
Ten Books on Architecture
The contents of this book are of great value in educating the human mind, especially in its appreciation of the fact, that "Order is Heaven's First Law." This may not be realized in a single reading. We advise repeated readings of the whole book before attempting to practice its lessons. Each reading will throw a new flash of light upon minds unfamiliar with Astrology. Superficial readers might judge the lessons herein given to be tautological, but the author deems these repetitions necessary to impress certain important facts upon the student. Repetitions in teaching are lposgycichofactors. The teacher who never alludes to a matter but once would be apt to make a superficial impression. The Wonder Wheel herein presented is an ingenious compilation of Astrologic lore, created by the Author for his own convenience, many years after he had become adept in the Science. He found that he often needed an Astrologic lay-out of the heavens before his eyes when working out his problems. In using it he soon learned that he could dispense with the mathematical sums, for, knowing the motion of the planets, (as per page 28) he could trace their position from point to point about the circle with his eye. The Wheel reveals at a glance the Zodiacal Signs, their names, numbers, and Horoscopal correspondences; the degrees of Zodiac corresponding with yearly calendar; parts of the body and the human characters ruled by the signs, their lordships; the decanates and terms of the signs and their rulers; the clock hours of the day by which Hscooropes may be calculated; the planetary hours, and week-day rulers, aspects and angles from the several signs. Years of Life circle; differences in time at various parts of the world; the cignificances of houses of the Horoscope, the elemental nature of signs and houses; the localities of prominent fixed stars, etc. The Author discovered by use of this Wheel, that it answered the purposes of a globe or a map, and by which any and every problem in Astronomy and Astrology could be more quickly approximated, than by any other inexpensive method known. He was induced by his friends to make it public, and he has done so, in various forms, so that the Wonder Wheel and his Tabula Magus, are now known in every civilized portion of the globe. They have been found to be Wonderful Demostrator of Divine Law, in Biblical, Spiritual, Theosophic, Astrologic or other systems of Ancient or Modern lore, and whatever a person's religious faith, it may be upheld by lessons drawn from the Wonder Wheel. Teachers, Lecturers, Writers and Students have already drawn many illustrations from it, in their particular lines of work. Even the children have found out several simple games of amusement, by use of the Wheel, with checkers, buttons or dice. It is well adapted in Kinder-garten schools to various lines of attention, and all scholars may discover new truths in its use.

On the Origin Of Species: Illustrated
THIS is a fierce bad Rabbit; look at his savage whiskers, and his claws and his turned-up tail. THIS is a nice gentle Rabbit. His mother has given him a carrot. THE bad Rabbit would like some carrot.

A nászút
***#1 nemzetk?zi bestseller*** ?Letehetetlen, élénk, drámai, túlf?t?tt, megindító, kalandos, briliáns, és még ennél is sokkal t?bb… megéri az utolsó oldalig” – Sky’s Book Corner N?vérháború Alice: Gy?ny?r?, kedves, manipulativ, hazug. Clare: Intelligens, lojális, paranoiás, féltékeny Clare úgy gondolja, Alice egy manipulatív hazudozó, aki el akarja rabolni t?le az életét.Alice úgy gondolja, Claire féltékeny, amiért hosszú id? után újra felbukkant, és a családjukban elfoglalt helye miatt. Egyikük igazat mond. Másikuk egy megszállott ?rült. Két testvér. Egy igazság Sue Fortin páratlanul izgalmas a?pszichológiai thrillereiben soha nem tudhatod mi lesz a k?vetkez? lépés. Nemzetk?zi sikerk?nyvei végre itthon is megjennek.

Квент?н Дорвард
s vezes, a única coisa verdadeira num jornal é a data, disse Luis Fernando Verissimo. Tomar ao pé da letra essa frase bem-humorada do cronista pode no ser um bom negócio. Porém, ainda mais temerário seria aceitar a hipótese oposta, ou seja, de que tudo acontece do jeito que o jornalista nos conta. Certos recursos de escrita e de edio aumentam tanto a temperatura do texto que provocam a fuso entre a fantasia e a realidade. Esse fenmeno misterioso, com seu toque de alquimia, é o que Renato Modernell investiga em A notícia como fábula.

The Home
What is the magic of pastoral Greece? What is it that gives to you a sensation of being gently released from the cares of life and the boredom of modern civilization, with its often unmeaning complications, its unnecessary luxuries, its noisy self-satisfactions? This is not the tremendous, the spectacular release of the desert, an almost savage tearing away of bonds. Nothing in the Greece I saw is savage; scarcely anything is spectacular. But, oh, the bright simplicity of the life and the country along the way to Marathon! It was like an early world. One looked, and longed to live in those happy woods like the Turkish Gipsies. Could life offer anything better? The pines are small, exquisitely shaped, with foliage that looks almost as if it had been deftly arranged by a consummate artist. They curl over the slopes with a lightness almost of foam cresting a wave. Their color is quite lovely. The ancient Egyptians had a love color: well, the little pine-trees of Greece are the color of happiness. You smile involuntarily when you see them. And when, descending among them, you are greeted by the shining of the brilliant-blue sea, which stretches along the edge of the plain of Marathon, you know radiance purged of fierceness.? The road winds down among the pines till, at right angles to it, appears another road, or rough track just wide enough for a carriage. This leads to a large mound which bars the way. Upon this mound a habitation was perched. It was raised high above the ground upon a sort of tripod of poles. It had yellow walls of wheat, and a roof and floor of brushwood and maize. A ladder gave access to it, and from it there was a wide outlook over the whole crescent-shaped plain of Marathon. This dwelling belonged to a guardian of the vineyards, and the mound is the tomb of those who died in the great battle. PICTURESQUE DALMATIA ? Chapter I: PICTURESQUE DALMATIA IN AND NEAR ATHENS ? Chapter II: IN AND NEAR ATHENS THE ENVIRONS OF ATHENS ? Chapter III: THE ENVIRONS OF ATHENS DELPHI AND OLYMPIA ? Chapter IV: DELPHI AND OLYMPIA IN CONSTANTINOPLE ? Chapter V: IN CONSTANTINOPLE STAMBOUL, THE CITY OF MOSQUES ? Chapter VI: STAMBOUL, THE CITY OF MOSQUE

Queen of the Savannah: "A Story of the Mexican War"
Tiziano Vecelli or Tiziano Vecellio (1488/1490 – 27 August 1576) known in English as Titian was an Italian painter, the most important member of the 16th-century Venetian school. He was born in Pieve di Cadore, near Belluno (in Veneto), in the Republic of Venice. During his lifetime he was often called da Cadore, taken from the place of his birth. Recognized by his contemporaries as "The Sun Amidst Small Stars" (recalling the famous final line of Dante's Paradiso), Titian was one of the most versatile of Italian painters, equally adept with portraits, landscape backgrounds, and mythological and religious subjects. His painting methods, particularly in the application and use of color, would exercise a profound influence not only on painters of the Italian Renaissance, but on future generations of Western art. During the course of his long life, Titian's artistic manner changed drastically but he retained a lifelong interest in color. Although his mature works may not contain the vivid, luminous tints of his early pieces, their loose brushwork and subtlety of tone are without precedent in the history of Western art. Early years This early portrait (c. 1509), described by Giorgio Vasari in 1568, was long wrongly believed to be of Ludovico Ariosto; it is now thought to be a portrait of Gerolamo Barbarigo, and the composition was borrowed by Rembrandt for his own self-portraits. The exact date of Titian's birth is uncertain; when he was an old man he claimed in a letter to Philip II, King of Spain, to have been born in 1474, but this seems most unlikely. Other writers contemporary to his old age give figures which would equate to birthdates between 1473 to after 1482, but most modern scholars believe a date nearer 1490 is more likely; the Metropolitan Museum of Art's timeline supports c.1488, as does the Getty Research Institute.He was the son of Gregorio Vecelli and his wife Lucia. His father was superintendent of the castle of Pieve di Cadore and managed local mines for their owners. Gregorio was also a distinguished councilor and soldier. Many relatives, including Titian's grandfather, were notaries, and the family of four were well-established in the area, which was ruled by Venice. At the age of about ten to twelve he and his brother Francesco (who perhaps followed later) were sent to an uncle in Venice to find an apprenticeship with a painter. The minor painter Sebastian Zuccato, whose sons became well-known mosaicists, and who may have been a family friend, arranged for the brothers to enter the studio of the elderly Gentile Bellini, from which they later transferred to that of his brother Giovanni Bellini. At that time the Bellinis, especially Giovanni, were the leading artists in the city. There Titian found a group of young men about his own age, among them Giovanni Palma da Serinalta, Lorenzo Lotto, Sebastiano Luciani, and Giorgio da Castelfranco, nicknamed Giorgione. Francesco Vecellio, his older brother, later became a painter of some note in Venice.A fresco of Hercules on the Morosini Palace is said to have been one of Titian's earliest works; others were the Bellini-esque so-called Gypsy Madonna in Vienna, and the Visitation of Mary and Elizabeth (from the convent of S. Andrea), now in the Accademia, Venice.

Vajon van esélye Hanna és Olivér szerelmének?Túlélheti a fiatal lány a végzetesnek hitt balesetet? ?s ha túl is éli, visszaállhat-e az élete a normális kerékvágásba?Mire képes a szerelem, mit bír el a szív? Elfogadni, megbocsátani, elengedni, újrakezdeni. A másik oldalról els? részében megismert szerepl?ké mellett új kapcsolatok alakulását is nyomon k?vethetjük. Együtt sírhatunk és nevethetünk a hétk?znapi h?s?kkel, akikkel végtelen természetességük miatt igazán k?nny? azonosulni. A korábbi k?tethez hasonlóan ezúttal is számtalan komoly téma vet?dik fel, a bonyodalmakkal dúsított, meglep?, néhol megd?bbent? fordulatokban gazdag t?rténet mégis k?nnyed, szórakoztató kikapcsolódást ígér. Papp Csilla legújabb k?nyvében, mely ott kezd?dik, ahol az els? regény véget ér, újra és újra rácsodálkozhatunk a szerelem erejére, mik?zben minden kétséget kizáróan el fogjuk hinni, hogy biztosan nincsenek véletlenek.

A munkás?rség: Interjúk?nyv
Miranda Conti Olaszország egyik legsikeresebb fiatal zongoram?vésze, aki virágzó j?v? el?tt áll. Boldog, harmonikus élete egy napon a feje tetejére áll. Minden, amiért megküzd?tt, egy családi drámát k?vet?en semmivé foszlik. ?rmány, árulás áldozatává válik és egyik pillanatról a másikra a pokol fenekén találja magát egy néhány hónapos csecsem?vel a karján. Menekülnie kell. ?lete nem lesz más, mint harc a túlélésért. Senkire sem számíthat, senkiben sem bízhat...Anne L. Green a nagy siker? Eltitkolt múlt el?zményeként – olvasói kérésére – megírta a f?h?sn? izgalmas sz?késének t?rténetét.

Hét év vágyakozás
A novellák a múltból haladnak a jelen felé, hogy a k?tet második részében a j?v?be repítsék az olvasót. Az elgondolkodtató, helyenként humoros t?rténetek k?z?tt, a díjnyertes munkák mellett helyet kaptak olyanok is, amelyek els? ízben kerülnek a nagyk?z?nség elé. ?

Treasure Island: Illustrated
Swallow was written in the year 1898 by Henry Rider Haggard. This book is one of the most popular novels of Henry Rider Haggard, and has been translated into several other languages around the world.This book is published by Booklassic which brings young readers closer to classic literature globally.

Madame Bovary
The stranger came early in February, one wintry day, through a biting wind and a driving snow, the last snowfall of the year, over the down, walking from Bramblehurst railway station, and carrying a little black portmanteau in his thickly gloved hand. He was wrapped up from head to foot, and the brim of his soft felt hat hid every inch of his face but the shiny tip of his nose; the snow had piled itself against his shoulders and chest, and added a white crest to the burden he carried. He staggered into the "Coach and Horses" more dead than alive, and flung his portmanteau down. "A fire," he cried, "in the name of human charity! A room and a fire!" He stamped and shook the snow from off himself in the bar, and followed Mrs. Hall into her guest parlour to strike his bargain. And with that much introduction, that and a couple of sovereigns flung upon the table, he took up his quarters in the inn. Mrs. Hall lit the fire and left him there while she went to prepare him a meal with her own hands. A guest to stop at Iping in the wintertime was an unheard-of piece of luck, let alone a guest who was no "haggler," and she was resolved to show herself worthy of her good fortune. As soon as the bacon was well under way, and Millie, her lymphatic maid, had been brisked up a bit by a few deftly chosen expressions of contempt, she carried the cloth, plates, and glasses into the parlour and began to lay them with the utmost éclat. Although the fire was burning up briskly, she was surprised to see that her visitor still wore his hat and coat, standing with his back to her and staring out of the window at the falling snow in the yard. His gloved hands were clasped behind him, and he seemed to be lost in thought. She noticed that the melting snow that still sprinkled his shoulders dripped upon her carpet. "Can I take your hat and coat, sir?" she said, "and give them a good dry in the kitchen?"

?sd ki a pánikod!: Egy tapasztalt pánikbeteg gyakorlati tanácsai
A harmincas éveiben járó Helen extra cikis helyzetbe kerül: Matthew, aki négy éve a titkos szeret?je, váratlanul kiteríti otthon a lapokat, és Helenhez k?lt?zik. ?ppen akkor, amikor a lány elhatározza, hogy szakít vele. Mit tehet Helen? A-TERV: Sminkeletlenül járkál otthon a legócskább tréningruhájában. Nem gyantáztat t?bbé. Megjegyzéseket tesz a hapsi unalomig ismert poénjaira. Néha a szájszagára is. Nem hajlandó ?sszebújni vele. B-TERV: Megismerkedik Matthew feleségével. Természetesen álnéven, és kitalál hozzá egy kamu háttér-sztorit magának. Miután ?sszebarátkoztak a n?vel, mindent megtesz, hogy az kibékülj?n a férjével, és visszafogadja. ??szinte, eredeti és nagyon vicces. Ilyen sztorit még senki sem mert írni." - Sun. ?Intelligens, poénos és p?rg?s." - Guardian. ?Briliáns t?rténet!" - Glamour. ?Csillogóan okos." - Elle. Jane Fallon angol szerz?n? regényei eddig 12 országban lettek bestsellerek. Egyszerre fergeteges humorú és kínosan ?szinte k?nyvek a n?i élet azon buktatóiról, amelyr?l nem szokás beszélni.

A Csipkerózsika-gyilkosság
Mrázik Julianna a Pécsi Tudományegyetem Neveléstudományi Intézete Nevelés és Oktatáselméleti Tanszékének vezet?je. Közel száz tudományos megjelenéssel rendelkezik, közöttük angol és német nyelv? publikációkkal. Magyar és nemzetközi konferenciák gyakori résztvev?je, szakért?i tevékenységet folytat, számos kutatásban vett részt, folyóirat-szerkeszt?bizottsági tag és tananyagfejleszt?, pedagógus-továbbképzési szak indítója és programgazdája. Opponensi, témavezet?i, Országos Tudományos Diákköri konzulensi tevékenységet folytat és külföldi hallgatóknak kínál konzultációt. Oktatott tantárgyai a pedagógiai kreatológia, a tankönyvelemzés, a bevezetés a pedagógiába, tanítás tanulása, a neveléselmélet és pedagógiai antropológia, a nevelés és iskola.A monográfia célja, hogy tanárképzésben és a tanártovábbképzésben résztvev?k megismerkedjenek az intézményes és nem-intézményes nevelés aktuális és megoldandó feladataival, valamint a hazai és nemzetközi törekvésekkel ezen feladatok megoldására. A nemzetközi és összehasonlító megközelítés? kötet számos témája közé tartozik a nevelés (pedagógiai) antropológiai megközelítése, történeti-filozófiai el?zményei, kapcsolódásai más tudományterületekkel, a nevelés stílusai, valamint a nevel?- és a tanulószerep.

Primitív ?ser?
Lelakatolt ajtók, szokatlan fények, mutáns csótányok. Nate lakásával valami nincs rendben. De a gondolatait most más k?ti le. Utálja a munkáját, a bankszámlája lassan kimerül, és még barátn?je sincs. Elképzelni sem tudja, mit vár az életét?l. ?j lakása nem éppen ideális, de legalább élhet?, és megengedheti magának. A bérleti díj egészen alacsony, a házkezel? cég ügyn?ke szuperbarátságos, és a rendellenességek inkább csak idegesít?ek, mint nyugtalanítóak. Egészen addig, amíg a férfi nem találkozik Mandyvel, a szomszédjával, és fel nem fedezi a lány lakásának furcsaságait. ?s a másik szomszédjáét, Xela-ét . ?s Tim és Veek lakásáét is. Merthogy a régi, Los Angeles-i téglaépület minden egyes bérlakása szolgál némi rejtéllyel. Olyan rejtélyekkel, amelyeknek a t?rténete t?bb mint száz évvel korábbra nyúlik vissza. Némelyik furcsaság szembe?tl?, míg másokat zárt ajtók rejtenek el a kíváncsi tekintetek el?l. Viszont ha e kül?n?s rejtélyek ?sszeadódnak, az akár a véget is jelentheti Nate és barátai számára. Vagy az egész világ számára…

Az ajándék
Vajon létezik olyan szerelem, ami felülírja a bosszúvágyat is?Nathan korán árvaságra jutott. Az anyja elhagyta, az apját pedig meg?lték, amiért bosszút esküszik még kisgyerekként. Feln?ve a CIA munkatársa lesz, és beépített ügyn?kként megkapja élete legfontosabb megbízatását: egy családnál kezd dolgozni sof?rként, ahol a családf? a maffia tagja, és mint kés?bb kiderül, Nathan apjának halálához is k?ze van. Egyenesnek t?nik az út a bosszúja kivitelezésében, egyetlen problémát Jessica felbukkanása jelenti, Nathan esküdt ellenségének elviselhetetlen természet?, de ?rjít?en vonzó lánya.Nathannak és Jessicának rengeteg akadályt kell leküzdeniük ahhoz, hogy együtt lehessenek, a sors mégis elválasztja ?ket egymástól.?Minden titkukra fény derül, Nathan elveszíti élete értelmét, a szerelmét és a hitét is. Van innen visszaút??Katie Francoise erotikában és izgalmakban b?velked? regénye Nathan szemsz?géb?l mutatja be az olvasóknak, ahogy a bosszúvágy beteljesedik és végbemegy a továbblépéshez szükséges elengedés is.Választ kapunk arra is, hogy a titkok meddig maradhatnak titkok és, hogy megbocsáthatóak-e a b?n?k.?Az írón? eddig megjelent sikerk?nyvei: Egy igaz szerelem t?rténete és az Utolsó. Esély.

The Snow Image: "A Childish Miracle"
This book is merely a personal narrative, and not a pretentious history or a philosophical dissertation. It is a record of several years of variegated vagabondizing, and its object is rather to help the resting reader while away an idle hour than afflict him with metaphysics, or goad him with science. Still, there is information in the volume; information concerning an interesting episode in the history of the Far West, about which no books have been written by persons who were on the ground in person, and saw the happenings of the time with their own eyes. I allude to the rise, growth and culmination of the silver-mining fever in Nevada -a curious episode, in some respects; the only one, of its peculiar kind, that has occurred in the land; and the only one, indeed, that is likely to occur in it.Yes, take it all around, there is quite a good deal of information in the book. I regret this very much; but really it could not be helped: information appears to stew out of me naturally, like the precious ottar of roses out of the otter. Sometimes it has seemed to me that I would give worlds if I could retain my facts; but it cannot be. The more I calk up the sources, and the tighter I get, the more I leak wisdom. Therefore, I can only claim indulgence at the hands of the reader, not justification. THE AUTHOR."My brother had just been appointed Secretary of Nevada Territory--?an office of such majesty that it concentrated in itself the duties and dignities of Treasurer, Comptroller, Secretary of State, and Acting Governor in the Governor's absence. A salary of eighteen hundred dollars a year and the title of "Mr. Secretary," gave to the great position an air of wild and imposing grandeur. I was young and ignorant, and I envied my brother. I coveted his distinction and his financial splendor, but particularly and especially the long, strange journey he was going to make, and the curious new world he was going to explore. He was going to travel! I never had been away from home, and that word "travel" had a seductive charm for me. Pretty soon he would be hundreds and hundreds of miles away on the great plains and deserts, and among the mountains of the Far West, and would see buffaloes and Indians, and prairie dogs, and antelopes, and have all kinds of adventures, and may be get hanged or scalped, and have ever such a fine time, and write home and tell us all about it, and be a hero. And he would see the gold mines and the silver mines, and maybe go about of an afternoon when his work was done, and pick up two or three pailfuls of shining slugs, and nuggets of gold and silver on the hillside. And by and by he would become very rich, and return home by sea, and be able to talk as calmly about San Francisco and the ocean, and "the isthmus" as if it was nothing of any consequence to have seen those marvels face to face. What I suffered in contemplating his happiness, pen cannot describe. And so, when he offered me, in cold blood, the sublime position of private secretary under him, it appeared to me that the heavens and the earth passed away, and the firmament was rolled together as a scroll! I had nothing more to desire. My contentment was complete.At the end of an hour or two I was ready for the journey. Not much packing up was necessary, because we were going in the overland stage from the Missouri frontier to Nevada, and passengers were only allowed a small quantity of baggage apiece. There was no Pacific railroad in those fine times of ten or twelve years ago--?not a single rail of it. I only proposed to stay in Nevada three months--?I had no thought of staying longer than that. I meant to see all I could that was new and strange, and then hurry home to business. I little thought that I would not see the end of that three-month pleasure excursion for six or seven uncommonly long years!

Torpedoes and Torpedo Warfare
Smith and the Pharaohs, And Other Tales was written in the year 1920 by Henry Rider Haggard. This book is one of the most popular novels of Henry Rider Haggard, and has been translated into several other languages around the world.This book is published by Booklassic which brings young readers closer to classic literature globally.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (German:, 28 August 1749 – 22 March 1832) was a German writer and polymath. His body of work includes epic and lyric poetry written in a variety of metres and styles; prose and verse dramas; memoirs; an autobiography; literary and aesthetic criticism; treatises on botany, anatomy, and colour; and four novels. In addition, numerous literary and scientific fragments, more than 10,000 letters, and nearly 3,000 drawings by him are extant. A literary celebrity by the age of 25, Goethe was ennobled by the Duke of Saxe-Weimar, Carl August in 1782 after first taking up residence there in November of 1775 following the success of his first novel, The Sorrows of Young Werther. He was an early participant in the Sturm und Drang literary movement. During his first ten years in Weimar, Goethe served as a member of the Duke's privy council, sat on the war and highway commissions, oversaw the reopening of silver mines in nearby Ilmenau, and implemented a series of administrative reforms at the University of Jena. He also contributed to the planning of Weimar's botanical park and the rebuilding of its Ducal Palace, which in 1998 were together designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site. After returning from a tour of Italy in 1788, his first major scientific work, the Metamorphosis of Plants, was published. In 1791 he was made managing director of the theatre at Weimar, and in 1794 he began a friendship with the dramatist, historian, and philosopher Friedrich Schiller, whose plays he premiered until Schiller's death in 1805. During this period Goethe published his second novel, Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship, the verse epic Hermann and Dorothea, and, in 1808, the first part of his most celebrated drama, Faust. His conversations and various common undertakings throughout the 1790s with Schiller, Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Johann Gottfried Herder, Alexander von Humboldt, Wilhelm von Humboldt, and August and Friedrich Schlegel have, in later years, been collectively termed Weimar Classicism. Arthur Schopenhauer cited Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship as one of the four greatest novels ever written and Ralph Waldo Emerson selected Goethe, along with Plato, Napoleon, and William Shakespeare, as one of six "representative men" in his work of the same name. Goethe's comments and observations form the basis of several biographical works, most notably Johann Peter Eckermann's Conversations with Goethe. There are frequent references to Goethe's various sayings and maxims throughout the course of Friedrich Nietzsche's work and there are numerous allusions to Goethe in the novels of Hermann Hesse and Thomas Mann as well as in the psychological writings of Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung. Goethe's poems were set to music throughout the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries by a number of composers, including Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven, Franz Schubert, Robert Schumann, Johannes Brahms, Charles Gounod, Richard Wagner, Hugo Wolf, and Gustav Mahler.

Szerelem hirdetésre
A színházi kulisszák sok titkot rejtenek. Minden el?adás valódi küzdelem a sikerért, amiért nem csak a színészek, de a m?szak is megdolgozik. Honnan tudja a súgó, hogy mikor szorul a színész a segítségére? Miként lehet az asszisztens a rendez? igazi társa? Milyen egy igazi gyors?lt?zés? Mi t?rténik, ha nem sül el id?ben egy kelléknek használt fegyver? Hogyan varázsolják át pillanatok alatt a színpadképet a díszít?k? Milyen módszerekkel dolgoznak a koreográfusok? Mi jelenti az igazi kihívást az ügyel?k számára? Miért is van szükség annyi lámpára a színházban? Ez a k?nyv most egy kül?nleges utazásra hív a színházi kulisszák m?gé, amelyben ?lt?ztet?k, díszít?k, kellékesek, súgók, rendez?asszisztensek, világosítók, hangosítók, koreográfusok és ügyel?k mesélnek arról, hogy mi is t?rténik a függ?ny m?g?tt, amit már a reflektorok sem világítanak meg.Lovász-Horváth Nikolett, amellett, hogy az ARTIQ Kulturális Magazinba ír színikritikákat, hosszú évek óta dolgozik néz?téri munkatársként az egyik népszer? belvárosi színházban. Számára a színház nem munkahely, hanem maga a szerelem. Az? évek alatt pedig nemcsak a néz?i szokásokat ismerte meg, de a kulisszák m?gé is volt alkalma bepillantani.

?gyn?k t?sarkúban
Robert Masello új thrillerében David Franco, a zseniális, de szkeptikus ifjú kutató egy legendás m?tárgy nyomába ered: egy amulettet keres, amelyet Benvenuto Cellini, a reneszánsz Itália kézm?vesmestere készített. Az amulettet a szépsége mellett a varázsereje teszi értékessé, ugyanakkor igen veszedelmesnek tartják.Az egyszer? nyomozásnak induló kaland intrikák sz?vevényévé válik. Franco Loire menti kastélyokban és római palazzókban kutat a kincs után, hogy megfejtsen egy rejtélyt, amely ?sid?k óta foglalkoztatja az emberiséget.A tudós egy s?tét titkokat ismer?, gy?ny?r? firenzei lányt hív segítségül, s orgyilkosokkal a nyomában néz szembe egy sokkal er?sebb gonosszal, mint amit?l rémálmaiban rettegett. Lélegzetelállító fordulatokban b?velked? utazásuk Chicago utcáitól a nagy francia forradalom káoszáig vezet.?Egy regény, amelyben a t?rténelmi tények találkoznak az irodalmi kreativitással, és a lehetetlen félelmetes valósággá válik. A Medúza-amulett Cellini m?véhez hasonlóan egyedi alkotás, éppen olyan vonzó, mint amilyen ijeszt?, és éppen olyan monumentális, mint amilyen merész.Robert Masello az Egyesült ?llamok egyik legsikeresebb t?rténelmi és misztikus krimi írója, regényeit 15 nyelvre fordították le. A magyar k?z?nség Az Einstein-prófécia és A Romanov-kereszt címmel megjelent regényein keresztül ismerhette eddig meg.

Keletre, magyar!
A New York trilógia az ezredforduló egyik legelismertebb amerikai írójának világszerte legsikeresebb regénye. Ha akarom, három ?nálló, mégis ?sszefügg? klasszikus detektívt?rténet, ha akarom, a modern egzisztencialista regény csúcsteljesítménye, Kafka és Borges k?vet?je. Mert mik?zben a detektív a nyomokat k?veti, valójában azt deríti fel, mit jelent emberi lénynek lenni.? Auster hosszú évek óta a Nobel-díj várományosa, számtalan irodalmi díj birtokosa, k?nyveit harminc nyelvre fordították le. M?vei most a 21. Század Kiadó új életm?sorozatában jelennek meg. ?A New York trilógia az amerikai irodalom új kezdete.” The Observer ?Az egyetlen író, aki Samuel Becketthez mérhet?.” Guardian ?Elképeszt?en olvasmányos és titokzatos. Auster új dimenziókat ad a modern irodalomnak és – ami még fontosabb – új perspektívákat a bolygónknak.” The Boston Globe