Horse Sense for People
Monty Roberts has been working with horses for more than fifty years. He lives on the central coast of California where he owns a major horse farm.

Dad You Suck: And other things my children tell me
Tim Dowling is the author of several books including the Sunday Times Humour Book of the Year, How to be a Husband. His popular weekly Guardian column charts the ups and downs of his family life.

Inner Beauty Bible – Finding Hope in Cloudy Moments
Laurey Simmons is the creator of The Colourful Dot, the online sanctuary for Inner Beauty. A professional make-up artist, her work has been published in magazines such as Elle, Vogue and Grazia. Laurey is a fully qualified Crystal and Energy healer known for adding a deeper, spiritual dimension to the beauty process, creating sacred spaces with crystals, essential oils, meditation and ritual. Laurey has travelled far and wide, from the High Andes in Peru to the lakes and ashrams of India, seeking out inspiration, insights and practices from traditional alternative healers, spiritual teachers and sacred places around the world to include in this, her first book. Laurey’s husband Louis has brought to this book his insights as a therapist, coach, former Headspace consultant and meditation teacher. He has spent most of his working life helping people in need and studying meditation and spiritual practices as a path to enriching other people’s lives.

Boundaries: How to Draw the Line in Your Head, Heart and Home
About Jennie MillerJennie Miller MSc is a Transactional Analysis psychotherapist, trainer and relationship expert with 20 years’ experience specialising in depression, working one-to-one with personality disorders, and seeing couples. She is also the founder of the very popular ‘The Key to Couples Work’, a TA-based training programme that she delivers in this country and abroad. She works with the Armed Forces training their welfare officers, and is currently designing a training programme for solicitors’ practices and other professional offices. In her private practice, she sees individuals for long-term psychotherapy, couples, and small family groups. Jennie is well known internationally for her work in relationships and creative use of boundaries. About Victoria LambertVictoria Lambert is an international award-winning journalist, and has written for most of the UK’s national newspapers, principally the Daily Telegraph, the Guardian and the Daily Mail. She has written for numerous magazines including Woman & Home, The Spectator and Saga, and has been a columnist for Geographical and education magazine School House where she is the agony aunt. Staff positions have included Health Editor of the Daily Telegraph and Health Editor of the Daily Mail, plus Foreign Editor, in Australia, of the Sydney Daily Telegraph. Victoria Lambert’s work is syndicated worldwide and she has been recognised with awards including the Best Cancer Reporter Award 2011 presented by the European School of Oncology.

Clean Eating Alice Everyday Fitness: Train Smart, Eat Well and Get the Body You
Alice is a pint-sized personal trainer with a passion for health and fitness. Having spent the majority of her formative years developing unhealthy habits through trying every diet there was, and gaining weight as a result, she decided to take matters into her own hands. Alice tracked her complete lifestyle change progress through her now hugely successful Instagram blog ‘Clean Eating Alice’.

Cancer 2018: Your Personal Horoscope
Joseph Polansky is a leading US astrologer who has been practising astrology for over 20 years.

Scorpio 2018: Your Personal Horoscope
Joseph Polansky is a leading US astrologer who has been practising astrology for over 20 years.

Taurus 2018: Your Personal Horoscope
Joseph Polansky is a leading US astrologer who has been practising astrology for over 20 years.

Babycalming: Simple Solutions for a Happy Baby
Caroline Deacon is an NCT breastfeeding counsellor and tutor. She also works as a freelance journalist, writing for parenting magazines on a wide variety of issues. Most importantly, Caroline is the inspired mother of three young children, which gives her firsthand experience to help new parents and write this book.

The Healing Remedies Sourcebook: Over 1,000 Natural Remedies to Prevent and Cure
C. Norman Shealy is the founder of the American Holistic Medicine Association and a world-renowned neurosurgeon. He is the author of The Complete Family Guide to Natural Home Remedies and The Self-Healing Workbook.

Aries 2018: Your Personal Horoscope
Joseph Polansky is a leading US astrologer who has been practising astrology for over 20 years.

Gemini 2018: Your Personal Horoscope
Joseph Polansky is a leading US astrologer who has been practising astrology for over 20 years.

The Inner Beauty Bible: Mindful rituals to nourish your soul
Laurey Simmons is the creator of The Colourful Dot, the online sanctuary for Inner Beauty. A professional make-up artist, her work has been published in magazines such as Elle, Vogue and Grazia. Laurey is a fully qualified Crystal and Energy healer known for adding a deeper, spiritual dimension to the beauty process, creating sacred spaces with crystals, essential oils, meditation and ritual. Laurey has travelled far and wide, from the High Andes in Peru to the lakes and ashrams of India, seeking out inspiration, insights and practices from traditional alternative healers, spiritual teachers and sacred places around the world to include in this, her first book. Laurey’s husband Louis has brought to this book his insights as a therapist, coach, former Headspace consultant and meditation teacher. He has spent most of his working life helping people in need and studying meditation and spiritual practices as a path to enriching other people’s lives.

Your Chinese Horoscope for Each and Every Year
Neil Somerville has been writing the bestselling ‘Your Chinese Horoscope’ series since 1987 and, as his readers have discovered, these are no ordinary Horoscope books. Although they do contain predictions they also give much encouraging advice and this is what attracted Neil to Chinese horoscopes so many years ago. They are a great indicator of trends to come and, once aware of these, it is possible to adapt and benefit from this knowledge.

Your Personal Horoscope 2018
Joseph Polansky is a leading US astrologer who has been practising astrology for over 20 years.

First Foods and Weaning (NCT)
Ravinder Lily is a food journalist and qualified dietitian. She was Group Editor of Wellbeing and Maternity and Mothercraft and The New Addition, a publication of the Royal College of Midwives.

Endometriosis: A Key to Healing Through Nutrition
Dian Shepperson Mills Cert .Ed. BA Dip. ION MA is a Clinical Nutritionist and the director of The Endometriosis and Fertility Clinic at London’s The Hale Clinic. She lectures at The Institute for Optimum Nutrition, is a Trustee of the Charity The SHE Trust (Simply Holistic Endometriosis), an advisor to the International Endometriosis Association and a member of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine and the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology. She has written many articles on endometriosis and fertility. Dr Michael Vernon is a professor at West Virginia University, teaching, practising and researching in the area of fertility, obstetrics and gynaecology.

What Doctors Don’t Tell You
Since 1989, award-winning journalist Lynne McTaggart has shaken the British medical establishment and earned the loyalty of many thousands of readers as editor of her monthly newsletter, ‘What Doctors Don’t Tell You’. She has written a book of the same title and is now researching further into alternative and vibrational medicine. She lives in North London.

E for Additives
Maurice Hanssen has been involved with the health food industry and natural health for over twenty years. He is President of the Health food Manufacturers' Association and the Federation of European Health Product Manufacturers. He is author of several books, including the hugely successful 'E for Additives'. Maurice lives in Surrey.

The Real Witches’ Garden: Spells, Herbs, Plants and Magical Spaces Outdoors
Kate West is the author of The Real Witches' Handbook and The Real Witches' Kitchen. She is Media Officer for The Children of Artemis and High Priestess of the Hearth of Hecate, which runs a popular email support and enquiry service for Witches around the world. A practising Wiccan for over 25 years, she has excellent international contacts.

Postnatal Depression (The National Childbirth Trust)
Heather Welford contributes widely to pregnancy and childcare magazines and worked on the advice pages of Parents for 17 years. She is the author of many publications for the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and 17 books on parenting