The Real Witches’ Handbook: The Definitive Handbook of Advanced Magical Techniqu
Kate West is the author of The Real Witches' Handbook and The Real Witches' Kitchen. She is Media Officer for The Children of Artemis and High Priestess of the Hearth of Hecate, which runs a popular email support and enquiry service for Witches around the world. A practising Wiccan for over 30 years, she has excellent international contacts.

Book of Crying Baby (The National Childbirth Trust)
Anna McGrail is a postnatal worker for the NCT and author of You and Your New Baby which won the covetted BMA health title award in 1997.

Morning: How to make time: A manifesto
Award-winning writer Allan Jenkins is the editor of Observer Food Monthly and once lived in an experimental eco-community on Anglesey, growing organic food on the edge of the Irish sea. He is the co-author of J. Sheekey Fish and the author of Plot 29.

Witch: a Magickal Journey: A Guide to Modern Witchcraft
Fiona Horne is a leading expert on Modern Witchcraft and Wicca, with nine best-selling books published in Australia and then internationally by Harper Collins, Random House and Simon & Schuster. Fiona has received awards from her Wiccan and Witchcraft peers for her service to the Craft dispelling negative stereotypes and myths, educating the mainstream public about what is now acknowledged as a world religion and respected spiritual path. Fiona is also a yoga instructor, professional fire dancer, world recording holding skydiver, Scuba Diver and free diver. She has authored her autobiography The Naked Witch to be published by RockPool in July 2017.

Healing PCOS
I met health coach and PCOS Diva Amy Medling online when she invited me to speak on a PCOS Diva podcast. I had heard wonderful things about her from my patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), who praised Amy’s inspiring website and coaching. I was delighted to finally meet Amy in person in Atlanta at the 2016 PCOS Challenge Conference. Amy is a serene and peaceful woman who radiates love and intelligence.According to the Androgen Excess and PCOS Society, PCOS affects 5 to 15 percent of women worldwide. PCOS is associated with multiple symptoms ranging from irregularly spaced menstrual periods to hair loss, weight gain, and elevated blood pressure. In spite of the wide array of symptoms, PCOS is commonly regarded as a reproductive disorder, and most women with it are prescribed the birth control pill. However, no birth control pill can prevent metabolic problems or the development of type 2 diabetes. Furthermore, the role of a healthy lifestyle cannot be underestimated. American medicine is not equipped to provide the support for a healthy lifestyle in the broadest sense with regard to nutrition, movement, and spiritual health.

How to Deal With Difficult People
Ursula Markham has many year’s experience in training and staff counselling. She is the author of Managing Conflict and other successful books.

10 Things Girls Need Most: To grow up strong and free
Steve Biddulph is one of the world’s best known psychologists. He has campaigned for better lives for parents and kids for over 30 years. His books, Raising Girls, Raising Boys, Secrets of Happy Children and Manhood, give parents a sense of purpose and humour as well as confidence in their own good judgement.

Your Pocket Life-Coach: 10 Minutes a Day to Transform Your Life and Your Work
Carole Gaskell is a full-time lifecoach and Managing Director of one of the UK’s leading professional coaching businesses, The Lifecoaching Company.TLC was founded in 1998 with the mission of inspiring and empowering people and buinesses to reach theri full potential. Carole and all her coaches trained with the world’s leading coaching orgainisation, Coach University in the USA. She is one of only six British people to have graduated from Coachu.

Diet and Exercise (Collins Gem)
Mary Clark is a certified nutritional advisor and diet consultant and has written extensively on the subject.

A Tree in Your Pocket
Jacqueline Memory Paterson is Archdruidess of Glastonbury and currently holds the Bardic Chair of Avebury. She put many years extensive research into Tree Wisdom

Raising Boys: Why Boys are Different – and How to Help them Become Happy and Wel
Steve Biddulph is a world-famous family therapist. His Secret of Happy Children (published by Thorsons April 97) has sold more than a million copies and has been published in 15 languages.

The Intelligent Warrior: Command Personal Power with Martial Arts Strategies
Steve Jones has a powerful reputation as a holistic martial arts teacher and pioneer of his own Body Mind Spirit (BMS) system. He has two successful schools in London with around 200 members and a wide range of regular corporate clients including Apple Computers, Regency Hotel and Goldschmidt Chemicals. Originally from Canada, he runs regular seminar tours in both Canada and Australia, where his most recent tour was sponsored by Bondi Fitness Gym. Steve has also worked as a bouncer for London’s top nightclubs, including The O’Bar, Iceni and Nylon, and a professional bodyguard, for clients such as Oliver Stone, Sylvester Stallone, Elvis Costello, The Beautiful South and Pulp.

Wisdom of The Ages: 60 Days to Enlightenment
Dr Wayne W. Dyer is the author of 20 bestselling books. He has a doctorate in counselling psychology and appears regularly on television and radio. His lectures throughout Europe and the US attract thousands. He lives with his family in southern Florida.

The 28-Day Gut Health Plan: Lose weight and feel better from the inside
Jacqueline Whitehart is an expert health-food writer and best-selling cookery author. Her previous titles for Harper Collins include The 5:2 Bikini Diet and The SIRT Diet cookbook.

The Real Witches’ Kitchen: Spells, recipes, oils, lotions and potions from the W
Kate West is the author of The Real Witches' Handbook and The Real Witches' Kitchen. She is Media Officer for The Children of Artemis and High Priestess of the Hearth of Hecate, which runs a popular email support and enquiry service for Witches around the world. A practising Wiccan for over 30 years, she has excellent international contacts.

The Ghost Whisperer: A Real-Life Psychic’s Stories
Katie Coutts is a psychic consultant, healer and ghostbuster, with her own psychic practice. She has a twice-weekly column in the Scottish Sun, which she has written for almost ten years. Readers write in with their questions about the paranormal, ghosts and life after death. She has also appeared on local and national radio and has written for women’s magazines, such as Bella.

Successful Potty Training (NCT)
Heather Welford contributes widely to pregnancy and childcare magazines and worked on the advice pages of Parents magazine for 17 years. She is the author of many publications for the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and 17 books on parenting.

Leo 2018: Your Personal Horoscope
Joseph Polansky is a leading US astrologer who has been practising astrology for over 20 years.

Sagittarius 2018: Your Personal Horoscope
Joseph Polansky is a leading US astrologer who has been practising astrology for over 20 years.

Pisces 2018: Your Personal Horoscope
Joseph Polansky is a leading US astrologer who has been practising astrology for over 20 years.

Transform Your Life: 10 Steps to Real Results
Carole Gaskell is a full-time lifecoach and Managing Director of one of the UK’s leading professional coaching businesses, The Lifecoaching Company.TLC was founded in 1998 with the mission of inspiring and empowering people and buinesses to reach theri full potential. Carole and all her coaches trained with the world’s leading coaching orgainisation, Coach University in the USA. She is one of only six British people to have graduated from Coachu. “A creative communicator with a great interest in people, I have a focussed, results-orinetated approach. I believe in getting to the core of a person, or business issue, whilst maintaining purpose and truth.” (Carole Gaskell)