

Sherlock Holmes and the Clapham Witch
Sherlock Holmes and the Clapham Witch
Little, John A.
In this excellent short story, sad old men are throwing themselves under trains for a variety of reasons and Holmes must place himself in harm's way to discover the truth of a rather bewildering case. Bordering on the supernatural, this Sherlockian short was first published in 2016 in the third collection of the Final Tales of Sherlock Holmes.
Jack of Hearts
Jack of Hearts
Scott, Ken
Bob Heggie is a banker at the end of a dead end career. He hates his job, his boss, his life. His wife has left him. He hardly knows his kids and his closest friend is a down and out newspaper seller and they're not really close. In the early mornings he wanders the moors of Northern England with a pair of dogs he doesn't like, listening to Bob Dylan sing about a great bank robbery on his iPod. The Jack of Hearts in that song is the kind of man Bob imagines himself to be, but he knows he'll always be just plain old boring Bob Heggie Then one morning he is nearly killed in an armed robbery and he starts to think. If he were to steal the bank's money, he'd come up with a better way. But would he survive to spend his ill gotten gains?
Nature and Uses of Lotteries
Nature and Uses of Lotteries
Gataker, Thomas
Thomas Gataker was a disputatious Puritan divine. His The Nature and Uses of Lotteries (1627) was the first systematic exposition of a modern view of lotteries, not just as a form of gambling, but as a fair method of division. Gataker approved of these uses, but condemned divination and sorcery using random signs or spells. This important treatise is often referred to, but is generally inaccessible due to its rarity and old-style of language. The text of this edition has been fully modernised, with notes on important sources used by Gataker and includes a new introduction.
Study in Sherbet
Study in Sherbet
Marsh, Stephen
In this humorous Sherlock Holmes spoof, our hero is once again joined by his friend and colleague, Dr. John H. Watson and together they set out to try and solve the mystery of the extraordinary sugar disappearances sweeping the United Kingdom. Sound boring? Well, yes it does actually, but things are not always what they seem and in this newly-discovered narrative discovered in a dispatch box from the vaults of Cox & Co., London, we find Holmes at his deductive best. Dr. Watson chips in every now and then and Mrs. Hudson displays her true colours. Along the way there are cameo appearances by Inspector Lestrade and Wiggins of the Irregulars and of course it would not be complete without Holmes' arch-nemesis, Professor James Moriarty showing up. A hardboiled, sugar-free detective tale of adventure and intrigue.
How Good an Historian Shall I Be?
How Good an Historian Shall I Be?
Hughes-Warrington, Marnie
R.G. Collingwood's name is familiar to historians and history educators around the world. Few, however, have charted the depths of his reflections on what it means to be educated in history. In this book Marnie Hughes-Warrington begins with the facet of Collingwood's work best known to teachers-re-enactment-and locates it in historically-informed discussions on empathy, imagination and history education. Revealed are dynamic concepts of the a priori imagination and education that tend towards reflection on the presuppositions that shape our own and others' forms of life.
Tiberius Meets Sneaky Cat
Tiberius Meets Sneaky Cat
Harvey, Keith
Tiberius has an exciting adventure when he makes a new friend in Sneaky Cat . . .
Queen City Corpse
Queen City Corpse
Andriacco, Dan
"e;Where do we hide the body?"e;This is the startling question that Jeff Cody and his wife, Lynda, hear during a wedding reception on the first night of the QueenCon mystery conference in Cincinnati. Not only are the whispered words unnerving, there is no one nearby to have spoken them.Jeff's brother-in-law, mystery writer and amateur sleuth Sebastian McCabe, discounts the puzzle with what seems to be a logical and reassuring explanation. But murder does come to QueenCon - and to a victim who seems to make no sense. Mac's usual freewheeling style of mystery-solving runs into a roadblock in the form of a homicide captain who has been his enemy since the seventh grade. So Jeff and Lynda wind up doing his legwork, and what they had expected to be a fun weekend is harder than any day at the office.Queen City Corpse shines with humor, bright writing, and memorable characterization, as well as the solid storytelling that caused best-selling novelist Bonnie MacBird to call Dan Andriacco "e;a master of mystery plotting."e;
Sherlock Holmes and the Portal of Time
Sherlock Holmes and the Portal of Time
Druce, Michael
Only one man can change the outcome of World War II-Professor Moriarty. And only one man can stop him-Sherlock Holmes. In a breakneck race through time, Holmes and Watson must follow Moriarty eighteen years into the future to prevent him from helping the Germans develop the atomic bomb. With the fate of the world hanging in the balance, Holmes and Watson join forces with H.G. Wells, his wife Jane, and Albert Einstein in a life and death struggle on the eve of World War II.
Thomas Reid
Thomas Reid
Grandi, Giovanni B.
Thomas Reid (1710-1796) is the foremost exponent of the Scottish 'common sense' school of philosophy. Educated at Marischal College in Aberdeen, Reid subsequently taught at King's College, and was a founder of the Aberdeen Philosophical Society. His Inquiry Into the Human Mind on the Principles of Common Sense was published in 1764, the same year he succeeded Adam Smith as Professor of Moral Philosophy at the University of Glasgow. He resigned from active teaching duties in 1785 to devote himself to writing, and published two more books - Essays on the Intellectual Powers of Man (1785) and Essays on the Active Powers of Man (1788). Within a short time of publication, Reid's works were translated into French and German, and greatly influenced debates in philosophy and psychology in Europe. His influence in the emerging colleges and universities of post-revolutionary America was even greater.Reid was widely regarded as David Hume's most sophisticated contemporary critic. His critique of the 'theory of ideas' that lay behind both Hume's scepticism and Berkeley's immaterialism, his critique of Locke's theory of personal identity, and his defence of 'moral liberty' against determinism are all of enduring interest and significance. The aim of this comprehensive selection of his writings is to make the key elements of Reid's philosophical work available to a new generation of readers.Two other philosophers of the 'common sense' school are featured in the Library of Scottish Philosophy - James Beattie and Dugald Stewart.
In Unhallowed Rest
In Unhallowed Rest
Sutton, John
Holmes being away for the day Watson receives an anonymous request for a meeting at Waterloo station. More for interest sake than any other reason, he attends the railway station and is confronted by a man whom appears in the last vestiges of physical and mental stress. According to Brinton he has but little time before both his imminent death and worse, his immortal soul is cast forever into eternal damnation. Detective Inspector Lestrade joins Holmes and Watson in their quest to tackle a series of grisly murders that point to a Satanic cult of Vampirism.
Puritan' Democracy of Thomas Hill Green
Puritan' Democracy of Thomas Hill Green
de Sanctis, Alberto
The central concern of this book is to demonstrate how Puritanism was a theme which ran through all Green's biography and political philosophy. It thereby reveals how Green's connections with Evangelicalism and his known affinities with religious dissent came from his way of conceiving Puritanism. In Green's eyes, its anti-formalist viewpoint made Puritanism the most suitable tool for avoiding the drawbacks of democracy. The key objective of the book is to illustrate how the philosophy elaborated by Green aimed to encapsulate the best of Puritanism whilst eschewing the dangerous abstractions of both Puritan philosophy and German idealism. It follows that Green's conception of positive and negative freedom, and his vision of political obligation, stemmed from his effort to revive the Puritan heritage rather than from an ambiguous flirtation with idealism. The book purports to show how the influence of Puritanism in Green's political thought is an element which can help to integrate the literature in the area, contributing to a better comprehension of a philosopher who, despite being unanimously considered as the founder of the so-called Oxford idealist school, had a very difficult and sometimes obscure connection with idealism. It has been widely argued that Green's relationship with idealism seemed to be infected by a religious germ which, because it was unrelated to German idealism, gave it a bad taste. This study aims to encourage further investigation into the nature and propagation of that germ in the British idealist School.
Mrs Hudson's Olympic Triumph
Mrs Hudson's Olympic Triumph
Brown, Barry S
It is 1896. Mrs. Hudson and her colleagues are traveling to Athens to attend the first Olympiad in more than 2000 years. Indeed, Holmes is to participate in the foils competition as a member of Great Britain's Olympic team. But the trip is more than just fun and games. The three members of London's first and foremost consulting detective agency are, in fact, engaged in a delicate bit of undercover work on behalf of Queen and country. They are to secure a letter being sent by courier to Queen Victoria from her daughter, the Dowager Empress of Germany. Peace between the two nations may well depend on the contents of that letter. They arrive to find both the courier and the wife of the British Ambassador shot dead in the Ambassador's residence. The letter and the Ambassador are nowhere to be found. They discover, too, that Inspector Lestrade is already in Athens investigating the sale of fake antiquities to the wife of the Ambassador. The Baker Street trio has the ten days of the Olympiad to recover the critical letter, capture a double murderer, and uncover the secret behind the scheme to pass off copies of Greek antiquities as genuine-all while Holmes seeks to dispatch his fencing competition and win an Olympic medal.
Tarzan of the Apes
Tarzan of the Apes
Burroughs, Edgar Rice
Abandoned to his fate when his English parents die in the African jungle, a baby boy is rescued and reared by a loving ape foster mother. Conquering the savage laws of the wilderness, Tarzan grows into a mighty warrior and becomes leader of his tribe of apes until he encounters, for the first time, his own kind - humans. An expedition of white treasure hunters has entered his jungle kingdom, accompanied by the beautiful Jane Porter. Tarzan's primitive heart is struck and he determines to become civilized in order to win her. But will the charms of this charming and cultured young woman overcome when the spirit of his wild nature beckons?
Situated Aesthetics
Situated Aesthetics
Manzotti, Riccardo
This book focuses on externalist approaches to art. It is the first fruit of a workshop held in Milan in September 2009, where leading scholars in the emerging field of psychology of art compared their different approaches using a neutral language and discussing freely their goals.The event threw up common grounds for future research activities. First, there is a considerable interest in using cognitive and neural inspired techniques to help art historians, museum curators, art archiving, art preservation. Secondly, cognitive scientists and neuroscientists are rather open to using art as a special way of accessing the structures of the mind. Third, there are artists who explicitly draw inspiration out of current research on various aspects of the mind. Fourth, during the workshop, a converging methodological paradigm emerged around which more specific efforts could be encouraged.
Giovanni Gentile and the State of Contemporary Constructivism
Giovanni Gentile and the State of Contemporary Constructivism
Wakefield, James
This book presents Giovanni Gentile's actual idealism as a radical constructivist doctrine for use in moral theory. The first half describes the moral theory that Gentile explicitly identifies with actual idealism, according to which all thinking, rather than an exclusive domain of 'practical reason', has a moral character. It is argued that after Gentile's turn to Fascism in the early 1920s, this theory is increasingly conflated with his political doctrine. This entails several major changes that cannot be squared with the underlying metaphysics. The second half of the book develops a more plausible account of Gentilean moral constructivism based on the pre-Fascist idea of reasoning as an internal dialogue. Comparisons and contrasts are drawn with contemporary constructivist doctrines, as well as theories employing dialogical conceptions of reason. The internal dialogue is presented as a device enabling the thinking subject to make objective judgments about real-world problems despite the impossibility of her occupying a fully objective standpoint. Thus actual idealist moral theory is offered as an example of constructivism at its most radical, inviting advocates of less radical varieties to reassess the foundations on which their theories are built.
Prokhovnik, Raia
This innovative research monograph on sovereignty argues that the historical examination of the concept and the conceptual analysis of sovereignty are interdependent. The book engages with and makes a significant contribution to the literatures on sovereignty from the history of political thought and political theory. It offers a clear survey and evaluation of interlinked debates within these literatures, and provides lively and scholarly interpretations of thinkers including Bodin, Hobbes, Spinoza, Locke, Rousseau, Kant, Hegel, Foucault and Schmitt.This book will be of interest to historians of political thought, political theorists, political philosophers, IR theorists, and legal theorists.
Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock Holmes
Mower, Mark
Following the success of the earlier volume, A Farewell to Baker Street, we have another collection of previously unknown Holmes and Watson tales that will excite the interests of readers across the globe - The Baker Street Case-Files. A decade before his death, Dr Watson let it be known that with his passing he wished his nephew, Christopher Henry Watson MD, to be the executor of his will and guardian of all his personal and pecuniary affairs. One of the tasks he sanctioned was that his nephew should use his discretion in selecting for publication some of the three dozen or so cases involving Holmes and Watson which had not already seen the light of day. These seven new stories shed more light on the remarkable talents of Mr Sherlock Holmes. The first in the collection, The Case of the Rondel Dagger, occurred before Holmes and Watson met. The Mile End Mynah Bird is a fascinating tale set in the period beyond The Great War when both men appear reluctant to retire. From the plotting of The Radicant Munificent Society to the hidden message of The Manila Envelope, there is much to entertain and enthrall us. As before, these tales are designed to contribute in some small part to the lasting memory of two extraordinary men who once occupied that setting we have come to know and love as 221B Baker Street. Once again, 'The game is afoot!'
Histories and Discourses
Histories and Discourses
Schmidt, Siegfried J.
Siegfried J. Schmidt is closely associated in Germany with the cross-disciplinary research programme of Radical Constructivism. In Histories & Discourses he carries out a change of perspective from media and communication studies to studies of culture and the philosophy of language.His 'rewriting' of constructivism shows that classical constructivism shares some fundamental assumptions with realism, and he creates a new vocabulary which allows us to understand how we construct truth, identity, ethics, etc., without using any point of reference which lies beyond our culture (our 'history and discourses').
What is a Wommett?
What is a Wommett?
Abrahams, Mick
Mick Abrahams first rose to fame as a guitarist during the 1960s and was a founder member of Jethro Tull, although his time with the band was to prove short lived owing to the vividly contrasting musical styles of himself and Ian Anderson. In his autobiography What is a Wommett Mick finally puts the record straight about this parting of the ways and the events that have shaped the man and his music since that time up to the present day. Perhaps best known for his time with Blodwyn Pig, the band he formed after leaving Tull, Abrahams has continued to delight fans with his own brand of blues, jazz and rock on highly acclaimed albums spanning several decades. With a fitting foreword by radio presenter and champion of great music, Bob Harris, this autobiography provides a fascinating insight into the character of an upbeat man who hasn't allowed anything to keep him down for long. Packed with anecdotes and stories about Mick's life in and out of the spotlight, this book is a must have for his fans and anyone who remembers the excitement of the emerging new musical talent of the sixties.
Within the Walls of Hell
Within the Walls of Hell
Wanki, Taniform Martin
There are good plays and there are great plays... The Gates of Hell, created by Taniform Martin Wanki questions mans greed, religion, fanaticism, riches, law, hierarchy and intellect when faced with the ultimate questions after death along with the contributions in which they have made.
Scottish Political System Since Devolution
Scottish Political System Since Devolution
Cairney, Paul
This book presents a narrative of Scottish politics since devolution in 1999. It compares eight years of coalition government under Scottish Labour and the Scottish Liberal Democrats with four years of Scottish National Party minority government.It outlines the relative effect of each government on Scottish politics and public policy in various contexts, including: high expectations for 'new politics' that were never fully realised; the influence of, and reactions from, the media and public; the role of political parties; the Scottish Government's relations with the UK Government, EU institutions, local government, quasi-governmental and non-governmental actors; and, the finance available to fund policy initiatives. It then considers how far Scotland has travelled on the road to constitutional change, comparing the original devolved framework with calls for independence or a new devolution settlement.The book draws heavily on information produced since 1999 by the Scottish Devolution Monitoring project (which forms one part of the devolution monitoring project led by the Constitution Unit, UCL) and is supplemented by new research on public policy, minority government, intergovernmental relations and constitutional change.