

?zlemek Sevmekse, ?zlüyorum Seni
?zlemek Sevmekse, ?zlüyorum Seni
Cengiz Çetik
B?R DAMLA SEVG?YLE MERHABA ?Dokunan hafif bir esinti, bir damla ya?, bir kü?ük ka?amak bak??tan ve bir tatl? s?zden sonra yüre?in ?eperlerine yap???p kalan a?k?n izleriyle dolu ya?amakt?r belki de istenilen… ??zlemek sevgiyle yüre?e dokunmaksa; bir tatl? s?z, bir gidenin ard?ndan kalan iz, bir hüzün i?indeki umutsuzluklarda bile, umut arayan kalple var olmakt?r kimbilir belki de i?imizde kalan… ??zlemek; a?k?n g?zya?lar?nda, yar?n? olmayan a?klarda ve bir garip a?k?n i?inde bile mutlulu?u, sevginin kanatlar?nda ?zlemle arayarak yazmakt?r belki de sayfalarda saklanan… ?Kim bilir belki de sevgiyi i?inde bularak kanatlanmakt?r, kanats?z hallerinde bile ?zlemle a?ka u?makt?r… ?Her okunan ?iirin i?inde hissedebilmektir belki de; tarifi olmayan, tarifsiz o duyguyu, yüre?indeki bir k?v?lc?m ate?iyle canland?r?p ya?atabilmektir belki de arzulanan... ?Sevgiyle dolu sayfalarda, hissettiklerinizi bulup dolu dolu ya?aman?z dile?iyle… Cengiz ?ET?K 1964 y?l?nda Konya/Karap?nar do?du. ?lkokulu Emirgazi il?esinde okudu. Ortaokulu ve liseyi Karap?nar’da okudu. Endüstri Meslek Lisesi Torna tesviye’den mezun oldu. 1989 y?l?nda Burdur E?itim Yüksek Okulu’ndan S?n?f ??retmeni olarak mezun olduktan sonra 1990 y?l?ndan bu yana zaman zaman idarecilik yapsa da ?u an Uzman S?n?f ??retmeni olarak ?al??makta olup iki k?z babas?d?r. 1986 y?l?nda ilk ?yküsü “sonun Ba?lang?c?” bir sinema dergisinin a?t??? yar??mada birinci gelmi?tir. Finike yerel gazetelerinde 2005 y?l?ndan sonra bir?ok k??e yaz?lar? yay?nland?. 2006 y?l?nda ilk ?iir kitab? “Son S?züm Sana Gülüm” yay?nlad?. ?kinci kitab? “Siyahlarday?m Alev Bak??l?m” 2008 y?l?nda yay?nland?. Ayr?ca güfte halinde “ Siyahlarday?m” 2010 y?l?nda ve “Vazge? G?nlüm” 2016 y?l?nda iki ?iiri bestelenip ?ark? olarak hayat bulmu?tur. 2017 y?l? son ay?nda ilk bilimkurgu roman? “Pokentranl? G?kmen” okurlar?yla tan??t?.
Fairy Circles: [Tales and Legends of Giants, Dwarfs, Fairies, Water-Sprites and
Fairy Circles: [Tales and Legends of Giants, Dwarfs, Fairies, Water-Sprites and
Anonymous Anonymous
MORE than a thousand years have rolled away since a castle looked down cheerfully from a height amid the Franconian plains into the well-watered Kinzig Valley, with its pleasant villages and towns.?It belonged to the powerful Swabian duke Frederick of Hohenstaufen, whose young and valiant son loved this the best of all his father's proud castles, and often left his uncle's splendid palace to hunt in its forests, or to look down from its lofty oriel window on the blooming plain below.??His father and uncle indeed missed him sadly. His clear blue eye, and the cheerful expression of his noble countenance, seemed to the two grave and war-weary men so gladdening to look upon, that they were always unwilling to let him leave them.??But the young Frederick used to beg them so earnestly to grant him the freedom of the forest for just this once, that father and uncle smilingly granted him permission, though "this once" was often repeated..
Mamac broj 1
Mamac broj 1
Ivana Maksić
asopis za kulturu i drutvena pitanja, bavi se socijalno angaovanim temama. Izlazi kvartalno. Prvi broj posveen je Oskaru Daviu
Ernest McGaffey
Cosmos I Go search the ?ons an you willWhere withered leaves of Doubt are whirled,And who hath solved this riddle, Life,Or Death - that moves with sails unfurled,Beyond the straining eyes of manMarooned upon an unknown world. II Nor tongue hath told, nor vision caughtThat paradox. Primeval Cause;Each age has had some parableEach age succeeding marked the flaws;While shifted, with the calendar,What men have termed generic laws. III Creed after creed behold them nowLike Etna on Vesuvius piled;Till, scaled to earth by drifting sandsThey lie in later days reviled,And pushed aside by Time's rough handAs toys are, by a peevish child.
Callista: (A Tale of the Third Century)
Callista: (A Tale of the Third Century)
John Henry Newman
“Love thy God, and love Him only,And thy breast will ne’er be lonely.In that One Great Spirit meetAll things mighty, grave, and sweet.Vainly strives the soul to mingleWith a being of our kind;Vainly hearts with hearts are twined:For the deepest still is single.An impalpable resistanceHolds like natures still at distance.Mortal: love that Holy One,Or dwell for aye alone.”De Vere In no province of the vast Roman empire, as it existed in the middle of the third century, did Nature wear a richer or a more joyous garb than she displayed in Proconsular Africa, a territory of which Carthage was the metropolis, and Sicca might be considered the centre. The latter city, which was the seat of a Roman colony, lay upon a precipitous or steep bank, which led up along a chain of hills to a mountainous track in the direction of the north and east. In striking contrast with this wild and barren region was the view presented by the west and south, where for many miles stretched a smiling champaign, exuberantly wooded, and varied with a thousand hues, till it was terminated at length by the successive tiers of the Atlas, and the dim and fantastic forms of the Numidian mountains. The immediate neighbourhood of the city was occupied by gardens, vineyards, corn-fields, and meadows, crossed or encircled here by noble avenues of trees or the re-mains of primeval forests, there by the clustering groves which wealth and luxury had created. This spacious plain, though level when compared with the northern heights by which the city was backed, and the peaks and crags which skirted the southern and western horizon, was discovered, as light and shadow travelled with the sun, to be diversified with hill and dale, upland and hollow; while orange gardens, orchards, olive and palm plantations held their appropriate sites on the slopes or the bottoms. Through the mass of green, which extended still more thickly from the west round to the north, might be seen at intervals two solid causeways tracking their persevering course to the Mediterranean coast, the one to the ancient rival of Rome, the other to Hippo Regius in Numidia. Tourists might have complained of the absence of water from the scene; but the native peasant would have explained to them that the eye alone had reason to be discontented, and that the thick foliage and the uneven surface did but conceal what mother earth with no niggard bounty supplied. The Bagradas, issuing from the spurs of the Atlas, made up in depth what it wanted in breadth of bed, and ploughed the rich and yielding mould with its rapid stream, till, after passing Sicca in its way, it fell into the sea near Carthage. It was but the largest of a multitude of others, most of them tributaries to it, deepening as much as they increased it. While channels had been cut from the larger rills for the irrigation of the open land, brooks, which sprang up in the gravel which lay against the hills, had been artificially banked with cut stones or paved with pebbles; and where neither springs nor rivulets were to be found, wells had been dug, sometimes to the vast depth of as much as 200 fathoms, with such effect that the spurting column of water had in some instances drowned the zealous workmen who had been the first to reach it. And, while such were the resources of less favoured localities or seasons, profuse rains descended over the whole region for one half of the year, and the thick summer dews compensated by night for the daily tribute extorted by an African sun.
Arta supravie?uirii
Arta supravie?uirii
Constantin Tătaru
Cartea de Poezii a poetei confirm? un stil, o atitudine estetic? ?i o capacitate de a dep??i ?ngr?dirile presupuse de reactualizare a vechilor formule poetice. Claudia Voiculescu ??i asum? riscul de a p?rea demodat?, abord?nd ceea ce majoritatea poe?ilor din diverse genera?ii ori promo?ii, a respins, cel mai adesea din neputin??.Cred c? poezia Claudiei Voiculescu merit? aten?ia criticii ?i o mediatizare corespunz?toare. (Liviu Gr?soiu)Claudia Voiculescu ridic? forma fix? a rondelului la ?n?l?imi demne de orice competi?ie.... Este o poet? ?n al c?rei talent cred. (C.D. Zeletin)Poet? de ?nalt? for?? r?scolitoare, talent viguros cu cizel?ri de art? adev?rat? ?n ad?ncul substrat al cuv?ntului, vers pasional ?i cotropitor... (Pan. M. Vizirescu)Claudia Ilie, preoteas? ?ntru poezie... (Tudor George)Delicata poet? Claudia Ilie Voiculescu este o voce liric? de mare sensibilitate... (Dumitru Radu Popa)
A Lincoln Conscript
A Lincoln Conscript
Homer Greene
On the second day of July in the year 1863 the Civil War in America was at its height. Late in the preceding month Lee had turned his face northward, and, with an army of a hundred thou-sand Confederate soldiers at his back, had marched up into Penn-sylvania. There was little to hinder his advance. Refraining, by reason of strict orders, from wanton destruction of property, his soldiers nevertheless lived on the rich country through which they passed. York and Carlisle were in their grasp. Harrisburg was but a day’s march away, and now, on this second day of July, flushed with fresh victories, they had turned and were giving desperate battle, through the streets and on the hills of Gettysburg, to the Union armies that had followed them. The old commonwealth was stirred as she had not been stirred before since the fall of Sumter. Every town and village in the state responded quickly to the governor’s call for emergency troops to defend the capital city. Mount Hermon, already depleted by gen-erous early enlistments, and by the draft of 1862, gathered to-gether the bulk of the able-bodied men left in the village and its surroundings, and sent them forth in defense of the common-wealth. Not that Mount Hermon was in especial danger from Lee’s invasion, far from it. Up in the northeastern corner of the state, on a plateau of one of the low foot-hills of the Moosic range, sheltered by the mountains at its back, it was well protected, both by reason of distance and location, from the advancing foe. But Mount Hermon was intensely patriotic. In the days preceding the Revolution the sturdy pioneers from Connecticut had met the equally sturdy settlers from the domain of Penn, and on this plateau they had fought out their contentions and settled their differences; the son of the Pennamite had married the daughter of the Yankee; and the new race, with love of country tingeing every drop of its blood a deeper red, had stayed on and possessed the land. So, on this July day, when the armies of North and South were striving and struggling with each other in bloody combat back and forth across the plain and up the hills of Gettysburg, Mount Hermon’s heart beat fast. But it was not for themselves that these people were anxious. It was for the fathers, husbands, sons, lovers in that army with which Meade, untried and unproven, was endeavoring to match the strategy and strength of Lee. News of the first day’s skirmishing had reached the village, and it was felt that a great battle was imminent. In the early evening, while the women were still busy at their household tasks, the men gathered at the post-office and the stores, eager for late news, anxious to discuss the situation as they had learned it. In the meantime the boys of the town had congregated on the village green to resume the military drills which, with more or less frequency, they had carried on during the summer. These drills were not wholly without serious intent. It was play, indeed; but, out of the ranks of these boys, three of the older ones had already gone to the front to fight real battles; and it was felt, by the men of the town, that the boys could not be too thoroughly imbued with the military spirit. So, on this July evening, wakened into new ardor by the news from Gettysburg, they had gathered to resume their nightly work—and play.There were thirty-three of them, ranging in years all the way from eight to eighteen. They were eager and enthusiastic. At the command to fall in there was much pushing and jostling, much striving for desirable places, and even the young captain, with great show of authority, could not quite adjust all differences to the complete satisfaction of his men.Before the confusion had wholly ceased, and while there were still awkward gaps in the ranks, a tall, straight, shy-mannered boy of seventeen, who had remained hitherto on the outskirts of the group, quietly slipped into one of the vacant places.
The Evolution of Modern Orchestration
The Evolution of Modern Orchestration
Louis Adolphe Coerne
It is not the purpose of this work to write a treatise on instrumentation or to prepare a pedagogical analysis of orchestration only, but rather to trace the evolu-tion of the orchestra and of orchestration in connection with the history of music proper. Special emphasis will be laid upon what may be termed the IMPELLING FORCES to which the development of orchestration is due. This necessitates a considerable repetition of familiar facts that do not lend themselves to further original treatment. The restatement of such facts, however, would seem to form an indispensable background for the main theme, which is thereby exposed with all its attending phases of logical evolution. In addition to extended studies of orchestral scores themselves, the standard works of Berlioz, Geva?rt, Riemann, Parry, and others have, as a matter of course, been referred to. The subject under discussion has already been admirably handled by Lavoix in his voluminous work entitled "Histoire de L'Instrumentation," but it was unquestionably done through French glasses, and the scores of not one German romanticist are submitted to careful analysis beyond those of Weber and Wagner. "Parsifal" had not been produced at the time when Lavoix's book went to press, nor had such representative composers as Brahms, Saint-Sa?ns, Tschaikowsky, Dvorak then won their full meed of recognition. It is obvious, therefore, that the orchestration especially of the nineteenth century offers a fertile field for further profitable research. Again, the present writer is not aware of the existence of any comprehensive work in the English language upon the history of the orchestra and of orchestration. Throughout these pages the achievements of the more prominent composers are set forth in such manner as to indicate not only the distinctive features of their orchestration but of their general creative ability as well. In each case, the general style of composition and its significance as a contribution to musical literature are first enlarged upon. This is followed by an examination of the differentiated treatment of the strings, the wood, the brass, presented in logical sequence. A final analysis is then made of the individual method of orchestration as a whole, together with its relative value in the evolution of orchestration. In the Appendix to this book will be found a few musical illustrations selected from representative orchestral scores. LOUIS ADOLPHE COERNE. Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A.April 30, 1905.
Asertivitatea. Cum s? r?m?i ferm indiferent de situa?ie
Asertivitatea. Cum s? r?m?i ferm indiferent de situa?ie
Conrad Potts, Suzzane Potts
Emmanuel Macron, c??tig?torul alegerilor preziden?iale din Fran?a ?i omul nou al politicii europene, ??i spune pentru prima dat? povestea, vorbind despre ideile care ?l inspir?, despre viziunea sa legat? de stat, cet??eni, Uniunea European?, ?ntr-o lume care se confrunt? cu probleme comune – imigra?ia, locurile de munc?, terorismul –, dar pe care trebuie s? le rezolv?m ?mpreun?.?Revolu?ia lui Macron, alternativa electoral? a Fran?ei la na?ionalismul lui Marine Le Pen, a cucerit imediat opinia public? de pe tot continentul european: o provocare deschis? la adresa populi?tilor ?i a acelora care nu mai cred ?n institu?ii, o revolu?ie f?r? promisiuni de?arte, care ar putea schimba pentru totdeauna modul de a face politic? ?n Europa. O carte puternic?, singular?, care pune bazele unei societ??i cu totul noi.?Sunt absolut convins c? secolul XXI, ?n care ?n sf?r?it am intrat, este ?n egal? m?sur? plin de promisiuni ?i de schimb?ri care ne pot face mai ferici?i. ?i asta v? ?i propun.Aceasta va fi lupta noastr? pentru Fran?a ?i nu ?tiu nimic mai frumos de at?t." –?Emmanuel Macron
William the Conqueror
William the Conqueror
Jacob Abbott
ALTHOUGH Rouen is now very far before all the other cities of Normandy in point of magnitude and importance, and though Rollo, in his conquest of the country, made it his principal headquarters and his main stronghold, it did not continue exclusively the residence of the dukes of Normandy in after years. The father of William the Conqueror was Robert, who be-came subsequently the duke, the sixth in the line. He resided, at the time when William was born, in a great castle at Falaise. Falaise, as will be seen upon the map, is west of Rouen, and it stands, like Rouen, at some distance from the sea. The castle was built upon a hill, at a little distance from the town. It has long since ceased to be habitable, but the ruins still remain, giving a picturesque but mournful beauty to the eminence which they crown. They are often visited by tra-velers, who go to see the place where the great hero and conqueror was born.??It was about 870 that Rollo was banished from Norway, and a few years after that, at most, that he landed in France. It was not, however, until 912 that he concluded his treaty of peace with Charles, so as to be fully invested with the title of Duke of Normandy. He was advanced in age at this time, and, after spending five years in settling the affairs of his realm, he resigned his dukedom into the hands of his son, that he might spend the remainder of his days in rest and peace. He died in 922, five years after his resignation.??He was only ten years old when his father was assassinated. He became involved in long and arduous wars with the King of France, which compelled him to call in the aid of more Northmen from the Baltic. His new allies, in the end, gave him as much trouble as the old enemy, with whom they came to help William contend; and he found it very hard to get them away. He wanted, at length, to make peace with the French king, and to have them leave his dominions; but they said, "That was not what they came for." Richard had a beautiful daughter, named Emma, who afterward became a very important political personage, as will be seen more fully in a subsequent chapter.?Richard died in 996, after reigning fifty-four years.
Felsefe ?iirleri: ?iir
Felsefe ?iirleri: ?iir
Veysel Topaloglu
Deniz fenerinin ki gibidir: Ayd?n?n da ?????. Birisi gemileri, di?eri insanlar? ayd?nlat?r. Onlar?n sayesinde: Gemiler ve toplumlar yollar?n? bulabilirler."Batmaktan" kurtulup ayakta kalabilirler. Yeter ki: I??klar? söndürülmesin. Hiçbir fener, hiçbir ko?ulda; bir geminin tonaj?n? ve band?ras?n? sormaz. Gerçek bir ayd?n da öyle: Ayd?nl???n?n bilgisini sunarken; insanlar?n hiçbirine, ne ?rk?n? ve cinsiyetini ne de inanç tercihini sormaz. Ayd?n dedi?in; ayn? zamanda gerçekçidir. Gördü?ü: Hiçbir kötü rüyay? da hayra yormaz!...Her ikisi de; ?ss?z ve sessiz geceler boyu çal??arak; ayd?nlatmaya çabalar karanl?klar?. Ayd?nlar da fenerler gibidirler: Ortakt?r yaln?zl?klar?!..Özetle:"Ben de;Küçük bir "burunda"Küçük bir deniz feneriyim,Hümanizmin ise; sad?k bir neferiyim.I????m? hep çakar?m, Her durumda.Ya?am benim kutsal?m:Ya?ayan her canl? benim umurumda.Fenerler, kimseleri aramazlar;Arayanlar, mutlaka onlar? bulurlar:Ço?u kez de zor durumda.Ben her daim i?ime bakar,Sürekli ?????m? çakar?m.Hiç y?lmam; bunu hep yapar?m!...FELSEFE ???RLER? tüm bu duygular? ifade etmek için, yeni bir ?iir türü olarak yaz?ld?..
Fifty Famous People: "A Book of Short Stories"
Fifty Famous People: "A Book of Short Stories"
James Baldwin
ONE of the best things to be said of the stories in this volume is that, although they are not biographical, they are about real persons who actually lived and performed their parts in the great drama of the world's history. Some of these persons were more famous than others, yet all have left enduring "footprints on the sands of time" and their names will not cease to be remembered. ??In each of the stories there is a basis of truth and an ethical lesson which cannot fail to have a wholesome influence; and each possesses elements of interest which, it is believed, will go far towards proving the fallibility of the doctrine that children find delight only in tales of the imaginative and unreal. The fact that there are a few more than fifty famous people mentioned in the volume may be credited to the author's wish to give good measure.??SAVING THE BIRDS?ONE day in spring four men were riding on horseback along a country road. These men were lawyers, and they were going to the next town to attend court.?There had been a rain, and the ground was very soft. Water was dripping from the trees, and the grass was wet.?The four lawyers rode along, one behind another; for the pathway was narrow, and the mud on each side of it was deep. They rode slowly, and talked and laughed and were very jolly.?As they were passing through a grove of small trees, they heard a great fluttering over their heads and a feeble chirping in the grass by the roadside.? "Stith! stith! stith!" came from the leafy branches above them.?"Cheep! cheep! cheep!" came from the wet grass.?"What is the matter here?" asked the first lawyer, whose name was Speed.?"Oh, it's only some old robins!" said the second lawyer, whose name was Hardin. "The storm has blown two of the little ones out of the nest. They are too young to fly, and the mother bird is making a great fuss about it."?"What a pity! They'll die down there in the grass," said the third lawyer, whose name I forget.?"Oh, well! They're nothing but birds," said Mr. Hardin. "Why should we bother?"? "Yes, why should we?" said Mr. Speed.?The three men, as they passed, looked down and saw the little birds fluttering in the cold, wet grass. They saw the mother robin flying about, and crying to her mate.?Then they rode on, talking and laughing as before. In a few minutes they had forgotten about the birds.?But the fourth lawyer, whose name was Abraham Lincoln, stopped. He got down from his horse and very gently took the little ones up in his big warm hands.
Un Corazón de Ranita. 6° volumen. Las estrellas nunca mueren
Un Corazón de Ranita. 6° volumen. Las estrellas nunca mueren
George Vîrtosu
Cea mai inconfortabil? carte a anului editorial 2009. (?tefan Borbely)Tr?darea criticii este o excelent? nara?iune eseistic?, o nara?iune subiectiv?, inevitabil iritant? (fiind vorba de via?a literar? ?i de opiniile radicale ale unui prozator care nu ezit? s? scrie ceea ce crede despre colegii s?i), cu portrete ce se ?in minte, uneori foarte crude, alteori luminoase, dominate de superlative… Meritul ei, dincolo de calit??ile literare, este acela de a deschide o dezbatere real? despre via?a noastr? literar? ?n care grupurile se confrunt? ?i ??i confec?ioneaz? propria istorie ?i propria mitologie. Nicolae Breban vine ?i tulbur? apele, enerv?nd, probabil, pe mul?i, dac? nu pe to?i. (Eugen Simion)Cartea lui Breban e una puternic?, neconcesiv?, sulfuroas?, emo?ionant? prin miza ei optimist?, prin militantismul ei pa?optist ?i prin dorin?a autorului de a ?nfrunta prejudec??ile ?i ridicolul ?n numele idealului tinere?ii lui, care era idealul autonomiei esteticului, ?n numele marii crea?ii – spre care a aspirat continuu – ?i ?n numele na?iunii romane, de care nu ?i e ru?ine s? vorbeasc?. Dar e o carte greu de clasat. Surprinz?toare prin oralitatea ei debordant?, prin colocvialitatea ei dezl?n?uit?. (…) Seam?n? cu un aeropag al destinelor tr?date, preschimbat ?n pledoarie ?i discurs de ?mb?rb?tare. ?i, totu?i, ceva, ?n ?inuta de condotier a autorului m? ?ndeamn? s? asociez discursul acestei c?r?i cu acela al unui general rom?n dup? o b?t?lie pierdut? sau indecis?, undeva ?n Nordul germanic, sau ?n fa?a altei b?talii care ar trebui cu orice pre? c??tigat?. (…) ?ntregul discurs se ?ntemeiaz? pe ideea de dec?dere a spiritului ofensiv, pe ideea de pierdere a vechilor virtu?i; ?i aser?iunile par a veni din partea celui care a cunoscut ?n tinere?e o glorie ?i o m?re?ie greu de egalat. (…) Enun?ul patetic, ?nvolburat, al discursului lui Breban – marcat de furie, de candoare, de dezn?dejde ?i de speran?? – este capabil s? absoarb? portrete, minunatele lui portrete, ?nso?ite de celebrele jerbe de epitete brebaniene. ?n aparteu sunt limpezite situa?ii literare (de exemplu, rolul Europei Libere ?i al Grupului de Dialog Social este foarte atent ?i nemilos analizat); ne sunt oferite amintiri nepre?uite pentru istoria literar?, cu nu pu?ine idei. Pe unele dintre ele le-am adoptat deja pentru c? m-au convins. (Eugen Negrici)Crea?ia literar?, spiritul critic au fost profund afectate de polarizarea etica ?i politic?, dup? sf?r?itul comunismului rom?nesc. Etica ?i politica ?i-au dep??it limitele, chiar f?r? ca ele s? ajung? la o reala putere ?i autonomie. Publicul literar, sub?iat de noile interese proprii unei lumi deschise, s-a risipit ?i asist?nd la luptele fratricide ale scriitorilor ?i criticilor care, sub tiranie, fraternizaser? ?n numele impunerii sau cel pu?in al men?inerii criteriilor de art? ?i valoare. Prozatorul scrie o carte de cunosc?tor, g?ndit? cu o ?n?elegere vie, o carte necesar? realit??ii noastre literare, de ultima or?, dar ?i pentru un timp foarte larg, despre o literatur? ?i o critic? ?tr?date“ ?i mai pu?in traduse. Pentru c? ?tr?dare“ a fost, o ?tim bine, doar nu e vreun secret fer(m)ecat. (Marian Victor Buciu)
Ora?ul alb
Ora?ul alb
Boca Irina
Opera lui N. Steinhardt are ?capacitatea“ de a descuraja tentativele de sistematizare ?i analiz? critic?. Apar?in?nd unui intelectual evreu erudit, spirit febril, avid de limpezire ?i afirmare, aceasta se ramifica at?t ?n planul literaturii, c?t ?i ?n cel al teologiei, al ideologiilor politice sau al dreptului constitu?ional. ?n perioada interbelic?, cea a formarii intelectual-spirituale, N. Steinhardt publica, ?n doar ca?iva ani, o lucrare de drept constitu?ional, dou? studii despre iudaism, un volum de parodii ?i peste o suta de studii literare ?i articole de ideologie liberal-conservatoare. ?n perioada postbelic?, ?ncepand cu finalul anilor '60, el scrie memorialistic? ?i microromane, traduce, re?ncepe o activitate publicistic? sus?inut?, care va dura p?n? ?n 1989, ?i scrie predici ?i eseuri teologice erudite. Volumele de eseuri critice din anii '70 ?i '80 ale lui N. Steinhardt, singurele apari?ii editoriale din perioada comunist?, s-au bucurat de o receptare pozitiv?, ?ns? pozi?ia contestatara a scriitorului fa?? de regim a condus la marginalizarea sa. Abia odat? cu apari?ia postum? a Jurnalului fericirii (1991), a Cuvintelor de credin?? (1992) ?i a Primejdiei m?rturisirii (1993) au fost recunoscute de c?tre publicul larg valoarea intelectual? ?i morala a scriitorului N. Steinhardt ?i particularitatea locului ocupat de acesta ?n deceniile totalitare.Irina Ciobotaru (Suceava, 2 mai 1978), absolvent? a Facult??ii de Litere din cadrul Universit??ii ??tefan cel Mare“ din Suceava, doctor ?n filologie al aceleia?i universit??i, cu o tez? despre opera lui N. Steinhardt, coordonata de Prof. univ. dr. Mircea A. Diaconu. Colaboreaz? la reviste precum ?Contemporanul. Ideea European?“, ?Verso“, ?Tabor“, ?Dacia literar?“, ?Hyperion“, ?Transilvania“, ?Bucovina literar?“. Este profesor de limba ?i literatura rom?n?.
O inim? de Broscu??. Volumul 3. Valsul stelar al vie?ii
O inim? de Broscu??. Volumul 3. Valsul stelar al vie?ii
Gheorghe Vîrtosu
Un fast spectacol despre feminitate, moarte ?i alte teme eterne, ne ofer? de ast? dat? redutabilul eseist, istoric ?i critic literar Irina Petra?, despre care Marin Mincu scria c? este ?cel mai “b?rbat“ critic al nostru“. ?Demersul constituie o modalitate de a-?i apropia moartea, propria moarte, de a o studia sub lupa m?ritoare, de a o ?ine deliberat, zi de zi, ceas de ceas, al?turi, ?n imediata proximitate, pentru a te impulsiona s? fii c?t mai mult, c?t mai decis ?n spirit, pentru a te determina s? te investe?ti ?n toate cu ?ntreaga-?i fiin??, una dintre limitele c?reia e moartea-cea-cotidian?, pentru a te remodela, sim?ind atingerea botului mor?ii, pentru a recurge la travaliul dep??irii de sine prin crea?ie. A nu te obi?nui cu vecin?tatea mor?ii, obi?nuindu-te ?n acela?i timp, a realiza eficienta ei, adun?ndu-te, sporindu-?i eficien?a, a fi, ?n pofida con?tiin?ei tragice a finitudinii umane – iat? o piatr? de ?ncercare, iat? un examen major, la care au c?zut nu pu?ini. Cei ce-au rezistat constituie pentru Irina Petra? un fast obiect de studiu, care, fiind cercetat cu acribia unui colec?ionar, nelipsit de o redutabil? experien?? ?n domeniu, alc?tuiesc o galerie acoperit? cu oglinzi, ?n care, v?z?nd reflectat propriul univers, propriile spaime, frici, angoase, nelini?ti, autorul se supune, el ?nsu?i, din spirit de fair play, dar ?i dintr-un subtil, rafinat amestec de sado-masochism intelectual, unui examen: ?i va rezista co?ul pieptului? va ?ti sa r?spund?? dar s? reziste? Ei, mon?trii sacri… au rezistat, descriind modul ?n care se men?in pe muchia abisului, ?n care ?i-au v?zut propriul chip, contemplat de cineva…“ (Aura Christi)
Laboratuardaki ?blis: ?iir
Laboratuardaki ?blis: ?iir
Veysel Topaloglu
Yirmi birinci yüzy?lda, teknolojik geli?melerin de etkisiyle, büyük bir "öz güven patlamas?" ya?ayan insanl?k; kurulu?undan bu yana kendi yasalar?na göre çal??an ba?ta ekolojik sistem olmak üzere: Biyolojik ve jeolojik sistemlere müdahale ederek; kendi kurallar?na göre de?i?tirmeye kalkt?. ??te, ba?ta baz? hastal?klar olmak üzere; birçok sorunlar da burada ortaya ç?kt?. Maalesef bugün nerede ise hepimiz, hastay?z! Hastal?klar?m?z?n ise çe?it çe?it ad? olsa bile en yayg?n olan?: "Parçalama Hastal???" olup çok da kolay tedavi edilebilecek gibi de görünmemektedir.Günümüzde, teknolojik geli?mi?li?in de etkisiyle: ?nsano?lu, bütünü anlamak için onu parçalamay? seçti. Parçalar? üzerinden bütünü; anlamaya ve tan?maya çal??maktad?r.. Oysa ki, parçalar? birle?tirerek bütünü tan?mak hem daha kolay, hem de daha do?al bir yöntem oldu?unu da bilmesine ra?men.Y?llard?r; maddeleri parçalad?k yetmedi. Atomlar? parçalad?k bitmedi. Bu i? daha nereye kadar gidecek? Ve ne kadar daha sürecek? Bilinmez! Ancak bizler, bir an önce maddeleri ve sistemleri parçalamaktan vazgeçmek mecburiyetindeyiz! Yoksa: Korkar?m çok yak?nda, yeryüzündeki ya?am? kökünden bitirece?iz!..Bu arada, baz? "Laboratuvar Ka?iflerine" de birkaç hat?rlatmada bulunmak isterim:Hani; Sizlerin, mikro organizmalar? incelemek için hergün bakt???n?z o devasa büyüteçler'iniz (Dev Elektron Mikroskoplar?n?z) var ya! ??te o büyüteçler; inceledi?iniz o organizmalar?, sizlerin gözünde milyonlarca kez büyütmekte iken; sizleri de belki onlar?n "gözünde" milyonlarca kez küçültüyor olmas?nlar (?) Yine: Belki de sizler; onlar? tan?maya çal???rken; onlar da bizleri anlamaya çabal?yor olmas?nlar? Dahas?: Belki de onlar da bizleri merak ediyorlard?r (?) Kim bilir? Ne dersiniz? Bir de böyle dü?ünmeyi denemelisiniz!.."LABORATUARDAK? ?BL?S"{???R L?STES? & ?Ç?NDEK?LER}:YAZAR HAKKINDA {ÖZ GEÇM??}TANITMALIK {PROSPEKTÜS}T?N VE TENZERRELABORATUARDAK? ?BL?SB?ZDEN M?D?R?RUH YARASIKONDUNEFES?ST?R?DYEN?N HÜNER?MOLEKÜLER SEYAHATYARI?L?NÇHIZ/HAZ ÇEL??MECES?HAL?S YAPAYLIKLAR D?YARINDA -1MAZ?DEK? AYAK ?ZLER?MMAN?SA TARZANIARKA KAPAK?a’irin Yay?nlanm?? Di?er Kitaplar?VEYSEL TOPALO?LU (?A?R; SADEKUL)
O inim? de Broscu??. Volumul IX. ?arpele de aur
O inim? de Broscu??. Volumul IX. ?arpele de aur
Gheorghe Vîrtosu
Gina Sebastian este o foarte autentic prozatoare. Chiar rnile, dezamgirile, nemplinirile au lsat urme ce dau sensibilitii care se exprim n scrisul ei, nota lor particular, tonul lor, parfumul lor“.Nicolae BalotUn scriitor profesionist de prim mn… O construcie de carte extraordinar, nemaintlnita n carile altor scriitori“.Alex tefnescuEste o carte de meditaii, meditaii asupra unor teme i asupra unor personaliti. Rareori n lumea noastr, n sensul de lumea contemporan, mai poi gsi un spirit att de echilibrat i cu o asemenea scar de valori morale i culturale“.Ana Blandiana
Reglarea emo?ional? ?i importan?a ei clinic?
Reglarea emo?ional? ?i importan?a ei clinic?
Radu Vrasti
Cum ?i-au crescut regii britanici copiii din 1066 p?n? ?n prezent Lumea ?ntreag? a fost uimit? c?nd Prin?esa Diana s-a dovedit a fi o mam? bun? ?i afectuoas?. Ea a constituit o excep?ie: Familia Regal? a Marii Britanii este cunoscut? mai cur?nd pentru rela?iile reci ?i chiar tensionate dintre genera?iile de p?rin?i ?i copii. ?nc? din vremea Reginei Victoria ?i a Regelui George al VI-lea, p?rin?ii ?i-au exprimat ?n mod f??i? dezam?girea fa?? de mo?tenitori. David Cohen folose?te materiale noi ?i documente descoperite recent, ce dateaz? ?nc? din vremea dinastiei Tudor, ?i realizeaz? ?n Educa?ia regal? o combina?ie captivant? ?ntre istorie ?i telenovel?. ?O bog??ie de anecdote – de la lec?iile de scrim? p?n? la faptul c? Prin?ul Charles a avut valet de la v?rsta de trei ani.“
Despre dragoste - Anatomia unui sentiment
Despre dragoste - Anatomia unui sentiment
Antonesei Liviu
Edi?ia de fa?? o reproduce ?ntocmai pe cea din 1966 care a v?zut lumina tiparului la Editura pentru literatura ?i este menit? s? repun? – laolalt? cu alte titluri editate de noi – ?n circula?ie numele ?i opera unui mare profesor de filosofie ?i a unui important om de cultur? din perioada interbelice. Edi?ia este structurat? pe c?teva capitole, cum ar fi bun?oar? ?Amintiri din copil?rie ?i tinere?e“, ?Amintiri culturale, didactice ?i politice“, cuprinz?nd, ?ntre altele, ?i coresponden?a cu Titu Maiorescu, conferin?e ?i cursuri ?inute la Viena, Paris, Geneva, Praga, Oslo ?i Bruxelles. ?Petrovici a avut o via?? fracturat?. ?ntr-o vreme, a urcat n? pe Everestul performan?ei ?i al recunoa?terii publice, de unde, atunci c?nd istoria s-a virusat de o ideologie apocaliptic?, s-a pr?bu?it direct ?n groapa Marianelor, b?ntuit? de tot felul de silnicii ?i nes?buin?e. Mult? vreme s-a am?git cu in?elesul m?ng?ietor al filosofiei, a?a cum i-l h?r?zise cei vechi, dar s-a ?i ?nfiorat de mizeriile ei, atunci c?nd a v?zut-o dec?zut? ?n condi?ia de surogat ideologic. Oare trebuia, dup? ce a privit lumea prin sp?rtura pe?terii lui Platon, s-o p?ndeasc? ?i din spatele gra?iilor ?i ale z?voarelor trase? Vremurile noi, rascolnice, l-au g?sit total nepreg?tit. Glasul s?u, obi?nuit s? peroreze ?n aule universitare, ?n Camera, ?n Academie, ?n cadrul unor fastuoase reuniuni interna?ionale a fost, pentru multe decenii, obligat la t?cere.“ (Ionel Necula)
Pia?a sfatului
Pia?a sfatului
Pișcu Daniel
Aceast? carte a fost, este ?i va fi o fabuloas? c?l?torie spre centrul fiin?ei mele, chiar ?i la mul?i ani dup? ce voi fi terminat-o. V? mai aminti?i problemele de aritmetic? din clasele primare? Un tren pleac? cu viteza H, Y, Z (?tiind c? viteza este variabil?) din punctul A ?i ajunge ?n punctul B dup? un num?r de ore. Ei bine, povestea care urmeaz? este acea problem? de aritmetic?. Dac? trenul sunt eu, ?nseamn? c? Dumnezeu este o problem? de aritmetic?. Grea. ?i de rezolvat. (Daniela Lungu)
Cercul de la Sibiu
Cercul de la Sibiu
Poanta Petru
Un volum de istorie, teorie ?i critic? literar?, strict necesar, ?ntruc?t se refer? la unul dintre cele mai interesante grupuri din istoria literaturii rom?ne, ?i anume Cercul de la Sibiu, care a dat culturii nume de r?sunet ca, de pilda, ?tefan Aug. Doina?, Nicolae Balota, Ion Negoi?escu s.a.Scris? ?ntr-un stil inconfundabil, alert, de o suple?e unica, cartea e destinat? studen?ilor, elevilor, profesorilor, precum ?i publicului larg de cititori.