Eat Q
If you've ever asked yourself, "Why do I know how to eat healthier to lose weight but don't do it?" this is the perfect book for you.Susan Albers, Psy.D., a psychologist at the Cleveland Clinic Family Health Center, has discovered that the key to successful weight loss is not physical exercise, calorie counting, or even willpower—it's emotional intelligence (EI). EI includes the noncognitive aspects of intelligence, such as optimism, impulse control, empathy, and the ability to manage stress, which are predictors of future success—including the ability to lose weight and to keep it off long-term. (In contrast, lacking these skills can ignite nutritional neuroses, food phobias, and disordered eating that can cause cravings, binges, and weight gain.)EI skills have traditionally been used to help people navigate their relationships with other people, but Dr. Albers has learned how to use them to help people strengthen their relationship with food. Even the smartest people can struggle with their emotional intelligence, which can keep us locked in a vicious cycle of dieting failure.In Eat.Q., Dr. Albers uniquely and innovatively applies both self-help and business wisdom to weight loss for optimum success. You learn what your personal style is as it relates to your Eat.Q., and Albers helps you identify exactly what issues you have with eating. She discusses all different kinds of eating styles and explains each of the strategies, allowing you to customize her program to suit your total Eat.Q. profile—including your personal schedule, understanding what you eat and why, and how cravings, environment, and mood affect your relationship with food. She gives you specifics, teaching you how to refine your needs and desires to achieve better results.Increase your Eat.Q. to eat better, drop excess pounds, and settle at a healthy weight for the long-term. It's a revolutionary new way of eating better and feeling great about your body that will release you from the craziness of yo-yo dieting once and for all.

S.A.S.S. Yourself Slim
Formerly Published as Cinch!: Conquer Cravings, Drop Pounds, and Lose InchesEasy, Fast, Chocolate! Finally, The Plan You Can Stick WithI feel almost that this is too much food, too decadent.—Chris, age 54I lost 8 pounds and 1.5 inches from my hips in just five days!—Adina, age 28I love eating these meals. I don't feel deprived at all!—Laurene, age 36Acclaimed nutritionist Cynthia Sass has proven, once and for all, that fast, sustainable weight loss is not about deprivation—in fact, this diet is anything but, featuring treats from guacamole to mandatory chocolate truffles. But it's the big results—up to eight pounds of weight loss in the first five days alone—that make S.A.S.S. Yourself Slim the ideal plan for anyone who's ready to take control of their diet, their weight, and their long-term well-being.After just one month on the S.A.S.S. Yourself Slim plan, you will:Know which healthy foods promote rapid weight loss (the answers may surprise you!)Enjoy dozens of delicious, easy-to-prepare recipes that help you reach your weight-loss goalBetter understand, and control, the emotional triggers that often lead to overeatingSleep better and enjoy more energyShed the stubborn inches and pounds you'd all but given up onNew material, including sensational swaps and seven new success stories!Best of all, this program is designed for real lives. You won't have to pass up on nights out at your favorite restaurant, start shopping in specialty stores, or spend hours in the kitchen. S.A.S.S. Yourself Slim is a potent program that gives you the power to change your body, your health, and your life!

Hungry for Change
Pioneers in the field of nutrition and internationally renowned filmmakers, James Colquhoun and Laurentine ten Bosch join with leading experts to offer proven strategies to lose weight, prevent and reverse disease, and optimize health.With Hungry for Change you'll discover:Amazingly delicious, nutritious recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, and dessertsHow to navigate your supermarket: what to buy and what to avoidThe real truth behind DIET, SUGAR-FREE, and FAT-FREEproductsHow to overcome food addictions and cravingsWhy fad diets don't workHow to read labels and what food additives to avoidThe most effective detox and cleansing strategiesHow to eat for clear eyes, glowing skin, and healthy hairProviding practical solutions, Hungry for Change shows that your health is in your hands and that you can escape the diet trap forever. Experts from the fi eld of medicine and nutrition plus transformational stories from those who know what it's like to be sick and overweight give us the tools and inspiration we need to begin our journey toward health today.Hungry for Change will help boost your energy levels, strengthen your body, and make you look and feel better every day for the rest of your life.

The End of Diabetes
Despite what you might have heard, diabetes is not a lifelong condition.It does not have to shorten your life span or result in high blood pressure, heart disease, kidney failure, blindness, or other life-threatening ailments. In fact, most diabetics can get off medication and become 100 percent healthy in just a few simple steps. In The End of Diabetes, Dr. Joel Fuhrman shows how you can prevent and reverse diabetes and its related symptoms and lose weight in the process.The End of Diabetes is a radical idea wrapped in a simple plan: Eat Better, End Diabetes. While the established medical protocol aims to control diabetes by limiting your carbohydrate intake, monitoring glucose levels, and prescribing bottomless doses of medicine, Dr. Fuhrman believes this long-standing approach to fighting diabetes is wrong—and possibly fatal.Designed for anyone ready to enjoy a healthier and longer life, Dr. Fuhrman's plan is based on a single formula: Your Health Future (H) = Nutrients (N) / Calories (C). Foods with a high nutrient density, according to Dr. Fuhrman, turn our bodies into the miraculous, self-healing machines they can be, which results in significant weight loss, improved health, and, ultimately, the end of diabetes and other diseases.In engaging, direct, and easy-to-follow language, The End of Diabetes supplies the science and clinical evidence to prove that diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure are not inevitable consequences of aging. They are reversible and preventable. This simple and effective plan offers great food, starts working right away, and puts you on a direct path to a longer, better, fuller, disease-free life.

The MELT Method
Release stuck stress with MELT Over a decade ago, Sue Hitzmann was at the height of her career as an international fitness presenter and instructor. She appeared to be in perfect health, yet she was experiencing debilitating pain in her foot. With a master degree in exercise science and advanced training in neuromuscular therapy, she thought it would be easy to find out what was going on in her body, but even the most prominent doctors and physical therapists couldn't explain what was wrong. Although she was only in her twenties, Hitzmann career was threatened and her quality of life was in decline. Hitzmann learned the hard way that diet, exercise, and muscular strength are not the foundation of a healthy, pain-free body. As she sought the true source of her pain, she radically changed her focus from fitness to hands-on bodywork. In her quest to live an active, pain-free life, she became fascinated by the emerging science of connective tissue, or fascia, which surrounds all aspects of your body, including your muscles, bones, nerves, and organs. The researchers she met were discovering that connective tissue the system of the body that supports, protects, and stabilizes was responsive, adaptable, and renewable. What Hitzmann came to realize is that connective tissue dehydration is the underlying cause of the daily aches, stiffness, and strain that leads to pain, as well as weight gain, sleep problems, and many other seemingly unrelated issues. Through her personal exploration and private practice, she developed the MELT Method, and has since trained thousands of instructors in the science and application of Hands-Off Bodywork. MELT can help you fall asleep more easily and sleep more soundly, have more energy during the day, improve your posture, reduce stress and tension, shed excess body fat, and reduce cellulite. While it may seem too good to be true, it worked for more than 200,000 people so far. Translated into eight languages, The MELT Method is now helping people around the world. Live your best, most youthful and vibrant life possible. Free yourself of chronic pain and be healthy and active with MELT!

Raising Your Spirited Child Rev Ed
Newly revised, featuring the most up-to-date research, effective strategies, and real-life stories The spirited child often called "difficult" or "strong-willed" possesses traits we value in adults yet find challenging in children. Research shows that spirited kids are wired to be "more" by temperament, they are more intense, sensitive, perceptive, persistent, and uncomfortable with change than the average child. In this revised edition of the award-winning classic, voted one of the top twenty books for parents, Kurcinka provides vivid examples and a refreshingly positive viewpoint. Raising Your Spirited Child will help you: understand your child'sand your own temperamental traits discover the power of positive rather than negative labels cope with the tantrums and power struggles when they do occur plan for success with a simple four-step program develop strategies for handling mealtimes, sibling rivalry, bedtimes, holidays, and school, among other situations

Mars and Venus in the Bedroom
Can you keep the fires of passion burningMen and women have very different physical needs. But Dr. John Gray explains how both can make small but important adjustments in their attitudes, schedules, and techniques so that their partners are happy in the bedroom -- and outside of it. Written with the understanding and unique insight that can come only from Dr. Gray, Mars and Venus in the Bedroom educate men and women on: Advanced bedroom skills for great sex The joys of quickies Why couples are having less sex Passionate monogamy Sexual anatomy and oral sex How to keep the magic of romance alive And much more

Your Erroneous Zones
From the author of the multimillion-copy bestseller Pulling Your Own Strings, positive and practical advice for breaking free from the trap of negative thinking and enjoying life to the fullest. If you're plagued by guilt or worry and find yourself unwittingly falling into the same old self-destructive patterns, then you have "erroneous zones"--whole facets of your approach to life that act as barriers to your success and happiness. If you believe that you have no control over your feelings and reactions, you give up the many choices that are available to you. Dyer shows how you can take charge of yourself and manage how much you will let difficult times--and people--affect you. If you spend more time worrying what others think than working on what you want and need, you will always be disappointed. Dyer shows that only you can make yourself happy and points the way to true self-reliance. If you are still caught up in old labels for yourself and an out-of-date self-image, you cancel out your present potential. Dyer shows how you can break out of the patterns of the post to become fulfilled in the present. If you depend upon others for your well-being, you lose yourself. Dyer shows how to take control of your own needs and learn to give and receive love without limits.

What Every BODY is Saying
He says that's his best offer. Is itShe says she agrees. Does sheThe interview went great or did itHe said he'd never do it again. But he did. Read this book and send your nonverbal intelligence soaring. Joe Navarro, a former FBI counterintelligence officer and a recognized expert on nonverbal behavior, explains how to "speed-read" people: decode sentiments and behaviors, avoid hidden pitfalls, and look for deceptive behaviors. You'll also learn how your body language can influence what your boss, family, friends, and strangers think of you. You will discover: The ancient survival instincts that drive body language Why the face is the least likely place to gauge a person's true feelings What thumbs, feet, and eyelids reveal about moods and motives The most powerful behaviors that reveal our confidence and true sentiments Simple nonverbals that instantly establish trust Simple nonverbals that instantly communicate authority Filled with examples from Navarro's professional experience, this definitive book offers a powerful new way to navigate your world.

The Happiest Baby Guide to Great Sleep
Dr. Harvey Karp is famous for his brilliant insights into centuries-old parenting problems and for discovering breakthrough solutions that are simple . . . practical . . . and fast working. In The Happiest Baby Guide to Great Sleep , he works his magic once again on the #1 complaint of new parents. The bone-deep fatigue that parents experience when their children sleep poorly is not just a nuisance it is very serious. Sleep deprivation can provoke depression, illness, marital conflict, and even obesity. A flood of sleep misinformation and contradictory messages have left parents more confused than ever: “Hold your baby but don’t spoil her!” “Swaddle your baby but don’t let him get dependent on it!” Based on Dr. Karp thirty years as a pediatrician and child developmentalist, The Happiest Baby Guide to Great Sleep reveals groundbreaking new ideas to prevent or cure most sleep problems in children under five years old, including: How to adjust a baby schedule to reduce day sleep and boost night sleep within the very first weeks of life. How to use sleep cues like swaddling and a special type of womb sound to help any infant sleep an extra one to two hours at night within just days. How to defuse bedtime struggles and help your toddler fall asleep faster using a novel sleep training approach called twinkle interruptus. Plus, The Happiest Baby Guide to Great Sleep reveals many more foolproof tips used by Dr. Karp with thousands of families to quickly turn nighttime shrieks into nightlong slumber.

Sexual Intelligence
Enjoyable sex: it not about technique or a perfect body or being hopelessly, passionately in love. It about Sexual Intelligence. In his three decades of working with couples and individuals as a sex therapist and marriage counselor, Dr. Marty Klein has continually seen that although most people say what they want from sex is pleasure and closeness, that not what they focus on during sex. Instead, we’re preoccupied with how we look, what our partner is thinking, how we’re performing, and whether we’re “normal.” We do more thinking, worrying, and judging than experiencing . Sex like that can’t thrill us, can’t create intimacy, and can’t, well, feel sexy. In Sexual Intelligenc e, Klein shows how to stop observing ourselves during sex, ending our obsession with sexual performance and sexual normality. “I don’t help people ‘function’ better during sex,” he says. “I teach people how to relax and enjoy sex with the body they have, the partner they have, in the situation they have.” Now that something we all want: fulfilling, exciting sex at every stage of our lives. In Sexual Intelligence , Klein challenges our understanding of sex, love, intimacy, romance, and satisfaction. After all, sex isn’t just an activity. Change the way you think about sex, and you can change your sex life forever.

Wabi Sabi Love
Love. It right up there with air, food, and water as the most necessary of ingredients for existence. And yet it is one of the hardest things to find, and perhaps an even harder thing to hold on to. The truth is you’re not perfect, and neither is your partner. But you can be perfectly imperfect together. In Wabi Sabi Love , international bestselling author and relationship expert Arielle Ford applies the wisdom of Wabi Sabi the ancient Japanese idea of illuminating the beauty in imperfection to love relationships. Wabi Sabi Love is the practice of exploring, embracing, and cherishing the quirks, irritations, and limitations that make you and your partner unique and that form your shared history as a couple. Wabi Sabi Love provides the tools to see yourself, your partner, and your partnership in an entirely new light, develop a deep and profound appreciation for each other, and experience more balance, harmony, and joy in your relationship than ever before. Wabi Sabi Love teaches you to: turn conflict into connection and differences into mutual passions move from “annoyed” to “enjoyed” establish new beliefs and habits that better serve your relationship cultivate humor, humility, and generosity to diffuse those moments when you would normally retreat or slip into tired judgments, criticisms, or resentments Using real-life stories of couples who applied Wabi Sabi and found their relationships transformed, Wabi Sabi Love can revolutionize your relationship whether you’re navigating financial challenges, raising children, caring for aging parents, coping with a seemingly insurmountable betrayal, or just facing mundane frustrations and everyday stressors. By shifting the focus from what wrong to what right, Wabi Sabi Love reveals a pathway to true love and your happily ever after.

Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man, Expanded Edition
An International Bestseller Over 3 Million Copies Sold! With translations in more than thirty languages, Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man is the definitive relationship guide for women. Steve Harvey can't count the number of impressive women he met over the years the many incredible women who can run a business, have three kids, maintain a household in tiptop shape, and chair a church group all at the same time. So, when it comes to relationships, why can't these same women figure out what makes men commitAccording to Steve, it because they're asking other women for advice when they should be going directly to the source. In this expanded edition, Steve includes an added section of all new advice, with tips on dealing with your partner exes, spicing up your relationship, ensuring you're ready for that walk down the aisle, and much more. Sometimes funny, often unflinchingly direct, but always truthful, Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man is a book you must read if you want to understand how men think when it comes to relationships, intimacy, and love.

Man 2.0 Engineering the Alpha
Are you a guy who interested in building rock hard muscle, erasing your belly fat, boosting your testosterone, and having more mind-blowing sex than you thought possibleIf so, then Man 2.0: Engineering the Alpha was written specifically for you... In his new book, celebrity trainer and Men Health expert John 'Roman' Romaniello teams up with expert Adam Bornstein, former editor for both Men Health and LIVESTRONG. Together, they reveal the secrets they've discovered that will give any man no matter how old you are a chiseled body that will turn heads everywhere you go. You know the kind of body I'm talking about. The kind of body that women seem to drool and stare at when they're at the beach with their girlfriends... As a former 'fat guy,' Roman struggled for years to find a workout and diet that would give him the body he always wanted. By using the very secrets you'll find in this book techniques he spent 10 years perfecting he overcame his 'fat genes' and boasts a lean and ripped body the kind that could be (and has been) seen on the cover of magazines. And the best part is you don't have to kill yourself to get this body. Man 2.0: Engineering the Alpha will show you exactly how to get the body you've always wanted without starving yourself and without spending 2 hours in the gym every day. And for all of the guys out there wondering... YES! Man 2.0: Engineering the Alpha will even work for guys in their 30s, 40s, and 50s... Getting lean, ripped, and strong is not just for young guys! In Man 2.0: Engineering the Alpha , Romaniello and Adam Bornstein present proven, powerful ways for men to improve physical, emotional, sexual, and psychological health. From research in Olympic labs to real-life results with their clients, they are reinventing masculinity and showing every man how to become exactly who he wants to be... If you're ready to build strong, defined muscles, burn away your belly fat, boost your testosterone, and start experiencing more mind blowing sex than you ever thought was possible then grab your copy of Man 2.0: Engineering the Alpha now...

Why Mars and Venus Collide
Once upon a time, Martians and Venusians functioned in separate worlds. But in today's hectic and career-oriented environment, relationships have become a lot more complicated, and men and women are experiencing unprecedented levels of stress. To add to the increasing tension, most men and women are also completely unaware that they are actually hardwired to react differently to the stress. It's a common scenario: a husband returns home from work stressed out and eager to kick back on the couch and watch television. A wife returns home from work stressed out and wants to talk about it with her husband. What happensNeither is on the same page, anger and resentment set in, and Mars and Venus collide. Using his signature insight that has helped millions of couples transform their relationships, John Gray once again arms the inhabitants of Mars and Venus with information that will help them live harmoniously ever after. In Why Mars and Venus Collide , Gray focuses on the ways that men and women misinterpret and mismanage the stress in their daily lives, and how these reactions ultimately affect their relationships. "It's not that he's just not into you; he needs to fulfill a biological need," Gray explains. "And it's not that she wants to henpeck you; she also has a biological drive." He shows, for instance, how a husband's withdrawal is actually a natural way for him to replenish his depleted testosterone levels and restore his well-being, and how a woman's need for conversation and support helps her build her own stress-reducing hormone, oxytocin. Backed up by groundbreaking scientific research, Gray offers a clear, easy-to-understand program to bridge the gap between the two planets, providing effective communication strategies that will actually lower stress levels. Whether in a relationship or single, this book will help both men and women understand their new roles in a modern, work-oriented society, and allow them to discover a variety of new and practical ways to create a lifetime of love and harmony.

Slowing Down to the Speed of Life
Feel like you're always rushing but never catching up?Are you doing more, but enjoying it lessThe frantic pace and pressure of modern life can take a serious toll on your happiness and your health'but there is one way to step off the treadmill without giving up your career or your activities. The answer lies not in sacrificing your work productivity or your lifestyle but rather in changing your attitudes. By using simple exercises to slow down your mind and focus on the present moment, you can actually achieve greater productivity and creativity-all while maintaining a calmer, healthier state of mind. Slowing Down to the Speed of Life helps you: Slow down your life without downsizing your lifestyle Enjoy the increased creativity and productivity that flow from inner calm Free yourself from the stressful influence of other peoples' habits, attitudes, behaviors, and moods Attain a sense of satisfaction with your life'and be happy!

Straight Talk, No Chaser
In the instant number one New York Times bestseller Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man , Steve Harvey gave millions of women around the globe insight into what men really think about love, intimacy, and commitment. In his new book he zeros in on what motivates men and provides tips on how women can use that knowledge to get more of what they need out of their relationships, whether it's more help around the house, more of the right kind of attention in the bedroom, more money in the joint bank account, or more truth when it comes to the hard questions, such as: Are you committed to building a future togetherDoes my success intimidate youHave you cheated on meIn Straight Talk, No Chaser: How to Find, Keep, and Understand a Man , Steve Harvey shares information on: How to Get the Truth Out of Your Man Tired of answers that are deceptiveHarvey lays out a three-tier, CIA-style of questioning that will leave your man no choice but to cut to the chase and deliver the truth. Dating Tips, Decade by Decade Whether you're in your twenties and just starting to date seriously, in your thirties and feeling the tick of the biological clock, or in your forties and beyond, Steve provides insight into what a man, in each decade of his life, is looking for in a mate. How to Minimize Nagging and Maximize Harmony at Home He said he'd cut the lawn on Saturday, and you may have been within reason to think that that meant Saturday before ten in the evening, but exploding at him is only going to ruin the mood for everyone, which means no romance. Steve shows you how to talk to your man in a way that moves him to action and keeps the peace. And there's much more, including Steve's candid answers to questions you've always wanted to ask men. Drawing on a lifetime of experience and the feedback women have shared with him in reaction to Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man , Harvey offers wisdom on a wealth of topics relevant to both sexes today. He also gets more personal, sharing anecdotes from his own family history. Always direct, often funny, and incredibly perceptive, media personality, comedian, philanthropist, and (finally) happily married husband, Steve Harvey proves once again that he is the king of relationships.

Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus 男人来自火星,女人来自金星
Once upon a time Martians and Venusians met, fell in love, and had happy relationships together because they respected and accepted their differences. Then they came to Earth and amnesia set in: they forgot they were from different planets. Based on years of successful counseling of couples and individuals, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus has helped millions of couples transform their relationships. Now viewed as a modern classic, this phenomenal book has helped men and women realize how different they really are and how to communicate their needs in such a way that conflict doesn't arise and intimacy is given every chance to grow.

kids are worth it!
The parenting classic, now revised with new chapters, checklists, and information about today's most pressing issues regarding our children This bestselling guide rejects "quick-fix" solutions and focuses on helping kids develop their own self-discipline by owning up to their mistakes, thinking through solutions, and correcting their misdeeds while leaving their dignity intact. Barbara Coloroso shows these principles in action through dozens of examples -- from sibling rivalry to teenage rebellion; from common misbehaviors to substance abuse and antisocial behavior. She also explains how to parent strong-willed children, effective alternatives to time-outs, bribes, and threats, and how to help kids resolve disputes and serious injustices such as bullying. Filled with practical suggestions for handling the ordinary and extraordinary tribulations of growing up, kids are worth it! helps you help your children grow into responsible, resilient, resourceful adults -- not because you tell them to, but because they want to.

The Aztec Diet
Chia Power can make you skinny, strong, and healthy The Aztecs cultivated the world most nutritious foods, which provided them with the strength to build one of civilization greatest empires. The key to the astounding fitness and energy levels of the Aztec warriorsThe miracle superfood: chia. Already fueling endurance athletes and distance runners like those featured in the bestselling book Born to Run , chia is quickly gaining popularity as the biggest diet breakthrough in years. Now, in The Aztec Diet , New York Times bestselling author Dr. Bob Arnot incorporates the eating habits of this mighty civilization into our modern-day lives to unlock the answer to lasting weight-loss success. Follow The Aztec Diet three-phase plan to lose weight quickly and effortlessly, improve overall health and wellness, end hunger cravings, and eliminate the exhaustion that accompanies blood-sugar spikes and drops. Phase I jump-starts your weight loss, supercharging your metabolism with three chia smoothies per day. Phase II keeps you satisfied, replacing the midday smoothie with a delicious and nutritious lunch to help avoid the all-too-familiar dieter plateau. Phase III maintains your target weight for good with a guide to smart food choices and healthful recipes to keep your mind and body in top form. With simple, delicious recipes and countless ways to include the superfood benefits of chia in every meal, The Aztec Diet provides all the tools necessary to keep you motivated and on track as you begin the journey to a better, healthier you.

Mars and Venus on a Date
Will I Ever Find My Soul MateWhether you are recently separated, divorced, or you have been in the singles scene for longer than you want, this insightful guide will help you navigate the dating maze and find that special person you've been waiting for. By discussing the differences between men and women, Mars and Venus on a Date provides singles with: A thorough understanding of the five stages of dating -- attraction, uncertainty, exclusivity, intimacy, and engagement How to know what kind of person is right for you Answers to burning questions such as why don't men call, or why do some women stay singleThe best places to meet your soul mate And advice on creating a loving and mutually fulfilling relationship Filled with practical guidelines, inventive techniques, and witty insight, Mars and Venus on a Date will help single men and women explore the world of dating, understand how to make good choices, and discover the secret to finding a soul mate.