Egy ?rállomás-takarító naplója
Az Uralom Koronája egy ?si, egyedülálló varázser?vel rendelkez? elveszett ereklye. A civilizációtól távol, az elhagyatott Felejtés-sivataggal k?rülvett, misztikus Piramisf?ld?n nyugszik titkos rejtekhelyén. A legendák szerint megszerz?je Erabon világának urává válhat. A tolvajfiú Antor, tanítványa Morghan, a varázslón? Kyranda, a szerencsevadász Monteris és az íjászn? Elvana kapják azt az életveszélyes kényszerfeladatot, hogy megszerezzék ezt a fenséges varázstárgyat a rettegett Birodalom császárának. A k?z?s cél a viszontagságokkal teli utazás során elszánt és lelkes csapattá kovácsolja ?ket ?ssze. Egy ármányos és velejéig romlott rosszakaró, valamint a fondorlatos alvilág jelenléte miatt azonban a folytonos kihívások mellett ellenségekb?l sincs hiány. A konfliktusok során szerepet kap a hagyományos küzdelem, a kül?nféle harcm?vészetek, a mágia szinte minden iskolája és formája, továbbá a pusztán beavatottak által használt titokzatos kozmikus er?. A megpróbáltatások folyamán el?térbe kerülnek birodalmak, népek, kultúrák, vallások, világi és titkos rendek, szokások és kivételes világcsodák; mindek?zben változatos helyszíneken igaz barátságok és szenvedélyes szerelmek születnek. Az igazi meglepetéseket mégis az ismert világ peremvidékén túli, lakatlannak vélt vidék tartogatja. Vajon képes lesz-e a csapat megküzdeni minden nehézséggel? A k?nyvben ?tv?z?dik a páratlan részletességgel kidolgozott háttérvilág a rendkívül precíz ?sszefonódású, egymásra utaló eseményekkel, és mindezt életh?en színes leírások, filmszer? jelenetek, valamint hangulatos párbeszédek tarkítják. Nem mindennapi terjedelmét, színvonalas tartalmát és kimagasló mélységét tekintve e m? egyike a valaha megírt legnagyobb eredeti alkotásoknak. www.aholdsarlofenye.hu

We Set the Dark on Fire
“We Set the Dark on Fire burns bright. It will light the way for a new generation of rebels and lovers.” —NPR“Mejia pens a compelling, gripping story that mirrors real world issues of immigration and equality.” —BuzzfeedFive starred reviews!!In this daring and romantic fantasy debut perfect for fans of The Handmaid’s Tale and Latinx authors Zoraida Córdova and Anna-Marie McLemore, society wife-in-training Dani has a great awakening after being recruited by rebel spies and falling for her biggest rival. At the Medio School for Girls, distinguished young women are trained for one of two roles in their polarized society. Depending on her specialization, a graduate will one day run a husband’s household or raise his children. Both paths promise a life of comfort and luxury, far from the frequent political uprisings of the lower class.Daniela Vargas is the school’s top student, but her pedigree is a lie. She must keep the truth hidden or be sent back to the fringes of society.And school couldn’t prepare her for the difficult choices she must make after graduation, especially when she is asked to spy for a resistance group desperately fighting to bring equality to Medio.Will Dani cling to the privilege her parents fought to win for her, or will she give up everything she’s strived for in pursuit of a free Medio—and a chance at a forbidden love?

Wild Rescuers: Escape to the Mesa
The next installment in the New York Times bestselling series! From YouTube gamer StacyPlays comes the exhilarating sequel to her Minecraft-inspired adventure novel about a girl raised by wolves. Stacy would do anything to protect the Taiga where she lives with the pack of intelligent wolves who raised her. But when humans start to encroach on their forest, their only choice is escape to a place no Arctic wolf has gone before: the desert. The Mesa, with its canyons, snakes, and coyotes, will be like nothing the pack has ever seen. Even in this unfamiliar territory, Stacy is determined to rescue animals in need. But as she and her wolves face new dangers and old secrets, Stacy can’t help but wonder—where does she truly belong? Fans of DanTDM: Trayasaurus and the Enchanted Crystal and PopularMMOs Presents: A Hole New World will love this illustrated, action-packed series!

The Truth as Told by Mason Buttle
From the critically acclaimed author of Waiting for Normal and All Rise for the Honorable Perry T. Cook, Leslie Connor, comes a deeply poignant and beautifully crafted story about self-reliance, redemption, and hope.Mason Buttle is the biggest, sweatiest kid in his grade, and everyone knows he can barely read or write. Mason’s learning disabilities are compounded by grief. Fifteen months ago, Mason’s best friend, Benny Kilmartin, turned up dead in the Buttle family’s orchard.An investigation drags on, and Mason, honest as the day is long, can’t understand why Lieutenant Baird won’t believe the story Mason has told about that day. Both Mason and his new friend, tiny Calvin Chumsky, are relentlessly bullied by the other boys in their neighborhood, so they create an underground haven for themselves. When Calvin goes missing, Mason finds himself in trouble again. He’s desperate to figure out what happened to Calvin and, eventually, Benny. But will anyone believe him? National Book Award Finalist * ALA Schneider Family Book Award * 2019 ALSC Notable Children’s Book * Publishers Weekly Best Books of 2018 * 2019-2020 Nebraska Golden Sower Award * Amazon Best Books of 2018 * Kirkus Best of Children's 2018 * New York Public Library Best Books 2018 * Chicago Public Library Best of the Best Books 2018 * 2018 Nerdy Book Club Middle Grade Winner * South Carolina Junior Book Award Nominee * 2020 Colorado Children's Book Award Nominee * Bank Street Best Children's Book of the Year 2019 (9-12) * 2020 Grand Canyon Reader Award Nominee * 2020-2021 Missouri Association of School Librarians Mark Twain Readers Award Preliminary Nominee * 2020-2021 Indiana Young Hoosier Book Award Nominee *

The Man in the Iron Mask
This novel had a profound effect on attitudes toward African Americans and slavery in the United States, so much in the latter case that the novel intensified the sectional conflict leading to the American Civil War.Uncle Tom's Cabin was the best-selling novel of the 19th century, and the second best-selling book of that century, following the Bible. It is credited with helping fuel the abolitionist cause in the 1850s. In the first year after it was published, 300,000 copies of the book were sold in the United States alone.?This is probably one of the most beautiful digital version ever made of this story, containing over 90 gorgeous illustrations.?

Fame, Fate, and the First Kiss
Fan favorite author Kasie West delivers an effervescent story about chasing your dreams and following your heart, perfect for fans of Jenny Han and Huntley Fitzpatrick. Lacey Barnes has dreamed of being an actress for as long as she can remember. So when she gets the opportunity to star in a movie alongside one of Hollywood’s hottest actors, she doesn’t hesitate to accept the part.But Lacey quickly learns that life in the spotlight isn’t as picture perfect as she imagined. She’s having trouble bonding with her costars, her father has hired the definition of a choir boy, Donavan Lake, to tutor her, and somewhere along the way she’s lost her acting mojo. And just when it seems like things couldn’t get any worse, it looks like someone on set is deliberately trying to sabotage her. As Lacey’s world spins out of control, it feels like the only person she can count on—whether it’s helping her try to unravel the mystery of who is out to get her or snap her out of her acting funk—is Donavan. But what she doesn’t count on is this straight-laced boy becoming another distraction.With her entire future riding on this movie, Lacey knows she can’t afford to get sidetracked by a crush. But for the first time in her life Lacey wonders if it’s true that the best stories really do happen when you go off script.

名著《傲慢与偏见》的现代版、美国版改写。 Pride and Prejudice gets?remixed in this smart, funny, gorgeous retelling of the classic, starring all characters of color, from Ibi Zoboi, National Book Award finalist and author of American Street.Zuri Benitez has pride. Brooklyn pride, family pride, and pride?in her Afro-Latino roots. But pride might not be enough to save her rapidly gentrifying neighborhood from becoming unrecognizable. When the wealthy Darcy family moves in across the street, Zuri wants nothing to do with their two teenage sons, even as her older sister, Janae, starts to fall for the charming Ainsley. She especially can’t stand the judgmental and arrogant Darius. Yet as Zuri and Darius are forced to find common ground, their initial dislike shifts into an unexpected understanding.But with four wild sisters pulling her in different directions, cute boy Warren vying for her attention, and college applications hovering on the horizon, Zuri fights to find her place in Bushwick’s changing landscape, or lose it all. In a timely update of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, critically acclaimed author Ibi Zoboi skillfully balances cultural identity, class, and gentrification against the heady magic of first love in her vibrant reimagining of this beloved classic.

Encyclopaedia Britannica: 11th Edition
Don Quijote de la Mancha (ortografía y título original —1605—, El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha) es una de las obras cumbre de la literatura espa?ola y la literatura universal, el libro más traducido después de la Biblia, escrito por Miguel de Cervantes.La novela consta de dos partes: la primera, El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha, fue publicada en 1605; la segunda, El ingenioso caballero don Quijote de la Mancha, en 1615.La primera parte se imprimió en Madrid, en casa de Juan de la Cuesta, a fines de 1604. Salió a la venta en enero de 1605 con numerosas erratas, a causa de la celeridad que imponía el contrato de edición. Esta edición se reimprimió en el mismo a?o y en el mismo taller, de forma que hay en realidad dos ediciones de 1605 ligeramente distintas. Se sospecha, sin embargo, que existió una novela más corta, que sería una de sus futuras Novelas ejemplares.

Ce facem cu Rom?nia? Cititorii ?n dialog cu Cristina Nemerovschi
Au ?nceput s? curg? cititorii, s?nt prezen?i ?i Sandra Brown, ?i varianta bra?ovean? a lui Zenga ?n costum, ?n adida?i ?i cu ?apc?, ?i b?tr?na care comand? numai c?r?i foarte vechi, ?i grupurile de tineri rockeri ?i hip-hopi?ti, ?i grupurile de studen?i ?i studente, ?i profu’ zen, care a intrat vorbind la telefon, apar ?i c?teva colege care vor s? le ?mprumut c?r?i de la sala de lectur?, ?i femeia de la xerox, vesel? ?i haioas?, nu lipsesc nici cei doi tineri iubi?i care ?nva?? arta fututului la bibliotec?, comand?nd c?nd c?r?i cu pozi?ii yoga, c?nd Kamasutra, c?nd Cum s? ajunge?i mai u?or la orgasm ?i O cale sigur? de a-?i satisface partenerul, chestii din astea, comand? am?ndoi, am?ndoi vin dup? carte, pleac? ?i vin ?mpreun?.

Ghid pentru femeia ner?bd?toare s? devin? mam?
Zece basarabeni pentru cultura rom?n? face parte dintr-un proiect mai amplu numit Interviuri cu tinerii dintre milenii. Anul 2000 era considerat unul mistic ?i chiar apocaliptic, s-a vorbit ?i s-a scris foarte mult despre aceast? cifr? plin? de simboluri, oricum, atunci treceam nu doar dintr-un secol ?n altul, ci ?i dintr-un mileniu ?n altul. Cum erau tinerii care au tr?it aceste momente, ce f?ceau, cum g?ndeau, ce proiecte de viitor aveau? – cartea aceasta ne r?spunde la aceste ?ntreb?ri-st?ri. Tinerii ale?i pentru dialoguri erau ?n focul ac?iunii, ?n v?rf, iar acum fiecare e o certitudine, nici unul nu a tr?dat speran?a investit? ?n ei, chiar dac? soarta lor – inevitabil – s-a schimbat de atunci.Dumitru Crudu nu mai scrie poezie, ?n schimb, acum a debutat ?i ca romancier ?i e unul din cei mai aprecia?i dramaturgi contemporani, piesele sale fiind puse ?n scen? pe toate continentele, ceea ce se ?nt?mpl? ?i cu piesele Nicoletei Esinencu, care atunci ?nc? nu debutase ?n volum, de?i textele ei erau jucate pe scena unor teatre de prestigiu at?t din Rom?nia, c?t ?i din Rusia, SUA, Germania, iar acum are c?r?i publicate ?i aici, ?i peste hotare. ?tefan Ba?tovoi a devenit ieromonahul Savatie, poetul deosebit de talentat dintre milenii s-a c?lug?rit, ?i-a f?cut o editur? ?i a ?nfiin?at ?i o revist?, iar c?r?ile sale de dup? c?lug?rire, romane ?i eseuri existen?iale, sunt poate cele mai citite c?r?i, cel pu?in asta spun v?nz?rile. Alexandru Vakulovski nu mai e debutantul furios care demonstreaz? prin c?r?ile sale de debut (3!) c? se poate scrie ?i altfel, revolu?ion?nd limbajul ?n literatura rom?n?. ?ntre timp, trilogia Letopizde? a fost publicat?, scriitorul edit?nd ?i c?teva c?r?i de poezie, iar piesele sale de teatru au fost traduse ?i editate ?n antologii din str?in?tate, unde au fost dramatizate, poeziile sale fiind selectate ?i pentru antologia de poezie din SUA, New European Poets, cea mai recent? carte a sa fiind romanul 157 de trepte spre iad sau Salva?i-m? la Ro?ia Montan? (Editura Cartier, 2010). Vasile Ernu a lucrat la una dintre cele mai mari edituri din Rom?nia, a editat o carte de mare succes (N?scut ?n URSS, Editura Polirom, 2007), tradus? ?n mai multe limbi, iar pe a doua a publicat-o direct ?n str?in?tate. Pavel P?duraru ??i continu? lupta ziaristic?, dar ?ntre timp s-a afirmat ca poet ?i a publicat ?i un roman destul de controversat, care a provocat multe discu?ii. Mito? Micleu?anu este, al?turi de Florin Braghi?, fondatorul ?i realizatorul ?Planetei Moldova“. ?ntre timp, Florin s-a concentrat pe munca de designer, iar Mito? pe literatur?, edit?nd trei c?r?i ?i devenind una dintre cele mai sigure voci literare. Roman Tolici este unul dintre cei mai aprecia?i arti?ti plastici tineri, expun?nd mai mult ?n str?in?tate dec?t acas? – la Praga, Strausberg, Celje, Berlin. Super-boxerul Octavian ??cu a devenit un om de ?tiin?? la fel de st?p?n pe noile instrumente de munc?, care scrie c?r?i de istorie ?i lucreaz? la multe proiecte valoroase. Iar Zdob ?i Zdub este una dintre cele mai populare ?i mai originale forma?ii de limb? rom?n?, c?nt?nd la prestigioase festivaluri europene, ?n turnee de promovare a albumelor sau pur ?i simplu ?n concerte, purt?nd marca unui nou stil: hardcore moldovenesc.Ce-i une?te pe ace?ti arti?ti ?nc? tineri? ?n primul r?nd, locul na?terii, to?i fiind rom?ni basarabeni, apoi limba ?n care creeaz?, to?i cei ?zece“ intervieva?i trec?nd Prutul ?i activ?nd ?n cultura rom?n?. Interviurile sunt splendide, Mihail Vakulovski fiind un maestru ?n domeniu, iar r?spunsurile sunt deschise, directe, lipsite de orice fel de inhibi?ii. O carte cu siguran?? interesant? ?i pentru cititorii dintre mileniile trei ?i patru. Lectur? pl?cut?!

Zece basarabeni pentru cultura rom?n? (interviuri cu tinerii dintre milenii)
Poemele lui Virgil Botnaru au una dintre cele mai rare caliti regsibile la un debutant: anume polifonia. Dei arat numaidect recognoscibil, ele sun diferit de la o seciune la alta a crii; se vede, vreau s spun, c-s produse de un acelai spirit i o aceeai energeia, ns sunetul lor e mereu altul. Uneori, ele par contaminate de un misticism aproape pios, ca-n poemul (aproape un haiku) n care poetul trece dimineaa devreme pe lng catedral i gsete c Dumnezeu doarme; pentru ca dup cteva pagini s gseti o strigtur licenioas de dou versuri, deucheat dar simpatic; iar, dup alte cteva pagini, poemele devin documente ale unei melancolii virile, alcoolizate & depresive. E limpede, pentru mine, c Virgil Botnaru e un poet, al crui instrument acoper cteva octave bune; i c tie, de la bun nceput, cum s i-l exploateze. E, adic, un poet despre care tiu sigur c voi mai vorbi–cu ncredere & apreciere.“ – Radu Vancu

Foxfire Living:Design, Recipes, and Stories from the Magical Inn in the Catskill
A gorgeous full-color field guide to the innovative neo-vintage design style that is the hallmark of Foxfire Mountain House, the magical inn in the Catskills, bursting with design ideas, recipes, projects, and tips for achieving its dreamy aesthetic in your own home.When designer Eliza Clark and her chef husband Tim Trojian viewed the property that would eventually become the Foxfire Mountain House in Mount Tremper, New York, the real estate listing was for an adjacent cottage; the teetering remains of what had once been a popular Catskills hotel was thrown in as a bonus.Eliza and Tim set to work, radically redesigning the derelict property to create a relaxed bohemian retreat they called Foxfire Mountain House. The design and food of this transcendent inn is guided by nature, science, and curiosity, and informed by its rural location amid the bucolic mountains. The scenery is as much an element of Foxfire’s design as the color scheme; the inn’s old bones are complemented by unique vintage finds; and the meals are sourced from neighboring farms and local crops. Eliza and Tim’s eleven-room inn, cottage, and bar room/restaurant became an instant hit and a hot destination for urban dwellers looking for an escape in the country.Foxfire Living now brings the dreamy, rustic modern style that is the hallmark of this special place into any home. This lush guide is divided into chapters based on the phases of the day—Dawn, Morning, Day, Dusk, and Night—allowing you to move through each element of the inn’s design and renovation process in a natural and holistic way. Whether you want to completely redo your home or just make a few changes or additions, you’ll find thoughtful concepts and advice to guide you to:Discover—use the bones of your space to inform your design choicesGather—set up a design pantry and collect inspirationEvolve—allow yourself to stay open and curious as your design comes togetherReflect—enjoy what you’ve built and share it with othersIn telling the intriguing story of Foxfire’s rebirth, Eliza and Tim include thirty recipes and renovation projects that capture its spirit. Brimming with ethereal photos that are as full of wonder as the drive up the hill that leads to the inn, Foxfire Living is the story of paint colors, light fixtures, materials, and furnishings. But it is also about writing your own home’s story and creating a personal narrative that reflects your truest desires.
![Black Boy [Seventy-fifth Anniversary Edition]](http://img61.ddimg.cn/digital/product/80/30/1901198030_ii_cover.jpg?version=b57504be-159d-44fe-b136-de74ddf135de)
Black Boy [Seventy-fifth Anniversary Edition]
"理查德?赖特影响深远的回忆录《黑孩子》75周年纪念特别版,增加了非裔美国作家约翰?埃德加?韦德曼撰写的新前言和作者的孙子马尔科姆?赖特的后记。 《黑孩子》首次出版时在美国引起激烈的讨论,《纽约时报》的奥维尔?普雷斯科特曾评价此书“如果有足够多的人写出这样的书,如果有足够多的人阅读它们,也许在某一天,当时机成熟时,会有更多的理解和更真实的民主。”而这本书也曾因为过分残酷的内容而被禁止进入学校。 这本曾经饱受争议,现在却备受赞誉的自传描述了南方种族歧视的残酷性,以及作为一个黑人男孩为了生存所需要的绝望意志。 赖特在密西西比州的森林里长大,忍受着贫穷、饥饿、恐惧、虐待和仇恨。 他渴望一种不同的生活方式,于是一路向北,终抵达芝加哥,在那里开始了他的作家生涯。 在《黑孩子》的结尾,赖特手持铅笔泰然自若地坐着,决心“把文字投入这片黑暗,等待回音”。 75年过去了,他的话仍然回荡在人们心中。 约翰?埃德加?韦德曼在前言中写道: “读《黑孩子》就是凝视黑暗的心灵。” 作为美国伟大的回忆录之一,赖特记录了他的忍耐、心酸和奋斗,也记录了他所处的那个时代。 A special 75th anniversary edition of Richard Wright's powerful and unforgettable memoir, with a new foreword by John Edgar Wideman and an afterword by Malcolm Wright, the author’s grandson.When it exploded onto the literary scene in 1945, Black Boy was both praised and condemned. Orville Prescott of the New York Times wrote that “if enough such books are written, if enough millions of people read them maybe, someday, in the fullness of time, there will be a greater understanding and a more true democracy.” Yet from 1975 to 1978, Black Boy was banned in schools throughout the United States for “obscenity” and “instigating hatred between the races.”Wright’s once controversial, now celebrated autobiography measures the raw brutality of the Jim Crow South against the sheer desperate will it took to survive as a black boy. Enduring poverty, hunger, fear, abuse, and hatred while growing up in the woods of Mississippi, Wright lied, stole, and raged at those around him—whites indifferent, pitying, or cruel and blacks resentful of anyone trying to rise above their circumstances. Desperate for a different way of life, he may his way north, eventually arriving in Chicago, where he forged a new path and began his career as a writer. At the end of Black Boy, Wright sits poised with pencil in hand, determined to “hurl words into this darkness and wait for an echo.” Seventy-five year later, his words continue to reverberate. “To read Black Boy is to stare into the heart of darkness,” John Edgar Wideman writes in his foreword. “Not the dark heart Conrad searched for in Congo jungles but the beating heart I bear.” One of the great American memoirs, Wright’s account is a poignant record of struggle and endurance—a seminal literary work that illuminates our own time.

LIBERT? & POTERE. Saggio sull'arte di strisciare ad uso dei cortigiani
Exila?i este singura pies? scris? de Joyce, unde ??i face manifest?, prin regulile speciei, predilec?ia pentru m??tile puse fiec?rui personaj. Citit? ca o trecere ?n ordine cronologic? de la Portret al artistului ?n tinere?e la Ulise, piesa con?ine m?rci clare ale obsesiilor scriitorului ?i urme vizibile ale experien?ei omului James Joyce. Rela?iile de dragoste, parentale sau de prietenie sunt cele care dezechilibreaz? personajele, exilul temporar ?n Italia fiind doar o alt? form? a ?nstr?in?rii din Irlanda natal?.

Above the Line:Living and Leading with Heart
常识告诉我们,你总是可以选择你对待事件的反应。 但是,正如企业顾问Stephen Klemich和临床心理学家Mara Klemich所主张的那样,除非你意识到自己为什么要做出选择,以及内心和大脑如何共同塑造你的行为,否则你根本无法改变根深蒂固的行为模式,这也就是为什么人们总是会重复自己犯过的错误和消极的行为。本书对此进行了深入的探讨并提出改变的可行办法,让你可以对自己和周围做的世界出积极的影响。 A leadership consultant and neuropsychologist identify the universal habits of the heart and mind—the keys to unlocking our true potential, creating our best selves and?eliminating behavior patterns that hold us back.?Why is it so hard for leaders to coach employees who are struggling? Why do we repeat the same mistakes and negative behaviors? Common wisdom says you always have a choice in how you react or respond. But, as corporate consultant Stephen Klemich and clinical psychologist Mara Klemich contend, until you recognize why you make choices, and how the heart and the brain work together to shape your behavior, you can’t change long-ingrained patterns and discover your best self.The Klemichs have developed a model backed by extensive research and data, and paired it with character-led personal development, to help you answer the "Why?" and eliminate behavior that is “below the line.” In Above the Line, they argue that that the quality of your life flows from the attitudes of your heart. Offering wise, compassionate, and practical advice, this book explores the deep, fundamental drivers of human behavior that exist within your heart—the seat of your character. It reveals that all of these behaviors can be explained by four principles—humility, love, pride, and fear—which influence every facet of your life, for better or for worse.We are all designed for greatness, but so often our best self is pitted against our worst. The pressures of life are pulling our character below the line while our authentic self is drawing us to live above the line. When you fully understand that the four principles are at the root of your behavior, you can begin the journey to become your best self and navigate life more effectively and successfully. Filled with proven strategies, Above the Line will create lasting changes in your behavior and improve your life personally and professionally—so you can make a positive impact on the world around you.

Hitting a Straight Lick with a Crooked Stick:Stories from the Harlem Renaissance
From “one of the greatest writers of our time” (Toni Morrison)—the author of Barracoon and Their Eyes Were Watching God—a collection of remarkable stories, including eight “lost” Harlem Renaissance tales now available to a wide audience for the first time. New York Times’ Books to Watch forBuzzfeed’s Most Anticipated Books of 2020Newsweek’s Most Anticipated BooksForbes.com’s Most Anticipated Books of 2020E!’s Top 2020 Books to ReadGlamour’s Best Books In 1925, Barnard student Zora Neale Hurston—the sole black student at the college—was living in New York, “desperately striving for a toe-hold on the world.” During this period, she began writing short works that captured the zeitgeist of African American life and transformed her into one of the central figures of the Harlem Renaissance. Nearly a century later, this singular talent is recognized as one of the most influential and revered American artists of the modern period.Hitting a Straight Lick with a Crooked Stick is an outstanding collection of stories about love and migration, gender and class, racism and sexism that proudly reflect African American folk culture. Brought together for the first time in one volume, they include eight of Hurston’s “lost” Harlem stories, which were found in forgotten periodicals and archives. These stories challenge conceptions of Hurston as an author of rural fiction and include gems that flash with her biting, satiric humor, as well as more serious tales reflective of the cultural currents of Hurston’s world. All are timeless classics that enrich our understanding and appreciation of this exceptional writer’s voice and her contributions to America’s literary traditions.

Barkham Burroughs' Encyclopaedia of Astounding Facts and Useful Information
This masterpiece of science fiction is the fascinating story of Griffin, a scientist who creates a serum to render himself invisible, and his descent into madness that follows.

Devices and Desires:Bess of Hardwick and the Building of Elizabethan England
The critically acclaimed author of Serving Victoria brilliantly illuminates the life of the little-known Bess of Hardwick—next to Queen Elizabeth I, the richest and most powerful woman in sixteenth-century England.Aided by a quartet of judicious marriages and a shrewd head for business, Bess of Hardwick rose from humble beginnings to become one of the most respected and feared Countesses in Elizabethan England—an entrepreneur who built a family fortune, created glorious houses—the last and greatest built as a widow in her 70s—and was deeply involved in matters of the court, including the custody of Mary Queen of Scots.While Bess cultivated many influential courtiers, she also collected numerous enemies. Her embittered fourth husband once called her a woman of “devices and desires,” while nineteenth-century male historians portrayed her as a monster—”a woman of masculine understanding and conduct, proud, furious, selfish and unfeeling.” In the twenty-first century she has been neutered by female historians who recast her as a soft-hearted sort, much maligned, and misunderstood. As Kate Hubbard reveals, the truth of this highly accomplished woman lies somewhere in between: ruthless and scheming, Bess was sentimental and affectionate as well.Hubbard draws on more than 230 of Bess’s letters, including correspondence with the Queen and her councilors, fond (and furious) missives between her husbands and children, and notes sharing titillating court gossip. The result is a rich, compelling portrait of a true feminist icon centuries ahead of her time—a complex, formidable, and decidedly modern woman captured in full as never before.

Grit & Grace:Train the Mind, Train the Body, Own Your Life
From Grammy-Award winning music superstar and actor Tim McGraw comes a one-of-a kind lifestyle book that melds his personal fitness transformation story with practical advice to inspire healthy changes in readers’ lives.Tim McGraw is as well-known for his unparalleled accomplishments in the entertainment industry as he is for his boundless energy—he is the embodiment of vitality and success. But only a decade ago, he found himself struggling with his health. The demands of his meteoric career and life on the road had taken a toll. McGraw came to a crossroads where knew that unless he made his physical health a priority, he would put his personal happiness and professional success at risk. In Grit & Grace, McGraw shares his transformation story along with encouragement, inspiration, and real-life, practical advice to help readers become healthy, strong and fit in mind and body.For the first time, McGraw will share the details of the mental and physical routine that got him in the best shape of his life. He suggests that there is no magic formula to getting stronger and healthier: it is about making a commitment to do and be better, and holding yourself accountable each day. McGraw didn’t follow a playbook or have a squad of trainers overseeing his every step. He describes his way of getting into shape as more "maverick"--tuning into a vision of what you personally want to achieve, staying focused, and putting in the work.McGraw says his physical transformation has ignited a whole-life transformation. "My mind is clearer, my sense of purpose is sharper, and my relationships are deeper. Consistent physical exercise helps me bring focus to my life and to the people who mean the most to me." In Grit & Grace, McGraw makes this transformation accessible to anyone, sharing with readers the physical and mental tools they can use to create the life they deserve.

What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Blacker:A Memoir in Essays
A Finalist for the NAACP Image AwardLonglisted for the PEN/Diamonstein-Spielvogel Award for the Art of the EssayAn NPR Best Book of the YearA Washington Independent Review of Books Favorite of the YearFrom the cofounder of VerySmartBrothas.com, and one of the most read writers on race and culture at work today, a provocative and humorous memoir-in-essays that explores the ever-shifting definitions of what it means to be Black (and male) in AmericaFor Damon Young, existing while Black is an extreme sport. The act of possessing black skin while searching for space to breathe in America is enough to induce a ceaseless state of angst where questions such as “How should I react here, as a professional black person?” and “Will this white person’s potato salad kill me?” are forever relevant. What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Blacker chronicles Young’s efforts to survive while battling and making sense of the various neuroses his country has given him. It’s a condition that’s sometimes stretched to absurd limits, provoking the angst that made him question if he was any good at the “being straight” thing, as if his sexual orientation was something he could practice and get better at, like a crossover dribble move or knitting; creating the farce where, as a teen, he wished for a white person to call him a racial slur just so he could fight him and have a great story about it; and generating the surreality of watching gentrification transform his Pittsburgh neighborhood from predominantly Black to “Portlandia . . . but with Pierogies.” And, at its most devastating, it provides him reason to believe that his mother would be alive today if she were white. From one of our most respected cultural observers, What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Blacker is a hilarious and honest debut that is both a celebration of the idiosyncrasies and distinctions of Blackness and a critique of white supremacy and how we define masculinity.

The Gimmicks:A Novel
“The Gimmicks is a gorgeous epic that astounds with its scope and beauty. With empathy and humor, McCormick unravels the ties between brotherhood and betrayal, love and abandonment, and the fictions we create to live with the pain of the past. This novel will blow you away.”—Brit Bennett, New York Times bestselling author of The MothersSet in the waning years of the Cold War, a stunning debut novel about a trio of young Armenians that moves from the Soviet Union, across Europe, to Southern California, and at its center, one of the most tragic cataclysms in twentieth-century history—the Armenian Genocide—whose traumatic reverberations will have unexpected consequences on all three lives.This exuberant, wholly original novel begins in Kirovakan, Armenia, in 1971. Ruben Petrosian is a serious, solitary young man who cares about two things: mastering the game of backgammon to beat his archrival, Mina, and studying the history of his ancestors. Ruben grieves the victims of the 1915 Armenian Genocide, a crime still denied by the descendants of its perpetrators, and dreams of vengeance.When his orphaned cousin, Avo, comes to live with his family, Ruben’s life is transformed. Gregarious and physically enormous, with a distinct unibrow that becomes his signature, Avo is instantly beloved. He is everything Ruben is not, yet the two form a bond they swear never to break.But their paths diverge when Ruben vanishes—drafted into an extremist group that will stop at nothing to make Turkey acknowledge the genocide. Unmoored by Ruben’s disappearance, Avo and Mina grow close in his absence. But fate brings the cousins together once more, when Ruben secretly contacts Avo, convincing him to leave Mina and join the extremists—a choice that will dramatically alter the course of their lives.Left to unravel the threads of this story is Terry “Angel Hair” Krill, a veteran of both the US Navy and the funhouse world of professional wrestling, whose life intersects with Avo, Ruben, and Mina’s in surprising and devastating ways. Told through alternating perspectives, The Gimmicks is a masterpiece of storytelling. Chris McCormick brilliantly illuminates the impact of history and injustice on ordinary lives and challenges us to confront the spectacle of violence and the specter of its aftermath.