Faith in a Hard Ground
Elizabeth Anscombe's forthright philosophy speaks directly to many religious and ethical issues of current concern.This collection of her essays forms a companion volume to the critically acclaimed Human Life, Action and Ethics, published in 2005.

Sherlock Holmes and the Menacing Monk
Sherlock Holmes looks on idle and infuriated from the sidelines while evil has Whitechapel in the grip of fear, evil which bears the infamous name of - Jack the Ripper - a name set to raise the hackles on people's necks for generations to come. A fearful officialdom has declared Sherlock 'persona non grata' but is suffering the wrath of public opinion for its failure to bring the murderer to justice. Sherlock suspects there is more to this ritual of death being performed on London's darkened streets and makes plans for his own inquiry after an ancient brotherhood makes contact. Stanza by stanza, the reader is stirringly swept along as Allan Mitchell's rhythmic rhymes carry Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson toward their electrifying encounter with the Menacing Monk.

Sherlock Holmes
Welcome back once more to the Stranger's Room. The fire is blazing so help yourself to a brandy, pull up a chair to the fire and enjoy these tales from established and new Holmesian writers. Encompassing as they do tradition, humour and quirkiness, there is something for everyone. Enjoy! Featuring: David Ruffle, Danielle Gastineau, Soham Bagchi, Robert Perret, Mark Mower, David Marcum, Margaret Walsh, Anna Lord, Arthur Hall, Geri Schear, Jennifer Met, S F Bennett, Craig Janacek. Royalties from all the authors are being donated to Stepping Stones School at Undershaw.

Adam Ferguson
A philosopher and historian, Adam Ferguson occupies a unique place within eighteenth-century Scottish thought. Distinguished by a moral and historical bent, his work is framed within a teleological outlook that upholds the importance of action and virtue.

MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories - Part VI
2017 is the 130th anniversary of the publication of A Study in Scarlet, the first recorded adventure of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John H. Watson. What an amazing journey it's been! In addition to the pitifully few sixty tales originally presented in The Canon, published between 1887 and 1927, there have been literally thousands of additional Holmes adventures in the form of books, short stories, radio and television episodes, movies, manuscripts, comics, and fan fiction. And yet, for those who are true friends and admirers of the Master Detective of Baker Street, where it is always 1895 (or a few decades on either side of that!) these stories are not enough. Give us more! In 2015, The MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories burst upon the scene, featuring stories set within the correct time period, and written by many of today's leading Sherlockian authors from around the world. Those first three volumes were overwhelmingly received, and there were soon calls for additional collections. Since then, the popularity has only continued to grow. Two more volumes were released in 2016, and this the first of two planned for 2017 - with no end in sight! The thirty-five stories in this volume - now bringing the total number of narratives and participating authors in this series to well over one-hundred! - represent some of the finest new Holmesian storytelling to be found, and honor the man described by Watson as "e;the best and wisest ... whom I have ever known."e; All royalties from this collection are being donated by the writers for the benefit of the preservation of Undershaw, one of the former homes of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Part VI: 2017 Annual features contributions by: Bob Byrne, Julie McKuras, Derrick Belanger, Robert Perret, Deanna Baran, G.C. Rosenquist, Hugh Ashton, David Timson, Shane Simmons, Stephen Wade, Mark Mower, David Friend, Nick Cardillo, Roger Riccard, S. Subramanian, Carl L. Heifetz, Geri Schear, S.F. Bennett, Jennifer Copping, Jim French, Carla Coupe, Narrelle Harris, Arthur Hall, Craig Janacek, Marcia Wilson, Tracy Revels, Molly Carr, Keith Hann, David Ruffle, David Marcum, Thomas A. Turley, Jan Edwards, C. Edward Davis, Tim Symonds, and Daniel D. Victor, with a poem by Bonnie MacBird, and forewords by David Marcum, Nicholas Utechin, Roger Johnson, Steve Emecz, and Melissa Farnham.

Imagination Theatre's Sherlock Holmes
2017 is the 130th anniversary of the publication of A Study in Scarlet, the first recorded adventure of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John H. Watson. What an amazing journey it's been! In addition to the pitifully few sixty tales originally presented in The Canon, published between 1887 and 1927, there have been literally thousands of additional Holmes adventures in the form of books, short stories, radio and television episodes, movies, manuscripts, comics, and fan fiction. And yet, for those who are true friends and admirers of the Master Detective of Baker Street, where it is always 1895 (or a few decades on either side of that!) these stories are not enough. Give us more!In March 1998, legendary radio dramatist, producer, writer, director, and founder of Imagination Theatre listened to this request and broadcast the first of an astounding number of Holmes radio shows over their United States network of stations. In the intervening years, 128 original Holmes episodes (and one recently found "e;lost"e; episode"e;) were broadcast before Imagination Theatre closed its doors in early 2017. Additionally, the cast and crew performed their version of the entire Holmes Canon between 2005 and 2016, featuring the same actors as Holmes and Watson, (John Patrick Lowrie and Larry Albert, respectively,) as well as having every script adapted by the same author, M.J. Elliott - something that has never been done before.Astonishingly, this great number of episodes were written by a relatively small group of dramatists. Imagination Theatre's departure from the airwaves left a great void, both in terms of those seeking "e;movies for your mind"e;, but also those wanting new quality stories about the true Sherlock Holmes, set in the correct period, and featuring tales that truthfully represented Holmes and Watson.This book serves both to honor Jim French and his lifetime of achievements, and also Mr. Sherlock Holmes, along with the dramatists, cast, and crew who brought the new adventures to life. Inside this volume, you will find a script by every one of the authors who wrote about Holmes for Imagination Theatre, representing some of the finest new Holmesian storytelling to be found, and honoring the man described by Watson as "e;the best and wisest ... whom I have ever known."e;Featuring fourteen scripts from every writer who contributed to the series run of Imagination Theatre's Sherlock Holmes.

Progressive Secular Society
A progressive secular society is one committed to the widening of scientific knowledge and humane feeling. It regards humanity as part of physical nature and opposes any appeal to supernatural agencies or explanations. In particular, human moral perspectives are human creations and the only basis for ethics. Secular values need re-affirming in the face of the resurgence of aggressive supernatural religious doctrines and practices. This book gives a set of 'secular thoughts for the day' - many only a page or two long - on topics as varied as Shakespeare and Comte, economics, science and social action.

A-Z of Atari 2600 Games
The A-Z of Atari 2600 Games: Volume 3 features reviews of three different games for each letter of the alphabet. The games range from the very earliest releases in the 70s to the modern homebrew games of today. This book shows you just how diverse the library of titles is for the Atari 2600 and how it became one of the best selling consoles of all time.

In 1936 an elderly Doctor Watson sits at his desk with a dictation machine, over a two week period, recounting the significant moments in his life. The expected publication of his autobiography never materialised. But in 2017 the wax cylinders containing Watson's words appeared and have at last been made available to the general public. This, then is the life of Doctor John H Watson.

MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories - Part VIII
Part VIII - Eliminate the Impossible: 1892-1905 features contributions by: Deana Baran, Tim Symonds, Sandor Jay Sonnen, Ben Cardall, Andrew Lane, Michael Mallory, Wendy C. Fries, Aaron Smith, Arthur Hall, Robert Perret, Nick Cardillo, Paul D. Gilbert, Cindy Dye, Tracy Revels, Derrick Belanger, William Meikle, Marcia Wilson, David Friend, Roger Riccard, Craig Janacek, Jeremy Branton Holstein, Will Murray, David Ruffle, Daniel McGachey, and David Marcum, with a poem by Christopher James, and forewords by David Marcum, Lee Child, Rand Lee, Michael Cox, and Melissa Farnham.In 2015, The MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories burst upon the scene, featuring adventures set within the correct time period, and written by many of today's leading Sherlockian authors from around the world. Those first three volumes were overwhelmingly received, and there were soon calls for additional collections. Since then, their popularity has only continued to grow, with six volumes already released, and now two more, Eliminate the Impossible, featuring tales of Holmes's encounters with seemingly impossible events - ghosts and hauntings, curses and mythical beasts, and more.In "e;The Sussex Vampire"e;, Holmes tells Watson: "e;This agency stands flat-footed upon the ground, and there it must remain. The world is big enough for us. No ghosts need apply."e; In each of the stories presented in this massive two-volume collection, Holmes approaches the varied problems with one of his favorite maxims firmly in place: "e;. . . . when you have eliminated the impossible whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth . . . ."e; But what, exactly, is the truth?2017 is the 130th anniversary of the publication of A Study in Scarlet, the first recorded adventure of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John H. Watson. What an amazing journey it's been! In addition to the pitifully few sixty tales originally presented in The Canon, published between 1887 and 1927, there have been literally thousands of additional Holmes adventures in the form of books, short stories, radio and television episodes, movies, manuscripts, comics, and fan fiction. And yet, for those who are true friends and admirers of the Master Detective of Baker Street, where it is always 1895 (or a few decades on either side of that!) these stories are not enough. Give us more!The forty-eight stories in these two companion volumes represent some of the finest new Holmesian storytelling to be found, and honor the man described by Watson as "e;the best and wisest . . . whom I have ever known."e;

Canon of The Non-Sacred Writings
As Holmesians are aware, the literary works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle are referred to as the Canon of the Sacred Writings. The title of this collection of short stories reflects my desire to belong to the extensive list of authors and fans that want to grow the literary and entertainment history of Sherlock Holmes. In the five short stories, readers will note Holmes' continued mastery of forensic science and logical reasoning as the cornerstones of resolving the thorny issues presented. Holmes' analysis and deductions are the centerpieces of the stories that form this collection. I hope you enjoy your time with Sherlock.

Vocabulary of a Modern European State
The Vocabulary of a Modern European State is the companion volume to The Concept of a Philosophical Jurisprudence and completes the enterprise of gathering together Oakeshott's previously scattered essays and reviews. As with all the other volumes in the series it contains an entirely new editorial introduction explaining how the writings it contains find their place in his work as a whole. It covers the years 1952 to 1988, the period during which Oakeshott wrote his definitive work, On Human Conduct. The essay from which the volume takes its title was intended as a companion piece to the third part of the latter work, and is just one of over sixty pieces that it includes. The volume draws together critical responses to works by major philosophers, historians, and political theorists of his own generation such as Bertrand de Jouvenel, Herbert Marcuse, and Michael Polanyi as well as to some major figures of current scholarship such as Quentin Skinner and Roger Scruton.

Erin Go Bloody
When Erin, Ohio native Jamie Ellicott returns home as best-selling author James Ivanhoe after a 13-year absence, it's like the return of the Prodigal Son. His ill and aging father welcomes him with open arms. Ivanhoe's two brothers, however, are less forgiving.The whole town gets drawn into the family drama when Ivanhoe seeks to march in the annual St. Patrick's Day parade under the banner of an anti-technology group called the Ned Ludd Society. That's a thumb in the collective eye of his siblings, who own a company that makes microcircuits.As a member of the parade committee, St. Benignus University communications director Jeff Cody has a stake in what soon becomes a heated national debate. But to his genius brother-in-law Sebastian McCabe, the contretemps becomes less important than investigating murder in the Ellicott family. Erin Go Bloody once again demonstrates the skill that caused best-selling novelist Bonnie MacBird to call Dan Andriacco "e;a master of mystery plotting."e;

MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories - Part IX
Part IX: 2018 Annual (1879-1895) features contributions by: Deanna Baran, Roger Riccard, David Marcum, Tracy Revels, S.R. Bennett, Nick Cardillo, Robert Stapleton, Kevin Thornton, Leslie Charteris and Denis Green, Shane Simmons, James Moffett, C.H. Dye, Stephan Gaspar, Marcia Wilson, Sonia Featherstone, Geri Schear, David Friend, Mark Mower, and a poem by Amy Thomas... and Forewords in both volumes by Nicholas Meyer, Roger Johnson, and David Marcum.Once again, the adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson continue in this acclaimed anthology series, with thirty-seven new tales presented in two companion volumes - more Holmes than could fit into one book!In 2015, The MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories was first published, a huge three-book set featuring over sixty new traditional Holmes exploits, all set within the correct time period. Soon, the demand for even more traditional Holmes adventures led to further volumes. The next year brought Part IV: 2016 Annual, and then Part V: Christmas Adventures. In spring 2017 there was Part VI: 2017 Annual, and that fall revealed the massive two-volume set, Parts VII and VIII: Eliminate the Impossible. Now we present another two simultaneous volumes, Parts IX and X: 2018 Annual (1879-1895) and (1896-1916).There can be no argument that Sherlock Holmes is one of the most famous and recognizable figures in the world. There were only sixty narratives brought to us by the original Literary Agent, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Clearly that is not enough. Watson once wrote that he kept his unpublished cases in his old Tin Dispatch Box. Now, with the publication of these latest volumes, that box has again been explored by some of today's best Sherlockian writers, all of whom are donating their royalties from these anthologies toward the restoration of Undershaw, one of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's houses, and the location where The Hound of the Baskervilles and many later Holmes stories were completed.Climb the seventeen steps to the sitting room at 221b Baker Street. Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson are waiting...The game is afoot!

Sherlock Holmes and the Chelsea Necrophile
In another fascinating Sherlockian tale from John A. Little, a mysterious organ plays itself while carrying a strange coded message along its keyboard, causing a mild-mannered vicar to seek the assistance of Holmes and Watson. The famous duo investigate - but with somewhat unexpected results! Available now for the first time as an eBook in its own right, this excellent short story was first published in 2015 in the second collection of The Final Tales of Sherlock Holmes.

Final Tales Of Sherlock Holmes - Volume 4
In this series of five short stories, Holmes and Watson continue their late investigations into dark crimes in 1920/30s London, joined by their excitable housekeeper at 221B Baker Street, the brilliant, buxom Miss Lily Hudson, and by Jasper Lestrade of Scotland Yard, the ambitious, respectful son of the late George Lestrade. Thanks to Royal Jelly, Holmes is a fit 74-year-old, who has lost his interest in bees and returned to detecting, joining forces again with his colleague and friend, Dr. John Hamish Watson, a 75-year-old unfit twice-widower, who hankers after the good old days of derring-do. Together they explore the case of the Kew Gardens Gnomes and their fiery vengeance; the Portobello Pornographer and the reappearance of an old enemy; the Camden Counterfeiter and the theft of Doctor Watson's identity; the Kensington Kidnapper and the hefty price on Mrs Hudson's head; and the Undiscovered Country, in which a successful writer is haunted by his most famous character.

Sherlock Holmes and the Hampstead Ponies
In this enjoyable Sherlockian short story, a headless baby is discovered upon the heath, forcing Holmes to become a carnie and disappear across Europe in search of her murderer. But when he discovers a more complicated international crime than he first expected, his old pal Watson is needed to help out. This intriguing tale was first published in 2015 in the second collection of the Final Tales of Sherlock Holmes.

Casebook of Inspector Armstrong - Volume 2
'The Bells and Plate Fix' is set against Cumberland's biggest horse races, the Carlisle Racing Bells and the Cumberland Plate. When a bookie's clerk is found face down in the River Eden, Inspector Armstrong believes there is more to his death than meets the eye. In 'The Kaiser's Assassin', Armstrong's holiday in the Lake District is disrupted when he is invited to meet Kaiser Wilhelm, who is visiting his friend, the 5th Earl of Lonsdale at Lowther Castle. A potent mix of characters leaves Armstrong feeling uncomfortable and as things threaten to spiral out of control over the following days, he faces a race against time to prevent a murder that will have repercussions across Europe.

101 Amazing Facts about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle
On the 19th May 2018, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle tied the knot in a beautiful royal wedding ceremony. But just how much do you know about the Prince and his former actress wife? This fascinating eBook contains over one hundred amazing facts about the royal couple, covering everything from how the two of them met through to the many ways in which Meghan has broken the mould of a traditional princess. Whether you're interested in the royal rule book and official protocols, or you simply want to know more about the controversies that have surrounded both of these two prominent figures, this is the perfect book for you!

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Utility
A volume on the nature, ingredients, causes and consequences of human happiness by the father and son team of Anthony and Charles Kenny.

Certainty of Uncertainty
Nothing that can be said is independent of us. Whatever can be said is coloured by our dreams and aspirations, by the way our brain works, by human nature and human culture. Whoever claims to know or to observe is - according to the central constructivist assumption - inescapably biased.This book presents the views of the founders of constructivism and modern systems theory, who are still providing stimulating cues for international scientific debate. The conversations of Heinz von Foerster, Ernst von Glasersfeld, Humberto R. Maturana, Francisco J. Varela, Gerhard Roth, Siegfried J. Schmidt, Helm Stierlin, and Paul Watzlawick with Bernhard Poerksen, display a kind of thinking that steers clear of rigid fixation and reveals the ideal of objectivity to be a myth. The conversations turn on the results of brain research, the breaks through of cybernetics, the linguistic determination of thought, and the intrinsic connection between epistemology and ethical practice.Throughout, the central figure of the observer is examined with sophisticated wit and just enough irritating grit to create the pearl in the oyster. Constructivism thus emerges as a philosophy of possibilities that keeps generating new points of view, insists on fundamental scepticism with regard to certainties and dogmas, and provides the foundation for an ethics of perception: Each and every one of us is responsible for their view of things.