

The Whirlpool
The Whirlpool
George Gissing
Alma's farther looses fortunes at his bank and commits suicide forcing his 20 years old daughter to go abroad to make plans and pursue her career. Two admirers follow her: Cyrus Redgrave a wealthy bachelor who makes an indecent proposal and Harvey Rolfe whom she ends up marrying.
The Story of The Teasing Monkey
The Story of The Teasing Monkey
Helen Bannerman
Once upon a time there was a very mischievous little monkey, who lived in a big banyan tree, and his name was Jacko. And in the jungle below there lived a huge, fierce old lion and lioness.
George Gissing
Thyrza Trent, a young hat-trimmer, meets and falls in love with Walter Egremont, an Oxford-trained idealist who gives lectures on literature to workers. Trapped by birth and circumstance, Thyrza is attempting to escape her destiny in this tale of ambition, romance, betrayal and disillusionment.
A Woman of No Importance
A Woman of No Importance
Oscar Wilde
The play opens with a party on a terrace in Lady Hunstanton's estate. The upper class guests exchange social gossip and small talk. Lady Caroline Pontrefact patronizes an American visitor, Hester Worsley, and proceeds to give her own opinion on everyone in the room and her surrounding life. Lady Caroline also denounces Hester's enthusiasm for Gerald Arbuthnot until Gerald himself enters to proclaim that Lord Illingworth, a powerful, flirtatious male political figure intends to take him under his wing as secretary.
The Gift of The Magi
The Gift of The Magi
O. Henry
The magi, as you know, were wise men – wonderfully wise men – who brought gifts to the new-born King of the Jews in the manger. They invented the art of giving Christmas presents. Being wise, their gifts were no doubt wise ones, possibly bearing the privilege of exchange in case of duplication. And here I have lamely related to you the uneventful chronicle of two foolish children in a flat who most unwisely sacrificed for each other the greatest treasures of their house.
The Model Millionaire
The Model Millionaire
Oscar Wilde
Hughie Erskine is in love and wants to marry, but the girl's father will not allow it, since Erskine has no money. Erskine's friend Alan Trevor is a painter, and he visits him at his studio one day to find him with a pitiable beggar — the model for his painting. Erskine only has one coin, on which he depends for transportation, but he decides he can walk for a couple of weeks and gives the beggar the coin.
Tales of Dostoyevsky, Volume 1
Tales of Dostoyevsky, Volume 1
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Dostoyevsky is the only psychologist from whom I had something to learn', remarked Friedrich Nietzsche. 'He ranks among the most beautiful strokes of fortune in my life'. Discover the universal truths and wisdoms of Dostoyevsky in this volume of Dostoyevsky's tales including: An Honest Thief, The Heavenly Christmas Tree, The Peasant Marey.
The Secret of the Island
The Secret of the Island
Jules Verne
It was now two years and a half since the castaways from the balloon had been thrown on Lincoln Island, and during that period there had been no communication between them and their fellow-creatures. Once the reporter had attempted to communicate with the inhabited world by confiding to a bird a letter which contained the secret of their situation, but that was a chance on which it was impossible to reckon seriously. Ayrton, alone, under the circumstances which have been related, had come to join the little colony.
Lord Arthur Savile's Crime and Other Stories
Lord Arthur Savile's Crime and Other Stories
Oscar Wilde
Lord Arthur Savile's Crime is the opening story in this volume of Oscar Wilde tales and this collection will delight the reader with slightly darker undertones of Wilde's hugely enjoyable humorous tales. Also included in this collection: The Canterville Ghost, The Sphinx Without a Secret, The Modle Millionaire, The Protrait of Mr. W.H.
The Devoted Friend
The Devoted Friend
Oscar Wilde
Little Hans spends most of his time gardening and makes a living from sales of his beautiful flowers. Little Hans always treats his neighbours well and even allows neighbouring rich Miller to pick flowers from his garden. But the Miller rarely invites Hans into his house or responds in kind. The Miller instead develops has his own philosophy of friendship: ‘Lots of people act well but very few people talk well, which shows that talking is much the more difficult thing of the two, and much the finer thing also'.
The Godson
The Godson
Leo Tolstoy
A son was born to a poor peasant. He rejoiced and went to a neighbour to ask him to stand as godfather to the boy. The neighbour refused. He did not want to be godfather to a poor man’s son. So the peasant went to another neighbour and he, too, refused. He walked from house to house, but could find no one who would be godfather to his son, so he set out to another village.
49元5本 逻辑学原来很有趣——16位大师的精华课
49元5本 悦心语
《悦心语(南怀瑾先生*述佳句选摘)(精)》是南怀瑾先生语录集,以笔记形式呈现。取材自南先生《论语别裁》、《孟子旁通》、《老子他说》、《禅宗与道家》等*作。编者“断章取义”,稍加整理。本书内容博大精深,文字简短,通俗易懂,便于现代读者阅读。 《悦心语》是南怀瑾先生的语录集,从《论语别裁》《孟子旁通》等南怀瑾先生代表作中精选经典章句而成,浓缩南师智慧精华。 南怀瑾先生是海内外享有盛誉的儒释道大师,将中华文化各种思想融会贯通,带领国人重读中国古代儒、释、道典籍,引导人们关注人的内心,关注人伦世界,关注人文教化。 南师*作不是象牙塔里不食人间烟火的精密考校疏证,处处体现着对现实世界的深切关怀,和芸芸众生的生活与命运紧密相连。南怀瑾先生认为,人生的*高境界是:佛为心,道为骨,儒为表,大度看世界;技在手,能在身,思在脑,从容过生活。这正是夫子自道。 谨以《悦心语》一书,深切缅怀敬爱的南怀瑾先生。  
49元5本 脑洞大开的哲学简史
哲学一直给人一种远在云端的感觉,对于很多人来说,读不读哲学对生活没有多少影响。但其实,这种高高在上的哲学是被经院化和学科化了的,是对哲学原来面貌的*扭曲! 七格说,哲学与我们的距离并不遥远。哲学家可以很有趣,哲学可以很辛辣,哲学与我们的生活息息相关,可以启发我们从不同的角度看待生活中的问题。 《脑洞大的哲学简史(*部分:八世纪前)》带你认识48位哲学大师的前世今生,风趣幽默的观剖析,独具一格的人物短评,各类学科与哲学的激情碰撞,让你畅游哲学海洋,重塑不一样的哲学态度!
孙来斌 刘军
19世纪末20世纪初,是人类社会发生深刻变化的关键时期,也是马克思主义发展的重要时期。如何认识资本主义新变化的本质?马克思主义在时代新变化面前还有没有生命力?在新的历史条件下无产阶级面临的*紧迫任务及其实现路径是什么?以列宁为代表的马克思主义者,科学地回答了时代提出的重大问题,与各种错误思潮展了坚决斗争,有力地推了马克思主义的重大发展,为马克思主义在20世纪波澜壮阔的历史揭了精彩的序幕。 在《20世纪马克思主义发展史》(九卷本)的体系结构中,本卷具有反映历史承、时代转换和内容综合的特殊性质,总体遵循逻辑与历史相统一的思路,采用史论结合的叙述方法,着力考察19世纪末至十月革命前马克思主义发展史上的重大事件、重要人物、重著作,力图全面、准确地反映这一时期马克思主义发展的历史风貌。
陈学明 姜国敏
49元5本 我说参同契.上册
《参同契》是早期道教重要典籍,全名《周易参同契》。书中借用乾、坤、坎、离、水、火等法象,以明炼丹修仙之术。为道教系统论述炼丹的早著作,道教奉为“丹经王”,是千古丹经之鼻祖。 本书是南怀瑾先生一九八三年在台湾讲解《参同契》的记录,分上、中、下三册。南怀瑾先生认为:《参同契》参合了三种原则相同的学问,且熔于一炉——老庄、道家的丹道,还有《易经》的学问,是一本非读不可的秘密典籍。《参同契》不止是丹经道书,它既是哲学又是科学,也是古典文学之作,其中包含了中华民族深之承天接地的文化。《参同契》素有“天书”之称。这部因深奥而埋藏已久的天书,因南师深入浅出的讲解而重新散发光芒。
49元5本 宗镜录略讲(卷一)
《列子》为道家重要典籍之一,与老庄并列。它高深莫测,易读而难懂,以故事、神话的形态,阐释道家的学术及观念。 《列子臆说》是南怀瑾先生关于《列子》的讲记,共分上中下三册。南怀瑾先生讲述列子,深浅出、生动自在,以《列子》的内容为研究重,带领读者广阔的视野、深难测的奇妙境界,并破了意识的种种局限。列子,这个御风而行的人,要我们从一切自设的框架中突围,成就天地间的自在逍遥。
49元5本 宗镜录略讲(卷三)
《列子》为道家重要典籍之一,与老庄并列。它高深莫测,易读而难懂,以故事、神话的形态,阐释道家的学术及观念。 《列子臆说》是南怀瑾先生关于《列子》的讲记,共分上中下三册。南怀瑾先生讲述列子,深浅出、生动自在,以《列子》的内容为研究重,带领读者广阔的视野、深难测的奇妙境界,并破了意识的种种局限。列子,这个御风而行的人,要我们从一切自设的框架中突围,成就天地间的自在逍遥。