Marcus Aurelius Complete Works – World’s Best Collection: All Works
Marcus Aurelius Complete Works – World’s Best World's Best Collection This is the world’s best Marcus Aurelius collection, including the most complete set of Aurelius’s works available plus many free bonus materials. Marcus Aurelius Marcus Aurelius was a Roman Emperor from 161 to 180, known as one of the last of the Five Good Emperors, and is also considered one of the most important Stoic philosophers. His seminary work ‘Meditations’ has been revered since ancient times, and is still highly influential The ‘Must-Have’ Complete Collection In this irresistible collection you get all Marcus Aurelius’s work, plus several comprehensive and extensive notes, interpretations and annotative notes on his writings. Plus we also include a biography so you can experience the life of the man behind the words, and understand them on an even deeper level. Works Included: Biography Of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus The Philosophy Of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus The Meditations Of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Your Special Bonuses A Guide To Stoicism: Philosophy Among The Greeks And Romans An in depth look at the philosophy that Aurelius followed and thought on, delving into it’s origins and basis, including chapters on: Logic Ethics Physic Stoicism The history and concepts of the Stoic philosophy, noting a special chapter on Aurelius and how his Stoic philosophy compared to others, including chapters on: Thought And Character Of Socrates Cynics Rise Of Stoicism And Its Relation To The Spirit Of The Age Stoicism At Rome Under The Republic Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, Or Stoicism On The Throne "How to Apply Stoicism in Your Daily Life"?- Written specially for this collection. Get This Collection Right Now This is the best Marcus Aurelius collection you can get, so get it now and start enjoying and being inspired by his world like never before!
Commentaries On Living: Third Series
In this series of commentaries J. Krishnamurti, one of the great thinkers of our time, touches upon many human problems—ourhopes, our fears, our illusions, our beliefs, our prejudices—and in the simplest language seems to pierce to their roots.“The sheer simplicity is breathtaking. The reader is given, in one paragraph, often in one sentence, enough to keep him exploring, questioning, thinking for days.” –Anne Morrow Lindbergh.“The insight, spiritual and poetic, of these commentaries is as simply expressed as it is searching in its demand.” –Times Literary Supplement (London).“Krishnamurti is no other than he seems, a free man, one of the first quality, growing older as diamonds do but the gem-like flame not dating, and alive in these Commentaries. It is a treasure.” –Francis Hacket, The New Republic.J. Krishnamurti was born in South India and educated in England.Hailed by many from early youth as a spiritual teacher, he rejected adulation and leadership in order to encourage spiritualfreedom and understanding. He devoted his life to speaking and counseling, traveling in the U.S.A., Europe, India and other parts of the world, addressing thousands of people, always pointing the way to individual discovery of truth.These Commentaries on Living are published in three volumes:First, Second, and Third Series.
Inigo: a play about Ignatius of Loyola
Inigo (Ignatius de Loyola) begins as a hot-headed, street-fighting sensualist, in this action-packed play but due to serious injury in a sword-fight, he has to spend time recovering and reassessing his dissolute life. This stage version of his life follows his transformation to become the co-founder of the Jesuits in the sixteenth century, battling the powers of the day and the Inquisition. In Moore's bold, funny play, he asserts Inigo's position as a radical figure bent on changing the Catholic Church.?? This play is not only for those interested in Inigo and the Jesuits. It is also about individuals who fight for change against an implacable Establishment and it is ideal for performing in schools, colleges and theatres. Of special interest to schools and colleges, many of which are named after Inigo (Ignatius de Loyola).?Inigo's spiritual tools for change have informed other self-development programs such as the 12 step program for recovering drug and alcohol addicts. As Pope Francis is a Jesuit, this is a timely exploration of one of history's major spiritual leaders and reformers. "This is the most interesting play text to have reached me for a while... Ignatius of Loyala, founder of the Jesuits is not the most obvious choice for a play subject until you remember that he was effectively a counter-cultural radical fighting an implacable establishment suddenly it s both topical and relevant. I hope this thoughtful, engaging and very funny in places eight-hander will get more outings very soon. If not read the text anyway." --Susan Elkin, The Stage"Brilliantly written... a great evening of thoughtful and dynamic theatre." --Mark Lawson, arts correspondent"The structure and dynamism of the play, the art with which Jonathan Moore makes Ignatius accessible to us, capturing much of the drama of the Spiritual Exercises themselves, would also make I?igo an excellent discovery for schools and colleges." --James Hanvey SJ, Master of Campion Hall, University of Oxford, Thinking Faith Jonathan Moore is an award-winning actor, writer and director. As an actor he has played leading roles at the Royal Shakespeare Co, Royal Court, Donmar, the Royal Exchange and on BBC TV. He has directed theatre and opera world premieres at the Almeida, Donmar, West End, Royal Exchange, Gate, English National Opera, Covent Garden, La Fenice in Venice and on TV among many others. He has directed world premieres by composers such as Turnage, MacMillan, Henze, Schnittke, Nyman, Copeland and more, and his early work was sponsored by Joe Strummer of The Clash. He has collaborated with members of punk band Killing Joke and on several projects with Industrial group Test Dept. A published playwright and librettist, his work has been performed at leading theatres including the Donmar, Royal Exchange, Gate, BBC TV, radio and internationally. Jonathan was asked by Mark Rylance to direct the large-scale immersive project for over fifty performers What You Will, a co-production for Shakespeare s Globe, The Cultural Olympiad and Mayor s Office and several subsequent Shakespeare projects. He is due to direct a large-scale site-specific immersive project for Ludovico Einaudi in Italy and a new opera project with Stewart Copeland. He is on the Artistic Advisory Committee of the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. He has had a Who s Who entry since 2007. A collection of Moore's plays has been previously published by Aurora Metro Books.
普通读者罕有知道,王阳明原是一个被翻案的奸佞。《明实录》里的王阳明不但奸邪,还很有几分色厉内荏的丑态,是一个墙头草一般的投机分子。他纵兵屠城,窃夺他人战功,散布异端邪说蛊惑人心,以邪教教主的姿态享受着信徒的阿谀与供奉。 乃至清朝编修《明史》,才算是以新一代的官修正史为王阳明做了正式的翻案。而在王阳明弟子们谦卑写就的私史里,他又仿佛头顶光环的圣徒,有神鬼莫测之能,每每还有灵异的奇遇。 于是我们每个人对王阳明的态度,往往取决于自己对史料的采信方式以及认知误区之有无或多寡。是的,这本身就是一件很有趣、很耐人寻味的事情。
Distracted by Disaster: How to Turn Obstacles Into Opportunities
Bogged down by an endless onslaught of stumbling blocks and disasters that keep pushing you farther away from fulfilling your purpose and achieving your goals? ? This book could radically change all that. ? This simple, clear, and highly practical step-by-step guide will show you: ? How to manage all the problems and disasters that come your way while still making progress on all your goals—short-term and long-term—without sacrificing the important things in life. How to turn obstacles into an advantage that will propel you along the path to fulfilling your goals and achieving your purpose. How to shift your thinking so that all you see are opportunities that will open doors to great possibilities you may have never imagined before.
Conscious by Nature: Understanding the nature of consciousness through nature it
Come on a journey into the nature of consciousness, finding the space 'between thoughts' as the most obvious place to recognize your true and eternal Self. We recognize overlooked aspects of the natural world around us; as ourselves, as well as using nature to demonstrate spiritual concepts such as God, union and liberation. Your true 'nature' awaits...---------------------------"No matter how it is approached, no amount of words will ever transmit to another person the indescribable 'ultimate Truth'. The fact that it's described as indescribable should be enough to stop us trying. Yet it's made even more difficult because of our troublesome human mind. As intelligent and magnificent as it is, it has a deep and tragic habit of confusing the symbols we use (for simple convenience) in our lives, for the actual things or ideas they represent. As Alan Watts used to say, it's like climbing a signpost rather than walking in the direction it points. Our greatest of misunderstandings is that we confuse the story and idea of who we are, with what is actually true; pure and simple. We make a false judgment on who or what we are, and you wouldn't believe the amount of mischief that arises in result.As exaggerated or humorous as all this may sound on first impressions, this habit of confusing symbols for reality is a very real problem plaguing our human world, and the implications are exceptionally far reaching. We have confused such things as money for wealth, status or fame for character and even the virtual world for real - but most appropriate to this book, is that religious or spiritual concepts are always confused for the things they are pointing towards. That's particularly true of our concepts of 'God', particularly true of Buddha's Dharma, particularly true of any teaching towards enlightenment or liberation."---------------------------"OmniscienceOh father in heaven, omniscience cannot be. It makes no sense, no sense to me....***Between thoughts, your functioning remains flawless. Between thoughts you are ego-less, yet still exist...?How is it so that your heart beats without your control?How do migrating birds travel without directions, newborn horses stand straight up and embryos form without instruction. How does a plant know how to flower and a seed mature into a tree??Without thought or instruction, nature around you is already omniscient. Are you different from nature, or one and the same?***Young one, nature already exists in an omniscient state with no mind…?Between thoughts, are you omniscient?Mid-thought, do you believe you're not?"
Getting Used to Weird: A very different sort of Love Story
Are you awakening spiritually and feeling weird?You’re not alone. Truly, you are not alone. You have many spiritual helpers, and just like Angela, you can learn to communicate with them and enlist their support. Lorelle Taylor’s extraordinary book traces Angela’s journey from normal to weird. Join her as she confronts challenges and undertakes deeply spiritual lessons while exploring the biggest questions. Learn about life and death from angels, spirit guides, Jesus and God. Discover how to overcome obstacles in your own path as you too discover the secrets for a fulfilled and happy life. Start reading?Getting Used to Weird: A very different sort of Love Story?today and you’ll discover that on this journey, you’re also getting used to love. You’ll come away with the knowledge that “Love is the answer to all questions.”
“轴心时代”是人类历史上光耀千古的时代,是人类伟大思想传统的发端,也是人类精神给养取之不尽、用之不竭的源泉。这个时代诞生了四大文明——中国的儒道思想、印度的印度教和佛教、以色列的一神教,以及希腊的哲学理性主义得以形成。“轴心时代”是真正群星璀璨的时代,是人类伟大精神导师集体亮相的时代——孔子、孟子、老子、庄子、释迦牟尼、苏格拉底、柏拉图、亚里士多德和犹太先知们,共同塑造了此后2000多年人类的心灵,实现了人类文明的“突破”和人性的整体飞跃。 面对史无前例的暴力,轴心时代的贤哲们认识到古老部落宗族伦理的局限,将关切扩展至所有造物,发现了可以将自我提升到超越个体和世界的内在根源,开始用理智、道德的方式面对世界。他们不约而同地发现了相同的“金规则”,即推己及人、关爱众生。孔子教导弟子“己所不欲,勿施于人”,印度教推崇守贞专奉,佛陀说“是故为自爱,勿以伤害他”,《圣经》中的首要诫命之一“爱人如己”,古希腊悲剧对同情和怜悯之心的呼唤,都是金规则的体现。人类形成了某种“深刻的互相理解”,“迈出走向普遍性的步伐”,这不是历史的巧合,而是“人性的本源的表现”。 本书按时间顺序追寻四个轴心民族的发展历程,以及这些突破性洞见如何酝酿、生根、发展、辉煌,并终在公元前3世纪末期渐次逝去。历史上,我们从未超越轴心时代的洞见,当历经精神和社会危机之时,往往回溯轴心思想以寻求引导。轴心时代的贤哲们在世界上不同地域生发出的一致见解,昭示了人类共同的精神追求。面对当代纷繁复杂的问题,我们亦有必要回溯轴心精神,诉诸人性的共同本源,寻求更深刻的相互理解。
Farewell, Damascus
Ghada Samman’s most recent novel,? Farewell, Damascus ?is set in early 1960’s Damascus – a city that now languishes in the grip of corruption and political oppression following the Baathist takeover in Syria. The book opens as Zain Khayyal, a university student and aspiring young writer, plots an early-morning escape from her house as her husband slumbers. Her mission: to get an illicit abortion, plans for which she’s divulged to no one, and to announce that she wants out of her stifling marriage. A rebel and a trail-blazer par excellence, Zain draws down the wrath of polite society and the authorities, political and religious alike, as she challenges attitudes and practices that demean rather than dignify, and a ruling regime that sucks the life out of both oppressed and oppressor. As the plot unfolds, Zain finds her way as a student to a neighbouring country which, though it grants her the freedom, respect and appreciation she had lacked in her homeland, becomes a place of anguished exile. Armed with her accustomed humour, pathos and knack for suspense, Samman fearlessly tackles issues that roil societies across the globe to this day: the stigma that attaches to the divorced woman but not the divorced man; whether to choose a life partner for love, or for social status, prestige and material security; whether abortion is a crime or a means of forestalling needless undeserved suffering; lesbian intimacy as a declaration of freedom from male abuse and tyranny; rape as an instrument of humiliation and subjugation and unconditional acceptance as healing balm.? Farewell, Damascus ?is both a paean to a beloved homeland and an ode to human dignity.
The Ancestors
The Ancestors is the story of three generations of first daughters who were born after the abolition of slavery and possessed egos that were not compliant with the expected and largely accepted subservient role of women within the humble but chauvinistic environment in which they lived. The spirit of the era is captured as the biopic depicts simple sub-cultural lifestyles with fixed superstitions, parallel belief in God and the occult and unique language. Life experiences are stmpathetically and humorously echoed during separate journeys of survival and eventual triumph.
《查拉图斯特拉如是说》是尼采假借查拉图斯特拉之名说出他自己的哲学思想,也可以说是一本查拉图斯特拉的说教集或者说是查拉图斯特拉的行藏录。 这部作品是德国哲学家尼采的一部里程碑式的作品。这本书以散文诗体写就,宣讲“超人的哲学”和“权力意志”,通过主人公查拉图斯特拉阐述出:人类是处于超人和禽兽之间的物种,人类的步方向是超人;上帝已死,唯有让上帝死才能化为超人;人类的道德便是超人甘于坠落自己的意志等哲学思想,用诗歌的语言,讲述了尼采对于人生、人类、痛苦、快乐、期待的深刻领悟。这本书是一部哲学书,却有极高的文学价值,是一部关于“超人”的圣经。
该书原是梁于1902年3-12月、1904年9-12月时在《新民丛报》上陆续发表的一些文章,后由北京大学中文系夏晓红教授从该报及《饮冰室文集》等出版物中整理而成(具体见“导读”)。但这些文章上下连缀成体系,可以组成小册子,并非简单的文集。 梁启超这个小册子的写作背景乃是在“改良派”遭受重大之后的“新民”理论;一步,梁又以“新学术”为“新民”(两处“新”均为动词)之利器,而撰写此书作为具体实践。具体而言,这个小册子采用了当时新式的章节体,并引探究原因、引文化地理学等思路及研究方法,来书写学术史;在思想上,则刻意突出了主张学术自由、赞美文化交融的两条主线。
本书是研究魏晋玄学的重要参考书,为汤用彤先生在1938年至1947年十年中所写的八篇论文和一篇讲演记录稿合成的文集。 作者钩沉描绘出魏晋思想的变迁、发展之迹,既凸显了本期思想之特质及其内在的发展理路,又注重其与前期思想间的因革损益。 自用彤先生始,学界统称魏晋思想为魏晋玄学。