many free bonus materials. Nostradamus Michel de Nostredame, Latinised as Nostradamus, was a French apothecary and seer who published collections of prophecies, in the form of poems known as quatrains. Nostradamus has attracted a following that credits him with predicting many major world events. The ‘Must-Have’ Complete Collection In this irresistible collection you get a full set of Nostradamus’s work, with All Nostradamus’s quatrains, All his poetry, and All his predictions. We also include annotations, interpretations and classic books written about him and his predictions. Plus we include a comprehensive biography so you can experience the life of the man behind the words. Works Included: Nostradamuses Prophecies The famous quatrains, divided the way Nostradamus originally composed them, in what he called ‘Centuries’. Including: Century I – Century X Nostradamus’s Almanacs: 1555-1563 Nostradamus’s Almanacs: 1564-1567 Preface By Nostradamus To His Prophecies Ther Oracles Of Nostradamus A seminal work about Nostradamus , his life and his predictions.?Including: Life Of Nostradamus Three Prophecies Of Old Time Epistle To Henry Ii Magic Louis Xiii French Revolution Napoleonic Rule Modern Prophecies Fulfilled A interpretation of Nostradamus’s quatrains as they relate to modern events and prophesies, written specially for this collection.?Including: Hitler And World War Ii President Kennedy’s Assasination Cuban Missile Crisis Desert Storm 9/11 Atomic Bomb Hurricane Katrina Princess Diana’s Death Get This Collection Right Now This is the best Nostradamus collection you can get, so get it now and start delving into his world, his poetry and his predictions like never before!
Mental Efficiency And Other Hints
Mental Efficiency And Other Hints
Arnold Bennett
No one is a worse guide to success than your typical successful man. He seldom understands the reasons of his own success; and when he is asked by a popular magazine to give his experiences for the benefit of the youth of a whole nation, it is impossible for him to be natural and sincere. He knows the kind of thing that is expected from him, and if he didn’t come to London with half a crown in his pocket he probably did something equally silly, and he puts that down, and the note of the article or interview is struck, and good-bye to genuine truth!
San Pedro Huachuma: Opening the Pathways of the Heart
San Pedro Huachuma: Opening the Pathways of the Heart
Javier Regueiro
San Pedro / Huachuma: Opening The Pathways Of The Heart is an invitation to explore and reconnect with our inner landscapes with the help of San Pedro, also known in South America as Huachuma. San Pedro (Echinopsis pachanoi) is a psychoactive cactus native of the Andes, but more importantly it’s an ancestral medicine that has been used for millennia for healing and ceremonial purposes. Our Western psychic and psychological make-up differs radically from that of Andean people, and our needs as modern people differ just as much from the needs of the ancestors and inhabitants of this land. This book intends to bridge such cultural gap in ways that honor the wealth of wisdom gathered through centuries of native studies and experimentation, and at the same time address our present day state of emotional disconnection and spiritual confusion, which are at the root of most physical, emotional, and mental diseases. Javier Regueiro draws a comprehensive and practical map for exploring consciousness using this ancestral medicine by sharing from his extensive knowledge as a plant medicine person, his personal experiences, and those of the many people he has guided over the years using this medicine.
Jocul vie?ii ?i cum s?-l juc?m
Jocul vie?ii ?i cum s?-l juc?m
Florence Scovel Shinn
Interac?iunea cu persoanele dificile poate fi foarte demoralizatoare. Ea ??i poate tulbura starea emo?ional? ?i te poate ?mpiedica s? ??i atingi ?elurile. Avem de?a face cu oameni dificili, practic, tot timpul, at?t ?n rela?iile profesionale, c?t ?i ?n via?a de zi cu zi. ?i ?nt?lnim frecvent ?n situa?ii ?n care stresul poate face un om, de obicei ra?ional, s? se comporte ca un b?d?ran, s? devin? brusc ner?bd?tor, s? ac?ioneze sub imperiul nervilor – de?i, uneori, poate ap?rea ?i o combina?ie a acestor trei situa?ii. Mul?i oameni dificili nu ??i dau seama c? se comport? ur?t, ?n vreme ce al?ii se comport? sistematic ?n acest fel deoarece au impresia c? reu?esc s? ?i domine pe ceilal?i ?n via?a cotidian?.
Lupta mea. Cartea a doua: Un b?rbat ?ndragostit
Lupta mea. Cartea a doua: Un b?rbat ?ndragostit
Karl Ove Knausgård
n contextul vieii profesionale grbite de azi,oamenii petrec mai mult timp cu calculatorul, cu telefonul i n conferine de afaceri dect comunicnd direct, fa n fa. n aceast reea din ce n ce mai complex, inteligena emoional este mai important ca oricnd. Conform cercetrilor, EQ-ul este de dou ori mai important dect IQ-ul pentru a obine ce vrei n via. Cartea conine un program pas cu pas care te va ajuta s-i identifici abilitile de inteligen emoional, responsabile pentru 58% din performana n toate tipurile de munc, s i le sporeti i s te bucuri de succes att n viaa personal, ct i n cea profesional.
Robinson Crusoe's Money
Robinson Crusoe's Money
David A. Wells
David Ames Wells (1828-1898), a prominent American financial economist, political activist and apostle of laissez faire, was a staunch advocate of free trade and the abolition of the tariff. "Wells wrote a large number of books, pamphlets, and articles ...His chief interests were the tariff, the theory of money and the currency question, and taxation. His discussion of all of these took character from his inspection of American economic life, which was marked in his period by progressive lowering of costs of production through the application of science.He, more than others, was the expositor of the nature and consequences of the 'machine age' ... Some of his most effective writing was in opposition to fiat money or depreciated monetary standards.An excellent example of his work in this field is his "ROBINSON CRUSOE'S MONEY", issued first in 1876 when resumption was in doubt, and again in 1896 when the 'free silver' advocacy was in full swing. Wells was among the earliest to appreciate the importance of what has since been known as 'technological unemployment,' the displacing of men by machines ...His writing and speaking was marked by simplicity, candor, and extraordinary facility in the popular adaptation of statistics. His aptness in illustration was as charming as it was effective ..."
Το ε?ναι του φα?νεσθαι
Το ε?ναι του φα?νεσθαι
Αιμιλία- Αννα Καφαντάρη
Αναλ?οντα? εκτεν?? την συμπεριφορ? εν?? ατ?μου ?ταν βι?νει το συνα?σθημα τη? αγ?πη?, εξηγε?ται το π?? μ?α αντ?δραση μπορε? να υποδηλ?νει κ?τι ?λλο απ? αυτ? που εμε?? σαν δ?κτε? εισπρ?ττουμε. Υμνε?ται η μητρικ? και η αλτρουιστικ? αγ?πη και κατηγορε?ται η κτητικ?. Ξεκιν?ντα? απ? το ?τομο, συνεχ?ζεται η επεξ?γηση συμπεριφορ?ν στο ευρ?τερο πλα?σιο μια? κοινων?α?. Διαφορετικ?? νοοτροπ?ε? μεταξ? των λα?ν τη? Ευρ?πη? αναφ?ρονται. Καταλ?γοντα? στην Ελλ?δα, ο χ?ρο? τη? εκπα?δευση? χρησιμοποιε?ται ω? παρ?δειγμα, αν?μεσα σε ?λλα. Προσπαθ?ντα? να δο?με με μια αντικειμενικ? ματι? κ?ποια κοινωνικ? φαιν?μενα, χωρ?? να υποστηρ?ζεται κ?ποια συγκεκριμ?νη ιδεολογ?α, τ?θενται κ?ποια κοινωνικ? ερωτ?ματα. Το ?τομο ω? μ?λο? μια? κοινων?α? καθορ?ζει τον τρ?πο με τον οπο?ο αυτ? κινε?ται, και βλ?πουμε π?? το ?φα?νεσθαι? εν?? φαινομ?νου σε μια κοινων?α, κρ?βει π?σω του ?να ?ε?ναι?. Στο συμπ?ρασμα, επιστρ?φουμε π?λι στο ?τομο ω? οντ?τητα, και με ?να αισι?δοξο μ?νυμα στο τ?λο?, εξηγε?ται το π?? η ευκαιρ?α για ψυχικ? ηρεμ?α και υγιε?? ανθρ?πινε? σχ?σει? βρ?σκεται στο χ?ρι του ανθρ?που ω? ατομικ? προσπ?θεια αλλ? και ω? μ?λο? εν?? συν?λου.
Giridhari: The Uplifter of Hearts
Giridhari: The Uplifter of Hearts
Bhakti Marga
Giridhari: The Uplifter of Hearts' is the first book of this series designed to help you deepen your inner relationship with the Divine Source, whether known as Krishna, Christ, God, Divine Mother, the Guru or a spiritual Master. Consisting of 108 unique insights from a realised spiritual Master, Paramahamsa Sri Swami Vishwananda, this book gives you a wealth of possibilities for inspiration and contemplation each day.?Use the simple five-minute 3-Step Guruvakya Meditation described inside, and you’ll quickly deepen your unique connection with the source of Divine Love, the indweller of your heart.
The Practical Reiki Symbol Primer - Mobile Edition
The Practical Reiki Symbol Primer - Mobile Edition
Maya Cointreau
This Mobile Edition of The Practical Reiki Symbol Primer from Earth Lodge delivers over 40 reiki symbols to your mobile device so you can always have them at your fingertips, whether you are just starting out or moving on to Master level experiences. The Primer illustrates elegantly hand-drawn symbols from both traditional Usui and newer Reiki traditions, followed by descriptions of their uses and origins. Hands-on healing is a natural ability that can be activated and accessed by all humans. The more you use it, the more you spirit unfolds.
Tarot - A Complete Course in Basic Tarot Meanings & Techniques
Tarot - A Complete Course in Basic Tarot Meanings & Techniques
Maya Cointreau
A #1 Divination Bestseller! Learn the traditional meanings of all 78 cards in the modern tarot, and how tarot cards evolved. Experience the cards through daily meditations that work with magical elements. Find out how to prepare for every reading and allow you intuition to unfold. Discover six different ways to lay out your cards for readings. The e-reader version of this book features gorgeous full color watercolor illustrations from the Aquatic Tarot deck, while the print version is black-and-white.
Breaking the Silence: Victims No More
Breaking the Silence: Victims No More
Sarah's Refuge LLC
The silence must be broken… ? Each year, thousands of men, women, and children suffer domestic violence. For many, it’s far too long to live in this kind of silence. How much devastation must we see in individuals, families, and communities before we realize that someone… anyone… everyone must take a stand? Featuring stories & accounts from domestic violence survivors & family members. Also included is information regarding types of abuse, why victims stay, awareness months, & a personalized safety plan. Domestic violence has the potential to destroy everything it touches, but there is a solution. Stand up, speak up, and break the silence!
The Heart of Infinity: Exploring the Universe
The Heart of Infinity: Exploring the Universe
Zinovia Dushkova
Since ancient times, the boundless stellar sky has attracted our gaze and thoughts. Its magnificent beauty and great mysteries have always been awakening eternal philosophical questions in our hearts — about the Universe and our place in it, about the nature and purpose of our existence.What does the Universe as a whole represent? How is it organized? By what laws does it abide? How does the Cosmos affect the events occurring on the Earth? Are we alone in the Universe? Is there life somewhere else?The Lord of Love and Compassion invites you to open wide the wings of your spirit and embark on a spiritual flight across the vast expanses of the Universe to find answers to all these questions. Book 4 of The Teaching of the Heart series will reveal the depths of the Universe, enabling your heart to experience the delight of limitless possibilities and to touch the currents of unknown Distant Worlds.From this incredibly exciting journey through the Stellar Ocean, you will return to the Earth a completely different person, with a new worldview and understanding of your destiny not only on this planet, but also in the Universe. Are you ready to embark on a flight?
Casa de vacan??
Casa de vacan??
Jørn Lier Horst
Cum am putea ?n?elege sensibilitatea crescut?, irascibilitatea, vulnerabilitatea, sugestibilitatea, egoismul, apeten?a pentru fantastic, ?nstr?inarea de realitate, dorin?a de a domina, r?utatea, bun?tatea care duce p?n? la sacrificiu, cochet?ria, la?itatea ?i frica unor oameni pe care ?i ?nt?lnim ?n cabinet sau ?n via?a de zi cu zi???n cartea de fa??, Alfred Adler ne ofer? un r?spuns: din sentimentul de inferioritate din copil?rie se na?te o intens? dorin?? de putere care ajunge ?n cele din urm? s? fie limitat? ?i s? se piard? sub presiunea cerin?elor societ??ii ?i a semnalelor lansate de c?tre sentimentul social. Astfel, ?ntregul tablou al nevrozei ?i toate simptomele acesteia sunt influen?ate, ba chiar determinate, de un iluzoriu scop final care ar aduce cre?terea stimei de sine.