

Joan of Arc
Joan of Arc
Lord Ronald Sutherland Gower
Tanara Oriana moare intr-un accident, chiar in ziua nuntii ei. Pentru oricine, acesta ar parea sfarsitul. Nu si pentru ea. Se intoarce ca recuperator de suflete, insa nu la vechea viata si familie, pentru care trebuie sa ramana moarta, ci la una cu totul noua. Rasfatul si confortul, considerate garantate mai inainte, se duc acum pe Apa Sambetei. Va trebui sa lupte pentru a-i salva pe ceilalti, dar si pe sine. Apar noi prieteni, noi dusmani si… prima iubire? Exista viata dupa moarte? Unii vor spune ca da, altii ca nu. Dar exista un raspuns la care cu siguranta nu v-ati gandit. Exista recuperatorii de suflete. Smulsi din existentele lor, sunt aruncati in altele, neintrebati de nimeni, fara sa li se ceara acceptul. Trebuie doar sa se supuna legilor celor de Dincolo. Iar unii aleg razvratirea…
The Scarlet Letter
The Scarlet Letter
Nathaniel Hawthorne
One of the true classics of American literature, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz has stirred the imagination of young and old alike for over four generations.?This is probably one of the most beautiful digital version ever made of this story, containing over 100 gorgeous illustrations.?The story chronicles the adventures of a girl named Dorothy Gale in the Land of Oz. As Baum says in the introduction "It aspires to being a modernized fairy tale, in which the wonderment and joy are retained and the heartaches and nightmares are left out." And it succeeds wonderfully. It is one of the best-known stories in American popular culture and has been widely translated.
C?l?toria unei femei care nu se mai temea de ?mb?tr?nire
C?l?toria unei femei care nu se mai temea de ?mb?tr?nire
Osmonde Gabriel
Gorcsev Iván milliomosként – mert ennyit nyert a ruletten – magántitkárává fogadja Vanek urat. A furcsa ?lt?zet? s kimért modorú gentleman egyik munkak?ri k?telessége az, hogy helyettesítse Gorcsevet az idegenlégióban. Vanek úr itteni m?k?dése t?bbsz?r az agyvérzés k?zelébe juttatja el?ljáróit, akiket kalap-, pontosabban kepiemeléssel k?sz?nt, egyik bajtársának pedig elárulja, hogy ? szimbólista, s tudni illik, hogy a szimbóla egy igen finom hangszer, amit három részb?l kell ?sszecsavarni… Ezenk?zben az igazi Gorcsev elnyeri szerelme kezét, s mellékesen visszaszerzi j?vend?beli apósa aranyból készült autóját. ?Hallották hírét a Láthatatlan Légiónak? Nem? Akkor bizonyára sohasem jártak még olyan afrikai városban, amelyben hely?rség fekszik. Vagy ha jártak is, elkerülték azokat a kedélyes helyeket, ahová szórakozni és verekedni vágyó szerény málhahordók, munka nélküli er?m?vészek és kedélyes k?zlegények járnak, hogy üres óráikat agyonverjék. Csak egyszer? és faragatlan vendégek találhatók az ilyen helyiségekben, de ha kíváncsiak vagyunk a Láthatatlan Légió legendájára, itt megtudhatunk egyet s mást…”
C?nd tat?l t?u e mai ?n v?rst? dec?t tine exact de dou? ori
C?nd tat?l t?u e mai ?n v?rst? dec?t tine exact de dou? ori
Mihail Vakulovski
n Oslo-ul anilor ’90, ntro toamn prelungit n var indian, Will, un tnr scenarist plin de idei, dar neapreciat de productori, triete de patru ani mpreun cu iubita lui, Cathrin, art director ntro agenie de publicitate. Pentru a scpa de plictiseala care ncepe si bntuie, Cathrin iniiaz un joc erotic primejdios: cu pretextul c vor s-i cumpere o locuin, viziteaz case i apartamente, n care, ascunzndu-se de ochii agenilor imobiliari, renvie pasiunea primilor ani. Totul pare s se rezolve, Will semneaz un contract - e drept, pentru filme interzise minorilor, dar dispariia lui Cathrin d totul peste cap, calmul lund nfiarea unui thriller ce te ine cu sufletul la gur.
Simfonia animalier?
Simfonia animalier?
Niculescu Veronica D.
"I. este un copil c?ruia ?i place s? citeasc? ?i s? ?nregistreze pove?tile de pe uli?? ?i din satul lui, un premiant cu o mam? care ?r?c?ie p?m?ntul” ?i un tat? invalid de r?zboi, am?ndoi semianalfabe?i. ?ntr-o zi, un ?tovar??” vine la ?coal? s?-i ?ntrebe pe elevi dac? au p?rin?i care au luptat ?n r?zboi ?i p?n? unde au ajuns. I. ?i spune adev?rul, doar tovar??ul ?i rugase s? r?spund? sincer. Mai t?rziu, ?n liceu, ?n timpul orelor de atelier, se stric? menghina la care lucrase I. Nu avea importan?? c? la ea mai lucrase ?nc? un coleg, I. este cel care va suporta consecin?ele ?i o va face f?r? s? cr?cneasc? pentru c? a ?nv??at c?, odat? ce e?ti considerat vinovat, vinovat r?m?i. Se preg?te?te apoi s? dea examenul de admitere la Facultatea de Litere din Bucure?ti, unde va avea un ?oc: profesorii ?i cer s?-?i spun? p?rerea personal? despre opera literar? care ?i picase pe biletul de la examenul oral, el ?tie doar comentariile care ?i fuseser? predate la ?coal?, ?n spiritul comunist. Este ?nrolat ?n armat?, va avea un conflict cu un colonel, apoi, dup? terminarea stagiului, se angajeaz? la o fabric? de frigidere ca s? str?ng? bani pentru c? ??i dore?te s? dea iar admiterea la facultate. Scrie poezii, frecventeaz? un cenaclu literar ?i ajunge s? fie anchetat de securitate. Sunt evenimente cheie ?n facerea acestui personaj aparte, opusul lui Holden Caulfield, pentru c?, inadaptat fiind, nu simte niciun strop de revolt?, nu urm?re?te s? repare nedreptatea, doar ?nainteaz? ?n via??, tr?ind ?n minte, ?n imagina?ie, a?a cum a f?cut-o ?nc? din copil?rie, c?nd a ?nv??at c? lucrurile nu sunt a?a cum par ?i c? nu trebuie s? ai ?ncredere ?n nimeni (Diana Geac?r)
Mor?ile lui Quincas Berro Dágua. B?tr?nii marinari
Mor?ile lui Quincas Berro Dágua. B?tr?nii marinari
Jorge Amado
Cele zece povestiri din volumul de debut al lui Alberto Mussa amestec? – într?o manier? care va deveni o marc? a scriitorului – evenimentele istorice, mitologia ?i fic?iunea, plimbându?l pe cititor din zorii omenirii pân? în contemporaneitate ?i din Europa pân? în Africa ?i Brazilia ?i oferindu?i tabloul fantastic ?i uneori crud creat de întâlnirea dintre aceste culturi.
Noile riscuri ale g?ndirii politice
Noile riscuri ale g?ndirii politice
Vieru Sorin, Robert Terente
92 de povestiri despre aparent m?runte evenimente din via?a oric?ruia dintre noi, dar care te conduc spre tot at?tea ?ntreb?ri.?Un om ?i o carte merg ?in?ndu-se de m?n?, strada, cl?dirile, ceilal?i, un om ?i o carte se strecoar?, ca o pereche de cu?ite ?n carnea unui prunc care trebuie s? pl?teasc? pentru cei care nu mai au, ?spre est spre est?, arat? omul cu un deget bont, apoi se ?terge de sudoare ?i de praf, cartea i se urc? pe umeri ?i prive?te ?n aceea?i direc?ie, dar v?ntul ?i tot ?mpr??tie paginile peste ochi, nu v?d, nu v?d, strig? din tot cuprinsul, coper?ile o str?ng, o str?ng…“?C?nd deschizi o carte, c?nd o cite?ti, c?nd o termini ?naintea pove?tii…“
Wolf Christa
Vigyázat! Cselekményleírást tartalmaz. A megd?nthetetlen erk?lcsi tanulságot már a m? els? lapjain lesz?gezi az elbeszél? (aki a k?lt?i szépség? Csül?k névre hallgat, ha akar): jóérzés? ember ne menjen lopni az anyja névnapján, mert hamarosan a légióban találja magát. Ott pedig Potrien ?rmester furcsa felfogása teszi igen nehézzé a szabad mozgást. Ez azonban nem akadályozhatja meg h?sünket és kedves barátait, Senki Alfonzot és Tuskó Hopkinst, hogy részt vegyenek a kormányzó estélyén, és beleártsák magukat egy elt?nt expedíció és egy halálra ítélt kapitány sorsának bonyodalmaiba. – A Rejt? rajongók széles táborának ajánlható.
The Tale Teller:A Leaphorn, Chee & Manuelito Novel
The Tale Teller:A Leaphorn, Chee & Manuelito Novel
Hillerman, Anne
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERLegendary Navajo policeman Lieutenant Joe Leaphorn takes center stage in this riveting atmospheric mystery from New York Times bestselling author Anne Hillerman that combines crime, superstition, and tradition and brings the desert Southwest vividly alive.Joe Leaphorn may have retired from the Tribal Police, but he finds himself knee-deep in a perplexing case involving a priceless artifact—a reminder of a dark time in Navajo history. Joe’s been hired to find a missing biil, a traditional dress that had been donated to the Navajo Nation. His investigation takes a sinister turn when the leading suspect dies under mysterious circumstances and Leaphorn himself receives anonymous warnings to beware—witchcraft is afoot.While the veteran detective is busy working to untangle his strange case, his former colleague Jim Chee and Officer Bernie Manuelito are collecting evidence they hope will lead to a cunning criminal behind a rash of burglaries. Their case takes a complicated turn when Bernie finds a body near a popular running trail. The situation grows more complicated when the death is ruled a homicide, and the Tribal cops are thrust into a turf battle because the murder involves the FBI. As Leaphorn, Chee, and Bernie draw closer to solving these crimes, their parallel investigations begin to merge . . . and offer an unexpected opportunity that opens a new chapter in Bernie’s life.
Portretul reginei
Portretul reginei
Emmanuel Kattan
The last twelve stories written about Holmes and Watson, these tales reflect the disillusioned world of the 1920s in which they were written. Some of the sharpest turns of wit in English literature are contrasted by dark images of psychological tragedy, suicide, and incest in a collection of tales that have haunted generations of readers.
Ioana Miron
Un preot militant pentru drepturile imigran?ilor pare s???i fi ucis so?ia ?i apoi s? se fi ?mpu?cat. Un str?in pare s? fi murit ?ntr?un banal accident rutier. Dar anchetatorii din subordinea inspectorului Alex Recht trebuie s? vad? dincolo de aparen?ele ?n?el?toare ?i, pe fundalul sumbru al iernii suedeze, s? reconstituie un puzzle al dramelor sociale ?i familiale care au condus la crime. Intriga detectivistic? se ?mplete?te cu analiza psihologic? ?i thrillerul, iar rezultatul este o carte captivant? care a impus?o pe Kristina Ohlsson printre cei mai importan?i autori din literatur? poli?ist? scandinav?.
Secretul dezv?luit despre partenerii oglind?. Rela?ia de iubire privit? ca o cal
Secretul dezv?luit despre partenerii oglind?. Rela?ia de iubire privit? ca o cal
Ruediger Schache
Poate c? fericirea e mai pu?in previzibil? dec?t nefericirea, dat find c? ?ine de libertate. ?i ?ntocmai ca libertatea, nu e niciodat? sigur?; nu poate dura la nesf?r?it. Dar poate fi adev?rat? ?i, ?n acest roman minunat, ne putem bucura ?i noi de ea. The Guardian Addie Moore ?i Louis Waters sunt doi oameni ?n v?rst? dintr-un mic or??el de c?mpie american, care ??i duc zilele fiecare ?n singur?tate dup? ce r?m?n v?duvi ?i copiii pleac? s?-?i vad? de vie?ile lor. De?i sunt vecini, nu ?tiu mare lucru unul despre cel?lalt, dar lucrurile se vor schimba c?nd femeia ?i propune un aranjament pu?in ciudat: s?-?i petreac? nop?ile ?mpreun?. ?nfrunt?nd prejudec??ile comunit??ii, cei doi se reg?sesc noapte de noapte ?i ??i alung? singur?tatea, spun?ndu-?i unul altuia pove?ti de via?? ?i leg?nd o prietenie care nu ?ine cont de v?rst?. Treptat, prietenia lor se transform? ?n ceva mult mai profund, iar istoria unei iubiri t?rzii nu se stinge. Pe un ton bl?nd ?i ?nc?rcat de melancolie, romanul lui Kent Haruf, publicat postum, vorbe?te despre un lucru esen?ial: profunzimea se afl? tocmai ?n lucrurile simple. The New York Times Fermec?tor… De o simplitate cuceritoare. Un roman ?lefuit cu grij?, un ultim dar pe care mult ?ndr?gitul autor american l-a oferit cititorilor s?i. The Washington Post
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Arthur Conan Doyle
K?r?si Zoltán új novellái ugyanazon a helyszíneken játszódnak, amelyeket már a Budapest, n?város vagy a Szerelmes évek cím? k?nyveiben megismerhettünk. Az írások mindig valami emberi határhelyzetet r?gzítenek, ahol egy-egy emberi sors átfordul és véglegessé válik. ?m a k?tet h?seinek alapvet? kérdése: miért érdemes h?ségesnek lenni valakihez vagy valamihez egy életen át.
Didier Desbrugeres
The friends of Mr. Sherlock Holmes will be glad to learn that he is still alive and well, though somewhat crippled by occasional attacks of rheumatism. He has, for many years, lived in a small farm upon the downs five miles from Eastbourne, where his time is divided between philosophy and agriculture.
Az elátkozott part
Az elátkozott part
Rejtő Jenő
…az életbl lestem el, mégsem egy bizonyos fiúról mintáztam – három jól ismert gyerek vonásait egyesítettem benne, a regényszerkesztés szabályai szerint” – így ír a szerz e trténet egyik fszerepljérl, ám jóval tbbet tett ennél. Mindenkirl szól, tehát mindenkinek szól, ezért rk életm a Tom Sawyer kalandjai, amely már megírása (1884) idején hatalmas sikert aratott. Az ifjúsági irodalom sok szép alkotása kztt egyike a legkiválóbbaknak. Mark Twain, Amerika nagy klasszikus írója 1910-ben halt meg, halála óta sok kiadást megértek páratlan humorú, érdekes mvei, legnagyobb sikere mégis ifjúsági regényeinek van. Nincs olyan felntt, aki gyerekkorában legalább egyszer ne olvasta volna a Tom Sawyer kalandjait, a Huckleberry Finnt vagy a Koldus és királyfit.
Tüzes poklok
Tüzes poklok
Kovács Gergő Zoltán
Sikerül-e a vándordiáknak kiszabadítani Arabella hercegkisasszonyt, aki az Ezerarcú Szellem fogságában raboskodik? Évszakmesék. Tavasz után nyár, nyár után az ?sz, majd a tél. Így változnak az évszakok örökös körforgásban, mióta világ a világ. Falevelek hullnak, hópelyhek szállingóznak, tavaszi virágok nyílnak, sárgán izzik a nyári nap. Minden évszaknak megvannak a maga sajátosságai, s a maga sajátos történetei.Sikerül-e a némi varázser?vel is rendelkez? vándorló diáknak kiszabadítani Arabella hercegkisasszonyt, aki az Ezerarcú Szellem fogságában raboskodik? Odaér-e Frida id?ben a Havas Hegyek Birodalmába, egy titokzatos jégcsillagot követve?  Megtalálja-e Kristóf a zöld ruhás hölgyet, akiért a szíve dobog, vagy vajon megleli-e Roland király h?n áhított boldogságát? Kik azok az évszaktündérek, és miért segítenek h?seinknek?Mindezekre a kérdésekre választ kapunk, ha végigkövetjük, miként alakul a könyv szerepl?inek sorsa, s közben betekintést nyerhetünk a tündérek varázslatos, csodákkal teli világába is.
Rodney Stone
Rodney Stone
Arthur Connan Doyle
Written in his distinctively dazzling manner, Oscar Wilde’s story of a fashionable young man who sells his soul for eternal youth and beauty is the author’s most popular work. The tale of Dorian Gray’s moral disintegration caused a scandal when it ?rst appeared in 1890, but though Wilde was attacked for the novel’s corrupting in?uence, he responded that there is, in fact, “a terrible moral in Dorian Gray.” Just a few years later, the book and the aesthetic/moral dilemma it presented became issues in the trials occasioned by Wilde’s homosexual liaisons, which resulted in his imprisonment. Of Dorian Gray’s relationship to autobiography, Wilde noted in a letter, “Basil Hallward is what I think I am: Lord Henry what the world thinks me: Dorian what I would like to be—in other ages, perhaps.”
Frumuse?e prin detoxifiere
Frumuse?e prin detoxifiere
Snyder Kimberly
Alexandra, o adolescent? rebel?, este trimis? de p?rin?i s? ??i petreac? vacan?a de var? ?ntr-un sat din Transilvania, pentru a fi ?ndep?rtat? de o iubire considerat? imoral?. Odat? ajuns? ?n V., ea este atras? de pove?tile localnicilor legate de o crim? s?v?r?it? ?n urm? cu mai mult de un veac: contesa Aneke fusese acuzat? de incest ?i vr?jitorie ?i ucis? ?n p?dure. Alexandra porne?te pe urmele contesei, hot?r?t? s? afle ce s-a ?nt?mplat cu adev?rat. Castelul ascunde mistere la fiecare col?… Pe m?sur? ce fapte ?i personaje stranii ies la iveal?, Alexandra ??i d? seama c? are ?n comun cu frumoasa vr?jitoare mai mult dec?t ?i-ar fi imaginat, inclusiv iubirea ei secret? ?i interzis?. Va reu?i Alexandra s? salveze aceast? iubire ?i ?n final propria via??, sau va avea soarta tragic? a Anekei?Dou? lumi distincte se ?ntrep?trund: lumea adolescen?ilor de azi, cu Facebook, concerte rock, tatuaje ?i pierce-uri, ?i lumea contesei disp?rute, cu intrigi de curte ?i pove?ti uitate.Un mistery romance ?n tonuri ?ntunecate despre incest, supersti?ii, tr?d?ri, secrete, legende transmise peste veacuri.
Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes and Home Made Candy Recipes
Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes and Home Made Candy Recipes
Miss Parloa
One of the great novelist’s most popular works, Oliver Twist is also the purest distillation of Dickens’s genius. Like most of Dickens’ work, the book is used to call the public’s attention to various contemporary social evils, including the workhouse, child labour and the recruitment of children as criminals. The novel is full of sarcasm and dark humour, even as it treats its serious subject, revealing the hypocrisies of the time. This tale of the orphan who is reared in a workhouse and runs away to London is a novel of social protest, a morality tale, and a detective story. Oliver Twist presents some of the most sinister characters in Dickens: the master thief, Fagin; the leering Artful Dodger; the murderer, Bill Sikes…along with some of his most sentimental and comical characters. Only Dickens can give us nightmare and daydream together. According to George Orwell, “in Oliver Twist…Dickens attacked English institutions with a ferocity that has never since been approached. Yet he managed to do it without making himself hated, and, more than this, the very people he attacked have welcomed him so completely that he has become a national institution himself.” The novel has been the subject of numerous film and television adaptations, and the basis for a highly successful British musical, Oliver!
2148 Singularity: Awakening at the edge of the World
2148 Singularity: Awakening at the edge of the World
András Kaptas
A Zagyva-völgyi várak megmaradt kövei, ma is valami különleges er?t sugároznak. Ostromágyúk által szaggatott falaikkal, felh?kbe tör? csonka lakótornyaikkal a magyarság nagy próbatételeit idézik, példát mutatnak az utókornak, vitézségb?l és helytállásból. A kés?i utódok borzongva mesélik a véd?k h?stetteit, menekül? alagutakról, nagy szerelmekr?l és még nagyobb tragédiákról suttognak. A kövek pedig továbbra is féltékenyen ?rzik a titkokat.A salgótarjáni születés? szerz? a regényben olyan stílusban f?zi egybe a történelmet és a várak legendáit, mint amikor a nagyapó mesél az unokáinak.
Alt nume, alt? u??
Alt nume, alt? u??
Eduardo Caballero
Complete in nine handsome volumes, each with an introduction by a Doyle scholar, a chronology, a selected bibliography, and explanatory notes, the Oxford Sherlock Holmes series offers a definitive collection of the famous detective's adventures. No home library is complete without it.Comprising the series of short stories that made the fortunes of the Strand, the magazine in which they were first published, this volume won even more popularity for Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. Holmes is at the height of his powers in many of his most famous cases, including The Red-Headed League, The Speckled Band, and The Blue Carbuncle.