

Virals - Kincsvadászok
Virals - Kincsvadászok
Kathy Reichs
The Scarlet Letter, published in 1850, is an American novel written by Nathaniel Hawthorne and is generally considered to be his magnum opus. Set in 17th-century Puritan Boston, it tells the story of Hester Prynne, who gives birth after committing adultery, refuses to name the father, and struggles to create a new life of repentance and dignity. Throughout the novel, Hawthorne explores questions of grace, legalism, sin and guilt.
The Daughter of Brahma
The Daughter of Brahma
Ida Alexa Ross Wylie
A t?kéletes házasság? Vagy a t?kéletes hazugság? A pszichilógiai thriller, amiért mindenki meg?rül Mindenki ismer olyan párokat, mint Jack és Grace. Jack jókép? és gazdag, Grace bájos és elegáns. Kedveljük ?ket, még ha nem is áll szándékunkban. ?s szeretnénk Grace-t jobban is megismerni. Csakhogy ez nem is olyan egyszer?, ugyanis Jack és Grace elválaszthatatlanok. Van, aki ezt igaz szerelemnek nevezné. Mások talán feltennék a kérdést, hogy Grace miért nem veszi fel soha a telefont. Vagy miért nem lehet vele beülni valahova egy kávéra, jóllehet nem dolgozik. ?s hogy marad olyan sovány, noha rafinált fogások sorát f?zi? ?s vajon miért van rács az egyik hálószoba ablakon? ?Briliáns, dermeszt?, félelmetes és letehetetlen." Lesley Pearse
Az ?z
Az ?z
Szabó Magda
n már elz életemben sem hittem a reinkarnációban, de ennek ellenére azt kívánom, trténeteim olvasása által sikerüljn újjászületned azokban a kapcsolatokban, melyeken változtatni szeretnél, de nem mersz, vagy úgy érzed, nem tudsz lépni igazán. Legyen az párkapcsolati kuszaság, gyermeke(i)ddel való rendezetlenség, akár lelki, akár testi eredet bonyodalom nmagaddal, azaz: nem bírok a tükrbe nézni” szindróma. Természetesen annak is rülk, ha egyszeren csak szerzek néhány gondtalan percet. Ezeket a sztorikat a fantázia diktálta nekem; ha valamelyikben ráismersz valakire, ne hagyd magad megtéveszteni, az csakis és kizárólag a véletlen mve lehet.
The Picture of Dorian Gray
The Picture of Dorian Gray
Oscar Wilde
"?nsan ancak evcille?tirirse anlar," dedi tilki."?nsanlar?n art?k anlamaya zamanlar? yok. Dükk?nlardan her istediklerini sat?n al?yorlar. Ama dostluk sat?lan bir dükk?n olmad??? i?in dostlar? yok art?k. E?er dost istiyorsan beni evcille?tir.""Seni evcille?tirmek i?in ne yapmal?y?m?" diye sordu kü?ük prens."?ok sab?rl? olmal?s?n," dedi tilki. "?nce kar??ma, ??yle uza?a ?imenlerin üstüne oturacaks?n.G?zümün ucuyla sana bakaca??m, ama bir ?ey s?ylemeyeceksin. S?zler yanl?? anlamalar?n kayna??d?r. Her gün biraz daha yak?n?ma oturacaks?n..."Ertesi gün kü?ük prens yine geldi."Ayn? saatte gelmen daha iyi olur," dedi tilki. "?rne?in sen ??leden sonra d?rtte geleceksen, ben saat ü?te mutlu olmaya ba?lar?m. Mutlulu?um her dakika artar. Saat d?rtte art?k sevin?ten ve meraktan deli gibi olurum. Ne kadar mutlu oldu?umu g?rmü? olursun. Ama herhangi bir zamanda gelirsen yüre?im saat ka?ta senin i?in ?arpaca??n? bilemez. ?nsan?n belli al??kanl?klar? olmal?..." Tilkinin yan?na d?ndü sonra. "Ho??a kal," dedi. "Ho??a kal," dedi tilki. "??te sana bir s?r, ?ok basit bir ?ey: ?nsan yaln?z yüre?iyle do?ruyu g?rebilir. As?l g?rülmesi gerekeni g?zler g?remez." "As?l g?rülmesi gerekeni g?zler g?remez," diye yineledi kü?ük prens; unutmamal?yd? bunu. "Gülünü senin i?in ?nemli k?lan, onun i?in harcam?? oldu?un zamand?r." "Onun i?in harcam?? oldu?um zaman..." diye yineledi kü?ük prens. Unutmamal?yd? bunu. "?nsanlar unuttular bunu," dedi tilki. "Ama sen unutmamal?s?n. Evcille?tirdi?imiz ?eyden sorumlu oluruz. Sen gülünden sorumlusun..." "Ben gülümden sorumluyum," diye yineledi kü?ük prens. Bunu da unutmamal?yd?. ? Antoine Saint Exupéry (29 Haziran 1900 - 31 Temmuz 1944), Frans?z pilot, yazar ve ?airdir. ?zellikle "Kü?ük Prens" (Le Petit Prince) isimli eseriyle ünlenmi?tir. Fransa'n?n Lyon ?ehrinde do?du. Be? karde?in ü?üncüsüydü. Aristokrat bir aileye mensup olan Exupéry d?rt ya??ndayken babas?n? kaybetti. Babas?n?n ard?ndan aile h?zla yoksulla?t?. Anneleri kültürlü bir kad?nd?. ?lk ??retmenleri anneleri oldu. Exupéry okulda ba?ar?l? de?ildi. ?devlerle aras? yoktu, sürekli ceza al?yordu. U?aklarla 12 ya??nda tan??t?. Evlerinin yan?ndaki hava alan?na gizlice girer u?aklar? yak?ndan seyrederdi. 12 ya??ndayken bir pilot onu u?a??na ald? ve u?urdu. Karde?i Fran?ois'in ?lümü onu ve ailesini ?ok sarst?. Liseyi bitirdikten sonra pilot olmay? ?ok istedi?i halde annesini k?rmamak i?in denizcilik okuluna kaydoldu. 19 ya??nda Ecole des Beaux-Arts'ta mimarl?k fakültesine girdi. 21 ya??nda orduya ?a?r?ld?. E?itimini yar?da b?rak?p askere gitti. Askerlik g?revini Frans?z Hava Kuvvetlerinde teknisyen olarak yapt?. Strasbourg ?ehrinde pilotluk e?itimi ald?. Askerli?in ard?ndan ailesinin iste?i üzerine Paris'te bir ofiste kamyon sat?c?s? olarak ?al??maya ba?lad?. Ticaret ya?ant?s?nda ba?ar?s?z oldu. ? Kü?ük Prens Kü?ük Prens?(Frans?zca??zgün ad?:?Le Petit Prince), Frans?z yazar ve pilot?Antoine de Saint-Exupéry?taraf?ndan yaz?lan ve 1943'te yay?mlanan hik?ye. Dünyan?n en ?ok satan ve okunan kitaplar?ndan biridir.?Eserde bir ?ocu?un g?zünden büyüklerin dünyas? anlat?l?r.?Sahra ??lü'ne dü?en pilotun Kü?ük Prens'le kar??la?mas? ile ba?layan kitap yirmi yedi b?lümden olu?ur. ?zellikle Kü?ük Prens'in yurdundan ayr?l?p alt? ayr? gezegene yapt??? gezileri anlatan b?lümlerde baz? tipik yeti?kin ya?am bi?imlerinin ele?tirisi yap?l?r. Kral?n gezegeni otorite tutkusunu, sanat??n?n gezegeni, kendini be?enmi?li?i ve sanat??n?n toplumla yitirmi? oldu?u ileti?imsizli?i, sarho?un gezegeni, umutsuzluk ve buna dayanan unutma iste?ini, i?adam?n?n ya?ad??? gezegen, ama?s?z sahip olma tutkusunu, fenercinin gezegeni anlams?z ve sorgulamaks?z?n yerine getirilen g?rev duygusunu, co?rafyac?n?n ya?ad??? gezegen ise bilimi kimin i?in yapt???n? unutan bilim adam?n? ve bilim anlay???n? sembolize eder.?Son gezegen ise dünyad?r ve dünya insanlar?n kendi de?erlerinden daha ?ok giysileriyle anlam ve de?er kazand?klar?, bi?imin ?zden daha fazla ?nemli oldu?unu yans?tan bir imge g?rünümündedir. Yazar,?New York'ta bir otel odas?nda kaleme ald??? hik?yenin ?izimlerini de yapm??t?r. Exupéry hem ?izimleri hem de hik?yeleri bir ?ocuk kitab? gibi kurgulam?? olsa da, bu kitap onun moderniteye ve?II. Dünya Sava??'n?n etkilerinin sürmekte oldu?u topluma ele?tirisini ifade etti?i bir kitap olarak da de?erlendirilir. Yazar?n ilham?n? kendi ba??ndan ge?en olaylardan ald??? dü?ünülür. Bir pilot olan Exupéry, 1935 y?l?nda bir h?z rekorunu denerken, Sahra ??lü’nün ortas?na dü?mü?tü. Ayr?ca kar?s? Consuelo’nun Kü?ük Prens gibi bitmek bilmeyen arzular? ve korunma arzusu oldu?u, Kü?ük Prens’in gezegeni gibi volkanlarla dolu El Salvador’da ya?am??t?. Hik?ye ilk defa 6 Nisan 1943’te hem Frans?zca hem ?ngilizce olarak yay?mland?. Günümüzde 210 ayr? dil ve leh?eye ?evrildi.?Türk?e’de 15 farkl? dilde ?evirisi bulunur.?Selim ?leri,?Azra Erhat,?Nihal Ye?inobal?,?Tomris Uyar?ve?Cemal Süreya eseri Türk?e’ye ?evirenler aras?ndad?r. Yazar eseri, dostu Leon Werth’in ?ocuklu?una adam??t?r.
A Mixture of Genius: Illustrated
A Mixture of Genius: Illustrated
Arnold Castle
Ez Fabius Petronius Secundus római legionárius és centurió – valamint hadvezére, Scipio Aemilianus – felemelkedésének t?rténete: a makedónok elleni els? csatájától, amely megpecsételi Nagy Sándor birodalmának sorsát, az ?szak-Afrikában vívott, mindenre kiterjed? háborúig és Karthágó ostromáig. Scipio sikerei csodálatot és tiszteletet váltanak ki, de egyben kapzsiságot és féltékenységet is fialnak – legszorosabb sz?vetségeseit?l legelkeseredettebb ellenségeiig. ?s ott van még Julia is, a Caesar családból – a kiszámíthatatlan lány, aki Scipiót szereti, de annak vetélytársával, Paulusszal jegyzeték el –, aki csúf viszály kiváltója lesz. Végül Scipiónak egyetlen kérdésre kell csak válaszolnia: mi mindent képes feláldozni a látomásért, amit Rómáról alkotott?
Utolsó esély: Soha ne add fel az álmaidat!
Utolsó esély: Soha ne add fel az álmaidat!
Katie Francoise
Hamish Macbeth ?rmesternek felhívják a figyelmét egy kül?n?s j?vevényre, aki a szomszéd faluba k?lt?z?tt be. Az elb?v?l?en jókép?, gazdag fiatalember jócskán ki is használja természet adta adottságait: sorra csábítja el a k?zépkorú n?ket, akik a hegyek k?z?tt megbújó, világvégi faluban boldogan omlanak az angol Adonisz karjaiba. A férfi azonban nem számol azzal, hogy a skót Felf?ld mocsaras kis szegletében milyen k?nnyen elszabadulnak az indulatok, és hogy játékának súlyos k?vetkezményei lehetnek. Hamish Macbeth b?ntényt szimatol a leveg?ben, s bár a felb?szült férjek és egymásra féltékenyked? asszonyok kavalkádja nem segíti a tisztánlátását, az események végül megérzéseit igazolják. Mik?zben a szépséges idegen Hamish menyasszonyával, Priscillával is kikezd, az ?rmester egyre inkább megcs?m?rlik a lány tisztaságmániájától, ?r?k?s rendezkedését?l, na meg tartózkodásától, ami megkeseríti a kapcsolatukat. Hamish végül határozott lépésre szánja el magát…
Az elviselhetetlen ellentmondás
Az elviselhetetlen ellentmondás
Albert Levente
A n?k a világ minden táján felfedezik, hogy kül?n?s er?vel rendelkeznek. Ujjuk egyetlen érintésével képesek sz?rny? fájdalmat okozni, s?t: gyilkolni is.A férfiak pedig ráj?nnek, hogy kicsúszott a kezükb?l az irányítás...Elérkezett a Lányok Napja, de vajon hogyan fog véget érni?A hatalom az elmúlt évek legnagyobb k?nyvsikereinek egyike, megjelenése óta megtalálható a legfontosabb sikerlistákon, 15 héten át szerepelt a New York Times mérvadó listáján. Már t?bb, mit két tucat nyelvre lefordították, rendkívüli aktualitásával, melyben egy új, n?k irányította j?v?t vizionál, jelent?s visszhangot váltott ki az irodalmi életben, a k?zéletben, a sajtóban és a politikában. Sorra kapja a fontos elismeréseket, a New York Times az év tíz legjobb k?nyve k?zé választotta, ahogyan Barack Obama is ajánlotta, mint az év egyik legfontosabb k?nyvét. "Provokatív, korszak-meghatározó thriller"-?Guardian "Az éhez?k viadala?és?A szolgálólány meséje?– vegyítve." -?Cosmopolitan "T?kéletes. Okos, ijeszt?, mulatságos."-?Daily Telegraph "Magával ragadó. Minden n?nek el kellene olvasni." -?The Times "Dermeszt?. Egy irodalmi bomba." -?Financial Times "Sokkoló." -?Observer "Felvillanyoz, sokkol, bámulatba ejt! ?s mélyen elgondolkoztat." - Margaret?Atwood ?"Dermeszt? mesterm?." - Sarah Perry ?"A szolgálólány meséje?a?Holtodiglan?generációjához." - Grazia
A III/III krónikája
A III/III krónikája
Tabajdi Gábor
Cibola meghódítása
Cibola meghódítása
James S. A. Corey
THE MAN IN THE MOON.THE Man in the MoonCame tumbling down,And asked his way to Norwich;They told him south,And he burnt his mouthWith eating cold pease-porridge. TO MARKET, TO MARKET.TO market, to market, to buy a fat Pig;Home again, home again, dancing a jig. The Man In the Moon.To Market, to Market.There Was a Man.The Lion and the Unicorn.Little Miss Muffet.Oranges and Lemons.Goosey, Goosey Gander.Humpty Dumpty.Baa, Baa, Black Sheep.The Three Wise Men of Gotham. STORIES: - The Man In the Moon.- To Market, to Market.- There Was a Man.- The Lion and the Unicorn.- Little Miss Muffet.- Oranges and Lemons.- Goosey, Goosey Gander.- Humpty Dumpty.- Baa, Baa, Black Sheep.- The Three Wise Men of Gotham.
Assassin's Creed: Alvilág
Assassin's Creed: Alvilág
Oliver Bowden
To the irreverent—and which of us will claim entire exemption from that comfortable classification—there is something very amusing in the attitude of the orthodox criticism toward Bernard Shaw. He so obviously disregards all the canons and unities and other things which every well-bred dramatist is bound to respect that his work is really unworthy of serious criticism (orthodox). Indeed he knows no more about the dramatic art than, according to his own story in "The Man of Destiny," Napoleon at Tavazzano knew of the Art of War. But both men were successes each in his way—the latter won victories and the former gained audiences, in the very teeth of the accepted theories of war and the theatre. Shaw does not know that it is unpardonable sin to have his characters make long speeches at one another, apparently thinking that this embargo applies only to long speeches which consist mainly of bombast and rhetoric. There never was an author who showed less predilection for a specific medium by which to accomplish his results. He recognized, early in his days, many things awry in the world and he assumed the task of mundane reformation with a confident spirit. It seems such a small job at twenty to set the times aright. He began as an Essayist, but who reads essays now-a-days—he then turned novelist with no better success, for no one would read such preposterous stuff as he chose to emit. He only succeeded in proving that absolutely rational men and women—although he has created few of the latter—can be most extremely disagreeable to our conventional way of thinking. As a last resort, he turned to the stage, not that he cared for the dramatic art, for no man seems to care less about "Art for Art's sake," being in this a perfect foil to his brilliant compatriot and contemporary, Wilde. He cast his theories in dramatic forms merely because no other course except silence or physical revolt was open to him. For a long time it seemed as if this resource too was doomed to fail him. But finally he has attained a hearing and now attempts at suppression merely serve to advertise their victim. It will repay those who seek analogies in literature to compare Shaw with Cervantes. After a life of heroic endeavor, disappointment, slavery, and poverty, the author of "Don Quixote" gave the world a serious work which caused to be laughed off the world's stage forever the final vestiges of decadent chivalry. The institution had long been outgrown, but its vernacular continued to be the speech and to express the thought "of the world and among the vulgar," as the quaint, old novelist puts it, just as to-day the novel intended for the consumption of the unenlightened must deal with peers and millionaires and be dressed in stilted language. Marvellously he succeeded, but in a way he least intended. We have not yet, after so many years, determined whether it is a work to laugh or cry over. "It is our joyfullest modern book," says Carlyle, while Landor thinks that "readers who see nothing more than a burlesque in 'Don Quixote' have but shallow appreciation of the work." Shaw in like manner comes upon the scene when many of our social usages are outworn. He sees the fact, announces it, and we burst into guffaws. The continuous laughter which greets Shaw's plays arises from a real contrast in the point of view of the dramatist and his audiences. When Pinero or Jones describes a whimsical situation we never doubt for a moment that the author's point of view is our own and that the abnormal predicament of his characters appeals to him in the same light as to his audience. With Shaw this sense of community of feeling is wholly lacking. He describes things as he sees them, and the house is in a roar. Who is right If we were really using our own senses and not gazing through the glasses of convention and romance and make-believe, should we see things as Shaw does Must it not cause Shaw to doubt his own or the public's sanity to hear audiences laughing boisterously over tragic situations And yet, if they did not come to laugh, they would not come at all. Mockery is the price he must pay for a hearing. Or has he calculated to a nicety the power of reaction Does he seek to drive us to aspiration by the portrayal of sordidness, to disinterestedness by the picture of selfishness, to illusion by disillusionment It is impossible to believe that he is unconscious of the humor of his dramatic situations, yet he stoically gives no sign. He even dares the charge, terrible in proportion to its truth, which the most serious of us shrinks from—the lack of a sense of humor. Men would rather have their integrity impugned. In "Arms and the Man" the subject which occupies the dramatist's attention is that survival of barbarity—militarism—which raises its horrid head from time to time to cast a doubt on the reality of our civilization. No more hoary superstition survives than that the donning of a uniform changes the nature of the wearer. This
?szi k?ztársaság
?szi k?ztársaság
Brian McClellan
Anna Karenina is a novel by the Russian writer Leon Tolstoy, published in serial installments from 1873 to 1877 in the periodical The Russian Messenger. Tolstoy clashed with editor Mikhail Katkov over political issues that arose in the final installment (Tolstoy's unpopular views of volunteers going to Serbia); therefore, the novel's first complete appearance was in book form. Widely regarded as a pinnacle in realist fiction, Tolstoy considered Anna Karenina his first true novel, when he came to consider War and Peace to be more than a novel. Fyodor Dostoevsky declared it to be "flawless as a work of art". His opinion was shared by Vladimir Nabokov, who especially admired "the flawless magic of Tolstoy's style", and by William Faulkner, who described the novel as "the best ever written". The novel is currently enjoying popularity, as demonstrated by a recent poll of 125 contemporary authors by J. Peder Zane, published in 2007 in "The Top Ten" in Time, which declared that Anna Karenina is the "greatest novel ever written" "..The novel opens with a scene introducing Prince Stepan Arkadyevich Oblonsky ("Stiva"), a Moscow aristocrat and civil servant who has been unfaithful to his wife Darya Alexandrovna ("Dolly"). Dolly has discovered his affair with the family's governess, and the household and family are in turmoil. Stiva's affair and his reaction to his wife's distress show an amorous personality that he cannot seem to suppress. In the midst of the turmoil, Stiva informs the household that his married sister, Anna Arkadyevna Karenina, is coming to visit from Saint Petersburg. Meanwhile, Stiva's childhood friend, Konstantin Dmitrievich Levin ("Kostya"), arrives in Moscow with the aim of proposing to Dolly's youngest sister, Princess Katerina Alexandrovna Shcherbatskaya ("Kitty"). Levin is a passionate, restless, but shy aristocratic landowner who, unlike his Moscow friends, chooses to live in the country on his large estate. He discovers that Kitty is also being pursued by Count Alexei Kirillovich Vronsky, an army officer. Whilst at the railway station to meet Anna, Stiva bumps into Vronsky who is there to meet his mother, the Countess Vronskaya. Anna and Vronskaya have traveled and talked together in the same carriage. As the family members are reunited, and Vronsky sees Anna for the first time, a railway worker accidentally falls in front of a train and is killed. Anna interprets this as an "evil omen." Vronsky, however, is infatuated with her. Anna is uneasy about leaving her young son, Sergei ("Seryozha"), alone for the first time.At the Oblonsky home, Anna talks openly and emotionally to Dolly about Stiva's affair and convinces her that Stiva still loves her despite the infidelity. Dolly is moved by Anna's speeches and decides to forgive Stiva. Kitty, who comes to visit Dolly and Anna, is just eighteen. In her first season as a debutante, she is expected to make an excellent match with a man of her social standing. Vronsky has been paying her considerable attention, and she expects to dance with him at a ball that evening. Kitty is very struck by Anna's beauty and personality and becomes infatuated with her just as Vronsky is. When Levin proposes to Kitty at her home, she clumsily turns him down, believing she is in love with Vronsky and that he will propose to her, and encouraged to do so by her mother who believes Vronsky would be a better match.At the big ball Kitty expects to hear something definitive from Vronsky, but he dances with Anna, choosing her as a partner over a shocked and heartbroken Kitty. Levin, crushed by Kitty's refusal, returns to his estate, abandoning any hope of marriage. Anna returns to her husband Alexei Alexandrovich Karenin, a senior government official, and her son Seryozha in Saint Petersburg. On seeing her husband for the first time since her encounter with Vronsky, Anna realises that she finds him unattractive, though she tells herself he is a good man.." ? ABOUT AUTHOR: Tolstoy was born in Yasnaya Polyana, the family estate in the Tula region of Russia. The Tolstoys were a well-known family of old Russian nobility. He was the fourth of five children of Count Nikolai Ilyich Tolstoy, a veteran of the Patriotic War of 1812, and Countess Mariya Tolstaya (Volkonskaya).
A Gustav-szonáta
A Gustav-szonáta
Rose Tremain
One day – actor-turned-detective – Anthony Noir receives a letter from California, in which an old lady asks his help in the investigation of a long-ago case. On New Year’s Eve 1929 a famous Hollywood actress died in a car accident. The mysterious client implies it was – in fact – a deliberate murder. Anthony discovers all the possible details of the extraordinary assignment, even so he has to embark on an extensive journey to the past before he can unveil the secret of the movie star…
A Daughter of the Snow: (Illustrated)
A Daughter of the Snow: (Illustrated)
Jack London
Az emberek, törpök, manók és tündék több mint száz esztend?n keresztül éltek békében egymás mellett. De ennek a békének vége, és a fajok ismét egymás ellen – és maguk ellen – harcolnak. Ebben a viharos id?ben születik egy gyermek, akire a világ összes vajákja várt. Ciri a Cintrai N?stényoroszlán, Calanthe királyné unokája. Különös hatalmakkal és még különösebb sorssal van megáldva, mert egy jövendölés Lángnak hívja ?t: lángnak, amely örökre megváltoztatja a világot – jó vagy rossz irányba… Ríviai Geralt, a vaják magával viszi Cirit a vajákok központjába, de Ciri egyáltalán nem hasonlít a többi tanítványhoz. Nem kell keresztülmenjen az átlagos vajákok számára a természetfeletti képességek eléréséhez szükséges mutációkon, amelyek gyakran kiirtják az érzelmeket és az emberi érzékenységet. Ciri valami egészen egyedülálló.
Vallomás a csodáról: Csinszka naplója
Vallomás a csodáról: Csinszka naplója
Ki ne várná repesve, hogy beteljesíthesse gyermekkori vágyát?Hogy kiszakadva a hétk?znapok egyhangúságából végre nekivághasson egy kalandos világ k?rüli útnak?Lili Green izgatottan készül a régóta szervezett utazásra. ?sszekészített csomagokkal és új élmények reményével vág bele az indulás el?tti utolsó munkanapjába. ?m egy pillanat alatt minden a feje tetejére áll, amikor Lili egy b?ncselekmény szemtanújává válik, és ezáltal egy bérgyilkos céltáblájának k?zepére kerül. A teljesen félresiklott utazás pedig immár nem a szép emlékek gy?jtésér?l, hanem az életben maradásról szól.Carrie Cooper kalanddal, érzelemmel, humorral és váratlan fordulatokkal teli t?rténete során végigizgulhatjuk, hogy egy teljesen hétk?znapi lány mit tesz olyan cseppet sem mindennapi helyzetek sodrásában, amelyek végérvényesen megváltoztatják az életét.
Большой лечебник древних знахарей
Большой лечебник древних знахарей
Larisa Kuzmina
Чи уявляли ви колись ?себе ?деального?? А що зробили для того, щоб таким стати? Можливо, ви хот?ли присвятити час р?дним або прочитати фахову книжку, але вже п?втори години гра?те в ?гри на смартфон?. Давно мр?яли схуднути, але не можете встояти перед запахом т?стечок. Середовище пост?йно в?двол?ка? нас в?д мети так званими тригерами — ароматами, ?аджетами та ?ншими др?бницями. Як ?перемкнутися? з? спокуси на бажану д?ю, а пот?м перетворити це в звичку, розпов?сть автор книжки Маршалл ?олдсм?т.
Elátkozott angyal
Elátkozott angyal
John Courtenay Grimwood
L?NGRA LOBBAN A VIL?G ? Miután ezernyi lakható új világ felé nyílt meg az út, megkezd?dik a naprendszer hatalmi struktúráinak átrendez?dése. A Mars lassan elnéptelenedik, míg a küls? bolygók nagyobb befolyást próbálnak szerezni maguknak, és hajók t?nnek el sorra, megmagyarázhatatlan módon. ? Mindek?zben a Rocinante hosszabb id?re szárazdokkba kényszerül a lassú zónában és az Iloszon zajlott események miatt, ezért James Holden legénysége a javítások idejére “szabadságolja magát”, ki-ki visszatér a saját világába, hogy lezárja a múltja néhány elvarratlan szálát, és ez mindnyájuk számára a túlélésért folytatott keserves küzdelembe torkollik. De nem csak számukra: az emberiség saját végzete felé rohan, mert a múlt b?nei megk?vetelik az árukat. ? A New York Times bestseller és t?bbsz?r?sen díjnyertes regényciklusból a SyFy csatornán fut a nagy kritikai sikert aratott tévésorozat, a The Expanse.
Paleolit edzés
Paleolit edzés
Lakatos Péter
Egyszer éjjel z?rgést hallottam. Befutottam. Láttam, hogy az ágya üres. Aztán gyakrabban megnéztem. Sohse hallottam mikor elment, se mikor megj?tt. De mikor üres volt az ágya, felk?lt?ttem Apolló nénit és itt reszkettünk, itt imádkoztunk együtt a Mária képe el?tt, hogy az én jó bátyámat oltalmozza.
Rekop György
Выращивание однолетних и многолетних трав Сбор, хранение, переработка лекарственных и пряных растений Вырастить мяту, базилик, рукколу, укроп, шалфей, лаванду, эхинацею можно на участке, подоконнике, балконе, в палисаднике! Книга рассказывает о свойствах трав, дает рекомендации по посадке и уходу за ними в домашних условиях или на даче, объясняет, когда и как правильно собирать урожай. Практичное дополнение! Рекомендации по составлению пряных кулинарных смесей и лекарственных сборов! Vyrashhivanie odnoletnih i mnogoletnih trav Sbor, hranenie, pererabotka lekarstvennyh i prjanyh rastenij Vyrastit' mjatu, bazilik, rukkolu, ukrop, shalfej, lavandu, jehinaceju mozhno na uchastke, podokonnike, balkone, v palisadnike! Kniga rasskazyvaet o svojstvah trav, daet rekomendacii po posadke i uhodu za nimi v domashnih uslovijah ili na dache, ob#jasnjaet, kogda i kak pravil'no sobirat' urozhaj. Praktichnoe dopolnenie! Rekomendacii po sostavleniju prjanyh kulinarnyh smesej i lekarstvennyh sborov!
Az erd? vándorai
Az erd? vándorai
Derenkó Dániel
Шанувальниця врятувала письменника в?д смерт?. Але ?? захоплення перетворю?ться на?одержим?сть... Shanuval'nicja vrjatuvala pis'mennika v?d smert?. Ale ?? zahoplennja peretvorju?t'sja na?oderzhim?st'...
Karácsony receptre: Minden családnak jár a boldogság
Karácsony receptre: Minden családnak jár a boldogság
Dorothea Benton Frank
Meddig mennél el a szeretteidért? Amikor Olivia Brookes felhívja a rend?rséget, hogy bejelentse férje és gyermekei elt?nését, azt hiszi, soha t?bbé nem látja viszont ?ket. Okkal fél a legrosszabbtól, hiszen nem ez az els? tragédia, amit átél. Most, két esztend?vel kés?bb, Tom Douglas f?felügyel?t ismét ehhez a családhoz küldik nyomozni, ám ezúttal Oliiva t?nt el. Minden bizonyíték arra utal, hogy reggel még az otthonában tartózkodott – kocsija a garázsban áll, pénztárcája a konyhaasztalon hever? táskájában van. A rend?rség el akarja rendelni Olivia keresését, de a családtagok ?sszes fényképét eltávolították a fotóalbumokból, számítógépekb?l, telefonokból. Aztán meglátják a vért… Vajon a múlt utolérte Oliviát? Aludj jól – ha tudsz. Sosem tudhatod, ki figyel.
?ti testvérek
?ti testvérek
Mark Lawrence
Alessandro di Mariano di Vanni Filipepi, better known as Sandro Botticelli ( 1445 – 1510), was an Italian painter of the Early Renaissance. He belonged to the Florentine school under the patronage of Lorenzo de' Medici, a movement that Giorgio Vasari would characterize less than a hundred years later as a "golden age", a thought, suitably enough, he expressed at the head of his Vita of Botticelli. Botticelli's posthumous reputation suffered until the late 19th century; since then his work has been seen to represent the linear grace of Early Renaissance painting. Among his best known works are The Birth of Venus and Primavera. In 1481, Pope Sixtus IV summoned Botticelli and other prominent Florentine and Umbrian artists to fresco the walls of the Sistine Chapel. The iconological program was the supremacy of the Papacy. Sandro's contribution included the Temptations of Christ, the Punishment of the Rebels and Trial of Moses. He returned to Florence, and "being of a sophistical turn of mind, he there wrote a commentary on a portion of Dante and illustrated the Inferno which he printed, spending much time over it, and this abstention from work led to serious disorders in his living." Thus Vasari characterized the first printed Dante (1481) with Botticelli's decorations; he could not imagine that the new art of printing might occupy an artist. The masterpieces Primavera (c. 1482) and The Birth of Venus (c. 1485) were both seen by Vasari at the villa of Lorenzo di Pierfrancesco de' Medici at Castello in the mid-16th century, and until recently, it was assumed that both works were painted specifically for the villa. Recent scholarship suggests otherwise: the Primavera was painted for Lorenzo's townhouse in Florence, and The Birth of Venus was commissioned by someone else for a different site. By 1499, both had been installed at Castello. In these works, the influence of Gothic realism is tempered by Botticelli's study of the antique. But if the painterly means may be understood, the subjects themselves remain fascinating for their ambiguity. The complex meanings of these paintings continue to receive widespread scholarly attention, mainly focusing on the poetry and philosophy of humanists who were the artist's contemporaries. The works do not illustrate particular texts; rather, each relies upon several texts for its significance. Of their beauty, characterized by Vasari as exemplifying "grace" and by John Ruskin as possessing linear rhythm, there can be no doubt. In the mid-1480s, Botticelli worked on a major fresco cycle with Perugino, Domenico Ghirlandaio and Filippino Lippi, for Lorenzo the Magnificent's villa near Volterra; in addition he painted many frescoes in Florentine churches. In 1491 he served on a committee to decide upon a fa?ade for the Cathedral of Florence.