

每满80减40 Around the World in Eighty Days八十天环游地球(IV)英文版
Around the World in Eighty Days八十天环游地球(IV)英文版
Jules Verne
Jules Verne's novel colorfully recaptures the spirit of its time, when readers were fascinated by new technologies and eager to discover faraway places. Phileas Fogg wagers half his fortune on the astounding proposition that he can travel all the way around the world in just 80 days. With his faithful French servant, Passepartout, Phileas Fogg embarks on the adventure of a lifetime, travelling across four continents by whatever means he can - train, elephant, steam ship - and experiencing endless surprises and mishaps along the way. This travelogue sweeps through many exotic settings, including the jungles of India, where Fogg and Passepartout rescue a rajah's widow, and across the Pacific to the American frontier, where they brave a bison stampede and an attack by Sioux Indians.
每满80减40 Crime and Punishment 罪与罚(II)英文版
Crime and Punishment 罪与罚(II)英文版
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
A poor student, kills a pawnbroker and her sister, and then has to face up to the moral consequences of his actions. The novel is compelling and rewarding, full of meaning and symbolism, and raises profound questions about the individual and society, and the nature of free will.murders a man only to face the consequences not only from society but from his conscience, in this seminal story of justice, morality, and redemption from one of Russia's greatest novelists.So begins one of the greatest novels ever written.The novel is compelling and rewarding, full of meaning and symbolism, and raises profound questions about the individual and society, and the nature of free will.
每满80减40 The Three Musketeers  三个火枪手(III )(英文版)
The Three Musketeers 三个火枪手(III )(英文版)
Alexandre Dumas
Dumas' classic story, first serialized in 1844, has enthralled readers with its fast-paced plot, endearing characters, and romantic ideals, immortalized by the motto "one for all, all for one." A timeless tale of adventure, romance, intrigue, and revenge, "The Three Musketeers" is the captivating story .A historical romance, this novel tells of the adventures of the hot-headed young Gascon, d'Artagnan and his three companions Athos, Porthos and Aramis as they gallantly defend the Queen of France, using their wit and their swords. They must foil the nefarious plotting of Cardinal Richelieu against the King and Queen, despite his appearance as an ally. D'Artagnan and the three Musketeers must also overcome the villainous machinations of Milady de Winter, whose lethal criminality threatens those in political power and the love of d'Artgnan for Constance Bonacieux. "
每满80减40 Around the World in Eighty Days八十天环游地球(II)英文版
Around the World in Eighty Days八十天环游地球(II)英文版
Jules Verne
Jules Verne's novel colorfully recaptures the spirit of its time, when readers were fascinated by new technologies and eager to discover faraway places. Phileas Fogg wagers half his fortune on the astounding proposition that he can travel all the way around the world in just 80 days. With his faithful French servant, Passepartout, Phileas Fogg embarks on the adventure of a lifetime, travelling across four continents by whatever means he can - train, elephant, steam ship - and experiencing endless surprises and mishaps along the way. To add to the drama, a Scotland Yard detective, convinced that Fogg is a criminal evading justice, has vowed to stop them in their tracks. This travelogue sweeps through many exotic settings, including the jungles of India, where Fogg and Passepartout rescue a rajah's widow, and across the Pacific to the American frontier, where they brave a bison stampede and an attack by Sioux Indians. Generations have thrilled to this action-packed story, which continues to capture the imagination of young readers.
每满80减40 War and Peace(战争与和平)(IV)英文版
War and Peace(战争与和平)(IV)英文版
Leo Tolstoy
War and Peace is considered one of the world’s greatest works of fiction. It is regarded, along with Anna Karenina, as Tolstoy’s finest literary achievement. It is a vast epic centred on Napoleon's war with Russia. Tolstoy’s genius is seen clearly in the multitude of characters in this massive chronicle—all of them fully realized and equally memorable.While it expresses Tolstoy's view that history is an inexorable process which man cannot influence, he peoples his great novel with a cast of over five hundred characters. Out of this complex narrative emerges a profound examination of the individual’s place in the historical process, one that makes it clear why Thomas Mann praised Tolstoy for his Homeric powers and placed War and Peace in the same category as the Iliad: “To read him . . . is to find one’ s way home . . . to everything within us that is fundamental and sane.” Epic in scale, War and Peace delineates in graphic detail events leading up to Napoleon’s invasion of Russia, and the impact of the Napoleonic era on Tsarist society, as seen through the eyes of five Russian aristocratic families.
每满80减40 Around the World in Eighty Days八十天环游地球(III)英文版
Around the World in Eighty Days八十天环游地球(III)英文版
Jules Verne
Jules Verne's novel colorfully recaptures the spirit of its time, when readers were fascinated by new technologies and eager to discover faraway places. Phileas Fogg wagers half his fortune on the astounding proposition that he can travel all the way around the world in just 80 days. With his faithful French servant, Passepartout, Phileas Fogg embarks on the adventure of a lifetime, travelling across four continents by whatever means he can - train, elephant, steam ship - and experiencing endless surprises and mishaps along the way. This travelogue sweeps through many exotic settings, including the jungles of India, where Fogg and Passepartout rescue a rajah's widow, and across the Pacific to the American frontier, where they brave a bison stampede and an attack by Sioux Indians. Generations have thrilled to this action-packed story, which continues to capture the imagination of young readers.
每满80减40 War and Peace(战争与和平)(II)英文版
War and Peace(战争与和平)(II)英文版
Leo Tolstoy
Often called the greatest novel ever written, War and Peace is at once an epic of the Napoleonic Wars, a philosophical study, and a celebration of the Russian spirit. Tolstoy’s genius is seen clearly in the multitude of characters in this massive chronicle—all of them fully realized and equally memorable.While it expresses Tolstoy's view that history is an inexorable process which man cannot influence, he peoples his great novel with a cast of over five hundred characters. Out of this complex narrative emerges a profound examination of the individual’s place in the historical process, one that makes it clear why Thomas Mann praised Tolstoy for his Homeric powers and placed War and Peace in the same category as the Iliad: “To read him . . . is to find one’ s way home . . . to everything within us that is fundamental and sane.” Epic in scale, War and Peace delineates in graphic detail events leading up to Napoleon’s invasion of Russia, and the impact of the Napoleonic era on Tsarist society, as seen through the eyes of five Russian aristocratic families.
每满80减40 The Three Musketeers  三个火枪手(I)(英文版)
The Three Musketeers 三个火枪手(I)(英文版)
Alexandre Dumas
A timeless tale of adventure, romance, intrigue, and revenge, "The Three Musketeers"is the captivating story .A historical romance, this novel tells of the adventures of the hot-headed young Gascon, d'Artagnan and his three companions Athos, Porthos and Aramis as they gallantly defend the Queen of France, using their wit and their swords. They must foil the nefarious plotting of Cardinal Richelieu against the King and Queen, despite his appearance as an ally. D'Artagnan and the three Musketeers must also overcome the villainous machinations of Milady de Winter, whose lethal criminality threatens those in political power and the love of d'Artgnan for Constance Bonacieux. Dumas' classic story, first serialized in 1844, has enthralled readers with its fast-paced plot, endearing characters, and romantic ideals, immortalized by the motto" one for all, all for one."
每满80减40 快乐王子:THE HAPPY PRINCE(英文版)
      《快乐王子》是英国作家奥斯卡·王尔德创作的童话集,王尔德采用童话的体裁形式,以童话为“面具”,对现实社会的丑恶与冷酷行揭露和抨。这是其童话*主要的特,也是其童话的重要价值。 《快乐王子》语言清新优美,诗意浓郁,是世界童话中的上乘之作。王尔德早期创作的《快乐王子故事集》和《石榴之家》已载英国儿童文学史册。《快乐王子》涵盖了两本童话集的所有内容:《快乐王子》,《夜莺与玫瑰》,《自私的巨人》,《忠实的朋友》,《了不起的火箭》等9篇经典童话。    The Happy Prince and Other Tales is a collection of stories for children by Oscar Wilde first published in May 1888. It contains nine stories: “Happy Prince”, “ Nightingale and the Rose”, “Selfish Giant”, “ Devoted Friend”, and “Remarkable Rocket”, e    In a town where a lot of poor people suffer and where there are a lot of miseries, a swallow who was left behind after his flock flew off to Egypt for the winter, meets the statue of the late “Happy Prince,” who in reality has never experienced true sorrow, for he lived in a palace where sorrow was not allowed to enter. Viewing various scenes of people suffering in poverty from his tall monument, the Happy Prince asks the swallow to take the ruby from his hilt, the sapphires from his eyes, and the golden leaf covering his body to give to the poor. As the winter comes and the Happy Prince is stripped of all of his beauty, his lead heart breaks when the swallow dies as a result of his selfless deeds and severe cold. The statue is then brought down from the pillar and melted in a furnace leaving behind the broken heart and the dead swallow, and they are thrown in a dust heap. These are taken up to heaven by an angel that has deemed them the two most precious things in the city...
      《月亮和六便士》是英国小说家威廉· 萨默赛特·毛姆的创作的长篇小说,作品以法国印象派画家保罗·高更的生平为素材,描述了一个原本平凡的伦敦证券经纪人思特里克兰德,不惑之年,本来事业有成,家庭和睦,子女双全,但是为了追求自己内心的绘画梦想,抛妻弃子,离家跑到巴黎始画画。*后去到了一座孤岛—塔希提岛,找到了自己的“归宿”,并创作了许许多多的惊世杰作,完成了自己对“月亮”的追逐。    The Moon and Sixpence is a novel by W. Somerset Maugham first published in 1919. It is told in episodic form by a first-person narrator, in a series of glimpses into the mind and soul of the central character Charles Strickland, a middle-aged English stockbroker, who abandons his wife and children abruptly to pursue his desire to become an artist. The story is in part based on the life of the painter Paul Gauguin, who was a French post-Impressionist artist and now is recognized for his experimental use of color and Synthetist style that were distinctly different from Impressionism.    “Life isn't long enough for love and art.”    “She loved three things — a joke, a glass of wine, and a handsome man.”    “As lovers, the difference between men and women is that women can love all day long, but men only at times.”    “There is no cruelty greater than a woman's to a man who loves her and whom she does not love; she has no kindness then, no tolerance even, she has only an insane irritation.”
每满80减40 任正非的竞争智慧
每个著名企业家都有其独步天下的“秘技”,也是闪光的一点。华为的核心优势即竞争力超群。华为在国内和国外都与众多国际巨头贴身肉搏,终成为世界的通信设备供应商之一。在瞬息万变的通信行业,在多年的“血拼”中,任正非如何让华为保持超群的竞争力? 本书分析了任正非在华为企业运营管理、组织建设、文化培养上的诸多举措和言论,全面解读任正非给华为注入强心剂,打造“凶悍”华为的方方面面。他是如何保持企业内的“加班文化”?如何通过“不断打乱”来保持企业的旺盛创新能力?又是如何“强行”引入规范流程,奠定华为严格而规范的创新进程?这些独特的竞争智慧,值得所有企业管理者学习。
每满80减40 留园西方经典文化阅读:西方哲学史(英文版)
每满80减40 人鼠之间(英文原版)
约翰·斯坦贝克著的《人鼠之间(精)》讲述了20世纪30年代美国经济大萧条时期,两个一贫如洗,却又相依为命的美国流动农业工人佐治和李奈从怀揣梦想——追逐梦想——接近梦想——梦想破灭的悲惨故事。 故事主人公莱尼是个大个子,像一头熊似的。虽属人类,可动物般的举止让人觉得他是个四肢发达,头脑简单的白痴。在向经理介绍莱尼时,乔治夸他是顶呱呱的雇工,像公牛一样结实。在农场上拥有至高 的头把手马车工——施琳也对莱尼的力大无比表示认可,说从来没见过这么壮的汉子。逻辑上讲,在农场这样一个靠力气吃饭的工作环境里,莱尼拥有着无可比拟的先天优势。凭他的一身力气,加上乔治的精明能干,挣够用来购买理想中的那小块地的六百块钱应该只是时间问题。 莱尼一身蛮力带给他和乔治的是接二连三的麻烦:一只小老鼠被他抚摸时,遭捏死;施琳送给他的小狗,被他过度用力爱抚致死。两次小动物的死亡并没有让莱尼反省和意识到他自己力大无比带给他的潜在威胁;第三次麻烦是莱尼出于自卫捏碎了农场主儿子顾利的手;莱尼 后一次闯祸是他拨弄农场主儿媳的头发,那柔软的长发,使他兴奋不已。莱尼的反应使农场主的儿媳害怕了,他笨拙地想阻止农场主儿媳的高声尖叫。莱尼使劲摇晃她,结果农场主儿媳的颈骨被摇断了。当巨人的力量和痴人的智慧聚首在一副躯体中时,也就是莱尼悲剧的开始。农场主的儿子扬言要对莱尼处以残酷的私刑,乔治为使莱尼免遭私刑的折磨,只得开 打死了莱尼。 故事揭示了在贫富分化、金钱至上的美国,劳动者的孤独是永恒的,劳动者之间的友谊是真挚的,而劳动者对幸福的期盼只能是一枕黄粱。
每满80减40 心是孤独的猎手(英文原版)
每满80减40 愤怒的葡萄(英文原版)
每满80减40 罐头厂街(英文原版)
It all begins with a letter. Fall in love with Penguin Drop Caps, a new series of twenty-six collectible and hardcover editions, each with a type cover showcasing a gorgeously illustrated letter of the alphabet. In a design collaboration between Jessica Hische and Penguin Art Director Paul Buckley, the series features unique cover art by Hische, a superstar in the world of type design and illustration, whose work has appeared everywhere from Tiffany & Co. to Wes Anderson's recent film Moonrise Kingdom to Penguin's own bestsellers Committed and Rules of Civility. With exclusive designs that have never before appeared on Hische's hugely popular Daily Drop Cap blog, the Penguin Drop Caps series debuted with an 'A' for Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, a 'B' for Charlotte Br?nte's Jane Eyre, and a 'C' for Willa Cather's My ántonia. It continues with more perennial classics, perfect to give as elegant gifts or to showcase on your own shelves. S is for Steinbeck. Unburdened by the material necessities of the more fortunate, the denizens of Cannery Row discover rewards unknown in more traditional society. Henry the painter sorts through junk lots for pieces of wood to incorporate into the boat he is building, while the girls from Dora Flood’s bordello venture out now and then to enjoy a bit of sunshine. Lee Chong stocks his grocery with almost anything a man could want, and Doc, a young marine biologist who ministers to sick puppies and unhappy souls, unexpectedly finds true love. Cannery Row is just a few blocks long, but the story it harbors is suffused with warmth, understanding, and a great fund of human values. First published in 1945, and drawn from Steinbeck's memories of real inhabitants of Monterey, California, Cannery Row focuses on the acceptance of life as it is—both the loneliness of the individual and the exuberance of community.
每满80减40 美语口语全攻略
每满80减40 经典英文枕边书:每天读点英文笑话
每满80减40 经典英文枕边书:每天读点英语俚语
每满80减40 商务语言学
本书是"当代商务英语学科建设系列"之一,主要探讨商务语言学的基本概念,商 务语言学的产生背景和理据,商务语言学的内涵和定位,商务语言学的研究对象,研究 内容,研究方法以及商务语言学的发展历程,商务语言学与相关学科之间的关系,商务 语言学的学科分支和研究视角等内容,旨在让读者对商务语言学有基本的了解,掌握 一定的商务语言学学科知识.