

The Ancestors
The Ancestors
Jean Bovell
The Ancestors is the story of three generations of first daughters who were born after the abolition of slavery and possessed egos that were not compliant with the expected and largely accepted subservient role of women within the humble but chauvinistic environment in which they lived. The spirit of the era is captured as the biopic depicts simple sub-cultural lifestyles with fixed superstitions, parallel belief in God and the occult and unique language. Life experiences are stmpathetically and humorously echoed during separate journeys of survival and eventual triumph.
49元5本 九灵拾遗
《查拉图斯特拉如是说》是尼采假借查拉图斯特拉之名说出他自己的哲学思想,也可以说是一本查拉图斯特拉的说教集或者说是查拉图斯特拉的行藏录。 这部作品是德国哲学家尼采的一部里程碑式的作品。这本书以散文诗体写就,宣讲“超人的哲学”和“权力意志”,通过主人公查拉图斯特拉阐述出:人类是处于超人和禽兽之间的物种,人类的步方向是超人;上帝已死,唯有让上帝死才能化为超人;人类的道德便是超人甘于坠落自己的意志等哲学思想,用诗歌的语言,讲述了尼采对于人生、人类、痛苦、快乐、期待的深刻领悟。这本书是一部哲学书,却有极高的文学价值,是一部关于“超人”的圣经。
49元5本 论中国学术思想变迁之大势
梁启超 著 夏晓红导读
      该书原是梁于1902年3-12月、1904年9-12月时在《新民丛报》上陆续发表的一些文章,后由北京大学中文系夏晓红教授从该报及《饮冰室文集》等出版物中整理而成(具体见“导读”)。但这些文章上下连缀成体系,可以组成小册子,并非简单的文集。       梁启超这个小册子的写作背景乃是在“改良派”遭受重大之后的“新民”理论;一步,梁又以“新学术”为“新民”(两处“新”均为动词)之利器,而撰写此书作为具体实践。具体而言,这个小册子采用了当时新式的章节体,并引探究原因、引文化地理学等思路及研究方法,来书写学术史;在思想上,则刻意突出了主张学术自由、赞美文化交融的两条主线。
49元5本 中国哲学史大纲
胡适 撰 耿云志等 导读
49元5本 魏晋玄学论稿
汤用彤 撰 汤一介等 导读
本书是研究魏晋玄学的重要参考书,为汤用彤先生在1938年至1947年十年中所写的八篇论文和一篇讲演记录稿合成的文集。 作者钩沉描绘出魏晋思想的变迁、发展之迹,既凸显了本期思想之特质及其内在的发展理路,又注重其与前期思想间的因革损益。 自用彤先生始,学界统称魏晋思想为魏晋玄学。
Delphi Complete Works of Walt Whitman (Illustrated)
Delphi Complete Works of Walt Whitman (Illustrated)
Walt Whitman
This is the fifth volume of a new series of publications by Delphi Classics, the best-selling publisher of classical works. Many poetry collections are often poorly formatted and difficult to read on eReaders. The Delphi Poets Series offers readers the works of literature’s finest poets, with superior formatting. This volume presents the complete poetical works of Walt Whitman, with beautiful illustrations and the usual Delphi bonus material. (Version: 1) * Beautifully illustrated with images relating to Whitman’s life and works * Concise introductions to the poetry and other works * Images of how the poetry books were first printed, giving your eReader a taste of the original texts * Excellent formatting of the poems * Special chronological and alphabetical contents tables for the poetry * Easily locate the poems you want to read * Includes two collections of Whitman’s letters – spend hours exploring the poet’s personal correspondence * Also includes Whitman’s scarce novel FRANKLIN EVANS, appearing here for the first time in digital print * Features the complete prose works * Scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genres CONTENTS: The Poetry Collections LEAVES OF GRASS, 1855 LEAVES OF GRASS, 1892 OLD AGE ECHOES UNCOLLECTED AND REJECTED POEMS The Poems LIST OF POEMS IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER LIST OF POEMS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER The Novel FRANKLIN EVANS Other Prose Works LIST OF PROSE WORKS The Letters THE WOUND DRESSER THE LETTERS OF ANNE GILCHRIST AND WALT WHITMAN
Delphi Complete Works of Herman Melville (Illustrated)
Delphi Complete Works of Herman Melville (Illustrated)
Herman Melville
Herman Melville is a giant of American literature, whose novels are hailed as literary masterpieces. This eBook offers readers the complete works for the first time in digital print, as well as an array of bonus features. (Current version: 1) * illustrated with many images relating to Melville’s life and works * annotated with concise introductions to the novels and other works * ALL the novels, with separate contents tables * MOBY-DICK and other works are presented with their original illustrations * images of how the novels first appeared, giving your eReader a taste of the original texts * the complete short story collections * rare short stories like DANIEL ORME – first time in digital print * the complete poetry collections * the scarce poetry collection WEEDS AND WILDINGS, which Melville wrote for his wife – first time in digital print * separate CHRONOLOGICAL and ALPHABETICAL contents tables for the poetry – find that special poem easily! * includes Melville’s complete essays, available nowhere else * bonus collection of letters by Melville – explore the writer’s personal correspondence * boasts a special criticism section, with essays by writers such as D.H. Lawrence and Virginia Woolf examining Melville’s contribution to literature * features Raymond Weaver’s seminal biography on Melville, which sparked the great revival in the author * scholarly ordering of texts in chronological order and literary genres, allowing easy navigation around Melville’s immense oeuvre Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to browse through our range of exciting titles CONTENTS: The Novels TYPEE OMOO MARDI REDBURN WHITE-JACKET MOBY-DICK PIERRE ISLE OF THE CROSS (lost novel – information only) ISRAEL POTTER THE CONFIDENCE-MAN BILLY BUDD, SAILOR The Short Story Collections THE PIAZZA TALES THE APPLE-TREE TABLE AND OTHER SKETCHES BILLY BUDD AND OTHER PROSE PIECES The Short Stories LIST OF THE SHORT STORIES The Poetry Collections BATTLE PIECES AND ASPECTS OF THE WAR CLAREL: A POEM AND PILGRIMAGE IN THE HOLY LAND JOHN MARR AND OTHER SAILORS TIMOLEON AND OTHER VENTURES WEEDS AND WILDINGS, WITH A ROSE OR TWO UNCOLLECTED POEMS The Poems LIST OF POEMS IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER LIST OF POEMS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER The Essays FRAGMENTS FROM A WRITING DESK ETCHINGS OF A WHALING CRUISE REVIEW AUTHENTIC ANECDOTES OF ‘OLD ZACK’ MR PARKMAN’S TOUR COOPER’S NEW NOVEL A THOUGHT ON BOOK-BINDING HAWTHORNE AND HIS MOSSES The Letters SOME PERSONAL LETTERS OF HERMAN MELVILLE BY MEADE MINNIGERODE The Criticism THE BEST SEA-STORY EVER WRITTEN BY ARCHIBALD MACMECHAN HERMAN MELVILLE’S MOBY DICK BY D. H. LAWRENCE HERMAN MELVILLE’S TYPEE AND OMOO BY D. H. LAWRENCE HERMAN MELVILLE BY VIRGINIA WOOLF The Biography HERMAN MELVILLE: MAN, MARINER AND MYSTIC BY RAYMOND WEAVER
Delphi Complete Works of F. Scott Fitzgerald (Illustrated)
Delphi Complete Works of F. Scott Fitzgerald (Illustrated)
F. Scott Fitzgerald
One of the greatest writers of the twentieth century, he is a modern master. This eBook offers you the unique opportunity of exploring F. Scott Fitzgerald’s work in a manner never before possible in digital print. The edition includes every Fitzgerald story collection (published in his lifetime), short story, with poems and non-fiction articles and other bonus texts. (Version 2) Features: * annotated introductions to the works, giving contextual information * illustrated with many images relating to Fitzgerald’s life, works, places and film adaptations * ALL the novels, each with its own contents table * ALL the short story collections and each with their own contents table * overall contents tables for the short stories – both alphabetical and chronological – find that special story quickly and easily! * rare short stories previously uncollected from periodicals and magazines * includes Fitzgerald’s poetry and non-fiction printed in the periodicals of his day * EVEN includes the unfinished novel THE LOVE OF THE LAST TYCOON, available nowhere else * UPDATED with Fitzgerald’s St Paul plays – explore the young writer’s first dramatic works. * UPDATED with Fitzgerald’s letters – spend hours exploring the writer’s personal correspondence. * scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genres, allowing easy navigation around Fitzgerald’s works Please note: we aim to provide the most comprehensive author collections available to our readers. Sadly, it’s not possible to guarantee an absolutely ‘complete’ works, due to copyright restrictions on plays and the scarcity of some minor works. However, we do ensure our customers that every possible major text, with bonus material, is included. If you feel a significant text is missing, please contact us via this site. Biographies and critical works are unavailable at this time due to copyright restrictions, but they will be added when they enter the public domain. CONTENTS: The Novels THIS SIDE OF PARADISE THE BEAUTIFUL AND DAMNED THE GREAT GATSBY TENDER IS THE NIGHT THE LOVE OF THE LAST TYCOON The Short Story Collections FLAPPERS AND PHILOSOPHERS TALES FROM THE JAZZ AGE ALL THE SAD YOUNG MEN TAPS AT REVEILLE THE PAT HOBBY STORIES MISCELLANEOUS STORIES The Short Stories CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF SHORT STORIES ALPHABETICAL LIST OF SHORT STORIES The Plays and Screenplays THE GIRL FROM LAZY J THE CAPTURED SHADOW COWARD ASSORTED SPIRITS SHADOW LAURELS PORCELAIN AND PINK MR. ICKY THE VEGETABLE, “SEND ME IN, COACH” THREE COMRADES INFIDELITY The Poetry LIST OF POETRY The Non-Fiction LIST OF ESSAYS AND ARTICLES The Letters LIST OF CORRESPONDENTS
Saemtliche Werke von Franz Kafka (Illustrierte)
Saemtliche Werke von Franz Kafka (Illustrierte)
Franz Kafka
Franz Kafka ist eine wichtige Figur der moderne Literatur. Jetzt k?nnen Sie das Gesamtwerk von Kafka auf Ihrem E-Reader, mit vielen Bonus-Features, genie?en. Dies ist das erste deutsche eBook von Delphi Classics, erfolgreicher Verleger klassischer Fiktion. (Version: 2) * Alle Romanfragmente, jedes mit einem Inhaltsverzeichnis * Kurze Einführungen zu den Romanen und anderen Texten * Viele Bilder mit Bezug zu Franz Kafka, seinem Leben und seinen Werken * Alle Kurzgeschichten, darunter seltene Erz?hlungen * Spezielle alphabetische Inhaltsverzeichnisse für die Geschichten * Kafkas seltenes Drama DER GRUFTW?CHTER * Kafkas Tagebücher — Erkunden Sie des Schriftstellers unruhige Gedanken * Weitere Werke von Kafka * Enth?lt jetzt auch FRANZ KAFKA: EINE BIOGRAPHIE von Max Brod – die erste Biographie über das Leben von Kafka! INHALT: Romanfragmente DER PROZESS DAS SCHLOSS AMERIKA (DER VERSCHOLLENE) Kurzgeschichten BETRACHTUNG BESCHREIBUNG EINES KAMPFES HOCHZEITSVORBEREITUNGEN AUF DEM LANDE DIE AEROPLANE IN BRESCIA EIN DAMENBREVIER GESPR?CH MIT DEM BETER GESPR?CH MIT DEM BETRUNKENEN AM FENSTER EIN ROMAN DER JUGEND IN DER NACHT EINE ENTSCHLAFENE ZEITSCHRIFT GROSSER L?RM AUS MATL?RH?ZA DAS URTEIL DIE VERWANDLUNG DER HEIZER IN DER STRAFKOLONIE DER DORFSCHULLEHRER BLUMFELD, EIN ?LTERER JUNGGESELLE EIN LANDARZT DER J?GER GRACCHUS EIN BERICHT F?R EINE AKADEMIE DIE ABWEISUNG EIN HUNGERK?NSTLER BEIM BAU DER CHINESISCHEN MAUER FORSCHUNGEN EINES HUNDES DER BAU PARABELN Erz?hlungen in Alphabetischer Reihenfolge Drama DER GRUFTW?CHTER Tagebücher LISTE DER TAGEBUCHEINTR?GE TAGEBUCH EINER REISE NACH FRIEDLAND UND REICHENBERG Weitere Werke BRIEF AN DEN VATER BETRACHTUNGEN ?BER S?NDE, LEID, HOFFNUNG UND DEN WAHREN WEG DIE ACHT OKTAVHEFTE Biographie FRANZ KAFKA. EINE BIOGRAPHIE von Max Brod Besuchen Sie bitte www.delphiclassics.com für weitere Informationen und unsere anderen eBooks durchsuchen.
Zakhar Prilepin
Zakhar Prilepin’s novel-in-stories, Sin, has become a literary phenomenon in Russia, where it was published in 2007. It has been hailed as the epitome of the spirit of the opening decade of the 21st century, and was called “the book of the decade” by the prestigious Super Natsbest Award jury. Now available for the first time in English, it not only embodies the reality of post-perestroika Russia, but also shows that even in this reality, just like in any other, it is possible to maintain a positive attitude while remaining human. Zakharka is young, strong, in love with love and with life’s random, telling moments. In the episodes of his life, presented here in non-chronological order, we see him as a little boy, a lovelorn teenager, a hard-drinking grave-digger, a nightclub bouncer, a father, and a soldier in Chechnya. He even writes poetry, and his stylistically varied verses are presented in the penultimate chapter of the book. Loving life, he looks boldly, and even with curiosity, into the face of death – taking pictures of the deceased at a funeral, staring with agitation at the entrails of a just-disembowelled pig, chronicling the death of a childhood friend – and values the freedom of not fearing his own end. It is family that ultimately defines happiness for Zakharka; but it is also family that makes him realize, on the desolate Chechen border, that his love for them has deprived him of this freedom. Sin offers a fascinating glimpse into the recent Russian past, as well as its present, with its unemployment, poverty, violence, and local wars – social problems that may be found in many corners of the world. Zakhar Prilepin presents these realities through the eyes of Zakharka, taking us along on the life-affirming journey of his unforgettable protagonist.
The Time Of Women
The Time Of Women
Elena Chizhova
Life is not easy in the Soviet Union at mid-20 th century, especially for a factory worker who becomes an unwed mother. But Antonina is lucky to get a room in a communal apartment that she and her little girl share with three elderly women. Glikeria is a daughter of former serfs. Ariadna comes from a wealthy family and speaks French. Yevdokia is illiterate and bitter. All have lost their families, all are deeply traditional, and all become “grannies” to little Suzanna. Only they secretly name her Sofia. And just as secretly they impart to her the history of her country as they experienced it: the Revolution, the early days of the Soviet Union, the blockade and starvation of World War II. The little girl responds by drawing beautiful pictures, but she is mute. If the authorities find out she will be taken from her home and sent to an institution. When Antonina falls desperately ill, the grannies are faced with the reality of losing the little girl they love – a stepfather can be found before it is too late. And for that, they need a miracle.
Delphi Complete Works of W. B. Yeats (Illustrated)
Delphi Complete Works of W. B. Yeats (Illustrated)
W. B. Yeats
This is the seventh volume of a new series of publications by Delphi Classics, the best-selling publisher of classical works. Many poetry collections are often poorly formatted and difficult to read on eReaders. The Delphi Poets Series offers readers the works of literature's finest poets, with superior formatting. This volume presents the poetical works and plays of W. B. Yeats, with illustrations and the usual Delphi bonus material. (Version: 1) * Beautifully illustrated with images relating to Yeats' life and works * Concise introductions to the poetry and other works * Ten poetry collections – the most poems possible due to US copyright restrictions * Images of how the poetry books were first printed, giving your eReader a taste of the original texts * Excellent formatting of the poems and plays * Special chronological and alphabetical contents tables for the poetry * Easily locate the poems you want to read * 19 plays, including rare dramas appearing for the first time in digital print * Features two autobiographies - discover Yeats' literary life * Scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genres Please note: to comply with US copyright restrictions, poetry collections, plays and autobiographical works published after 1922 cannot appear in this volume. Once these later works enter the US public domain, they will be added as a free update to the eBook. CONTENTS The Poetry Collections The Wanderings of Oisin and Other Poems The Countess Kathleen and Various Legends and Lyrics The Wind Among The Reeds Poems from the Shadowy Waters Two Narrative Poems In the Seven Woods The Green Helmet and Other Poems Responsibilities The Wild Swans at Coole Michael Robartes and The Dancer The Poems List of Poems in Chronological Order List of Poems in Alphabetical Order The Plays The Countess Cathleen The Land of Heart’s Desire Diarmuid and Grania Where There is Nothing Cathleen ni Houlihan The Hour-Glass The Pot of Broth The King’s Threshold On Baile’s Strand Deirdre The Unicorn from the Stars The Green Helmet The Shadowy Waters The Hour-Glass (verse version) At the Hawk’s Well The Dreaming of the Bones The Only Jealousy of Emer Calvary The Player Queen The Autobiographies Reveries over Childhood and Youth The Trembling of the Veil
The Beast in the Jungle
The Beast in the Jungle
Henry James
The Beast in the Jungle is one of James' finest short novels touching upon such universal themes as loneliness, fate, love and death. The story can be interpreted as a confession or parable about James' own life. He never married and possibly never experienced a consummated sexual relationship. Although he did enjoy a thorough experience of aesthetic creativity, it is possible that he still regretted what he called the essential loneliness of his life. The parable of the protagonist, John Marcher and his peculiar destiny speaks about the worth and meaning of human life.
Four Seasons Cook Book
Four Seasons Cook Book
Josh Verbae
The Four Seasons Cook Book offers complete recipe book for every single day of the year featuring original varied cuisine from all over the world. There is everything in this book from East India Fish to Bavarian Pear Pudding and Russian Pancakes. The book is divided into twelve months of the year giving you something new to try for every single day. Travel the world with this exciting collection of international recipes and enjoy delicious authentic food.
Delphi Complete Works of Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey (Illustrated)
Delphi Complete Works of Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey (Illustrated)
Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey
One of the most influential and important figures of the Renaissance, Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey was the first poet to use blank verse in English literature, later influencing the works of Shakespeare, Spenser and Milton. This new edition of the bestselling Delphi Poets Series offers superior formatting of the complete surviving works of Surrey, with beautiful illustrations and the usual Delphi bonus material. (Version 1) * Beautifully illustrated with images relating to Surrey's life and works * Concise introduction to the influential early Renaissance poet * Excellent formatting of the poems * Special chronological and alphabetical contents tables for the poetry * Easily locate the poems you want to read * Includes line numbers ? ideal for students * Features a bonus biography - explore Surrey's literary life Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to browse through our range of exciting titles CONTENTS: The Poetry of Surrey BRIEF INTRODUCTION: HENRY HOWARD, EARL OF SURREY The Poems LIST OF POEMS IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER LIST OF POEMS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER The Biography HENRY HOWARD by Sidney Lee Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to browse through our range of exciting titles
Martin Chuzzlewit
Martin Chuzzlewit
Charles Dickens
The last of Dickens' picaresque novels which exposes selfishness, portrayed in a satirical fashion using all the members of the Chuzzlewit family. The novel was written after taking a year off during which Charles Dickens visited America. Similarly, young Martin Chuzzlewit, the old man's grandson, goes off to America to live through events which Dickens himself perhaps experienced or observed during his own travels.
The Crocodile
The Crocodile
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
A true story of how a gentleman of a certain age and of respectable appearance was swallowed alive by the crocodile in the Arcade, and of the consequences that followed.
Tom Thumb
Tom Thumb
Josh Verbae
Long ago, in the merry days of good King Arthur, there lived a ploughman and his wife. They were very poor, but would have been contented and happy if only they could have had a little child. One day, having heard of the great fame of the magician Merlin, who was living at the Court of King Arthur, the wife persuaded her husband to go and tell him of their trouble. Having arrived at the Court, the man besought Merlin with tears in his eyes to give them a child, saying that they would be quite content even though it should be no bigger than his thumb. Merlin determined to grant the request, and what was the countryman’s astonishment to find when he reached home that his wife had a son, who, wonderful to relate, was no bigger than his father’s thumb!
In the Year of Jubilee
In the Year of Jubilee
George Gissing
The story of the romantic and sexual initiation of a suburban heroine, Nancy Lord which Gissing wrote after his return from Exeter. He took lodgings with his second wife at 76 Burton Road, Brixton where South London provided new literary inspiration. He went for long walks through nearby Camberwell, soaking up impressions of the way of life he saw emerging there.
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Ivan Ivanovitch attends the funeral of a casual acquaintance and falls to contemplation in the graveyard. He hears the voices of the recently deceased and buried, and he listens to their conversation. They discuss card games and political scandals. As the deceased entertain themselves by revealing all of the shameful details of their earthly lives, Ivan Ivanovitch sneezes.
The Nether World
The Nether World
George Gissing
Michael Snowdon inherits a substantial sum of money from his deceased son and decides to return from Australia to London. He spends only on necessities and lives like a poor man despite being able to live comfortably. His fortune is kept a secret even from his close friends and relatives.