Drink:The Deadly Relationship Between Women and Alcohol
The new face of risky drinking is female. The problem: a global epidemic of bingeing. The solution: a brave new approach to female recovery. This is my story, and it's particular. But I am not alone. Drinking problems challenge a growing number of women. The new reality: binge drinking is increasing among young adults – and women are largely responsible for this trend. Women’s buying power has been growing for decades, and their decision-making authority has grown as well. The alcohol industry, well aware of this reality, is now battling for women’s downtime – and their brand loyalty. Our relationship with alcohol is complex, and growing more so. This book will be essential reading for a huge number of women, a book that's breaks a major taboo. This will be a book for best friends to give one another, mothers to give daughters, sisters to give to each other – a book to read in hiding, when you know you're in trouble. This book will offer companionship for women of every age. It will answer a myriad tough questions. Intimate and startlingly honest, ‘Drink’ will be a book to change the lives of women of all ages – and those who love them. A book for anyone who thinks they have a problem, or knows someone who may have a problem, and wants to know more. Which means: just about everyone.

Noises from the Darkroom:The Science and Mystery of the Mind
Noises from the Darkroom draws psychology, biology and mysticism together into an exciting new theory of human consciousness. Starting from an evolutionary perspective, Guy Claxton shows how the mind has emerged from the brain, and how, along the way, some crucial misapprehensions have slipped into our unconscious models of ourselves. Through its masterly and engaging synthesis of different perspectives, Noises from the Darkroom offers a view of the totality of the human brain-mind that illuminates clearly both its blind alleys and its potentialities. Guy Claxton’s many books include Wholly Human, Beyond Therapy and The Heart of Buddhism.

The Magic of Labyrinths:Following Your Path, Finding Your Center
The most comprehensive work on labyrinths yet written. Labyrinths have fascinated and enthralled mankind from the beginning of time. This illustrated book examines the phenomena of mazes and labyrinths, looking at their historical, cultural and spiritual significance, and at how we can use these ancient devices to enrich our modern lives. The Magic of Labyrinths is a journey, woven around four themes of voyage, trial, initiation and resurrection. It examines the importance of ritual and ceremony, the hero's quest, and dealing with the monsters within. Contents: Introduction to labyrinths ? Labyrinths in mythology ? Labyrinths in history ? Different forms of labyrinth ? Earth energies – rituals and ceremonies ? Pilgrimage – a moving meditation – how labyrinths can facilitate your journey ? Practical labyrinths – how to build or draw a labyrinth

How to Do Everything and Be Happy
Do you ever feel that you could be – well – just that little bit happier? This simple book reveals how you can be happy every day, through these surprisingly easy tips and advice. Whoever you are, whatever you do, and whatever is holding you back, you can do it AND be happy. How To Do Everything and Be Happy is a book for ordinary people, with ordinary lives. People who have been ambling along and wondering if things would be better if they were just a little different. It's a book for most people. It's a book for you. Peter Jones was once a normal guy. Sometimes frustrated, often dissatisfied, but always working hard towards a ‘happily every after’ he would share with his wife Kate. But when Kate died in Peter’s arms after just 2 years and 3 months of marriage, he realised his days had been spent working towards a fantasy, instead of making every hour count. Alone, at rock bottom, Peter discovered that the secret to happiness is simple: it’s about filling your time with the things that make you happy. If you've got a brain in your head, if you can pick up a pen, if you've got half an idea about what makes you smile, this book will show you how to do that. Peter’s ideas are born from hard-won experience. Like Boxing Day: originally a day Peter and Kate spent together, without plans or restrictions, as an antidote to the chaos of Christmas. When Kate passed away, Peter continued the tradition by himself, doing whatever came to mind: it turned out to be the most refreshing, relaxing and fulfilling few hours he’d ever had. And its effects could be felt throughout the month. Practical, amusing and mumbo-jumbo-free, How To Do Everything And Be Happy does exactly what it says on the tin.

Carb Counter: A Clear Guide to Carbohydrates in Everyday Foods
The ideal companion to the hugely successful Gem Calorie Counter, this is a handy portable guide to carbohydates in everyday foods. Perfect for those following the Fast Diet (5:2 Diet), Dukan Diet, Atkins Diet or other weight-loss diets. Clearly laid out tables give details of net carbohydrates per portion (slice, biscuit, apple) making it quick and simple to use. Reducing carbohydrates and following a high protein diet has become a popular and effective way of losing weight and keeping those extra pounds off. The interest in the Dr Atkins New Diet Revolution is clear proof of this. The key to following a high-protein diet is to control your carbohydrate intake. Collins Gem Carb Counter is a guide to the net carb contents of everyday foods. It also gives calories, protein and fat. Information is given per portion to make it easy to use. High protein, carb-counting diets are often referred to as a man’s diet and this emphasis on portions rather than 100 g means that there is less working out involved. Boredom is often the downfall of the carb counter, so a section is included which gives suggestions for different meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks.

The Healthy Gut Cookbook
Cookery expert Marguerite Patten and nutritionist Jeannette Ewin tell you everything you need to know about eating for a healthy gut. Includes information about a wide range of gut problems, practical advice on the best food choices and 60 healthy gut recipes. This invaluable new collaboration between favourite British cookery expert Marguerite Patten and nutritional scientist Jeannette Ewin, authors of the bestselling Eat to Beat Arthritis, takes a look at how diet and nutrition are key factors in creating and maintaining good gut health. Gut disorders such as IBS and Crohn’s disease, as well as more general complaints such as constipation are on the increase. Many of these conditions are due to, or exacerbated by, poor nutrition. Marguerite Patten, in her introduction, describes her own recent experience of the highly common condition, IBS. She offers 60 delicious recipes that show you how to create tasty and nutritious meals following the nutritional guidelines to ease such digestive disorders. Jeannette Ewin gives invaluable advice on nutrition for a healthy gut, an explanation of how and why things go wrong and information on self-treatment using probiotics and how medications can affect the gut.

Getting Out Alive: A Guide to Surviving Hospital
Best-selling author and professional nurse Michael Alexander offers practical and achievable advice on how you can get the best out of hospital visits and admission. In this short, fun and informative book, Michael Alexander, author of ‘Confessions of a Male Nurse’ explains how we, as patients, can have a hugely positive impact on our hospital treatment and care. Divided into three easy to read chapters, ‘Getting Out Alive’ looks at every stage of the health care cycle: before hospital, at hospital, and after discharge. Michael Alexander’s simple and easy guide to surviving hospital is essential reading for anyone in need of medical care, or likely to be in need of medical care in the future . . . Which is pretty much all of us.

How To Be Here
How can I slow down and enjoy life more? Discover the greatness you were born for, successfully pursue your dreams, find your path, and live a confident, fulfilled life. Rob Bell believes that each of us has a path, a calling―whether it’s writing a novel, starting a business, joining a band, or simply becoming a volunteer. But many people are afraid to start on that path. Who are we to do that? Bell counters, Why not you? We need to learn to turn off the internal and external critics and leap. The universe is alive to help us. And we can only discover passion and joy after we take off. Interweaving engaging stories; lessons from Biblical figures; science, art, and business; honest personal experience; and practical advice, he offers invaluable insight on how to silence our critics, move from idea to action, take the first step, find joy in the work, persevere through hard times, and surrender the outcome. Combining the practical inspiration of Stephen Pressfield’s ‘The War of Art’ and the warm instructional insight of Annie Lamott’s ‘Bird By Bird’, ‘How To Be Here’ encourages us to leave boring behind and embrace the fulfilling lives we are meant to have.

The 5:2 Bikini Diet
Lose up to 14 lbs in just 4 weeks! By dieting for only two days a week you can have the bikini body you’ve always dreamed of – fast. With over 140 mouth-watering and filling recipes, all under 500 calories, bestselling diet author Jacqueline Whitehart is the answer to your dieting prayers. The 5:2 Bikini Diet offers a new and fresh approach to the Intermittent Fasting phenomenon that will get you in bikini-ready shape super fast. This essential guide is the fastest, easiest path to achieving the body you have always dreamed of – and you’ll not only lose weight fast, you’ll lower the risk of age-related illnesses such as Alzheimer’s, diabetes and heart disease too. Cut your calories, transform your look and start your weight-loss journey today.

The Juice Master Juice Yourself Slim
Bursting with Juicy motivation, Juice Yourself Slim contains over 50 fantastic soups, juices, salads and smoothie recipes PLUS the Life Long Rules for Success that will help you maintain your health and- the big one- keep you slim for life. Let the Juice Master help you discover delicious and simple recipes containing the ultimate super fuel for a super body and mind! Includes: The 5 Day Launch Programme Did you know a space shuttle needs 90% of its energy to launch but only 10% to keep it in flight? Jason shows how the same principle can be applied to permanent weight loss through his launch pad to a life long programme. Kick start your system and give your energy levels a super boost by following his juice, soup and smoothie plan for 5 days Juice Yourself Slim Having successfully completed the Launch programme, it's now time to take things to new juicy heights with The Life Long Rules for Success, and with Jason's motivational tips and unique juicing programme it's the perfect recipe for a permanently slim, trim and healthy mind and body. Juice Yourself Slim also contains: 10 'Souper' Slimming Fuel recipes 15 Super Juice recipes 15 Super Smoothie recipes 10 Super Slimming Salad recipes And Super Fuel on the Go- a fantastic section packed with ideas for energy boosting healthy snacks.

Guided By Angels: There Are No Goodbyes, My Tour of the Spirit World
Have you ever wondered if there is there life after death? If so, where do people go when they die? Whether it’s possible to keep in contact with your loved ones after they die? And are they able to help you? Will you meet them again? There Are No Goodbyes provides answers and comfort for all of these questions, and more. What happens to us when we die is bound to be a matter of curiosity for most, if not all people. Some believe that when you're dead, you're dead. Others believe that we go on - but to what? There Are No Goodbyes provides reassurance and answers to this and many other questions. The main object is to help people go through their existence on Earth secure in the knowledge that life continues as an adventure towards complete freedom of spirit, so that there's no reason whatever to be afraid of death. For decades, Paddy McMahon has acted as a bridge between the spiritual and human realms, helping people to connect with their angels, or spirit guides. He believes that we are born with spiritual connections to one or more angels, and if we want their help in life we need to be open to receiving their assistance.

Your Personal Horoscope 2012: Month-by-month forecasts for every sign
Your complete one-volume guide to the year 2012. This fantastic and in depth book includes month-by-month forecasts for every sign and all you need to know to find out what is in store for you in the year ahead. Discover when your lucky days will fall and when it might be better just to stay in bed, with your complete one-volume, month-by-month guide to the year 2012 – the only horoscope you will ever need. This bestselling guide gives you individual predictions for the year ahead and shows you how you, your friends, your family and lovers will fare. It includes: ? A month-by-month forecast for every sign ? A personality profile for each sign ? What to expect in terms of love, sex, work and money ? Detailed predictions of your best days and worst days – and the ideal days to attract love or money. ? Invaluable advice on exactly when to ask for that pay rise, what days you should be on the look out for exciting revalations and the days you should probably just stay in bed!

Menopause Without Weight Gain: The 5 Step Solution to Challenge Your Changing Ho
Women over the age of 40, as they move towards menopause, usually experience an increasing waistline and multiplying fat cells…no matter how much they exercise. Hormonal changes start to affect your weight when your 30 billion fat cells detect a slightly lower oestrogen reading and come to your aid to produce oestrogen for you. And the fat cells in your waist grow the largest because they are better equipped to produce oestrogen than those in your bottom, hips and thighs. Debra Waterhouse provides her usual sound strategies to cope but also explains the positive side: that the more oestrogen you produce the fewer mood swings and hot flushes, less intense PMS, improved sleep, and a reduced risk of osteoporosis you will experience. And she warns: the harder you try to lose weight by dieting the more powerful your menopausal fat cells become . Positive actions Waterhouse proposes include: ? Encouraging a positive attitude for your change of life, embracing your body changes ? Following her tailored exercise programme which includes building bone density and gaining muscle ? How much to eat, when and how often. What to eat, including plant oestrogens. And how to start trusting your body’s messages and cravings.

The GL Diet Made Easy: How to Eat, Cheat and Still Lose Weight
Dieting is so much easier thanks to Nigel Denby's fantastically simple GL diet. There's no calorie or point counting, no hunger, no guilt and no faddy food rules. Even better, you can drop a size in 10 days – and keep it off. All you need to do is stick to a few simple eating guidelines and enjoy his delicious recipes and flexible meal plans. GL, or Glycaemic Load, gets better results than GI (Glycaemic Index) because it helps you manage the quality AND the quantity of the food you eat. For example, on a GI diet chocolate is off the menu because a single bar of chocolate and a truckload of chocolate have the same bad rating. It's a different story on GL: you can cheat a little and still enjoy your chocolate fix. This diet is so easy and so indulgent that you'll hardly notice you are on it until your unwanted pounds disappear. ? Simple eating guidelines – no rigid rules ? Safe, permanent weight loss ? 10-day flexible planner – drop a size and get on track ? Mouth-watering choice of 10-minute recipes

Happy Adults
Number 1 bestselling author, Cathy Glass, shares her experience and expertise gained across 25 years as a foster carer in this brilliantly practical self-help guide for adults. The long-awaited sequel to her much-loved parenting guide, that fans of Happy Kids have been clamouring for. Cathy Glass reveals the secrets of happiness and contentment in adulthood by combining common-sense psychology with tried-and-tested strategies and case studies, always from her own unique and insightful perspective. With practical guidance on how to develop your own optimistic personal philosophy, tips on when to listen to intuition, and attitude and lifestyle suggestions, Happy Adults is the essential manual for getting the best out of life. The recipient of thousands of letters and emails from readers touched by her inspirational memoirs whose own life stories resonate with those of the children in her care, Cathy has identified the key traits in happy readers that have buoyed them up during harrowing childhoods, through to functional and successful adulthood. Compiling these valuable lessons on outlook and behaviour, for instance, how to dispel negativity and unproductive anger and embrace empowerment, and the importance of trust in oneself, Cathy has produced a single invaluable handbook for adults seeking fundamental life guidance or useful effective approaches for a lifetime of hope and fulfilment.

Your Personal Horoscope 2009: Month-by-month Forecasts for Every Sign
Your complete one-volume guide to the year 2008. This fantastic and in depth book includes month-by-month forecasts for every sign and all you need to know to find out what is in store for you in the year ahead Discover when your lucky days will fall and when it might be better just to stay in bed, with your complete one-volume, month-by-month guide to the year 2008 – the only horoscope you will ever need. This bestselling guide gives you individual predictions for the year ahead and shows you how you, your friends, your family and lovers will fare. It includes: ? A month-by-month forecast for every sign ? A personality profile for each sign ? What to expect in terms of love, sex, work and money ? Detailed predictions of your best days and worst days – and the ideal days to attract love or money. ? Invaluable advice on exactly when to ask for that pay rise, what days you should be on the look out for exciting revalations and the days you should probably just stay in bed!

You: On a Diet
Drs Michael F. Roizen and Mehmet C. Oz, authors of the million-copy bestseller ‘YOU: The Owner's Manual’, have devised a diet that is so effective you'll notice changes in your body immediately. Starting with a Two-Week Reboot that will help you lose up to two inches around your waist, you will shed your unwanted pounds forever. ‘YOU on a Diet’ is not another faddy crash-diet weight loss plan: you will lose weight – and a lot of it – but you will also gain the knowledge, insight and power to keep off the pounds you lose. Knowledge is the most powerful motivator when it comes to making the right food choices: know the ‘why’ and you'll successfully handle the ‘how’. ? Find out your ideal shape – and how to reach it ? Lose weight without hunger – you need only 100 calories less a day ? Enjoy flexibility – you can still indulge in treats ? Rebalance body chemicals and hormones – these, not willpower, dictate what you eat ? Stop worrying about what you weigh – it's your waist size that counts Roizen and Mehmet's clear plan combined with: ? Amazing YOU facts (e.g. 95% of your body's serotonin is found in your intestines – there's only 2-3% in your nervous system) ? Eating tips (e.g. eating a small handful of nuts before your meal tricks your body into thinking that you are fuller sooner) ? Interactive questionnaires (e.g. are your emotions affecting your food choices?) make this diet one of the most cutting-edge and easy-to-follow of our time. Successful long-term weight loss is only found in one place: YOU.

Haunted Britain and Ireland
Take a spooky journey round the British Isles with the UK's best known psychic Derek Acorah. Derek presents a fascinating guide to 100 'haunted' sites throughout Britain and Ireland, including his incredible ghostly encounters, what you can expect to find at each location, as well as detailed information on opening hours and access. Find out just how haunted Britain and Ireland are in Derek Acorah's fascinating guide to over 100 spooky sites. Derek shares fantasic strories of epic battles, lost lovers, murder, suicide and other ghostly goings-on at locations far and wide. Discover why the ghost of a Victorian actor haunts the Adelphi Theatre in London, what many tragedies haunt the Snickleway Inn of York, and why a mysterious ghostly monk has been sighted in the Tyneside Cinema. This ghostly guide has a map with each section and spooky sites helpfully ordered by county or geographical area. Entries range from haunted castles and manors to shopping centres, hotels, beaches and even bowling alleys. An ideal travelling companion, each section offers helpful information on opening hours and access. Perfect for a family holiday, you can design your break to take in pubs with poltergeists, eerie stately homes or haunted abbeys!

An Angel By My Side: Amazing True Stories of the Afterlife
Following the hugely popular ‘An Angel Saved My Life’, comes another collection of powerful true stories of communication with those in the Afterlife. Includes real-life amazing rescues, mysterious dream visitations, near death experiences and miraculous recoveries. In the follow up to her first collection of stories entitled ‘An Angel Saved My Life’, Jacky Newcomb is back with more incredible, inspiring true life dramas and what happens when those from the afterlife intervene in our darkest hour of need. The book includes: ? Miraculous survival stories which defy explanation. ? Amazing rescues – mysterious strangers who proved to be angels in disguise. ? People who came back from the brink of death – what is it really like to die? ? Remarkable medical recoveries – spirit intervention to set the clock back on a person's 'time to go'. ? Dream visitations by spirits – angels and spirit friends entering or creating dreams to give important messages. ? The psychic power of children and their interaction with angels. ? Incredible psychic animals – pets who came back from the dead to protect their owners.

Derek Acorah: Extreme Psychic
The UK's number one TV psychic is back as you've never seen him before. Derek shares stories of his scariest, most bloodcurdling encounters with the other side. From possession by demons, violent spirits that have thrown him bodily across the room and encounters with dead serial killers, to ghosts that have made him fear for his very life, here is a collection of shocking experiences that have made Derek stare into the darkest places of the spirit world. Warning: this is not for the faint-hearted. Read it, if you dare.

An Unfit Mother
This upbeat, achievable plan helps you get back into shape after pregnancy, by combining super nutrition (including meal suggestions and dietary advice) and effective short exercise routines you can do anywhere. It’s the easy way for mums to become yummy mummies – reclaiming their bodies and losing their baby-weight safely and successfully. A mother herself, Kate Cook understands the frustrations, self-doubts and lack of control felt by many mums, so the focus is on straightforward solutions for real lifestyles. The plan is wrapped around a humorous ‘chic-lit’ style narrative for an immediate connection with the reader, but is easy to dip into, with clever tips, meal plans and easy exercises. Kate offers sound advice not only on nutrition and exercise, but on how to find the time, energy and motivation to get going and keep going. There are stories from real mums throughout, to reinforce the life-coaching elements, helping you to save time and stay sane and focused.