

《新潮实用英语综合教程》是根据*高教司颁布的《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》编写。《新潮实用英语综合教程》(第2册)共有 8 个单元,每单元由导入、视听说训练、学习技巧、阅读训练、语法复习和实用写作组成。“导入”引入与主题相关的名人名言和谚语格言。“视听说训练”包括对各种日常交际微技能的介绍和训练。“学习技巧”介绍听力和阅读的基本学习方法和技能。“阅读训练”包括两篇同一题材的文章,精读文章 Text A 配有主题讨论、阅读理解、词汇、结构、翻译等练习。泛读文章 Text B 配有阅读理解和词汇练习。“语法复习”系统复习已学语法知识,以易混淆的语法现象为重点,进行综合练习。“实用写作”介绍学生今后工作和生活所需的常用应用文并配有相应的写作训练。
对外汉语教学概论》作为应用语言学精品教材,于2004年推出后,每年重印,已成为语言学及应用语言学专业和汉语国际教育专业学习者和新教师的书。 15年来,汉语作为第二语言教学学科,不断发展,取得了新的研究成果。此次修订,本着精简、增新的原则,兼顾学术性与普及性,更加适用和实用。
E.C. Gaskell
本套书包括《一晚的工作)3册》、《 克兰福德3册》、《玛丽:巴顿5册》、《勒德洛夫人3册》、《 北与南5册》、《希尔维亚的情人5册》和《妻子与女儿/锦绣佳人6册》共30册。《一晚的工作》an intense bond /ltered title by Dickens/ a country lawyer/ the effects of a guilty conscious/ the realistic analysis of character and emotion《克兰弗德》immensely popular / a witty portrait of small town life in early-Victorian England /one of the better-known novels of Elizabeth Gaskell/ refined dignity amid poverty《希尔维亚的情人》a saddest story/ during the early phases of the Napoleonic Wars/ the coastal town/ reconciled each other on deathbed
本套书包括《理智与情感上下》、《曼斯菲尔德庄园3册》和《诺桑觉寺上下册》共7册。《理智与情感》是简·奥斯丁富于幽默情趣的处女作。埃诺莉和玛丽安娜两姐妹生在一个英国乡绅家庭,姐姐善于用理智来控制情感,妹妹的情感却毫无节制,因此面对爱情时,她们作出了不同的反映……小说以这两位女主角曲折复杂的婚事风波为主线,通过"理智与情感"的幽默对比,提出了道德与行为的规范问题。本书和作者的《傲慢与偏见》堪称姐妹篇,同样以细腻的笔触和生动的对白叙述没有富裕嫁妆的少女恋爱结婚的故事。如同书名里所体现的那样,故事集中表现了"理智"与"情感"的矛盾冲突。《曼菲尔德庄园》以男女青年的恋爱婚姻为题材。范妮出身贫寒,12岁时被姨父母伯特伦爵士夫妇收养。与四个表兄姊,汤姆,埃德蒙,玛丽亚和朱丽亚一起在曼斯菲尔德庄园长大,但常受到不平等的对待,玛丽亚和朱丽亚被宠坏了,十分虚荣,汤姆则既不负责又嗜赌,唯有善良表兄埃德蒙平等亲切的待他。随当时间增长,范妮的感激更逐渐转化为暗恋。虽然中间发生了很多事情,但是小说以范妮和埃德蒙喜结良缘为结局。小说中带有很多讽刺意味,特别是涉及到两位姨母时。范妮的家庭出身比奥斯丁其他小说的主人公明显低一个档次,就这一点来说这本小说可能是奥斯丁著作中现实主义的。爱德华·萨义德曾经指出,奥斯丁对于曼斯菲尔德庄园的经济基础是奴隶制这一点避而不谈,正显示了西方文化对于奴隶制度和帝国主义带来的物质利益缺乏自省坦然受之的态度。《诺桑觉寺》是一部爱情小说。然而,同其他作品不同的是,除了爱情纠纷之外,小说自始至终还贯穿着对哥特小说的嘲讽。因此,这可谓是一部"双主题"小说。 女主人公凯瑟琳是牧师之女,活泼可爱,正直善良,家道殷实。十七岁了,生活还是如一潭死水。艾伦夫妇带她一起去巴思度假,她在那里大开眼界,并结识了富家之子、牧师亨利蒂尔尼与他妹妹艾丽诺,她的可爱为她赢得了亨利?蒂尔尼真诚的爱,以及他妹妹艾丽诺?蒂尔尼的真心帮助。她们很快成为了好朋友。可她也碰上了一些虚情假意、贪慕虚荣之人,好在识破了他们的嘴脸。同时,她还碰到了另一位青年约翰?索普。索普为了抬高自己的身价,向亨利的父亲蒂尼将军谎报了莫兰家的财产,蒂尼将军信以为真,竭力怂恿儿子去追求凯瑟琳。后来,索普追求凯瑟琳的系望破灭,便恼羞成怒,把以前吹捧莫兰家的话全盘推翻,说她家如何贫穷。蒂尼将军再次听信谎言,把凯瑟琳赶出了家门,并勒令儿子把她忘掉。凯瑟琳回到家里,母亲发现昔日可爱的女儿变得如此忧郁,和之前简直判若两人。可怜的妈妈还以为女儿留恋外面的花花世界,却没想到女儿长大了,有了喜欢的人。后来,蒂尔尼的意外出现,终于让凯瑟琳父母明白,他们必须考虑是否要同意女儿的婚事了……
W.M. Thackeray
The History of Pendennis: His Fortunes and Misfortunes, His Friends and His Greatest Enemy (1848–1850) is a novel by the English author William Makepeace Thackeray. The novel took two years for him to write. Set in 19th century London, England, this novel features a young English gentleman Arthur Pendennis born in the country who sets out to seek his place in life and society. The novel portrays his love affairs with the callous Blanche Amory and poor Fanny. Both of them marry other people, and Pendennis finally weds Laura Bell, his adopted sister, who had always loved him. The characters include the snobbish social hanger-on Major Pendennis and the tipsy Captain Costigan. Miss Amory and Sir Francis Clavering are somewhat reminiscent of Becky Sharp and Sir Pitt from Vanity Fair. In line with other Thackeray's works, Pendennis offers an insightful and satiric picture of human character and aristocratic society. The masterful characterizations include the snobbish Major Pendennis and the tipsy Captain Costigan.
D.H. Lawrence
本套书包括《英格兰,我的英格兰和其它故事集3册》、《普鲁士军官和其它故事集4册》和《骑马走出的女人和其它故事集4册》共11册。《英格兰,我的英格兰和其它故事集》an important and controversial English writer/ the greatest writers in the English language /the background of World War I/10 stories《普鲁士军官和其它故事集》an important and controversial English writer/ the greatest writers in the English language/ frank and honest portrayal of human sexuality/12 stories
Rabindranath Tagore
Written during the 1890s, the stories in this selection brilliantly recreate vivid images of Bengali life and landscapes in their depiction of peasantry and gentry, casteism, corrupt officialdom and dehumanizing poverty. Yet Tagore is first and foremost India's supreme Romantic poet, and in these stories he can be seen reaching beyond mere documentary realism towards his own profoundly original vision. Tagore is often seen as a serious writer, dealing with significant issues concerning religion, politics and culture in his work, he also had a lighter side to his personality, which enabled him to laugh at certain inherent human weaknesses, such as excessive piety, sentimentality, affectedness, arrogance and sexual jealousy, in a comic spirit, rather than being derogatory or sarcastic about them. Sometimes, this laughter was even at his own expense, caricaturing a certain drollery or oddity in his own personality, or at the expense of a close family or associate.
49元5本 世界经典名著:绿山墙的安妮英文版(套装功能4册)
Lucy Maud Montgomery
Anne of Green Gables is a 1908 novel by Canadian author Lucy Maud Montgomery.Written for all ages, it has been considered a children’s novel since themid-twentieth century. It recounts the adventures of Anne Shirley, an11-yearold orphan girl who is mistakenly sent to Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert,a middleaged brother and sister who had intended to adopt a boy to help them ontheir farm in Prince Edward Island. The original book is taught to students around the world. It has beenadapted as film, made-for-television movies, and animated live-actiontelevision series. Plays and musicals have also been created, with productionsannually in Canada since 1964 of the first musical production, which has touredin Canada, the United States, Europe and Japan. Since publication, Anne of Green Gables has sold more than 50 millioncopies and has been translated into 20 languages.
Herman Melville
The Whale is an 1851 novel by American writer Herman Melville. The story tells the adventures of the wandering sailor Ishmael and his voyage on the whaling ship Pequod, commanded by Captain Ahab. Ishmael soon learns that Ahab seeks one specific whale, Moby-Dick, a white whale of tremendous size and ferocity. Comparatively few whaling ships know of Moby-Dick, and fewer yet have encountered him. In a previous encounter, the whale destroyed Ahab's boat and bit off his leg. Ahab intends to exact revenge. Its reputation as a "Great American Novel" was established only in the 20th century, after the centennial of its author's birthIts opening sentence, "Call me Ishmael", is among world literature's most famous..D. H. Lawrence called it "one of the strangest and most wonderful books in the world" and "the greatest book of the sea ever written".
R. M. Ballantyne
All Ballantyne’s novels are, in his own words, "adventure stories for young folks", and The Coral Island: A Tale of the Pacific Ocean (1858) is no exception. It is a Robinsonade, a genre of fiction inspired by Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe (1719). One of the first works of juvenile fiction to feature exclusively juvenile heroes, the story relates the adventures of three boys marooned on a South Pacific island, the only survivors of a shipwreck. Three boys, fifteen-year-old Ralph Rover (the narrator), eighteen-year-old Jack Martin and fourteen-year-old Peterkin Gay, are the sole survivors of a shipwreck on the coral reef of a large but uninhabited Polynesian island. At first their life on the island is idyllic; food, in the shape of fruits, fish and wild pigs, is plentiful, and using their only possessions; a broken telescope, an iron-bound oar and a small axe, they fashion a shelter and even construct a small boat.
49元5本 四级高频易错词一图了然:全2册
本书主书主要包括两大部分,单词讲解和语义网。单词讲解部分精选280个四级高频易错词进行讲解,配以真题例句和图片,通过科学的大数据语料库总结常用搭配和用法,及其使用和出现频率,使读者对四级核心词达到精准理解。语义网部分主要由核心主题词思维导图和梯度环形图构成,使读者利用发散思维对核心词进行全方位了解,扩充词汇量,加强应用。 本书别册为配套精编习题集,利用美国“词语联想”理念独创两种题型,除了用于自测,也是为了补充更多的例子和学习素材,帮助读者更好地理解并掌握四级词汇。
49元5本 托业词汇词根+联想记忆法:乱序版
《托业词汇词根+联想记忆法:乱序版》旨在通过科学的编排和高效的记忆法帮助考生扫清托业备考中的词汇障碍。 本书依据新托业官方样题、模拟题以及常考话题遴选和收录单词,将其分为核心词汇,基础词汇和认知词汇三部分。核心词汇部分采用乱序编排,让单词记忆不必再循规蹈矩。书中除了给出所收录单词的常释义外,还增加了其在商务领域中常用的释义。另外,在多数词条下都列举了相关的商务短语和实用搭配,并且绝大部分例句都取材于真实的商务场景,再现单词在商务环境中的用法,以便考生在商务交流中能够灵活运用。书中所采用的“词根+联想”记忆法,为考生提供科学、便捷的记忆途径,同时配以生动、有趣的插图,让词汇学习变得轻松、快乐。 本书所收录单词均配有MP3录音,由专业外教朗读,免费下载,扫码即听,方便考生随时随地记单词。
49元5本 电子信息技术专业英语(第3版)
张福强 陈蓉蓉
  本书由四个单元组成:综合知识、实用阅读、实用文体及附录。   在综合知识部分,主要讲解什么是专业英语、专业英语的特、专业英语中一些常用及突出的问题与技能,为学生全面了解、掌握并能运用专业英语提供基础性知识,该部分是本教材的特色与创新之一。在实用阅读部分,主要提供一些电子信息技术专业基础知识与新技术方面的阅读文章,每篇文章后面的练习和测试部分主要是对学生行阅读、翻译、写作、口语表达等方面的训练。实用文体部分主要讲解一些常用的实用文体特及其写作要领,同时提供范文,以便行写作练习。附录部分主要把常用的一些专业英语资料汇集编排,便于学生查阅。
Alexandre Dumas
本套书包括《基督山伯爵9册》和《三个火枪手6册》共15册。《基督山伯爵》The Count of Monte Cristo is an adventure novel by French author Alexandre Dumas (père). It is one of the author's most popular works completed in 1844. The story takes place in France, Italy, and islands in the Mediterranean during the historical events of 1815–1839: the era of the Bourbon Restoration through the reign of Louis-Philippe of France. It begins just before the Hundred Days period (when Napoleon returned to power after his exile). The historical setting is a fundamental element of the book, an adventure story primarily concerned with themes of hope, justice, vengeance, mercy, and forgiveness. It centres on a man who is wrongfully imprisoned, escapes from jail, acquires a fortune, and sets about getting revenge on those responsible for his imprisonment. However, his plans have devastating consequences for the innocent as well as the guilty. In addition, it is a story that involves romance, loyalty, betrayal, and selfishness, shown throughout the story as characters slowly reveal their true inner nature.《三个火枪手》A timeless tale of adventure, romance, intrigue, and revenge, "The Three Musketeers"is the captivating story .A historical romance, this novel tells of the adventures of the hot-headed young Gascon, d'Artagnan and his three companions Athos, Porthos and Aramis as they gallantly defend the Queen of France, using their wit and their swords. They must foil the nefarious plotting of Cardinal Richelieu against the King and Queen, despite his appearance as an ally. D'Artagnan and the three Musketeers must also overcome the villainous machinations of Milady de Winter, whose lethal criminality threatens those in political power and the love of d'Artgnan for Constance Bonacieux. Dumas' classic story, first serialized in 1844, has enthralled readers with its fast-paced plot, endearing characters, and romantic ideals, immortalized by the motto" one for all, all for one.
Daniel Defoe
本套书包括《大疫年日记4册》、《摩尔:弗兰德斯3册》、《鲁滨逊漂流记续集4册》和《辛格尔顿船长5册》共16册。《大疫年日记》A Journal of the Plague Year is a novel by Daniel Defoe, first published in March 1722. The story is set in 1665, the horrors of the devastating pestilence struck London at that time. The Journal is narrated by a Londoner named "H. F." who allegedly lived through the devastating effects of the pestilence and produced this eye witness account. Henry Foe. H.F. claims that the plague has reached England because of active commerce with mainland Europe. Despite the different measures taken by the local health authorities, it has spread like wildfire amid the city crowds. The narrator reports the multiplying numbers of people with black “tokens” on their bodies and the consequent mass burials. When the nightmare has finally come to an end, tens of thousands of dead Londoners are reported. The book is told somewhat chronologically, though without sections or chapter headings. The Journal of the Plague Year will fascinate students, teachers, and general readers alike.《摩尔:弗兰德斯》a prolific and versatile writer/purportedly true story/a woman lives in sin and wickedness/ shocked countless readers/ how circumstances and a fear of poverty can drive one into a life of crime