![Будь дивом: 50 урок?в, щоб зробити неможливе можливим](http://img62.ddimg.cn/digital/product/79/94/1901167994_ii_cover.jpg?version=1d438384-86d5-4173-a82c-e9fe9a048967)
Будь дивом: 50 урок?в, щоб зробити неможливе можливим
Книжка ?Прода?ться все. Джефф Безос та ера Amazon? — не лише ?стор?я усп?ху найб?льш ?нновац?йно? св?тово? компан??, а й свого роду пос?бник, ?нструкц?я для тих, хто хоче створити св?й б?знес. ??Автор книжки, Бред Стоун, майстерно пише про зародження та розвиток Amazon — в?д моменту створення компан?? на Волл-Стр?т на початку 1990-х ? дотепер. Ця компан?я одн??ю з перших побачила необмежен? можливост? ?нтернету та назавжди зм?нила те, як ми купу?мо ? чита?мо.??Також автор розкрива? та?мниц? тр?умфу засновника Amazon Джеффа Безоса, одного ?з найвидатн?ших кер?вник?в, невтомного генератора ?дей. Стоун розпов?да?, як Безос дисципл?новано ? подекуди педантично вт?лю? новаторськ? ?де? у життя, як лама? стереотипи, не визна? загальноприйнятих правил, а запроваджу? сво?.??
![New York trilógia](http://img62.ddimg.cn/digital/product/78/80/1901167880_ii_cover.jpg?version=702409b2-cf95-4c8e-a075-47ab17e450a7)
New York trilógia
Tudomásom szerint csak a ?A walesi bárdok” angol fordítása létezik, ezt t?bben is lefordították. Célom a fordításokkal az, hogy az angol nyelvterületen él?k is élvezhessék Arany verseit és remélem a fordítások megfelelnek ennek az igénynek. A Zichy-rajzok hozzájárulhatnak a k?tetben megjelen? versek ?fogyaszthatóságához”. – Tomschey Ottó As far as I know only the translation of ?The Welsh bards” exists, this was made by several translators. My aim with these translation was to make ?consumable” the ballads of Arany for people living in the English-speaking world and I do hope that my work will meets therequirements. The Zichy-drawings may contribute to the ?consumability” of the poems of this volume. – Otto Tomschey
![Sister sister](http://img62.ddimg.cn/digital/product/83/39/1901168339_ii_cover.jpg?version=c9e404fc-b91a-4c3a-be8f-3e1ab9f6341b)
Sister sister
Szeptemberben indult az ATV-n a Húzós ?t?dik évada Rónai Egonnal, és most itt van a korábbi adásokból ?sszeállított ?t?dik Húzós-k?nyv! Legalább olyan izgalmas, tanulságos és szórakoztató olvasmány, mint a korábbiak. A paletta is rendkívül színes, ?megszólal” benne csillagász, filmrendez?, író, orvosprofesszor, politikus, sportoló, színész, rádiós és televíziós m?sorvezet?, üzletember, valamint zenész. Kedves Olvasó, jó szórakozást! Bajnai Gordon: ?Ennek az országnak az egyik legnagyobb baja az, hogy a politika olyan mélységig beleásta magát az életünkbe, a barátságba, a családba, a munkahelyi kapcsolatokba, a sportba, a kultúrába, hogy a mi életünk szól a politikáról, ahelyett – ahogy egy normális országban –, hogy a politika szólna a mi életünkr?l.” Bródy János: ?…néha az az érzésem, hogy nincs is olyan nagyon messze az a birka ország, amir?l a legutóbb írtam.” Gálv?lgyi János: ?…egy kazettám eljutott Benny Hillhez, akit?l kaptam egy levelet, és kaptam harminc darab dedikált fényképet, t?bbek k?z?tt ilyet: ?Szeretett mesteremnek, Gálv?lgyi Jánosnak! Benny Hill” Kint van a szobám falán.” Gerendai Károly: ?Ma Magyarországon az már gazdag embernek számít, aki hó végén nem küszk?dik napi pénzügyi problémákkal. [...] ?n mindig is arra vágytam, hogy […] megengedhessek magamnak sok mindent… Ráadásul vitatkozom ezzel ?a pénz nem boldogít” mondással, mert nekem az a véleményem, a pénz arra van, hogy boldogítson. Az egy másik kérdés, hogy ?nmagában csak ez nem elegend? a boldogsághoz.” Gundel Takács Gábor: ?Ha az ember tudja, milyen a legkisebb pontnak lenni, és ezt nem felejti el, akkor ember tud maradni kés?bb is. […] De híresnek lenni, meg ismertnek lenni, azért az, bizonyos emberi szempontból, akár csapda is lehet. ?s akár maga alá is temetheti az embert.” Kaáli Nagy Géza: ?…a medd?ség egy betegség, egy népbetegség. [...] Ezek a gyermektelen párok kegyetlen lelkiállapotban vannak amiatt, hogy nem lehet gyerekük, szenvednek. Na, most ezekben az egyébként is küszk?d? emberekben, legyenek hív?k vagy nem hív?k, b?ntudatot ébreszteni, minimálisan szólva, nem szerencsés dolog.” Karinthy Márton: ?…életem meghatározó figurája volt apám. Olyan valaki, akivel mind szembesülni, mind harcolni, mind legy?zni, mind túlhaladni, mind egyáltalán túlélni, az mind program volt. Elég er?s egyéniség volt, ahogy mindig mondta, nemcsak a nagyapád van itt szellemében, hanem én is itt vagyok él?súlyban.” Pásztory Dóra: ?Egyszer?en idegesített, hogy van, amit nem tudok megcsinálni, és magamnak akartam bebizonyítani, hogy márpedig meg tudom csinálni. […] A hajgumizás volt ilyen… Emiatt megn?vesztettem a hajamat, hogy kikísérletezzem, ezt hogyan tudom megoldani. ?s sikerült, begumiztam, aztán levágattam. A probléma megoldódott.” Sas József: ??n fél?s vagyok, de ha fontosnak tartok valamit, akkor nem. Egyébként azok félnek igazán, akik a humortól is félnek.”
![Magia imaginilor feng-shui](http://img62.ddimg.cn/digital/product/78/36/1901167836_ii_cover.jpg?version=85f1408c-9fbc-4026-99b6-0c0df58c9db3)
Magia imaginilor feng-shui
Kívánom, adjanak er?t ezek a k?ltemények sokaknak! Azokhoz szólok most, akiknek valamikor, valamije fájt már életében, és/vagy ismernek olyan embert, aki tudja, hogy a szó szoros értelmében mit jelent az a szó: jaj! Tetovált társaim! Ti egyt?l egyig tisztában vagytok ennek a fogalomnak a jelentésével, és azzal is, hogy ez a választott életérzés megéri, méghozzá busásan. Akiknek jelen pillanatban is fáj valami, azoknak pedig… Nekik drukkolok leginkább!
![Торты нашего детства. Мамочкина вкуснятина!](http://img61.ddimg.cn/digital/product/80/24/1901168024_ii_cover.jpg?version=7c5886e7-c293-4343-beac-fdac7cda7678)
Торты нашего детства. Мамочкина вкуснятина!
Книга объединяет два главных прижизненных издания основателя и ярчайшего представителя поэзии абсурда. Эдвард Лир (1812-1888) – прославленный английский поэт и художник, отец литературного лимерика, жанра, оказавшего заметное влияние на литературу конца XIX и всего XX века. Лимерики (216 забавных пятистиший) приведены на языке оригинала с параллельными переводами, выполненными лучшим российским интерпретатором поэзии нонсенса Борисом Архипцевым, и сопровождаются авторскими иллюстрациями. Переводчик посвятил работе более 20 лет жизни, добившись уникального результата, невиданной прежде полноты раскрытия авторского замысла в сочетании с красотой и естественностью звучания русского стиха. ?…Архипцев переводит Эдварда Лира, как благочестивый толковник – Писание: он передает и смысл, и звук. Точен – часто до мельчайших деталей. Звучен – до самой лихой эквилибристики…??Н. Горбаневская. Книга погружает читателя в атмосферу тонкого английского юмора, превосходно переданного переводчиком, в мир абсурда, делая его близким и понятным человеку любого возраста – от младшего школьного до старшего пенсионного. Издательство Animedia Company желает вам приятного чтения.
![A férfi hanyatlása és bukása](http://img60.ddimg.cn/digital/product/78/40/1901167840_ii_cover.jpg?version=d0c53bc2-ec5f-4090-b722-fc6e6d393308)
A férfi hanyatlása és bukása
Mindenkinél elérkezik egyszer az az id?pont az életében, hogy visszatekint. Ez nálam akkor érkezett el, amikor is bet?lt?ttem azt a bizonyos ?tvenet. Mindig jó tanuló voltam, így nem az ?t?ssel kezd?d? szám volt a sért?n mérvadó számomra. Inkább azon gondolkodtam, elmélkedtem, hogy ennyi évb?l már kell tudni levonni tanulságokat. Nehogy újra és újra elk?vessem ugyan azokat a hibákat. Hisz én nem egy mókuskerékben vagyok, ugye? Rengeteg mindent sikerült meg és átélnem, megértenem és értelmeznem. Ezekb?l szeretnék egy-egy csokrot átnyújtani olvasásra, vagy mondhatnám azt is, tanulságul. Imádom a verseket, sokszor úgy ébredek reggel, hogy csak úgy tolonganak a gondolataimban a szavak és mondatok elegye arra várva, hogy ki és leírjam ?ket. Pontosan én sem tudom honnan is j?nnek, ki is küldte, küldi nekem, de biztosan céllal teszi azt! A versek és a novellák, az elbeszélések adják a k?nyvem szivárványos sokszín?ségét, a n?i lélek érzékenységével és érzékiségével egyetemben. Szeretem látni az emberek arcán azt a kül?n?s mosolyt, amikor verseket olvasva, annak érzelemvilága ?ssze?lelkezik az ? lelkükkel. Engedjük, hagyjuk, merjünk mosolyogni!
![Чому Аз?? вдалося](http://img62.ddimg.cn/digital/product/86/27/1901168627_ii_cover.jpg?version=ecd7a782-6c24-40f5-b949-16f6f9482e99)
Чому Аз?? вдалося
Jedan od najve?ih poznavatelja hrvatske knji?evnosti Tvrtko Zane, poznatiji pod pseudonimom Branimir Donat, u svojem je prou?avanju hrvatske knji?evne ba?tine duljem od pola stolje?a objavio veliki broj tekstova i knjiga, a broj kartica koje je napisao jednak je njegovu znanju, koje mo?emo zvati enciklopedijskim. Iz goleme ostav?tine na?eg jedinog i najve?eg poznavatelja brojnih, ?esto zaboravljenih autora, ali jednako tako i velikan? knji?evnosti, urednik Goran Rem izabrao je one mo?da najva?nije tekstove. Tre?a knjiga iz serije Prakseologija hrvatske knji?evnosti posve?ena je modernizmu i postmodernizmu. U njoj su izabrani tekstovi koji se bave autorima 20. stolje?a, zenitizmom, Vidom, Andri?em, ?oljanom, Fabrijem, Iv?i?em, hrvatskim borgesovcima, zabranjenim knjigama hrvatske knji?evnosti, poznatim i nepoznatim autorima. S jo? tri sveska izabranih djela Branimira Donata ova ?e knjiga dati maleni uvid u ?irinu tema kojima se Tvrtko Zane bavio.
![Думай як фр?к](http://img61.ddimg.cn/digital/product/86/11/1901168611_ii_cover.jpg?version=d884b876-54cd-42dd-97bb-76368d6eecae)
Думай як фр?к
Cosi, riunendo la precisione della forma metrica alla precisione del linguaggio, io ho potuto fare un'opera che è stata intesa parte a parte (e io lo so, perché recitando i miei sonetti vedo in volto i miei uditori) a Napoli come a Roma, e sarà intesa parte a parte a Milano come a Venezia (1894) Un "petit chef-d'uvre", un piccolo capolavoro, come giustamente scrisse Henri Montecorboli presentando ai lettori francesi quello che in Italia fu il caso letterario dell'anno 1894, il poemetto di Cesare Pascarella (1858-1940) che in una incantevole e coerente sequenza di cinquanta sonetti racconta in romanesco "La scoperta de l'America"; o meglio: la sua storia magistralmente riletta e narrata in un'osteria, tra la bevuta di un bicchiere e un altro di vino, da un "Romano de Roma" in un misto, rimasto inconfondibile, di erudizione sui generis e di ironica, sagace e malinconica fantasia popolare. SOMMARIO: Un "petit chef-d'uvre", un piccolo capolavoro... - La scoperta dell'America - Il Caffè Greco - Villa Gloria. LETTURE CRITICHE Ugo Ojetti, Colloquio con Cesare Pascarella - Dino Mantovani, Poeti romaneschi: Cesare Pascarella - Henri Montecorboli, Un poème italienne sur la découverte de l'Amérique - Caras y Caretas (Buenos Aires, 1899). OPERE GIOVANILI Er Fattaccio - Cose der monno - Er morto de campagna - La serenata - Sonetti -LE COLLANE "IN/DEFINIZIONI" E "CON(TRO)TESTI"
![Энциклопедия разумного огородника](http://img61.ddimg.cn/digital/product/80/2/1901168002_ii_cover.jpg?version=b145571e-00b2-430f-a216-f71be4db666d)
Энциклопедия разумного огородника
Нельсон Мандела — п?вденноафриканський правозахисник, юрист, пол?тик, президент П?вденно-Африкансько? Республ?ки (1994 –??1999 рр.). Мандела був першим президентом ПАР, обраним на демократичних, не сфальсиф?кованих виборах. У сво?й трет?й книз? Нельсон Мандела в?дверто опису? ?н?ц?ац?ю африканських хлопчик?в, побут ? злидн? свого дитинства, навчання й одруження, народження ? смерть сво?х д?тей, жах самотност? в’язня на остров? Роббен ? вистраждану Свободу. Житт?вий досв?д та погляди Нельсона Мандели як н?коли актуальн? в контекст? нин?шн?х укра?нських реал?й, бо ?правда поляга? в тому, що ми ще не в?льн?, ми просто здобули свободу бути в?льними, право не бути пригноблюваними…справжн? випробування нашо? в?дданост? свобод? лише почина?ться?.??
![Gleichschaltung. Authoritarian Consolidation in Ukraine 2010–2012](http://img60.ddimg.cn/digital/product/85/79/1901168579_ii_cover.jpg?version=d39dec58-36a6-45be-bd54-51ac25703b32)
Gleichschaltung. Authoritarian Consolidation in Ukraine 2010–2012
Segundo Eduardo Coutinho, a obra trata de um texto bastante atual, que aborda a cr?nica em vários de seus aspectos, no período que se estende desde a primeira metade do século XX ao início do século XXI, deixando claro que o gênero continua vivo e em plena efervescência no momento presente. Além disso, inclui uma bibliografia relevante e bastante atualizada sobre o assunto e uma rela??o bastante completa de livros de cr?nicas publicados no período de 1936 até o presente.
![The Secret Garden](http://img60.ddimg.cn/digital/product/78/57/1901167857_ii_cover.jpg?version=50ab8fb3-379e-4b48-a553-080accae0b48)
The Secret Garden
The Divine Comedy describes Dante's journey through Hell (Inferno), Purgatory (Purgatorio), and Paradise (Paradiso), guided first by the Roman poet Virgil and then by Beatrice, the subject of his love and of another of his works, La Vita Nuova. While the vision of Hell, the Inferno, is vivid for modern readers, the theological niceties presented in the other books require a certain amount of patience and knowledge to appreciate. Purgatorio, the most lyrical and human of the three, also has the most poets in it; Paradiso, the most heavily theological, has the most beautiful and ecstatic mystic passages in which Dante tries to describe what he confesses he is unable to convey (e.g., when Dante looks into the face of God: "all'alta fantasia qui mancò possa" — "at this high moment, ability failed my capacity to describe," Paradiso, XXXIII, 142). His glory, by whose might all things are mov'd,Pierces the universe, and in one partSheds more resplendence, elsewhere less. In heav'n,That largeliest of his light partakes, was I,Witness of things, which to relate againSurpasseth power of him who comes from thence;For that, so near approaching its desireOur intellect is to such depth absorb'd,That memory cannot follow. Nathless all,That in my thoughts I of that sacred realmCould store, shall now be matter of my song. Benign Apollo! this last labour aid,And make me such a vessel of thy worth,As thy own laurel claims of me belov'd.Thus far hath one of steep Parnassus' browsSuffic'd me; henceforth there is need of bothFor my remaining enterprise Do thouEnter into my bosom, and there breatheSo, as when Marsyas by thy hand was dragg'dForth from his limbs unsheath'd. O power divine!If thou to me of shine impart so much,That of that happy realm the shadow'd formTrac'd in my thoughts I may set forth to view,Thou shalt behold me of thy favour'd treeCome to the foot, and crown myself with leaves;For to that honour thou, and my high themeWill fit me. If but seldom, mighty Sire!To grace his triumph gathers thence a wreathCaesar or bard (more shame for human willsDeprav'd) joy to the Delphic god must springFrom the Pierian foliage, when one breastIs with such thirst inspir'd. From a small sparkGreat flame hath risen: after me perchanceOthers with better voice may pray, and gainFrom the Cirrhaean city answer kind. About Dante: Durante degli Alighieri, simply referred to as Dante (1265–1321), was a major Italian poet of the Middle Ages. His Divine Comedy, originally called La Comedia and later called Divina by Boccaccio, is widely considered the greatest literary work composed in the Italian language and a masterpiece of world literature. In Italy he is known as il Sommo Poeta ("the Supreme Poet") or just il Poeta. He, Petrarch and Boccaccio are also known as "the three fountains" or "the three crowns". Dante is also called the "Father of the Italian language".
![A Midsummer Night's Dream](http://img62.ddimg.cn/digital/product/78/59/1901167859_ii_cover.jpg?version=abc4dcc5-d915-4762-90c0-d385ffe768b7)
A Midsummer Night's Dream
The Divine Comedy describes Dante's journey through Hell (Inferno), Purgatory (Purgatorio), and Paradise (Paradiso), guided first by the Roman poet Virgil and then by Beatrice, the subject of his love and of another of his works, La Vita Nuova. While the vision of Hell, the Inferno, is vivid for modern readers, the theological niceties presented in the other books require a certain amount of patience and knowledge to appreciate. Purgatorio, the most lyrical and human of the three, also has the most poets in it; Paradiso, the most heavily theological, has the most beautiful and ecstatic mystic passages in which Dante tries to describe what he confesses he is unable to convey (e.g., when Dante looks into the face of God: "all'alta fantasia qui mancò possa" — "at this high moment, ability failed my capacity to describe," Paradiso, XXXIII, 142). "IN the midway of this our mortal life, I found me in a gloomy wood, astray Gone from the path direct: and e'en to tell It were no easy task, how savage wild That forest, how robust and rough its growth, Which to remember only, my dismay Renews, in bitterness not far from death.." (Dante) IN the midway of this our mortal life,I found me in a gloomy wood, astrayGone from the path direct: and e'en to tellIt were no easy task, how savage wildThat forest, how robust and rough its growth,Which to remember only, my dismayRenews, in bitterness not far from death.Yet to discourse of what there good befell,All else will I relate discover'd there.How first I enter'd it I scarce can say,Such sleepy dullness in that instant weigh'dMy senses down, when the true path I left,But when a mountain's foot I reach'd, where clos'dThe valley, that had pierc'd my heart with dread,I look'd aloft, and saw his shoulders broadAlready vested with that planet's beam,Who leads all wanderers safe through every way. Then was a little respite to the fear,That in my heart's recesses deep had lain,All of that night, so pitifully pass'd:And as a man, with difficult short breath,Forespent with toiling, 'scap'd from sea to shore,Turns to the perilous wide waste, and standsAt gaze; e'en so my spirit, that yet fail'dStruggling with terror, turn'd to view the straits,That none hath pass'd and liv'd. My weary frameAfter short pause recomforted, againI journey'd on over that lonely steep,The hinder foot still firmer. Scarce the ascentBegan, when, lo! a panther, nimble, light,And cover'd with a speckled skin, appear'd,Nor, when it saw me, vanish'd, rather stroveTo check my onward going; that ofttimesWith purpose to retrace my steps I turn'd. ? ?About Dante: ? Durante degli Alighieri, simply referred to as Dante (1265–1321), was a major Italian poet of the Middle Ages. His Divine Comedy, originally called La Comedia and later called Divina by Boccaccio, is widely considered the greatest literary work composed in the Italian language and a masterpiece of world literature. In Italy he is known as il Sommo Poeta ("the Supreme Poet") or just il Poeta. He, Petrarch and Boccaccio are also known as "the three fountains" or "the three crowns". Dante is also called the "Father of the Italian language".
![Kings and Queens - A Very Peculiar History](http://img62.ddimg.cn/digital/product/18/5/1901191805_ii_cover.jpg?version=eef048d8-941a-4e4d-a846-dc8cbb4f794a)
Kings and Queens - A Very Peculiar History
Which king's guards massacred a group of his supporters by mistake? Who had an oversized tongue and had to slobber when they ate food? Who was so large when they died that they had to be buried in a square coffin? Who survived seven assassination attempts? As you can tell from the bizarre questions above, it wasn't all thrones and sceptres for British kings and queens. Some of them were completely batty, and others were downright vicious. On the other hand, some monarchs were an icon to the people and represented the power and importance of Britain and England. 'Kings & Queens, A Very Peculiar History' explores some of the most marvellous monarchs to have ruled Britain and ekes out their bizarre habits and idiosyncracies, featuring quirky stories and fascinating facts and lists.
![Planning for Learning through Where I Live](http://img60.ddimg.cn/digital/product/18/65/1901191865_ii_cover.jpg?version=655d3050-b08b-409d-82e4-1281b073e5c4)
Planning for Learning through Where I Live
Plan for six weeks of learning covering all six areas of learning and development of the EYFS through the topic of where I live. The Planning for Learning series is a series of topic books written around the Early Years Foundation Stage designed to make planning easy. This book takes you through six weeks of activities on the theme of the local area and where children live. Each activity is linked to a specific Early Learning Goal, and the book contains a skills overview so that practitioners can keep track of which areas of learning and development they are promoting. This book also includes a photocopiable page to give to parents with ideas for them to get involved with their children's topic, as well as ideas for bringing the six weeks of learning together.The weekly themes in this book include: on the high street; people where I live; parks and gardens; safe and strong; getting around and big buildings.
![Planning for Learning through Numbers](http://img62.ddimg.cn/digital/product/18/45/1901191845_ii_cover.jpg?version=8eba6af7-627d-438b-91b1-b5f07f684788)
Planning for Learning through Numbers
Plan for six weeks of learning covering all six areas of learning and development of the EYFS through the topic of numbers. The Planning for Learning series is a series of topic books written around the Early Years Foundation Stage designed to make planning easy. This book takes you through six weeks of activities on the theme of numbers. Each activity is linked to a specific Early Learning Goal, and the book contains a skills overview so that practitioners can keep track of which areas of learning and development they are promoting. This book also includes a photocopiable page to give to parents with ideas for them to get involved with their children's topic, as well as ideas for bringing the six weeks of learning together. The weekly themes in this book include: finding numbers outdoors, musical numbers, cooking with numbers, arty numbers, shopping with numbers, and we love numbers. This book is a great way to bring numbers and early problem solving and numeracy skills into all areas of the curriculum so children learn about them in a fun and unpressured way.
![Maria's Story](http://img61.ddimg.cn/digital/product/20/67/1901192067_ii_cover.jpg?version=3c145c82-6f49-4750-8f29-fa0300aa637c)
Maria's Story
When Robin Barratt and his wife first met Maria in Moscow, they had no idea how much of an impact she would have on their own lives. From the initial interest in her story, the horror of discovering her daily struggle to survive through to active involvement in trying to improve her life. Living on the streets and begging is a harsh reality for many in Russia but for those with a disability life can be doubly cruel. Overlooked by the authorities and people who should have helped her, Maria willingly shared her story with the author who, in turn, made a promise, not only to tell the world about her situation, but to try and make a real difference. Maria's Story documents the true story of one woman's fight for survival against all the odds and those who tried to help her. It uncovers the truth of how many people continue to live in poverty in one of the world's most vibrant cities. Desperately sad, haunting but frequently uplifting, this book is a tale about overcoming adversity and, above all, never losing hope.
![Jill's Leading Ladies](http://img61.ddimg.cn/digital/product/17/37/1901191737_ii_cover.jpg?version=8c006ded-0c47-427e-a3f9-d15a9c46ef47)
Jill's Leading Ladies
When Jill Allen-King OBE, suddenly lost her sight at the age of 24, with little help and advice available from Social Services she had to teach herself to cope with a whole new way of living that had its own set of challenges to overcome, including looking after her daughter, Jacqueline, born soon afterwards. It wasn't until seven years later that Jill successfully completed a training course with her first guide dog and finally, after years of being virtually housebound, was able to begin rebuilding her confidence and reclaiming her independence.Drawing on her own experiences of the problems and dangers that face the blind and partially sighted, as well as those with other mobility difficulties and disabilities, Jill has devoted her life to raising awareness of the needs and rights of the disabled, particularly in regard to access to public buildings, and campaigning for these issues to be considered by householders, businesses, councils and the government. None of this would have been possible without her six guide dogs over the past 40 years: Topsy, Bunty, Brandy, Quella, Lady and her current dog, Amanda.This book, following close on the heels of Jill's autobiography, Just Jill, is a heartfelt tribute to her trusted four-legged friends, who have given her companionship, instilled her with confidence and guided her safely in both her personal life and in her incredibly important voluntary work throughout the UK. No one can fail to be inspired by Jill's perseverance and achievements or by the fantastic work that guide dogs carry out for their owners. Although now in her seventies, with new challenges for those with disabilities always on the horizon, such as electric cars, shared streets and changes to the benefits system, Jill's contributions to the fight neither cease nor cease to amaze.
![Just Jill](http://img60.ddimg.cn/digital/product/9/52/1901190952_ii_cover.jpg?version=6d5f816f-bd04-4d7a-a0f7-fd11452e5be3)
Just Jill
Just Jill is an inspirational and moving account of one woman's triumph over adversity and how she used her own experience of disability to benefit others.When she was growing up during the 1940s very few people were aware that Jill Allen-King had lost one eye as the result of measles when she was a baby. Her disability was a taboo subject and she attended a normal school, progressed to catering college and secured employment as a cook. However, tragedy struck for the second time when glaucoma rendered her completely blind at the age of 24 on what should have been one of the happiest occasions of her life - her wedding day.For the next seven years Jill barely left the house, too scared to go outside unaccompanied and afraid that she would never again be able to participate in the activities she loved, such as dancing. The birth of her daughter, Jacqueline, gave her renewed purpose but could not give her back the thing she desperately needed - her independence. It was only when Jill got her first guide dog that she began to rediscover the world outside her front door and take those first giant steps towards regaining her confidence and freedom. Jill's autobiography charts her journey from partially sighted child to totally blind adult and beyond, a process of readjusting and learning through grit and determination and then using her knowledge and experience to do everything in her power to help others and to campaign for reforms to secure a safer, fairer and more disability-aware environment. It is a story that will provide encouragement to those that are struggling to cope with disabilities and also educate people from all spheres of life about the challenges and needs of disabled people. At the age of 70, Jill continues to fight for the cause, and hopefully her story will inspire others to take up the baton.
![Castles, A Very Peculiar History](http://img60.ddimg.cn/digital/product/10/54/1901191054_ii_cover.jpg?version=f22e79b2-ec7c-4653-b404-946672572904)
Castles, A Very Peculiar History
Whether you're planning your first seige, building a fortress or just looking for a way to escape the peasants below, 'Castles: A Very Peculiar History' is full of tips, tricks and horror stories from the castle-building trade. We can't all match up to the combined beauty and danger of the Tower of London, but in this title you'll learn who developed the world's first flat-pack castle, the difference between donjeons and dungeons (it's important, trust us) and even the best time of year for a siege. Discover how a fortress was brought down by forty pigs and even how to use a common plant to defect lightning! Gasp in horrible glee at the many horrid substances poured onto beseigers through those dastardly trebuchets (there are things worse than boiling hot oil!). From the keep to the bailey, 'Castles: A Very Peculiar History' is all you need to learn how to build, manage and defend a mighty fortress.
![Confessions of a Doorman](http://img61.ddimg.cn/digital/product/17/75/1901191775_ii_cover.jpg?version=39f84340-1978-46f6-a3d0-fcd5d3aeb004)
Confessions of a Doorman
Following on from the success of his best selling book Doing the Doors, doorman, bodyguard, ex-mercenary and martial arts expert Robin Barratt recalls more hard-hitting stories from his frequently violent life on nightclub doors around the UK. Barratt also records a few incredible and often hilarious takes from his time as a bodyguard in France, Russia and the Ukraine. After being sent to clean up one of the most famous nightclubs in Paris, Barratt found himself 'hanging out' with a top Hollywood actor. In the Ukraine he came up against corrupt officials, and in Russia he worked alongside ex-Russian Special Forces. Confessions of a Doorman starts by chronicling his steroid related heart attack at the age of just 43.Describing a lifetime of violence, turmoil and confusion, as well as his controversial opinions on the Security Industry Authority and his thoughts on what makes a first-rate doorman, Confessions is frequently comical, often shocking, occasionally heart-warming and written with Robin's usual style of pace, humour and honest.
![Blood of Kings](http://img60.ddimg.cn/digital/product/9/16/1901190916_ii_cover.jpg?version=11c6d528-b14d-4b87-86b2-03d2fcb07f6c)
Blood of Kings
A reflection on life, The Blood of Kings describes in raw emotion and evocative language all aspects of what it is to be a man, a poet, a soldier, a friend. This poetry, with a dark edge, covers the loss of love, death, religion, friendship, war and a philosophical outlook on what they all really mean. Not always easy reading, but with depth and passion, JB Brown describes a passage of rights where the juxtaposition of life, its highs and its accompanying pain are only too real.