God versus Particle Physics
The book presents the conclusions of a psychologist seeking to make sense of contemporary particle physics as described in a number of popular science texts and media articles, written by physicists, seeking to explain the workings of the sub-atomic world. The accounts, it is argued, are a) mutually exclusive and contradictory, and b) metaphysical or magical in essence.Themes of the book include: a discussion of the way we allow physicists to invent things that have no perceivable qualities, on the grounds that they 'must' be there because otherwise their preconceptions are wrong or their sums don't work; that, from a psychological perspective, contemporary theory in particle physics has the same properties as any other act of faith, and the same limitations as belief in God; and that physics has now reached a point at which increasingly physicists research their own psychological constructions rather than anything which is unambiguously 'there' or real.It encourages people to ask basic questions of the type we often use to question the existence of God; such as 'Where is he/it?', 'Show me?', 'Do it then', 'When did it happen?', 'How do you know it exists?', and so on, and suggests that people take a leaf out of Dawkins' text, The God Delusion, but apply it to high-end physics as much as to religious dogma: turning water into wine is a mere conjuring trick compared to producing an entire universe out of nothing.

Thomas Reid on Religion
Thomas Reid was one of the greatest thinkers of the Scottish Enlightenment. In his own time he was seen as the most able opponent of the scepticism of David Hume and the architect of 'Common Sense' philosophy. His ideas were immensely influential both in his native Scotland and abroad, and the last forty years have seen a marked revival of interest in his work. Reid published very little about religion and his notes from the lectures on natural theology that he regularly gave have not survived. This volume - a companion to Thomas Reid: Selected Philosophical Writings (Imprint Academic, 2012) - makes available material from Reid's autograph manuscripts, housed in the University of Aberdeen Library, and student notes of Reid's lectures, edited from original manuscripts in Aberdeen, Edinburgh and Glasgow. It includes an introductory essay by Nicholas Wolterstorff, a leading philosopher of religion and interpreter of Reid.

Celtic Fairy Tales
This collection of Celtic Fairy tales was put together by noted Celtic expert Joseph Jacobs in the late 19th and early 20th Century. Including famous legends such as 'Conal Hammerclaw' and 'The Sea Maiden', this book will excite and delight fans of the Celtic arts, those who appreciate classic literature, and story-lovers in general.

This volume represents the combination of two special issues of the Journal of Consciousness Studies on the topic of the technological singularity. Could artificial intelligence really out-think us, and what would be the likely repercussions if it could? Leading authors contribute to the debate, which takes the form of a target chapter by philosopher David Chalmers, plus commentaries from the likes of Daniel Dennett, Nick Bostrom, Ray Kurzweil, Ben Goertzel, Frank Tipler, among many others. Chalmers then responds to the commentators to round off the discussion.

That's Racist!
Twenty-first century British kids are more comfortable with ethnic diversity than ever before. The 'mixed race' population is rising exponentially. In school playgrounds across Britain, kids are inventing a version of colour-blind, multi-ethnic interaction that should teach the adult world a thing or two - not least about the amazing, superdiverse generation that is to come.And yet, for over a decade, playgrounds and classrooms have endured unprecedented interference in the form of official racist-incident reporting, training on the importance of racial etiquette, and the reinforcement of racial identities. Such interference is viewed by modern day anti-racists as a necessary bulwark against the creeping influence of the far-right, 'Islamophobia', and more generally the supposed covert racism of the wider population. Many official policy documents written under the influence of this approach insist a failure to tackle racist behaviour at the earliest age will allow racism to incubate and grow. Here, 'racism' is something defined by the notion of what constitutes hate speech or wounding words. Often it can be detected from an entirely innocent phrase, so long as the phrase is perceived by the offence-taker or another party or policy as 'racist'.This mindset has, in recent years, permeated public discourse on the subject. Evidence of racism - such as a gaffe by a politician or celebrity, or a footballer's on-pitch insult - is always 'the tip of iceberg' (the moment that racist society breaks the surface and is revealed to all). The idea of a hidden mass of racists in our midst explains the advent of a racism-watch approach that turns up the attenuator and trawls the nooks and crannies of everyday life for tell-tale signs. Moreover, PC anti-racism synthesises many of today's worst cultural trends: the erosion of free speech and of adult moral authority; the elevation of victimhood and of identity politics (particularly the reinstatement of racial identity); the misanthropic view of rotten, vulnerable humanity (where the state becomes purifier); the cult of child protection and the emergence of a degraded and vulgar conception of child development.It is with some irony, then, that modern day anti-racism can be argued as having taken over from old-fashioned racism as the dominant racialising force in British society.

Unknown to History
According to some accounts, Mary Queen of Scots bore a child to her last husband, the earl of Bothwell, while imprisoned at Loch Leven. In Unknown to History, C.M. Yonge weaves the story of this child, linking it with that of her mother. The Author tells us that In Miss Strickland's Life of Mary Queen of Scots (and in Burton's History of Scotland) a report may be found on which this tale is based. This is a fascinating and enthralling story of royalty, plot and intrigue, and was originally published in 1882.

Sherlock Holmes - The Sign of the Four
This eBook edition of an intriguing Sherlock Holmes case has been specially formatted for today's e-readers. The Sign of the Four is a popular Sherlock Holmes book written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Set in the late 1880s, the case features a complex plot involving stolen treasure and a secret pact by four ex-convicts. The book is set in Colonial India, and is critically acclaimed for how well it humanizes the character of Sherlock Holmes (including his drug habit!). This eBook is highly recommended for all fans of the famous detective, and fiction lovers in general.

This fantastic classic text is Pater's graceful collection of essays discussing the achievements of Botticelli, Leonardo, Michelangelo, and other artists. The book concludes with an uncompromising advocacy of hedonism, urging readers to experience life as fully as possible. His cry of "e;art for art's sake"e; became the manifesto of the Aesthetic Movement, and his assessments of Renaissance art have influenced generations of readers. This version has been specially formatted for today's e-readers by Andrews UK.

Chamberlain Legacy
The Chamberlains were the most powerful political dynasty in England between 1876 and 1940 when one or, more usually, two members of the family sat in the Commons, holding between them nearly all the great Offices of State. In recent times, they have sunk into relative obscurity but recent political developments have made their lives seem particularly relevant. Theresa May's listing of Joe Chamberlain in her apostolic succession of great conservatives has brought him back to the forefront of political debate; whilst Brexit has made his policy of Tariff Reform relevant once again to British economic policy. The concerns over President Putin's foreign policy, coupled with the weak state of Britain's defence forces, have mirrored the conditions that led to the humiliation of Neville Chamberlain, whilst the UK's current political turmoil reflects those of the 1920s, which led to Austen Chamberlain being mocked as a perpetual loser. In this book, the author has sought to re-examine the reputations of these three men by concentrating as much on their personal lives and the motives that drove them as on the mighty political events that dominated their times. His conclusions may surprise the reader and may help those who are trying to forge policies to deal with the current political and economic environments.

Place of Michael Oakeshott in Contemporary Western and Non-Western Thought
The continuing growth of worldwide interest in Michael Oakeshott's philosophy and political theory has recently (2016) been marked by the publication of two 'Companion to Oakeshott' volumes. This event provides a welcome opportunity to explore the reasons for his influence both within the West and beyond it.Essays by contributors from Britain, Canada, Hong Kong, India, and the USA provide a comprehensive critical assessment of the principal aspects of Oakeshott's thought that account for his contemporary relevance.The unusually multi-national background of the authors aims to give the volume a wide appeal, extending not only to those already familiar with Oakeshott's writings but also to those as yet unfamiliar with them, regardless of their cultural background.All the contributors have attempted to write in a way that makes Oakeshott as accessible as possible.

Educating Character Through Stories
What could be the point of teaching such works of bygone cultural and literary inheritance as Cervantes' Don Quixote and Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice in schools today? This book argues that the narratives and stories of such works are of neglected significance and value for contemporary understanding of human moral association and character. However, in addition to offering detailed analysis of the moral educational potential of these and other texts, the present work reports on a pioneering project, recently pursued by the Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues, concerned precisely with the use of these and other stories for moral and character education in schools. The success of the 'Knightly Virtues' project is an inspiring story in its own right and should therefore be of enormous interest to all schools, teachers and parents rightly concerned with this all-important aspect of their children's educational development.

365 Foreign Dishes
Are you ever stuck for a fascinating new dish to try? This amazing cookbook contains 365 regional dishes from around the world - one for every day of the year. From Egyptian Cabbage to Scotch Scones and French Spiced Venison, this amazing list of recipes will have you trying new foods in no time! Each recipe is presented in a simple way, with easy-to-understand instructions. This edition has been specially formatted for today's e-readers.

Wuthering Heights
This edition of Wuthering Heights has been specially formatted for today's e-readers by Andrews UK. Emily Bronte's first and only novel was first published in 1847; It is set in Yorkshire and tells of the turbulent relationship between Heathcliff and Catherine Earnshaw that eventually destroys them and those around them. Even though it had limited success on publication it has become a classic of English Literature.

Michael Oakeshott, the Ancient Greeks, and the Philosophical Study of Politics
This book addresses a question fundamental for Oakeshott throughout his life, which is what we are doing when we read and discuss some memorable work in the history of political thought. The approach the book takes to Oakeshott's response to this question is of particular interest in that it explores in detail extensive notes he made on the beginnings of political philosophy in ancient Greece in an unpublished set of notebooks in which he recorded his thoughts on many different subjects throughout his life. In addition, the book gives contemporary significance to Oakeshott's interpretation of the history of political thought by using it to confront a series of contemporary challenges to the study of the history of political thought and to the study of the 'great books.' In particular, Oakeshott's distinction between 'various kinds or levels of political thought' is carefully analyzed, as is also the extent of his agreement and disagreement with Quentin Skinner. In the concluding chapter, the author relates Oakeshott's view of the nature of the history of political thought to his well-known description of philosophy as 'conversation', describing it as an introduction to that conversation.

Younger Years of Lee Hoyle
You may not yet have heard of Lee Hoyle. You soon will. This collection of anecdotes, memoirs and general musings will almost certainly have you laughing, and often bring a tear to the eye. Lee's unique style of writing adds to both the humour amd the drama of the chapters of his life and often enhances the emotion of the moment. This is a must-read biography from an interesting new character, with praise heaped on chapters such as 'Breaking into a factory' and 'Addicted to Pepper Spray'. Lee also describes in detail some of the locations he has grown up in, including some beautiful - and some not so beautiful - locations in South Africa. Once you get this book, you won't be able to put it down. Not for the faint-hearted...

Demi Moore - The Most Powerful Woman in Hollywood
From her Hollywood debut at the age of 19 to her latest venture, this biography traces the events and circumstances that have shaped Demi Moore's extraordinary character and propelled her from aspiring model to movie superstar. The book describes Demi's troubled childhood and her crusade to quit high school to find a career in modelling, as well as the trauma of her stepfather's suicide two years later. It reveals the truth behind her relationship with actor Emilio Estevez and why she broke off their engagement, her up-and-down relationship with husband Bruce Willis and her alleged affair with Leornardo DiCaprio. It also: relates how Demi's drug and alcohol addiction almost led to her departure from the set of "e;St Elmo's Fire"e;; looks at the history behind her nude appearances both on and off screen; and details behind-the-scenes information from the sets of her movies past and present, including her roles in "e;Indecent Proposal"e;, "e;Striptease"e; and Woody Allen's "e;Deconstructing Harry"e;.

Dream Dictionary
Have you ever wondered what your dreams may mean? This excellent ebook might just help you find out! Written by Gustavus Miller, the book aims to interpret your dreams, and let you know what the future may hold for you. From Accordions to Zebras, this dream dictionary has individual accounts for thousands of different things you may see in your dreams, and is a fascinating read. It has been specially formatted for today's e-readers.

Thought Thinking
The Italian author Giovanni Gentile (1875-1944) occupied a radical position among philosophers of the first half of the twentieth century. He tried in earnest to revolutionize idealist theory, developing a doctrine that retained the idealist conception of the thinking subject as the centre and source of any intelligible reality, while eschewing many of the unwarranted abstractions that had pervaded earlier varieties of idealism and led their adherents astray.Given his great prominence during his lifetime, it is perhaps remarkable that Gentile is so little discussed, and even then so poorly understood, in the English-speaking world. Few of his works have ever been translated into English, and these represent only a fraction of his great corpus and the many topics discussed therein. This neglect is partly explained by his close association with the Partito Nazionale Fascista (National Fascist Party), of which he remained a loyal member and supporter between 1923 and his assassination in 1944.The volume comprises eleven essays. Seven of these are new pieces written especially for Thought Thinking, and are intended both to contribute to ongoing debates about Gentile's philosophy and to indicate just a few of its many aspects that continue to draw the attention of philosophers, political theorists and intellectual historians. These are supplemented by new English translations of four of Gentile's shorter works, selected to offer some direct insight into his ideas and style of writing.

Jaynes Legacy
Julian Jaynes' 1976 book, The Origins of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind, continues to arouse an unsettling ambivalence. Richard Dawkins called it "e;either complete rubbish or a work of consummate genius, nothing in between"e;. The present book suggests that the bicameral mind is a phantasm; the dating of the origin of consciousness contradicts archeological and literary evidence; and the theory contributes nothing toward explaining why some physical states are conscious while others are not because the nonconscious bicameral brain is neurophysiologically equivalent to the conscious brain.However, the author pays tribute to Jaynes's work as a work of "e;consummate genius"e; because it compels us to re-evaluate the significance of humankind's earliest traditions and texts that might shine light on the "e;very suspicious totem of evolutionary mythology"e; that consciousness has evolved continuously and gradually from worms to man.The present book suggests that the evolution of the relationship between consciousnesses, mass, energy, and spacetime radically changed nearly 6,000 years ago during the epigenetic, evolutionary degeneration of a little-known, threadlike structure originating from the center of the central nervous system called Reissner's fiber. The earliest Egyptian, Hebrew, Indian and Chinese traditions, buried beneath the dust of fallen Babel and thousands of years of distortions and disguisings, describe this process during the origin of religion and mystical traditions.

Ghost Trails of Northumberland and Durham
This collection of regional ghost stories is brought to you as an ebook specially formatted for today's e-readers. In this first book of the 'Ghost Trails' series, popular TV ghosthunter Clive Kristen takes the reader in search of spooktacular events in regional history. The stories are woven into their historical context within Northumbria. Although the trails are largely rural, however in this brand new edition of an ever-popular book for the first time there are also trails in Durham and Newcastle upon Tyne.

Action as History
R G Collingwood's philosophy of history reflected his historical practices and his moral philosophy. Reflection on historical practice provided him with a theory of knowledge; his moral philosophy provided him with a theory of the object of history. This study shows how Collingwood's concepts of action and history developed together.