Pata tata. ?ah
Demersul interpretativ al Constantinei Buleu pare stimulat (ca sa nu spunem: ??ndr?gostit“...) tocmai de caracterul la limita non-definibil, misterios, ireductibil mitopetic al ?puterii“ ?i al reprezent?rilor sale din secolul al XIX-lea. Fie c? ne prezint? metodologii de obedien?? structuralist?, neomarxist?, jungian?, lacanian?, func?ionalist-simbolic? sau fenomenologic?, autoarea e constant fascinat? de un fenomen care, la un cap?t al s?u, presupune ordine, alegere ra?ional?, logic? instrumental?, iar, la celalalt, revela?ie, intensitate, magnetism, charism?, ?ntr-un cuv?nt: magie. Cartea are darul de a ?nf??isa, mai degraba dec?t o ?paradigma“, o panoram? a spiritului secolului al XIX-lea, ?n rela?ie cu tema puterii. Deschiderea curajoas? c?tre un fenomen de o asemenea amploare aminte?te de aura eroic? a unor faimoase ?ntreprinderi intelectuale (Peter Gay, de pild?), deseori invocate, cu implicita admira?ie ?i pricepere, ?n lucrarea Constantinei Buleu. Curiozitatea intelectual? mereu vie, claritatea g?ndirii, larga deschidere bibliografic? ?i, nu ?n ultimul r?nd, expresivitatea foarte personal? a stilului plaseaz? acest demers ?n categoria lucr?rilor de referin??.
Theodore Roosevelt
Theodore Roosevelt had the good fortune to be born of a well-known, long-established family, with every facility for education and with an atmosphere of patriotism and disinterested service both to country and humanity all about him. In his father he had before him an example of lofty public spirit, from which it would have been difficult to depart. But if the work of his ancestors relieved him from the hard struggle which meets an unaided man at the outset, he also lacked the spur of necessity to prick the sides of his intent, in itself no small loss. As a balance to the opportunity which was his without labor, he had not only the later difficulties which come to him to whom fate has been kind at the start; he had also spread before him the temp-tations inseparable from such inherited advantages as fell to his lot—temptations to a life of sports and pleasure, to lettered ease, to an amateur's career in one of the fine arts, perhaps to a money-making business, likewise an inheritance, none of them easily to be set aside in obedience to the stern rule that the larger and more facile the opportunity the greater and more insistent the responsibility. ? About Author: ? henry Cabot Lodge (May 12, 1850 – November 9, 1924) was an American Republican Senator and historian from Massachusetts. Lodge received his PhD in history from Harvard. Lodge was a long-time friend and confidant of Theodore Roosevelt. Lodge had the role (but not the official title) of the first Senate Majority Leader. He is best known for his positions on foreign policy, especially his battle with President Woodrow Wilson in 1919 over the Treaty of Versailles. Lodge demanded Congressional control of declarations of war; Wilson refused and blocked Lodge's move to ratify the treaty with reservations. As a result, the United States never joined the League of Nations.Historian George E. Mowry argues that: Henry Cabot Lodge was one of the best informed statesmen of his time, he was an excellent parliamentarian, and he brought to bear on foreign questions a mind that was at once razor sharp and devoid of much of the moral cant that was so typical of the age....[Yet] Lodge never made the contributions he should have made, largely because of Lodge the person. He was opportunistic, selfish, jealous, condescending, supercilious, and could never resist calling his opponent's spade a dirty shovel. Small wonder that except for Roosevelt and Root, most of his colleagues of both parties disliked him, and many distrusted him. * * *
Delphi Collected Works of Lytton Strachey (Illustrated)
Lytton Strachey, the English biographer and critic, introduced a new era of biographical writing at the close of World War I. Strachey’s works are celebrated for establishing a new form of biography in which psychological insight and sympathy are combined with irreverence and wit. This comprehensive eBook presents Strachey’s collected works, with numerous illustrations, rare texts, informative introductions and the usual Delphi bonus material. (Version 1) * Beautifully illustrated with images relating to Strachey’s life and works* Concise introductions to the major texts* Many famous biographies, with individual contents tables* Images of how the books were first published, giving your eReader a taste of the original texts* Excellent formatting of the texts* Includes Strachey’s rare poetry – available in no other collection* Also includes Strachey’s early Spectator essays, first time in digital print* Features two contextual pieces, evaluating Strachey’s contribution to literature* Scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genres Please note: due to US copyright restrictions, books published after 1922 cannot appear in this edition. When new texts become available in your public domain, they will be added to the eBook as a free update. Please visit to browse through our range of exciting titles CONTENTS: The BooksINTRODUCTION FOR ‘A SIMPLE STORY’ by E. InchbaldLANDMARKS IN FRENCH LITERATUREEMINENT VICTORIANSQUEEN VICTORIABOOKS AND CHARACTERSMISCELLANEOUS ESSAYS FROM ‘THE SPECTATOR’ The PoetryELY: AN ODE, FROM PROLUSIONES ACADEMICAE, 1902EUPHROSYNE: A COLLECTION OF VERSE The Contextual PiecesTHE ART OF BIOGRAPHY by Virginia WoolfLYTTON STRACHEY by Max Beerbohm Please visit to browse through our range of exciting titles or to purchase this eBook as a Parts Edition of individual eBooks
U.P. Reader:Bringing Upper Michigan Literature to the World -- Issue #1
Michigan's Upper Peninsula is blessed with a treasure chest of writers and poets, all seeking to capture the diverse experiences of Yooper Life. Now U.P. Reader offers a rich collection of their voices that embraces the U.P.'s natural beauty and way of life, along with a few surprises.The twenty-eight works in this first annual volume take readers on a U.P. road trip from the Mackinac Bridge to Menominee. Every page is rich with descriptions of the characters and culture that make the Upper Peninsula worth living in and writing about.Whether you're a native Yooper or just wish you were, you'll love U.P. Reader and want to share it with all your Yooper family and friends."U.P. Reader offers a wonderful mix of storytelling, poetry, and Yooper culture. Here's to many future volumes!" --Sonny Longtine, author of Murder in Michigan's Upper Peninsula"Share in the bounty of Michigan's Upper Peninsula with those who love it most. The U.P. Reader has something for everyone. Congratulations to my writer and poet peers for a job well done." --Gretchen Preston, Vice President,?Upper Peninsula Publishers and Authors Association"As readers embark upon this storied landscape, they learn that the people of Michigan's Upper Peninsula offer a unique voice, a tribute to a timeless place too long silent." --Sue Harrison, international bestselling author of Mother Earth Father Sky"I was amazed by the variety of voices in this volume. U.P. Reader offers a little of everything, from short stories to nature poetry, fantasy to reality, Yooper lore to humor. I look forward to the next issue." --Jackie Stark, editor, Marquette Monthly"Like the best of U.P. blizzards, U.P. Reader covers all of Upper Michigan in the variety of its offerings. A fine mix of nature, engaging characters, the supernatural, poetry, and much more." --Karl Bohnak, TV 6 meteorologist and author of??So Cold a Sky: Upper Michigan Weather StoriesU.P. Reader is sponsored by the Upper Peninsula Publishers and Authors Association (UPPAA) a non-profit 501(c)3 corporation. ?A portion of proceeds from each copy sold will be donated to the UPPAA for its educational programming. Learn more at
Delphi Collected Poetical Works of Walter Savage Landor (Illustrated)
The poetry of Walter Savage Landor spans the final years of the Enlightenment to the greatest achievements of the Victorian Empire. Landor is now regarded as a ‘poet’s poet’, whose sensitive and beautiful poetry won the admiration of Browning, Yeats, Ezra Pound and Robert Frost. His celebrated love poems were inspired by a succession of female romantic ideals – Ione, Ianthe, Rose Aylmer and Rose Paynter — while his "domestic" poems concerning his sister and children reveal equal finesse. The Delphi Poets Series offers readers the works of literature's finest poets, with superior formatting. This volume presents Landor’s collected poetical works, with beautiful illustrations and the usual Delphi bonus material. (Version 1) * Beautifully illustrated with images relating to Landor's life and works* Concise introduction to the life and poetry of Walter Savage Landor* Images of how the poetry books were first printed, giving your eReader a taste of the original texts* Rare collections available in no other digital publication* Excellent formatting of the poems* Includes a selection of Landor's prose * Features a bonus biography - discover Landor's literary life* Scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genres Please note: due to Landor’s method of titling the majority of his poems with Roman numerals, this Delphi edition does not feature our usual chronological and alphabetical contents tables. Please visit to see our wide range of poet titles CONTENTS: The Life and Poetry of Walter Savage LandorBRIEF INTRODUCTION: WALTER SAVAGE LANDOR The Poetry CollectionsGEBIRCOLLECTION OF 1846THE HELLENICSTHE LAST FRUIT OF AN OLD TREEDRY STICKSMISCELLANEOUS POEMS FROM “HEROIC IDYLS” WITH ADDITIONAL POEMS, 1863 The PlayCOUNT JULIAN Selected ProseIMAGINARY CONVERSATIONS: A SELECTIONTHE PENTAMERONCITATION AND EXAMINATION OF WILLIAM SHAKSPEARE The BiographyWALTER SAVAGE LANDOR by Leslie Stephen Please visit to browse through our range of poetry titles or buy the entire Delphi Poets Series as a Super Set
K.V. Dominic Criticism and Commentary:Essential Readings Companion
Peek inside the mind one of Contemporary India's most influential poets Inside this book you'll find Dr. Ramesh Chandra Mukhopadhyaya, one of the most erudite philosopher-critics of India, brilliantly evaluating his compatriot English poet K.V. Dominic. Among the contemporary English poets of India, Dr. K.V. Dominic has established an unchallengeable position of his own. Through his poetry collections Winged Reason, Write Son, Write, Multicultural Symphony, Contemporary Concerns and Beyond, and K.V. Dominic: Essential Readings and Study Guide, Dominic has beautifully portrayed themes of environmental, social, political, and humanitarian concerns. Mukhopadhyaya, with his unique style, critically and philosophically studies not only Dominic's poetry, but also the poet himself as a person with his background of family, town, state, and country. Being a master of Indian as well as western philosophy, Mukhopadhyaya digs out the philosophic thoughts lying hidden in many of the poems. In addition, his depth in English and Sanskrit literature has enabled him to make comparisons of Dominic's poems to those of the legends. "Dominic's poetry reflects India. This is the base of the study by Mukhopadhyaya who has taught literature and authored books. He finds Dominic's poetry irresistible. I add that Mukhopadyaya's book is enlightening and also irresistible. His study is a compassionate painting of Dominic's poetry with the shades that are eternal." --Dr. Stephen Gill, Canadian poet and novelist "Dr. Mukhopadhyaya's critique is a remarkable contribution to Dominic's poetry, as it is systematically written with philosophical explications and comparisons to great legends as well as classical poets of the East and the West. Indeed an important addition to the existing works on this major literary figure." --Dr. Rob Harle, Australian poet, author and artist "More than merely an analysis of Dominic's poems, this book is an insight into the vibrant philosophy experienced by the Indian mind that has amalgamated both the perennial bliss and the painful vicissitudes of life to foster sublime and universal notions of life. As the volume reveals the personality of the poet, it invites attention to the authenticity of the impersonal theory of poetry." --Dr. S. Kumaran, Indian critic, scholar and academician, author of Philosophical Musings for a Meaningful Life: An Analysis of K.V. Dominic's Poems Learn more at From Modern History Press
Delphi Collected Poetical Works of Kahlil Gibran (Illustrated)
One of the bestselling writers of the twentieth century, Khalil Gibran was a Lebanese American poet, artist and essayist. His literary works are romantic in outlook and are largely inspired by the works of Francis Marrash, Friedrich Nietzsche and William Blake. His writings are renowned for their lyrical outpourings and deeply religious and mystic nature. The Delphi Poets Series offers readers the works of literature's finest poets, with superior formatting. This volume presents Gibran’s collected poetical works, with beautiful illustrations and the usual Delphi bonus material. (Version 1) * Beautifully illustrated with images relating to Gibran's life and works* Concise introduction to Gibran’s life and poetical works* Excellent formatting of the texts* Special chronological and alphabetical contents tables for the books* Easily locate the texts you want to read* Includes Gibran's play LAZARUS AND HIS BELOVED* Features a selection of Gibran's paintings* Scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and genres Please note: translations of Gibran's early Arabic works are currently unavailable in the public domain and so cannot appear in this collection. Please visit to see our wide range of poet titles CONTENTS: The Life and Poetry of Kahlil GibranBRIEF INTRODUCTION: KAHLIL GIBRANTHE MADMAN (1918)THE FORERUNNER (1920)THE PROPHET, (1923)SAND AND FOAM (1926)JESUS, THE SON OF MAN (1928)THE EARTH GODS (1931)THE WANDERER (1932)THE GARDEN OF THE PROPHET (1933) The Poems and StoriesLIST OF WORKS IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDERLIST OF WORKS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER The PlayLAZARUS AND HIS BELOVED The PaintingsLIST OF PAINTINGS Please visit to browse through our range of poetry titles or buy the entire Delphi Poets Series as a Super Set
Delphi Complete Works of Claudian (Illustrated)
Claudian, the Latin poet of great affairs, flourished during the joint reigns of the brothers Honorius, the Emperor in the West, and Arcadius, ruler in the East. Though a pagan, he became a professional court-poet, composing for Christian rulers panegyrics that have given us important knowledge of Honorius’ times. Claudian also composed a celebrated mythological epic on the ‘Rape of Proserpina’, which was left unfinished, but has been noted for its command of language and polished style. Delphi’s Ancient Classics series provides eReaders with the wisdom of the Classical world, with both English translations and the original Latin texts. This comprehensive eBook presents Claudius’ complete extant works, with relevant illustrations, informative introductions and the usual Delphi bonus material. (Version 1) * Beautifully illustrated with images relating to Claudius’ life and works* Features the complete extant works of Claudius, in both English translation and the original Latin* Concise introduction to the life and times of the poet* Includes M. Platnauer’s translation, previously appearing in the Loeb Classical Library edition of Claudius* Excellent formatting of the texts* Easily locate the poems you want to read with individual contents tables* Includes Claudius’ rare poems, first time in digital print* Provides a special dual English and Latin text, allowing readers to compare the sections paragraph by paragraph – ideal for students* Features a bonus biography – discover Claudius’ ancient world* Scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genres Please visit to explore our range of Ancient Classics titles or buy the entire series as a Super Set CONTENTS: The TranslationBRIEF BIOGRAPHY: CLAUDIANTHE POEMS OF CLAUDIAN The Latin TextCONTENTS OF THE LATIN TEXT The Dual TextDUAL LATIN AND ENGLISH TEXT The BiographyINTRODUCTION TO CLAUDIAN by Maurice Platnauer Please visit to browse through our range of exciting titles
Delphi Collected Poetical Works of Adam Mickiewicz (Illustrated)
Explore Adam Mickiewicz, Poland’s National Poet, who was a leading figure of Romanticism, often likened to Byron and Goethe. Born in the Russian-partitioned territories of the former Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Mickiewicz was active in the struggle to win independence for his homeland. His epic poem ‘Pan Tadeusz’ is celebrated as a masterpiece of European literature. The Delphi Poets Series offers readers the works of literature's finest poets, with superior formatting. This volume presents Mickiewicz’ collected poetical works, with related illustrations and the usual Delphi bonus material. (Version 1) * Beautifully illustrated with images relating to Mickiewicz’ life and works* Concise introduction to Mickiewicz’ life and poetry* Images of how the poetry books were first printed, giving your eReader a taste of the original texts* Excellent formatting of the poems* Special chronological and alphabetical contents tables for the poetry* Easily locate the poems you want to read* Includes a modern-day verse translation of Mickiewicz’ great epic ‘Pan Tadeusz’ by Leonard Kress – available in no other collection* Features a bonus biography - discover Mickiewicz’ intriguing life* Scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genres Please visit to see our wide range of poet titles CONTENTS: The Life and Poetry of Adam MickiewiczBRIEF INTRODUCTION: ADAM MICKIEWICZODE TO YOUTHTHE CRIMEAN SONNETS (Translated by Edna Worthley Underwood)KONRAD WALLENROD (Translated by M. A. Biggs)PAN TADEUSZ The PoemsLIST OF POEMS IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDERLIST OF POEMS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER The ProseMY FIRST BATTLE The BiographyADAM MICKIEWICZ: A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH by Edna Worthley Underwood Please visit to browse through our range of poetry titles or buy the entire Delphi Poets Series as a Super Set
Delphi Collected Works of Sara Teasdale US (Illustrated)
Winner of the first Pulitzer Prize for poetry, the American poet Sara Teasdale composed short, personal lyrics, noted for their classical simplicity and quiet intensity. In 1918 she won the Columbia University Poetry Society prize (forerunner of the Pulitzer Prize for poetry) and the annual prize of the Poetry Society of America for her pioneering collection of verse, ‘Love Songs’. The Delphi Poets Series offers readers the works of literature's finest poets, with superior formatting. This volume presents Teasdale’s collected poetical works, with related illustrations and the usual Delphi bonus material. (Version 1) * Beautifully illustrated with images relating to Teasdale's life and works* Concise introduction to Teasdale’s life and poetry* Include all the poems available in the US public domain* Images of how the poetry books were first printed, giving your eReader a taste of the original texts* Excellent formatting of the poems* Special chronological and alphabetical contents tables for the poetry* Easily locate the poems you want to read* Scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genres Please visit to see our wide range of poet titles CONTENTS: The Life and Poetry of Sara TeasdaleBrief Introduction: Sara TeasdaleSonnets to Duse and Other Poems, 1907Helen of Troy and Other Poems, 1911Rivers to the Sea, 1915Love Songs, 1917Flame and Shadow, 1920 The PoemsList of Poems in Chronological OrderList of Poems in Alphabetical Order Please visit to browse through our range of poetry titles or buy the entire Delphi Poets Series as a Super Set
Delphi Complete Poetical Works of Sara Teasdale (Illustrated)
Winner of the first Pulitzer Prize for poetry, the American poet Sara Teasdale composed short, personal lyrics, noted for their classical simplicity and quiet intensity. In 1918 she won the Columbia University Poetry Society prize (forerunner of the Pulitzer Prize for poetry) and the annual prize of the Poetry Society of America for her pioneering collection of verse, ‘Love Songs’. The Delphi Poets Series offers readers the works of literature's finest poets, with superior formatting. This volume presents Teasdale’s complete poetical works, with related illustrations and the usual Delphi bonus material. (Version 1) * Beautifully illustrated with images relating to Teasdale's life and works* Concise introduction to Teasdale’s life and poetry* Images of how the poetry books were first printed, giving your eReader a taste of the original texts* Excellent formatting of the poems* Special chronological and alphabetical contents tables for the poetry* Easily locate the poems you want to read* Features Teasdale's last three poetry collections for the first time in digital publishing* Teasdale's last poetry collection, her masterpiece ‘Strange Victory’* Scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genres Please visit to see our wide range of poet titles CONTENTS: The Life and Poetry of Sara TeasdaleBrief Introduction: Sara TeasdaleSonnets to Duse and Other Poems, 1907Helen of Troy and Other Poems, 1911Rivers to the Sea, 1915Love Songs, 1917Flame and Shadow, 1920Dark of the Moon, 1926Stars To-night, 1930Strange Victory, 1933 The PoemsList of Poems in Chronological OrderList of Poems in Alphabetical Order Please visit to browse through our range of poetry titles or buy the entire Delphi Poets Series as a Super Set
Delphi Collected Poetical Works of Nikolay Nekrasov (Illustrated)
Nikolay Nekrasov was a Russian poet, critic and publisher, whose deeply compassionate poems about peasant Russia made him the hero of liberal and radical circles of the intelligentsia. He is credited with introducing into Russian poetry ternary meters and the technique of dramatic monologue; working as the editor of several literary journals, Nekrasov was also singularly successful and influential, launching the career of Leo Tolstoy. The Delphi Poets Series offers readers the works of literature's finest poets, with superior formatting. This volume presents Nekrasov’s complete poetical works, with beautiful illustrations and the usual Delphi bonus material. (Version 1) * Beautifully illustrated with images relating to Nekrasov's life and works* Concise introduction to Nekrasov’s life and poetry* Excellent formatting of the poems* Rare poems translated by Juliet M. Soskice, first time in digital print* Includes Nekrasov’s epic poem WHO CAN BE HAPPY AND FREE IN RUSSIA?, translated by Juliet M. Soskice* Special chronological and alphabetical contents tables for the poetry* Easily locate the poems you want to read* Features a bonus biography - discover Nekrasov's literary life* Scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genres Please visit to see our wide range of poet titles CONTENTS: The Life and Poetry of Nikolay NekrasovINTRODUCTION: NIKOLAY NEKRASOVPOEMS OF NIKOLAY NEKRASOVWHO CAN BE HAPPY AND FREE IN RUSSIA? The PoemsLIST OF POEMS IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDERLIST OF POEMS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER The BiographyNICHOLAS NEKRASOV: A SKETCH OF HIS LIFE by David Soskice Please visit to browse through our range of poetry titles or buy the entire Delphi Poets Series as a Super Set
David Copperfield
The novel follows the character David Copperfield, and is written in the first person, as a description of his life until middle age, with his own adventures and the web of friends and enemies he meets along his way. Copperfield finds career success as an author, and is a person of deep emotions. Many elements of the novel follow events in Dickens's own life, and it is often considered his veiled autobiography. It was Dickens' favourite among his own novels.
The Life of Mary Jemison:White Woman of the Genesee
Taken captive at the early age of thirteen by Seneca Indians, Mary Jemison was trained in the wilderness to the ordinary duties of the Indian female. Embedded with the sentiments and lifestyle of the Seneca's she essentially transformed into a member of the tribe. Mary Jemison's story is a remarkable one not because of her extraordinary lifestyle, but because this was the lifestyle that, in the end, she chose for herself. When prisoners were being set free from the bondage of the Indians after the French and Indian War, Mrs. Jemison chose to remain with her Indian friends and accept her Seneca upbringing. Known for her uncommon generosity, as Westward Expansion began to flourish, those who settled near the Genesee River soon became acquainted with The White Woman.
Men of Achievement Inventors
In Men of Achievement Phillip Hubert writes about inventors Benjamin Franklin, Robert Fulton, Eli Whitney, Elias Howe, Samuel Morse, Charles Goodyear, Thomas Edison and Alexander Graham Bell, as well as many others. He reviews their inventions and also examines the inventor: their origins, hopes, aims, principles, disappointments, trials and triumphs ,and their daily life and personal character. With over forty-five illustrations, Men of Achievement discusses the value of their work – the invention of steam power, electricity, the telegraph, the telephone, phonograph, the camera, and Goodyear’s vulcanized rubber. With the patent laws of the time it also highlights how these men contributed thousands of millions of dollars to the nation’s wealth and, in some cases, received comparatively little in return.
K.V. Dominic Essential Readings
K. V. Dominic Essential Readings gathers for the first time the three most important works of poetry from this shining new light of contemporary Indian verse in English: Winged Reason, Write Son, Write and Multicultural Symphony. A fourth collection of 22 previously unpublished poems round out a complete look at the first 12 years of Dominic's prolific and profound verse. Each poem includes unique Study Guide questions suitable for South Asian studies curricula. Written in free verse, each of his poems makes the reader contemplate on intellectual, philosophical, spiritual, political, and social issues of the present world. Themes range from multiculturalism, environmental issues, social mafia, caste-ism, exploitation of women and children, poverty, and corruption to purely introspective matters. From the observation of neighborhood life to international events, and everyday forgotten tragedies of India, nothing escapes the grasp of Dominic's keen sense of the fragility of life and morality in the modern world. Praise for the verse of K. V. Dominic "K. V. Dominic is one of the most vibrant Indian English poets whose intense passion for the burning social and national ailments makes him a disciple of Ezekielean School of poetry. His poetic passion for the natural beauty keeps him besides the Romanticists." -- Dr. A. K. Choudhary, English poet, critic and editor, Professor of English, Assam, India "K. V. Dominic's poems are important additions to the growing global movement to bring about positive change and equality for all individuals. The injustices he confronts in his poems are the arrows and thorns that pierce his heart every day and the gushing blood that runs through his pen to paper." -- Rob Harle, poet and critic, Nimbin, Australia "K. V. Dominic is a poet of the suffering masses and oppressed sections of the society. He tries to dissect corruption at all levels, political or religious, social or academic and presents it in its true colours with all the ugliness and monstrous greed." --Prof. T. V. Reddy, reputed English poet, writer and critic, Emeritus Professor of English from Andhra Pradesh, India Learn more at From the World Voices Series at Modern History Press LITERARY COLLECTIONS / Asian / Indic
Writers Editors Critics (WEC):Vol. 6, No. 2 (Sep. 2016)
Writers Editors Critics (WEC) An International Biannual Refereed Journal of English Language and Literature Volume 6 Number 2 (September 2016) ISSN: 2231-198X Special Issue: a tribute to Indian poet Mahasweta Devi (14 January 1926 - 28 July 2016) ·A Poetic Tribute to Mahasweta Devi - K. V. Dominic ·Mahasweta Devi: Death cannot Claim a Valiant Soul - Ketaki Datta ·Mahasweta Devi: Fourth World Literature for Indigenous People--An Obituary - Ratan Bhattacharjee ·Charting the 'Subaltern' Terrain--The Outsider-Insider: Mahashweta Devi's "Pterodactyl" in Perspective - Poonam Sahay Aarti to Maha Shakthi - P. Gopichand & P. Nagasuseela ·Mahasweta Devi: Voice of the Deprived Millions - Manas Bakshi ·The Mourners of Mahasweta Devi: A Critical Analysis of Rudali - J. Pamela ·The Subaltern Woman and Woman as Subaltern: A Study of 34 Selected Works of Mahasweta Devi - Anisha Ghosh (Paul) ·A Critical Analysis of Mahasweta Devi's "Bharsaa" - Ramesh Chandra Mukhopadhyaya ·The Plight of Tribal People in Mahasweta Devi's "Shishu" (Children) Writers Editors Critics (WEC) is a research journal in English literature published from Thodupuzha, Kerala, India. It is the main product of Guild of Indian English Writers, Editors and Critics (GIEWEC), a non-profit registered society of Indian English writers, English language professors as well as PhD research scholars. The publisher is hence GIEWEC itself and editor is its secretary Prof. Dr. K. V. Dominic, a renowned English language poet, critic, short story writer and editor who has to his credit 27 books. It is truly a refereed journal which has got a screening committee consisting of eminent professors. The articles are sent first to the referees by the editor and only if they accept, the papers will be published. The journal is international in the sense each issue will have contributors from outside India. The singularity or specialty of this journal is that it has no thrust area. It is hence so accommodative that it publishes papers on all types of literatures including translations from regional languages, literary theories, communicative English, ELT, linguistics etc. In addition, each issue will be rich with poems, short stories, review articles, book reviews, interviews, general essays etc. under separate sections. WEC has print version as well as kindle version. Learn more at
How To Be A Financial Fiasco:A Field Guide
How to Be a Financial Fiasco contains my personal tips and tricks on how to become a complete financial disaster. If you love true stories, dark humor, & sarcasm, you’ll love this foul-mouthed but forthright look at how I got myself $20K in debt. Consider it an instructive guide on how NOT to handle your finances well.
International Journal on Multicultural Literature (IJML):Vol. 7, No. 2 (July 201
International Journal on Multicultural Literature (IJML) Volume 7 Number 2 (July 2017) ISSN 2231-6248. Highlights include ·Solutions to Religious Communalism as Projected in Mahesh Dattani's Final Solutions: An Analysis by S. Chelliah ·K.V. Dominic's Winged Reason: A Portrait of Social Realism by D.C. Chambial ·Tracing Political Bricoleurs in Winston Churchill's Thoughts and Adventures and Khushwant Singh's The End of India by Sreedevi R. & Raichel M. Sylus ·Play/Games as Sublimation of Juvenile Delinquency: An Exploration into the World of Children's Literature by Sijo Varghese ·Intrinsic Journey into the Epic, Savitri: A Symbolic Exploration by Santanu Basak ·Feminine or Feminist: Ambiguous Women in The Moor's Last Sigh by Sharmila Bhattacharjee ·Element of Grotesque in Carson McCullers' The Ballad of the Sad Cafe by Sarika Tiwari ·Alec Derwent Hope on Poet and Art of Poetry by Amodini Sreedharan ·Women as Victims: A Study of Nalini Sharma's Strange Equations by S. Barathi ·Mahesh Dattani's Final Solutions: Deconstruction of Communalism - Nidhish Kumar Singh ·Authenticity of Rural Life in the Novels of Chinua Achebe, Kamala Markandaya and Ramesh K. Srivastava by Smita Das ·Lives on Pyre: A Socio-realistic Portrayal in D.C. Chambial's The Cargoes of the Bleeding Hearts by Parthajit Ghosh & Madhu Kamra ·An Evolution of His Demography: A Socio-cultural Flow in the Fictional World of Manoj Das by Suresh Bera & Somali Gupta ·Maya Angelou's Shaker, Why Don't You Sing?: a Paroxysm of Confession by Ishita Pramanik & Shukla Banerjee ·Fruits of Delight in the Fields of Despair in Manas Bakshi's Dance of Satan and Other Poems by T.V. Reddy IJML is a peer-reviewed research journal in English literature published from Thodupuzha, Kerala, India. The publisher and editor is Prof. Dr. K. V. Dominic, renowned English language poet, critic, short story writer and editor who has to his credit 27 books. He is also the secretary of Guild of Indian English Writers, Editors and Critics (GIEWEC). Since 2010, IJML is a biannual journal published in January and July. The articles are sent first to the referees by the editor and only if they accept, the papers will be published. Although based in India, each issue includes worldwide contributors. Although IJML concentrates on multiculturalism, it also encompasses other literature. Each issue also includes poems, short stories, review articles, book reviews, interviews, general essays etc. under separate sections. IJML is available in paperback, Kindle, ePub, and PDF editions. Distributed by Modern History Press Learn more at
Creating a Local Historical Book:Fiction and Non-Fiction Genres
Does Your City or Region Have a Fascinating Story that needs to be told before it's forgotten? Yes, it does, and you can be the person to write it! In this short text, Tyler Tichelaar, author of My Marquette and The Marquette Trilogy, talks in a conversational format about how he became interested in writing both local history and regional and historical fiction and his research and writing process to bring his books to fruition. Readers of "Creating a Local Historical Book" will learn: ·What kind of research is required ·What counts as research ·Where to do research ·How to organize that research into a book ·How not to go overboard with details ·Finding images and gaining usage permission ·How to make your book stand out from others ·Tips on marketing your history book Tyler R. Tichelaar, Ph.D. and seventh generation Marquette resident, was raised on tales of his hometown's past. His other interests include literary studies ranging from King Arthur to Gothic texts. He is also a professional editor and writing coach who has guided dozens of authors through the treacherous seas of composition. "Our committee would like to honor Tyler with this award in honor of his meticulous research, his enlightened and personal testimony about Marquette and his educational contributions to the preservation of Marquette's history." --The Marquette Beautification & Restoration Committee, presenting Tyler with the Barbara H. Kelly Historic Preservation Award "Tyler Tichelaar speaks from the heart about his love affair with the town of his birth. Join him on a nostalgic tour of one of the great small cities of America." --Karl Bohnak, author of So Cold a Sky: Upper Michigan Weather Stories Learn more at From Modern History Press
Ooh Matron!
*****Award Winning Nurse Memoir*** I am not sure what Florence Nightingale would have made of Sarah Jane! The story starts with a sixteen-year-old country girl who, for no apparent reason at the time, suddenly decided that she wanted to be a nurse. Sarah Jane was entering adulthood with no obvious career path in sight. She had planned a traditional, some would say old fashioned, future. Her vision was to leave school, find a job in a local store, get married and eventually have children. Then everything changed, as she embarked on a journey which would help to map out her future by offering opportunities in a variety of places and healthcare settings. Find out how Sarah Jane deals with births, deaths and everything in between with laughter, tears and humility in this touching, sometimes heartrending, superbly written memoir.? ‘Ooh Matron!’ is the first book in The Nomadic Nurse Series. Each book in the series takes you on a journey through medical specialisms and environments that formed part of Sarah Jane’s nursing career. Throughout the series Sarah Jane uses her trademark honest and entertaining writing style to share insights into her thoughts, reflections and the changes in her personal life and circumstances as she moves forward in her career. 5-star reviewers say: "I laughed out loud at the hilarious antics, and was sobered by the genuine emotional moments that all health professionals will recognise. This is a book that will make you laugh and cry and you’ll feel better for it - The perfect prescription." Bookworm "This funny, yet poignant nursing memoir has Sarah Jane's trademark honest writing style which shines through in every story she tells. From starting her student nurse training in Essex to coping with patients in happy, sad and heart-breaking situations. It gives you a young woman's view into the realities of entering the world of nursing in the 1980’s. A highly entertaining and informative memoir which was able to take me from laughing out loud to having welled tears of empathy."