

Public Health and Globalisation
Public Health and Globalisation
Brassington, Iain
Claims that there are good arguments for a public health service that do not amount to arguments for a national health service, but for something that looks far more like a transnational health service.
Paranormal and the Politics of Truth
Paranormal and the Politics of Truth
Northcote, Jeremy
This book is based on the author's ten-year research into the politics of belief surrounding paranormal ideas. Through a detailed examination of the participants, issues, strategies and underlying factors that constitute the contemporary paranormal debate, the book explores the struggle surrounding the status of paranormal phenomena. It examines, on the one hand, how the principal arbiters of religious and scientific truths - the Church and the academic establishment - reject paranormal ideas as "e;occult"e; and "e;pseudo-scientific"e;, and how, on the other hand, paranormal enthusiasts attempt to resist such labels and instead establish paranormal ideas as legitimate knowledge.The author contends that the paranormal debate is the outcome of wider discursive processes that are concerned with the construction and negotiation of truth in Western society generally. More specifically, the debate is seen as an aspect of the "e;boundary work"e; that defines the contours of religious and scientific orthodoxy.The book paves new ground in understanding the nature of belief relating to a topic that has long held fascination to academics and lay people alike - paranormal ideas. It develops a discursive framework for understanding a contemporary social phenomenon, hence placing the study at the cutting edge of ethnographic development that seeks to integrate discursive perspectives with empirical accounts of sociological phenomena. Most importantly, the study is intended to contribute to the debate surrounding communicative action, by outlining a discursive perspective on the negotiation of ideational differences that goes beyond the incommensurability theories that have dominated the sociology of communication and knowledge.
Art and Enlightenment
Art and Enlightenment
Friday, Jonathan
During the intellectual and cultural flowering of Scotland in the 18th century few subjects attracted as much interest among men of letters as aesthetics - the study of art from the subjective perspective of human experience. All of the great philosophers of the age - Hutcheson, Hume, Smith and Reid - addressed themselves to aesthetic questions. Their inquiries revolved around a cluster of issues - the nature of taste, beauty and the sublime, how qualitative differences operate upon the mind through the faculty of taste, and how aesthetic sensibility can be improved through education. This volume brings together and provides contextual introductions to the most significant 18th century writing on the philosophy of art. From the pioneering study of beauty by Francis Hutcheson, through Hume's seminal essays on the standard of taste and tragedy, to the end of the tradition in Dugald Stewart, we are swept up in the debate about art and its value that fascinated the philosophers of enlightenment Scotland - and continues to do so to this day.
Innocence of Father Brown
Innocence of Father Brown
Chesterton, G. K.
This first collection of Father Brown mysteries, widely considered the author's best, includes "e;The Blue Cross"e; "e;The Hammer of God,"e; "e;The Eye of Apollo"e; and more. Father Brown is the opposite of Sherlock Holmes - the quiet, nondescript little priest whom nobody notices. Readers who enjoy classic fiction - and a good mystery - will love this special hand-crafted, digitally-formatted ebook edition.
Athenian Option
Athenian Option
Barnett, Anthony
Before New Labour came to power and when even the prospect of reform of Britain's House of Lords was regarded with scepticism, Anthony Barnett and Peter Carty developed the idea of selecting part of a new upper house by lot: creating a jury or juries, that are representative of the population as a whole while being selected at random, to assess legislation. This new edition of the original proposal includes an account of the reception of the idea, their evidence before the Commission on the Lords established by Tony Blair, and a response to the great advances in citizen-based deliberation that have taken place since the mid-1990s. It concludes with a new appeal to adopt their approach as efforts to reform the Lords continue.
Achieve More With Pareto's Law
Achieve More With Pareto's Law
IF YOU ONLY KNEW WHAT YOU COULD ACHIEVE... Would you like to work in a job you like and get paid the salary you deserve? Would you like to spend your free time doing the things you love with the people you care about? Well it really is possible. You can do so much more if you concentrate your efforts on the areas that provide the most benefit and not on the ones that don't. LESS IS MORE! You may not believe it now but we think you'll change your mind once you read this eBook. Explore what is known as the 80/20 PRINCIPLE and see how it can be adapted to suit you and your needs. People and businesses have been using this method for years, ACHIEVING STARTLING RESULTS. Now it is explained for the first time in a clear and concise way with easy to understand examples so that you too can see how you can make the changes to your life that will provide real gains. It will show you how to develop your own 80/20 MINDSET and how this way of thinking can transform your life. 20% of what you do leads to 80% of the results. Learn what the implications of that can be for you and see how to leverage it to your advantage. Put the ODDS IN YOUR FAVOUR and play the game of life where it's you who gets to make the rules.
Political Leadership in Liberal and Democratic Theory
Political Leadership in Liberal and Democratic Theory
Femia, Joseph
The working hypothesis of this book is that the issue of leadership is neglected by mainstream democratic and liberal theories. This deficiency has especially become evident in the last three or four decades, which have witnessed a revival of deontological liberalism and radical theories of participatory and 'deliberative' democracy. The contributors examine, discuss and evaluate descriptive, analytical and normative arguments regarding the role of leadership in liberal and democratic theory. The volume seeks to provoke debate and to foster new research on the significance and function of leaders in liberal democracies.The book (as a whole and in its constitutive chapters) works on two levels. First, it aims to expose the lack of systematic treatment of leadership in mainstream liberal and democratic theory. Second, it explores the reasons for this neglect. Overall, the book tries to convince the reader that liberal and democratic theories should revive the issue of leadership.
Putting Morality Back into Politics
Putting Morality Back into Politics
Ryder, Richard D.
Machiavelli almost succeeded in removing morality from European politics and, indeed, since his day it has sometimes been assumed that morality and politics are separate. Ryder argues that the time has come for public policies to be seen to be based upon moral objectives. Politicians should be expected routinely to justify their policies with open moral argument.In Part I, Ryder sketches an overview of contemporary political philosophy as it relates to the moral basis for politics, and Part 2 suggests a way of putting morality back into politics, along with a clearer emphasis upon scientific evidence.
1975 Referendum on Europe - Volume 2
1975 Referendum on Europe - Volume 2
Baimbridge, Mark
Provides an analysis of the relationship between the UK and the EU, treating the key overarching issues in the 1975 referendum and looking ahead to the prospect (eventually) of further referendums on the subjects of EMU and a European constitution.
Soap Quiz Book
Soap Quiz Book
Bennison, Mark
Can you remember Hilda Ogden, Annie Sugden and Dirty Den or are you more familiar with the current soap stars who keep us hooked with the ever changing dramatic events that shape their onscreen lives? All your favourite characters from yesteryear can be found in this quiz book alongside those more contemporary villains television audiences just love to hate. The 1,000 testing questions in this book will have you arguing with family and friends about the many memorable moments that have defined the history of soap. Gripping plots, bad guys and girls, heroes, happy events and dark moments, loves and losses are all covered in The Soap Quiz Book and will refresh your memory of all the essential viewing moments from the soaps down the years. Packed with fascinating facts this book is guaranteed to provide hours of entertainment for soap fans of all ages. So whether you are a dedicated follower of Coronation Street, have never missed an episode of Neighbours or have just discovered Hollyoaks this quiz book is sure to prove a fun read.
Getting Darwin Wrong
Getting Darwin Wrong
Wallace, Brendan
Brendan Wallace, with a background in psychology, demonstrates that the key claims of Evolutionary Psychology (EP), popularised by Steven Pinker and others, are based on the 'brain is a digital computer' argument. He then argues that as we now know this model of the brain will not work, therefore EP won't work either, since it is based on a fallacious view of the mind/brain.The book, which is written in a reader friendly but rigorous style, is a timely assault on one of the most fashionable philosophies of mind currently 'out there'.
Liberty, Authority, Formality
Liberty, Authority, Formality
Morrow, John
The essays in this volume are all inspired by the historical scholarship of J.C. Davis. During a prolific career, Davis has transformed our understanding of early modern utopian literature and its contexts, and compelled students of seventeenth-century English to re-evaluate the significance of movements and individuals who have had a prominent place in the historiography of the English Revolution. Davis's analyses of groups like the Levellers and individuals like Gerrard Winstanley and Oliver Cromwell has reoriented the inquiry around the contemporary moral themes of liberty, authority and formality-around which concepts this volume engages.
Capitalism and Human Values
Capitalism and Human Values
Wilkinson, Tony
Capitalism is not enough. It has brought us prosperity and no other economic system can match its energy and innovation, but it has a dark side of exploitation and instability.Capitalism needs to be bounded by values. But which values? What indeed are values anyway and how do we locate and share values strong enough to balance the power of capitalism in society? Relativism has swept away old certainties and we struggle to agree what should lie at the centre of our lives.In this book we construct a foundation for values based on our common humanity and explore personal, social and political values from a fresh perspective.We show how with values placed on a strong foundation individual lives can reacquire meaning and purpose. Politics can be transformed from the half-corrupted subject of popular indifference it has become. Above all, capitalism can be a tool for good, a servant rather than a master.
Nelson, Hitler and Diana
Nelson, Hitler and Diana
Ryder, Richard D
Clinical psychologist Richard Ryder approaches three iconic celebrities - Horatio Nelson, Adolph Hitler, and Diana Princess of Wales - as though they were his patients and presents a short psycho-biography of each. Beneath their obvious differences he finds striking similarities in their backgrounds and early experience, especially being deprived of their mothers' love. In a short Epilogue the author asks what lessons might be learned for the future from these three famous figures of the past.
Loose Screw
Loose Screw
Dawkins, Jim
Jim Dawkins left home at the age of sixteen to pursue his dream of joining the army, and subsequently served with the Royal Green Jackets, including tours of Canada and Northern Ireland. During that time he learnt many important lessons in the 'University of Life' that would serve him well in the future, such as discipline, respect, pride and honour, but which, at the same time, would lead to insufferable stress as he constantly battled with his conscience and struggled to swim against the tide. Once back in Civvy Street, and with a new house and a baby to support, Jim decided to join the Prison Service. But what faced him in this new career, which centred on Wandsworth, Wormwood Scrubs and Belmarsh prisons, shocked him to the core. For this ex-squaddie, who believed in establishing good working relationships with inmates, including notorious long-termer, Charles Bronson, the cancerous environment of staff bully-boy tactics and prisoner victimization was sickening. Jim tells his story, which, although peppered with humorous anecdotes of often lager-induced incidents from both his army and prison days, bears witness to the stark reality of what actually goes on behind prison doors, and exposes both the glaring flaws in the prison system and the atrocities perpetrated in the name of justice, which ultimately forced his decision to leave the Prison Service seven years later.
Horror Film Quiz Book
Horror Film Quiz Book
Cowlin, Chris
The fact that horror remains one of the most popular genres in the history of film and has produced so many classic titles, proves that we all thrive on suspense and audiences everywhere just love to feel the fear factor. Who among us can ever forget such all time favourites as Halloween, Psycho and Jaws? And no matter how many times we may have watched these cult films, they still manage to keep us on the edge of our seats. The Horror Film Quiz Book is a definitive guide to things that go bump in the night and the 1,000 questions contained inside the cover will test your memory of the writers, characters, human and inhuman monsters that inhabit the world of horror. With sections on all the best-loved spine tingling films from yesteryear through to the current day, this book is a must have for all fans of the genre but be prepared for one or two surprises as, in the world of horror, things are not always as they seem.
Berry, Richard
Martin Bell, Ken Livingstone and Richard Taylor (the doctor who became an MP to save his local hospital) are the best known of a growing band of British politicians making their mark outside the traditional party system. Some (like Livingstone) have emerged from within the old political system that let them down, others (Bell, Taylor) have come into politics from outside in response to a crisis of some kind, often in defence of a perceived threat to their local town or district.Richard Berry traces this development by case studies and interviews to test the theory that these are not isolated cases, but part of a permanent trend in British politics,a shift away from the party system in favour of independent non-aligned representatives of the people.
Reality Television Quiz Book
Reality Television Quiz Book
Cowlin, Chris
Are you addicted to reality TV? Do you watch all the shows from Britain's Got Talent to The Apprentice? Can you name every contestant ever to walk through the doors of the Big Brother house? Then The Reality Television Quiz Book is definitely for you. Who can forget Jade Goody, Peter Andre and Jordan, Leona Lewis or Paul Potts? They are all inside in this book alongside the many memorable characters who have become household names by appearing live on our television screens. The 1,000 brain-teasing questions in this quiz book cover every aspect of reality TV, from the celebrities and wannabes to the strange and the bizarre, including all the heroes, villains, tears and tantrums we have come to expect from the genre in recent years. Packed with behind the scenes information about all your favourite shows, this book is guaranteed to provide hours of entertainment for the whole family and is a must have for all fans of reality television.
Far From the Madding Crowd
Far From the Madding Crowd
Hardy, Thomas
Far from the Madding Crowd is perhaps the most pastoral of Hardy's Wessex novels. It tells the story of the young farmer Gabriel Oak and his love for and pursuit of the elusive Bathsheba Everdene, whose wayward nature leads her to both tragedy and true love. It tells of the dashing Sergeant Troy whose rakish philosophy of life was '...the past was yesterday; never, the day after'. And lastly, of the introverted and reclusive gentleman farmer, Mr Boldwood, whose love fills him with '...a fearful sense of exposure', when he first sets eyes on Bathsheba. The background of this tale is the Wessex countryside in all its moods.
Panic on a Plate
Panic on a Plate
Lyons, Rob
Food in Britain today is more plentiful, more nutritious, more varied, and much more affordable than ever in our history. This is something to celebrate, and Rob Lyons does exactly that. In a series of short up-beat chapters he challenges head on the fashionable critics of so-called junk food and the "e;wacky world"e; of organic and locally-sourced food campaigners. They have created needless panic and made our cheap and tasty food an object of shame and blame, when it should be a cause for rejoicing. "e;Panic on a Plate"e; draws on history, science, and official reports to show the fearmongers are wrong: the changing face of food is full of hope.
Public Service on the Brink
Public Service on the Brink
Manson, Jenny
The contributors to this book mount a robust defence of the concept and practice of public service at a crucial time for its future. They question the ill-conceived assumptions behind the endless programmes of reform imposed by successive governments, often on the basis of advice from people with no direct experience of working in the public sector.With cuts in public spending by the coalition government and "e;austerity"e; programmes being imposed in Britain and abroad, the book could not be more timely in its reminder of the core purpose of public service. After a long period of denigration of the public sector, here is the voice that has not been heard clearly through these decades of reorganisation:"e;I know what my job is and I want to do it as well as I can. Indeed I would love my work if I could get one day's peace to get on with it. But I am beset at every turn by unintelligible, time wasting and fruitless management initiatives, constant change, ill-judged targets, wrong-headed 'commercial' exemplars and continuous and misguided restructuring. I have to watch as, instead of my 'customers' (actually patients, pupils, taxpayers) getting a better deal from me, the only beneficiaries seem to be those who can lobby for special treatment."e; The book contains accounts of public service by people of varying backgrounds and ages who work both inside and outside of the public sector. They share an allegiance to the value and purpose of working for the common good and an enthusiasm for getting things right and for the opportunity to recount their experience through this book.