

每满80减40 百年哈佛经典第10卷:国富论(英文原版)
《国富论》 被誉为“部系统的伟大的经济学著作”。《国富论》的内容极为丰富,包括的不仅是政治经济学、而且囊括了经济史、经济学说史和财政学。在该书里,斯密缔造了古典政治经济学的理论体系,概括了古典经济学在它的形成阶段的理论成就,先系统地阐述了政治经济学的各个主要学说,对它的形成和发展起了极其重要的作用。以后的经济学家和经济政策的决策者,都不能跳过亚当?斯密这座高山。  
每满80减40 百年哈佛经典第4卷:约翰·米尔顿英文诗全集(英文原版)
每满80减40 百年哈佛经典第46卷:伊利莎白时期戏剧(卷I)(英文原版)
The Success of Cervantes's masterpiece,Don Quixote,was great and immediate,and its reputation soon spread beyond Spain,The Present volume contains the whole of the first part of the novel,which is complete in istelf,The importance of this great of novel is not merely,or mainly,that it put an end to the extravagant and outworn form of fiction,Loose in structure and uneven in workmanship,it remains unsurpassed as a masterpiece of droll humor,a picutue of Spanish life,as well as a gallery of immortal portraits.It is true of the life of the country of all great art,the successful combination of the partiular and the universal,It is true of the country and age of its production,and general human nature everywhere and always.compared with other the fiction of the Middle Ages,it is a triumphant satire,and compared with modern novels,it is the first and the most widely enjoned,As pertinent today as when it was first written,Don Quizote ranks among the great works of all time.
每满80减40 百年哈佛经典第50卷:哈佛经典讲座(英文原版)
The Success of Cervantes's masterpiece,Don Quixote,was great and immediate,and its reputation soon spread beyond Spain,The Present volume contains the whole of the first part of the novel,which is complete in istelf,The importance of this great of novel is not merely,or mainly,that it put an end to the extravagant and outworn form of fiction,Loose in structure and uneven in workmanship,it remains unsurpassed as a masterpiece of droll humor,a picutue of Spanish life,as well as a gallery of immortal portraits.It is true of the life of the country of all great art,the successful combination of the partiular and the universal,It is true of the country and age of its production,and general human nature everywhere and always.compared with other the fiction of the Middle Ages,it is a triumphant satire,and compared with modern novels,it is the first and the most widely enjoned,As pertinent today as when it was first written,Don Quizote ranks among the great works of all time.
每满80减40 百年哈佛经典第5卷:爱默生文集(英文原版)
每满80减40 百年哈佛经典第42卷:英文诗集(卷III):从丁尼生到惠特曼(英文原版)
The Success of Cervantes's masterpiece,Don Quixote,was great and immediate,and its reputation soon spread beyond Spain,The Present volume contains the whole of the first part of the novel,which is complete in istelf,The importance of this great of novel is not merely,or mainly,that it put an end to the extravagant and outworn form of fiction,Loose in structure and uneven in workmanship,it remains unsurpassed as a masterpiece of droll humor,a picutue of Spanish life,as well as a gallery of immortal portraits.It is true of the life of the country of all great art,the successful combination of the partiular and the universal,It is true of the country and age of its production,and general human nature everywhere and always.compared with other the fiction of the Middle Ages,it is a triumphant satire,and compared with modern novels,it is the first and the most widely enjoned,As pertinent today as when it was first written,Don Quizote ranks among the great works of all time.
每满80减40 百年哈佛经典第1卷:富兰克林自传(英文原版)
每满80减40 百年哈佛经典第8卷:希腊戏剧(英文原版)
每满80减40 百年哈佛经典第32卷:文学和哲学名家随笔(英文原版)
本卷收录了十九世纪以前,法国、德国、意大利*影响力的文学家以及哲学家的随笔作品。包括:   ★《蒙田随笔》   被誉为欧洲近代哲理散文三大经典之一,充满了作者对人类感情的冷静观察。   ★《圣伯夫随笔》   包括两篇文学评论文章:《蒙田》和《什么是经典》。   ★欧内斯特·勒内的《凯尔特民族的诗歌》   凯尔特民族拥有灿烂悠久的历史与文明,用盖尔语书写的爱尔兰文学是欧洲古老的地方语言文学。但由于复杂的历史原因,凯尔特民族消失了。勒内的这部作品是研究凯尔特民族的关键钥匙。   ★《人类的教育》   莱辛通过对历史上重要的启示与历史问题的研究,重新思考人类的神圣教育计划,从根本上通过历史性的理解来沟通启示与理性。   ★《审美教育书简》   集中阐释了席勒的思辨美学思想,是人类文明*重要的美学著作之一。   ★《道德形而上学的基本原则》   康德的重要哲学作品,奠定了现代哲学理论的根基。
每满80减40 百年哈佛经典第7卷:圣奥古斯丁忏悔录(英文原版)
每满80减40 百年哈佛经典第43卷:美国历史文件:1000-1904(英文原版)
The Success of Cervantes's masterpiece,Don Quixote,was great and immediate,and its reputation soon spread beyond Spain,The Present volume contains the whole of the first part of the novel,which is complete in istelf,The importance of this great of novel is not merely,or mainly,that it put an end to the extravagant and outworn form of fiction,Loose in structure and uneven in workmanship,it remains unsurpassed as a masterpiece of droll humor,a picutue of Spanish life,as well as a gallery of immortal portraits.It is true of the life of the country of all great art,the successful combination of the partiular and the universal,It is true of the country and age of its production,and general human nature everywhere and always.compared with other the fiction of the Middle Ages,it is a triumphant satire,and compared with modern novels,it is the first and the most widely enjoned,As pertinent today as when it was first written,Don Quizote ranks among the great works of all time.
每满80减40 百年哈佛经典第33卷:古代和现代著名航海与旅行记(英文原版)
《埃及记》希腊史学史上部堪称为历史的著作,为西方历史编纂学“开辟了一个新时代”。 《德国记》现存的有关古代日耳曼人的社会组织、经济生活、风俗习惯以及宗教信仰的早的、也是详细和完备的记载文献。 《法兰西斯·德瑞克爵士的复起》记录了德瑞克爵士在1572年组织的一次探险航行,这次航海使德瑞克成为英国的英雄,受到了女王的表彰。 《法兰西斯·德瑞克爵士的著名环球旅行》记录了德瑞克爵士的第三次探险航行,这次航行是继麦哲伦之后的第二次环球航行。 《德瑞克的伟大舰队》记录了1585年德瑞克爵士在西印度群岛的探海航行。 《汉弗莱·吉尔伯特爵士的纽芬兰之行》记录了汉弗莱·吉尔伯特爵士在1583年的远航,这次远航使纽芬兰成为了英国的殖民地。《发现圭亚那》记录了罗利在南美洲的探险。
每满80减40 百年哈佛经典第30卷:科学论文集物理学、化学、天文学、地质学(英文原版)
《科学论文集:物理学、化学、天文学、地质学》 收录了法拉第、赫姆霍兹、汤姆森、纽科姆、盖基的代表作品。 涵盖了十九世纪以前,物理学、化学、天文学、地质学方面巨影响力的论文作品。
每满80减40 百年哈佛经典第41卷:英文诗集(卷II):从科林斯到费兹杰拉德(英文原版)
The Success of Cervantes's masterpiece,Don Quixote,was great and immediate,and its reputation soon spread beyond Spain,The Present volume contains the whole of the first part of the novel,which is complete in istelf,The importance of this great of novel is not merely,or mainly,that it put an end to the extravagant and outworn form of fiction,Loose in structure and uneven in workmanship,it remains unsurpassed as a masterpiece of droll humor,a picutue of Spanish life,as well as a gallery of immortal portraits.It is true of the life of the country of all great art,the successful combination of the partiular and the universal,It is true of the country and age of its production,and general human nature everywhere and always.compared with other the fiction of the Middle Ages,it is a triumphant satire,and compared with modern novels,it is the first and the most widely enjoned,As pertinent today as when it was first written,Don Quizote ranks among the great works of all time.
每满80减40 百年哈佛经典第2卷:柏拉图对话录:辩解篇、菲多篇、克利多篇(英文原版)
(希腊)柏拉图,(希腊) 爱比克泰德,(罗马) 马库思·奥勒留
每满80减40 百年哈佛经典第6卷:伯恩斯诗歌集(英文原版)
每满80减40 百年哈佛经典第47卷:伊利莎白时期戏剧(卷II)(英文原版)
The Success of Cervantes's masterpiece,Don Quixote,was great and immediate,and its reputation soon spread beyond Spain,The Present volume contains the whole of the first part of the novel,which is complete in istelf,The importance of this great of novel is not merely,or mainly,that it put an end to the extravagant and outworn form of fiction,Loose in structure and uneven in workmanship,it remains unsurpassed as a masterpiece of droll humor,a picutue of Spanish life,as well as a gallery of immortal portraits.It is true of the life of the country of all great art,the successful combination of the partiular and the universal,It is true of the country and age of its production,and general human nature everywhere and always.compared with other the fiction of the Middle Ages,it is a triumphant satire,and compared with modern novels,it is the first and the most widely enjoned,As pertinent today as when it was first written,Don Quizote ranks among the great works of all time.
每满80减40 百年哈佛经典第48卷:帕斯卡文集(英文原版)
The Success of Cervantes's masterpiece,Don Quixote,was great and immediate,and its reputation soon spread beyond Spain,The Present volume contains the whole of the first part of the novel,which is complete in istelf,The importance of this great of novel is not merely,or mainly,that it put an end to the extravagant and outworn form of fiction,Loose in structure and uneven in workmanship,it remains unsurpassed as a masterpiece of droll humor,a picutue of Spanish life,as well as a gallery of immortal portraits.It is true of the life of the country of all great art,the successful combination of the partiular and the universal,It is true of the country and age of its production,and general human nature everywhere and always.compared with other the fiction of the Middle Ages,it is a triumphant satire,and compared with modern novels,it is the first and the most widely enjoned,As pertinent today as when it was first written,Don Quizote ranks among the great works of all time.
Unnatural Creatures
Unnatural Creatures
Gaiman, Neil
Unnatural Creatures is a collection of short stories about the fantastical things that exist only in our minds collected and introduced by beloved New York Times bestselling author Neil Gaiman. ? The sixteen stories gathered by Gaiman, winner of the Hugo and Nebula Awards, range from the whimsical to the terrifying. The magical creatures range from werewolves to sunbirds to beings never before classified. E. Nesbit, Diana Wynne Jones, Gahan Wilson, and other literary luminaries contribute to the anthology. ? Sales of Unnatural Creatures benefit 826DC, a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting students in their creative and expository writing, and to helping teachers inspire their students to write.
《小木屋全集 : THE COMPLETE COLLECTION OF THE LITTLE HOUSE (英文原版)(上下册)》一书内容生动活泼,文字朴实流畅。作者在描述生活方式、劳动过程时,具体而精确;在抒情写景时,却又细腻深刻。读者从《小木屋全集》可以学到涉及生活各方面的用语和地道的表达方式,从而提高自己的英语水平。同时,又可以从这套《小木屋全集》丛书中学到一些美国的历史和地理知识,了解美国人民在早期开荒移民时期与自然界的暴风雨、蝗虫、野兽等作斗争的情形;了解到他们砍伐森林、开垦土地、种植作物、畜养牛羊、建造自己家园的艰苦劳动;以及拓荒者日常家庭生活、文娱活动、节日团聚的欢乐情景。 本版《小木屋全集》分上下册,为英文原版,涵盖小木屋系列9册全部内容,以国际流行小32开本出版,这套《小木屋全集》丛书适合初高中或大学低年级学生作为课外泛读材料,对于英语爱好者同样适用。同时提供配套英文朗读免费下载(下载地址见图书封底),让读者在阅读的同时,亦能提升英文阅读水平。
每满80减40 This Is America:美国(英语国家文化与生活2)(出囯留学英文版)
This Is America:美国(英语国家文化与生活2)(出囯留学英文版)
《英语国家文化与生活》系列图书由以英语为母语的作者,为中国学生和英语学习者专门编写,尤其是将来准备出国留学的学生。 《英语国家文化与生活:美国》以美国这一英语国家的历史和文化为背景,对该国的人文地理、旅游、经济、文化、教育及日常生活做了详细介绍,通过这本《英语国家文化与生活:美国》,你将对美国有全新的认识。针对ESL学习者的特点和英语水平, 《英语国家文化与生活:美国》以全英文方式出版, 是国内英语学习者很好的阅读素材,每一章节后都有对本章节重难点单词的注释与习题,在阅读的同时提升阅读水平。对准备出国留学的学生备考英语水平考试也大有帮助。 This series of books allows readers to strengthen their vocabulary while learning important information about the history and culture of different English speaking countries. In This Is America, you will learn about the people and history of the United States. This book will help you get to know the real America, known as the land of opportunity and freedom. The book features road trip suggestions that take you through the geography of the United States and introduces you to important monuments and cities. This book will also give you insider knowledge about American culture. This is the perfect book for students who are interested in completing a work or study term in the United States. It is also ideal for travellers who are considering America as a destination. The book comes complete with practice questions to test your new knowledge and vocabulary lists for review, so you can sharpen your English language skills while reading. Enjoy this book and the others in this essential series!