

Conversations with Stones
Conversations with Stones
Maya Cointreau
Conversations with Stones contains information for connecting with 68 high vibration stones. Accompanying each one you will find a message channeled directly from the crystals, followed by its metaphysical uses and a meditation to help you connect to the energy of that stone. You will learn how to use crystal grids for manifestation and visualization, how to form you own Crystal Club, and how to talk to your own stones at home. Stones have been here since the beginning of time, watching our planet form among the stars, seeing our earthly plants breath their first breath, cheering us on as we took our first steps. Each crystal has its own unique spirit, and its own driving mission. Many of the crystals and minerals in this book are quite rare or unusual. Every stone is special, with its own energy signature and message for you, the bearer. Small or large, each one is a powerful tool for connecting with the divine and shifting your vibration.
Lotus Lake, Dragon Pool: More Encounters in Yoga And Zen
Lotus Lake, Dragon Pool: More Encounters in Yoga And Zen
Trevor Leggett
Collected by the author over many years, these stories from the Yoga and Zen traditions are the flint and steel that strike a spark that lights up the mind with insights that one should ponder daily to bring to light ever deeper meaning. They may be similar in intent to Zen Koans – but they are rather different in content. In many Zen Koans someone says or does something extraordinarily inappropriate, which catches your attention just because it’s extraordinary –but afterwards the light from them has to be applied to daily life. In contrast, the stories here are often ordinary incidents from ordinary lives (not that there aren’t some extraordinary ones too!) that nevertheless open the mind’s eye to the vast potential for realization and inspiration to be found in daily life. The pictures featured throughout this book were brushed by Jacques Allais in the Suiboku style, in which he was an acknowledged expert. The innate beauty of this ancient monochrome ink-painting technique lies in its subtlety of expression, in which infinitely more is suggested than is drawn on the page – making it the perfect vehicle for focusing meditation practice as well as an ideal complement to the stories in this book.
The Human Machine
The Human Machine
Arnold Bennett
In a characteristic for Arnold Bennett humorous style he takes us through ideas and techniques of staying sane and mindful. The book is about an idea which can transform a human mind leading to a more meaningful, mindful life.
Soar at your will
Soar at your will
Dave Priti
Life has blessed us with the freedom to soar. We must have the courage to risk, the faith to believe and the will to succeed. To discover and release what is eternally present within the consciousness of every human being, certain virtues ?and traits are required to be inculcated in life and understood. Virtues make person beautiful and lovely. The way they do things, the way they move, speak and dress, all these creats their personality. If a person has virtue, they will always look rich, for everything is close to them will be filled with quality. Every ambitious person's heart wants to soar to new heights. When silence and virtue live together in one person, there is perfection. Spread your wings, have a clear vision. Soar to new heights. Swoop down on opportunities. Make golden memories.
Journalism for Women: A Practical Guide
Journalism for Women: A Practical Guide
Arnold Bennett
The secret significance of journalism: life (says the public) is dull. But good newspapers are a report of life, and good newspapers are not dull. A practical guide for those who are outside and would fain be inside, a newspaper office.
Breaking the Silence: Victims No More
Breaking the Silence: Victims No More
Sarah's Refuge LLC
The silence must be broken… ? Each year, thousands of men, women, and children suffer domestic violence. For many, it’s far too long to live in this kind of silence. How much devastation must we see in individuals, families, and communities before we realize that someone… anyone… everyone must take a stand? Featuring stories & accounts from domestic violence survivors & family members. Also included is information regarding types of abuse, why victims stay, awareness months, & a personalized safety plan. Domestic violence has the potential to destroy everything it touches, but there is a solution. Stand up, speak up, and break the silence!
Pendule et magnétisme: 2 guides en 1
Pendule et magnétisme: 2 guides en 1
Christian Cambois Bonnemaison
Ce livre n'est pas un nouvel ouvrage de l'auteur. Il regroupe et réunit ses deux guides pratiques, actualisés, sur la mise en ?uvre du magnétisme curatif et l'usage du pendule, publiés séparément en juin 2015 (Magnétiser, un acte d'amour) et en décembre 2016 (Le pendule, un fil de l'?me).??L'auteur s'est initié seul à ces deux méthodes qu'il utilise conjointement. Le pendule intervient comme un assistant, un "conseiller" sur la zone de souffrance à traiter et le geste à faire.
As a Man Thinks: Classic Edition (2018)
As a Man Thinks: Classic Edition (2018)
James Allen
In this special edition of James Allen's classic, As a Man Thinketh, you will learn how to use the power of thought to bring success and happiness into your life. You will discover that you are the creator of the conditions in your life, good and bad, and you can change those conditions by changing the way you think. Bestselling authors Dale Carnegie, Norman Vincent Peale, and others were heavily influenced by Allen's writings, and Inc. Magazine praised Allen's book as "one of the top 10 motivational books of all time." Success coach Tony Robbins says it is his favorite book, and he has read it a dozen times. This Classic Edition was developed for a course at Virtual University by Richard De A'Morelli, a best-selling author and editor with deep experience in the self-help field. Most versions of Allen's book are unedited reprints of his 1903 work, but this collector's edition includes the full text of the book, updated and restyled for today's readers, plus helpful tutorials reviewing key points in each chapter. A bonus chapter offers daily meditations from James Allen's popular book, Meditations for Every Day of the Year. The wisdom of James Allen provides a foundation for living well and being happy in today's hectic world. Whether this is your first exposure to his writings or you are already a fan, this special edition is must reading. Available as an ebook and in paperback (ISBN 978-1-988236-10-0). Add it to your library and give as a gift to your friends who may benefit from this wonderful message of hope and empowerment.
Empath Highly Sensitive People's Guide
Empath Highly Sensitive People's Guide
Jason Gale
Empath Highly Sensitive People's Guide Understand Your Gift: Empath Highly Sensitive People's Guide? ?Understand Your Gift: ?Are you a highly sensitive individual? ?Than this guide is for you and will give you an in depth understanding of how to function as an Empath navigating yourself in this turbulent world. Master your emotions in 5 simple steps! Do you ever feel overwhelmed by your emotions? This guide will empower you and assist you into having full control of your dynamic emotions in just 5 ?easy to use steps. What you'll Learn? Understanding Empaths & Empathy ?Challenges & Solutions Techniques & Emotional Management ?Theories ?Traits Of An Empath How To Control & Learn Empaths' Abilities ? Living Life Like An Empath Mastering Your Emotions In 5 Simple Steps! ?BONUS Chapters ?And, much,much more!? ?Take this opportunity to have empowering information at your finger tips that will benefit your personal life. Over 120+ pages of valuable content! ? What are you waiting for? Change your life forever! ?Grab your copy now!?
Eden is Now - The Answers You Need to Live a Joyful Life on Earth and Ascend in
Eden is Now - The Answers You Need to Live a Joyful Life on Earth and Ascend in
WELCOME to EDEN...You have a joyful life waiting for you. It’s time to claim it. Eden IS here, right now, on Earth.Do you want to become as radiant and joyful as the sun, a source of light and pure vitality so bright that everything in your vicinity can not help but grow and blossom as well?Find the Answers You Seek: Eden delivers source wisdom channeled straight from Spirit to help you transform your life. We have been helping people shift their vibration upwards and reach their full potential for over a decade. Let us help you learn how to SHINE.
Healing Crystals: The Beginner’s Guide to Healing Crystals and Their Meanings an
Healing Crystals: The Beginner’s Guide to Healing Crystals and Their Meanings an
Shawna Blood
If you've thought about entering the world of Crystal healing this is the perfect beginner's book to get you started. Features an introduction to some of the main crystals, their uses, and how to clean, clear, charge, and activate them.?? Don't wait any longer! Scroll up and click the 'Buy Now' button to start learning how to heal yourself naturally with Crystals!
PNL 2.0: la guía definitiva para la programación neurolingüística
PNL 2.0: la guía definitiva para la programación neurolingüística
Kyle Faber
La Programación Neuro Lingüística (PNL) es un enigma para la mayoría de las personas. Tal vez sea debido a su nombre hipercomplejo, o porque suena como un nuevo lenguaje de programación. Cualquiera que sea el malentendido, es hora de que le preste atención porque algunas de las últimas historias de éxito del mundo vienen a raíz de la PNL.La PNL trata de reconectar su cerebro de una manera que cambia casi todo lo que hace. Este libro da un paseo en el lado salvaje al mostrarte la naturaleza del cerebro y el desarrollo de la mente para que pueda desarrollar un marco de su propia mente.Más allá de la teoría, también le da una mirada práctica de las cosas que puede hacer cuando cambia la forma en que está conectada su mente y los efectos que tiene en su trabajo y su familia. Todo se reduce a que la razón por la que es quién es hasta este punto es debido a la forma en que está conectado su cerebro y si quiere cambiar eso, debe hacerlo con PNL.Todos buscamos mejorar nuestras vidas y aprovechar al máximo nuestro tiempo. Todos buscamos formas de mejorar y brindar una vida mejor a nuestras familias. Pero hasta ahora, la mejor vida ha sido esquiva para un cierto segmento de personas que están intentando mucho pero que no están sacando provecho de ello. La PNL es lo que se han estado perdiendo. Si ese es usted, ha encontrado el camino para resolver sus desafíos. Todo lo que necesita está cubierto dentro de las líneas de este libro. Solo necesita leerlo y ponerlo a funcionar.
The California Divorce Handbook For Women
The California Divorce Handbook For Women
Paul Nathan
Women faced with divorce require an attorney who can understand what they're facing. Author and attorney Paul H. Nathan has spent his career fighting for the rights of women in divorce cases, helping them achieve the results they deserve. From the Law Offices of Paul H. Nathan, top-tier Northern California attorney, comes The Divorce Handbook for California Women. This handy guide covers the basics and the most commonly overlooked nitty-gritty details of divorce proceedings in California, including: The different legal options for ending a marriage Selecting the right attorney Setting boundaries between you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse Initiating and navigating the divorce process Necessary financial documentation The critical factors determining spousal support The formula for calculating child support Pet custody Property rights and classification recognized by the California courts The essential factors a judge must consider in a contested custody case The equation to determine the percentage share of retirement benefits Legal fees and who is responsible for them 40 age-appropriate books for children about divorce Keeping your credit score safe when going through a divorce 38 financial records to be aware of The emotional stages of the divorce process and self-care basics Paul Nathan’s information-packed book is filled with the answers to all the challenging questions that keep women going through divorce awake at night and provides a wealth of local resources for women and their children. The Divorce Handbook for California Women is the template every woman needs to have the knowledge to prevail in a divorce, custody, or spousal support matter.
The Offline Dating Method: How to Attract a Great Guy in the Real World
The Offline Dating Method: How to Attract a Great Guy in the Real World
Camille Virginia
With the modern dating process overrun (yet under-served) by online dating and apps, the woman who connects in the real world gets the man.? In this book, author Camille Virginia draws upon her transformation from a shy girl with social anxiety into a socially confident woman. Without ever going online or using an app, hundreds of men, in everyday places, have asked Camille to go out with them. Through coaching and workshops, she's helped women in over 100 countries learn how to attract their “better half” and become happier? In The Offline Dating Method, Camille shares her step-by-step secrets to success, giving every reader the power to attract great men in the real world and live a more fulfilling life. In this book you will:? Find hundreds of specific and actionable tips (there’s no vague "just be yourself" advice) Follow a proven step-by-step system (there’s no guesswork about what to do next) Create meaningful connections with everyone (men, friends, family, and more).
Healing With Love: The Art and Science of Healing Yourself and Others Through Lo
Healing With Love: The Art and Science of Healing Yourself and Others Through Lo
Leonard Laskow
Healing with Love?presents a highly regarded physician’s practical, step-by-step program that shows how to turn on the power of our whole beings — hands, heart, and higher consciousness — to heal ourselves and others. Here are the extraordinary and learnable techniques that have transformed lives around the world. “Love is truth and beyond sentiment. It is the ultimate healer. Healing with Love offers practical insight into the mechanics of restoration of wholeness. I highly recommended it.” Deepak Chopra, M.D. author of Unconditional Love, Quantum Healing, and Perfect Health. “A new medicine is in the making, a form of healing that emphasizes the power of human consciousness. Because legitimate science stands behind this development, it will not go away but demands our full attention. Dr. Laskow last is a ‘real doctor’ who is one of the architects of this mind-based medicine. In this?book?he describes the healing power of love, unity, and wholeness. An important contribution!" - Larry Dossey, M.D., author of Meaning and Medicine.
A Working Mother’s GPS: A Guide to Parenting Success for the Modern Working Mom
A Working Mother’s GPS: A Guide to Parenting Success for the Modern Working Mom
Atara Malach
If you’ve ever felt road-weary from trying to navigate new and difficult stages of parenting while also steering your career in the right direction, you know the stresses of the modern working mother. Atara Malach’s latest book is the roadmap you’ve been looking for to guide you on your parenting journey. Atara’s time-tested program for regaining control of your home and career are based on the logical approach of leading with authority, trust, and love. Using language you’re already familiar with, Atara’s methods are clearly stated, simple to implement and grounded in practicality and flexibility. The techniques are adaptable for your family’s unique needs and easily transferable to your workplace. In this book, you’ll learn how to: Set your boundaries in an unequivocal way that earns buy-in from your family and your colleagues. Practice and implement techniques for gaining cooperation from your partner, your kids, and your co-workers. Define your success in your own terms, by minimizing frustration, guilt, and resentment. Achieve the work/life balance you’ve been striving for since you first became a working mother.
Let Go: Conquer Your Fear Without Quitting
Let Go: Conquer Your Fear Without Quitting
Torben Rif
Do you feel caught in a negative, looping behavior pattern? Do you ever wonder why the same situation seems to play out in your life with a revolving cast of characters? If you have become a “people pleaser” or fancy yourself a self-styled rebel, perhaps these are the surface level manifestations of something stirring deep within you—a need to let go. Other symptoms of holding on to the past are a constant need for acknowledgment or a fear of showing vulnerability. The common thread that runs through these behaviors and patterns is that the symptoms likely arise from a specific negative experience, which has never been fully processed. Never been let go. You have allowed this experience to take control of your destiny, and it is keeping you from living free and being who you really are. THE TIME HAS COME TO LET GO!
INSPIRED: 7 Wisdoms of a Soul Inspired Life
INSPIRED: 7 Wisdoms of a Soul Inspired Life
Joy Taylor
Are you inspired to do something brave, bold, and brilliant? Have you ever dared to share and put yourself out there? If you don't show up, don't risk, and don't overcome your fears or inner obstacles, the world loses - and so do you. Through vulnerable and honest story-telling Joy Taylor reveals her personal trials and triumphs. She opens readers to the possibility of living ‘in spirit’ in today’s distracted, demanding, and upside down world. Follow this journey of awakening as Joy creatively unpacks 7 Wisdoms to live a soul inspired life. Discover that life happens?for you, not?"to you", and that you truly deserve all the good that is coming your way. Guided by insight and propelled by genuine courage, you can choose to grow into your highest potential. Through the profound guidance shared in this book, you’ll learn to cultivate courage, access intuition, and creatively express your genius. Inspired?introduces game-changing ideas on how to align your personality with your soul, break cycles of fear, and be more happy more often. This is not a book of untested theories, rather it is real-world and relatable, packed with tips, tools, and tactics for experiencing love, nurturing self-compassion, and catalyzing your purpose. You will be guided to ask empowering questions, tap into your inner knowing, and actualize your authentic self in everything you do. With any deep and lasting transformation, you may feel challenged. You may experience a few personal ‘zingers’ as you are confronted with your shadow - the hidden parts that rule you if left unchecked . However, when you engage with this book honestly, and with an open heart, it will gently invite you to trust love and change. As insight reveals itself through each of the 7 Wisdoms, you’ll gain clarity and build confidence. You will engage with others in more conscious and connected ways. You’ll make profound shifts in the way you understand and interpret your world―and the way you live in it. (Yahoo!) Are you ready to discover your most inspired self??Inspired: 7 Wisdoms of a Soul Inspired Life?is about celebrating you! It’s about becoming the best you can be, finding your purpose, and being the person you came here to be―brave, bold, and brilliant!
The Little Book of Light Codes
The Little Book of Light Codes
The Little Book of Light Codes contains a series of 52 symbols which are channeled, healing Codes of Light from the Universe, designed to help human beings along on our unique and individual paths. Through the visual assistance of the symbols, your journey to peace and happiness is brought forth in a unique way. These symbols have been developed and given to us at this time to assist in releasing our pain and suffering, while bringing more Love, abundance, and harmony into our Hearts and lives.? With the assistance of Lady Isis and Jeshua, the symbols in The Little Book of Light Codes offer access to gentle and powerful energies which can inspire healings on all levels of the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual planes. These channeled symbols are designed to repair DNA, and to offer personal upgrades and activations to the reader as is appropriate for them. The reader is invited to work their way through the book, and open to all the potential healings and wisdoms provided by the Light Codes. Simple exercises and meditations are included, to assist you in utilizing the symbols most effectively, while you step further into your Love and Light. Each symbol will resonate with a difficult issue in your life at any given moment. You may find yourself drawn to a particular symbol one day, and feel resistance toward it the next, depending upon what energies, stressors, or triggers you are working with in your life. As you work with the messages, wisdom, and frequencies expressed by each symbol, your process with The Little Book of Light Codes will be as personalized and as healing as you choose. The energy frequency each symbol emits and the information each offers are infinite. Simply by looking at a symbol, you will gain the information your soul is seeking in order to perfect itself and reflect Divine Love.? As you move through this book, you may experience release, change, and even total transformation in your physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual bodies. Just flow with it! Follow your inner guidance and intuition, and trust the unfolding. The time has come to take back your personal power with the strength and Love you hold within your Heart. Humanity is at a crossroads: heal and ascend, or continue walking through darkness. The Little Book of Light Codes is here to help humanity find Light, find Love, and find the joy and freedom that is our birthright. Everyone has the ability to live the life they choose—but it is up to the individual to make the conscious choice to heal that which no longer serves them in creating the abundant life of their dreams. Everything is possible, and The Little Book of Light Codes can provide a method of re-discovering that which is already known, but that has been temporarily forgotten. May these symbols remind you of the innate and infinite Love, Wisdom, and Light that you hold within yourself.
The Whole Method: Leaders: Quiet the Noise, Blaze Your Own Trail and Unleash You
The Whole Method: Leaders: Quiet the Noise, Blaze Your Own Trail and Unleash You
Rhonda Smith
Quiet the Noise, Blaze Your Own Trail, and Expand Into Your True Potential What you are seeking has been waiting patiently for you to find it. Satisfaction and fulfillment are not destinations on a map, they can only be found by going within. The Whole Method guides you back into the deepest recesses of your self, lighting the way to remembering who you really are and unlocking your infinite potential. Becoming whole means diverging from the pathways others have tread before you, reconnecting with your internal compass, and blazing your own uniquely magnificent trail. Gorging yourself on information and filling your mind with the recommendations of others does not actually give you new insights or answers. Instead, quiet the external noise and listen to the wisdom of your soul. Softly speaking words of truth into your life, the wisdom of your soul will guide you home. The Whole Method shows you, the leader, how to tap the bottomless well of your inner wisdom and unleash a torrent of inspiration, so that you can ripple your mission throughout the world. As the floodgates open and your spirit comes alive, marvel in the magic of realizing your full potential and supporting others in realizing theirs.
Complete Horoscope SAGITTARIUS 2020: Astrological forecasts for 2020
Complete Horoscope SAGITTARIUS 2020: Astrological forecasts for 2020
Tatiana Borsch
In the Complete Horoscope: SAGITTARIUS 2020, leading astrologer Tatiana Borsch shares with you her forecasts on major everyday issues; career and business, finances, family and romantic relationships and health. In her look ahead to 2020 for Sagittarius, Borsch includes a general annual forecast for Leo and a detailed monthly forecast that helps you to recognize auspicious occasions, to seize good luck, to avoid trouble and resolve conflicts, to organize personal affairs and to achieve professional success. Also included is a Zodiac compatibility guide to help you with relationships that are happy and not so happy. This Complete Horoscope: SAGITTARIUS 2020 features guidance from the astrologer and gives you an insight into what lies in store for you in the turbulent year of the metal rat. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Tatiana Borsch is a well-known Russian astrologer and the author of twenty-eight astrological almanacs and horoscopes. She has prepared a general forecast for each sign of the Zodiac every year since1992. She currently lives and works in Moscow where she writes astrological columns for popular Russian publications and is the founder and director of the AstraArt television company.