

?n már választottam hazát...: Egy bácskai családt?rténet és más, ?sszegy?jt?tt í
?n már választottam hazát...: Egy bácskai családt?rténet és más, ?sszegy?jt?tt í
Mayer Antal
A Fokvárosba érkez? Bettire és Benre óriási meglepetés vár. A repül?téren limuzin vár rájuk, és magánrepül? repíti ?ket újabb mérhetetlen gazdagság felé. ?gy t?nik jó ?tlet tovább játszani a milliomost. Vagy talán mégsem? Egy elhibázott éjszaka, és másnapra Bettinek nyoma vész. Ben kénytelen egy afrikai nyomozó oldalán az elt?nt szerelme nyomába eredni.Az elhunyt Kállay Edvárd múltjából újabb rejtélyek kerülnek a felszínre, amely súlyos teherként nyomják Ben vállát. A hasonlóság akár az életébe is kerülhet.Vajon milyen titkok rejt?znek annak a férfinak a múltjában, akinek Ben átvette a szerepét? Megszabadulhat Ben Edvárd múltjától, vagy ?r?kre kísérteni fogja? ?
The Lost World
The Lost World
Arthur Conan Doyle
Leonardo's views of aesthetic are all important in his philosophy of life and art. The worker's thoughts on his craft are always of interest. They are doubly so when there is in them no trace of literary self-consciousness to blemish their expression. He recorded these thoughts at the instant of their birth, for a constant habit of observation and analysis had early developed with him into a second nature. His ideas were penned in the same fragmentary way as they presented themselves to his mind, perhaps with no intention of publishing them to the world. But his ideal of art depended intimately, none the less, on the system he had thrown out seemingly in so haphazard a manner. The long obscurity of the Dark Ages lifted over Italy, awakening to a national though a divided consciousness. Already two distinct tendencies were apparent. The practical and rational, on the one hand, was soon to be outwardly reflected in the burgher-life of Florence and the Lombard cities, while at Rome it had even then created the civil organization of the curia. The novella was its literary triumph. In art it expressed itself simply, directly and with vigour. Opposed to this was the other great undercurrent in Italian life, mystical, religious and speculative, which had run through the nation from the earliest times, and received fresh volume from mediaeval Christianity, encouraging ecstatic mysticism to drive to frenzy the population of its mountain cities. Umbrian painting is inspired by it, and the glowing words of Jacopone da Todi expressed in poetry the same religious fervour which the life of Florence and Perugia bore witness to in action. Italy developed out of the relation and conflict of these two forces the rational with the mystical. Their later union in the greater men was to form the art temperament of the Renaissance. The practical side gave it the firm foundation of rationalism and reality on which it rested; the mystical guided its endeavour to picture the unreal in terms of ideal beauty.The first offspring of this union was Leonardo. Since the decay of ancient art no painter had been able to fully express the human form, for imperfect mastery of technique still proved the barrier. Leonardo was the first completely to disengage his personality from its constraint, and make line express thought as none before him could do. Nor was this his only triumph, but rather the foundation on which further achievement rested. Remarkable as a thinker alone, he preferred to enlist thought in the service of art, and make art the handmaid of beauty. Leonardo saw the world not as it is, but as he himself was. He viewed it through the atmosphere of beauty which filled his mind, and tinged its shadows with the mystery of his nature. From his earliest years, the elements of greatness were present in Leonardo. But the maturity of his genius came unaffected from without. He barely noticed the great forces of the age which in life he encountered. After the first promise of his boyhood in the Tuscan hills, his youth at Florence had been spent under Verrocchio as a master, in company with those whose names were later to brighten the pages of Italian art. At one time he contemplated entering the service of an Oriental prince. Instead, he entered that of Caesar Borgia, as military engineer, and the greatest painter of the age became inspector of a despot's strongholds. But his restless nature did not leave him long at this. Returning to Florence he competed with Michelangelo; yet the service of even his native city could not retain him. His fame had attracted the attention of a new patron of the arts, prince of the state which had conquered his first master. In this his last venture, he forsook Italy, only to die three years later at Amboise, in the castle of the French king.
Cecil Warburton
This book is called The White Spark as the white spark or vacuum cell in Nature IS THE RIGHT HAND OF GOD—it is a ubiquitous principle of the universe and is the cause and parent of electricity, combustion, radium, snow-flakes, flowers, trees, leaves, crystallization, wireless telegraphy, animal forms and EVEN LIFE ITSELF. This book is the key to every department of human endeavor, as it enunciates the basic principle and THE PRIME MOVER of the universe.?It tells the road to health, the cause and cure of disease, the truth about the germ humbug and drug treatments, serums and antitoxins. It shows why luminosity is produced on the flesh of various organisms, why a slice of pollock when first iced, then heated to 100 degrees and then thrust into a temperature of 50 degrees becomes luminous. It shows the farmer that he can become a magician of agriculture—tells that the nitrogen of the air is only a dust of quartz rocks, like the invisible moisture of the air is "a dust of water"—that the nodules on the roots of the clover and legumes do not abstract nitrogen from the air, for if they did nature would have placed these bacteriological growths on the vine and not the root, the scientists have the cart before the horse in this case and the nodular cells form the proteids from sand or silica, this book tells how it is done. It tells what a trance is and how the soul can leave the body temporarily. How JESUS CHRIST is carrying out the biblical prophesy by TELEPATHY. Gives the truths about the ideal society, alcohol, drunkenness, causes of crime, longevity and law.
The Aeneid: "Illustrated"
The Aeneid: "Illustrated"
"Where ocean bathes earth's footstool these sea-bowersBedeck its solid wavelets: wise was heWho blended shore with deep, with seaweed flowers,And Naiads' rivulets with Nereids' sea." Strictly speaking the peninsula on which the city stands is of the form of a trapezium. It juts out into the sea, beating back as it were the fierce waves of the Bosphorus, and forcing them to turn aside from their straight course and widen into the Sea of Marmora, which the ancients called the Propontis, narrowing again as it forces its way between the near banks of the Hellespont, which rise abrupt and arid from the European side, and slope gently away in Asia to the foot of Mount Ida. Northwards there is the little bay of the Golden Horn, an arm as it were of the Bosphorus, into which run the streams which the Turks call the Sweet Waters of Europe. The mouth of the harbour is no more than five hundred yards across. The Greeks of the Empire spanned it by a chain, supported here and there on wooden piles, fragments of which still remain in the Armoury that was once the church of S. Irene. Within is safe anchorage in one of the finest harbours of the world. South of the Golden Horn, on the narrow tongue of land—narrow it seems as seen from the hills of the northern shore—is the city of Constantine and his successors in empire, seated, like the old Rome, on seven hills, and surrounded on three sides by sea, on the fourth by the still splendid, though shattered, medi?val walls. Northwards are the two towns, now linked together, of Pera and Galata, that look back only to the trading settlements of the Middle Ages.The single spot united, as Gibbon puts it, the prospects of beauty, of safety, and of wealth: and in a masterly description that great historian has collected the features which made the position, "formed by Nature for the centre and capital of a great monarchy," attractive to the first colonists, and evident to Constantine as the centre where he could best combine and command the power of the Eastern half of his mighty Empire. Byzantium Before Constantine.It is impossible to approach Constantinople without seeing the beauty and the wonder of its site. Whether you pass rapidly down the Bosphorus, between banks crowned with towers and houses and mosques, that stretch away hither and thither to distant hills, now bleak, now crowned with dark cypress groves; or up from the Sea of Marmora, watching the dome of S. Sophia that glitters above the closely packed houses, till you turn the point which brings you to the Golden Horn, crowded with shipping and bright with the flags of many nations; or even if you come overland by the sandy wastes along the shore, looking across the deep blue of the sea to the islands and the snow-crowned mountains of Asia, till you break through the crumbling wall within sight of the Golden Gate, and find yourself at a step deep in the relics of the middle ages; you cannot fail to wonder at the splendour of the view which meets your eyes. Sea, sunlight, the quaint houses that stand close upon the water's edge, the white palaces, the crowded quays, and the crowning glory of the Eastern domes and the medi?val walls—these are the elements that combine to impress, and the impression is never lost. Often as you may see again the approach to the imperial city, its splendour and dignity and the exquisite beauty of colour and light will exert their old charm, and as you put foot in the New Rome you will feel all the glamour of the days that are gone by.
?s te nem j?ttél vissza
?s te nem j?ttél vissza
Marceline Loridan-Ivens
A színészb?l lett detektív, Anthony Noir levelet kap Kaliforniából, melyben egy id?s h?lgy arra kéri, nyomozzon egy réges-régi ügyben. 1929 szilveszter éjszakáján az egyik híres hollywoodi filmsztár autóbalesetben elhunyt. A rejtélyes megbízó állítja, valójában kitervelt gyilkosság t?rtént. Anthony Noir a nem szokványos eset minden fellelhet? részletét megismeri, de nagy utazást kell megtennie, míg a filmcsillag titkára fényt derít…
The Mind Master
The Mind Master
Arthur J. Burks
To Rosamund, chief among those for whom these tales are told, The Book of Dragons is dedicated in the confident hope that she, one of these days, will dedicate a book of her very own making to the one who now bids eight dreadful dragons crouch in all humbleness at those little brown feet. ? To Rosamund, chief among those for whom these tales are told, The Book of Dragons is dedicated in the confident hope that she, one of these days, will dedicate a book of her very own making to the one who now bids eight dreadful dragons crouch in all humbleness at those little brown feet. The Book of Beasts: He happened to be building a Palace when the news came, and he left all the bricks kicking about the floor for Nurse to clear up—but then the news was rather remarkable news. You see, there was a knock at the front door and voices talking downstairs, and Lionel thought it was the man come to see about the gas, which had not been allowed to be lighted since the day when Lionel made a swing by tying his skipping rope to the gas bracket. And then, quite suddenly, Nurse came in and said, "Master Lionel, dear, they've come to fetch you to go and be King." Then she made haste to change his smock and to wash his face and hands and brush his hair, and all the time she was doing it Lionel kept wriggling and fidgeting and saying, "Oh, don't, Nurse," and, "I'm sure my ears are quite clean," or, "Never mind my hair, it's all right," and, "That'll do." "You're going on as if you was going to be an eel instead of a King," said Nurse. The minute Nurse let go for a moment Lionel bolted off without waiting for his clean handkerchief, and in the drawing room there were two very grave-looking gentlemen in red robes with fur, and gold coronets with velvet sticking up out of the middle like the cream in the very expensive jam tarts. They bowed low to Lionel, and the gravest one said: "Sire, your great-great-great-great-great-grandfather, the King of this country, is dead, and now you have got to come and be King." "Yes, please, sir," said Lionel, "when does it begin?" "You will be crowned this afternoon," said the grave gentleman who was not quite so grave-looking as the other. "Would you like me to bring Nurse, or what time would you like me to be fetched, and hadn't I better put on my velvet suit with the lace collar?" said Lionel, who had often been out to tea. "Your Nurse will be removed to the Palace later. No, never mind about changing your suit; the Royal robes will cover all that up." The grave gentlemen led the way to a coach with eight white horses, which was drawn up in front of the house where Lionel lived. It was No. 7, on the left-hand side of the street as you go up. Lionel ran upstairs at the last minute, and he kissed Nurse and said: "Thank you for washing me. I wish I'd let you do the other ear. No—there's no time now. Give me the hanky. Good-bye, Nurse."
The Last of the Mohicans
The Last of the Mohicans
James Fenimore Cooper
ROMANCE and the HISTORY of walled cities are inseparable. Who has not felt this to be so at the sight of hoary ruins lichen-clad and ivy-mantled, that proudly rear their battered crests despite the ravages of time and man’s destructive instincts. It is within walled cities that the life of civilized man began: the walls guarded him against barbarian foes, behind their shelter he found the security necessary to his cultural development, in their defence he showed his finest qualities. And such a city—and such a history is that of Ancient Byzantium, the City of Constantine, the Castle of C?sar. What wonder then that man should endeavour to express by pen and pencil his sense of the greatness and beauty, the Romance of a Walled City such as Constantinople. The more so that a movement is on foot to remove these ancient landmarks of the history of Europe and Asia. True there are other works on this same subject, works by men deeply learned in the history of this fair city, works that bid fair to outlive the city walls if the fell intent of destroying them is carried into execution, and from these men and their works I derived inspiration and information, and so wish to chronicle my gratitude to them—Sir Edwin Pears and Professor van Millingen of Robert College, Constantinople. There are many others too in Constantinople to whom my thanks are due—His Majesty’s Vice-Consul, my host, his colleagues, now my friends, and many others too numerous to mention. They all have helped me in this work, and I am grateful for the opportunity offered me of here recording my thankfulness for their kind offices.B. Granville Baker.
Szulejmán és a magyar udvarh?lgy
Szulejmán és a magyar udvarh?lgy
R. Kelényi Angelika
1893, London. Amikor Cora Seaborne és Francis nev? fia megérkezik Essexbe, ott az a szóbeszéd járja, hogy az egykor a lápvidéken garázdálkodó s emberéleteket k?vetel? mitikus sz?rny, az essexi Kígyó újra felt?nt Aldwinter egyházk?zségének partjainál. Lelkes természetbúvárként Corát t?zbe hozza a hír, hisz talán egy eleddig ismeretlen állatfaj példányáról van szó. A lény nyomait k?vetve ismerkedik meg Aldwinter papjával, William Ransome-mal, akivel ellentmondásos érzelmeket táplálnak egymás iránt, míg végül a legváratlanabb módon alakítják át a másik életét. Az essexi kígyó cím? k?nyvet számos irodalmi díjra jel?lték, megjelenése óta t?bb mint egy éve az eladási listák elején szerepel a k?nyv az Egyesült Királyságban. Az ?v K?nyve - The WaterstonesBritish Book Award gy?zteseThe Sunday Times Bestseller Mint els?számú bestsellert és a 2016-os Waterstones Book of the Yeart Az essexi kígyót további nyolc díjra jel?lték, k?ztük a 2017-es Costa K?nyvdíjra és a 2017-es Bailey’s Women’s Prize for Fictionre. Sarah m?veit tizenegy nyelvre fordítják le, a Guardiannek és a The Financial Timesnak ír recenziókat. Kend?zetlenségében magával ragadó regény, melyben vágy és hit gabalyodik egymásba a lápon, de az igazi csoda a barátság. Sarah Perrynek megvan az a rendkívüli adottsága, hogy elk?vesse a prózával az elképzelhetetlent - más szóval olyan író, aki érti az életet. (Jessie Burton, a Babaház úrn?je és a Múzsa cím? k?nyv szerz?je) Az essexi kígyó élvezetes olvasmány: egy rendkívül tehetséges szerz? intelligens, magával ragadó munkája. (Sarah Waters, A szobalány cím? k?nyv szerz?je ) Ett?l a k?nyvt?l vágyat kapunk rá, hogy jobb emberré váljunk. (Justine Jordan, The Guardian)
Tüzemb?l lángot
Tüzemb?l lángot
C. Cordwainer
Использование этих рецептов поможет хозяйкам экономить время и силы и при этом разнообразить меню вкусными и полезными блюдами. Просто поместите подготовленные продукты в духовку, мультиварку или гриль — и обед приготовится без вашего участия! Аппетитная свинина под сырной корочкой.Ароматное жаркое с белыми грибами.Курица в сливочном соусе с овощами.Фаршированная утка.Телятина с пряной корочкой.Нежный мясной рулет.Рассыпчатая гречневая каша с куриными сердечками.Сытная картофельная запеканка.Пикантные баклажаны с лимоном и чесноком.Яблочно-ореховый кекс и др. Любителей отдыха на природе порадуют рецепты для гриля, особенно актуальные в летний сезон, — шашлык, рыбные стейки, куриные крылышки, кебаб, запеченные овощи и др.Ispol'zovanie jetih receptov pomozhet hozjajkam jekonomit' vremja i sily i pri jetom raznoobrazit' menju vkusnymi i poleznymi bljudami. Prosto pomestite podgotovlennye produkty v duhovku, mul'tivarku ili gril' — i obed prigotovitsja bez vashego uchastija! Appetitnaja svinina pod syrnoj korochkoj.Aromatnoe zharkoe s belymi gribami.Kurica v slivochnom souse s ovoshhami.Farshirovannaja utka.Teljatina s prjanoj korochkoj.Nezhnyj mjasnoj rulet.Rassypchataja grechnevaja kasha s kurinymi serdechkami.Sytnaja kartofel'naja zapekanka.Pikantnye baklazhany s limonom i chesnokom.Jablochno-orehovyj keks i dr. Ljubitelej otdyha na prirode poradujut recepty dlja grilja, osobenno aktual'nye v letnij sezon, — shashlyk, rybnye stejki, kurinye krylyshki, kebab, zapechennye ovoshhi i dr.
Tamas Garam
Zsófi tizenhét éves és RHCP rajongói blogot ír, ezért nem is kérdés, hogy az idei Bábelfesztre egész hetes bérletet vesz, hiszen az utolsó nap sztárfellép?je a Red Hot Chili Peppers. Zsófinak ez lesz élete els? fesztiválja, amelyen barátaival, Napsival, Abdullal, Hipóval és Szaszával együtt vesznek részt. Ez pedig azt is jelenti, hogy t?bbnapos, ismeretlen olaszok utáni hajtóvadászat, az orvosi sátorban t?lt?tt hosszú órák és a VIP-szekcióba való kétségbeesett bejutási kísérletek is várnak rájuk. A folyamatos bulizás, sátorozás, a koncertek és a legelképeszt?bb k?z?s élmények felejthetetlenné teszik ezt a hét napot, s?t, talán az egész nyarat. "Nagyon ?rül?k, hogy Laurának sikerült megjeleníteni és t?kéletesen visszaadni a fesztiválok hangulatát, és kifejezetten tetszik a humora. Gratulálok!" (Gerendai Károly, a Sziget Fesztivál alapítója)
Democracy in America: Book Two
Democracy in America: Book Two
Alexis De Tocqueville
The girl had been an orphan from childhood, and Rowland Trowbridge had been almost as a father to her. Avice loved him and watched over him as a daughter; at least, that had been the case until lately. A few weeks since, Mr. Trowbridge had succumbed to the rather florid charms of Mrs. Black, his housekeeper, and told Avice he would marry her in a month. Though greatly surprised and not greatly pleased, Avice had accepted the situation and treated the housekeeper with the same pleasant courtesy she had always shown her. The two “got along” as the phrase is, though their natures were not in many ways congenial. Avice remained at the window till she saw at last Leslie Hoyt’s tall form approaching. She ran to open the door herself. “Oh, Judge Hoyt,” she cried, “Uncle hasn’t come yet! There must be something wrong! What can we do” THE MARK OF CAINBY CAROLYN WELLS AUTHOR OF “A CHAIN OF EVIDENCE,” “THE GOLD BAG,” “THE WHITE ALLEY,” ETC.WITH A FRONTISPIECE IN COLOR BY GAYLE HOSKINS
Els? tánc: K?vesd a szíved ritmusát!
Els? tánc: K?vesd a szíved ritmusát!
Baráth Viktória
Pulitzer-díj, 2017! Nemzeti K?nyvdíj (USA), 2016! ,,Az ?v K?nyve", Amazon.com, 2016! The New York Times-bestseller, 2016! ,,Az ?v K?nyve", The New York Times, 2016! Cora rabszolga egy georgiai ültetvényen, az élete maga a pokol - a k?rnyezetében talán senki sem szenved annyira, mint ?. Anyja magára hagyta a fiatal lányt, ráadásul barátai sincsenek, hiszen a rabszolgákat nem csupán az ültetvényesek sanyargatják, hanem ?k maguk is gy?trik a társaikat, kegyetlenül, brutálisan. Cora úgy látja, nincs más lehet?sége, mint a sz?kés. Amikor el?sz?r hall a f?ld alatti vasútról, a rabszolgák északra menekítésével foglalkozó, titkos szervezetr?l, elhatározza, hogy bármi t?rténjék is, útnak indul. Nem is sejti, milyen hosszú és gy?trelmes út vár rá... Colson Whitehead fordulatos, megindító regénye, A f?ld alatti vasút (The Underground Railroad) az 1800-as évek Amerikájába repíti az olvasót, ahol rabszolgatartók és abolicionisták feszülnek egymásnak szóval és tettel, s ahol a sz?k?tt rabszolgák és segít?ik büntetése kínhalál - a feketék élete ugyanis sokak szemében nem annyira értékes, mint fehér embertársaiké. A k?tet az elmúlt év talán legnagyobb irodalmi szenzációja és egyik leghangosabb k?nyvsikere. A hírek szerint a t?rténetb?l az Oscar-díjas Holdfény cím? film rendez?je, Barry Jenkins készül sorozatot forgatni.
Hat év
Hat év
Harlan Coben
"Nyikorgó vasas szekerek: nehéz ládákat szállitanak a katonai szertárba. – Rakjátok le, – mondja a gyár f?igazgatója. Hosszúra n?tt úr, mint fák k?zt a jegenye. A fekete vidraprémes bunda szinte reverendának látszik rajta. Cilindert visel. A bundája gallérját felhajtotta, hogy kilépett az autójából, – csak épp az orrahegye látszik ki, meg a bajusza. Trencséniesen nyírott a bajusza, – azaz hát ango?losan. – Rakjátok le, – mondja, – és srófoljátok le ennek a fels? ládának a tetejét. Az ?sz els? dere fehérlett aznap a szertári udvar gyepén. A katonák keze v?r?s volt a hidegt?l. Az akácfákon már tél-túl lógott egy-egy sárga levél. Az udvar bels? sz?gletén, az iroda el?tt mintha ázott feketés rongyok éktelenkednének a lugason, z?ldesen feketés rongyok. K?zül?k néhány bibircsós futót?k sárgállott el?. Az ügyeletes kapitány némán váltott üdv?zlést a gyárossal. Mogorva volt és szintelen arcu, mintha valamiképpen rokona volna a bibircsós futót?knek. – Ennek a fels? ládának a tetejét, – mutatta a gyár igazgatója. – Valamennyiét, – harsogta a kapitány." (részlet)
Kalibán háborúja
Kalibán háborúja
James S. A. Corey
The Trial (German: Der Process) is a novel by Franz Kafka about a character named Josef K., who awakens one morning and, for reasons never revealed, is arrested and prosecuted for an unspecified crime. According to Kafka's friend Max Brod, the author never finished the novel and wrote in his will that it was to be destroyed. After his death, Brod went against Kafka's wishes and edited The Trial into what he felt was a coherent novel and had it published in 1925.
Jelek...: ?letsz?sszenetek nem csak ?tvenéveseknek
Jelek...: ?letsz?sszenetek nem csak ?tvenéveseknek
Все тонкости изготовления домашних деликатесов! ? Описание технологии горячего и холодного копчения ? Рецепты аппетитных блюд ?с дымком? ? Советы по созданию стационарных и переносных коптилен В книге вы найдете подробное описание технологии холодного и горя?чего копчения, соления, маринования, а также множество рецептов приготовления мяса, птицы, рыбы, грибов, сыра, фруктов. Бастурма и ветчина, карбонад и сырокопченый окорок, копченые лещ и щука, колбаски и сало, копченый шпик и грудинка, пастрома и пашина, копченая курица и утка, вяленые абрикосы, дыня, помидоры – ваш стол будет ломиться от домашних деликатесов, и при этом вы будете уверены в их качестве! ПРАКТИЧНЫЙ БОНУС! Схемы и инструкции по сборке переносных и стационарных коптилен, которые можно соорудить как дома, так и на даче. Vse tonkosti izgotovlenija domashnih delikatesov! ? Opisanie tehnologii gorjachego i holodnogo kopchenija ? Recepty appetitnyh bljud ?s dymkom? ? Sovety po sozdaniju stacionarnyh i perenosnyh koptilen V knige vy najdete podrobnoe opisanie tehnologii holodnogo i gorja?chego kopchenija, solenija, marinovanija, a takzhe mnozhestvo receptov prigotovlenija mjasa, pticy, ryby, gribov, syra, fruktov. Basturma i vetchina, karbonad i syrokopchenyj okorok, kopchenye leshh i shhuka, kolbaski i salo, kopchenyj shpik i grudinka, pastroma i pashina, kopchenaja kurica i utka, vjalenye abrikosy, dynja, pomidory – vash stol budet lomit'sja ot domashnih delikatesov, i pri jetom vy budete uvereny v ih kachestve! PRAKTIChNYJ BONUS! Shemy i instrukcii po sborke perenosnyh i stacionarnyh koptilen, kotorye mozhno soorudit' kak doma, tak i na dache.
Cum s? te sim?i mai bine, s? te faci mai bine, s? r?m?i mai bine
Cum s? te sim?i mai bine, s? te faci mai bine, s? r?m?i mai bine
Albert Ellis
Owen élete fenekestül felfordul, amikor apja, akit a fiú meggy?z?dése szerint ártatlanul ítéltek el, meghal a b?rt?nben. Monroe, a fiú iskolájának informatikusa felajánlja neki, hogy egy Animus használatával lehet?vé teszi Owen számára, hogy tisztázza apja nevét. Az eszk?z segítségével ugyanis feltárhatja a saját DNS-ében rejl? genetikus emlékeket. ?m Owen nagyobb fába vágta a fejszéjét, mint hitte. A szimuláció alatt ugyanis felfedez egy ?si és nagy hatalmú, rég elveszettnek hitt relikviát – az ?denszigonyt. Két rivális titkos szervezet, az Orgyilkos Testvériség és a Templomos Rend semmit?l sem riad vissza, hogy megszerezze ezt az ereklyét. Owen számára hamarosan nyilvánvalóvá válik, hogy csak úgy menekülhet meg, ha ? találja meg el?sz?r a Szigonyt. Monroe irányítása alatt Owen és néhány másik fiatal egy olyan szimulációba lépnek be, amely a DNS-eikben lév? k?z?s emlékeken alapul: az 1863-as New York-i felkelés idejébe térnek vissza. Owen és társai súlyos kihívásokkal kerülnek szembe a forrongó város utcáin, ott megélt tapasztalatiknak pedig hosszú távú k?vetkezményei lesznek a jelenben. A t?bbsz?r?sen díjnyertes Matthew J. Kirby trilógiájában egy az Assassin’s Creed világában játszódó teljesen új t?rténetet ismerhetünk meg, amely szorosan illeszkedik a kánonba, számtalan utalással a játékokra és a decemberben mozikba kerül? filmre.
The Wind in the Willows
The Wind in the Willows
Kenneth Grahame
Bir psikanalist olmas? sebebiyle Fromm, dü?ünce te-mellerini ?nemli derecede Freud dü?üncesi üzerine oturtmu?tur. Ancak Freud’un ortaya koydu?u klasik psikanalizi kendine g?re yorumlam??, analizlerinde kültürel ve sosyal fakt?rleri, etkin bi?imde kullanm??t?r. Freud’un temel kavramlar?, Fromm dü?üncesinde de ?nemli bir yer i?gal etmi?tir. O, bu kavramlar? aynen kullanmakla birlikte, Freud’un eksik b?rakt??? y?nlerini, analitik bir ?ekilde ortaya koymaya ?al??m??t?r.     ???NDEK?LER  Eric Fromm'un Ki?ilik Kuram? FROMM’a G?RE E??TL?K. ??güdüler ve ?nsan Tutkular? PS?KANAL?Z?N BUNALIMI.SEVG? KURAMISEVG? NESNELER? SEVG? VE ?A?DA? BATI TOPLUMUNDA SEVG?N?N ??K???.SEVG?N?N UYGULANMASI   ?nsan sevmeyi ??renerek yeniden di?er insanlarla birle?ir ya da toplumun otoritesine uyarak güven kazanabilir. ?nsan?n ?eli?kisi; hem do?an?n bir par?as? olmas? hem de ondan kopuk olmas?; hem insan hem de hayvan olmas?ndan kaynaklan?r. Hayvan olarak doyurulmas? gereken fizyolojik ?zellikleri vard?r. ?nsan olaraksa ak?l yürütebilir, benli?inin bilincindedir. ?nsan?n psi?esini anlaman?n yolu onun var olu?undan kaynaklanan gereksinimlerini ??zümleyebilmeye dayal?d?r  ?nsan?n var olu?undan kaynaklanan gereksinimler: 1. ?li?ki Gereksinimi; ?nsan, insan olma u?runa do?adan kopmu?tur. ?yleyse do?a ile olan birincil beraberli?inden kopmu?tur. Hayvan do?a ile ba? edebilecek güce sahiptir. Oysa insan imgeleme ve dü?ünce gücüne sahip olup do?a ile yak?n ve ba??ml?l??a dayanan ili?kisini yitirmi?tir. ?nsan?n kendi ili?kilerini kurabilmesi i?in büyük bir ?aba harcamas? gerekir. Doyum sa?layabilmesi i?in de üremeye y?nelik bir sevgiye ihtiyac? vard?r. Bu tür bir sevgi ise kar??l?kl? sorumluluk, sayg?, ?zen ve anlay?? gerektirir.  2. A?k?n Olma Gereksinimi; ?nsan a?k?n olmaya zorlan?r ?ünkü hayvans? do?as?n?n üstüne ??kmak, herhangi bir varl?k olmak yerine yarat?c? bir varl?k olmak gereksinimindedir. ?nsan?n yarat?c? dürtüleri engellendi?i zaman y?k?c? olur. Sevgi ve nefret kar??t dürtüler de?ildir. ?kisi de insan?n hayvan do?as?n? a?abilme ?abas?ndan kaynaklan?r. Hayvan ne sevebilir ne de nefret edebilir. Oysa insan hem sevebilir em de nefret edebilir.  3. ?nsan do?al k?kenini arar; ?nsan dünyan?n tamamlay?c? bir par?as? oldu?unu ve bir yere ait oldu?unu hissetmek ister. ?ocukken anne-babas?na ait hisseder. Ancak geli?tik?e bu duygunun ortadan kalkmas? gerekir. (Yoksa tehlikeli sonu?lar do?urabilir. ) ?nsan kendisine en fazla doyum sa?layan ve en sa?l?kl? ait olma duygular?n? di?er insanlarla dost?a duygular ya?ayarak sa?lar.  4. Ki?isel bir kimli?e sahip olmak ister; Bazen birey yarat?c? gücünü kullanarak amac?na ula?amaz. O zaman bir grup ya da bir ba?kas? ile ?zde?le?erek farkl?l?k kazanabilir. B?yle durumlarda kimlik duygusu birisi olmaktan de?il, birine it olmaktan kaynaklan?r.  5. Her birey bir ba?vuru ?er?evesine ihtiya? duyar; Asl?nda bireyin i?inde ya?ad??? dünyay? tutarl? bir bi?imde alg?layabilmesini sa?lar. ?er?eve mant?kl? ya da mant?ks?z olabilir. ?lk ba?vuru ?er?evesi, ailesidir.   Fromm’a g?re bu gereksinimler insana ?zgüdür, hayvanlarda bulunmaz. Ayr?ca bu gereksinimler insanlar?n belirtmeleri g?zlenerek anla??lmaz. Asl?nda bu gereksinimler insan?n evrimi boyunca insan?n do?as?nda olu?mu?tur. Bu gereksinimlerin belirtilmesi, insan?n i?sel yetilerini tan?ma yollar? bireyin i?inde ya?ad??? toplumun düzenlemeleri taraf?ndan belirlenir.   
The Elements of Drawing: (In Three Letters to Beginners)
The Elements of Drawing: (In Three Letters to Beginners)
John Ruskin
A boat upon the open sea—no land in sight!It is an open boat, the size and form showing it to be the pinnace of a merchant-ship. It is a tropical sea, with a fiery sun overhead, slowly coursing through a sky of brilliant azure.The boat has neither sail nor mast. There are oars, but no one is using them. They lie athwart the tholes, their blades dipping in the water, with no hand upon the grasp. And yet the boat is not empty. Seven human forms are seen within it,—six of them living, and one dead.Of the living, four are full-grown men; three of them white, the fourth of an umber-brown, or bistre colour. One of the white men is tall, dark and bearded, with features bespeaking him either a European or an American, though their somewhat elongated shape and classic regularity would lead to a belief that he is the latter, and in all probability a native of New York. And so he is. The features of the white man sitting nearest to him are in strange contrast to his, as is also the colour of his hair and skin. The hair is of a carroty shade, while his complexion, originally reddish, through long exposure to a tropical sun exhibits a yellowish, freckled appearance. The countenance so marked is unmistakably of Milesian type. So it should be, as its owner is an Irishman. The third white man, of thin, lank frame, with face almost beardless, pale cadaverous cheeks, and eyes sunken in their sockets, and there rolling wildly, is one of those nondescripts who may be English, Irish, Scotch, or American. His dress betokens him to be a seaman, a common sailor. He of the brown complexion, with flat spreading nose, high cheek-bones, oblique eyes, and straight, raven black hair, is evidently a native of the East, a Malay.
Vágyvirágzás: N?k a kibontakozó szexualitásukról
Vágyvirágzás: N?k a kibontakozó szexualitásukról
Kuti Veronika
dám és va a feltn kinézet ikerpár rég nem látott mostoha bátyjuk esküvjére utazik, aki feledhetetlen utazást ígér. Luxus utat egzotikus vidékekre, külnleges helyekre. Igazi álomnyaralást. ron tíz éve él nem mindennapi életet Jemenben, ismert állatorvosként, tiszteletbeli beduinként. A testvérek a sivatagon átvágva indulnak az ismeretlen menyasszonyhoz, ám egy hirtelen homokvihar elszakítja ket egymástól. Az egyedül maradt lányt egy feltrekv beduin férfi menti meg, aki a táborukba viszi. m semmi sem az, aminek látszik. Egy szerencsés fordulatnak ksznheten ismét egymásra találnak a testvérek. Külns érzelmek, izgalmas trténések kvetik egymást. Két esküv, emberrablás, kalóztámadás, egy leltt szakács… Mi minden fér még bele egy ilyen rült nászútba, Jementl a Seychelle szigetekig Egy izgalmas, külnleges trténetet olvashatunk, meglep fordulatokkal, nem mindennapi szerelmekkel fszerezve.
Rejt?z? kavicsok 1.
Rejt?z? kavicsok 1.
Kolozsi Lázár Ildikó
Схемы, иллюстрации и инструкции помогут без труда справиться с работой. ? Советы по выбору материалов для строительства: дерево, кирпич, камень, бетон и др. ? Готовые проекты: простой садовый домик, двухэтажный ?шалаш?, каркасный дом с мансардой и др. Shemy, illjustracii i instrukcii pomogut bez truda spravit'sja s rabotoj. ? Sovety po vyboru materialov dlja stroitel'stva: derevo, kirpich, kamen', beton i dr. ? Gotovye proekty: prostoj sadovyj domik, dvuhjetazhnyj ?shalash?, karkasnyj dom s mansardoj i dr.
Ruins of Ancient Cities: (Volume - I)
Ruins of Ancient Cities: (Volume - I)
Charles Bucke
"UKRAY" - UNIFIED FIELD THEORY - - A New Unification Theory on Electromagnetic Gravitation- PREFACE ? ?“This study which aims to prove that all forces and laws of physics exist in a single unified structure at the Starting and Ending moment of the Universe analyzes all laws of physics within the framework of a unified structure from Newton Mechanics to Quantum Theory, Einstein Relativity to modern 11-dimensional Super string theory. The study may also be considered as a "MODERN ERA PRINCIPIA" since it was started to be written in about 300 years (early 2007) after the publication of the great study of Newton named "PRINCIPIA" (1703-1707) on the topic of gravity theories. The volume includes SEVEN CHAPTERS in the form of SEVEN different articles which follow each other and make clear the subject when they are read consecutively. In addition, FOUR additional chapters in the form of APPENDIXES in nature of FUNDAMENTALS OF MATHEMATICS were also included at the end of the volume for readers who have a less degree of technical knowledge about the topic… THIS THEORY, GETS THESE QUESTIONS INTO; - A CHANGE into Gravitational field and field equations, STATIC AND UNIVERSAL GRAVITATIONAL CONSTANTS, - THE DYNAMICS OF Gravitational field with Combining the Electromagnetics Theory. - THE VELOCITY OF LIGHT COULD BE EXCEEDED? THIS THEORY WAS PREPARED AS A CONSEQUENCE OF APPROXIMATELY 16 YEARS STUDY, - WHOLE "666" PAGE- INCLUDES ABOUT 100 THEOREMS, - AND 1000 ILLUSTRATED DRAWINGS, - ASSERTS THE NEW PHYSICS OF THE UNIVERSE. AND MUCH MORE… "I imagined the situation of a mass falling towards the singularity point in a blackhole singularity in electrodynamic gravity conditions for some relative structures in the electromagnetic theory which is the most important and understandable theory in the classical physics I had comprehensive knowledge in my last years of my undergraduate term of the academic life (in about 2000) in an article of Faraday on the topic of the law of induction I had incidentally seen while I was examining the existing physics literature in the faculty's library. I wondered if the law of induction in a circular conducting wire differently perceived according to an observer in the train and the one on the land in the special relativity of Einstein may occur by the increase and decrease of mass during the course of falling to singularity in this blackhole and may create an electromagnetic gravity wave and a magnetic charge current which would decrease the impact of gravitation in parallel to this. This oriented me to a series of researches to study and create this theory for years and then directed me to create a unified electromagnetic gravity theory composed of SEVEN ARTICLES in total I will submit here in order and step by step. Even though the theory includes a deductive mathematical approach, tensor calculation and geometric modellings, I will give solutions of Einstein-Maxwell Equations with a different mathematical 4x4 Pauli-Dirac Spinors and Tensor calculation construction in direction of closed extra dimension of the space (5 Dimension Effect) What Does the Theory Tell? {Short Abstract and Philosophy of the Theory} The THEORY summarizes the general and simple mathematical description of the universe in the form of general conclusion items and forecasts the followings; Basic Projections of the Theory? - NEW MODEL OF AN ATOM, - NEW MODEL OF THE UNIVERSE, - CHANGE IN GALILEO Inertia Principle, - A Fundamental Change in the Structure of MAXWELL's EQUATIONS, AN ADDITIONAL TERMS AND ADDITIONS, - A CHANGE IN POYNTING ENERGY THEORY, - A NEW ATOMIC MODEL, - A NEW UNIVERSE MODEL, - CHANGE IN GALILEO'S PRINCIPLE OF INERTIA, - A FUNDEMENTAL CHANGE AND AN ADDITIONAL TERM IN THE STRUCTURE IF MAXWELL EQUATIONS, - A CHANGE IN STATIC FIELD EQUATIONS OF THE GRAVITY FIELD AND IN THE UNIVERSAL GRAVITY CONSTANT. - CHANGE IN POYNTING ENERGY THEOREM, - HOW CAN THE VELOCITY OF LIGHT BE EXCEEDED?