The One Hundred
"Simply put, these items make me feel classic . And there is no substitute for feeling this way. Ever." In the wildly popular The Little Black Book of Style , fashion authority Nina Garcia showed women how to think about personal style in an entirely new way. Encouraging readers to creatively assert their style identities, Nina showed women of all ages how to hone and self-edit a distinct fashion voice. With her style philosophy firmly out in the world, Nina decided to address the most popular question readers consistently ask her: Exactly what are fashion's timeless piecesThe One Hundred answers this question and provides women with a tangible style map to follow when planning a shopping trip and stocking one's closet. With illustrations from world-renowned fashion illustrator Ruben Toledo, The One Hundred contains the 100 items that Nina believes will never go out of style, and that have become absolutely indispensible for any woman reaching for her own eternal fashion look.

The Little Black Book of Style
Every time you dress, you assert your identity. With style, you tell the world your story. In that way, style affords you opportunities to think about your appearance as a quality of your creative character. The Little Black Book of Style helps you to explore your own fashion voice the piece of you that joyously revels in the glamorous experience of creating your best self. From cultivating good taste to guarding against definite fashion faux pas, Nina Garcia offers readers the ultimate guide to follow when it comes to dressing their best. Including tips on how and when to wear an outfit, occasion-appropriate wear, advice on how to combine colors and textures, and inspiration on how to achieve your own signature look, you learn how to experiment, storyboard, archive, and play. Timeless and universal, this book seeks to remind women that eternal style is internal style, and that everyone has what it takes to discover themselves through the colorful palette that is fashion.

Healthy Mom, Healthy Baby (A March of Dimes Book)
Having a baby is one of nature's true blessings and miracles. And yet when it comes to getting the facts about pregnancy, it becomes complicated. What you want to have at your fingertips is the most accurate, accessible, up-to-date pregnancy health information available. And now you do. Healthy Mom, Healthy Baby is a no-nonsense, fact-based guide that empowers every mom-to-be. The choices you make, starting now, can have a major impact on your pregnancy and your baby's health. No matter where you start, these clear explanations, research-based advice, and smart recommendations from a leading expert will provide everything you need to know to have a smooth, energetic, joyful pregnancy. Brought to you by the nation's most trusted source on pregnancy, the March of Dimes, which has devoted billions to support scientific research and discover the best health practices for babies and moms, Healthy Mom, Health Baby is the essential guide for any mom-to-be.

Code to Joy
We are meant to be happy. Instinctively, we all know this, somewhere deep inside. We all know what it's like to feel a burst of delight. Every one of us has at some point in our lives experienced a sense of ecstatic joy, of euphoria at the sheer sensation of being alive. Have you ever wondered why that experience has to be so rare and fleetingThe answer is, It doesn't. from Code to Joy All the positive thinking, affirmations, talk therapy, and pharmaceuticals in the world will never be enough to make us as happy as we were designed to be, according to acclaimed clinical psychologists George Pratt, Ph.D., and Peter Lambrou, Ph.D. That's because those approaches fail to address a third aspect of the human organism, one that bridges the gap between mind and body: the biofield . Combining six decades of clinical experience with cutting-edge research, Drs. Pratt and Lambrou have developed a revolutionary program for rediscovering (and then never again letting go of) your innate happiness in four simple, proven steps. Pratt and Lambrou's program has already transformed the lives of more than 45,000 clients, including professional athletes, top executives, and celebrities. Code to Joy can transform yours, too, with all the science-based tools and guidance you need to complete the process of becoming a more focused, more powerful, and more deeply joyful you .

Get the Guy
Love is hard. But it doesn't have to be. Leading relationship expert and rising media personality Matthew Hussey provides what every woman needs to know to find lasting love. Offering invaluable insight into the male psyche, he will change the way you approach men and dating and give you the tools you need to find the man you deserve. Hussey answers every single woman three most burning questions: Where do I go to meet good menWhy didn't he callHow do I get him to commitIn Get the Guy , you will learn specific strategies for getting out there and meeting the best single guys. You will also learn why the guy you like has gone cold and the secrets to reigniting a spark with him. And you'll discover why so many guys seem to be afraid of long-term commitment and the three simple steps you can take that will change his mind. Hussey also reveals why playing hard to get is a lose-lose game. A man doesn't want to endlessly chase a woman who is impossible to attain; he wants to win over a woman who is “high value. You'll find out how to create nonnegotiable standards for the way you want to be treated and utilize a foolproof method for determining if a man can live up to them. Leveraging what he learned from coaching thousands of men to find personal and professional success, Hussey will teach you how to meet more men, how to choose one who is worth your time, and finally, how to keep him enthralled forever. His insightfulness, irreverence, and warmth make the journey to love playful and fun, and his advice ensures success in both romance and life.

An Introduction To Healing
This book aims to answer the question How do I become a healerIt is a comprehensive explanation of spiritual healing, the aim being to inform, encourage and enlighten the reader. In easily understandable terms, the book describes the background of healing, how to tap into the universal energy and how to protect oneself. Spiritual healing is traditional in its origins and there continues to be an urgent need for it today. The complex and seemingly strange energies which spiritual healing involves are explained and terms such as energy , spirit and protection are demystified. Pat Smith, believes that anybody who wants to help others can become a healer and within this book she shows how.

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After the Rehearsal Living with Dementia
At the heart of this book is a carer's story. However, it is much, much more than that. It is a book about being human, about the ups and downs of life, about loving, about trying to make sense and work out, and around the things that life throws at you how you have to find a way of living without ever forgetting your loved one. Beautifully written with love and confidence about a poignant time in the life of a family. The Struggle to retain the self of a beloved husband and father and the harsh reality of living with dementia is all too clear.

Wonders of Spiritual Unfoldment
Even if there is a realm beyond mortality, would finding it improve our lives on earthWhat use is Spirit to a troubled worldDo prayer and meditation workAs a young man in search of love and a purpose to live for, the author could not fit within the world he found. Longing to be useful but unwilling to conform, he went out to South America. It wasn’t so easy. Alone on a mountainside one day, an inner voice said, ‘To make whole, be whole’. This was a turning point. He realised that, before being able to help others, he first had to work on himself. Once back in England, he found a method of meditation. Love of nature led him to become one of the first organic farmers but, when asked what he really wanted in life, he answered ‘God’. He’d been schooled in the Christian faith but was not at this time attracted to the Church. Meditation proved an ideal accompaniment as further adventures took him to Africa and, in particular, the desert. Later, at a low ebb in the USA, he ‘met Jesus’, which brought his practice of meditation and Christianity together. At the age of 51, he re-entered university to study Russian prior to visiting his mother’s homeland for the first time in 1991. This led to several years living in Russia, where he realised the similarity between his own practice and traditional Orthodox ‘prayer of the heart’. The book is based on notes of the author’s unfolding spiritual experience, which taught him that the wholeness he sought is actually – Spirit. How is it attainedWith many encouraging examples he shows how, with patient perseverance, the grip of the ego with all the restrictive unhappiness it brings, can be released. Being then more open to the influence of Grace, we may come to discover the Kingdom of God – our original, spiritual and perfect home. Dear John, ‘I hope you won’t mind my addressing you by your Christian name but having read your book twice as well as highlighting many paragraphs to study, I feel you are a dear friend. I am writing to say that your profound insights are enormously encouraging, an awakening, a wonderful inspiration for me, and I feel so fortunate to have found them. Your experiences in Spirit are conveyed so clearly and simply ‘ I find them truly uplifting. Every day I read some pages and always seem to find something new. I feel extremely grateful that you chose to write of your experience ‘ your legacy is to inspire countless other people, and to enrich their lives as you have mine.’ ML, 2011 Dear Mr Butler, ‘I am over half-way through your book ‘Wonders of Spiritual Unfoldment’ and feel I would like to express my gratitude to you for helping me gain clarity in the process of awakening. It is difficult to express in words the way your writings from personal experience have helped crystallise my sense of ‘Being’ in Reality. Your notes on waking from the dream or illusion we mistake for life and the sense of non-attachment to the world this engenders ‘ greatly assist me in releasing my conditioned perception. It is wonderful to find that someone living so near me, geographically, can write with such clarity and, knowing that you are here in the flesh confirming the truth of the possibility of waking up, has been a great affirmation to me and is supporting me in my own journey of awaking or coming home. Thank you so much.’ L, 2011 ‘This is a moving, honest ‘ and long ‘ spiritual autobiography, interestingly given in two voices: contemporary notebooks interlaced with present day ruminations. Butler met the meditation early and it colours his early days of self-sustaining farming after Cambridge, and his many adventures described in detail and with compassion in South America, Africa (sharing keenness of hunger and the haunting splendour of the night skies) and India, culminating in coming ‘home’ to his core way in the Russia of his mother and its Christian orthodoxy. It was love that led him through the labyrinth of his life ‘ a path we all recognise. As he says, ‘to surrender myself and let the spirit act.’ Throughout it is his honesty which makes the book valid for us. His spiritual insights have all been gained through the experience of this varied life which he seems to have accepted with the innocence and enthusiasm of a child. His way is our way. It is a book of vivid de*ion and some very helpful insights.’ Contact 55 – Summer 2011

Coaching and Mentoring Resource Manual
Widely recognised as a leading practical resource on coaching and mentoring, The Coaching and Mentoring Learning Resource Manual by Jimmy Petruzzi combines an understanding of coaching and mentoring principles, skills, attitudes and behaviours, along with practical guidance and a comprehensive tool kit for coaches and mentors. A pragmatic and passionate learning resource that establishes the many benefits of coaching and mentoring in order to create a working environment for individuals and organizations to ensure that both fulfil their full potential. Whether you are an existing trainer, teacher, coach, mentor, leader of manager, or if you are studying to become a coach or mentor. This manual helps to reinforce existing skills, and learn and adapt new skills. The Coaching and Mentoring Learning Resource Manual is interactive, with exercises that adhere to specific Coaching and Mentoring assessment criteria.