

Valley Of Dry Bones
Valley Of Dry Bones
J.F. Penn
An ancient prophecy. An occult secret. The power to raise the dead. From New York Times and USA Today bestselling thriller author, J.F.Penn. When a long-hidden tomb and a body covered in Voodoo symbols are found in New Orleans, ARKANE agent Jake Timber discovers a mystery that stretches back to the Spanish Empire and the bloody dungeons of the Inquisition. But he is not the only one who seeks the Hand of Ezekiel. A shadowy billionaire, backed by those who seek immortality at any price, will stop at nothing to find the relics that can turn bones to living flesh. When disaster strikes in the heart of the Louisiana bayou, Jake calls on ARKANE agent Morgan Sierra to help him once more as they race against time across the outposts of the Spanish Empire. From Madrid and Toledo to the Philippines, Peru, and on to New Orleans and San Francisco, can Morgan and Jake find the relics and stop the resurrection of the dead? A page-turning archaeological thriller with elements of the supernatural and occult, Valley of Dry Bones blends religious mystery with Indiana Jones-style action adventure. Valley of Dry Bones is book 10 in the ARKANE action adventure thriller series but can be read as a stand-alone novel.
Co-writing a Book: Collaboration and Co-creation for Authors
Co-writing a Book: Collaboration and Co-creation for Authors
Joanna Penn, J. Thorn
Co-writing can be an amazing experience when two minds come together to create something new in the world. Or it can be a painful process that ends in disaster! In this short book, bestselling authors J. Thorn and Joanna Penn share tips on how to successfully co-write a book and avoid the pitfalls along the way. It includes excerpts from their private co-writing diary, honest notes written every day on a fiction project that will help you on your own journey. Updated 2017 with a new chapter based on a four-author collaborative novel. In this book, you will discover: * What is co-writing? * Benefits of co-writing * The difficulties of co-writing * Finding the right person to co-write with * Before you start: written legal agreement * Practicalities and process of co-writing and co-creation * Excerpts from Risen Gods co-writing diary * What happens if it goes wrong? * Other types of collaboration and co-creation * Tips for multi-author boxsets * Tips for managing a multi-author collaboration * Appendix 1: Example agreement If you want to improve your writing skills and your productivity, co-writing might be the right thing for you. Download a sample and try the book.
150 Everyday Uses Of English Prepositions: Elementary to Intermediate
150 Everyday Uses Of English Prepositions: Elementary to Intermediate
Jenny Smith
The secret to speaking English perfectly This is book one of the very popular series ‘150 Everyday Uses of English Prepositions’.In this final book we take you from intermediate to advanced usage. Do you sometimes worry if your English sounds broken? If you do then you should definitely? concentrate on improving your use of prepositions. Why? Because prepositions are literally the glue that stick English together. If you are not using them properly then your English will sound broken. This book will:Help you get a higher score in TOEFL and other tests.Help you sound more fluent.Improve your listening skills.Teach you real everyday English.Give you confidence that you are using English correctly. So if you are an elementary or intermediate English learner and want to take your language skills to the next level please get a copy today and never speak ‘broken English’ again.
Perdidos na floresta
Perdidos na floresta
Carla Jean
Um casal de namorados se aventura em uma floresta mal assombrada para terem um momento de privacidade e amor, porém acabam se perdendo e sendo alvos de um?fantasma vingativo.
Analiza Financiara pe intelesul tuturor
Analiza Financiara pe intelesul tuturor
Cosmin Baiu
Aceasta carte se adreseaza nu numai specialistilor in economie, ci tuturor celor interesati sa inteleaga filosofia din spatele analizei financiare. Scrisa intr-un limbaj accesibil publicului larg, cartea ofera peste 50 de exemple si studii de caz practice, inspirate din experienta personala a autorului. Autorul se foloseste de premisa data pentru a face o descriere practica nonconformista a activitatii bancare, dar si a anumitor comportamente antreprenoriale, in scopul educarii si dezvoltarii personale a cititorului. Pentru tinerii absolventi de studii economice, aflati la inceputul carierei, cartea reprezinta un indrumar unic, intr-o piata dominata de scrieri pur teoretice. Cosmin BAIU are o experienta vasta in domeniul economic. Lucreaza de peste 20 ani in cadrul unor companii bancare de top la nivel european, ocupand multiple pozitii de management executiv, inclusiv membru al mai multor Comitete de Credit. Domnul BAIU are o experienta ce imbina activitatea de analiza a riscului cu activitatea de vanzare retail si corporate, ceea ce ii permite o viziune de ansamblu, unica, a lumii financiar-bancare.
Hermann Hesse
Digitalisiert vom Projekt Gutenberg Eine indische Dichtung ist eine Erz?hlung von Hermann Hesse, die im S. Fischer Verlag in Berlin im Jahr 1922 zum ersten Mal ver?ffentlicht wurde. Siddhartha, der Brahmane Das Buch handelt von einem jungen Brahmanen namens Siddhartha und seinem Freund Govinda. Der von allen verehrte und bewunderte Siddhartha widmet sein Leben der Suche nach dem Atman, dem All-Einen, das in jedem Menschen ist. Siddhartha, der Samana Seine Suche macht aus dem Brahmanen einen Samana, einen Asketen und Bettler. Govinda folgt ihm auf diesem Weg. Siddhartha spürt jedoch nach einiger Zeit, dass ihn das Leben als Samana nicht an sein Ziel bringen wird. Zusammen mit Govinda pilgert er zu Gautama, dem Buddha. Doch dessen Lehre kann er nicht annehmen. Siddhartha erkennt zwar, dass Gotama Erleuchtung erlangt hat und zweifelt die Richtigkeit seiner Lehre nicht an, jedoch glaubt er, diese sei allein für Gotama selbst gültig. Man kann nicht durch Lehre Buddha werden, sondern muss dieses Ziel mittels eigener Erfahrungen erreichen. Aus dieser Erkenntnis heraus begibt er sich erneut auf die Reise und beginnt einen neuen Lebensabschnitt, w?hrend sich sein Freund Govinda Gotama anschlie?t. Siddhartha bei den ?Kindermenschen“ Intensiv erf?hrt er nun seine Umgebung und die Sch?nheit der Natur, welche er zuvor als Samana zu verachten lernte. Er überquert einen Fluss, wobei ihm der F?hrmann prophezeit, er werde einst zu diesem zurückkehren, und erreicht eine gro?e Stadt. Hier begegnet er der Kurtisane Kamala, die er bittet, seine Lehrerin in der Kunst der Liebe zu werden. Um sich ihre Dienste leisten zu k?nnen, wird er Kaufmann. Anfangs sieht er das Streben nach Erfolg und Geld nur als eine wunderliche Eigenart der ?Kindermenschen“, wie er die dem Weltlichen ergebenen Menschen nennt. Bald wandelt sich jedoch sein ?bermut in Hochmut und er wird selbst den Kindermenschen immer ?hnlicher. Erst ein Traum führt ihm dies vor Augen und erinnert ihn wieder an seine
The Call of Cthulhu
The Call of Cthulhu
Howard Phillips Lovecraft
"The Call of Cthulhu" is one of H. P. Lovecraft's best-known short stories. Written in the summer of 1926, it was first published in Weird Tales, February 1928. It is the only story written by Lovecraft in which the extraterrestrial entity Cthulhu himself makes a major appearance. It is written in a documentary style, with three independent narratives linked together by the device of a narrator discovering notes left by a deceased relative. The narrator pieces together the whole truth and disturbing significance of the information he possesses, illustrating the story's first line: "The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity; and it was not meant that we should voyage far."
Сказки Дружного леса (аудио-книга): Иллюстрированное издание
Сказки Дружного леса (аудио-книга): Иллюстрированное издание
Алексей Лукшин
Представляем вам сборник сказок для детей, сочетающий в себе как традиционное (увлекательный текст и красочные иллюстрации), так и современное мультимедийное содержание. В книге собраны десять поучительных и волшебных историй о приключениях жителей Дружного леса, прочитанных великолепным голосовым актером Александром Водяным. Главной задачей автора при написании этой книги было научить детей дружбе, гуманному отношению друг к другу, умению создавать хорошее настроение себе и окружающим. И все это без лишнего морализаторства. Каждая сказка — это короткая и смешная история. Книга будет интересна и взрослым читателям, которые с ее помощью смогут вернуться в мир детства, из которого мы все вышли. Издательство Animedia Company желает вам приятного чтения.
Bebidas naturais para a sua saúde:34 sucos frescos & smoothies
Bebidas naturais para a sua saúde:34 sucos frescos & smoothies
Cristina Rebiere, Olivier Rebiere
Um suco fresco natural o um smoothie para a sua saúde? Gostaria de saber como usar frutas e legumes para fazer sucos frescos e melhorar sua saúde? A vida também é feita de prazeres simples que podem se transformar com facilidade em pura felicidade Nossa cole??o de guias práticos ? eGuide Nature ? vai provar isso para você! Desejamos compartilhar o nosso conhecimento e as nossas dicas úteis para simplesmente ? domesticar ? a natureza da qual a vida moderna às vezes nos afasta… N°0 - Bebidas naturais para a sua saúde O que você vai encontrar neste ? eGuide Nature ?? Nossas dicas para preparar seus sucos frescos & smoothies curativos Propriedades curativas de frutas e legumes 84?receitas de sucos e smoothies Ent?o, você está pronto(a) para trazer a natureza em sua vida? Vamos! Sinceramente, Cristina & Olivier Rebiere
Aparen?e ?n?el?toare
Aparen?e ?n?el?toare
Sarah MacLean
P?n? ?i cea mai puternic? femeie din Anglia are un punct slab… Pentru ?nalta societate, este doar Lady Georgiana, sora unui duce, cu reputa?ia distrus? ?n urma celui mai groaznic scandal posibil, ?nainte de debutul ?n primul ei sezon. Dar adev?rul este mult mai ?ocant – ?n lumea ?ntunecat? a jocurilor de noroc din Londra, ea este enigmaticul Chase, unul dintre fondatorii ?ngerului C?zut, cel mai vestit cazinou din ora?. Ani la r?nd, a r?mas un mister pentru toat? lumea ?i niciodat? nu i-a fost descoperit? dubla identitate… p?n? acum. Sclipitor, tenace, tulbur?tor de chipe?, Duncan West este intrigat de frumoasa femeie cu reputa?ia p?tat? care are leg?turi de ne?n?eles cu aceast? lume a promiscuit??ii ?i p?catului. ?tie c? ea este mai mult dec?t pare ?i jur? s? descopere secretele Georgianei, dezv?luindu-i trecutul, amenin??ndu-i prezentul ?i pun?nd ?n pericol tot ce are mai drag… inclusiv inima ei. ?Aparen?e ?n?el?toare“ ?ncheie incredibila serie a lui Sarah MacLean, aflat? pe lista de bestselleruri din The New York Times, spun?nd povestea ultimului dintre fondatorii clubului ??ngerul C?zut“.
Adrienne Woods
Losing Lucian McKenzie, the Prince of her heart and discovering her true identity has made Elena Watkins' life almost unbearable. However, new trials will test the 17 year-old's strength and push her to limits she didn’t think were possible. Only a mysterious offer from Blake Leaf, the Rubicon and a dragon predestined for evil, reveals there may be a light at the end of Elena’s dark tunnel. With the life she thought she knew crashing down around her, Elena will have to face a monumental decision about the fate of Paegeia. She can either make peace with Blake’s demands or try once again to unravel the Queen’s secrets that lie deep within her dragon, Tanya La Frey’s, heart. The third heart pounding novel in The Dragonian Series by Adrienne Woods.
Nop?ile aman?ilor
Nop?ile aman?ilor
Corina Ozon
Continuarea romanului bdquo Zilele aman?ilor ldquo;. bdquo Aman?ii Corinei Ozon, atacirct Zilele, cacirct ?i Nop?ile lor, sunt deja mai mult decacirct simple c?r?i, sunt un fenomen: peste tot se vorbe?te despre ei, ?i sim?i imediat c? trebuie s?-i cuno?ti ?i tu. ?i, dac? o faci, sigur nu regre?i dup?: Corina te conduce cu un stil inconfundabil icircn lumea lui Mircea ?i Cati, unde vei racircde, vei a?tepta cu sufletul la gur? urm?toarea aventur?, vei pica pe gacircnduri, vei reflecta la propria ta poveste de dragoste. Cu o scriitur? bine ?lefuit?, Corina Ozon din Nop?ile aman?ilor apas? ?i mai tare pedala fa?? de romanul ei de debut. Se cite?te repede, e savuroas?, memorabil? ?i, inevitabil, te face s? vrei mai mult! (Cristina Nemerovschi) bdquo Scriitura Corinei Ozon reu?e?te un lucru cu adev?rat dificil. S? abordeze icircntr-o manier? lejer? un subiect aparent frivol ?i s? dea icirc;n acela?i timp impresia de seriozitate ?i profunzime. De fapt, textele Corinei nu sunt frivole, dar relev?, icirc;n maniera unui Milan Kundera, de exemplu, superficialitatea ca structur? a lumii ?i, icircn special, a lumii oamenilor moderni, care iubesc pe fug?, colorat, zgomotos ?i la limita inconsisten?ei. Literatura aceasta se cite?te cu pl?cere ?i cu anxietate pentru c? ne reg?sim total icircn ea, pentru c? placircngem ?i racircdem icircn ea, pentru c? ne privim ca icircntr-o oglind?. Iar racircsul, iar??i icircn cheia lui Kundera, survine eliberator din contemplarea zadarnicelor ?i ve?nicelor chinuri ale dragostei, puse iar ?i iar icircn acelea?i laquoridicole iubiri raquo.(Doru C?st?ian)
Te las s? pleci
Te las s? pleci
Clare Mackintosh
Totul s-a petrecut at?t de repede. Oare n-ar fi putut face nimic ca s? ?mpiedice dezastrul? ?ntr-o frac?iune de secund?, existen?a Jennei Gray se transform? ?n co?mar. Singura ei speran?? de a dep??i momentul este s? se ?ndep?rteze de tot ce-i este familiar ?i s-o ia de la cap?t. Cu o nevoie disperat? de a se elibera, Jenna se refugiaz? ?ntr-o c?su?? uitat? de lume pe coastele ??rii Galilor, dar continu? s? fie b?ntuit? de temerile ei, de durere ?i de aminti?rile unei nop?i cumplite de noiembrie care i-a schimbat via?a pentru totdeauna. Pas cu pas, Jenna ?ntrez?re?te o ?ans? la fericire ?n viitorul ei. Dar trecutul o ajunge din urm? ?i consecin?ele pot fi devastatoare… “Terifiant, captivant ?i sensibil, Te las s? pleci este un roman scris cu m?iestrie, iar intriga e demen?ial?.“ - Paula Hawkins, autoarea bestsellerului Fata din tren “Un debut senza?ional… o inten?sitate uimitoare care te prinde ?i nu-?i mai d? drumul. R?sturn?ri de situa?ie care-?i taie r?suflarea.“ - Daily Mail “Extraordinar!“ - The Independent “O carte cum n-a?i mai citit.“ - S.J. Watson, autorul bestsellerurilor ?nainte s? adorm ?i Second Life “Povestea e foarte conving?toare, mai ales c? autoarea a fost ofi?er de poli?ie. Cu un debut at?t de bun ca acesta, ce au pierdut for?ele de ordine a c??tigat literatura poli?ist?.“ - Sunday Mirror Te las s? pleci a ?nregistrat ?n 2015 cele mai rapide v?nz?ri pentru un autor debutant. A fost selectat pentru Richard ?i Judy Book Club ?i a ob?inut votul publicului pentru cel mai bun roman ?n selec?ia 2015.
Natural drinks for your health
Natural drinks for your health
Olivier Rebiere, Cristina Rebiere
A fresh juice or herbal tea for your health? Do you like nature, animals or plants? Want to know how to use fruits and vegetables to make fresh juices, herbal teas, and improve your health? Life is also made of simple pleasures that can turn into pure happiness easily Our collection of practical ebooks??eGuide Nature is going to?prove it to you! Discover small, easy and cheap books that will help you to bring nature into your life every day! We have over a decade of experience in small animal breeding and presenting them to children as part of a mini-zoo, and like to pass on the experience of our seniors. We also love to cook and of course love preparing any kind of beverages and meals?to remain in good health, naturally? We wish to share with you our knowledge and our helpful tips for ??tame?? simply this Nature from which, sometimes, modern life takes us away… You are going to discover?small useful practical guides, always handy in your smartphone –?Natural drinks for your health In this ??zero?? issue of the collection ??eGuide Nature?? we’ll see how to prepare natural drinks, fresh juices or herbal teas to just stay and naturally healthy! What are you going to find in this???eGuide Nature??? our tips to prepare your juice our tips for concocting herbal teas 20 healthy recipes So, are you ready to bring nature into your everyday life?! Yes?Let’s go! Kind regards, Cristina Olivier Rebiere
A lány a vonaton
A lány a vonaton
Paula Hawkins
Ritkaság, hogy egy k?nyv vezesse t?bb országban egyszerre, szinte az ?sszes fontos sikerlistát. A New York Timesét és a BarnesandNoble-ét, például. Az végképp szokatlan, hogy ezt egy debütáló író tegye.2015 elején Paula Hawkins regénye berobbant az angolszász piacokra. Ahogy Stephen King fogalmazott, ebben a t?rténetben csak fokozódik és fokozódik a feszültség. Nem véletlenül hasonlítják Hitchkockhoz és Agatha Crhristie-hez az írót, a Gone girlhez a t?rténetet.Rachel ingázó, minden reggel felszáll ugyanarra a vonatra. Tudja, hogy minden alkalommal várakozni szoktak ugyanannál a fénysorompónál, ahonnan egy sor hátsó udvarra nyílik rálátás. Már-már kezdi úgy érezni, hogy ismeri az egyik ház lakóit. Jess és Jason, így nevezi ?ket. A pár élete t?kéletesnek t?nik, és Rachel sóvárogva gondol a boldogságukra.?s aztán lát valami megd?bbent?t. Csak egyetlen pillanatig, ahogy a vonat tovahalad, de ennyi elég.A pillanat mindent megváltoztat. Rachel immár részese az életüknek, melyet eddig csak messzir?l szemlélt.Meglátják; sokkal t?bb ?, mint egy lány a vonaton.
50 Piadas de humor negro
50 Piadas de humor negro
Anderson Botelho
Humor Negro? Subgênero do humor que faz você rir de situa??es mórbidas e politicamente incorretas. Em uma defini??o mais simples e poética: o humor negro nos faz rir de situa??es tristes da vida.E este livro de piadas irá fazer você rir de situa??es deploráveis, lamentáveis e dramáticas.
A Mother’s Day Murder:A Mt. Abrams Mystery
A Mother’s Day Murder:A Mt. Abrams Mystery
Dee Ernst
Mt. Abrams was the kind of small, quiet town where, as any of its residents would tell you, nothing ever happened. That was why Ellie Rocca loved living there, even if her ex-husband did not.But even small towns had secrets, as Ellie discovered when Lacey Mitchell suddenly disappeared. Ellie caught Lacey’s husband in a lie, and one small discovery led to another until it became apparent that nothing about the Mitchell’s was quite what it seemed.Mother’s Day was just around the corner. With a sexy detective on the case, and Ellie and her friends getting closer to the truth, can Lacey Mitchell be found in time to enjoy the day with her sons? Or was something more deadly going on?This novella is 35K words, the first in the Mt. Abrams Mystery Series
The Little Prince
The Little Prince
Antoine De Saint-Exupéry
“Goodbye, said the fox. And now here is my secret, a very simple secret. It is only with the heart that one can see rightly. What is essential is invisible to the eye.” Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince The Little Prince first published in 1943, is a novella and the most famous work of the French aristocrat, writer, poet and pioneering aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. The novella is both the most read and most translated book in the French language, and was voted the best book of the 20th century in France. Translated into more than 250 languages and dialects selling over a million copies per year with sales totalling more than 140 million copies worldwide, it has become one of the best-selling books ever published. Saint-Exupéry, a laureate of several of France's highest literary awards and a reserve military pilot at the start of the Second World War, wrote and illustrated the manuscript while exiled in the United States after the Fall of France. He had travelled there on a personal mission to persuade its government to quickly enter the war against Nazi Germany. In the midst of personal upheavals and failing health he produced almost half of the writings he would be remembered for, including a tender tale of loneliness, friendship, love and loss, in the form of a young prince fallen to Earth.
A garota da janela
A garota da janela
Renata Del Anjo
Um rapaz apaixona-se por uma linda garota ruiva que aparece na janela de um sobrado. Um conto fantástico e de mistério.
?nainte de noi
?nainte de noi
Anna Todd
“Todd e cel mai important fenomen literar al genera?iei sale.” – Cosmopolitan Al cincilea volum din seria AFTER 1,3 miliarde de lecturi pe Wattpad ?nainte s? o cunoasc? pe Tessa, Hardin era impulsiv ?i s?lbatic. ?n timpul acelor prime momente ?n care s au ?nt?lnit, ?i a dat seama c? trebuie s? o ?in? l?ng? el – via?a lui depindea de ea. Dup? ce au r?mas ?mpreun?, lumea n-a mai fost niciodat? la fel. Dramatica poveste de dragoste dintre Hardin ?i Tessa s-a transformat ?ntr un v?rtej ?n care au fost atra?i to?i cei din jur. Acum ace?tia cap?t? o voce proprie ?i povestesc ce s-a ?nt?mplat ?nainte, pe parcursul ?i dup? evenimentele din primele patru volume ale seriei AFTER. Afl?m ?i cum vede Hardin prima ?nt?lnire cu Tessa – iar confesiunea lui va schimba complet ceea ce credeai c? ?tii despre b?iatul deprimat ?i ?ngerul care ?l iubea.? Domnul Darcy ?i Lizzy Bennett din vremurile noastre…? AFTER a adunat peste 1 miliard de fani online ?i a fascinat cititorii din ?ntreaga lume. Cite?te ?i tu cea mai viral? poveste de pe internet!“O lectur? foarte relaxant?, dar care are ?i mult dramatism… Te va captiva de la prima pagin?.” – A Bookish Escape“Am luat o peste tot cu mine ca s? pot citi despre Hessa ?n fiecare clip? liber? pe care am avut o. M-a vr?jit de la prima pagin?!” – Grown Up Fan girl“Anna Todd reu?e?te s? te fac? s? ?ipi, s? pl?ngi, s? r?zi, s? te ?ndr?goste?ti ?i s? te cuib?re?ti ?n pat… preg?te?te-te s? sim?i emo?ii pe care nu credeai c? ?i le poate aduce vreo carte.” - Fangirlish?
Addig se iszik
Addig se iszik
Bödőcs Tibor
Mikor a szerzt megismertem, még nagyképen vallotta: Hárman nem írunk: Szókratész, Jézus és én. Aztán megtrt, és írni kezdett, paródiákat, persze – és megállt a kanál a levesben, de úgy, hogy a fal adta másikat. gy vágytunk erre a hangra ebben a karót nyelt, szürke, humordeficites honi literatúrában, mint egy falat kenyérre. Bdcs írásaiban a páratlan irodalmi mveltség találkozik az igazi humorral Karinthy boncasztalán. Apját kérdezték, mit szól, hogy fia már ír is. Addig se iszik – válaszolta a blcs reg, és igaza volt: Tibor írás kzben sose iszik. (Hmm…) Mert ilyen az irodalom: nevel, tanít, szórakoztat – és amíg írunk vagy olvasunk, addig se iszunk. Tisztelet a kivételnek. Fogadják tehát szeretettel az irodalmi paródia Lemmyjét, a magyar humor Billy, a Klykjét, a búcsúszentlászlói Rabelais-t. Tessék mosolyogni! ” Cserna-Szabó András