
Uma superfície de gelo ancorada no riso: a atualidade do grotesco em Hilda Hilst
Imaginea Romaniei prin turism, targuri si expozitii universale, in perioada interbelica, este titlul unei noi carti extrem de interesante, adresata atat specialistilor cat si publicului larg. Lucrarea elaborata de dr. Claudiu-Alexandru Vitanos reprezinta bilantul unor eforturi sistematice ale autorului de cercetare a modului in care a fost elaborata politica nationala privind dezvoltarea turismului si, totodata, politica de promovare a Romaniei prin intermediul targurilor si expozitiilor universale de-a lungul deceniilor interbelice.

Cum s?-?i cultivi memoria
Cred ?n sensibilitatea publicului fa?? de un teatru al ideilor, dar ?i fa?? de un teatru de ac?iune fidel formelor clasice. Cu riscul de a fi considerat un manierist, accept aceast? etichet?, dac? ?mi aleg drept modele nume ca Montherlant, Camus, Vallejo sau Camil Petrescu. Am ?ncercat s? tratez una dintre marile teme ale dramaturgiei universale, care ?ncepe cu vechii greci ?i se ?mpline?te ?n teatrul clasic francez: conflictul dintre datorie ?i pasiune. Drama apare atunci c?nd cele dou? imperative devin divergen?e ?i ea se poate reg?si ?i azi de la marii lideri politici la oamenii de r?nd. Dar pentru a o ilustra am ales varianta teatrului istoric, deoarece (pentru a-l cita pe Henri Rochefort ) ?viitorul, ?n momentul de fa??, pare at?t de sumbru, ?nc?t am sim?it s? m? hr?nesc o vreme cu trecutul". Drama personajelor mele, fie c? este vorba despre Ugo, fie c? este vorba despre printul Rudolf, este e?ecul ?nregistrat ?n ?ncercarea de a le g?si un liant, de a le ?mp?ca. Am v?zut ?n Rudolf de Habsburg un adev?rat profet al lumii moderne… care a prev?zut toate catastrofele secolului al XX-lea ?i a ?ncercat s? orienteze politica austriaca ?ntr-o alta direc?ie. Dar via?a sa privat?, departe de a fi un model, a dejucat acest plan. El dispare pentru c? nu-?i mai g?se?te locul ?n lumea lui, ?n timp ce Ugo d’Este ??i accept? sf?r?itul din acela?i motiv. (Corneliu ?enchea)

Karl Marx ?n 1234 de fragmente alese de Ion Iano?i
Volumul cuprinde un amplu studiu introductiv (aprox. 50 pag.) si o selectie – pe tema stabilita in titlu – de 200 documente inedite descoperite in arhivele britanice, americane, franceze, germane si foste sovietice.

Zeii locuiesc l?ng? Olimp
Cartea este rezultatul anchetelor desf??urate ?n paginile revistei Contemporanul – anchete ce au abordat o problema delicat?, ocolit? de nu pu?ini c?rturari: ?Problema evreiasc?". Se pronun?? pe marginea acestei disputate teme actuale personalit??i ca, de pild?, Dumitru ?epeneag, Matei C?linescu, Ion Vianu, Irina Cajal, Ion Iano?i, Nicolae Breban, ?i nu pu?ini al?i importan?i actan?i ai vie?ii sociale, politice ?i culturale din Rom?nia de azi.Un manual indirect de istorie, cartea e destinata studen?ilor, elevilor, profesorilor, precum ?i publicului larg de cititori.

Marea amiaz?. Studii ?i eseuri despre Nietzsche
The work represents a synthesis published and printed in two volumes (the 1st volume in 2002, the second one, in 2004) under the aegis of Mica Valahie Publishing House in Bucharest. Being elaborated on the basis of some documents discovered in the Romanian and foreign archives, the two volumes cover the period up to 1929 in the first volume and the period from 1929 to 2005 in the second one. The paper reveals the role and place of Romanian oil in the evolution of the national and worldwide history, especially during the World War between 1939 and 1945 and in the development of the so-called “cold war”. The book insists upon the prospects of the specific “black gold” evolution.In the addendum there are to be found some interesting documents and the complete bibliography of oil.

Lumea ?n oglind?
O nuan autobiografic, perfect ntemeiat, irizeaz concepia lui Breban de la acest nivel, miza mare a ideii fiind aceea de a demonstra – ceea ce romancierul a mai fcut… – c generaia din care face el nsui parte (Nichita Stnescu, Matei Clinescu etc.) a transformat literatura ntr-un asemenea mediu germinativ de excelene, prin intermediul promovrii esteticului ca replic alternativ sublim la grotescul ideologic din jur. Trebuie s recunoatem c Breban rmne seniorial i impecabil de fiecare dat cnd enun aceast dihotomie: de pild, nu trebuie uitat faptul c Istoria dramatic a prezentului s-a zamislit cnd mpotriva autorului se trgea cu tunul, pe motivul orchestratei acuze de colaborare cu Securitatea. Nici un raspuns n volum, nimic insidios, revanard sau resentimentar: doar idei i fapte, nu psihologie. Jos plria!“ (tefan Borbély)Numai cultura, carevaszica, ne poate lecui de aceast nesiguran identitar i numai ea poate nnobila istoria noastr de care, s-a putut constata, prozatorul maramureean nu-i mulumit… Face i alte profeii, atunci cnd n capitolul final vorbete despre specificul naional, dar despre toate acestea vom putea discuta cu alt prilej. Este o tem pe care noi, romnii, o aducem mereu n discuie fie pentru a o sataniza, fie pentru a o apra. Observ c N. Breban n-o respinge, de plano, cum fac globalitii, nici n-o smintete cu un discurs encomiastic, cum fac localitii. El procedeaz corect, aa cum procedeaz orice intelectual lucid i responsabil, adic analizeaz un concept (un concept esenial) i ncearc s-i vad viitorul… Este trist, i are de ce, cnd se gndete la lumea politic de azi i la retorica resentimentului i a rzbunrii care domin lumea intelectual… S mai spun c are i n acest caz dreptate, c dup douzeci de ani de libertate intelectualii romni, cu precdere scriitorii (ei, care s-au inut bine sub regimul totalitar), se detest cu o grea sinceritate mi amintesc de o propoziie din Eminescu (reproduc din memorie): Nu eti liber, dac nu eti drept. Se poate spune i invers: Nu eti drept, dac nu eti liber. Liber, n cazul oamenilor de litere, de prejudeci, de complexe i idiosincrazii, de eecurile i vexaiunile pe care i le-a provocat istoria i pe care spiritul nu poate s le stpneasc.“ (Eugen Simion)

Disconfortul de a fi rom?n
Un volum cuprinzand studii si documente descoperite in arhivele romane si straine (aproximativ 900 pagini) privind istoria conflictului mondial din 1939-1945 si a razboiului rece. Lucrarea reflecta, in esenta, batalia pentru informatii angajata intre serviciile de spionaj dupa 1939, pregatirea si infaptuirea loviturii de stat de la 23 August 1944, lupta pentru putere la nivelul conducerii P.C.R. (1944-1989), premisele loviturii de stat din 22 decembrie 1989, prabusirea statului comunist in Europa Est-Centrala e.t.c.

Last Descendants - A New York-i felkelés
Europa acas“ este un album creat n urma unui turneu de conferine i lecturi publice inute de ctre autoare, Aura Christi, n ara lui Homer i Aristotel. Protagonitii albumului sunt Aura Christi, Nicolae Breban, Ion Ianoi, Janina Ianoi, Andrei Potlog, Victor Ivanovici, Monica Svulescu-Voudouri. Protagonistul cel mai important, ns, este fr ndoial Marea Elad i cultura ei, civilizaia acestei ri mitice - temelia civilizaiei europene moderne. Albumul conine poeme i comentarii, dar i imagini memorabile realizate de poeta Aura Christi la Delphi, Atena i alte epicentre legendare ale civilizaiei europene.

Woody Allen. Bufon ?i filosof
Cartea constituie un foarte dens ?i interesant manual indirect de istorie a Americii, adres?ndu-se elevilor, studen?ilor, precum ?i publicului larg de cititori. O carte despre fragmentele cele mai controversate ale istoriei Americii.

8 piese pentru teatrul de p?pu?i
** Pamella Singh – Miss India 1982… spioan? de pat la NATO ** Frumoasele Miss, prad? u?oar? pentru trafican?ii de stupefiante ** Angela Nichitin – Miss Johannesburg, victim? a traficului de carne vie ** O Miss pentru solda?ii americani din Irak ** Miss Diaspora… uneori important poten?ial pentru spionaj ?i contraspionaj? ** Momeal? pentru pedofili ** Tita Cristescu, fost? Miss Rom?nia, ucis? cu cianur? de potasiu ** Concursurile Miss ?i reginele alese, motiv de scandal ?i crim?? ** Heather Whitestone – Miss America 1994, sub teroarea unui obsedat ** Evreica Lise Goldarbeiter – Miss Univers 1929 a supravie?uit nazismului ** C?teva regine… surpriz? **** Zsa Zsa Gabor – Miss Ungaria 1936. Nou? c?s?torii ?i scandaluri cu duiumul ** Rosemarie Frankland – Miss Univers 1961, ucis? de singur?tate? ** Imelda Marcos – Miss Leyte ?i ?Muza Manilei“ al?turi de un dictator ** Bess Myerson – Miss America 1945, de la politicieni, la mafio?i ** Plou? cu Miss-uri: Nud, Fund Mare, Jumbo ?i mai tr?snite ** Miss Penitenciar sau… Miss Pu?c?rie? ** Zig-zag ?n lumea concursurilor de frumuse?e ?i a concurentelor. Pilule dulciFiecare om, evident, are destinul s?u. Reginele au avut ?i au, ?i ele, firesc, destinul lor. Cele ?ncoronate ?i declarate ca atare datorit? frumuse?ii lor fizice ?i intelectuale sunt, de multe ori, superioare celor n?scute cu s?nge albastru, dar totodat? ele sunt expuse ?i mai mult unor pericole ce le dau t?rcoale. Tenta?iile ce apar des ?i capcanele ce li se ?ntind fostelor Miss sunt de multe ori ?irezistibile“. Din nefericire, unele tinere nu le-au sesizat la timp ?i, treptat, uneori f?r? voia lor, au c?zut ?n plasa unor servicii de spionaj sau a unor re?ele mafiote interna?ionale, implicate ?n traficul cu droguri, armament ?i fiin?e umane. Altele, ?ns?, au avut un destin ?i mai tragic, ajung?nd dup? gratii sau devenind ?inta unor asasinate care au f?cut v?lv? ?n pres?.Au fost ?ns? ?i ?Regine“ fericite. Din p?cate, pu?ine ?i pentru o perioad? scurt? de timp. Nici ?n lumea Miss-urilor n-au fost ?i nu vor fi dou? destine la fel.O carte ce cuprinde un soi de miniromane poli?iste, axate pe soarta, uneori-adeseori, dramatic? a reginelor frumuse?ii.

Sfera frigului
Toate popoarele sunt preocupate de identitatea lor, dar la rom?ni aceast? chestiune a ?mbr?cat forme speciale. Rom?nii, locuitori p?n? ?n epoca modern? ?n dou? principate autonome supuse Por?ii Otomane ?i r?vnite de mul?i al?i vecini, dar tr?itori ?i ?n vaste provincii ocupate de unguri, de austrieci, de ru?i ?i de turci, pierdu?i ?n mijlocul at?tor str?ini rapace, s-au ?ntrebat, parc? mai mult dec?t al?ii, de unde vin ?i cine sunt ei. P?n? la urm? ?ns?, toate popoarele mici, lovite de soart? ?i l?sate la cheremul celor mari, au asemenea preocup?ri, transformate uneori ?n adev?rate obsesii. (Ioan-Aurel Pop)

England's Secret Weapon
England's Secret Weapon explores the way Hollywood used Sherlock Holmes in a series of fourteen films spanning the years of World War II in Europe, from The Hound of the Baskervilles in 1939 to Dressed to Kill in 1946. Basil Rathbone's portrayal of Holmes has influenced every actor who has since played him on film, TV, stage and radio, yet the film series has, until now, been neglected in terms of detailed critical analysis. The book looks at the films themselves in combination with their historical context and examines how the studio 'updated' Holmes and recruited him to fight the Nazis, steering a careful course between modernising the detective and making sure he was still recognisable as the 'old Holmes' in clothes, locations and behaviour.

Getting Off Escalators - Volume 3
Getting Off Escalators and surviving other embarrassing moments: Do you struggle to find the confidence to talk in public, without melting into a puddle of pathetic hopelessness? Are you having panic attacks when riding an escalator, or you don't feel manly enough to hold a pint with any authority of pride? Then you, sir, need this guide... or medical help... yes, medical help is probably a safer bet. But comics are funnier, so choose this. About the author: Scott Tierney is a nervous, awkward, confidence-lacking and stress-ridden writer, who produces self-help comics that provide very little guidance for those who read them. Luckily, these comics are extremely funny, so when the reader does loss their reason to live, they go out with a smile.

A-Z of NES Games
The A-Z of NES Games: Volume 1 features reviews of three different games for each letter of the alphabet. The games range from the very earliest releases in the mid-eighties to the modern homebrew games of today. This book shows you just how diverse the library of titles is for the Nintendo NES and how it became one of the most popular consoles of all-time.

A-Z of Sinclair ZX Spectrum Games
The A-Z of Sinclair ZX Spectrum Games: Volume 2 features reviews of three different games for each letter of the alphabet. The games range from the very earliest releases at the start of the eighties to the modern homebrew games of today. This book shows you just how diverse the library of titles is for the ZX Spectrum and how it became one of the popular computers of all time.

Pointless Conversations
Pointless conversations: a selection of daft, ridiculous and utterly pointless meanderings from the mind of Scott Tierney. If you've ever wanted to know the answers to why Superman is a coward; why Spiderman should technically be deformed; and if Superdog caused the death of Krypton, then these bite-sized comics will reveal all. The discussions may be insane, and most of what is said is rambling, but despite this, you may find yourself agreeing with most of what is said. It's a fair point: where does Spiderman store all that web?

Draw Across the Curriculum
Draw Across the Curriculum is a collection of 50 photocopiable art worksheets, designed to provide a handy cross-curricular drawing resource for the busy primary classroom teacher. Perfect for getting pupils to put pencil to paper, this collection of artsheets is brimming with humorous designs to copy and patterns to make.

Keeping Quiet
Keeping Quiet is a love-letter to the modern sight-gag on film and television, tracing the history of physical clowning since the advent of sound. Taking up the story of visual humour where Paul Merton's Silent Comedy leaves off, Julian Dutton charts the lives and work of all the great comedians who chose to remain silent, from Charlie Chaplin - who was determined to resist the 'talkies' - right through to the slapstick of modern-day performers such as Rowan Atkinson, Matt Lucas and Harry Hill. This fascinating chronicle - spanning nine decades - shows how physical comedy, at first overshadowed by dialogue-films in the 1930s, reinvented itself and how this revival was spearheaded by a Frenchman: Jacques Tati.Julian Dutton draws on his own experience as a comedy writer and performer to give an expert analysis of the screen persona and the comedy style of dozens of the screen's best-loved performers including Laurel & Hardy, Buster Keaton, Harpo Marx, Norman Wisdom, Jerry Lewis, Benny Hill, Peter Sellers, Eric Sykes, Ronnie Barker, Marty Feldman - and many more.This book will appeal both to the serious student of film, television and theatre - including those aspiring to write or perform comedy - and to the general reader and comedy fan.

A-Z of PC Engine & TurboGrafx Games
The A-Z of PC Engine & TurboGrafx: Volume 1 features reviews of three different games for each letter of the alphabet. The games range from the very earliest releases in 1987 to the modern homebrew games of today. This book shows you just how diverse the library of titles is for the PC Engine and TurboGrafx and how they became so popular with retro gaming collectors.

Pointless Conversations
Pointless conversations: a selection of daft, ridiculous and utterly pointless meanderings from the mind of Scott Tierney. If you've ever wanted to know the answers to why Superman is a coward; why Spiderman should technically be deformed; and if Superdog caused the death of Krypton, then these bite-sized comics will reveal all. The discussions may be insane, and most of what is said is rambling, but despite this, you may find yourself agreeing with most of what is said. It's a fair point: where does Spiderman store all that web?

Pointless Conversations
Pointless conversations: a selection of daft, ridiculous and utterly pointless meanderings from the mind of Scott Tierney. If you've ever wanted to know the answers to why Superman is a coward; why Spiderman should technically be deformed; and if Superdog caused the death of Krypton, then these bite-sized comics will reveal all. The discussions may be insane, and most of what is said is rambling, but despite this, you may find yourself agreeing with most of what is said. It's a fair point: where does Spiderman store all that web?