

Az ?rd?g lánya 3. k?nyv: Meghalsz a szerelemért
Az ?rd?g lánya 3. k?nyv: Meghalsz a szerelemért
Egri Zsanna
Sophie és Agatha jó barátn?k; a k?vetkez? tanévben felfedezik, hová kerül minden elt?nt gyerek: a Jók és Rosszak Iskolájába, ahol egyszer? fiúkból és lányokból tündérmeseh?s?ket és gazembereket képeznek. Gavaldon legszebb lánya, Sophie egész eddigi életében titkon arról ábrándozott, hogy elrabolják, és elviszik egy elvarázsolt világba. Rózsaszín ruhákban, fess topánkákban jár. Rajong a jó cselekedetekért, ezért egészen biztos abban, hogy nagyon jó jegyeket kapna a Jók Tagozatán, és dicséretes mesek?nyv-hercegn? bizonyítványa lehetne. Agatha viszont mindig formátlan, fekete hacukákban jár, gonosz macskája van, és szinte mindenkit utál, ezért természetesnek látszik, hogy ? a Rosszak Tagozatára kerül. Amikor azonban a két lány a Végtelen Erd?be kerül, azt tapasztalják, hogy sorsuk a remélttel éppen ellentétesen alakul, és hamar ráj?nnek, hogy egy tündérmeséb?l a leggyorsabb kivezet? út az, ha… végigélik.?
Henry Rider Haggard
Karrier vagy anyaság? Petra 28 évesen elmondhatja: ? egy sikeres n?. Megvan mindene: álmai munkája, férje az álmai pasija. Egy napon azonban hirtelen minden a feje tetejére állt. ?gy felmerül benne a kérdés: mi a siker? Tényleg csak az anyaság és a karrier teheti teljessé egy n? életét? Tartós kapcsolat vagy szingli élet? Angelika és látszólag t?kéletes v?legénye lázasan készül?dnek az esküv?jükre. ?gy t?nik, ?k a k?vetkez? Brangelina. De kiderül, hogy Miki nemcsak hogy egy megszelidített playboy, de menyasszonya ambícióit sem támogatja kell?képpen. Szabad-e Angelikának kompromisszumot k?tnie? A szingliségt?l való félelem belehajszolhatja egy házasságba? Csillogás vagy gyermekkori álom? A megr?gz?tt szingli, Virág modellkarrierje szárnyal, élete legboldogabb id?szakát éli. Nemcsak a legjobb pasik, hanem a modellügyn?kségek is kapkodnak utána. Egy ballépés miatt elveszíti azt, ami mindennél fontosabb számára. Vajon elég a csillogás és a népszer?ség a boldogságához? Valójában mit ér a vágyott siker, ha oda van, ami igazán fontos az életében? Bálint Szabina életszagú k?nyve k?nnyed stílusban próbálja megfejteni, hogy mi kell a csajoknak a boldogsághoz. A véletlenek ?sszjátéka kapcsán pedig felmerül bennünk az ?r?k kérdés: vajon vannak egyáltalán véletlenek?
New Atlantis: Illustrated
New Atlantis: Illustrated
Francis Bacon
Mr Verloc, going out in the morning, left his shop nominally in charge of his brother-in-law. It could be done, because there was very little business at any time, and practically none at all before the evening. Mr Verloc cared but little about his ostensible business. And, moreover, his wife was in charge of his brother-in-law. The shop was small, and so was the house. It was one of those grimy brick houses which existed in large quantities before the era of reconstruction dawned upon London. The shop was a square box of a place, with the front glazed in small panes. In the daytime the door remained closed; in the evening it stood discreetly but suspiciously ajar. The window contained photographs of more or less undressed dancing girls; nondescript packages in wrappers like patent medicines; closed yellow paper envelopes, very flimsy, and marked two-and-six in heavy black figures; a few numbers of ancient French comic publications hung across a string as if to dry; a dingy blue china bowl, a casket of black wood, bottles of marking ink, and rubber stamps; a few books, with titles hinting at impropriety; a few apparently old copies of obscure newspapers, badly printed, with titles like The Torch, The Gong—rousing titles. And the two gas jets inside the panes were always turned low, either for economy’s sake or for the sake of the customers. These customers were either very young men, who hung about the window for a time before slipping in suddenly; or men of a more mature age, but looking generally as if they were not in funds. Some of that last kind had the collars of their overcoats turned right up to their moustaches, and traces of mud on the bottom of their nether garments, which had the appearance of being much worn and not very valuable. And the legs inside them did not, as a general rule, seem of much account either. With their hands plunged deep in the side pockets of their coats, they dodged in sideways, one shoulder first, as if afraid to start the bell going.The bell, hung on the door by means of a curved ribbon of steel, was difficult to circumvent. It was hopelessly cracked; but of an evening, at the slightest provocation, it clattered behind the customer with impudent virulence. It clattered; and at that signal, through the dusty glass door behind the painted deal counter, Mr Verloc would issue hastily from the parlour at the back. His eyes were naturally heavy; he had an air of having wallowed, fully dressed, all day on an unmade bed. Another man would have felt such an appearance a distinct disadvantage. In a commercial transaction of the retail order much depends on the seller’s engaging and amiable aspect. But Mr Verloc knew his business, and remained undisturbed by any sort of ?sthetic doubt about his appearance. With a firm, steady-eyed impudence, which seemed to hold back the threat of some abominable menace, he would proceed to sell over the counter some object looking obviously and scandalously not worth the money which passed in the transaction: a small cardboard box with apparently nothing inside, for instance, or one of those carefully closed yellow flimsy envelopes, or a soiled volume in paper covers with a promising title. Now and then it happened that one of the faded, yellow dancing girls would get sold to an amateur, as though she had been alive and young.
Bécsi kávé, pesti lány
Bécsi kávé, pesti lány
Palotás Petra
Karácsony estéjén tizenkét agglegény-barát találkozik egymással, valamennyien a családias ünnep szám?z?ttjei, nincs hová menniük, egyedül nem akarnak maradni, s ezért együtt vacsoráznak. Utána pedig, hogy elt?ltsék az id?t, kül?n-kül?n mindegyik elmeséli: miért nem n?sült meg. A cím szerint valamennyi elbeszélésnek ezt kellene bizonyítani, hogy n?sülni nem érdemes, a ?hosszúhajú veszedelem”, a n? nem érdemli meg a férfinem figyelmét és fáradozását. Az efféle oktalan általánosítás azonban nem lehetett kedvére az írónak, s ezért nem is t?rekedett rá. Vannak n?k, akik nem érdemlik meg a fenntartás nélküli szeretetet – ez a legt?bb, amit kiolvashatunk az elbeszélések némelyikéb?l, ki azért, mert zsarnoki módon féltékeny, a másik ?nz?, s ezt látszólagos ?nzetlenséggel, vagy konok hazugsággal palástolja. A k?nyvet azonban az teszi igazán kedvessé és feledhetetlenné, hogy a társaság fele minden célzatos él mell?zésével a szépséges els? szerelem emlékét idézi fel. Szépséges és fájdalmas emlékek, hiszen a szerelmeseknek nem rajtuk álló okok miatt kellett elszakadni egymástól. A Hosszúhajú veszedelem egységes keretbe f?z?tt elbeszéléseib?l tehát minden emberhez szólóan a nosztalgia, az évtizedeken át elfojtva parázsló fájdalom remegése, az emlékezés és újraélés sajgó gy?ny?r?sége a k?ltészet és a szerelem ?r?k szépsége sugárzik.
The Man in the Iron Mask
The Man in the Iron Mask
Alexandre Dumas
Jonas Lie is sufficiently famous to need but a very few words of introduction. Ever since 1870, when he made his reputation by his first novel, "Den Fremsynte," he has been a prime favourite with the Scandinavian public, and of late years his principal romances have gone the round of Europe. He has written novels of all kinds, but he excels when he describes the wild seas of Northern Norway, and the stern and hardy race of sail-ors and fishers who seek their fortunes, and so often find their graves, on those dangerous waters. Such tales, for instance, as "Tremasteren Fremtid," "Lodsen og hans Hustru," "Gaa Paa!" and "Den Fremsynte" are unique of their kind, and give far truer pictures of Norwegian life and character in the rough than anything that can be found elsewhere in the literature. Indeed, Lie's skippers and mates are as superior to Kjelland's, for instance, as the peasants of Jens Tvedt (a writer, by the way, still unknown beyond his native land) are superior to the much-vaunted peasants of Bj?rnstjerne Bj?rnson. But it is when Lie tells us some of the wild legends of his native province, Nordland, some of the grim tales on which he himself was brought up, so to speak, that he is perhaps most vivid and enthralling. The folk-lore of those lonely sub-arctic tracts is in keeping with the savagery of nature. We rarely, if ever, hear of friendly elves or companionable gnomes there. The supernatural beings that haunt those shores and seas are, for the most part, malignant and malefic. They seem to hate man. They love to mock his toils, and sport with his despair. In his very first romance, "Den Fremsynte," Lie relates two of these weird tales (Nos. 1 and 3 of the present selection). Another tale, in which many of the superstitious beliefs and wild imaginings of the Nordland fishermen are skilfully grouped together to form the background of a charming love-story, entitled "Finn Blood," I have borrowed from the volume of "Fort?llinger og Skildringer," published in 1872. The re-maining eight stories are selected from the book "Trold," which was the event of the Christmas publishing season at Christiania in 1891. Last Christmas a second series of "Trold" came out, but it is distinctly inferior to the former one. TALES: THE FISHERMAN AND THE DRAUGJACK OF SJOHOLM AND THE GAN-FINNTUG OF WAR."THE EARTH DRAWS"THE CORMORANTS OF ANDVAERISAAC AND THE PARSON OF BRONOTHE WIND-GNOMETHE HULDREFISHFINN BLOODTHE HOMESTEAD WESTWARD IN THE BLUE MOUNTAINS"IT'S ME."
Színek: Második, b?vített kiadás
Színek: Második, b?vített kiadás
Garay Zsuzsanna
Patrick Fort széls?ségesen zárkózott, briliánsan okos és Asperger szindrómás. Gyerekkora óta megszállottan kutatja, hol a határ él? és holt k?z?tt. Amikor Patrick orvostanhallgató lesz, csak ? veszi észre, hogy a boncolási gyakorlatra megkapott holttesttel valami nem stimmel. Szerinte kizárt, hogy a halált betegség okozta volna. S?t, mintha az elhunyt fontos titkot szeretne üzenni. Miután Patrick módszeresen nyomozni kezd, a kérdések egyre sokasodnak. Vajon lesz ideje megfejteni a 19-e holttest rejtélyét, miel?tt ?t is ?r?kre elhallgattatják? Az utóbbi évek egyik legokosabb, egyszerre bizarr és mélyen emberi pszichothrillere. ?A t?rténetsz?vés magasiskolája." - The New York Times. ?Belinda Bauer a thrillerek királyn?je." - Sunday Times. ?Mesterfogás ínyenc krimirajongóknak" - Evening Standard. ?Bauer egyedi hangú krimiíró... utcahosszal jár a t?bbiek el?tt." - The Independent.
Viitorul min?ii umane
Viitorul min?ii umane
Michio Kaku
Carmen tehetséges, talpraesett tizenkilenc éves lány, aki úgy gondolja, hogy már képes megállni a saját lábán. Elk?lt?zik a szüleit?l egy kisvárosba, ahol nemcsak jó barátokat szerez, de megismerkedik A fiú-val is. Robról azonban hamar kiderül, hogy nem éppen az a mesebeli herceg, akire minden lány vágyik. Carmen kénytelen megtapasztalni a szerelem árnyoldalait, rettegést és bántalmazást is. Mik?zben az igazi szeretetr?l még fogalma sincs, még ha ott is van egy karnyújtásnyira t?le.Képes lesz-e a fiatal lány kilépni ebb?l a testet-lelket romboló kapcsolatból? Megtalálja-e végre az igaz szerelmet, és sikerül túllépnie a sérelmein? Wendler Nikoletta regénye túlf?t?tt vágyakozásról, veszélyes szerelemr?l és egy olyan megvalósult álomról szól, ami bárkié lehetne.
Lords of the Stratosphere
Lords of the Stratosphere
Arthur J. Burks
It is a cumulative tale that does not tell the story of Jack's house, or even of Jack who built the house, but instead shows how the house is indirectly linked to other things and people, and through this method tells the story of "The man all tattered and torn", and the "Maiden all forlorn", as well as other smaller events, showing how these are interlinked. Origins: It has been argued that the rhyme is derived from an Aramaic hymn Chad Gadya (lit., "One Young Goat") in Sepher Haggadah, first printed in 1590; but although this is an early cumulative tale that may have inspired the form, the lyrics bear little relationship. It was suggested by James Orchard Halliwell that the reference to the "priest all shaven and shorn" indicates that the English version is probably very old, presumably as far back as the mid-sixteenth century. There is a possible reference to the song in The Boston New Letter of 12 April 1739 and the line: "This is the man all forlorn, &c". However, it did not appear in print until it was included in Nurse Truelove's New-Year's-Gift, or the Book of Books for Children, printed in London in 1755. It was printed in numerous collections in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Randolph Caldecott produced an illustrated version in 1878. Cherrington Manor, a handsome timber-framed house in North East Shropshire, England, is reputed to be the actual house that Jack built. There is a former malt house in the grounds. Syntactic structure: Each sentence in the story is an example of an increasingly deeply nested relative clause. The last version, "This is the horse...", would be quite difficult to untangle if the previous ones were not present. See the Noun Phrase for more details about postmodification of the noun phrase in this manner. References in popular culture: The rhyme continues to be a popular choice for illustrated children's books, with recent examples by Simms Taback and Quentin Blake showing how illustrators can introduce a fresh angle and humour into a familiar tale. The popularity of the rhyme can be seen in its use in a variety of other cultural contexts..
George Cooper
Az 5 tornacsuka mesés gyerek útik?nyve a Balaton-felvidékre kalauzolja ifjú olvasóit. Ebben a mesében elhagyjuk egy kicsit a F?ldet, egy igazi csillagász vezetésével.?Mert a Balaton t?bb, mint fürd?ruha, sokkal?inkább tornacsuka. Tartsatok velünk, kalandra fel!
Stella Fregelius
Stella Fregelius
Henry Rider Haggard
Meddig érdemes küzdeni egy férfi szerelméért? Zoey minden vágya, hogy musicalszínészn? legyen. ?lmai megvalósulásának csak saját gátlásai és félelmei szabnak határt. Hogy bebizonyítsa magának és k?rnyezetének a rátermettségét, a 21. születésnapján Párizsba utazik, ahol beleszeret a skót származású Owenbe. A fiatal lány számára a t?kéletes partner lehetne. De a 35 éves Owennek van egy titka. Nem sokkal kés?bb a lány találkozik egy másik férfival is, aki éppen azt a biztonságot tudná nyújtani Zoey-nak, amit Owent?l sosem kaphat meg. A lány válaszút elé kerül: a szenvedélyes szerelmet választja, vagy a biztonságos és kiszámítható életet. Netán saját lábára áll, és az álmai megvalósításának él. Hová vezethet egy titkokkal és hazugságokkal kezd?d? kapcsolat? A nagy korkül?nbség ellenére kialakulhat-e életre szóló szerelem két ember k?z?tt? Baráth Viktória romantikus regénye az álmaink megvalósításáról, a leküzdend? akadályokról, és a saját határaink átlépésér?l szól. Egy t?rténet szívvel-lélekkel. ?s te mit tennél meg az álmaidért?
Az ?t?dik levél
Az ?t?dik levél
Nicola Moriarty
Az 5 tornacsuka mesés gyerek útik?nyve a Balaton-felvidékre kalauzolja ifjú olvasóit. Ebben a mesében k?veken egyensúlyozunk. lovaskocsira pattanunk és állatokkal ismerkedünk.?Mert a Balaton t?bb, mint fürd?ruha, sokkal inkább tornacsuka. Tartsatok velünk, kalandra fel!
Szül?k feltétel nélkül
Szül?k feltétel nélkül
Alfie Kohn
Az elvált, nyugdíjas Nathan Glass már nem vágyik másra, csak magányra és névtelenségre, ezért visszavonul gyerekkora helyszínére, Brooklynba. Csakhogy találkozik rég nem látott unoka?ccsével, Tommal, aki valaha akadémiai ambíciókat dédelgetett, ám most taxisof?r, majd annak barátjával, a kétes múltú antikvárius Harryvel, és hamarosan azt veszi észre, hogy egy ?sszeesküvés részese, amelynek tárgya egy hamisított kézirat, célja pedig a bosszú. Paul Auster ebben a regényében a t?le megszokottnál melegebb, der?sebb hangon mesél kallódó emberekr?l, akiknek élete nem úgy alakult, ahogy remélték, akik már lemondtak a j?v?r?l, de a j?v? még korántsem mondott le róluk. Auster, hosszú évek óta a Nobel-díj várományosa, számtalan irodalmi díj birtokosa, k?nyveit harminc nyelvre fordították le. M?vei most a 21. Század Kiadó új életm?sorozatában jelennek meg. "Elb?v?l? t?rténet a család elviselhetetlen szépségér?l és a szerelem megváltó erejér?l." USA TODAY "Nagyszív?, életigenl?, gyengéd és mulatságos t?rténet.” The Washington Post "Auster üzenenetet küld nekünk: van remény. A szerelem megment bennünket. Meg fogjuk menteni egymást. The Boston Globe
Mesetréning: 31 napos ?nismereti program
Mesetréning: 31 napos ?nismereti program
Végh-Fodor Mónika
Hogyan lesz beduin sejk egy magyar férfiból? Húsz év után Ali sejk magával viszi Szilvia gyermekeit, egy világtól elzárt villába. A kétségbeesett anya Jafarral együtt a fiatalok megmentésére siet, de egy baleset során Szilvia fiának nyoma vész. A súlyosan sérült, emlékezetét vesztett férfit egy beduin táborba vezeti a sors, ahol át kell vennie a falu vezetését. A Ramelnek keresztelt fiatalember semmit nem tud el?z? életér?l, ahogy a sérülése el?tti nagy szerelmér?l sem. Vajon visszatér az emlékezete, és rátalál az elveszett szerelmére és a családjára? Minderre fény derül Az ?rd?g lánya II. k?nyvében, ahol egy kül?nleges, egzotikus világot ismerhetünk meg, tele túlf?t?tt érzelmekkel, vágyakkal, csalódásokkal. Kaland, szerelem, igazi Zsannás-csavarokkal f?szerezve. ?
H. Rider Haggard
The War of the Worlds is a military science fiction novel by H. G. Wells. It first appeared in serialized form in 1897, published simultaneously in Pearson's Magazine in the UK and Cosmopolitan magazine in the US. The first appearance in book form was published by William Heinemann of London in 1898. It is the first-person narrative of the adventures of an unnamed protagonist and his brother in Surrey and London as Earth is invaded by Martians. Written between 1895 and 1897, it is one of the earliest stories that detail a conflict between mankind and an extraterrestrial race. The novel is one of the most commented-on works in the science fiction canon. The War of the Worlds has two parts, Book One: The Coming of the Martians and Book Two: The Earth under the Martians. The narrator, a philosophically-inclined author, struggles to return to his wife while seeing the Martians lay waste to southern England. Book One also imparts the experience of his brother, also unnamed, who describes events in the capital and escapes the Martians by boarding a ship near Tillingham, on the Essex coast. The plot has been related to invasion literature of the time. The novel has been variously interpreted as a commentary on evolutionary theory, British Imperialism, and generally Victorian superstitions, fears and prejudices. At the time of publication it was classified as a scientific romance, like his earlier novel The Time Machine. The War of the Worlds has been both popular (having never gone out of print) and influential, spawning half a dozen feature films, radio dramas, a record album, various comic book adaptations, a television series, and sequels or parallel stories by other authors. It has even influenced the work of scientists, notably Robert Hutchings Goddard. Plot SummaryYet across the gulf of space, minds that are to our minds as ours are to those of the beasts that perish, intellects vast and cool and unsympathetic, regarded this earth with envious eyes, and slowly and surely drew their plans against us.— H. G. Wells (1898), The War of the Worlds The Coming of the MartiansThe narrative opens in an astronomical observatory at Ottershaw where explosions are seen on the surface of the planet Mars, creating much interest in the scientific community. Later a "meteor" lands on Horsell Common, near the narrator's home in Woking, Surrey. He is among the first to discover that the object is an artificial cylinder that opens, disgorging Martians who are "big" and "greyish" with "oily brown skin," "the size, perhaps, of a bear," with "two large dark-coloured eyes," and a lipless "V-shaped mouth" surrounded by "Gorgon groups of tentacles." The narrator finds them "at once vital, intense, inhuman, crippled and monstrous." They briefly emerge, have difficulty in coping with the Earth's atmosphere, and rapidly retreat into the cylinder. A human deputation (which includes the astronomer Ogilvy) approaches the cylinder with a white flag, but the Martians incinerate them and others nearby with a heat-ray before beginning to assemble their machinery. Military forces arrive that night to surround the common, including Maxim guns. The population of Woking and the surrounding villages are reassured by the presence of the military. A tense day begins, with much anticipation of military action by the narrator.
B. Czakó Andrea
Для прихильник?в ?Голодних ?гор?, ?Сут?нок? та ?Гарр? Поттера?. Клер? завжди вважала себе звичайн?с?нькою д?вчиною, але… Якось вона стала св?дком дивного вбивства?– т?ло вбитого наче розчинилося в?пов?тр?! П?сля цього ?? життя зм?ню?ться. Вона бачить людей, яких не бачить н?хто. На не? нападають ?стоти, яким нема м?сця в цьому св?т?. ?? мат?р викрадають нев?дом?! Виявля?ться, що Клер??– нащадок давнього роду Мисливц?в за т?нями. Багато стол?ть вони захищають наш св?т в?д демон?в та сил зла… Тепер настав ?? час боротися з?темрявою! Dlja prihil'nik?v ?Golodnih ?gor?, ?Sut?nok? ta ?Garr? Pottera?. Kler? zavzhdi vvazhala sebe zvichajn?s?n'koju d?vchinoju, ale… Jakos' vona stala sv?dkom divnogo vbivstva?– t?lo vbitogo nache rozchinilosja v?pov?tr?! P?slja c'ogo ?? zhittja zm?nju?t'sja. Vona bachit' ljudej, jakih ne bachit' n?hto. Na ne? napadajut' ?stoti, jakim nema m?scja v c'omu sv?t?. ?? mat?r vikradajut' nev?dom?! Vijavlja?t'sja, shho Kler??– nashhadok davn'ogo rodu Mislivc?v za t?njami. Bagato stol?t' voni zahishhajut' nash sv?t v?d demon?v ta sil zla… Teper nastav ?? chas borotisja z?temrjavoju!
Notes from the Underground: "Illustrated"
Notes from the Underground: "Illustrated"
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
In 1888 a client, Mary Morstan, comes with two puzzles for Holmes. The first is the disappearance of her father Captain Arthur Morstan in December 1878 and the second is that she has received 6 pearls in the mail from an anonymous benefactor once a year since 1882, since she answered an anonymous newspaper query inquiring for her. With the last pearl she has received a letter remarking that she has been a wronged woman and asks for meeting. Holmes takes the case and soon discovers that Major Sholto — Morstan's only friend who had denied seeing Morstan — had died in 1882 and that within a short span of time Mary began to receive the pearls, implying a connection. The only clue Mary can give Holmes is a map of a fortress with the names of Jonathan Small and three Sikhs, who are named Dost Akbar, Abdullah Khan, and Mahomet Singh. Holmes, Watson, and Mary meet Thaddeus Sholto, the son of the late Major Sholto and Capt Morstan's Army friend who has sent her the pearls. Thaddeus remarks that his father had a paranoid fear of one-legged men and confirms that Mary's father had seen the Major the night he died. That night, in a quarrel about an Agra Treasure, Morstan — who was in weak health — suffered a heart attack. Not wanting to bring attention to the object of the quarrel to public notice, Sholto disposed of the body and hid the treasure. However his own health became worse when he received a letter from India. Dying, he called his two sons and confessed to Morstan's death and was about to divulge the location of the treasure when he suddenly cried "Keep him out!". The puzzled sons glimpsed a face in the window but the only trace was a single footstep in the dirt. On their father's body is a note reading "The Sign of Four". Both brothers quarreled over whether a legacy should be left to Mary Morstan and Thaddeus left his brother Bartholomew, taking a chaplet and sending its pearls to Mary. The reason he sent the letter is that Bartholomew has found the treasure and possibly Thaddeus and Mary might confront him for a division of it. Bartholomew is found dead in his home from a poison dart and the treasure is missing. While the police wrongly take Thaddeus in as a suspect Holmes deduces that there are two persons involved in the murder: a one-legged man, Jonathan Small, as well as another "small" accomplice. He traces them to a boat landing where Small has hired a launch named the Aurora. With the help of his Baker Street Irregulars and his own disguise Holmes traces the launch. In a Police launch Holmes and Watson chase the Aurora and capture it but in the process end up killing the "small" companion after he attempts to kill Holmes with a poisoned dart shot from a blow-pipe. Small tries to escape but is captured. However the iron treasure box is empty; Small claims to have dumped the treasure over the side during the chase.
Húzós 5.
Húzós 5.
Rónai Egon
dv neked is Thomas! A világért sem szeretnélek megzavarni az nsajnálatban, majd visszajvk késbb. válaszolta, tkéletes színészi alakítást nyújtva, nem kevés kznysséggel a hangjában. Külnben sem fontos, csak gondoltam szólok, nyugodtan abbahagyhatod, mert úgysem tudunk semerre sem elindulni! Amúgy meg, felsbb utasításra, én már tíz perce lezártam az ügyet... talán ez az egész elég kínos ahhoz, hogy eltussolják, mivel az ipse az reg kontinens polgára. Végre egy jó hír, mert szégyellem, de pont azon gondolkodtam, miképpen fogalmazzam meg a halál okát. nyugtázta a dolgot, egy kínos mosoly kíséretében, immáron teljesen más hangnemben Dr. Thomas Everett, a trvényszéki halottkém. Mivel kicsit idétlennek éreztem, a valami, aminek semmi nyomát nem lelem, behatolt a homlok kzepén a koponyába és ott okozott valamit” krülírást. Semmi dulakodás kérdezte Peter, aki az elz kijelentésével ellentétben nem adta fel a reményt, hogy talál bármilyen apró jelet, amin elindulhat. Vagy esetleg, valami rendhagyó Hát nem is tudom... mindenesetre furcsának találom az áldozat testhelyzetét... mintha ülve halt volna meg. kezdte elgondolkodva. Mégsem ez az amit mutatni akarok. Nézd csak!Azzal, egyetlen intéssel életre keltve a fali kijelzt, a halott koponyájáról készült CT felvételeket jelenítette meg Peternek. Itt látható a... nevezzük szúrásnak... szóval a szúrás alatti agyszeletet. mutatott a képre. Mit látsz Semmit. válaszolta Peter, jó pár másodperces habozás után, amely id alatt alaposan megvizsgálta a felvételt. Hát éppen ez az! kiáltott fel, az elbbi viselkedésével szges ellentétben, kitr lelkesedéssel Thomas.Peternek leesett az álla a csodálkozástól. Nincs semmilyen szúrás! nézett dbbenten a dokira. Akkor mitl halt meg
Iluzia iubirii. De ce se ?ntoarce femeia maltratat? la agresorul s?u
Iluzia iubirii. De ce se ?ntoarce femeia maltratat? la agresorul s?u
Celani David P.
Hogyan lesz a bácskai f?ldesúr fiából a cigányok bárója, hogyan találja meg az apja által elrejtett mérhetetlen kincsen kívül a boldogságot is egy gy?ny?r? t?r?k lány oldalán? – ezt meséli el Jókai ebben a kisregényében, amelyet a bel?le készült operett tett világhír?vé.
A hatalom
A hatalom
Naomi Alderman
A Sz?vetség nem más mint a sorozat els? három részének egybef?z?tt kiadása.?gymint:Európa?Atlantisz?Illuminátus
Marcus Aurelius
Mr. Hungerton, her father, really was the most tactless person upon earth,—a fluffy, feathery, untidy cockatoo of a man, perfectly good-natured, but absolutely centered upon his own silly self. If anything could have driven me from Gladys, it would have been the thought of such a father-in-law. I am convinced that he really believed in his heart that I came round to the Chestnuts three days a week for the pleasure of his company, and very especially to hear his views upon bimetallism, a subject upon which he was by way of being an authority. For an hour or more that evening I listened to his monotonous chirrup about bad money driving out good, the token value of silver, the depreciation of the rupee, and the true standards of exchange. "Suppose," he cried with feeble violence, "that all the debts in the world were called up simultaneously, and immediate payment insisted upon,—what under our present conditions would happen then?" I gave the self-evident answer that I should be a ruined man, upon which he jumped from his chair, reproved me for my habitual levity, which made it impossible for him to discuss any reasonable subject in my presence, and bounced off out of the room to dress for a Masonic meeting. At last I was alone with Gladys, and the moment of Fate had come! All that evening I had felt like the soldier who awaits the signal which will send him on a forlorn hope; hope of victory and fear of repulse alternating in his mind. She sat with that proud, delicate profile of hers outlined against the red curtain. How beautiful she was! And yet how aloof! We had been friends, quite good friends; but never could I get beyond the same comradeship which I might have established with one of my fellow-reporters upon the Gazette,—perfectly frank, perfectly kindly, and perfectly unsexual. My instincts are all against a woman being too frank and at her ease with me. It is no compliment to a man. Where the real sex feeling begins, timidity and distrust are its companions, heritage from old wicked days when love and violence went often hand in hand. The bent head, the averted eye, the faltering voice, the wincing figure—these, and not the unshrinking gaze and frank reply, are the true signals of passion. Even in my short life I had learned as much as that—or had inherited it in that race memory which we call instinct. Gladys was full of every womanly quality. Some judged her to be cold and hard; but such a thought was treason. That delicately bronzed skin, almost oriental in its coloring, that raven hair, the large liquid eyes, the full but exquisite lips,—all the stigmata of passion were there. But I was sadly conscious that up to now I had never found the secret of drawing it forth. However, come what might, I should have done with suspense and bring matters to a head to-night. She could but refuse me, and better be a repulsed lover than an accepted brother. So far my thoughts had carried me, and I was about to break the long and uneasy silence, when two critical, dark eyes looked round at me, and the proud head was shaken in smiling reproof. "I have a presentiment that you are going to propose, Ned. I do wish you wouldn't; for things are so much nicer as they are." I drew my chair a little nearer. "Now, how did you know that I was going to propose?" I asked in genuine wonder."Don't women always know? Do you suppose any woman in the world was ever taken unawares? But—oh, Ned, our friendship has been so good and so pleasant! What a pity to spoil it! Don't you feel how splendid it is that a young man and a young woman should be able to talk face to face as we have talked?" "I don't know, Gladys. You see, I can talk face to face with—with the station-master." I can't imagine how that official came into the matter; but in he trotted, and set us both laughing. "That does not satisfy me in the least. I want my arms round you, and your head on my breast, and—oh, Gladys, I want——"
Perpetual Motion
Perpetual Motion
Percy Verance
The Tragedy of Julius Caesar is a tragedy by William Shakespeare, believed to have been written in 1599. It portrays the 44 BC conspiracy against the Roman dictator Julius Caesar, his assassination and the defeat of the conspirators at the Battle of Philippi. It is one of several plays written by Shakespeare based on true events from Roman history, which also include Coriolanus and Antony and Cleopatra. Although the title is Julius Caesar, Julius Caesar is not the most visible character in its action; he appears in only five scenes. Marcus Brutus speaks more than four times as many lines, and the central psychological drama is his struggle between the conflicting demands of honor, patriotism, and friendship. Characters & Synopsis:Marcus Brutus is Caesar's close friend and a Roman praetor. Brutus allows himself to be cajoled into joining a group of conspiring senators because of a growing suspicion—implanted by Caius Cassius—that Caesar intends to turn republican Rome into a monarchy under his own rule. The early scenes deal mainly with Brutus's arguments with Cassius and his struggle with his own conscience. The growing tide of public support soon turns Brutus against Caesar (this public support was actually faked; Cassius wrote letters to Brutus in different handwritings over the next month in order to get Brutus to join the conspiracy). A soothsayer warns Caesar to "beware the Ides of March", which he ignores, culminating in his assassination at the Capitol by the conspirators that day, despite being warned by the soothsayer and Artemidorus, one of Caesar's supporters at the entrance of the Capitol. Caesar's assassination is one of the most famous scenes of the play, occurring in Act 3 (the other is Marc Antony's oration "Friends, Romans, countrymen.") After ignoring the soothsayer as well as his wife's own premonitions, Caesar comes to the Senate. The conspirators create a superficial motive for the assassination by means of a petition brought by Metellus Cimber, pleading on behalf of his banished brother. As Caesar, predictably, rejects the petition, Casca grazes Caesar in the back of his neck, and the others follow in stabbing him; Brutus is last. At this point, Caesar utters the famous line "Et tu, Brute?" ("And you, Brutus?", i.e. "You too, Brutus?"). Shakespeare has him add, "Then fall, Caesar," suggesting that Caesar did not want to survive such treachery, therefore becoming a hero.