
?ifa Rehberi: "Kuantum ?yile?me Kitab?"
Pisagor, ?ifa sanat?n?n en kutsal sanat oldu?unu s?ylemi?tir. ?ifa en kutsal sanatsa, o halde bedenle oldu?u kadar ruhla da ilgilenmelidir; ?ünkü hi?bir varl?k, en ?nemli par?as? hasta oldu?u sürece sa?l?kl? olamaz. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Tyana’l? Apolionius Bu ?nemli ?al??mada, Kuantum ?yile?me, deyince ?unu anl?yoruz, kuantum fizi?i esaslar?na ve Modern bilime g?re iyile?me t?bbi kurallar? ile alternat?ve T?p, yani S?fac?l?k ??retisini birle?tiren bu kitap, ?e?itli hasta vaklar?n? ve Hastal?klara ili?kin vücuttaki ruhsal süredurumlara kuantum mekan???n?n modelleriyle yakla??m sa?layarak, grafiksel detayl? anlat?m?n? kullanarak, okura sa?l?kl? ve net bir yeni ?a??n s?fac? bilgisini kadim ??retileri kuantum mekan??iyle harmanlayarak aktarmaktad?r. Buna g?re, bu ?al??man?n amac?, zihin-beden-ruh bütünlü?ünü sa?lamaya deniyor ve mutlu olman?n tek ?art?n?n, ?al??ma boyunca, bu ü?ünün birli?inden ge?ti?ine inan?l?yor. Buradaki "iyile?me"den kas?t ise, Zihin-Beden-Ruh koordinasyonu kastedilmi?tir, yani tüm bir zihinsel bedensel ve ruhsal ?akra alanlar?n?n tam bir s?fas? konu edilmi?tir.. Hastal?klara kar?? ba????kl?k sisteminin etkileri muhakkak ki, ?a??m?zda art?k yads?namaz bir ger?ektir. Fakat ne var ki, buradaki esas ama?, hastal?klar? iyile?tirmekten ziyade, hasta olmaman?n yollar?n? aramakt?r bu esere g?re. (Daha da do?rusu "sa?l?kl? ol"ma ve “sa?l?kl? kal”ma halini ve süreklili?ini yakalamak ve bu süreklili?i hayat boyu sa?laman?n y?ntemi ara?t?r?l?yor ve analiz ediliyor..) Buradaki "hastal?k" terimi, t?bbi referanstan ?ok; yokluk, yaln?zl?k, i?sizlik, ba?ar?s?zl?k, mutsuzluk, kendini bo?lukta hissetme ve de?ersizlik gibi duygulara refere edilmektedir. Buna g?re, ?nsan sadece t?bbi hasta olmaz, fakir bir insan da hastad?r, yaln?z bir insan da! Kanser nas?l bir hastal?ksa; cimrilik, kabal?k, güvensizlik, korku, endi?e ve nefret de o oranda hastal?kt?r.. Sa?l?kl? bir insan tan?m?n? ??yle yap?yoruz hep genellikle: Kazanc?nda ve kahkahas?nda bolluk-bereket i?inde, ba??ms?z, gü?lü, ili?kilerinde mutlu, sevgiyi her daim ya?ayan ve etraf?ndakilerle payla?an, güven i?inde, sa?l?kl? ve güzel kalabilmek... ??te, bu kitab?n da yegane yaz?lma hedefi ve amac? da bunu sürekli olarak okura kazand?racak bilginin anahtar?n? vermektir. Yani, bir anlamda y?llard?r ki?isel geli?im alan?nda, s?k?a yap?lan yanl?? uygulamalar sonucunda, benzer ?al??malar?n yapt??? bal?k vermeyi ??retmek yerine, okura bal??? nas?l tutaca??n? ??retmeyi hedeflemektedir..

The Heart of the Community: Creating an Ideal Society
Today, when humanity is being exposed to a variety of global crises, the need to create a new type of relationship between people is more urgent than ever before. Imagine a world where everyone lives in peace and harmony — a just society about which people have always dreamed.How can we create a society in which everyone will be happy? What should be done so that an attempt to establish this does not fail?In Book 3 of The Teaching of the Heart series, the Lord of Love and Compassion offers you the principles of a true community as a model for an ideal society that has already been tested by more developed civilizations within the Universe. Such foundations will allow people to reach incredible heights in their spiritual evolution and to open up completely new opportunities, such as co-operation with other worlds.Through applying the wise advice of the Lord in your daily life, you will be able to build proper relationships within your family and to establish a harmonious communication with others, bringing your experience further onto a more global level. Thus, step by step, you will approach the creation of a New World on a New Earth.Will you join the reconstruction of the world?

The Heart of Infinity: Exploring the Universe
Since ancient times, the boundless stellar sky has attracted our gaze and thoughts. Its magnificent beauty and great mysteries have always been awakening eternal philosophical questions in our hearts — about the Universe and our place in it, about the nature and purpose of our existence.What does the Universe as a whole represent? How is it organized? By what laws does it abide? How does the Cosmos affect the events occurring on the Earth? Are we alone in the Universe? Is there life somewhere else?The Lord of Love and Compassion invites you to open wide the wings of your spirit and embark on a spiritual flight across the vast expanses of the Universe to find answers to all these questions. Book 4 of The Teaching of the Heart series will reveal the depths of the Universe, enabling your heart to experience the delight of limitless possibilities and to touch the currents of unknown Distant Worlds.From this incredibly exciting journey through the Stellar Ocean, you will return to the Earth a completely different person, with a new worldview and understanding of your destiny not only on this planet, but also in the Universe. Are you ready to embark on a flight?

Giridhari: The Uplifter of Hearts
Giridhari: The Uplifter of Hearts' is the first book of this series designed to help you deepen your inner relationship with the Divine Source, whether known as Krishna, Christ, God, Divine Mother, the Guru or a spiritual Master. Consisting of 108 unique insights from a realised spiritual Master, Paramahamsa Sri Swami Vishwananda, this book gives you a wealth of possibilities for inspiration and contemplation each day.?Use the simple five-minute 3-Step Guruvakya Meditation described inside, and you’ll quickly deepen your unique connection with the source of Divine Love, the indweller of your heart.

Your Mind and How to Use It: "A Manual of Practical Psychology"
PSYCHOLOGY is generally considered to be the science of mind, although more properly it is the science of mental states—thoughts, feelings, and acts of volition. It was formerly the custom of writers on the subject of psychology to begin by an attempt to define and describe the nature of mind, before proceeding to a consideration of the subject of the various mental spates and activities. But more recent authorities have rebelled against this demand, and have claimed that it is no more reasonable to hold that psychology should be held to an explanation of the ultimate nature of mind than it is that physical science be held to an explanation of the ultimate nature of matter. ??The attempt to explain the ultimate nature of either is futile—no actual necessity exists for explanation in either case. Physics may explain the phenomena of matter, and psychology the phenomena of mind, without regard to the ultimate nature of the substance of either.??The science of physics has progressed steadily during the past century, notwithstanding the fact that the theories regarding the ultimate nature of matter have been revolutionized during that period. The facts of the phenomena of matter remain, notwithstanding the change of theory regarding the nature of matter itself. ??Science demands and holds fast to facts, regarding theories as but working hypotheses at the best. Some one has said that "theories are but the bubbles with which the grown-up children of science amuse themselves." ??Science holds several well-supported, though opposing, theories regarding the nature of electricity, but the facts of the phenomena of electricity, and the application thereof, are agreed upon by the disputing theorists. And so it is with psychology; the facts regarding mental states are agreed up-on, and methods of developing mental powers are effectively em-ployed, without regard to whether mind is a product of the brain, or the brain merely an organ of the mind. ??The fact that the brain and nervous system are employed in the phenomena of thought is conceded by all, and that is all that is necessary for a basis for the science of psychology.

J’aime fumer… et je vais arrêter!: Devenez non-fumeur en 30 jours
Jaime fumer...et je vais arrêter ! Devenez non-fumeur sans prendre de poids. Le Livre est un succès international, déjà traduit en 10 langues! Ce n’est qu’en découvrant et en comprenant pourquoi vous aimez fumer que vous pourrez arrêter la cigarette sans avoir l’impression de renoncer à quelque chose d’important. **PERMIS DE FUMER** Si vous lisez ce livre, vous allez pouvoir continuer à fumer… Au fil des pages, Andreas Jopp explique point par point et avec humour les schémas de pensée qui empêchent d’arrêter. Il démontre comment la nicotine déprogramme le cerveau, rend vulnérable au stress et empêche de trouver le calme. Une fois ces mécanismes compris, vous pourrez arrêter sans difficulté. Et durablement. **NE PAS PRENDRE DE POIDS** Arrêter de fumer est plus facile quand on n’a pas tout le temps faim et qu’on se sent bien. Avec les conseils alimentaires d’Andreas Jopp, vous pourrez manger davantage sans prendre de poids. **LES QUESTIONS SUIVANTES SERONT REPONDUES** EST-CE QUE VOUS AIMEZ FUMER -Comment la nicotine transforme notre cerveau et sentiment desatisfaction -Pourquoi on se sent mieux quand on fume -Et si l’addiction au tabac était plus forte et plus rapide à cause des additifs -Pourquoi les cigarettes légères sont plus dangereuses que lesnormales LA CIGARETTE ET LE MENTAL -Les fumeurs ont-ils des sautes d’humeur plus fréquentes et desproblèmes de concentration -Pourquoi on fume plus quand on est stressé. -Pourquoi on a l’impression que la cigarette nous relaxe. -Fumer rend-il plus éveillé et plus concentré -Les ex-fumeurs sont-ils moins satisfaits que les fumeurs LES STRATGIES LES PLUS EFFiCACES POUR ARRTER DE FUMER -Pourquoi l’hypnose marche pour arrêter de fumer -La meilleure faon de faire face aux symptmes du sevrage. -Comment éviter les reculades et les rechutes. ARRTER DE FUMER, RESTER MINCE -Les fumeurs sont-ils plus minces que les non-fumeurs La réalité -Comment garder tout simplement son poids en arrêtant de fumer. -Pourquoi le sucré entretient la dépendance à la nicotine. -Comment gérer au mieux son poids, sa faim et sa bonne humeur. -Conseils pratiques et listes de course pour rester mince EN MEILLEURE FORME -Améliorer votre soufe et votre condition physique -Réduire rapidement les risques d’infarctus et de cancers Andreas Jopp **Journaliste médical, coach pour non-fumeurs et auteur de best-sellers. **Andreas Jopp travaille aussi depuis 10 ans avec l'hypnose chez les fumeurs. **L'hypnose fait partie des stratégies les plus efficaces contre le tabac ! *Pour les MP3 de hypnose: www.nichtraucherin30Tagen.de/francais**

A Beginner's Psychology: Psychology: What it Is and What it Does?
It is an acknowledged fact that we perceive errors in the work of others more readily than in our own.?—Leonardo da Vinci??In this Beginner's Psychology I have tried to write, as nearly as might be, the kind of book that I should have found useful when I was beginning my own study of psychology. That was nearly thirty years ago; and I read Bain, and the Mills, and Spencer, and Rabier, and as much of Wundt as a struggling acquaintance with German would allow. Curiously enough, it was a paragraph in James Mill, most unpsychological of psychologists, that set me on the introspective track,—though many years had to pass before I properly understood what had put him off it. ??A book like this would have saved me a great deal of labour and vexation of spirit. Nowadays, of course, there are many introductions to psychology, and the beginner has a whole library of text-books to choose from. Still, they are of varying merit; and, what is perhaps more important, their temperamental appeal is diverse.?I do not find it easy to relate this new book to the older Primer,—which will not be further revised. There is change all through; every paragraph has been rewritten. ??The greatest change is, however, a shift of attitude; I now lay less stress than I did upon knowledge and more upon point of view. The beginner in any science is oppressed and sometimes disheartened by the amount he has to learn; so many men have written, and so many are writing; the books say such different things, and the magazine articles are so upsetting!

Ils ont tant de belles choses à nous dire
Ce livre retrace mes expériences spirites, vécues depuis 2011 et offre de magnifiques messages de nos guides spirituels. Sans être une méthode, ni un enseignement, il invite à l'écoute de leur guidance et tente de démystifier le spiritisme, loin des clichés et dogmes traditionnels. "Un espoir pour les personnes en recherche spirituelle et dans la souffrance du deuil." Les messages ont été obtenus lors de séances de spiritisme (ouija et channeling) à 4, en compagnie d'une médium ou seul par écriture automatique ou inspirée. Je suis convaincu que le spiritisme est accessible à tous, à condition de se laisser guider par l'amour et le respect et d'observer certaines règles. Attention, ce n’est pas un jeu, mais il et bien moins dangereux que la majorité des activités humaines, contrairement aux idées re?ues, véhiculées par la peur, l'ignorance ou le désir de pouvoir. Nos guides spirituels sont toujours avec nous, près de nous. Ils sont toujours heureux de communiquer avec nous. Ils nous aiment sans jamais nous juger. Ils nous accompagnent, ils nous aident et ils nous le font savoir, pour peu que nous apprenions leur langage, celui du c?ur.

Omul ultra. De la supraponderal, la campion de anduran??
Cartea care a schimbat vie?ile a milioane de oameni Jocul A?adar, vedem c?, pentru a juca cu succes jocul vie?ii, trebuie s? ne antren?m facultatea de a ne imagina. Un om cu aceast? abilitate, antrenat s? ??i imagineze doar binele, va atrage ?n via?a sa ?toate dreptele dorin?e ale inimii“ – s?n?tate, bog??ie, iubire, prieteni, expresia perfect? a sinelui, idealurile cele mai ?nalte. Imagina?ia a fost supranumit? ?foarfeca min?ii“, care taie ?i taie, zi dup? zi, imaginile v?zute, iar omul ??i ?nt?lne?te propriile crea?ii, mai devreme sau mai t?rziu, ?n lumea exterioar?. Pentru a ?i antrena cu succes imagina?ia, omul trebuie s? ?n?eleag? cum ?i func?ioneaz? mintea. Grecii au spus ?Cunoa?te te pe tine ?nsu?i!“ Exist? trei planuri ale min?ii: subcon?tientul, con?tientul ?i supracon?tientul. Subcon?tientul este, pur ?i simplu, putere f?r? direc?ie. El este ca aburul sau electricitatea ?i face ceea ce este direc?ionat s? fac?; el nu are putere s? influen?eze. Tot ceea ce omul simte profund sau imagineaz? cu claritate este imprimat ?n subcon?tient ?i este executat ?n cele mai mici detalii. Iubirea Adev?rata iubire este dezinteresat? ?i eliberat? de team?. Ea se revars? asupra obiectului afec?iunii ei f?r? a cere nimic ?n schimb. Bucuria ei se g?se?te ?n bucuria de a d?rui. Iubirea este Dumnezeu manifestat ?i cea mai puternic? for?? magnetic? din univers. Iubirea pur?, lipsit? de egoism, atrage ceea ce ?i apar?ine; nu trebuie s? caute sau s? cear?. Foarte pu?ini au o vag? idee despre adev?rata iubire. Omul este egoist, tiranic ?i tem?tor ?n afec?iunile lui, pierz?nd astfel obiectul iubirii lui. Gelozia este cel mai r?u du?man al iubirii, c?ci imagina?ia se dezl?n?uie?te, v?z?nd fiin?a iubit? atras? de altcineva, ?i, inevitabil, aceste temeri devin realitate dac? nu sunt neutralizate.

Lupta mea. Cartea a doua: Un b?rbat ?ndragostit
n contextul vieii profesionale grbite de azi,oamenii petrec mai mult timp cu calculatorul, cu telefonul i n conferine de afaceri dect comunicnd direct, fa n fa. n aceast reea din ce n ce mai complex, inteligena emoional este mai important ca oricnd. Conform cercetrilor, EQ-ul este de dou ori mai important dect IQ-ul pentru a obine ce vrei n via. Cartea conine un program pas cu pas care te va ajuta s-i identifici abilitile de inteligen emoional, responsabile pentru 58% din performana n toate tipurile de munc, s i le sporeti i s te bucuri de succes att n viaa personal, ct i n cea profesional.

The Illumination of the Heart: Experiencing a Divine Miracle
"The entrance of the Messiah in this period — 1998," predicted Edgar Cayce in 1932. His prediction accurately came true, but very few people knew about this... until now.Where and how did the Messiah descend into the earthly world, predicted long ago, but wholly unnoticed?In Book 2 of The Teaching of the Heart series, the Lord, for the first time in history, unveils this Secret. He entrusts all human hearts to witness the greatest and most unprecedented Miracle of the Divine Incarnation of His Son, which took place in 1998 within several worlds as the first stage of the Advent.However, not only will you behold this Miracle as if through your own eyes, but you will also experience it within your own heart. As you read the powerfully poetic pages of this book, an imperceptible mystery will occur inside you: the Divine Love of the Lord will transfigure the essence of your entire being, preparing you to become a particle of His human entity at the time of the Great Advent.Offering spiritual food for further deep reflections, The Teaching of the Heart continues to provide you with inspirational and illuminating instructions from the Lord of Love and Compassion to transform the whole world through self-perfection.Will you let the Saviour be born inside your heart?

De ce devii psihiatru/psiholog/psihoterapeut? De ce s? vrei s? aju?i oamenii s? dep??easc? problemele vie?ii ?i s? se cunoasc? pe sine? Ce se ?nt?mpl? ?n mintea celui chemat s? te asculte ?i s? te accepte necondi?ionat? Rolurile se inverseaz? acum ?i ascult?torul este invitat s? se dest?inuie. Pe parcursul a 22 de confesiuni reunite ?n acest volum de cunoscutul psihiatru Christophe André, medicii ?i psihologii ??i ?mp?rt??esc experien?e personale ?i profesionale ce i-au adus sau i-au f?cut s? persiste pe acest drum, o cale, printre altele, de reg?sire de sine ?i de autod?ruire. Confesiunile ?nc?nt? prin stilul propriu al fiec?rui autor, prin anecdotica antrenant?, prin posibilitatea rar? de a p?trunde "?n culise", acolo unde fiecare ??i preg?te?te ?nt?lnirea mereu singular? cu pacientul din fa?a sa. Cartea se dore?te a fi o inspira?ie pentru cei afla?i ?n c?utarea echilibrului interior sau ?naintea unei alegeri profesionale, fiind totodat? o lectur? pl?cut? ?i incitant?.

Factorul Churchill. Cum a schimbat un singur om istoria
Nr . 1 bestseller New York Times ? Carte tradus? ?n 30 de limbi Ce ?nseamn? s? mori cu demnitate? Medicina modern? poate c? g?se?te moduri din ce ?n ce mai eficiente de a lupta cu b?tr?ne?ea ?i cu moartea, dar, ?n cele din urm?, cu to?ii suntem muritori. ?ntrebarea pe care o pune autorul este ce poate face medicina pentru a ?mbun?t??i nu doar via?a, ci ?i sf?r?itul acesteia. Pentru c?, prea adesea, oamenii ??i tr?iesc b?tr?ne?ea ?n scaune cu rotile, ?n aziluri ?n care sunt trata?i ca ni?te copii, sau mor din cauza unor boli grave, chinui?i de medici care nu vor s? recunoasc? faptul c? au fost ?nvin?i ?i care insist? s? ?ncerce pe pacient cele mai revolu?ionare tratamente, ?n ciuda suferin?elor inimaginabile prin care acesta trebuie s? treac? inutil. Atul Gawande argumenteaz? c? ultimele s?pt?m?ni sau luni din via?a unui om pot fi tr?ite cu demnitate, al?turi de cei dragi ?i ?n mediul care l-a f?cut fericit. Pentru c?, de fapt, scopul principal nu ar trebui s? fi e o moarte bun?, ci o via?? bun? – p?n? la sf?r?itul ei. ?O carte ?n?eleapt? ?i curajoas?, ce pune probleme la care nimeni dintre noi nu vrea s? se g?ndeasc?.“ – The Sunday Times ?Dr. Gawande arat? cum pacien?ii ?n faza terminal? a bolii lor pot p?stra aspecte importante ce ?in de calitatea vie?ii.“ – Wall Street Journal La prima vedere, australianul Terence Tao pare un om normal. Are 36 de ani ?i pred? matematica la University of California, Los Angeles. Dar nu este nici pe departe o persoan? obi?nuit?. Conform Institutului Davidson din SUA, el are un IQ de 230, cel mai mare ?nregistrat vreodat?. Cu alte cuvinte, Terence este cel mai de?tept om din lume. Coeficientul mediu de inteligen?? se situeaz? ?n jurul valorii de 100. Dincolo de 100 ?ncepe ?ara oamenilor de?tep?i, oameni care nu numai c? ?tiu mai multe, dar VOR S? AFLE mai multe. Oameni care ??i pun ?NTREB?RI despre lumea din care fac parte – despre IUBIRE ?i SEX, despre PRIETENIE ?i NEVOIA DE CEILAL?I, despre ISTORIE, ?TIIN?? ?i SOCIETATE, despre CINE SUNTEM ?i ce ne face cu adev?rat OAMENI – liberi, plini de umor, lipsi?i de prejudec??i. Tuturor celor chinui?i de astfel de ?ntreb?ri le oferim colec?ia IQ230. Psihologia, filosofia ?i sociologia vorbesc pe ?n?elesul tuturor, a?tept?nd un singur lucru: s? punem ?ntreb?rile...

Think And Grow Rich: Change Your Mind, Change Your Life!
THE MAN WHO "THOUGHT" HIS WAY INTO PARTNERSHIP WITH THOMAS A. EDISON ??TRULY, "thoughts are things," and powerful things at that, when they are mixed with de?niteness of purpose, persistence, and a BURNING DESIRE for their translation into riches, or other material objects. ??A little more than thirty years ago, Edwin C. Barnes discovered how true it is that men really do THINK AND GROW RICH. His discovery did not come about at one sitting. It came little by little, beginning with a BURNING DESIRE to become a business associate of the great Edison. ??Somewhere, as you read, the secret to which I refer will jump from the page and stand boldly before you, IF YOU ARE READY FOR IT! When it appears, you will recognize it. Whether you receive the sign in the ?rst or the last chapter, stop for a moment when it presents itself, and turn down a glass, for that occasion will mark the most important turning-point of your life. ??Remember, too, as you go through the book, that it deals with facts and not with ?ction, its purpose being to convey a great universal truth through which all who are READY may learn, not only WHAT TO DO, BUT ALSO HOW TO DO IT! and receive, as well, THE NEEDED STIMULUS TO MAKE A START. ??IN EVERY chapter of this book, mention has been made of the money-making secret which has made fortunes for more than ?ve hundred exceedingly wealthy men whom I have carefully analyzed over a long period of years. ??The secret was brought to my attention by Andrew Carnegie, more than a quarter of a century ago. The canny, lovable old Scotsman carelessly tossed it into my mind, when I was but a boy. Then he sat back in his chair, with a merry twinkle in his eyes, and watched carefully to see if I had brains enough to understand the full signi?cance of what he had said to me. ??When he saw that I had grasped the idea, he asked if I would be willing to spend twenty years or more, preparing myself to take it to the world, to men and women who, without the secret, might go through life as failures. I said I would, and with Mr. Carnegie’s cooperation, I have kept my promise. ??This book contains the secret, after having been put to a practical test by thou-sands of people, in almost every walk of life. It was Mr. Carnegie’s idea that the magic formula, which gave him a stupendous fortune, ought to be placed within reach of people who do not have time to investigate how men make money, and it was his hope that I might test and demonstrate the soundness of the formula through the experience of men and women in every calling.

Rusia imperial?. O istorie cultural? a secolului al XIX-lea
Un volum incitant de care nu se pot lipsi adolescen?ii, elevii, studen?ii, profesorii, acest indirect dic?ionar de vise ?i destine reprezint? o carte necesar?, c?ci ?ndeamn? la cunoa?tere de sine. Acest studiu-eseu interdisciplinar con?ine valoroase trimiteri la Freud, Nietzsche, Aristotel ?i al?i g?nditori – eventuale modele ?n epoca tranzi?iei sufocat? de acultura?ie ?i de modele de o calitate ?ndoielnic?.

Psychology and Crime: Is There a Criminal Type?
Sincerely do I hope that the issue of this little book may prove useful in drawing the attention of the public to the mental and physical condition of the unfortunates who form such a large proportion of our prison population.??To our authorities the sad plight of this mass of smitten humanity is well known. Year after year our Prison Commissioners, in presenting their reports, have not failed to impress upon the State the great part physical and mental afflictions play in the production of crime.??So far, the information given by the Prison Commissioners has produced little or no effect; neither have their representations led to any alteration in the treatment of unfortunate individuals whose infirmities are in reality the root cause of their delinquency.??To the official information I add the result of my own prolonged experience. This experience has imbued me with the conviction that the present methods of dealing with suffering humanity are neither wise, just, nor efficacious. I have seen the helplessness of so many that are called criminals that, in writing these pages, I am animated with a keen desire to hasten the day of sensible reform. Surely the day cannot be far distant when the State will take mental and physical infirmities into consideration when it has to deal with its erring children.??Thomas Holmes.?Howard Association,? Devonshire Chambers, Bishopsgate.? ?IS THERE A CRIMINAL TYPE? ??After years of close observation, during which I have formed many friendships with criminals, I can only answer this question in the words that I have answered it before, and say that, physically, I have not found any evidence to show that a criminal type exists. In saying this I know that I shall run counter to the teaching of a good many people, and probably run counter to public opinion. For the criminal class and the criminal type have been written about so largely, and talked about so frequently, that the majority of people have come to the conclusion that our criminals come from a particular order of society, and that the poorest; or that there exists a type of people whose physical appearance gives outward and visible signs that proclaim the inward criminal mind.??I believe both these ideas to be entirely wrong. I was confirmed in my opinion last year when I visited many of the largest prisons in the United States; for I found there, as I have found in England, a complete absence among the prisoners of those physical and facial peculiarities that we are taught to believe differentiate criminals from ordinary citizens.??Speaking on this subject to the American Congress at Washington on October 4, 1910, Sir Evelyn Ruggles-Brise, K.C.B., the esteemed chairman of our Prison Commissioners, made the following statement—??“There is no criminal type. Nothing in the past has so retarded progress as the conviction, deeply rooted and widespread, that the criminal is a class by himself, different from all others, with a tendency to crime, of which certain peculiarities of body are the outward and visible signs.??“This superstition, for such I think it must be called, was, you know, strengthened and encouraged by the findings of the Italian school.

Fie c? suntem psihologi, medici, profesori sau asisten?i sociali, ne-am dedicat unei profesii ?n care ajut?m oameni afla?i ?n suferin??, ?n nevoie, ?n ne?tiin??, oameni pe care ?i salv?m, ?i protej?m, ?i sus?inem sau ?i cre?tem. Profesii dificile, care cer mari eforturi, dar ofer? ?i mari satisfac?ii. Exist? ?ns? doar aceast? parte luminoas?? Putem face doar bine? Confrunta?i ?n permanen?? cu destine tragice, terapeu?ii pot aluneca pe panta umbrei, evit?nd suferin?a neputin?ei. Prin cartea de fa??, scris? ?ntr-un limbaj accesibil ?i plin? de exemplific?ri, Guggenbühl-Craig ne permite s? examin?m si latura ?ntunecat? a profesiei, unde ?i gasim pe cei care ajut? urm?rind nu beneficiul celuilalt, ci propriul beneficiu ?i de?inerea puterii – ?arlatanul, impostorul, ipocritul, falsul profet. ?i s? descoperim ?i solu?ia – maturizarea psihic?, reducerea clivajelor prin explorarea psihicului ?n ?ntregimea sa, astfel ?nc?t asistentul social s? nu mai considere c? ??i poate practica profesia inginere?te, profesorul s? nu mai cread? c? doar elevii sunt copil?ro?i, iar terapeutul s? nu mai vad? boala doar la pacien?ii lui.?

23 august 1939-1944. Rom?nia ?i proba bumerangului
La ce v?rst? pot s?-i d?ruiesc celui mic o tablet?? Peste c??i ani va avea nevoie de un telefon mobil? Jocurile video ?l agit? ?i-l fac oare "dependent" pe b?iatul meu? Ce fel de fotografii poate afi?a pe internet fiica mea adolescent? ?i cu cine se poate "?mprieteni" pe Facebook? Specializat? ?n psihiatria copilului ?i mam? a trei b?ie?i, Jodi Gold puncteaz?, pe un ton echilibrat, at?t beneficiile educa?ionale ?i cognitive ale tehnologiilor digitale, c?t ?i numeroasele capcane. Astfel, p?rin?ii noii genera?ii de "copii digitali" vor afla ce aplica?ii ?i jocuri ?ncurajeaz? creativitatea ?i inteligen?a copilului sau adolescentului, dar ?i ce limite trebuie impuse (ca durat?, dar ?i la nivel de con?inut), pentru a evita h?r?uirea online, refugierea nes?n?toas? ?n lumea vitual? ori dezinteresul pentru ?coal? ?i rela?iile sociale din real?.

Cosmopolitismul. C?tre o nou? paradigm? ?n teoria politic?
Unul din patru rom?ni sufer? la un moment dat de anxietate, aceasta fiind, de altfel, cea mai frecvent? dintre tulbur?rile psihice din ?ara noastr?. Pentru cei care se confrunt? cu stresul crescut, cu ?ngrijoarea, frica sau panica, autorul ofer? o serie de sugestii pentru de a ?ine sub control anxietatea, chiar ?i f?r? ajutorul medica?iei sau psihoterapiei. Dup? ce discut? despre tiparele mentale care exacerbeaz? temerile (g?ndirea ?n "alb-sau-negru", "catastrofizarea" etc.) ?i despre simptomele somatice ale panicii, autorul propune un larg evantai de tehnici pentru gestionarea anxiet??ii: de la contestarea g?ndurile ira?ionale la medita?ia de tip "minfulness", de la modificarea rutinelor cotidiene de somn ?i alimenta?ie, la exerci?iile fizice ?i de relaxare (imagerie), de la reorganizarea mediului la expunerea treptat? la evenimentele ?nfrico??toare. Cartea se adreseaz? publicului larg, dar e un instrument util ?i pentru psihiatri, psihologi clinicieni ?i psihoterapeu?i.

Casa de vacan??
Cum am putea ?n?elege sensibilitatea crescut?, irascibilitatea, vulnerabilitatea, sugestibilitatea, egoismul, apeten?a pentru fantastic, ?nstr?inarea de realitate, dorin?a de a domina, r?utatea, bun?tatea care duce p?n? la sacrificiu, cochet?ria, la?itatea ?i frica unor oameni pe care ?i ?nt?lnim ?n cabinet sau ?n via?a de zi cu zi???n cartea de fa??, Alfred Adler ne ofer? un r?spuns: din sentimentul de inferioritate din copil?rie se na?te o intens? dorin?? de putere care ajunge ?n cele din urm? s? fie limitat? ?i s? se piard? sub presiunea cerin?elor societ??ii ?i a semnalelor lansate de c?tre sentimentul social. Astfel, ?ntregul tablou al nevrozei ?i toate simptomele acesteia sunt influen?ate, ba chiar determinate, de un iluzoriu scop final care ar aduce cre?terea stimei de sine.

Psihoneuroimunologie uman?
Te-ai g?ndit vreodat? c? ?i-ai putea reprograma creierul astfel ?nc?t s? devii un lider mai eficient? ?i aceasta, f?r? s?-?i ?ncarci programul ?i a?a aglomerat. Doar o mic? schimbare ?n stilul t?u de via??, ?n activit??ile pe care le faci oricum zilnic, poate aduce o transformare de propor?ii ?n via?a ta profesional? ?i personal?. Iar aceast? schimbare se nume?te mindfulness, con?tientizarea momentului prezent, aten?ia concentrat? clip? de clip? pe aici ?i acum. Matt teney ?i tim gard ??i vor ar?ta c? po?i, practic?nd mindfulness, s? devii mai inovativ, s? atragi ?i s? men?ii ?n echipa ta colegi dedica?i, s?-?i dezvol?i inteligen?a emo?ional? necesar? pentru a crea o cultur? a ?nving?torului, s? fii un lider care-i inspir? pe ceilal?i. Este o carte din care vei ?nv??a c? te po?i schimba remodel?ndu-?i creierul, f?c?nd acelea?i lucruri ca ?i p?n? acum, ?ns? ?ntr-un mod diferit, ce-?i va deschide noi perspective asupra vie?ii. Matt Tenney este antreprenor, autor, speaker ?i consultant ?n mediul de afaceri. Tim Gard, doctor ?n neuro?tiin?e, speaker ?i instructor de mindfulness.